The 360 symbolic degrees and their interpretation by;

Contents, Sepharial , Adriano Carell,  Charubel, Walter Henso, Kozminsky, Leinbac,  Matthew, Weber, Muir, Dane Rudhyar & Elsie Wheele, Janduz, Franz Bardon,                     Ellias Lonsdal,  Cochrane.


0-1 deg Aries

Symbol: An armed warrior of Herculean build tilling the soil.

An outstanding, original, independent personality. His ambitions and aims are beyond the common mark. He is up to great undertakings and can stand the hardest tests, not so much with the forces supplied by a spiritual faith (which the native may or may not have, according to the other features of his horoscope), as with the inborn energy of his own character; not only in the name of an ideal (which he may or may not feel) but especially with a tangible result in sight. Here are the marks of endurance, positivism or at any rate practical sense. Such a nature will do everything passionately (even the most passionless, self-denying deeds), will be led by natural aggressiveness, seldom by human solidarity, and prompted by a spirit of contest, which in less noble beings may drift into base envy.


0-2 deg Aries

Remarkable powers of concentration, of close, steady, well-planned work (as, for instance, laboratory research), with chances of good results for science. There is faith in oneself and in one’s forces, with the attendant danger of haughtiness, over boringness, ostentation of one’s own abilities. One’s ideas are challengingly asserted, one’s own way of life is pursued with a tendency to full self-sufficiency. At the same time, there will be hardly any ability to personally exploit the scientific results obtained. Few friendships; an unsocial, perhaps even grouchy character. The native may let his envy of his neighbor run away with himself.


2-3 deg Aries

A great heart, inborn kindness, courage and love of peace and concord; smoothness and spontaneity; no afterthoughts or mental reservations; hospitality and broadmindedness; many true friendships; love of art. The corresponding defects will be thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, reckless decisions; an unguarded and yet violent passionate, lack of self-control; too great a lack of inhibitions. The native may run into danger through his own foolhardiness.


3-4 deg Aries

A forest. A rich, impulsive, naturally exuberant and thoroughly prodigal human being, always directly drawing on nature’s reserves. Other pointers in the horoscope must show whether he will be educated or ignorant, clever or foolish, lucky or unfortunate. Even if well-bred and educated, the native will retain something rough and uncouth about himself, a wild energy, as it were. Should he on the other hand (as is more likely) be uncultured, he will show a greater wisdom than purported by the rest of his pattern. In luck he will take the blind goddess’s gifts for granted and is not likely to exploit them in heaping up wealth. Bad luck, on the other hand, will be unable to teach him moderation in lavishing his own on others and giving himself up entirely in whatever he does. He is extremely Kindhearted and yet very irascible; he is fond of the country-nay, of his own country-has compassion on all living beings and may nevertheless be a passionate sportsman; he is careless in dress and yet vain. Instinct prevails on logic, the heart on reason; his only consistency lies in his being perfectly natural, as he sucks from Mother Nature’s breasts the hoary wisdom enabling him to give advice to people who ought to know more than he does.


4-5 deg Aries

The subject will lead all his life or most of it in obscurity. He will be either bodily disabled by blindness, deafness or otherwise; morally or intellectually adrift; or steeped in the darkest misery. Whatever his plight, he will have to face a long and hard ordeal. If he emerges at all from his gloom, that can be ascribed only to a powerful, stalwart, plucky character (which this degree certainly grants) and certainly not to any favorable circumstances (excluded by this degree, unless other influences are at work). Once he has the “dark night of the soul” and the obscurity of misery behind his back, the native, hardened by the struggle, may assert himself and even rise very high and reap a plentiful crop to reward his nearly superhuman effort. He will then enjoy liberally what he conquered and will exert imperiously but with a fatherly spirit the authority to which he acquired the right.


5-6 deg Aries

No element of gravity in or around the native will be present to pull him down to earth. His ascent, both materially and figuratively, will be easy and smooth. Looking from above, or looking down, at the teeming bustle of human masses will come natural to him. Placed high through political authority, wealth or any other kind of power, a simple airman or a mountaineer, or a scientist given to researches into the imponderable or the abstract (anyway, remote from humble earth). Riches and honors will be easily within his reach, though the very nature of his pursuits has in itself the threat and the danger of his fall. The lightness of those without burdens is apt to drift into foolhardy lightheadedness; too-easy luck is likely to make one fling caution to the four winds; those who indulge in daydreaming risk to build castles in the air. However it is, according to the Italian couplet: He who rises too high, will often fall as quick as, when kicked up, down flops a ball.


6-7 deg Aries

A feudal lord wearing his armor, the headgear over his eyes, holding a bow and an arrow. A wary and cautious conservative, sometimes sluggishly fond of his own groove, often watchful, always endowed with great presence of mind, the native will go out of his way to shirk clashes and to dodge risks, and may go so far as to run away altogether from them. Should the worst come to the worst, he knows how to come out of a scrape by a sudden brainwave or a lightning-lice makeshift. He loves the country and rural life and is a great sportsman. Yet he hates violence and is a subtle diplomat. His success in life is assured provided he can stay in his natural abode and avoid the hated novelties. Marriage will be lucky, unless other influences point to the contrary.


7-8 deg Aries

A mangy dog. In neo platonic parlance, the subject’s “irascible soul” is incontinent: Dante would have doomed him to his Stygian swamp (according to Interpretations of Dante by Luigi Valli and Giovanni Pascoli).  In other words, he does not know will’s golden mean; he is either high-handed or subdued, either an infamous executioner or a contemptible victim of life, according to the whole of his pattern pointing to the one or the other form of incontinence. If overbearing, he will be a quarrelsome daredevil, devoid of self-control, inclined to the most arbitrary violence; his recklessness will be his own undoing. If cowardly, his life will be a grey one, dully monotonous in its boundless misery and endless gloom. Luckily enough, he is not apt to live long.


8-9 deg Aries

The native has such faith in himself as to border on heedlessness, but will be assisted in danger by that cool-bloodedness which usually is the mark of true courage. Too proud to serve, he can fulfill himself as a leader or a cultist of the free arts; he is hardly a bearable subordinate, as his lack of modesty will let his inborn pride drift into conceit, haughtiness and misplaced touchiness. Yet his never-falling, positive sense of reality always will lead him back to the right path if vanity has led him astray, and will enable him to show it to anyone willing to follow him. Luckier than he deserves, he has a noble sense of friendship, which he feels strongly. He is on the other hand a dangerous foe. All human activities based on the written or spoken word—political and forensic rhetoric, philosophy, writing-are congenial to him. He speaks well, even too well, and is bent on listening to himself rather than to others.


9-10 deg Aries

Saint George slays the dragon. Courage, nay daring; here too, as in the foregoing degree, the borders of recklessness are skirted. Led by a successful ambition, barring signs to the contrary, the native is likely to beat his foes, to reach the highest standing, to attain peerless distinction. His career will be at any rate exceptional or uncommon. The native will be blessed with an inborn righteousness as well, and with a mind open to truth. Should he be gifted for mental work, natural sciences would be his branch; should he be particularly sensitive to spiritual forces, he would have the gift of clairvoyance, perhaps of prophecy. Initiation is not excluded. The other aspects of the horoscope will show. A great fondness for hunting is to be expected.


10-11 deg Aries

This degree apparently can produce diametrically opposed effects, which are, however, to be traced back to the same cause -lack of balance between rights and duties, between one’s own and the others’ dues. If, therefore, the native is by the rest of his horoscope predisposed to selfishness, his self-conceit will go so far as to make him extravagant and ridiculous. Should he, on the contrary, tend toward altruism, he would be done for. The rest of the pattern will show in which of the two senses there will be exaggeration. Potentially both excesses are present, and their expression may sometimes alternate (as in people who are in some things childishly boastful, and who forget themselves in all the rest). The egotist born under this star may act in a grotesque and harmless way, as well as prove really evil and slander all others. The altruist will be so yielding and subservient as to verge on absolute want of will power; he will indiscriminately please his neighbor, and all will exploit this to his harm. For a woman, this would mean she might be an easy prey to seduction and even to corruption. To the mild-natured people born under this sign, the warning can be given that indiscriminate generosity is not goodness, but weakness; that to yield to the first corner and to resign one’s own duties toward oneself is to resign one’s human dignity. Weakness and submissiveness are vices as great as the virtues they pervert. The lopsidedness and miss proportion of this eleventh degree may extend their influence to the body and render it crippled or misshapen. Apart from this, the features will be fine and delicate, beauty being not at all excluded; on the contrary, a beautiful face often can go with faulty limbs.


11-12 deg Aries

An eagle on its nest. It is a degree of ‘sacred selfishness’ in a familiar or national sense. It gives a strong fatherly or motherly instinct, a high conception of one’s standing as peter families or mater families, a keen sense of one’s “I”, of personal initiative, of the free individual property; and leads to the attendant danger of clashing against the established order in more or less collectivistic sense, or against the economics of the so-called modem democracies. If this danger is not borne out by other threads in the astrologic pattern, the native’s steady effort to rise higher and to improve his condition may bear honor and distinctions in the social and civic fields. The native’s rugged individualism may let his or her generous and lordly nature appear extravagant.


12-13 deg Aries

A crucible in its oven. The native’s character will be subjected to exceptional tests; his or her youth will be such a furnace of grief as to blast anyone not made of the sterner stuff. Should there be any real gold in the crucible, the furnace might purify and purge it of any dross. Ripe age would then reward the native for his youthful ordeals and would lead his inborn superiority to universal recognition. When the rest of the horoscope shows other signs in support of this, the highest steps of the social ladder can be reached. In less noble patterns the temperament will be harsher, warlike, even destructive; the tests will be less frightening, but courage will not be unrewarded. Last, the theme may point only to a particular fondness for gold and gilt fittings; the horoscope taken as a whole will have, as usual, to decide. The sturdier the mind, the frailer will be the body, and the limbs often will be puny and sickly.


13-14 deg Aries

The native is an uncommon being; whether above or below the average will have to be left to other pointers to show. No doubt there is something forceful about him, either his passions or his wishes or his more or less noble aims. In a way he is a solar being, as he stands alone, cannot count on personal friendships, and his career tends to trace a parable. Where most of the other features hint at success, the native is certainly destined to lead and sway. In questions regarding the whole community or the masses, success awaits him Where other pointers do not help, he will be utterly poor and lonely, an outcast, or worse, an outlaw heading for an obscure end, for exile and perhaps even jail. Whether a winner or a loser, he always will be an isolated, strange being.


14-15 deg Aries

A warrior whose iron armor coven him from his toes to his chin, his head staying bare and unshielded. The native is one whose idea of safety consists of shutting all windows, without worrying in the least about the door left wide open. You cannot very well say whether he is more likely to be a gentleman or a sharper. He is certain to be reckless and to think he is high and dry when on the contrary he is between the devil and the deep blue sea. He may often have a faint heart and not a spark of faith in himself, and yet seek shelter in the bosom of the most unreliable beings. Whether a man of honor or a knave, he always will be taken in and left in the lurch by those upon whom he relied. Should he by ill luck try his hand at stock-jobbing, he would get into a mess headfirst. To the honest-minded, whose thread of life has not been prematurely snapped in childhood or early youth (as always can happen under this influence) three pieces of advice can be given: make a habit of keeping both your eyes open and leave nothing to chance, have faith in yourself first if you want others to rely upon you, do not lean on others for anything; listen courteously, but follow no advice. Further experience will show you how far wrong your first impressions of people were.


15-16 deg Aries

A man pouring water from an ewer. A reaper at his work. The seaside dwellers who both till the soil and rake the sea are often under this influence. By itself this degree does bestow luck, but not exclusively in farming; it does not ensure renown to one dealing with agriculture from a scientific viewpoint, like botany, agricultural economics, statistics, etc. As a tiller, an agronomist or a naturalist, as a seaman or a fisherman, the native is fond of nature and tends to a contemplative life, which may lead him to passivity or even idleness. Hard working as he may be, he will, however, love what the French call ecole buissonniere and like roving outside the four walls of school. As a boy, he will play truant, or will rather do his “homework” in the open; as a grownup, he will have no ambition and will not care two hoots about academic laurels. Neither contemplative love of nature nor work (whether material or scholarly) will hinder the native’s eloquence. If the other aspects favor it, he may very well take to teaching.


16-17 deg Aries

More gaudy than elegant, precious rather than refined, sooner worldly than lordly, very fond of luxury and display; the native may outwardly appear a gorgeous personage, imposing in spite of his inward misery. Inwardly he is torn by the ever-recurring clash between his craving for pleasure and his sense of duty, without being able to give up to either of them. This degree by itself gives no love for work; however, if this should be borne out by other aspects in his horoscope, the native would become what I define as a laborious adventurer who might strike oil during his industrious adventures, be they journeys or financial gambles; he may even become famous. Gain, however, comes to him easier than thrift. He can smell luck, but cannot spend with a pinch of salt what he laid hands on.


17-18 deg Aries

Wedding night in the king’s palace. The queen, still in bride’s attire, waits for the prince consort, seated on the marriage bed in a queenly yet modest attitude. This degree will give a keen intelligence, a very sociable and hearty nature, a talkative disposition without a shadow of wantonness, a peaceful yet courageous and resolute character. Such a personality will be worshipped by some, envied or slandered by many, feared or respected by all. For all his love of peace and concord the native is by some karmic law compelled to face some decisive fight, for which destiny exacts the strictest self-control. Any rash act may lead to trouble, any show of light-headedness may have fatal results owing to the plots of the envious In a man’s horoscope, such an influence will make the native’s success in some way dependent on a female friend’s support, either in the smart set, in the financial world, or elsewhere.


18-19 deg Aries

A gold digger at work in his mine, a satchel of nuggets slung from his belt. His face and attire betray a harsh, stunted life. The native will have an eye on only gain; his life seems to have no other aim. His soul may not be utterly devoid of feelings, but his craze and the ensuing need of being constantly on the lookout will stifle them. He may, therefore, become selfish, stingy, suspicious, hidebound, misanthropic, and often unscrupulous. Whether driven toward the noble metal, as the symbol has it, or toward other gains, the subject is more than likely to work on a mine—and to kick the bucket there, too.


19-20 deg Aries

Ulysses in Polyphemus’ cave. Few moral scruples, if any at all. An original mind, inexhaustible in resources, never at a loss. An extremely active and daring temper with a pioneer’s or an adventurer’s craving inquisitiveness. A life of travel, exploration, of scientific discoveries, perhaps of more or less reckless adventures. There will be some renown and possibly a violent death. The native ought to remember Dante’s warning (Inf. 26, 119-20): You were not born to vegetate like beasts, but to follow the path of truth and virtue.


20-21 deg Aries

The native will be an elementarily active, generous, loyal, truthful being.  Unfortunately, his virtue is too self-conscious and seeks outward recognition, which on the other hand is not withheld. His or her faithfulness in affections and hospitable ways will win many friends, and success will reward hard work. Respected by all, the native will be able to say in truth, “I have what I have given.” (D’Annunzio’s slogan). There may be some adventurous journey or voyage. Seer Cherubel holds that this degree gives birth to the gravediggers and undertakers. To him I leave the authority of this statement.


21-22 deg Aries

By itself this degree will not bring the native ill luck, but it is not ruled out that his persistent shilly shallying may attract a hail of misfortunes onto him. He is likely to live in a muddle of laziness, bewilderment and suspense leaving him powerless and puzzled; he will make a bad partner and be ever beset by gloom. A bohemian’s untidiness will hold sway in him and about him. An untalented musician, he prefers decadent authors, loves the artificial life of modern towns and finds his congenial atmosphere in dance halls, comic shows, etc. What threatens him, his property and credit is, in a word, much more an inborn weakness than ill luck; the native will get more luck than he deserves. Little as he exerts himself to conquer his slackness, his ambitions will be satisfied, if other stars help.


22-23 deg Aries

The medical pharmaceutical emblem of the snake and the chalice, the reptile’s tail being wound round the stem and its head overhanging the bowl, its cleft tongue nearly skimming the contents. It is a degree of fatality. An instrument of collective karma or the victim of his own, either a healer or a great invalid; aggressive and warlike, yet in some things or under certain aspects exposed to man’s and fate’s ambushes and attacks; the native is wise and capable of having immense following, yet liable to fall under the influence of ill advisors. What this native is, what his skill, where his power and his shortcomings lie, how far he is apt to influence the others and the others him, which evils he is likely to work, which to heal, which to suffer—all this can be shown only by the rest of the birth pattern. Only through its whole can we establish whether his pugnacity is a sign of force or of weakness; i.e., whether the subject’s bite, or the one of his foes, is venomous, or both; whether his is a real following or rather a drunken rabble in arms; whether the cup he reaches out to mankind is brimming with wholesome drugs, with dope, or poison; whether he is really original or rather eccentric, an imaginative being or rather a daydreamer, an enthusiast or a man perverted by fallacies. One thing is certain: the mark of fatality. Initiation is not ruled out.


23-24 deg Aries

An almost naked woman. No explanation, but rather a commentary is needed. This is a hard truth to my countrymen’s ears: the habit, nearly everywhere accepted by now, to marry several years after the provocative forces’ full development is tantamount to condemning to public infamy or hysterical folly the woman who, in my country, has been born under this degree. In Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic countries things are different. There, instead of that old austerity of custom which seems, for the time being, too hard to reestablish, a campaign for the reinstatement of equal rights between the two sexes has been successfully carried out. Instead of an equal purity of life, an equal freedom; instead of Jesus Christ’s moral, a purely human justice. Should a man want to be free, he must let the woman be free as well, who may become his wife tomorrow. But to return. The vulgar expression “sexual need” never has fitted so well as in this degree. It is more than a need; it is an inescapable necessity, something fatal. Any attempt to repress will end in a female native’s perversion or hysteria. Nothing doing; she either marries or satisfies otherwise her irresistible need. Cooler people may well judge and condemn. But whoever judges will be judged. Nobody is in a position to know what takes place in a different being’s nervous system. No further comment is needed, as those who have ears may well have understood; as to the others, none is so deaf as the voluntarily deaf hypocrite. To such hypocrisy we owe the institution of the demivierge, a typical infamy of the so-called modern civilization. As to the other features of this degree, we may point out that the subject will not strive too high, and will be content with eking out a living, which will not be denied to him. The native is obviously fond of fun and is rather wanton and carefree. Male subjects may have trouble with the other sex; female ones have been even too clearly described.


24-25 deg Aries

A crisp-haired man riding a huge ram, which he holds by his horns. This degree awaken an ambition to rise very high, and they supply the power to do so. Makes one more active, fierce and independent, but restless and selfish as well. The power it vouchsafes tends to drift into whimsical and intolerant tyranny. There is no sense of justice, not the least trace of chivalry toward foe or opponent. Hence the danger of being repelled into the nameless herd after having taken the first steps toward power and glory.


 25-26 deg Aries

The mediaeval ceremony of investiture. A king bestows high orders of nobility on one of his subjects, entitling him to one of the kingdom’s largest feuds. This degree awaken an ambition to rise very high, and they supply the power to do so. Grants a nobler, a more spiritual (or artistic, scientific, or, otherwise) kind of talent, but allows loss of independence. At any rate, where no other aspects are in the way, the native’s success is assured on the bright path he wants to follow. The support of the powerful will be more than deserved, but the recognition and the official consecration of the native’s merits, whatever they are, can be expected only from that source.


26-27 deg Aries

A high-grown tree under the blast of a hurricane. Whether the native is pushed upward by his noble household’s fortunes or by his own luck, he is likely to climb unhindered the ladder of honor and power. Should he have chosen a clergyman’s career, prelacy expects him and nearly belongs to him by birthright. But the very circumstance of his high birth and obvious ascent will weigh down the subject’s distinctive pride with lack of experience in life’s storms and, barring pointers to the contrary elsewhere, will deprive him of the power of recoil and of the art of passive resistance. He is more than sturdy and powerful, but not enough broken in to man’s and destiny’s dirty tricks, and will skittishly rear and prance rather than adopt the elastic resistance tactics of those who had to conquer their territory step by step. Little as the stars may show the sign of drawbacks or reverses being more probable than steady luck, the tree may crash and be uprooted, the native may lose his brilliant position, and his family’s star may dim and set forever.


27-28 deg Aries

A good-looking and beautifully attired wet nurse. A spontaneously vain and showy nature, whose body will brim over with vitality; an unruffled temper coupled with a sound and fruitful sensuousness; a character high in optimism and heartiness, bountiful and free-handed. There is a gift of serious pondering an unruffled and bright mood, and a pinch of stubbornness. The native will win people’s hearts through her own goodness and will get plenty of useful advice and precious support from good friends. Especially one (seldom more) female friend will supply most of the material help needed. The symbol may be taken literally when the horoscope as a whole leads to the picture of a wet nurse. Should the native be a male, industry and trade of milk products could be expected.


28-29 deg Aries

A heavy war tank. Whatever his social rank or his inherited means, the subject will have to break painfully his path upwards in order to reach his aim. Where the rest of the horoscope admits of luck, he will attain his goal through his deliberate will to break through and his resistance to prolonged effort. Low born, he may one day be called a self-made man. Of high birth and well-to-do, he may well set his aim far beyond his inherited-not despicable-level, but not beyond his reach, horse sense being one of the native’s foremost gifts. Should the rest of the picture show a vulgar being of low extraction, he would be employed in heavy and well-rewarded work. Where pointers of notoriety crop up, he will be a wrestling champion, a prizefighter or something of the kind. On a somewhat higher level, we shall have Vergo’s Maestro Don Gesualdo or, in an aristocratic family, a cadet son who will work his way up with his sword and end by conquering a kingdom or founding a dynasty. A tough fighter, whether in real war or in the struggle for life, whose first weapon is the steadfast doggedness with which he goes toward his aim, shattering and crushing any hindrance that may bar his way, making it into a further stepping stone for his climb. Should the native have spiritual blinkers, this would result in a greater concentration of effort. He is simple and true to the core; hesitation and wavering are unknown to him. He knows what he wants and likes to pay his price. He balks at no problems but sees his job ahead and gets down to it.


29-30 deg Aries

A virago leading by the bridle a horse entirely covered with iron plate. An imperious, selfish, and unpleasant temper. The native’s ambition to sway his neighbor for personal interest is even too conspicuous. This estranges his friends and relatives but does not deter the native from his pursuits, which will lead him in the end to face unassisted some too-heavy task exceeding his forces. In a man’s horoscope, a woman may be feared to be his undoing, so as to dash him headlong into misery or to make a criminal out of him (if the theme as a whole admits of such an extremity). Another feature is proficiency in riding. In times past such a skill would have led to jousting-an indispensable accomplishment in a knight.


0-1 deg Taurus

The native will have to stand forever on the lookout ready to parry unforeseen attacks, as his destiny has fierce struggles in store. But in struggles he surely will thrive and revel as if it were his own element, and he will engage himself in them to his utmost. He has a great will power, is versed in tricks and makeshifts, and can be very reserved in spite of his liking for arguments and polemics. Churlish and insensitive to pain, he seems born to have things his own way in spite of the war furiously waged against him on all sides. He may even be endowed with magic powers. This hard character’s failing is ungenerous; it may even become cruelty.


 1-2 deg Taurus

A man dying on the ground. Clouds hide the Sun. It is a degree of impotence; the karma of one who in a previous life was driven to murder in a fit of despair. Therefore, in the present life the native will be loath to insert himself as a living being into the moving flux of time and space. The present repels him, human society holds no attraction for him. If he, therefore, does not find an outlet in the pursuit of nature’s secrets or in historical studies and the like, he will lapse into a dull idleness, root of all evils. He must break the ominous spell isolating him spiritually from his kind if he is not to find realized in himself the biblical threat, Vae soli (Woe to him that is alone—EccI. 4:11). He must draw a wholesome lesson from his disappointments and realize that he has produced them himself with his wrong attitude of estrangement from life. Life must be loved if she is to present us with her gifts; these are not to be frowned upon in comparison with the unattainable daydreams, toyed with by cloud-dwellers apt to slump defeated to the ground if they cannot reach their aim. Any vital force that does not find a proper outlet will cease to flow. The greater one’s inborn vitality, the more quickly idleness will blight It.


2-3 deg Taurus

Old Silenus gathers in the grapes. This influence points somehow to untimely love. The native may have older people propose to her in her youth, or vice versa, will insist on marrying a younger partner in her elderly age. The planned match risks to come off whether the younger partner looks at it as a sincere and generous gift of his or her youth, or is driven to it by base interest-where the one alternative does not altogether shut off the other. Aside from the question of love or marriage, the native will be luckier in later years and will reap tardily the fruit of his days of labor.


3-4 deg Taurus

A stronghold built siller fashion, crumbling and decayed; on its ramparts, warrior awkwardly handling dangerous Greek fire contraptions. An exacting, disdainful, short-tempered being, destined to remain, so to speak, raw stuff throughout his life, who cannot possibly keep in harmony with the ones he loves. The native hat, however, a nearly military sense of discipline as something absolutely necessary for himself as well as for others. The keynote of this character is its lack of that indispensable minimum of feminine fluidity needed to melt and blend any spiritual alloy; therefore, both the native and his never sufficiently plastered buildings tend to harden and collapse. A male every inch of his boorish being, an irksome grumbler, easily roused to a fury, the native will not be able to put up with anyone; he will handle things and people awkwardly and clumsily and will be peeved and disgusted at any show of weakness in his neighbors. Hence a tendency to isolation and ultimately to self-destruction, as in Dante’s figure of Pier della Vigna (Inf 13, 70) who, embittered and nearly crushed by all his fellow courtiers’ envy and slander, ended by committing suicide. Unless no other features balance this influence, the male native never will be able to appreciate feminine charm. The female native should never marry. This degree shows sometimes a remarkable feature: a special fondness for fireworks, which may well become a passion if the rest of the pattern helps (the Fire element). The native’s body will be subject to decalcifying.


4-5 deg Taurus

An ox lying quietly in a field. The native will worship nature and at the same time be cordially hospitable and open to mental intercourse with his fellow beings. A quiet, un ambitious hard worker, satisfied with what he earns, happy to have earned it himself with the sweat of his brow; he has a good aptitude for contemplative life and meditation. It is not to be ruled out that such a smooth, inner rich and outwardly even temper may harbor an unsuspected longing for travel and adventure.


5-6 deg Taurus

A three-headed man holding a sheaf of papers and showing on it to others the way to follow. An innovator’s mind of exceptional force, also to hover on different subjects at the same time. A manifold intelligence with diverse aptitudes; the native can leave a mark in history through his intelligence (or genius, as other pointers may bear. out) exclusively. The native’s weakness is inability to hold the golden middle with regard to sex. A passionate admirer of beauty, he may easily incur criticism owing to his excesses; or on the contrary, withdraw into a nearly cloister-like asceticism and forget life in order to pursue the incorruptible beauty of art or to contemplate the cold gleam of science’s abstract truths.


6-7 deg Taurus

A slaughtered pig hanging in a butcher’s show-window. A woman’s hair will draw more than a hundred yokes of oxen. Italian proverb This influence neither promises nor excludes intelligence by itself, but it secures exceptional gifts elsewhere, like an uncommon beauty, surplus of vigor, or both of them together. The native will gloat on such gifts and, in particularly vulgar horoscopes, boast and display them, going out of his own way to exhibit the innermost, and not always the most attractive, sides of his or her person. Unless other aspects point to a strong will power and high feelings, the native will be a shallow brained and cowardly being, in whom only lust is deep-rooted. Though unfit for any long-winded, consequent and methodical effort, the native’s charm may, however, give a powerful and resolute heave to undertakings which humbler and better suited performers will or would be able to carry out without the native’s help. Fortune (at least for awhile) will shamelessly lavish her favors on him, and make him, as long as luck lasts, the cynosure of all eyes. But woe betide the day when luck leaves him in the lurch. He will be in for either mental or bodily tortures.


7-8 deg Taurus

If the other stars do not point to a watchful mind and a powerful intelligence, the native’s wits will be blunt. Should he be driven by an intense religious feeling, faith in God will set his heart in peace; but if all his aims are earthly, he may be unhappy, unless other astrological features correct this degree’s bad luck. To such a dull being as this, man’s natural ambition to improve his lot as far as possible with the minimum effort can bring only failure. Only a concrete religious sense, training him to a really Christian way of life, can restore his balance. Should a lack of Fire in his birth chart discourage this endeavor, he could resort to an incentive to hard and passionate work, inner felt as something refreshing and uplifting, regardless of material gain. In a word, he can find his way if he learns not to shun work and not to turn away from life, an old man in his young years, before even getting started in it. He ought to be taught the story of the dog that left its real prey to pursue its reflected image, in order to harden him against life’s treacherous mirages and the ambushes of his fretful lust, apt to deliver him into the hands of scheming harlots.


8-9 deg Taurus

Symbol: A shepherd leading his cattle to graze.

The very figure of Pater families, or of the good housewife; love for one’s home and large family, careful upbringing of one’s children and well-meaning strictness toward one’s dependents. A humane, honest, peaceful yet energetic nature, such as to attract the young and inspire confidence in all. Love of nature and country life; good sense rather than common sense? efficient running of affairs rather than mere routine. The native will do his utmost for his children’s happiness, but is not in the least certain to reach happiness for himself; on the contrary, when particularly badly aspected elsewhere, he could look forward to death as a release, though no attempt at self-inflicted death can be foreseen; the good shepherd will not leave his flock. This degree may produce corpulence if other factors concur.


9-10 deg Taurus

The native may have two love affairs at the same time and handle them with an artlessness bordering on foolishness and with an unrefined simplicity verging on coarseness.  He loves pleasure and enjoyments, is self-indulgent and always worried about his own physical welfare, which does not prevent his reaching an intellectual level above the average, his mind being as supple in abstract things as it is clumsy in leading concrete action, and this theoretic intelligence as sharp as his practical outlook is blurred and blunted by his heavy sensualist. Mathematics is the most suitable field for his mental capacities.


10-11 deg Taurus

If born poor, the native may manage to rise higher; if rich, he may become famous. He is, however, likely to sell the bearskin before having bagged it. One thing is certain: his yearning to climb. Whether success or failure is in store will depend on the measure in which the native really can carry out his ambitious plans and can steer clear of the misjudgments induced by his own enthusiasm. This same alternative applies to the moral field. Will he be stingy or generous? A fair-minded gentleman or a scheming upstart? It can well be said that, save modesty, resignation and self-effacement (which are thoroughly foreign to this influence) nearly always lie open to this forty-first degree of the zodiac; It is up to the other astral factors to pave one or the other, and to the native’s free will to follow any of them.


11-12 deg Taurus

A soul full of good will; a hard working, modest, patient nature; a feminine daintiness;  a precision free from fussiness; a sociable, likeable, lovable character, helpful without servility, bent on pleasing others. The native will rely greatly on the future and easily put up with her present share; will act fairly and will be able to radiate harmony, hope and faith in life, around herself. The native has the makings of an ideal partner and co-operator, and will like it, though preferring, of course, to be in society with congenial people. Devoid of earthly ambitions, here may be the seventh blessing of the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt. 5:9).


12-13 deg Taurus

Rational logic will be hard put to explain why an envious, anarchic nature is nearly an inseparable companion of artistic gifts. This native will sometimes be an artist, often a refined aesthete, but invariably, unless checked by other influences; an envious, quarrelsome being, ready to sow discord around himself. As to all envious people, others’ luck will prevent his own. Moreover, one may well say that he is looking for trouble. Should the rest of the horoscope sharpen this feature, the native would be fond of trespassing against penal law, not out of any real wish for dishonest gain, but out of spiteful fancy for what has been denied to him, which will prevent his keeping and enjoying greater gains within reach and easily attained with honest labor. More than fooling and damaging the others, such people end by digging their own graves. But, as the proverb has it, forbidden fruits taste better.


13-14 deg Taurus

The native seems born to compose quarrels. His straight, peaceful, fair mind has a smooth force in itself which is likely to compel respect effortlessly and to inspire love of justice. This is his showier side. Not less worthy of attention is the other one: a way of getting down to his work and keeping fondly at it without fuss and display, a feature which, if supported by other influences, may at times lead the native to withdraw into himself, shutting him out of other people’s company. This may temporarily blot out-never stifle-the native’s instinct for human brotherhood. The native is not unlikely to become a mystic a seeker after hidden knowledge but his need of seclusion will not make a misanthrope out of him, nor will contemplative life dry up the source of his charitableness. Should he become an initiate, he would silently use his occult powers in service to others. Whether or not on the secret path, he will be comforted in his old age by the fruits of his efficient work and his good actions.


14-15 deg Taurus

Symbol: A hoary, venerable looking augur looks up at a flight of seven birds.

Desert around. The native possesses the gift of inspiring unconsciously and nearly unintentionally, a sudden and durable liking, and to make others trust him as much as he himself. Whether the field of researches he keenly pursues is material or spiritual, his ideas will be original, daring, uncommon; his intuition may even foreshadow the future. In heathen ages he would have been an oracle, a fulguration, a Sybil. In this materialistic age, he may get the hang of scientific or material truths as if by inspiration, but his mind will ever run to the hidden causes and the living root of phenomena. A deeply religious being, he will, short of any confessional faith, worship the scientific line he has embraced. Should the horoscope bear it out, his life would have an ascetical outlook. This degree tends to give a bold, icy temper if the Fire element is absent from the rest of the pattern. Nevertheless, this somewhat uncouth being, lost in his mighty visions and more or less indifferent to love, may have a following of utterly devoted friends and of disciples not likely to forget his teachings. In unusual and remarkable patterns, such a being may well end by being looked at as a forerunner or a prophet by posterity, and his doctrine may become an article of blind faith.


15-16 deg Taurus

Symbol: A man riding an ass

Stubborn rather than steady, slow and often sluggish in everything; groundlessly cocksure  incapable of abstract thinking, the native will not carry his headstrong efforts to any successful end. He will not be liked by many, and will have to go through life nearly alone. Whatever amount of luck Fate has in store for him, it will run low in his life’s former half. Bad luck will set in later, owing to his foolish self-assurance. Neither exile nor forceful segregation can be ruled out. Marriage may be lucky.


16-17 deg Taurus

Symbol: The vision

St. Thomas of Aquino had while trying to fathom the mystery of God’s unity and trinity; a child trying to drain the ocean with a pitcher. (I do not know who the author of the perfect squelch was-”I do not need your advice, I can make mistakes myself!” but he may have been born under this star;). The native’s habit of thinking with his own head is apt to make him unpopular; his failings will bring about his misfortune. His intelligence is like a river liable to flood the barren sands of Utopia instead of fertilizing the happy valley of originality. He is in for unceasing, often wasted, labors, which will not make him move a step forward. There is a guilty light-mindedness; the native will believe that he can solve singlehanded and in his own way certain problems which repose on natural laws, as those of economics, dynamics and the like. On the other hand, such a being can easily rely on Divine Providence and reach that absolute faith which moves mountains and goes so far as to give sometimes personal success in spite of rationalistic logic and science’s “infallibility.”


17-18 deg Taurus

Symbol: Two furious bulls goring each other

The native will easily fly off the handle and quickly work himself up to a climax of frenzied and bloodthirsty rage, even if his own peevish and quarrelsome temper has sown the seed of discord. According to his background and breeding, he can make a saber of a ruffian, and can reap the hatred of many, running the risk of wounds or death in duels or brawls.


18-19 deg Taurus

Symbol: A maid on dazzling beauty pouring water from a jug into a pitcher.

An exquisitely feminine nature. The native may go so far as to be a genius, but even in normal cases she will have some very bright gift which she is not likely to exploit in full and will at least partially leave untapped. A gentle and sweet character, even too little self assertive, which will tend to flabbiness, indecision, passivity and gloom. A certain typically feminine futility will accompany an equally feminine skill in getting things done. A voice of pure musical pitch, an unconstrained speech, a naturally smart and graceful demeanor. Her main virtues will be self-possession and cleanliness. In a mystic sense, the symbol may be taken to mean the Sacrament of Baptism. Destiny may have in store travel or emigration to the New World. Teaching may be a congenial profession, if the pattern contains such elements as to give the necessary authority for this.


19-20 deg Taurus

This degree’s positive side may well be said to consist in a great moral or material strength at the service of ambition, which may, when other aspects help, lift the native into eminence. The negative side consists in envy and lack of moderation. The native will nearly invariably be an impulsive rushing, or a lowly meddler, but in any case an envious being. He cannot find a middle course between those two extremes. When he does not plot mean ambushes, he will show off arrogantly and bully people about. In either case, his stumbling stone is his envy, a vice that, as Sannazzaro puts it, gnaws at itself, or, as exemplified in Dante’s figure of embodied envy, Filippo Argenti, tears its own flesh with its own teeth. While stabbingsomebody else in murderous frenzy,none may well injure self, as happened to Caesar’s murderers.


20-21 deg Taurus

A frugal, cautious, watchful, silent and close character bearing the hallmark of individuality, a deep mind, a pitiless logic, a precise and methodic intelligence, more suited for analysis than synthesis. The native will rely but on himself, yet destiny will baffle him with gleeful spite and take a  cruel delight in hitting him just where rational logic would rule out failure or even danger. The collapse of his most accurately prearranged plans will tell on the native’s temper, whose guardedness may drift into suspiciousness, and misanthropy into wickedness.


21-22 deg Taurus

Skill in handiwork, craftsmanship or surgical ability, according to the other bearings. Sparing and industrious habits. There might be some disablement due to illness or wound, if borne out by the rest of the horoscope. Surrounded by loving relatives and friends, the native will see his hard work crowned by success in the end.


22-23 deg Taurus

A great spiritual force, a generous, passionate character whose mind, compared to a large heart, may appear limited. Faith in one’s power is excessive, hence a tendency to overreach oneself by a display of arrogance, weakness, light-headedness and foolhardiness which may head the native for a dangerous fall. This may be taken in the literal sense of bodily falls, as well as in the metaphorical one (financial, social, moral, or spiritual).


23-24 deg Taurus

Symbol: The Moon in its first quarter. The thin, bright crescent, encompassing the planet’s lower rim, seems to hold the dimly looming orb as an earthly offer to Heaven.

Assuming as we did that no degree of the zodiac can convey any meaning if not looked at in the light of the horoscope as a whole, this rule does not fit any degree so thoroughly as this fifty-fourth degree which has something mysterious, or transcendent, in itself. Should the rest of the pattern be of a spiritual nature, an intense but hidden inner life would be the result. If the other features concur into a majestic picture, the native may have been assigned a mission reaching beyond his country and his age. “At the limit,” to borrow a mathematical expression; that is, in such a cosmically vast and sublime horoscope as can be drawn in the heavens only once in mankind’s history, this degree becomes one among many other components from which, written in star characters; the announcement of the Redemptory's birth was given. This can be stated fearlessly. Here is one of the many astrological clues which revealed to the three Magi from the East that God had taken human shape. Especially the words of the biblical beer Isaiah -later called the fifth evangelist-fall in with the influence of this degree. Foreseeing the god man's destiny, the prophet defined him as a being despised and rejected of men (is. 53:57; Luke 4:24).  And now, let us look at the destiny of a common being marked by this degree. He will be an honest worker, pure in heart, full of a candid faith in mankind, and therefore, in danger of being homelessly cheated and exploited. An humble and meek being, he will refrain from maltreating his neighbors and showing his fist to defend himself or his own interests. His inner nobility will hardly be discerned by those dealing with him; people will usually despise him and not think twice before taking advantage of a good heart, too feeble in the eyes of the world. The advice to give to the native (another mystical quotation) is an extracanonical saying attributed to Jesus Christ: “Let thy alms sweat in thy hand till thou hast found a righteous one to whom you may give it”.


24-25 deg Taurus

The subject’s inner world will stay closed and unknown to all. Yet this is no cowardly nature, rather an arrogant one; the native is inner proud, haughty, overbearing, but not vain. As he is spiritually isolated among his fellow beings, he will have justice done to himself, if necessary, by having recourse to arms. As he is misunderstood, he will endeavor to have his own way even by resorting to violence; as long as his strength does not fail him, he will see subdued servants around himself, never friends. He will risk either to die a stray dog’s death, or to be kicked and spat upon on his death bed, like the lion in the fable.


25-26 deg Taurus

Symbol: A lonely lady wandering about singing and picking flowers one by one. (The image of Matelda in Dante Purg. 28,4041).

A personality to which nature, not ambition, lends authority; a steady reserved, self-assured being; a mild character agreeable to all; one who sees the right spiritual angle of problems and the poetic side of life, understands beings and things; gathers effortlessly whatever the world around him offers of beauty; loves peace and spreads harmony and comfort around himself. He needs to live in the open air.


26-27 deg Taurus

Should other items in the horoscope point toward aptitudes and propensities for the occult, this degree could spell danger; though leading toward magic, it does not assure the native absolute freedom from worldly interests or cravings. The Wise Ones have, however, ruled that no operations should be undertaken if the atmosphere is not perfectly clear; by which they mean, of course, the spiritual atmosphere. Let one whose soul is still benighted by worldly passions or, worse, by greed of power (which is less coarse and therefore more dangerous) not set his hand to the Greet Work. The alchemist, instead of transforming into a spiritual Sun the Mercury and the Moon of his inner mirror would be tempted to transmute the metals of the outer world and to make real gold out of quicksilver ore. Were he not driven to this by a thirst for enjoyment, but by a yearning for power, the native would run an even worse risk, as this is one of the ugliest kinds of black magic. On the other hand, should the native’s pattern exclude magic and any tendency to the acquisition of occult power, this degree could be of the greatest use to anyone striving after success in the usual sense, as it bestows eloquence, a knack of running things efficiently, a liking for hard work, and an inventive mind (not necessarily in the field of practical application), a sparing temperament, something intriguing which is certainly not made to alienate people, and does not hinder conquest of wealth or power. Which one it is going to be ought to be decided by the, horoscope viewed as a whole.


27-28 deg Taurus

Someone has said that heaven is for the unsatisfied. Sometimes this may be true, but not in this case. If the native has a perfect mental balance, he can enjoy happiness. But he is likely to be tormented by ambitions and dreams of power past realization. On the other hand, he does not lack steadfastness, but his daydreams are widely different from real life. The more he can put up with this latter (drab and dull as it can be), the better for him; his life may be long and peaceful. If unsatisfied and craving more, he would be but a castle-builder. Happiness Is bred of contentment.


28-29 deg Taurus

Symbol: A woman leading a beast of burden by its halter

The female native will find it perfectly normal to order and bully the husband around. Should other features bear out a hard and domineering temper, with an outer display of bluster, we should have a regular Xanthippe, who will not see anything in her husband but a burden-bearing and brooding animal, of course, exclusively reserved, to herself, and at the limit will materialistic him systematically and go so far as to drive him to murder her, unless he has a Scrates’ endurance. Things are worse in a male horoscope. The other components ought, however, to be carefully weighed, and it has to be decided whether the omen refer to his (lawful or unlawful) mate, or to himself. In the former case, the man, of course, is the victim. Should contrary features of over bearing be at hand, which could not possibly regard others, he is then certainly himself the tyrant looking at his dependents as pack mules, ignoring their human dignity, or taking a great delight in trampling upon it. The one hypothesis does not altogether exclude the other. Whether a woman or a man, the native would assuredly be in for a great many unforeseen events. He may well be cowardly as all real bullies are; but he is unlikely to have true foresight. Someone may thrash him within an inch of his life, or even shoot him as a dog. Vulgarity and bigotry usually complete the picture of such a character.


29-30 deg Taurus

Symbol: A beautiful house, splendidly fitted out

Look around yourself for one with whom you may eat and drink, before you choose your food and beverage, for a dining table without a friend is what lions and wolves have from Epicurus’ fragments A refined utilitarianism. An out and out self-centeredness, which however admits of a sincere love of mankind; a dignified and well-meaning sensuousness, an indispensable need of luxury; a love of finely built houses, equipped comfortably according to the latest technical devices. A lenient destiny will grant wealth together with a sizable and profitable estate, provided the native does not throw caution to the four winds in pursuit of pleasure, and that other factors do not oppose this. The native is likely to win prestige and a certain ascendance over his neighbors and even outside his own circle precisely through his mastery in drawing mental enjoyment from sensual motives. A certain amount of distinction will befall his lot.


0-1 deg Gemini

Friendship has a lion’s share in the native’s life. Prompted by his unprejudiced, merry, kind, confident nature, he will lay open his heart and his hearth to his friends and will expect them to do the same to him. Influent and highly placed people may take a sincere liking to him, obliging him with their protection and such favors as may greatly help him in his private life and public career. All of which is likely to happen, but the other astrologic aspects must, as usual, not be lost sight of. Friendship may be interesting and purposeful, and the unconditional surrender of one’s home may lead to family strife and married unhappiness on the side of the more confiding and naively faithful partner. Or worse, should the horoscope point to lack of dignity and self-respect, it could be assumed that favors and protection have been curried by conniving to one’s own wife’s misbehavior and support for her lover from the betrayed husband and friend. Even if such a point is not reached, the friendship’s moral influence may prove harmful to self-respect. In female charts, this degree may portend laborious and even deadly deliveries.


1-2 deg Gemini

A writer friend of mine, whose birth degree is this, has devised as Ex Libris a man armed with an ice axe looking from the bottom at a mountain top, and the motto Why not? As I cannot think of a better one, let me quote this Ex Libris, whose image and slogan both are as suitable as any to illustrate the typical attitude of this second degree of Gemini. One could add the Latin proverbs audaces fortuna juvat and memento audere sem per. A great ambition ruling over a great courage, which is in turn rewarded by a great fortune. The rest of the pattern must, as usual, suggest how to interpret this correctly. Whatever share of mental gifts the stars have meted out to him, the native has the power of concentration and can, as the case may be, discover, innovate or find original practical applications, as the other components show. He may be a daring and gifted reformer of a natural science (physics, chemistry, etc whom the misoeists will oppose violently and the rivals try to rob of his discoveries; but he will triumph over both. Where the astrologic pointers are all of a spiritual nature, the innovation and the attending fights both may refer to spiritual sciences and to religious reform. In the case of an artist they may refer to till-then-untried technical audacities, or the like. In a less bight horoscope and with police pointers, the native will be a new Sherlock Holmes breaking new ways open to investigation and fearlessly hand-shackling the criminals; and getting the truth from them without having recourse to violence. Or he may be a criminal of genius, like unscrupulous Aresene Lupin versus Sherlock Holmes, a bright plagiarist, etc.


2-3 deg Gemini

Symbol: Orpheus, playing his lyre, moves the stones to build a town.

Poetry and music, a great imaginative power, love of the marvelous. The native’s personality shows two features that will seem irreconcilable to anyone wishing to apply the iron rules of logic to human psychology. On one hand the subject is a daydreamer who cannot keep in order what concerns his own person. A whimsical being, whose mind is forever pursuing dreams of beauty, he cannot stem the rush of his private expenses; he is in love with everything beautiful, luxurious and refined and will have it, cost what it may. This produces a chaotic disorder in his household, and goes together with a merry sprightliness and a happy in conscience of some practical duties. On the other hand, destiny may have saddled him with the burden of a society of which. he is the founder, the head, or the leader. It would seem to stand to reason that he should be unequal to such a task. Yet this bohemian shoulders such responsibility with a swing and a smile and will prove as wise, as eloquent and efficient in setting in motion gigantic things as he proved unfit and helpless in running his own estate. In a word, the native is a true artist, even if he does not write poetry or music, and will prove more at home in flying than in treading hard ground. He will be endowed also with a sturdy physical build and a powerful character, though he will be open to influence and worried about public opinion.


3-4 deg Gemini

A lucky destiny, confidential political appointments, an eminent position due to personal merits await the native. An inborn sense of dignity will exert a magnetic attraction on others and will call for their respect. The intelligence is lively and piercing, the faculty of observation precise and minutes There is a great deal of practical sense, a generous, friendly and hospitable sprit. Marriage will be happy.


4-5 deg Gemini

Symbol: An arbalester.

As the symbol clearly shows, this degree has an influence like the first of Sagittarius, namely a courage verging on daring, an adventurer’s temperament; a lightning-like, jerky and jumpy way of acting; a gift for polemics, a dialectic zest; a stinging sarcasm; an orderly, methodical, precise, ruthless intelligence. The ability to earn money is remarkable, but below the native’s unappeasable thirst for money. An unbridled ambition fills the native with envy and drives him into quarrels where he foolhardily stakes everything, burning the bridges behind him in order to attain his aim at all costs. Whether the attempt is to be successful will be shown by the horoscope as a whole. Distant travel is probable. This degree tends to confer beauty, especially to the eyes, which will be dark but bright.


5-6 deg Gemini

Symbol: A book and a plumb line.

There is the greatest adherence to, and at the same time the greatest detachment from, reality. A great sensitivity to which no inner feeling corresponds. The native is righteous, clever, has a juridical mentality, a faculty of unbiased judgment, and is aloof from the impact of passions. He is outwardly smart and inwardly cold-hearted. The native’s mind is adorned with an education above his social status, but with no trace of cerebral as his fundamental sanity and poise would not admit of anything morbid. The subject will be lucky as his legal or business activity will grant him riches, welfare, perhaps renown. Lack of feeling will, however, make him unpopular. He will shrink from the limelight into the coziness of home and will prefer the company of animals to that of his fellow beings, which will bless the end of his long life.


6-7 deg Gemini

A steady, smooth, quiet existence expects here a native of a peaceful, kind and affable disposition. He will be graceful and good-looking, well bred and clever, but his retentive mind will lack originality. Life has few and moderate sufferings in store, and they will be easily borne, as the subject’s unimaginative nature will not be capable of deep-seated grief. There will be luck in love. Marriage is likely to be happy.


7-8 deg Gemini

This degree’s influence can hardly be depicted with sharp outline. Its dualistic and self-contradictory nature will bestow two opposite features, which could, however, even co-exist in the same native; but interference by other radical influences or the effects of breeding may well let one side fade out of view. One side of the character is rough, irascible, reckless, often breeding strife and contention; anyhow well-equipped for prompt action and violent activity, as the military career, surgery, arts and crafts connected with iron and fire (fireman, smith and the like). On the other hand, the native has commercial aptitudes, loves comfort, desk activities and administrative jobs, leaving others to do the hard work; he is fond of home and family even if his character’s other side may lead to domestic strife. Destiny threatens the home with the omen of a sudden, fiery outburst apt to upset it from its foundations or to shatter its very core. Other astrological traits must say whether this is inevitable and whether the native’s destructive features or other causes are to blame.


8-9 deg Gemini

Symbol: An enthroned queen holding in one hand the Earth’s gold surmounted by the cross; in the other, her scepter.

It points to a nature conscious and confident of its power and harboring a dignified and exquisite kindness, together with a noble pride. A sharp intelligence, apt to catch at once the point of difficult problems, which it will then patiently unravel. The native is a ruler born, and fortune may help his lordly character to conquer power should this not have fallen to him by birthright, so that his position may consolidate in later years. A peculiar feature of this mind is its fondness for conundrums and riddles, chess and pastimes involving mental effort; should the native have a garden laid out, he will have a maze built in it. There is a great daintiness as to cleanliness and the choice of food.


9-10 deg Gemini

Symbol: The good Samaritan succors the Jew whom the highwaymen have beaten to within an inch of his life (Luke 10:30-35).

A great heart fired and inspired with the wish to help mankind, to whose service a great store of energy is placed with somewhat childish enthusiasm. Sympathy for the poor and the sick is apt to take concrete shape, and there is a sincere wish to succor and heal social misery. The reverse of the coin consists in the delusion of reaching such aims with merely material means. Should the horoscope not bear the imprint of a deeply religious spirit, the native, acting on purely human grounds, will stick to the faddish concept that vice and crime can be fought by spreading well-being and strengthening the police forces. In a word, a well-meaning, well-fed, well-bred, humdrum middle-class fellow, whose limited mental powers will not prevent delving deep into medicine and political economics, to pursue his ambitious but charitable aims. Luck may smile on this good fellow and lavish him the means to carry out his beneficent plans.


10-11 deg Gemini

Symbol: An eagle feeding her three eaglet.

In some senses a superior, but in any event an uncommon, being gifted with a mystifying and nearly prophetic insight. A commanding person, apt to take advantage of his strength, very fond of his family, but sensuous, despotic, unscrupulous, craving travel and adventure and forever unsatisfied with surroundings he deems unworthy of himself. He may make a great deal of money, especially in the field of arbitrage on a large scale, but luck is not steady, and his restless urge to be ever off and out will let many a good chance, passing close to him, escape his notice altogether in spite of his grasping nature. Exile cannot be ruled out.


11-12 deg Gemini

An honest being, brimming over with plans and faith in the future. Others may be wrongly led, by some lack of decision on his part, to mistrust his purposes. Anyhow some hitch will hinder or delay the ripening of his plans. Besides such a drag chain on his undertakings, sudden death or unpleasant surprises may take the wind off his sails and nip his enterprises in the bud. A steadfastness ready to face any tests is therefore the catchword here. Engineering may be a congenial profession; a mechanic’s job seems to be the right trade.


12-13 deg Gemini

Symbol: A corpse exposed to birds, and beasts of prey.

And left their bodies prey to birds and hounds horrible sight. -Homer, Iliad 1, 34 And of a wolf which seemed to harbor all cravings and yearnings in her scraggy shape. -Dante, Int.1,49.50 The native cannot be denied inner power, but lacks character. He is more active than constant and even more restless than active. A man of bristling project, though vague and blurred, if lofty; the native runs the risk of leading astray his winged gifts. Especially natives having the Sun above the horizon and their Ascendant in this seventy-third degree are a living proof of the saying: “Hell is paved with good intentions.” That he who was born an eagle may not become a hyena! The unsatisfied natural craving for earthly goods will become an inexhaustible yearning. Not having exploited his gifts properly, he may be led to wonder resentfully, “Why should the others, if I don’t. . .?“ This envy of other people’s luck may become hatred, as if the welfare he could not conquer were an offense to his misery and a constant reproach to his unsettled, wasteful, roaming life, and as if he had a right to some sort of revenge. Evil associations may lead the native far enough on the wrong path, but even in compact with worse beings than himself, he will still bear a sign of his fallen nobility; mental subtlety and the faithful keeping of secrets.


13-14 deg Gemini

Symbol: Two foxes devouring some chicken.

Too few scruples and too many ruses. But to no avail, as in spite of tricks, the ill-begotten wealth may often have to be given back, as one cannot fool all the people all the time. Should the horoscope in its other aspects not admit of dishonesty and incorrect methods, and should it point to an intense intellectual life, this native’s subtlety may sublime into the meanderings of abstract reasoning. This would give rise to a mastermind in dialectical distinguos, the matchless skill of great logicians, and, in some cases, of the giants of thought. In any case, an unharmonious and lustful nature.


14-15 deg Gemini

Symbol: A seven-headed human being.

As the man in whose mind thought springs from thought farther and farther strays from his own aim as each new purpose damps the former one. -Dante, Purg. 5, 16-18 Should the native successfully stem the onrush of his mental turmoil and impose himself a method, an inner order and an intellectual discipline, the lively originality and the boundless manifoldness of his versatile mind may recommend him to everyone’s admiration and open a bright career for him. I said if. Otherwise, his restless desultoriness will lead him to do too much at one time, getting bun all tied up in the knots of his scattered activity. What could have been original becomes eccentric; whatever is gained in extension is lost in depth.


15-16 Gemini

Good initiative and charitable work, however, will be profitable only for others and unfruitful for the native, who will be a modest, peaceful, though emotional, being devoid of the sound judgment and the luck necessary to reap the fruit of his long labors.


16-17 Gemini

Symbol: A handless man.

Birthright, personal prestige or occult powers may grant the native supremacy over others, who will then be the material tools to carry out what the native has conceived. Should practical execution fail him, he would not be able to perform with his own hands and translate into concrete reality what appeared dazzlingly clear to his mental eye. Either he will be totally devoid of manual skill and practical sense, or will be maimed or otherwise invalided. Should he work with supernatural means, one has then to bear in mind that magic consists only in working without hands and walking without feet. Let those who have ears understand. But magic practice will not suit anyone who is not physically whole.


17-18 deg Gemini

Symbol: Two foxes in relay according to their custom. (One rouses the game while the other lurks in ambush ready to stalk it.)

Inner duality. A close cooperation, a very subtle mind and, in lower beings, shady cunning and complicity. Mental suppleness and penetration, swift and unconstrained gestures, a great experience in business and politics. On the strength of his own undeniable practical ability, the native may conceive too ambitious plans, demanding exceptional timeliness and utter precision of movement. These undertakings can be crowned with full success, but then the results run the risk of not being equally divided between the subject and his partner.


18-19 deg Gemini

Symbol: A pilgrim holding his staff.

A wretched and roaming gypsy’s life. The native’s mind may well be endowed with some artistic gifts, but he will lack character and will shun constant work. Forsaken by all, he will painfully drag his tramp-like existence through the world. A deep religious feeling may give a sense to such a life.


19-20 deg Gemini

Symbol: L’apprentis sorcier

Some of the bright gifts of this native are not in keeping with the whole of his being. If the rest of his horoscope restricts his activities to the practical field, his hard work, well-trained mind, and influential friendships will permit him to achieve some aims. He may improve his position, gain wealth for himself and his family, etc. On the contrary, should other astrologic data confirm, or simply not hinder, the occult, mystical, or spiritual powers present in him, the native may attain higher results, but on the indispensable condition that he take in a reef, not trust his visions too much, and not overreach himself. Above all, he ought to remember that anyone who rouses powers beyond his own control runs the risk of being crushed by them. This applies, of course, to political power as well, though the dinger is far greater in the supersensible field.


20-21 deg Gemini

The native can hardly expect a free and independent position as, in spite of his quarrelsome, eccentric or otherwise unsociable character, he will have to put up with playing second fiddle to someone. He will not shun work, but will be very fond of sport and full of competitive spirit, which will let him miss many a good occasion, and eventually be his undoing if the horoscope is bad.


21-22 deg Gemini

Symbol: Chirping birds peck at their seed.

A gentle, winning disposition, a delicate but communicative nature, a rather too talkative but pleasant character; a person led by the honest desire to be in harmony with everyone and to bring peace everywhere, fond of nature and in some cases highly gifted for fine arts. This native might incline to the corresponding failings and be overconfident; or his gentle nature might not stand the hard struggle for life and might resent its cruel blows; or he might entertain lofty desires which can hardly be satisfied on earth. The demonstrative strain in his character can be warped into a random talkativeness apt to waste away his creative faculties; and his conciliating tendency might sink to weakness of character. Reference is to be made as usual to the horoscope as a whole. Should the rest of the chart offset the excessive idealism with a solid sense of reality (prevalence of the Earth element; role played by the sign Scorpio; opposition of Luminaries; trigonal position of the Moon, Mars, Mercury to each other, etc.) and be good on the whole, the subject would be skilled and successful in his work, happy in marriage; harmony and well-being would sway in his home and about him. A woman born under this degree will land the man she wishes, though leaving him the pleasant delusion of having made his own choice, if she is wise enough not to let him go too far before wedlock. Should she have other aims, she could have all the men she wants, and would manage to stay on friendly relations with them afterwards as well. The horoscope as a whole will show whether she will be prodigal of her own or of herself.


22-23 deg Gemini

Symbol: A withered, ragged old man, bent by age and by suffering, standing alone, leaning on a stick in an attitude of utter dejection.

If the horoscope at large does not offer any particular hints of good luck, the battles of life will prematurely sap the native’s energies. He will feel powerless to put his otherwise original ideas into practice, will not only refrain from reaction, but from action as well, and will give up the struggle and waste away. His breakdown ought to be followed by the estrangement of his children and everyone else; his old age will be miserable and lonely.


23-24 deg Gemini

Symbol: A merry fellowship.

A demonstrative and jovial fellow whom all will like. The native would seem unable to live alone, as the frankness with which he declares his friendship, the selfless pleasure he feels in the company of his comrades, and the proof of true friendship he can give when needed, will win him the largest possible number of hearts. Few people will enjoy so many and so sincere affections. The native’s mind might turn to deep scientific research. He is in love with fine arts and music but his inborn innermost gift is the art of persuasion.


24-25 deg Gemini

Symbol: A man holding an open book.

An original and uncommonly bright intellect, a great passion for study, especially of ancient times; a profound education, a steady delving into scientific research. The native’s chances of success in clamorous feats, in great undertakings or outward conquests are equal to nil. Instead, he stands more than a fair chance of emerging into eminence in scientific pursuits and of finding his delight in them. Parents willing to direct such children to worldly careers are wrong as, barring pointers of great hick in fields other than intellectual research, they never will make any headway.


25-26 deg Gemini

This degree’s influence is in open contrast with the one of the sign to which it belongs, as it muffles down its foremost feature-reason, and sharpens, on the other hand, its second main trait-strife. The native seems to be born to argue and quarrel, but not on the solid ground of logic as he does not want either to offer reasons or to listen to reason and simply sticks to conventional ideas and popular fads current at his time in order to support his arguments. Yet he likes arts, though in a conformist way, and might even cultivate them, but without the least trace of personal style, An ambitious, jealous being, alive only to his own merit and blind to the merit of others; stubborn, unreasonable, quarrelsome and revengeful, he is not liked by many and can go so far in his blunt recklessness as to court death at the hand of others. The rest of the pattern might emphasize this threat or offset it, as the case may be.


26-27 deg Gemini

Symbol: A gypsy woman, shedding copious tears.

All good features of an artist (human sympathy, sensitivity, sense of universal suffering) as well as the evil ones (wanton untidiness, unfitness for the struggle of life) might have fallen to this native’s lot. His horoscope as a whole can answer only the question whether this gift will find expression and materialize, or stay potential; whether the native is to reach the peak of genius or to grovel in the lowlands of modest craftsmanship. In any case, his is a precious and refined, rather than a mighty and rugged, talent; the blight of mannerism is dangerously near. A life interwoven with roaming, disappointments and sufferings.


27-28 deg Gemini

Symbol: Two bulls of different size on a thriving field.

Mens sana in corpore sano: a topping health, an active nature, an open mind fit to pass sound judgment on people and things. There is love for work in its pithiest and most substantial form farming. The native worships Mother Nature and must live in her bosom; though not harboring any prejudices against the modern machines and newfangled methods, he will still prefer the good old ways as his horse sense whispers to him that whatever is nearer nature has something more vital in itself. Therefore, he hates whatever goes against nature, but also has a deep contempt for what lies beyond Nature’s ken. A conservative by instinct and a worker by temperament, financially and sexually fruitful, there is nothing sophisticated about him, though he is capable of delving deep into research of what he loves -especially antiquity. An honest and true friend, he is universally esteemed and loved by many. An emotional and, in certain senses, an impressionable or rather a passionately being, he is no such highly spiritual creature as his great concrete intelligence may lead a superficial observer to think (one should bear in mind that there are two bulls in the symbol, and of different sizes!). It is but his horse sense, not any lofty spiritual force, that leads him to hate materialist mechanism and economic determinism. Which does not prevent spiritual forces from operating in him, though they might do so more through his moral sense and his feelings than in a direct way. The native may expect, though not with certainty, a happy and prosperous destiny.


28-29 deg Gemini

A rather pessimistic degree inducing skepticism and mistrust, apart from which its influence is a typically divalent one. Helped by other astral aspects, it will confer kindheartedness coupled with ability to command; an imaginative, manifold mind; the makings for occupying a high position and for nobly exerting the attending authority; skill in hunting and sportsmanship. On the contrary, where other aspects are mainly negative, these features will shift into opposite polarities or will stray into corresponding vices. Kindness will become affected courtesy, prestige will be disfigured into autocracy, love of hunting into cruelty or even sadism; there will be misuse of power closely followed by ruin and misery. Likewise, imaginative power will sidle into fruitless daydreaming, too many plans will cram the mind, all shifting and inconclusive, as no steady power behind them will help carry them out.


29-30 deg Gemini

Symbol: The cow, the goat, and the ewe in society with the lion.

As in the previous degree, this one also can make the native into a fond and efficient hunter, but the point lies elsewhere and can be summarized in the expression, a lion’s share. It will have to be left to the horoscope as a whole to decide if the native himself or other partners will have that share; and whether he is endowed with a deceiving, cunning nature apt to rob others of their luck, or is forced by circumstances to pay for one of the partners’ misdeeds; but in either of these two hypotheses, each containing a double question, the former item does not on principle exclude the latter. The native undoubtedly has formidable persuasive or seductive powers, a strong character, a hard worker’s temper, and can weave and unravel plots. However, destiny will disappoint him in the end.


0-1 deg Cancer

Listing and close ties of affection, probably legal union, tender and sensuous married love; the native will be completely given over both to her marriage partner and to her own relatives. Inborn goodness and fidelity, natural merriness and fortune’s deserved smile will make her popular and universally liked. These bonds of affection will, however, tie her and limit her freedom of movement, as well as her chances of fully exploiting her good luck. Many are the native’s gifts: a musical aptitude with a pronounced sense of rhythm; a faculty for exact sciences in general, especially mechanics; a rigorous logical mind, keen on seizing the cause effect relation in things; a sense for business, particularly for sea-borne trade (provided that the family does not contrast the native’s passion for travel). The other aspects will have to show which of these tendencies ought to be followed.


1-2 deg Cancer

Symbol: A knick-knack in a glass case.

Whether the native is hard-working or, as he is likelier to be, lazy and sluggish, he will usually not prove up to the task of earning his keep. If he works at all, his work stays unfruitful, or goes to produce only superfluous, trifling and refined objects, the only things the native seems to be fond of. He ought to take a job connected with perfumes, luxury and fashion, the dressing or tailoring trade and the like. Favorably expected elsewhere, he may become an artist in the highest sense of the word, in the domain of figurative arts; in which case his anarchic sloth, his individualism and his jealousy toward his colleagues would fit into the pattern of those moral failings even Philistines are willing to pardon in artistic bohemians. Whether an artist or not, the native is only too prone to depend on others for his maintenance. But even as a toady, there is something noble about him. His inborn virtues will be sweetness, nicety, smartness, above all, a sincere love of beauty. One physical feature is his often abnormal fear of air drafts.


2-3 deg Cancer

Symbol: A scene from the eighteenth century; two seated ladies, and two squires standing in front of them.

The native will be inner split into two contrasting halves-a thinker’s mind and a lecher’s tendencies; an old man’s sedate wisdom and a boy’s reckless wishes; feverish activity alternated with dull idleness; refined servility strangely coupled with a refined, aristocratic haughtiness. The result may as well be fame as infamy or success closely followed by failure due to passionately follies. In a man’s horoscope, will power will be lamed, as this emotional influence inclines more toward fatalism than toward action. In a woman’s chart it is just the other way about. Any native woman will have everyone at her beck and call; a termagant or a Xanthippe, as the case may be. Be it a woman or a man, mannerism will affect the native’s attitude, which will be neither simple nor sincere. Seer Charubel maintains there ought to be a special ability for geology or meteorology, which I report here on his own responsibility.


3-4 deg Cancer

Symbol: Walpurgi’s night.

Here the challenge to the existing spiritual order will reach its uttermost degree. An orgiastic temper, a defiant impiety, a craving for sexual or alcoholic intoxication, misuse of drugs or dope, the practice of Satanism. In the eyes of the world there is no understanding the native, who will seem eccentric, extravagant, if not altogether a lunatic. But his intellect is quite healthy, and he does not mind at all openly countering other people’s prejudices, which he is content to ignore. His heart is healthy as well, but lust is apt to bite deeply into it, ravaging his feelings and threatening mental sanity with its intoxication. The social and financial position, health and the whole being are in danger owing to this. All of which ought to be looked at in the light of other astrological factors as we have remarked endless times. Where other aspects point to occult practice, this native would rather take to black magic, sexual rituals, witchcraft, and might come in touch with more or less shady sects. The prospect of a superior initiation (although through the way of corrosive waters) is not to be ruled out. It is up to the Astrologer to distinguish. Should the horoscope show no supersensible features, the native would simply, according to his degree of evolution, take to one or another form of violence against God, from vulgar blasphemy or oaths to blasphemous philosophic systems; attend the sophisticated orgies of the cream of society, or plunge headlong into ribald revelries; gain admission to Baudelaire’s artificial paradise or stoop to the fuddles of a miserable drunkard. This degree’s peculiar feature will give the bouts and feasts a ritual character making them nearly solemn, and will philosophically induce a mood of perverted mysticism, which can be observed easily in the systems inspired by it. At the lowest level of intelligence, this degree will produce a type of blasé townsman, looking at things with a Mephistophelian smile.


4-5 deg Cancer

In this degree there is a Libra-like strain coming to light as love of justice and truth. The native will be friendly and will feel the need to lean on someone else. A loving-or even passionate and sensual temper might give the male native many a headache, and might lead a woman into trouble. No adequate prudence balances the intensity of feelings. The native is better suited to win new friends than to keep the old ones and runs the risk of being seduced or easily deluded about the firmness of the ground on which to build his existence. In any event, there is an inordinate imagination and a misplaced confidence. Confronted with the unfairness and double-dealing of the world, the native’s a sense of justice will champ at the bit and rise in arms; he will call aloud for justice, will demand to have things straightened and facts revealed at any cost. Also, this rebellion will be naive, reckless, untimely and might even make things worse for the already deceived native, who is unfortunately not acted well enough with human baseness.


5-6 deg Cancer

Symbol: Alcibiades, walking through Athens with his famous dog, whose “most beautiful tail” he has cut.

The native is a spendthrift, devoid of practical sense. He is not devoid of heart and has much tact, but is persuaded that everything is due to him, and might, therefore, appear unjust. He is nice but vain, might sometimes sound high-flown or appear gaudy, but will give himself airs; nothing matches his fatuousness and extravagance. His recklessness might go so far as to bring about his own ruin. However, barring especially unfavorable aspects, Fortune’s boom are lavished upon this irresponsible being; he will gamble successfully, will have luck in absurd speculations against the most reasonable expectations, will reach what he has set his heart upon and go on throwing money out of the window with the utmost composure, certain that he will somehow manage to earn more. The rest of the horoscope is expected to tell us what all this will come to.


6-7 deg Cancer

Symbol: God Thor brandishing the thunderbolt hammer.

A genuine he-man, rugged, indomitable, apt to face and conquer any adversity. All the manliest features, a marked personality, a nature obviously above the average, strong and healthy instincts; no shilly-shallying, no retracing one’s steps; an extreme deliberateness, a lenience bearing no trace of weakness; a self-consciousness to which both showing off and false modesty are unknown. He has all the corresponding shortcomings. According to the Roman expression, the native “sees nobody in front of himself”; viz. has neither regards nor respects. He will show fight and violently react to anyone’s attempts to block his way or to undermine his ground. He takes for granted that he has been singled out to lead and to order all others about. Should the horoscope bear any other features pointing that way, that lack of regard might stray into ferocious brutality, that lordly spirit into arbitrary overbearing, that warlike strain into sheer quarrelsomeness, that superiority into selfishness, isolation and indifference to other people’s sufferings. The virile qualities will be courted and smiled upon by a true Fortuna Virilis. Of obscure or even very humble birth, the native will reach the top in his chosen career; unless unfavorably aspected elsewhere, he will have all his opponents topple and crash out of sight, and even before reaching the summit the conqueror will see no rivals around him.


7-8 deg Cancer

A lazy and sensuous being, much too prone to self-un diligence and wantonness.  But he has horse sense and a mind cut for life’s rough-and-tumble existence and is not totally destitute of that cunning that often replaces intelligence in fools. A general tendency to aberration and to illicit ties (in a woman this will mean easy seduction) will expose the native to The danger of adulteries or otherwise guilty intercourse threatening his married happiness and his renown. As he knows no measure, not even in speaking or in writing, he will be led to more or less serious indiscretions which, according to other pointers in the horoscope, may range from petty, mischievous gossip to veritable libel, from the dutiful snort of a crime to dilation, even to breach of friendly trust. Therefore, he might be sued for slander, not for abuse (unless other components give him courage enough to voice his opinions openly) as he is too cowardly to face directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronic scandalous and, if the horoscope helps, he may even lead paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters.


8-9 deg Cancer

Symbol: Spinning and weaving tools; spindle and loom

A hard working, patient, thrifty being, who will be only too modest and will that trifle of individual aggressiveness necessary for self-assertion. He will not be kept back by cowardice, but rather by a shy reserve, by an inborn, humble goodness making him put up with an obscure life in which he feels happy. It may take him long to make up his mind as to his own road, but once at it he will draw on all his resources in order to carry his work out to perfection, even in inconspicuous things, and will meet with real success in his own field. As with all shy people of this kind, he is apt to develop a great eloquence once he has conquered his inhibitions and will then move and stir his listeners all the more, finally overcoming the pent up feeling which made him tongue-tied. As he has an eminent juridical and social sense, he may make a good lawyer and a good political speaker, but will not become a king of the bar or a party leader, as he has not that minimum of charlatanism and intellectual exhibitionism needed. A less noble horoscope might lead the native into a police career, but his natural goodness will make him prefer the offices of the C.I.A. or a detective’s profession, to the direct guardianship of public order.


9-10 deg Cancer

A mighty and productive will power, firmness and decision, activity and steadiness. The native will be honest, generous and hard working; he will display a great vitality, both physically and mentally. He seems to be endowed with magnetic force. Luck will be deserved; his renown will be good. The native, or his undertakings, will give many people work and bread; his own work will thrive and he will reap the fruit thereof in his late years; all this provided that the rest of the pattern does not exclude success. The whole of the horoscope will show which is the pursued aim and on what plane the native’s activity will develop.


10-11 deg Cancer

Symbol: Some very young fishermen, still nearly boys, try to disentangle their boat stranded on a shoal and containing fishing tackle and string instruments for their leisure.

A perennially youthful and un experienced nature, its main features being artistic temperament, musical talents, bombproof optimism, enthusiastic impulsiveness, carefree merriness and reckless light-mindedness. The character needs guidance, as it is unfit for independent work. There will be repeated shipwreck. The native’s affairs will slacken often, and he will be left stranded. If very unfavorably expected elsewhere, a final failure might be expected. In most cases, however, the native will pull himself out of the scrape and begin all over again as if nothing had happened. There is one thing the native ought never to do, even if he dies to: to sail.


11-12 deg Cancer

An incurable sadness, a murky character, a taste for mournful and gruesome things. A destructive instinct; a mind bent on criticizing things and itself; always on demolishing, never on building up. There are the worst tendencies-a deep and pent up passion bound to break loose all of a sudden with tragic violence. The native is far from being sociable; on the contrary, he is cruel and arbitrary. He might be the author or the victim of a crime, as the pattern will show, toward life’s end. A certain skill in business is not unlikely; joy of work and constructive serenity are present.


12-13 deg Cancer

I, who can turn and change in a thousand ways. —Dante, Paradiso, 5,99......There is no learning if one does understand, remembers not. -Dante,ibid., 5,42 Science and wisdom. This degree is a lucky blend of taurine, mercurial and lunar features, endowing the mind with the brightest gifts; versatility and sharpness; deep understanding and a retentive memory; passion for learning and modesty in front of science; assimilation and originality; an inborn diplomatic aptitude. There might be peculiar faculties in the most different branches of learning, ranging from medicine to linguistics, from natural to occult sciences. A remarkable craftsmanship. All of which does not exclude a typically taurine nature; before getting one’s work in hand, there is an inner drag to overcome, but once started, the rut thus dug will make the going steady and smooth and will prevent interruption of the effort undertaken. An unsteady destiny, a mood liable to frequent change, owing to the native’s excessive sensitivity. In less good horoscopes, the frequent shifting from enthusiasm to depression might reach cyclothymia or dysthymia. The native’s youthful features, although promoting study, might prove harmful to the mind and might let it stay back into childishness. The family might try to hinder and thwart the native’s ideas or initiative. He seems likely to be destined to travel and change his residence often. His relatives, however, do not seem likely to hinder this.


13-14 deg Cancer

An inborn nobility, such as to raise a peasant’s son to a higher status on account of his native superiority; a natural sway over others, high feelings, kind manners. The native’s judgment will be right and will be listened to. He will be fond of art and, in art, of the sublime. Though usually smooth mannered, he might become boisterous at times owing to an excessive emotively. His mind’s adaptable manifoldness is, so to speak, boundless, and will balk at no practical problem. His favorite sciences are natural history (especially botany) and mathematics (above all, astronomy); among arts, poetry and painting and among crafts, gold smithy. Whether practicing them or not, the native will become a protector of arts as soon as he can. A fresh, healthy complexion, possibly doomed to wither early. The native’s marriage partner should come of a noble family; famous through its old lineage or through artistic achievements or otherwise. Usually there is plenty of luck, but the other components must be recognized.


14-15 deg Cancer

Symbol: A coil of rats’ tails in an attic And Jesus asked him, saying. What is thy name? And he said, Legion; because many devils were entered into him. — Luke 8:30

The native will unaccountably be laden with titles, honors and benefices in spite of his utter worthlessness, as he will be able to hide his slow wits and lack of personal ideas from the world’s gaze under a display of great self-assurance and successful bluff. An uninspiring and unimaginative crammer who never will attain real culture, a jingo rather than a patriot, sophisticatedly shallow and destitute of real personality, an empty renderer or even a vicious hypocrite, he never will be more than a stooge, ready nevertheless to deliver his void phrases with consequential pompousness and to cloak with hideous priggishness his blunt indifference for anything that does not touch him directly. A dull and sluggish being, possibly potbellied and anyway unable to move, he will have to make up for his lack of intelligence by having recourse to tricks. His only redeeming virtue will be a watchful and tireless attention paving his way to self-assertion, and a deep attachment to his home.


15-16 deg Cancer

Symbol: An eagle holding a snake in its claws.

This degree will grant courage, toughness, ready wit, inner and outer strength, a scheming and adroit mind, an intelligence that does not exclude cunning; in a word, all the makings of a great captain and the requirements for engaging in a successful battle. These traits will be enhanced by courteous manners, great tact and a good deal of tactical ability. The native’s foes will be his matches as far as gallantry and doggedness in fight goes, but will be unworthy of him for their unfairness and wickedness. A clue as to whether he will leave the battlefield as a conqueror or a loser may be drawn from his horoscope at large. But even in the latter case, his enemies will not be able to make him bite the dust.


16-17 deg Cancer

An apparently contradictory influence, as it seems to beget on one hand people in whose veins water runs instead of blood, and on the other, the sturdy leaders of the human herd. The key to this riddle is to be sought in this degree’s feature of extreme jumpiness; whatever amount of energy has fallen to the native’s share, it will be of an entirely nervous character, and will lead him on by leaps and bounds. Therefore, a close study is to be made of the planets ruling the nerves (Mercury, Uranus and Lilith) in connection with the ones ruling will power (Sun, Mars and Pluto). Whether the character is weak or strong, there is no room for prejudice or superstition. The intelligence is deep, lively, original, though discontinuous; there is great executive ability and a high education. If favorably aspected, the native might become an explorer, a pioneer, a political or religious reformer, never an impassive or a phlegmatic being. Provided that Jupiter does not stop him, he will go very far.


17-18 deg Cancer

The subject is weak with himself, has unhealthy tastes and an unbalanced will; he is cowardly and overbearing, shy and foolhardy, intrusive and lazy. His whole life is aimed at pleasure; he loves gambling most. When his money and vigor run low, or when he is sated and disappointed with life and has exhausted all other ways to enjoy himself, he will seal his own ruin by taking to booze and dope. Should other factors concur, his likely pitfalls will be sharpening, misuse of trust, embezzlement, theft, rape, corruption of minors, and homosexuality. Should the stars portend mental deficiency as well, the native could even stoop to murder. (Criminology teaches that stupid thieves kill and clever ones steal without attempting to take their victims’ lives.)


18-19 deg Cancer

Symbol: A renaissance gentleman, sword and dagger at his side, plays the flute before a book-stand on which an ancient illuminated score rests.

Other courtiers stand respectfully around. Gallantry in war, civil courage, a great passion and gift for art, a taste for polemics. The native will be capable of profound thought, will love books and research and will hold, for all his refinement, a marked sway over others. His is a terribly difficult character. He will be apt to fly off the handle for a trifle; he will be very kind when not roused, but will frighten everyone when angered. Should the horoscope bear evil influences, his artistic gifts would degenerate into histrionics, his gallantry into quarrelsomeness, his spirit of research into fruitless bookishness. Great as the genius bestowed by this degree may be, it does neither give nor deny a creative turn of mind by itself; it only secures success in rendering and performing other people’s works (as a dramatic actor, an opera singer, an orchestra player or conductor). That he may work creatively himself, he needs other stars to determine in what particular art, or other trade, his talent or genius may take concrete shape. The parents might be of illustrious descent, even if they do not display their title officially.


19-20 deg Cancer

Symbol: A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace “Masters is what dogs have” popular Italian proverb.

The native never will be in want of either a piece of bread or of a roof. Though poor, he has, all considered, an easy life of it. His days are spent in blissful idleness. An easy life, not a dignified one. He cannot even think of being independent; as soon as the old master has gone, he will look for a new one. When kicked, he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him. I think he cannot lead an independent life because nothing weighs so heavily on his shoulders as a personal responsibility or thinking with his own head. Should the master allow him a minimum of authority over others, he will misuse it or at least make a display of it in front of those less well dressed. A lustful and lazy being, of ready wit and watchful character, he wants to be left in peace-that is, in idleness-and does not bear anyone other than his master daring to prod him in the ribs to rouse him from his slumber (“Do not rouse a sleeping dog” —Italian proverb.) For his master he has a faithful attachment which is both base and heroic, despicable and moving. A thorough craven, he will boast of his master’s valiant deeds; in his own utter poverty, he will brag of his master’s wealth. The native is hale and hearty, though no great friend of water and soap. Though he is financially poor, as we said, this poverty is at times the result of an heritage too costly for his income, which it would be wise to waive, though none would dare advise him to do so. A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would die rather than forget it. What has been said till now about the native’s despicable nature ought not to deceive us as to the real, indisputable usefulness of his task. As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, are all necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female.


20-21 deg Cancer

A sociable disposition, perhaps not free from inquisitiveness. The native’s mental makeup is supple and fit for scientific research, if it were not for its jumpiness, its unsteadiness, and its scarce faith in success. There is a marked ambition, but success depends on other factors; should these offset the subject’s fickleness, he could exert some authority over others. But even in the exercise of this authority, his mind will trifle its power away and luck will not become more constant, nay perhaps it will prove treacherous. What is certain is the native’s love of travel, a veritable craze for journeys, which, however, may prove far from lucky.


21-22 deg Cancer

Symbol: A hothouse for exotic flowers.

A haughty, fussy, dazzlingly showy, vain and lustful being, this native will incline toward a fantastic mood, driving her wayward refinement to the verge of morbid freakishness. She is inclined to strain at a gnat and to swallow a camel, this crotchetiness being perhaps due to an intensely artificial upbringing. Where other factors bear it out, the native’s life might end painfully or tragically, and a pall of gloom might set upon those forced to live in the enervating, stifling air this being spreads around herself. There is a great fondness of one’s home. An interesting detail is love of perfume. The native might unconsciously absorb other people’s vitality (what Indians call prana).


22-23 deg Cancer

An inborn drive to rise higher and higher, to step aside from the beaten track and to follow new, untried paths. Other pointers have to show whether this impulsiveness will stray into fitful unbridles, rudeness or brutality, or open its way upward into selfless dedication to an idea. The need to soar may be taken in a literal (mountaineering, aviation), financial or spiritual sense. In any case, the danger of tumbling on the way is attendant upon this degree, as well as a manly daring and the chance of overcoming all obstacles at the end of’ the road, thus victoriously winding up the climb to the peak of glory or, in an humbler way, the scaling of a still un trodden mountain top. The whole of the pattern will give a clue to the particular case. Anyway, the native is no common being, as he seems to dispose of always fresh energies and exceptional gifts; but he is unsteady and, at times, too rash. Great is his love of nature, irresistible his need to wander and open up unexplored territories. In a humble horoscope, he will be an alpine guide; when the necessary scientific features are present, he might become a great explorer. According to seer Chasuble, this degree rules over work connected with catering for the public and produces innkeepers, managers of restaurants, or butchers; which I am quoting here under his responsibility. I personally think that an uncommon gift of gab has fallen to the native’s share, enabling him to shine as a teacher.


23-24 deg Cancer

Symbol: On a mountain peak, a fortress-like cloister, whose abbot is engrossed with the neighboring region.

The native’s soaring ambition is fanned by great qualities and as great failings; it takes but little help by other astrologic factors to have that ambition satisfied even beyond expectations. This degree grants ,an inborn prestige, admirable courage and untiring industriousness, but a snake-like hypocrisy as well, a tendency to cool-blooded, ruthless scheming, a mean way of cowering and cringing until the desired aim and the attending distinctions are in sight. Such vices are hard to sublimate into virtues. The native’s religious spirit would offer a chance, although exactly the contrary-namely, perversion of that outer intolerant and hypocritical formalism-might be expected. But the importance of the other factors and their marshalling, can never be overstressed. There will be no lack of enemies, whom the native will not fear. He may instead go out of his own way to bargain with them, if this can lift him but one step higher. As soon as he has the whole flight of steps behind himself, he will have them all under his heels and will rule over them all as a tyrant.


24-25 deg Cancer

Symbol: A wild horse

The strongest man is the one who stands most alone. Ibsen, An Enemy of the People A high-spirited being, full of noble purposes and setting his aims high, cherishing freedom above all earthly things and driving this love so far as to stray away from his kind into silence and seclusion. If other stars help, this will not prevent his doing great works likely to exert a deep influence on his neighbors and to leave a mark in history. The secret of his success is his unshakable self-confidence supported by a fiery will. Under less favorable influences his daring may become a reckless love of adventure, his zest for work wild and fickle fanaticism, his lofty aspirations selfish ambitions. Travel will play some role in his life. Concurrent emergence of suitable factors might make him into a pioneer.


25-26 deg Cancer

A fickle, inconsequent or shilly-shallying character, a shifty destiny, foreboding pitfalls. This native’s conflicting features will be a soaring mind and an eager lustfulness; religiousness and recklessness; a bright mentality adorned with good taste and dialectic drive, at a loss in front of the practical problems of everyday life. The native is blessed by a sincere good heartedness, a poetical turn of mind and a generosity bordering on lavishness. The tumbles that destiny has in store for the native might affect his financial life (bankruptcy) as well as his health (bodily falls). Therefore, violent sports, air travel and alpinism ought to be discouraged.


26-27 deg Cancer

An exceptionally good, mild and conciliating being, the native’s keynote is a thorough and essential passivity. He might even carry out great works, which, however, he will not have undertaken himself; he might be a model of perseverance and hard work, but will sit pretty when no-one else prods him in the ribs. In a word, he has been born to obey, and only in a subordinate position can his diligence result in useful work. The only initiative such a meek and un ambitious fellow can take is to patch up quarrels. He has a slow, short-sighted, blunt intelligence.


27-28 deg Cancer

The native is deeply in love with nature and its beauty, its contemplation being for him a source of fresh strength. He abhors whatever is unnatural and can be naturally kind and attract lasting affections. He lives in harmony with the cosmos and the beings inhabiting it. Yet he can display a remarkable political skill and a more remarkable administrative ability. Barring pointers to the contrary, the native is sure to get money galore as soon as he is of age, whatever the conditions of his family at his birth. Unfortunately, the gift for earning money might be warped into greed, and his foresight into stinginess. On the other hand, even that admiration of natural beauty might edge off into loafing, political tact give way to scheming, servile or even worse; even the relations with one’s neighbors might turn into rivalry. Only a look at the whole can enlighten us as to the right meaning one can ascribe in each concrete case to this dual influence.


28-29 deg Cancer

Where there are pointers of honesty and decency, this degree bestows a superior intelligence and a sense for business. Unfavorably aspected, it will produce a low cunning leading to unscrupulous doings, cheating, and even theft. Strange as it may seem, the native tends by nature to be shy, yielding, self-conscious, and close. Such a pliancy will remarkably relieve the educator’s task, provided he can see through his pupil, but will increase the danger of evil as well. Should other astrologic factors concur, an unhappy end might be foreseen: jail, death sentence, violent death and the like. The ambushes of men and fate are, in any event, to be feared.


29-30 deg Cancer

As are all over-compensated half-wits, the native is firmly persuaded that other people’s opinions count for nothing. As far as he is personally concerned, no-one can deny him a certain ready wit, a certain insight and a degree of psychological penetration, or the sense of justice. But unless very favorably aspected elsewhere, he cannot be expected to be modest and to harbor any feelings of human brotherhood. His force does not lie in his thought, but in his will power, which, if backed by other good aspects elsewhere, can really be above average. He will disdainfully reject help and shun dependence, plunge boldly into action and engage single handed in fierce struggles-and will still succeed best in that very field any logical mind would deem the least congenial to him, namely, government career. He might take to the sea and have to stand the hardest ordeals and face the worst dangers in his career, which, in the light of abstract reasoning, would seem to fit him to a tee.


0-1 deg Leo

Symbol: Alone and weaponless, Samson tears up with his bare hands the lion come to attack him “Out of the eater came forth meat and out of the strong came forth weakness.” Judges 14:14

But for modesty, the native is endowed with all the qualities required to master himself and others. A man of high standing, he will reap victory over his enemies. Should he curb his inborn daring and strength with mildness and restraint, he might become a benefactor of his own subjects. Otherwise his exceptional power and unchallenged faith in himself will drift into high-handedness, inner dignity will stray into exterior pompousness; the flattering of men and the enticements of women around him to which he is apt to lend much too willing an ear, will prove his undoing. The native’s karma might be bound or interwoven with that of his nation, a thing of which he might have to bear the consequences as well for evil (obscurity and oblivion, at least for awhile) as for good (lasting renown). The horoscope is a whole will have to lead the interpretation on this point.


1-2 deg Leo

Symbol: A rudderless ship, prey to the waves.

Danger of ship wreck ahead. Devoid of moral strength, lacking decision and self appreciation. This one hundred and twenty-second degree of the zodiac is the reverse of the previous one, though, being in common with it, exposed to trouble and having karmic connections with the surrounding community. The native is besides a nervous and oversensitive subject. He might often bean artist, and might be blind sometimes to his own uncommon gifts. Unable to steer the course of his own life, he will go adrift materially and spiritually, will be tossed and bounced right and left. The omen of the shipwreck might literally come true; there might be shipwreck in the real sense of the word.


2-3 deg Leo

Symbol: A newly born lion cub, its eyes still shut.

This symbol, while on one side pointing to the un ripeness of the native’s lion nature, emphasizes on the other side what chances he has to progress. The horoscope as a whole will show whether the native will be able to open his eyes within the bounds of this one embodiment, and whether he will succeed in gradually developing the powers he hides slumbering in himself. If so, stumbling and tottering, forcing his way through pitfalls and thorny briers, he will work himself up to the highest peaks of human achievement. Then the very utter of his ignorance and his native childishness might enable him to do some great and original work, untrammeled as lie is by the yoke of scholastic tradition. His very lack of moral tenets might lead him up to a noble and freer stale of morality, where convention and prejudice play no part. In front of the mystery of the universe he might preserve that divine sense of wonder from which the sophisticated fool struggles to free himself. All this might happen. The subject is, of course, unlikely to follow the entire path of such an evolution till its end within the short span of one earthly life. In most cases he will be able to open his eyes only in a following embodiment, in the present one the native is likely to grope in the dark. Even worse, pushed back on his defensive by the first rude jolts from the outside world, and unable to account for them, he might freeze into immobility, shun any further struggle and take a mistrustful attitude toward life, Thus, while trying to avoid development through experience, he never will avoid suffering. Driven by his childish nature, he will flare up quickly into a mood of unjustified elation, and will subside into discouragement and despair even more quickly. An extremely lively but unruly imagination, eager but fruitless passionate, inconsequent behavior, as one aimlessly fumbling in the dark. The subject is not to be relied upon.


3-4 deg Leo

Symbol: On the polar pack a white bear lies in ambush by a cleft, waiting for a seal to emerge for air All virtues born of prudence and reserve; and all attendant vices as well: suspiciousness, cunning, and malice.

The native might display great activity and practical sense and might push his endurance in work to a superhuman level, but always with some selfish goal in sight. His gaze is sharp and unfailing, but he will not make up his mind before ripe reflection. He will be constant in love, unflinching in hatred; he will make a staunch, devoted friend and a formidable foe, who will hardly fail to take revenge sooner or later for any offense, mighty as the offender may be. His wrath will not seek an immediate outlet; he will bide his time like a well-laid trap ready to snap. Only after detecting the vulnerable side of the one who harms him or hurts his feelings, he will strike with ruthless deliberation. His success seems to be bound to travels, especially overseas. He is likely to draw the greatest profit from his native cunning and practical sense for trade and diplomacy. The rest of the pattern will supply more precise details.


4-5 deg Leo

Symbol: A snake.

It is a degree of un generosity. The native has something eluding grasp and will slip away from your hands on the very moment you think you have caught him. He will delve deep into the most hermetical sciences, whether material or spiritual; tackle intricate and baffling problems and master their result with matchless skill, but the work thus done he will turn to his own exclusive profit. A thankless egotist, with a strain of mockery and skepticism, cunning in spite of his undeniable intelligence; full of lust but not its slave; jealous of his discoveries and venomous toward his rivals and opponents, the native will be able to reach success, but will fail to achieve the glory or popularity he craves and can reasonably expect. It is not even to be ruled out that he will have to suffer-and much at that-and leave his native country under grave circumstances. He had better avoid positions of responsibility, refrain from running any concern on his own, and put up with a lower status than he is bargaining for, living up to it in the quietest possible way.


5-6 deg Leo

Symbol: A man of stately appearance, riding a horse, brandishes a sword.

A snake lifts its head between the animal’s hocks. Bodily strength and inner power, which might degenerate into material and moral violence; daring bordering on recklessness; fondness of sport contests, weapons, polemics and duels, with a quarrelsome bent toward aggression in word and fact. The native might have a mission to fulfill might become a great military or political ruler and stand out like a giant. Something, however, will undermine his greatness at its very foundations; his inordinate pride or his self-ostentation.,


6-7 deg Leo

Symbol: A man riding a lion.

The native is a tamer born and none is possessed of a greater instinctive gift for ruling human beasts-or wild animals, should the stars point to it. On the noblest souls this degree may bestow a nearly heavenly wisdom such as to transcend human reason and connect the individual with the Whole. The subject might then attain the gift of prophecy, or better, be enlightened with a nearly divine sense of the universal mystery and of the infinite. In less exalted beings we may find a more or less earthly wisdom, a direct, non-rational insight into reality or, in a still humbler way, into practical problems. Whatever the field the stars allot to the native for his activity, he will hold a natural sway over others and direct them at will or, according to his whims, as if he could dispose of supernatural means. Should luck be on his side it would not be risky to forecast that he will become the pivot of the circle-whatever its size-where he lives and works, that he will step into the limelight in spite of his doggedness opponents and will outshine even much worthier rivals. According to Charubel there is sympathy between this degree and 7 degree Libra. I contend that this sympathy ought to extend to the whole of Libra.


7-8 deg Leo

Symbol: The burning bush.

In a highly spiritual horoscope this degree’s influence will endow the native with the power of heavenly fire surging forth with ardor unquenchable, unsullied, and all-consuming. Its light will be hidden from the sight of the unworthy and might even stay invisible to most eyes or escape notice altogether. In the bush blazing with unearthly flame, much-too-human beings will fail to see the light of the Absolute and will be alive only to the fact that the thorns in the bush sting anyone attempting to violate its mystery. Such are the conflicting features of the zodiac’s one hundred twenty eighth degree; fieriness along with reserve; aims sublime yet secret; a nature flashing with hope and led by the most generous impulses of self-denial, yet constantly on its defensive, as the thorns and the flames in the bush clearly imply. On the contrary, should the horoscope as a whole point to a lustful nature, the Lion’s eighth degree would shift to its opposite polarity and, instead of a divine imprint, give it a luciferic bent. The burning bush will thus change into the lunar devilish image of Cain and the thorns. Then an unquenchable passion, impure yet devoid of hidden motives and mental reservations, will slowly and steadily eat up the whole being, body and soul. The fire might not die out before having wasted the mind to its innermost reserves and burnt out the organism to its last shred. Even a third case is possible: when the stars point to neither outspokenly spiritual nor lustful features, and the whole pattern appears uninspiring and mean, the subject proves a modest being of limited scope. The degree’s fire then will enter the existence from outside. The native’s activity might be bound to the fiery element, giving him a chance to rise to success and even to emerge into fame (should the whole contain hints of luck). Such might be the case of a smith working his way up to becoming an artistically gifted craftsman, or an industrialist running a successful foundry; also of a fireguard meeting an heroic death and rising to short-lived fame. Whether heavenward or earthbound, such a mind will be ruled by instinct rather than by reason. His spirit of justice and honesty, his sense of unalloyed integrity and fairness, often would entitle the native to a higher social status than he occupies.


8-9 deg Leo

Symbol: A great show of fireworks. Rockets, bombs and tourbillions unfold their dazzling pattern in the sky.

The native’s talk also will sound like a show of fireworks. The positive side of this influx is its utter distinction and refinement. The native is keenly aware of his own worth, has self-respect and commands respect from others; has sincerity, grandeur and elegance at the same time. Overdone and disfigured, all these virtues might present themselves in the shape of defects or even vices. We shall then meet a vain haughtiness, as contemptible as full of contempt, an antisocial and destructive character, apt to burst out into fits of rage. There will be a vain self-ostentation, a misplaced fastidiousness, a splash of dazzling extravagance, a splurge of rank pageantry devoid of any inner foundation. In other words, a lot of money will go up in smoke; the permanent will be sacrificed to the transitory, the useful to the pleasant, and substance to appearance. In particularly unfavorable horoscopes the virtue of sincerity will disappear and the nastiest surprise might be expected. The native seems, however, to have luck on his side. He might travel to places very far away.


9-10 deg Leo

Symbol: Death, holding the scythe.

Ananke! In a previous life the native has taken someone’s life in cold blood, but not for selfish purposes. Therefore he is either an instrument of fate or its victim. Whether good or bad, such a man is destined to destroy, not to create. In extremely lucky horoscopes the native is an indomitable being. No-one can oppose his cunning and his cool determination. He can bide his time, but will not argue or listen to objections when he has made up his mind to act. Nothing equals his timeliness, nothing can shake his deliberation. You might ward him off for awhile but never finally thwart his plans, as he simply will lie in wait for a better opportunity to strike again, this time more unpredictably and more decidedly than before. He knows neither privileges nor distinctions; all are equal in his eyes; and he cannot bear the big shots. If he is good (which is not excluded even side by side with the ruthless will power we credit him with) he will extend his kindness and hospitality even to the undeserving. If he is bad, nothing will limit his capacity for evil; no-one will deserve pity in his eyes, no power on earth will be able to ward off his murderous hand. So far the extreme cases. The average man born under this influence will inherit only its destructive bent and will not be able to build anything on earth. Death’s wing will be ever at his side, ready to carry off his dear ones, his irreplaceable cooperators, or himself. His best-engineered plans will stay fruitless, his earthly work remain unachieved. Others might reap what he sows down here. He can sow only for eternity.


10-11 deg Leo

Symbol: A very young woman lifting her dress.

An impulsive, restless temperament bent on all pleasures and devoid of inhibitions. The character is weak and open both to enticements and to bad advice from other people. At life’s turning points there is a dangerous tendency to lose control. As the native is good-natured, very sociable and endowed with precocious gifts and attractive brightness, one is likely to be lenient toward his excesses, which are apt to be labeled as the wayward youth extravagance peculiar to budding genius. A bright promise which is hardly ever kept; in spite of current opinion no-one will achieve artistic creation who does not submit himself to a hard, unrelenting rule, in possible contradiction to the accepted middle-class morality, but still to be observed with an inflexibility unknown to the nameless mediocrity. Many wonder children will be born under this sign.


11-12 deg Leo

Symbol: A fair lady dressed with Christian modesty and uncommon elegance.

Life under this lucky star will be sheltered against storms and earthquakes and will glide along thriftily and smoothly. Wealth accruing to the native from inheritance or dowry, barring indications to the contrary, will give him a measure of independence, saving him at the same time the trouble of striving after money, as either the native personally or the native’s marriage partner, or both, will be born rich unless, as I have said before, the stars point to the contrary. Even if not possessed of any relevant wealth, the marriage partner certainly will bring the most welcome gifts, above all, the gift of making the other partner happy, but may well be possessed of both. A sound, straight, inner felt moral code; a sensible and fair behavior; an instinctive reserve; an easy and gentle firmness of character; a natural balance of feelings—these are the virtues completing the picture. Outward success ought not to fail; even fame might be attained if the pattern as a whole is favorable, though the native’s name is not likely to survive him. Should other aspects point to renown, this ought to dim after the subject’s death. Whatever the native’s merits, even if very high, his renown will be greater than reasonably expected among his contemporaries, and less than his due among his posterity.


12-13 deg Leo

Symbol: A black ball.

All good and bad features of an extreme steadfastness and positivism; on one hand, firmness, constancy, sturdiness, endurance in exertion and a sense of phenomenal reality; on the other hand, stubbornness, restiveness, pigheadedness, hypercritical skepticism and unappeasable lustfulness. As a result, the sources of income and means of subsistence are lastingly assured—nay, too lastingly— which might hinder and thwart progress, even mobility in general. There is no enthusiasm, no spiritual urge, no faith in men or in the future, not to speak of faith in God. The character is, therefore, skittish, sullen, sometimes cynical, often unpleasant on account, or in spite of, the fact that the native professes very firm principles and sticks to them. Whatever his luck, the subject never feels happy and is therefore in a state of constant dissatisfaction.


13-14 deg Leo

Symbol: A waterfall, on its bank a deserted mill. A rainbow rises from the spray.

This influence tends to promote an intensely spiritual and artistic life and to damp the native’s practical and businesslike faculties. There is no lack of intelligence, but a marked absence of executive skill, so that the native’s abstract ingenuity does not prevent his feeling helpless and shilly-shallying when confronted with the small problems of everyday life. As a result, in the outward sphere uncontrolled impulses and noble urges prevail upon organized activity. The subject does not either feel it in himself or bring his influence to bear on others in any given direction. When they cannot praise a girl for either her looks or her wits, they say of her in France, as a piece of mischievous cold comfort, that she is “so fond of her mother anyway.” But this can be said in all earnestness of the native, who is really attached to his parents. If these have bequeathed him any estate, it will dwindle away sooner or later, as the heir is nearly always an inefficient, often idle, idealist, lost to material reality in his worship of the sublime and his love of the beautiful.


14-15 deg Leo

Symbol: Odin, in a wanderer’s disguise, brandishing the magic spear, hits the ground and rouses the thunder.

Inborn power and superiority over others; whether bodily or moral or else, other pointers in the horoscope must decide. The native is conscious of his own worth, whatever it might be. In well developed beings this degree will nurture lofty aspirations and inner pride; in the corner ones It will lead to vain ambitions and display. Something special will single out the subject anyhow, be it for good or evil, through bright mental gifts or spiritual prominence, through money or even brute force; in what manner and how far will depend, as mentioned above, on the other threads in the astrological pattern. But whoever is born under this sign is very likely to become a ruler in some sense and to have the makings for it as well; he is likely to couple his inborn power with kindness and human warmth, and to win many friends. This can even go so far as to entangle all mental activities in social life, in which case the native is in for a more or less wide popularity as the soul of dancing patties and the organizer of merrymaking. Barring indications to the contrary, travels in connection with friendships or social engagements can be foreseen, as for instance on friends’ or relatives’ invitation, journeys undertaken in order to assist friends, etc.


15-16 deg Leo

Symbol: A baby giant riding an unharnessed ass.

An impulsive, enthusiastic and demonstrative nature, impatient of discipline and advice, stubborn and foolhardy, hard to repress and to check. An open-hearted, generous and affectionate friend, he will make an uncomfortable and often dangerous enemy. To all this he adds the utmost frugality, thanks to which he might bear the distress his un ripeness is more than likely to bring upon him. Potentially a man of many sports, endowed with a lopsided but bright and sometimes outstanding intelligence; he is conspicuous for the utmost development of some of his gifts and the utter infancy of other sides of his being, which exposes him to the risk of wasting his mental power on childish trifles. There will be a tendency to a large body size; great head, broad hands, tall stature, etc.


16-17 deg Leo

Symbol: A dromedary.

An extremely outstanding personality. The native will cut out a place for himself in all he does, supported by a fierce, altogether indomitable nature, an inexhaustible energy, an exceptional resistance to exertion, a toughness, a sturdiness and a steadfastness ready to stand any test. On the reverse side of the coin appear petty formality, headstrongness, bad manners, a wild roughness and sometimes even ferocity. Mindful of benefits as well as of injuries, he simply cannot dispense with the glee of revenge. Strangely enough, though fond of display and notoriety, he is apt to turn a deaf ear to the often vicious taunts and snubs leveled at his surly character, as only what may harm him is an offense in his eyes, and such complaints against him as may end by enhancing his renown as an awe-inspiring being are far from displeasing to him. Lucky and endowed with an inventive turn of mind, he will reap abroad the success to which his long toils and his often gigantic works entitle him. Material danger might, however, lie in wait for him, either on his journeys or on his undertakings and might stand in his way to wealth and renown.


17-18 deg Leo

An uncommon mind, thorough and brilliant at the same time, qualified both to create by itself and to successfully assimilate other people’s hunches and doctrines. The native’s personality is a powerful one and will leave its mark; obscure as his birth may be, he will rise to distinction through his own ingenuity. By dint of hard work and such a toil as may let him appear a drudge and a grinder, he will get in his life the share he deserves and, as he is not duly endowed with intellectual gifts, but kind, generous and plucky, he will win many hearts.


18-19 deg Leo

Should the horoscope as a whole show outstanding features in point of originality or initiative, the mysterious component of this degree then would make itself felt as a force not of this world, which through often superhuman ordeals can lead the native beyond all earthly limitations (e.g., prevalence of the Fire element, more planets in the house of spirit, role of Neptune, etc.-spirituality besides, for what concerns originality and initiative, a strong component in Aries, well posited Sun or Mars, majority of planets in the east, rulers of the Ascendant dignified, plenty of planets in the house of personality, etc.) But as it is not within everyone’s power to go through fire without being burned, less exceptional beings may register only the discordant harmonics of this influence. This is why we shall find little personal initiative, productiveness, or practical aptitude in the man in the street born under this sign, and usually nothing but a certain aesthetic taste. Apart from this, the native is utterly devoid of initiative and seems born to serve, or at least to obey. But, surprisingly enough, a senseless and stubborn arrogance sets him against those worthier, mightier and better than himself. What in higher beings is contempt for the world, or conquest of what the Church defines as human respect becomes, in lower individuals, grudge against mankind and unjustified rebellion against public opinion. Which will only call for sharp reproof from his neighbors, and for harsh but deserved lessons. The native is heading for more than one fall. But never fear! He will always fall on his own legs as, even thus distorted, this degree’s providential component will still make itself felt.


19-20 deg Leo

A strong character, resentful of outward restraint and impatient of any fetters; a bright and manifold intelligence, an intuitive and imaginative mind. Famous and influential people will like and support the native, who will enjoy also the friendship and cooperation of the best minds. In a word, all the makings of success; which, however, will keep him long waiting. For quite a time every effort will stay fruitless, every undertaking will seem doomed to failure, no sizable result will be apparent. He will have to start all over again. Unwavering steadfastness is the catchword here; try and try again. Luck is likely to await the native far away from home. A diplomatic career, a commercial or industrial agency abroad, or other such activities might suit him. Destiny seems anyhow to be bound to paper, as to documents or other writings, drawings or engravings.


20-21 deg Leo

Symbol: Isis’ Key

The native is a ruler born, but his sway over others has nothing challenging, high-handed or overbearing; it is but the expression of a surging inner strength, based on a perfect harmony between power and action, on a deep knowledge of human nature and life’s laws. There is a highly developed power of mental concentration and insight into others’ characters, from which the native draws a clairvoyance and a foresight that might seem supernatural. An uncommon intelligence and an outstanding memory complete the excellence of such a mind. In the field of human relations, a very kindly and hospitable touch, an utter sincerity coupled with the strictest discretion, a distinguished handling of people, full of worldly wisdom and yet above any diplomatic double dealing, will earn the native widespread popularity and will win him loyal friends. Unless ominously aspected elsewhere, the native ought to obtain success. It is not to be ruled out that he is on his way to initiation; he may even be a master already.


21-22 deg Leo

Symbol: Ecce Homo!

As we had to remark above (e.g., about 19 degree Leo, 24 deg Taurus, etc.) this degree also possesses such a transcendent influence that no soul less than heavenly can bear it with impunity. Such enthusiasm and blindness to the world’s mean ways, such candid artlessness as are induced by this sign can only be-without any possible compromise-the mark of a saint or that of a nincompoop. The native is his own worldly fortune’s worst enemy and he will let those who ought to respect him most fleece him and cover him with abuse. Should he stand-nay, desire-all of this out of his love for Jesus Christ, should he give himself over wholly to the service of suffering mankind and bear any disgrace in order to allay the most horrible social evils, should his astrological pattern, side by side with his primitive naivety, ascribe him an heroic character and a superhuman thoroughness, he then would rise to such a height as St. John of the Cross or Jacopone da Todi, as the case may be. Then the crowds would end by paying, however late, their tribute of honor and worship to the one in whose face they had spat. On the other hand, should the horoscope be an indifferent one or simply not an exceptional one, the native would grow into a weak and powerless being, giddy and hotheaded, a prey to anyone willing to take advantage of him. In any case, this degree implies danger from swiftly progressing illnesses and from fire. The holy man might die while tending the plague-stricken; the fool might die of his own imprudence.


22-23 deg Leo

Symbol: Janus, the two-faced god.

(As everyone knows, Janus’ temple, shut in peacetime, was opened in time of war, that the god might go thence and lead the army to victory.) This is the great war leaders’ degree, although it does make not only the warriors but the authors of doctrines as well; the trailblazers of new thoughts and sciences, the legendary founders of traditions. The native never will deny or despise the past but, on the contrary, will draw enlightenment for the future from its study. The secret of the native’s ascendancy, enabling him to get many followers and to steer them along as he likes, is to be sought in his mind’s superiority, which is based not so much on its power as on its unique type. This original and many-sided intellect, often capable of more than one work at a time, is coupled with a stunning psychical insight, a deep knowledge of human characters, an inborn aptitude for treating each person differently and for conquering everyone’s heart. He is, moreover, possessed of alertness and penetration, a powerful and well-trained memory, and a subtle diplomatic sense. Although this is a war leader’s degree, the native will appreciate greatly the benefits of peace and culture. Possibly many of those Renaissance condottieri were born under this sign, who opened their way to leadership with the force of arms to become from then on the protectors of the painters, poets and artists of their age and who held in their courts scientific and literary academies.


23-24 deg Leo

Symbol: A scene from Sienkiewicz Quo Vadis; gigantic Ursus, the slave, chops wood in his royal mistress’ yard.

Apart from whatever other astrological factors there may be, this degree tends to produce the typical figure of the good giant, so dear to late romanticism. A modest, utterly un ambitious, wild and childishly artless, friendly, clumsily devoted being, he loves the rough toils allotted to him since his birth and displays the greatest painstakingness even in the longest and hardest labors. He is very fond of the country and especially of the woods, as he feels at home only in primitive surroundings. His honest and faithful nature might make him dear to beings more developed than himself. His roughness does not exclude either a rudimental kind of musing about religious matters or a deep effort to grasp and follow a higher or less primitive moral code than the jungle law; if the pattern as a whole points to a very clever, cultivated being, this feature may be interpreted as portending conversion to another religious faith. According to the seer Charubel, the native must move only southwest of his or her place of birth and trade in only white things or white animals. To him goes the responsibility for such details.


24-25 deg Leo

Symbol: A man swimming in the waters of the sea.

Should the other threads in the pattern correct the negative sides of this degree, the native’s work would yield splendid results. This is, however, unlikely to happen, as his otherwise gifted, enterprising nature is hampered by his lack of stability and his aversion to steady effort. His taste is refined but lustful, his disposition sensitive but an easy prey to passions and craving for pleasures. The native is in for hard struggles and not with the brightest of perspectives, as both his possessions and his trade skirt disaster through intemperance. The native is awfully fond of the sea and might sometimes be fond of the sport of fishing. Unlucky aspects might induce death either through drowning or stifling.


25-26 deg Leo

Symbol: A tiller breaking the soil with a hoe.

If other astrologic aspects bear it out, the native will be a deep investigator of nature and will love it from the depth of his soul. A clever and unrelenting worker, he will be modest and stubborn enough to shoulder willingly the hard, ungrateful tasks which the majority shuns, but which tasks are necessary to science and society. Luck is likely to reward the native’s firmness and practical skill with well-deserved success, welfare and even renown. As the seer Charubel has it, the native’s lucky direction ought to be north of his birthplace, which piece of advice I am repeating here on his trust.


26-27 deg Leo

Symbol: Thrusting at it with his pruning bill, hitting it with a stick and pelting it with stones, a  boy plucks the berries of a wild bush jutting off a crag.

This degree, like the former one, makes the native hard working and efficient; but in all the rest the two degrees differ greatly as this one plunges the native headlong into rash action aiming at immediate results, whereas the former one induces a level-headed, constant, peaceful and self- effacing effort. Moreover, we are confronted here with a first-rate polemic mind, which may at times drift into quarrelsome recklessness and change the subject into a downright wrangle. It is also to be remarked that the native’s industriousness is directed mainly toward works which, useful or even indispensable as they may be, result in a measure of destruction. Therefore, he is likely to reap more notoriety than affection, and will in extreme cases run the risk of bodily attack and violent death. Nor is the blow sure to be driven by an enemy. The rebounding stone may hit the thrower; after the seer Charubel, he has to beware of things falling by accident. The seer goes so far as to discourage work or residence at the foot of high buildings. To quote him again, and on his own responsibility, ‘the native ought to go south of his birthplace.


27-28 deg Leo

Symbol: Two friends shaking hands.

Natives exhibiting the marks of industriousness elsewhere in their pattern may only profit from this influence. It will make them into honest, fair, humane people whom everyone will find attractive and easy to deal with. They will promote-or contribute to-the setting up of cooperatives, cultural societies, social foundations, etc. Should the horoscope lack any indication of useful work besides enjoyable pastimes, the native’s gifts for efficiency and thoroughness would find no expression and would waste away in idle chatter and futile social events. Those who look at human and personal ambition as a desirable gift would be disappointed by its conspicuous absence here, as the subject’s only ambition lies in furthering human cooperation, in promoting or supporting collective work and spreading harmony around himself. Therefore, in the absence of any marks of financial luck, this idealist might bring about his own ruin. The seer Charubel discourages travel; according to him the native’s luck might be bound to what the Earth’s bosom yields, be it mineral ore or archaeological remains. As above, I leave to him the responsibility for these statements.


28-29 deg Leo

Symbol: Two newlyweds exchanging the wedding ring.

As to the influence of this degree on the native’s mind, see the foregoing one. As to the course of life, the following difference is to be remarked: there friendship and social intercourse took up the subject’s activity entirely, here family life is the pivot. The native may have to marry more than once, hut great pains might have to be endured through the partner’s divorce or death; happiness in marriage, general luck and a quiet old age spent in pleasant recollection of good work done are to be expected. About the native’s mind, one-peculiar feature stands out-a gift for mathematics, which often will stay unheeded, unexploited, unknown to its very owner who, although not lacking firmness and enterprise, might drift toward less congenial activities, which are apt to yield less satisfactory results. How much store may be set by this minor feature of the one hundred forty-ninth degree, other factors in the pattern will decide.


29-30 deg Leo

Symbol: An old slave with a noble cast of features and a shadow of thoughtful gloom on his face.

I think that slaves like Aesop, Epictetus, perhaps even like Livy Andronicus, Phaedrus, etc., were born under this sign. This is another of those degrees where only a highly developed nature can save the native from being crushed under the weight of an influence overstepping our human boundaries. This Leo’s last degree can make a superman of anyone whose stars should elsewhere supply the necessary requirements. Upon a heart soaring beyond the highest peaks of human nobility, a heroically mighty will power, a winged mind, this degree will bestow the right of judging things and people from a higher standpoint and of drawing, although in perfect humility, an infallible moral law from the deepest sources of his over self, the right of being a master although performing the lowest duties, of feeling free and lordly while being socially a slave. To less-developed beings this brings a feeling of oppression and wretchedness, a powerless struggling against material poverty and outward misery. Endless moaning and groaning will grow into a habit. The subject will take to finding fault with everyone and everything, although he has not the makings of a real judge, whatever his intellectual gifts, his human understanding and his literary taste might be. The continuous comparison between his actual standing and the one he thinks he is entitled to cripples his initiative and robs him of his will to work. He is, therefore., a useless servant. Yet, whether a superman or a human wretch, he always will fit in with the self-styled definition of Christ’s representative on Earth: servus servonsm—the servants’ servant. “As above, so below”; the lowest epithet is the one of the highest human dignity. That those who have ears may understand.


0-1 deg Virgo

Symbol: A hunting party. Smart riders and fair sportswomen gallop merrily to the horns’ blare and the hounds’ yelps.

A sociable, merry and probably frivolous and superficial nature, fond of collective games in general (but not of individual or athletic sport), especially horseback riding and hunting. One endowed with scanty wits, but plenty of friends and acquaintances, and love affairs galore. The native’s gift for getting in tune with different kinds of people makes him the pivot of merrymakings, excursions and obviously of hunting parties. His gentlemanlike discretion will let people overlook his either sentimental or merely erotic adventures, which all will suspect, but of which none will know the victims with certitude. Should the subject couple a certain earnestness to his outward smartness, to his worldly achievements and gallantry, he is sure to be successful, as many an association formed in pleasure and sport will immensely further his professional advancement. In less lucky charts this influence will easily drift astray into cruel selfishness and double-dealing, which are natural tendencies in a libertine, as in Maupassant’s Belami. Where the horoscope is particularly bad, the native will be a sadist, a seducer of minors, a gangster, perhaps a murderer; but even thus perverted, a sociable spirit still will be traceable to him. The native will tend to bodily fullness and will need plenty of sleep.


1-2 deg Virgo

This degree confers a great abstract intelligence, a manifold versatility, a methodical and precise mental procedure, a special gift for military and mathematical sciences, a keen mind constantly on the lookout, but if no other influences in the pattern supply practical skill, the native will be as clumsy in carrying out as he has been brilliant in conceiving. A dry and cool nature, whose earnestness can border on unwieldiness, whose endurance can drift into stubbornness and maniacal conceit. One endowed with great steadfastness but none of those deep impulses which only a feeling-not merely a reckoning-nature can give a human being. The resulting attitude is mostly one of apathy, sometimes of fatalistic indolence and sluggishness. Spiritually, the native is an atheist or, worse, an agnostic. Financially he is in for a miserable and roaming life when other aspects do hot correct this one. A decided prevalence of the elements of Water and Fire in the birth pattern can correct the dryness and coldness of this being. Water only would add to his sloth and fickleness; fire alone would heighten his dryness.


2-3 deg Virgo

Symbol: A man fingering a ledger.

The essential features of this degree remind one of Libra: a fondness for justice and indignation at any breach of it. The likeness stops here. The native is an active and productive being. A deep researcher and experimenter, a writer (possibly of scientific things) and perhaps a philosopher, he upholds his activity with a keen insight and an inborn cool courage. A hopeful character but not too lucky in other fields, he will be successful in his scientific pursuits and professional undertakings, enjoying the fruit there of and closing his accounts in the black.


3-4 deg Virgo

Symbol: A steamroller.

A craze for planning and technology; a naive faith in purely mechanical progress; contempt for individual distinctions; love of the extreme and of the absolute. Some features of fatality in the existence, something inexorable in character. A massive strength, an ability to lay out on broad lines work to be carried out by others and to give it the finishing touches after completion. This same force, instead of preparing and perfecting usefully the work of others, can stay fruitless and can sponge upon its environment; or, even worse, instead of leveling and paving the way for the execution of the work planned, he can be employed to destroy and raze everything aimlessly to the ground. The rest of the horoscope will show the right angle. Where a sound, peaceful, constructive nature is at work, the subject might be really fond of nature and might run his or someone else’s estate strictly but efficiently, beading for a quiet and affluent old age. On the contrary, where the stars point to fondness for the fruitless, artificial life usually led by the smartest set of society, a rush for pleasure will swallow up wealth laboriously built up by the ancestors. Plenty of well-meaning and helpful friends will be powerless to save the native from bankruptcy; once collapsed, neither his taste nor his artistic gifts will be of any avail. A third case is possible: an aggressive, destructive, brutal and despotically leveling nature-in a word, a downright Vandalic or Hunnish character. Undeniable in all cases is a profound sense of truth, unaccountably coupled with fast living or ruthless destructiveness.


4-5 deg Virgo

Symbol: A gyrfalcon, or hunting hawk, on its master’s fist

The native will be by temperament ever ready to act at any time or any age; young or old, tired or fresh, he always will rally round as soon as the trumpet of honor or duty calls. However, his whole life might flow away without any call from that quarter making itself heard or any occasion presenting itself. The native being the very embodiment of discipline, he will not be able to create an occasion. An excellent executor and a gentleman every inch of his being, his lack of initiative and ambition can be offset only by his rigidly observed daily routine and his faithfulness to friends. An uneventful life will leave him as poor as a church mouse, but as long as he breathes and whenever his help is called for, he will plunge into action again, spot the burning point of the fight with an unfailing eye and wrest victory for himself or his party.


5-6 deg Virgo

The native is attractive, smart, good looking; he has a gift for experiment and invention, an exuberant and merry vitality, a perpetually young spirit. The danger attendant upon such bright gifts is inherent in them; life has been too lavish with its presents and too sweet for the native, who will therefore be tempted very strongly to pursue pleasure instead of glory and will too often tarry along his mortal path to pick the flowers it is strewn with instead of making for the final goal. Money, love affairs, royal invitations and popularity in fashionable drawing rooms will come his way effortlessly and in plenty. In the end he will find himself old and empty-handed and will lose heart, unable to bear bitterness after tasting the sweetness of life. Provided the subject can resist temptation and be as serious and steady in his work as he is merry and carefree in his parties and revels, provided he can stem his tendency to luxury and waste, and can join courage with brightness and firmness with affability, he will be able to build something durable and to leave a name behind himself. The whole of the horoscope must show what is likelier to happen.


6-7 deg Virgo

Generosity and foresight at the same time; modesty, sensitivity and reserve; kindness and delicacy in the heart rather than in manners; chastity in thoughts, purity of feelings; in a word, all feminine virtues-except the good housewife’s handiness.  As to the male virtues, there is above all a lack of self-possession in front of others. The native is obsessed by a nearly pathologic shyness that makes him awkward, clumsy, unable to speak or act in public. In front of the opposite sex, he or she will feel almost paralyzed. This will render marriage very difficult, for which on the other hand there is little inclination. In a man, this degree can well produce an exclusively psychological impotence; in a woman frigidity, in spite of deep and sincere affections. Even in the case of consummated marriage, married life will imply a good deal of trouble. As to profession, this one hundred fifty-seventh zodiacal degree will confer an uncommon juridical gift. By conquering himself and overcoming his inborn shyness, the native may start a successful lawyer’s career. In which case his extraordinary presence of mind, combined with the sensitivity distinctive of the shy, will develop into a supple dialectic and a moving eloquence. If not a lawyer, the native might become a judge or a notary. Anyhow, his excessive modesty will be a drag chain on his way to renown.


7-8 deg Virgo

This degree will teach the native to love and contemplate nature’s beauties, to cherish trees, often to like mountain climbing. Farming and tending cattle (which .may be taken to mean pasture of souls) also will attract him. A simple, truthful, unprejudiced soul swayed by ideals, he will give without afterthoughts, if not rashly, and will reap only un thankfulness. The native does not realize he is overreaching himself and thus sinning against moderation, as his indiscriminate lavishness is a crime against Divine Providence. Should he beat in mind that before regaling strangers his sacred duty is to think of those God entrusted to him and, instead of casting pearls before swine at the risk of being rent by them, realize that it only stands to reason to consolidate one’s position first and then to do good to others. Should he understand that these also can be helped much better by one who stands on both feet than by one and led by the nose, in that case he may end by doing something really useful to mankind and avoid becoming a beggar-a burden to the good, a target for the evil’s scorn, an argument of skepticism for those whose faith is wavering.


8-9 deg Virgo

The native is fond of literary leisure, in which he displays more or less proficiency (according to other astrological pointers); but he is fond of unqualified leisure or idleness as well. A smart, gaudy, sometimes prodigal being, he sticks to the device never to do today what can be done tomorrow. He is not likely to take his business or his duty too seriously, but can fly off the handle easily over things about which he feels keenly. On account of woman (or better, of one woman) he will get into trouble. Marriage is certainly not made for him, especially as the outward activity that fits him best is traveling. It might be said that love of travel and thirst for exploration are perhaps the mainsprings likely to push the native to action. The fruit of his literary leisure as well risk to stay unachieved. Apart from this, fortune is not too lenient with him. His complexion is apt to be ruddy, even flushed.


9-10 deg Virgo

Live and let live. Commonplace saying re human laziness None of us calls his vices by name. The miser will be “thrifty”; the spendthrift “generous”; the coward will boast of his “caution,” the daredevil his “courage.” Such lies do not fool anyone. But where the border lies between weakness and leniency is such a problem as to give wise people a headache. Where is the limit between welcome strictness and inhuman hard-heartedness? This degree is a typical example of weakness disguised as leniency. Real leniency never will lead to such an amount of trouble as the character of those born under this influence. Whether hard working or not, the native will be lucky, extremely lucky in money matters, but however frugal and sparing with himself, he will be naively generous or downright prodigal toward others and will not listen to reason about his neighbors’ real motives or the women’s treacherousness. And it is from women that he will get the worst blows. Many friends are sincerely fond of him. This is enough for him to believe that all are sincere and that anyone saying he is fond of him really loves his person and not his money or influence. He will understand nature much better than man and will be apt to meditate about the loftiest mysteries of the universe, neglecting to sound the abysm of human passions. Strange, freakish phenomena of the abnormal or the supernatural will engross him but he will never be better than hopelessly amateurish at human psychology. Other features will be a liking for smart dressing and for taking walks or, better, the need of hiking.


10-11 deg Virgo

Symbol: A white stud racing at full speed, his bit white with foam.

This degree promises success, honors and riches. The native will know how to command and, even better, how to secure obedience, as one joining kindness with imperiousness. His mighty will power has a way of sizing up situations and adapting itself to them without yielding an inch. His character is strong rather than despotic, steady rather than stubborn, and he has a large heart. Work goes on smoothly and swiftly without showing signs of wear and tear, and never stays unachieved. There is an uncommon, prompt, supple, ingenious and inventive mind bent on the practical side of things and endowed at the same time with artistic taste. Here is more than a useful, precious personality for society, whose only besetting sin is lustfulness. This ought to be kept in check, but it would be folly to try to repress it. This horse must be given a run. If you keep it bound, it will become skittish and unruly, and you will have to look out for its kicks.


11-12 Virgo

The native is a mystic and a sensualist, as fond of research into mysterious things as of the opposite sex, and exerts a marked influence upon its representatives. For all his mysticism, the native is a ruthless egotist, and for all his lustfulness he is a weakling; he may seduce and rape but will meet trouble in the end. His erotic relations ought, however, to stay hidden as far as it depends on him, as few, people have such discretion and reserve. His true force lies in his penetrating mind. Should other factors curb his erotic excesses, he would force his way forward through sheer intelligence and would end by making his own name famous. A dark, perhaps swarthy, complexion. Red is his favorite color.


12-13 deg Virgo

Symbol: A rose on a Greek cross (the Rosicrucian symbol)

Much as human wickedness might rage against the native, it will have no power against his balanced and unruffled spirit. “For if God be with us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). His features of unobtrusive modesty and unassuming helpfulness might let him appear somewhat childish, devoid of energy and luck. But in reality his ascendancy on the others is great, even if not felt on the physical plane; his enemies’ weapons will blunt themselves. Bearing his poverty with a swing and a smile, taking the hardest ordeals in his stride, he breathes an atmosphere of utmost serenity and, even if not with full awareness, confides for everything in Divine Providence. He is possessed of the magic secret of nonresistance and can easily tune with his surroundings. His family might thwart him, wicked parents expose him, envious rivals run him down and the world ignore him. But the measure of his joy, and not only in a spiritual sense, will be as full as that of his opponents’ unhappiness. His birth might be noble, certainly his nature will be, but no burden of tradition will hamper him; he will be rich at least in imagination, but will do as well without any inheritance. He might love fine arts, protect them and even cultivate them. He is likely to be fond of gardening and to worship flowers. The occult will at any rate attract him, if not lead him to some degree of realization. Among occult sciences magic will be the most congenial to him. A real initiation may come his way, should other aspects not prevent this.


13-14 deg Virgo

Symbol: A cow standing in the middle of a plain.

Steady, unceasing and probably sedentary work, exposing the native to weariness and great hardships, to the danger of others exploiting his relentless and fruitful efforts, and to the danger of gains not corresponding to exertions. The native totally lacks imagination and,’ for all his honesty and good-heartedness, cannot harbor any ideals. This is not due to any cynicism but to an inborn inability to visualize what has never been met or experienced, making the native loath to look or believe beyond the range of his bodily senses. Lack of imagination makes him commonplace as well-not altogether dull, owing to his skill in handiwork—but surely a hearty blockhead devoid of ambitions and proud of his portly build and his excellent craftsmanship; and very, very talkative. His sexual life is not normal; excess rather than aberrations are to be feared. The glut of vigor is hindered queerly by a dull stagnation, and by an absolute lack of the inquisitiveness and fantasy which are the main incentives to the third capital vice. A kindly soul with the temper of a commoner, he has a primitive and elementary sense of justice. He is serviceable, generous, easy to take advantage of; but he draws the line at being pilloried and, if driven too far, will not budge an inch. Should the horoscope carry other dangerous pointers, accidents-even deadly ones- mutilations and wounds are to be feared.


14-15 deg Virgo

A feminine nature, whose most pronounced features are self-surrender and tenderness, and whose corresponding vice m effeminacy. For all this, more than one good soldier will be born under it. Military virtues are not excluded, as this degree vouchsafes that virtue of taking things off at a glance for which Napoleon praised Frederic the Great as for the greatest asset in a warrior. This influence tends to make a helpful, modest officer, mild toward his subordinates, gallant with ladies, always beaming and kind to everyone; his only failing being timidity which, if not offset by other aspects, may even go so far as to ruin his career, though not so far as to make him cowardly. On the whole and for any chosen career, luck will favor him and will accompany the often great undertakings the native might conceive and carry out.


15-16 deg Virgo

This is a degree of commerce in all senses of the word. The native is born to live in society, is a sociable being (what Aristotle called zoon politikon) who will thrive in association and die if left in isolation. His natural gifts are a way with people, a social sense and adaptability, enabling him to act constantly and successfully as a connecting link for people who, but for him, never would enter association. He is, so to speak, the mortar and plaster of the business firms and social circles to which he belongs. He will draw large profits from his social connections and will be asked to all kinds of entertainments and parties. His favorite game is hunting. However, he is a more serious and contemplative mind than one could guess; a philosopher might lurk behind that brilliant facade. Bad aspects might disfigure those features and lead the native toward shady business and shameless dealings with the dregs of society.


16-17 deg Virgo

Symbol: A splendid castle by a river, whose streams have pertly been turned from their course to flow into the moat.

Within the outward wail enclosure thriving gardens and orchards can be seen; in the towers, supplies of oil and wheat to last through long sieges; in the cellars, thick rows of dusty bottles; at the bottom of the dungeons, captives loaded with chains. Laboring servants and watchful sentries are all over. The aged lord is carried through his domains on a sedan chair. There is either a noble pride or an arrogant haughtiness based on lineage, social rank or on one’s own self. The native is fond of home and its comforts; he nurtures a deep-rooted ambition and works up to it,, harbors a wariness bordering on mistrust. An exacting, hard-headed, close, dour, strict nature, prematurely aged by its cantankerous fattiness, by a steadfastness not devoid of whims. The native’s self-centeredness can stray easily into selfishness, and can drift into eccentric estrangement from his fellow beings. Them, is a lord-like love of pomp and luxury, coupled to a wary and watchful utilitarianism, with a touch of hedonism. An idle fellow who, fondles his ideas and knows very well how to have others work hard to carry them out. If he could have his own way, he would employ crews of slaves ready at his beck and call. He is not unwilling to work himself, but only when it cannot be dispensed with. Work for work’s sake is nonsense to him, Any activity by himself or others must, according to him, be foreordained to future welfare. Once his own comfort is assured, there will be room for the comfort of others, if both can co-exist; but once that aim is reached, there is no reason to take further trouble. There is, in one word, the estate holder’s mentality. Ambition is furthered steadily but not in such a way as to disturb one’s comfort., ranking high among which are the delights of a good table. A great stroke of luck might hasten the day the native’s fortune is established. in a way after his own heart. From then on, barring pointers to the contrary, he lives on his income, journeying for his pleasure or for health (which leaves much to be desired, and he hates moving on his own legs), or tarrying in learned leisure, musing idly, leading the household punctiliously and closely watching the kitchen. A peaceful old age, if the stars do not point otherwise, will close his career. The rest of the chart is not to be lost sight of. There might be unforeseen trouble lurking somewhere or unexpected blows of a hurricane sweeping everything away and dashing to pieces the carefully planned prosperity, leaving the native dispossessed and dazed. After all, he is a skeptic, and harbors no ideals beyond, and above his empiric self. Should the storm overthrow his well prearranged plans, his self-indulgence will prevent him from beginning all over again, and he may collapse together with his castle of cards never to rise again, even losing his mental balance in his distress.


19-18 deg Virgo

Symbol: A hardy, century-old oak in the middle of a meadow, its boughs full of nests, and new sprouts bursting forth from its root.

A herd of swine is grazing in its shade. A great vitality; a paternal, obtrusive, autocratic spirit. Patronizing love of the little and the weak, sympathy for the populace, leniency, even excessive, for everything that has not yet been evolved or spoiled by so-called civilization; fondness for the country, for trees and life in the open. But little or no respect for the ones deserving it. The native will refuse stubbornly to admire the worthiest, will misuse his people’s affection and devotion, and will refuse systematically to take even his wisest and truest friends’ advice. In less good horoscopes, indulgence toward the ignorant rabble might stray into base pandering of their tendencies and might degenerate into acceptance and support of bad taste. The lack of regard for others might be coupled strangely with a need to be understood—hence suffering at being misunderstood. Besides, contempt for so-called civilization might be perverted into dirtiness or even smuttiness. Nevertheless, the native’s knowledge is wide, his technical skill high, his mind deep.


18-19 deg Virgo

A rugged nature, satisfied with little, hard-working and averse to sweetness and niceties, but not devoid of imagination. The subject’s physical nature is sturdy and fecund, with features of roughness and even dirtiness. There is an absolute need of freedom, of elbow room, of ease of movement, and there is a strong resentment of any social code. This leads to the greatest outspokenness. The native is certainly not tongue-tied, and his criticism might prove harsh, his sincerity brutal. Should the subject be born on a higher than proletarian level and therefore be in for a higher than primary education, he will feel inclined to choose a branch of studies allowing him to deal with the country or with the sciences related to it. He might become an excellent farmer but also have the makings of a good agricultural expert or penologist; and he might be proficient in any other subject connected with the products of the soil. As a lawyer, he might specialize in agricultural law, etc. In any case he will love nature and perhaps become a passionate hunter and, as all sportsmen, point his gun at the living beings he is so fond of.


19-20 deg Virgo

The native is not utterly devoid of fairness but unfortunately he cannot afford to live at peace with those who hold views different from his own. A very courageous being and one conscious his own strength, he is not so happy in victory as in the fight. Shunning a quarrel would be dishonor to him. If a brawl is in the air, he cannot even wait for the probable opponent to attack him first, and is bound to provoke him. He ‘seems especially keen on picking quarrels with foreigners. While ignoring the meaning of such an expression as “getting round obstacles,” he nearly always succeeds in overthrowing them. A good tradesman and mathematician, wakeful and brimming over with initiative, he might become rich thanks to his intelligence and courage, but will not be able to escape mishaps, sometimes serious ones. For all his watchfulness, which might drift into suspiciousness; ‘he will be beset always by lowly and despicable foes, who will lurk cautiously in the dark, but refuse to disarm.


20-21 deg Virgo

Symbol: A large, showily dressed man, his hands full of tinkling coins; golden in his right, silver in his left hand.

The native will be born or will become rich. As do all rich people, he will stick to his money, hug it and greatly fear to lose it. Money will be the only standard of his behavior, the common denominator to which he will reduce all problems of his existence. He will be a schemer even in the paltriest trifles of everyday life. Relying on his scent for bargains, he will be ever ready for sale to the highest bidder, with utter disrespect for ideals, friendships or extra-juridical promises. It is not to be ruled out that he may have to suffer losses, even heavy ones if portended by other factors in his horoscope, but never owing to lack of financial skill, this being, on the contrary, his strongest point. Behind a show of lordly self-satisfaction and high faulting’ conceit there is no substance at all: a hare’s heart, a chicken’s brain, a weathercock’s character.


21-22 deg Virgo

Symbol: A naked lady with a lamb and a kid on her shoulders.

A sensuous and strong character, she is brutally sincere with herself and others. She knows what she is aiming at and states it with a self-possession bordering on impudence. Yet in spite of all this the native’s silly vanity plays her into the bands of anyone who knows how to flatter her. Should other components exclude the danger of irreparable scandals, stem the erotic trend of this degree, or diverge its forces to a spiritual plane, the native’s charm may make her into a guide of society; in what direction or which flock is likely to be led, only the whole of the pattern may decide; other pointers shall show whether it is toward good or evil. Most of what I said about 24 degree Aries applies to this degree as well.


22-23 deg Virgo

Symbol: A man on a sailing ship in the middle of the ocean.

There is an irrepressible need of evasion in time and space. A nature ablaze with enthusiasm and fantasy, which will chafe if fenced in its birthplace and the mentality prevailing there. By itself this influence will not supply the energy needed to prevail on such mentality and reform it; hence the need of escape. Disregarding the other astrological factors, it can be said safely that the native’s success depends on real journey and migration. Any evasion into daydreaming will result in failure, since thirst for new experiences is the only real thing life can offer but may lead the native dangerously astray. Passion for the sea is a natural consequence.


23-24 deg Virgo

Symbol: The scene of “Loneliness”

Which Richard Wagner has taken to the stage and musically describes with a leitmotif known as “the theme of loneliness” (Tristram, Act 3); on the ramparts of a castle rising on the ocean shore the exile lies alone, nailed to his sickbed by a deadly wound; not far away, on a lofty rock, a shepherd sits surrounded by his hock and, scanning in vain the desolate skyline, blows from his flute an infinitely melancholic tune. Should the native be able to sublimate into lyric or musical effusion the plaintive dejection drawing him aside from his fellow being and shutting him up in himself, and should he find an outlet to his desperate mood in melody or verse, he may become a successful, a famous, and-as an ironical luck would have it-even a popular artist. But he will not be rich. The contrivance of life does not leave him any time for moneymaking, and something binds his hands when it comes to shifting from a contemplative to an active life. Optional or forced exile awaits him, perhaps even jail. Steadfast and stubborn even at the risk of his own undoing, endowed sometimes with real inspiration but nearly always devoid of true intelligence, predisposed to sedentary life, materially or mortally short-sighted if not shady, the native will not be loved by his children and may die as lonely as a dog.


 24-25 Virgo

Symbol: The emblem formerly employed in the Royal Italian Army to show promotion for gallantry on the battlefield (nicknamed “the crossbones” by the rank and fi1e), and consisting of the royal crown surmounting two swords placed in the shape of St. Andrew’s cross

It is a degree of daring. This may come to light in any of its forms: heroism and aggression, self-effacement and recklessness, high-handedness and quarrelsomeness, military gifts fitting a partisan or a saboteur rather than a real leader, more a pirate than an admiral, sooner a commando chief than a commander-in-chief. Whatever his profession, the native is farsighted, can plunge headlong into the scuffle and grab winged victory by the forelock. His character, or the deepest of his heart, may harbor something secret or mysterious. In spite of this, a charming personality. If he is a warrior the native will be able to carry his followers off their feet to do or die. In any case the native’s friends will be as plentiful and as powerful as his foes. Victory is likelier than happiness. Public rather than private luck will crown the native. There may be a taste for art, perhaps on the macabre side.


25-26 deg Virgo

Symbol: Two elderly bespectacled friends walk and talk confidentially together.

A profound mind able to foreshadow ages to come but not to lay concrete plans for the morrow. Very remote events seem to be within its ken, yet no light helps it to see nearer things on which it may stumble at any step. Any arbitrage or game of hazard is a sum trap for the native, who will, on the other hand succeed with certainty in all undertakings ruled by national logic and method, but not by accident, blind fortune, or the imponderable of existence. A courteous, friendly, likeable talker and a persuasive reasoned, he will inspire devoted affections and especially sincere friendships. The disinterested support and loyal cooperation of others, rather than his own methods by wingless and excessively long-sighted intelligence, will allow him to reach his aims, at least after going through some ordeals. As to his private life he will be happier in ripe age than in youth and will close his days surrounded by his children’s obedient affection and unanimous solidarity. Physical sight might be weakened by hyper metropy or precocious long-sightedness.


26-27 deg Virgo

A rather indefinable character, brisk on one hand, lazy on the other. I believe its essence consists in thorough passivity. But die whole of the horoscope must indicate its results. Passivity may be taken merely to affect material work (as a sluggish disposition) or the struggle for life (cowardice or fear, unjustified resignation to being taken in by others’ wiliness or crushed by their overbearing); it may be neither psychical nor physical, but spiritual, etc. But whether hard working or lazy, the native has certain gifts. and a remarkable skill in business, and a lively, subtle mind, however sluggish his movements and idle his hands. He may even be thoroughly happy, if born in an affluent or rich family, but he is likelier to tend toward despondency and gloom. In a feminine horoscope there may be difficulty in securing a husband. On the other hand, another woman (mother, sister, colleague in work or the like) will play a great role in her life or destiny.


27-28 deg Virgo

Fullness of life, work on a large scale, activity supplying many with a livelihood and the native with well-deserved and better spent wealth. The intelligence is above normal and bent on fruitful and industrious work. There is reserve but generosity. Many people (children or more distant relatives) will live on the native’s income. There will be many friends and beneficiaries around him. The subject’s powerful activity may extend its wholesome influence to all mankind. On the other hand, he may feel bound to his work as a convict to his chains. The whole of the pattern must not be lost sight of. The sprockets of such a mighty machine may even fail to catch.


28-29 deg Virgo

A great insight, a quiet, smooth sway over oneself and others a deep religious sense of life and work. The native’s foresight will border on prophecy. In all he undertakes he will be led by great sudden rushes of light, like a poet’s flashes or a seer’s visions. Driven by an unshakable faith in his future and by perfect self-control, the native’s smooth ease will not hinder his liveliness. He will act with lightning-like swiftness but without hurry. He may, therefore, seem heady but will never prove untimely. His liveliness may make his manner blunt but never rough and, even less, coarse. His sensuousness, however powerful, will not interfere with his professional work, which will go on smoothly and successfully in spite of a certain taste for exterior ceremony and formalism. The native is very unlikely to avoid taking an attitude in front of religious problems. A Roman Catholic or a Protestant, a Christian or a Jew, a freemason or an active supporter of the Church, he must believe in something.


29-30 deg Virgo

Sincerity and love of truth as implied by this degree can belong only to an irresponsible being or to a great sage. While talking, the native will tell anyone the truth and will consider no price too high when it comes to discovering it. The price may even be mental sanity. Work is done by leaps and bounds; overwork is not shunned and, as others throw themselves headlong into pleasure, the native may go into spells of meditation for whole nights or may even undertake risky experiments in witchcraft or yoga or that modem form of necromancy which is today blasphemously labeled as “spiritualism.” Should the whole of the pattern show balance and self-control, this bold explorer then would have access to the mysteries of true spiritual science, or of the so-called official sciences. His intelligence is sharp, his character melancholy but smooth, his habits secretive and lonely. The need to avoid mental overstrain must be borne in mind. On the contrary, other factors point to a less sound whole, wounds in the head, cerebral hemorrhages followed by palsy, manic depressive folly, deafness, dumbness or neurasthenia are to be feared. Unenviable or dangerous strains like extravagance, light-mindedness and irresponsible absent-mindedness may show up in the character. These are certainly extreme cases, which had however to be prospected, as caution is never too great when health is at stake. Should the chart portend death due to judicial sentence, the guillotine is to be feared.


0-1 deg Libra

Symbol: A man brandishing a sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left.

Warlike but hypersensitive, hardly regardful of other people’s prejudices and feelings, yet strictly just and tidy; strong and active but impatient, the native appears self-contradictory and hard to understand. On one hand he is martial, even quarrelsome, ever ready to face danger, heady in everything he does; he will crush the obstacles in his path, break his way open and tread it in spite of anyone. On the other hand he will sincerely regret his being at dagger’s point with his neighbors and surroundings, though failing to understand why, and will not swerve an Inch from the right path in what concerns debit and credit. He is not inclined to marry; his fiery recklessness will rush him headlong Into trouble; his hands are liable to get hurt. This first decree of Libra clearly admits, among the features peculiar to this sign, cult of justice and love of art, along with other strains jarring with Libra’s general influence.


1-2 deg Libra

Symbol: Raffaello’s St. Cecily

A musical disposition. A great intelligence, thirsting for hidden truths, keen on fathoming the mysteries of the universe. A very kind and humane soul, an exquisite tact, a generous heart, a fine insight. These gifts do not seem to be matched by a sufficiently hardened character. Hence perhaps a bent toward a deep melancholy. Faced with human wickedness, this soul will take refuge in God. Such a religious feeling may lead the native to the sacred orders and may as well drift into a craze, according to the other astrological components.


2-3 deg Libra

A titanic intelligence in a weak, sickly, powerless frame; a mind apt to master the most baffling physical laws, chained to a body subject to the meanest physical miseries, and probably exposed to the persecution of ignorance, local patriotism and prejudice, all coalesced on a common front. Its slogan may well be spiritus promptuo caro autem infirma. A forerunner of things to come, the native will strive to conform to his own principles-whether scientific, religious or artistic-but his uncompromising purposefulness may stray into selfcenteredness and misanthropy, giving way to a repulsive hardness of heart. Of the whole horoscope alone we must ask if the native’s knowledge will conquer human ignorance to be conquered by it, whether his toils will yield riches and welfare or suffering and famine; in a word, if glory or banishment from home or, even worse, the workhouse or the lunatic asylum or a jail will fall to his share.


3-4 deg Libra

Symbol: A man tilling with a horse-drawn plough

This degree is, so to speak, tuned in to the dissonant harmonies of a fundamentally aquiline feature. As a result, there may be missed vocation or the native may be left suddenly in the lurch by fortune when, after clearing the first hurdles, he is just about to enjoy the fruit of his work. Apart from this, the one hundred eighty-fourth degree may bestow different gifts leading to seemingly divergent trades, whose common feature, however, proves on closer scrutiny to be somehow connected with skiff in cutting. Therefore, according to the other stars in the nativity, we may expect skill in the arts of wood carving and engraving, in a tailor’s or a tiller’s trade, or in a successful surgeon’s career. On the whole, two features stand out: the native’s uncommon taste —even if he does not blossom into an artist—and the fact that as a farmer he would do better business for others than for himself.


4-5 deg Libra

Symbol: An albatross with glaring red beak and claws.

A winged, impulsive, enthusiastic nature full of lofty aspirations but impatient to see its dreams realized and chafing at obstacles. Hence a tendency to impose one’s will violently without an adequate psychological approach, overlooking and skipping the logical proofs of one’s conviction and neglecting the cogent force of one’s arguments. This exuberance may give rise even to physical dangers; the native will have to check his gestures as well as his actions If he is to avoid harm from iron and fire, without, however, using violence to his own nature. The native is an essentially fiery and martial being, born to fly and bound to reach his goal with one great heave of his wings. Should he set foot on the ground, (his huge wings sweep the ground and hinder him in walking. —Baudelaire, Les ileurs du mal: L ‘Albatros.) He is born to wage a titanic struggle with himself—whom he constantly sees reflected on the oceanic mirror of conscience—and against the opponents of his ideals rather than of his own person. The small skirmishes of everyday life do not concern him at all. Nothing would be so pitiable as the life of such a being if he were chained by fate to a humdrum existence, as every step would cost him an effort not in keeping with the tangible results, which would sap his energies and shorten his lifespan. Strange as it may seem, this influence may induce stoutness or other bodily ailments hampering walk.


5-6 deg Libra

Symbol: An old sapper busy digging.

This degree exacts a hard, patient, endless labor, possibly a serf’s work, certainly a very tiring one. A just but belated reward will follow. Old traditions and antique objects are cherished or - as the other stars may bear out-the new is opposed on principle and there is an inordinate fondness for worthless old junk. There may be a critical sense but hardly any inner balance.


6-7 deg Libra

Symbol: Mary Magdalene at Christ’s feet in the house of Pharisee Simon, who is scandalized at the sight.

Need I say that love is the keystone of this degree? However, as some obvious features may escape many a reader, I shall dwell on some apparently idle details. The symbol does not of necessity imply that the male native is a superhuman being or the female native a repentant sinner. On the contrary, it does imply a divalent influence acting on the plane of love. Such a force may-as in many other significant degrees-raise one up to saintliness and apostleship; or rouse scandal and lose one’s soul; or revile through worldly love and then redeem and purify through real love. All this more or less independently of the native’s sex but in accordance with his or her other stars. Some patterns may even bear out the figure of the prudish Pharisee who will not only refuse to forgive the sinner but will curse the flesh and go so far as to ruthlessly and indiscriminately persecute love in all its aspects, even the legitimate ones. Here too, though negatively, love is the revolving point. Yet there is undoubtedly something prophetic or messianic about this degree, and such a feature may sometimes come to light in the oddest ways.


7-8 deg Libra

Symbol: A young lady silently weeping by a bed where a patient lies, on his back giving no signs of life.

A sensitive and melancholy nature apt to love silently and passionately. Whether the native’s inborn inhibitions, mornings or ailments, or anything else, is at the root of her unhappiness, Karma threatens loneliness from her very youth. The native may even have to wail over her unsatisfied love throughout the rest of her life.


8-9 deg Libra

Symbol: An old warrior in full battle harness raising his sword in token of victory.

The noblest manly traits. The native worships freedom and is ready to forsake life for this ideal. He couples the keenest courage with an utter sincerity, a ready and precise wit, and a sharp, nearly unerring critical sense. But all these virtues open as many pitfalls. Love of freedom may straggle into waywardness, daring into reckless aggressiveness, frankness into libel; the critical sense may be warped into the peevish petty fogginess of one keen on taking everyone to task and reveling in endless faultfinding. Even his loftiest motives may lead the native to a blind ambition that may prove his undoing. He must be trained to respect other people’s freedom as much as his own, to understand how frankness ought to go arm in arm with kindness, and to realize that daring cannot go without wariness and magnanimity.


9-10 deg Libra

Symbol: A marabou.

(The marabou, alias “the philosopher” is a kind of stork, very frequent in Eastern towns and performing of its own accord a scavenger’s work by swallowing any kind of refuse. Its name is due to the bird’s solemn and nearly thoughtful attitude, the word marabou (Arabic marabut) being the equivalent of the Indian word yogin.) The native’s work is indispensable to society’s bodily and mental healing, but he must have the stomach for it. The native is likely to be a profound thinker and to have a serious, dreary, ceremonial outward attitude. His garments are likely to be more slovenly than niggardly, perhaps downright grubby or, if well groomed, he is likely to show a definite partiality for black. if smart at all, the native will be so in his style rather than in his dress. All this is more or less probable. But only the nativity as a whole will be able to tell us whether we are faced with a great philanthropist so engrossed in his study of the most hideous social evils as to forget his own outward aspect altogether or, with a public man who, even if honest, meddles with the loathsome ordure politics mostly consists of; or with a swineherd, a humble sweeper, or an even humbler scavenger in a backward hamlet. Freedom and life itself are open to risk of a kind varying according to the subject’s social status and special activity. When harmful influences are together at play, he can turn out to be nothing but a dirty pig, a regular, authentic, unadulterated swine. In higher nativities this influence may induce an Arcadian strain, a taste for domesticated nature.


10-11 deg Libra

Here is such an outspoken dualism as to make the influence difficult to define.  However, it is certain that, like the previous one, this degree has something Arcadian—pastoral too—although the native can hardly be said to strike a pose if he fosters a longing for the freedom of country life or for a shepherd’s wanderings. He may be a shepherd himself, and not only of sheep but a pastor of souls ‘or the leader of entire peoples as well. The horoscope studied in its entirety will have to reveal the calling or point to the mission to be carried out; however, the native himself is sure to be outside the fold of common mankind. In his being there is something lordly or beastly, super- or sub-human, led by divine inspiration or atavistically instinctive and cruel; the twain are unlikely to co-exist in one soul, as this degree portends a divalent, self-contradictory, jumpy and jerky nature. There is a sharp and bright mind, an assured practical intuition, a wide knowledge (provided social conditions warrant any schooling). Although the native may be slow witted in certain things, he is usually quick in the uptake. Unfortunately there may be that lower by-product of intelligence that goes under the name of cleverness and may be warped easily into cunning or hypocrisy. The native may be fond of hunting, riding and all strenuous sports.


11-12 deg Libra

Symbol: The callipygian Venus of the Naples Museum.

This degree favors only women and harms the other half of mankind, as the only gifts it vouchsafes are good looks, smartness, and formal courtesy. But it nearly always gives a frivolous character, vain to a degree, fond of purposeless leisure, and the native is likely to do a good deal of looking around, and of looking at herself, without achieving either prudence or a moral consciousness. No useful lesson will be drawn from past mistakes. And these are not her worst defects: the real drawbacks of this degree are effeminacy and impotence. This latter may affect the mind or the virility; and may be partial, rendering thought, or the semen, sterile, or the impotence may be total (producing idiocy ); and may strike the male native or the female native’s husband. Where other astrological components offset this and stress a powerful manliness, a productive mind, a practical sense and the like, this influence may turn to impairing one’s health and warping the sexual urge, without excluding the power, thus leading to narcissism or narcissism in its widest sense.


12-13 deg Libra

Symbol: A man and a woman spitefully turning their backs to each other.

This influence will benefit only the mind or, rather, one of its faculties— presence of mind. Affective life is a failure; marriage will almost certainly result in divorce, friendships in disappointment; there will be disagreement with everyone and, as a consequence, misanthropy. The native’s trouble may be boiled down to an excessive fondling and pampering of the ones he loves, so that the other partner will feel smothered with love and hardly be able to breathe.


13-14 deg Libra

Symbol: A fox and an ancient theatre mask (from one of Aesop’s fables)

It is a degree of theatricality, implying cunning but an otherwise dull mind. The native’s whole life is on the stage. An empty being, dying to play a role and able to put such an apparent life in his personage that he will deceive himself before taking in others. The pattern of his acting may change with circumstances. All this assuming the best. In other cases there will be self-conceit coupled with the most abject toadying, a mixture of priggishness and pandering, bluff and treacherousness; should the worst come to the worst, there might even be obsession or devilish possession. (Anyhow, medium ship will be a constant danger to be duly considered; even the native’s mere presence at a necromantic invocation—the so-called spiritualist sittings where children masquerading as grownups play with fire—may be a peril in itself). Among the less serious strains, coquettishness—and not only in female natives—is a normal feature. Equally normal are pseudo-classicism, worship of a man eristic Hellenism or a pasteboard “Romanity,” love for the beau geste and a flamboyant style, propensity for dazzling pageants, void and bombastic rhetoric. Such rhetorical trash may obviously sublime into dramatic skill or stage ability. But the star, whatever its sex, is unlikely to be very intelligent.


14-15 deg Libra

A merely instinctive life. Laziness and lack of ambition dampen an otherwise worldly, fribbling, shrewd, untrue and courteous temperament. The native is selfish and has no backbone, but after all he is harmless and has some common sense. For him the main problems are those touching his inner man; once his appetite is sated, everything is all right. For the rest, his weakness of character borders on total lack of will power and delivers him into the hands of others. A lowly sensualist, the native may get into trouble on account of love affairs or sentimental entanglements; he may even be the victim of magic ensnarement (what the French term envoutement and the Javanese mean by guna guna) or other similar filth.


15-16 deg Libra

Symbol: A camel speeding along.

A rugged physique with an unusual turn of speed; endurance to fatigue, cold, hunger, and thirst; an ability to stand any hardships; a body fully responding to will power. A brisk, daring, firm, lively will; a far-reaching imagination but wayward rather than original, a more showy than profound mind; and more pluck than independence. Inborn ambitions are faraway travels and the army, though the native strikes one as more an organizer or a technician than a fighter. Anyhow, he would have no luck fighting for his country on the front line as, barring strong components of luck, any enemy grenade falling into a trench would surely have his name on it. Electrical engineering would be a calling for him. Should other stars grant the native an original and independent mind- which this degree falls just short of bestowing— the virtues mentioned above would come into full light and allow self-assertion, success, and even renown.


16-17 deg Libra

Symbol: A sweetly chirping starling.

A musical soul, gifted for tuning together human voices more than instrument voices, and more for solo singing than polyphony. A perennially youthful spirit, a born enemy of the powers that be, irrepressibly poking fun at traditional taboos. According to other astrological factors, the character may tend more to good natured joking than to crud jesting, to a cheerful unconcern rather than to bitter faultfinding, or vice versa In either case, critical sense and dialectic fluency are first rate but may degenerate into a childish desire to demolish and contradict, into an idle quarrelsomeness that looks for trouble and may land in it for no reason. Even if other aspects and a suitable upbringing instill the most gentlemanly and the protest wittiness into the native, he would still be very unlikely to use it opportunely The native’s drawback is an ingenuous belief in abstract logic and Goddess Reason. He cannot find It in himself to admit the existence of such a thing as a mentality. As the mind, so the native’s body will stay nimble, lithe and youthful till late years. The snag about this is that youth’s passions will lose little of their fire and will be hard to check. Such a glut of physical energy will need a life in the open to find its proper outlet. There is a great fondness for horses and riding. However, this breezing irreverent Tili Eulenspiegel often will run the risk of losing his freedom, through either reprehensible light-mindedness, the uncalled for heroics of an improvised revolutionary, or simply the crime of having slighted the undisputed sovereignty of philistine tradition. All that is likely but not certain. Widely different reasons may lead the little bird into a gilt cage.


17-18 deg Libra

Symbol: A lordly villa in the open country, its inner walls decorated with encaustic tiles or trimmed with engravings.

An outstandingly good influence for home life, which will be happy and quiet in spite of the great number of friends the native’s hospitable nature will have within his house’s walls. His open and fair character will win the hearts of both friends and strangers, and the favor of stars, which will grant him happiness and wealth. A profound psychologist, he may excel in outlining with a few lucky strokes or, as the case may be, stigmatizing anyone’s character. This will be the greatest merit of his works, if an artistic career is borne out by other stars, which will then have to determine the kind of art to which he is destined.


 18-19 deg Libra

Symbol: A magnificent castle on top of a mountain.

 This is one of the most remarkable among the degrees portending ruler ship, another one being 13 deg Scorpio. The human being hallmarked by it is born to rule out of his own power and, barring indications to the contrary, will be endowed with lord like manners, strength and good looks; an indomitable character, a cold-blooded and wary courage. On the other hand he will be overbearing, selfish, heartless. Should the nativity point to any criminal tendency, he may even not balk at intentional murder. At variance with his native surroundings, he will strive to reach higher and higher, coolly assessing and lining up the means necessary to work his way up. But he will go too far in his efforts, leaving nothing to chance or to the flash of the moment to decide, thus exposing himself to disappointments and hardships. He may prove thankful to his faithful followers, seldom to his supporters, never to his equals. Purpose, not feeling, will make him lenient or ruthless. Mistrust of others will harden him into a haughty attitude of self-reliant impassivity, and will isolate him spiritually from his fellow beings. Sparing and hard working by nature, he will, however, love pomp and will not be loath to patronize arts. These apparently conflicting features will puzzle his contemporaries. But within himself he is clearly conscious of his aims and will, if by devious paths, steadily and stubbornly pursue the high goal he set his heart upon. But he is no cynic. On the contrary he sets a great store by other people’s good opinion and is too shrewd a schemer not to back his bid for success with the support of public opinion as well. If favorably aspected elsewhere, he will overcome all his enemies and end by holding undisputed sway. Even if he is not going to rank among the rulers of Earth, he is likely to reach the top-flight of any given career, and will make his authority felt, much, to his dependents’ dismay.


19-20 deg Libra

Symbol: Around an altar, on which the fire of sacrifice is blazing, the priests lay the sacred meal.

An outstanding personality, inner filled with light and warmth. There is a sincere religious spirit, exclusive of hypocrisy but not of earthly pleasures, prominent among which is enjoyment of good food. The other factors have to show whether this pious strain is likelier to inspire an ascetic or a sensuous mystic. In either case the native may enter the clergy or, as a layman, lead an apostle’s life. Either in a cloister or in the world, the native’s ecclesiastical or worldly career stands ,under good auspices and even may prove very fortunate indeed, if backed by other indications of luck. The support of highly placed people and the sympathy of learned persons will bring forth the native’s otherwise unmistakable gifts, and his presence will appear indispensable to others.


20-21 deg Libra

This nature shows some undeniably positive features and bright gifts, or even magic abilities.  Yet it lacks some practical faculties needed to make one’s way in everyday life. The native will have to work in someone else’s employ, which he can do without debasing himself, as service does not mean servility to him; he can keep his self-respect even in the humblest positions, and is apt to resent the slightest encroachment upon his free will. Unfortunately the native is likely to stick to absurd fads and to tread ways leading him nowhere. The greater his stubbornness, the more cruel the disappointments fate has in store for him. He will not make any headway but will see all his plans crumble and his alleged friends turn their backs on him.


21-22 deg Libra

Symbol: Two saddled horses.

Here is another inconsequent degree, pointing to an inner split nature. There are side by side wisdom and recklessness, good-heartedness and haughtiness, earnestness and light-mindedness, stern justice and guilty self-indulgence, absolute sincerity in some things and double-dealing in others, deep pondering and illusory daydreaming. Great plans and aspirations yield paltry results, perhaps as a consequence of wishing too many things at a time. The native may be advised to use more firmness and a measure of self-denial, to be less vain, to stop lulling himself into a deceiving sense of safety, and to step boldly into real life. Thought and will create, whereas yearning and daydreaming only destroy.


22-23 deg Libra

Symbol: An old physician intent to a urine test

The native is a tireless researcher who will inquisitively pry into nature, snatch her secrets, analyze them and methodically pigeonhole the results. A restless urge to change subject and shift his grounds of observation will make him loath to stay put, so that even when penned within four walls he will try to change his room from time to time. He may be fond of journeying to unexplored countries and will certainly worship knowledge. The branches most congenial to him seem to be chemistry and medicine (this one perhaps in a spiritual sense). Occultism is not to be ruled out in branches akin to the ones quoted: viz., alchemy, the mother of chemistry, and pastoral medicine. Success ought to crown his efforts; public recognition, though belated, may ratify his discoveries. Either for this or other reasons there will be a certain self-assurance, a somewhat consequential mannerism in his speech, as if he were delivering abstruse truths to a large audience. Attention is to be paid to the urinary system. On the other hand the whole organism is subject to precocious decay, either owing to the stuffy laboratory air or to the unhealthy atmosphere of close rooms.


23-24 deg Libra

Symbol: A satyr strikes a dragon with a stick

A tall, sturdy and handsome physique, great sexual vigor and inordinate lustfulness. A fierce character, more likely to prevail upon others than upon himself. A sharp wit, inclined to good natured irony or to bitter sarcasm, as the case may be. Self-confidence in even too large a measure. The native’s high ambitions will shut him off from the common fold and inspire him with a pride verging on haughtiness. He will be fond of hunting. The native is exposed to ambushes and foul play at the hands of his opponents and may collapse when he least expects it. Whatever kind of gambling he may try his hand at, bad luck is certain to crush him.


24-25 deg Libra

Symbol: A pea fowl.

A pride that can be sublimated into the noblest sense of human dignity or debased into vanity rather than haughtiness, into a tendency to strut and show off, either materially or morally. On the other hand, kindness, equability, poise, tidiness, love of justice and harmony are inborn virtues. Yet these in their turn may induce a too yielding, dull, helpless and fickle disposition. The native thus may fall easy prey to flattery, or to his own desire to appear obliging. A contrasting strain of jerky impulsiveness will seem not to fit in with the whole. In the main a nice—even charming—personality, a graceful and probably good-looking figure, a great career, a happy life. Occult initiation cannot be excluded but may certainly be hindered by vanity.


25-26 deg Libra

Dieu et mon droit.(God and my right) A firm and generous heart, jealous of his own rights, an undaunted courage, a fighting spirit not devoid of wariness and prudence, a warm patriotic feeling. A sturdy and aristocratic physique, very keen senses of sight and hearing; an emotional, perhaps oversensitive temperament, open to danger of jumping to extreme mental’ attitudes. A two-edged fortune; great chances of victory in the struggle for life, and danger of losing all of one’s property.


26-27 deg Libra

Symbol: A great eucalyptus in a garden.

A vital, force spreading its wholesome influence on all surrounding beings, a healthy spirit radiating around itself. A charitable, hospitable and fatherly nature, love of home, a taste for comfort and coziness. A strong but limited intelligence, as the native’s mind can do only one thing at a time and does it with all its might. There is a cool courage and sudden spells of fury on a background of impassiveness. However, if deliberately planned, this wrath will explode blindly. Lack of moral and physical suppleness; the native is unwieldy and nearly horny skinned; rugged, not springy; slowwitted and slowly aroused. Few will be able to see through the apparent contradiction of this oversensitive, close soul, gifted with imagination, but loath to conceive certain ideas.


27-28 deg Libra

A self-conflicting influence; human dignity and bondage, aristocracy and menial work, gallantry and lack of initiative, a sensitive soul and a limited mental range. I think the keynote here is resignation, in both good and evil senses. Therefore, ambition is totally absent, even if the native’s karma leads him to occupy ruling positions; whatever the status, his patience is boundless, his view confined. The drabness of such a narrow horizon will be borne with ease and taken for granted by this unhinged mind, prone to find any wider ambitions abnormal.


28-29 deg Libra

Although the native has moral principles, he will put up with anything for the sake of peace. An intellectual mind, gifted for literature and art, and likely to dodge his enemies’ underhanded plots. Should the nativity bear out fatalism rather than ambition, the subject would be a crack shirker, a likeable sluggard, a pleasant daydreamer, whose life will risk flowing on uneventful and dull without an ideal and with the sole aim of shunning effort. Most of the intellectual flotsam of the modern middle class is under this influence; their only ambition is some obscure government job, where they can dig in and bend their backs, ready to stick anything provided It wards off hunger. On the contrary, where other forces at work supply the native with a bare minimum of initiative and self-respect —which this degree in itself neither gives nor denies —there could be real courage and firm principles behind the outward softness of manners. Such virtues must be developed by manly training, enabling the native to weather any storm and to take life like a man. Then the native’s twist toward cunning can be turned into wisdom, and culture and good manners will confer great charm. The rest of the horoscope must show what the native is driving at.


29-30 deg Libra

Symbol: Deluge’s end: the Ark is stranded on top of Mt. Ararat, and the raven flies over the expanse of water. (Gen. 8:1 —7)

This degree may see any occult disciple through some stage of the Great Work (the raven), but is ominous to anyone else insofar as it hinders the establishment of a correct relation between the human being and its surroundings. It is as if the sprockets of the native’s wheels could not engage with the links of the outside world. If he is not endowed with the kind of faith that moves mountains, he risks growing fearful and reckless, humoring his own weaknesses without understanding the weaknesses of others. Shy of human society, he will feel safer among dangers; absolute faith or blind recklessness? Danger of accidental death or murder? To the stars the answer to those questions, although it will never be stressed enough: they predispose, never compel.


0-1 deg Scorpio

Symbol: Othello.

(Attention should be paid to the Shakespearian character’s nature, not to the story of his marriage to a gentlewoman much younger than himself.) A fierce, daring, snappish and high-handed temperament; an altruistic, generous, impassioned and unrestrained nature, brimming over with bodily and mental strength, led into endless strife by the wayward quarrelsomeness; impatient bluster; frantic outbursts of wrath; high-strung lustfulness and fitful jealousy. With all this the native is most likely to stick to someone unto death and to let himself be unconditionally ruled by the person loved. In less developed beings, the lack of restraint in anger and lust may drift into delinquency if other astrological factors concur. Anyway, there will be quarrels, break-up of friendships, duels and the like.


1-2 deg Scorpio

Symbol: An elephant.

Essential elements of this personality are strength, sturdiness, wide mental range, pond ration and slowness in everything. A detailed description, taking bodily features into account, will point to tall and stolid frame, a large nose and small, lively eyes; an individually marked character, a strong soul, gifted with sharp and deep judgment. The native has not only a mentally great head, much humanity and plenty of power, but is cautious, reserved, unprejudiced, either evenly melancholic or fearlessly confident in the future. Though he is normally easy and self-controlled, his wrath will know no bounds if he is roused. His memory is exceptionally retentive of both good and evil; his grudges can hardly be smoothed over. Sturdiness may lead sometimes to stubbornness, the huge strength may stray into high-handedness; in particularly ill-aspected charts, greatness may induce a swelled head. Less seldom, the native— basically sober as he is—may develop an unnatural taste for the macabre and may be obsessed with the idea of death. This in its turn may be sublimated into a surgical talent or into mystical contemplation of the next world.


2-3 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A meditating ascetic, squatting in a yogi’s posture, head and chest upright, and palms turned forward.

This degree is oriented toward a contemplative life and bestows such a depth of thought as can become an abyss. Whether it shall be an abyss of evil or of good, the whole of the nativity has to decide. The Powerful One, having overstepped the limits of sense delusions (what the Hindus call Maya) is rid of the bonds and ties hampering earthly beings, which is a danger in itself. This ought to be enough. Outwardly the native is silent, close, lonesome and shy of human society and fellowship, but others sooner or later may be compelled to acknowledge that, though he spoke not, he had his way and left a very conspicuous mark where he trod. It cannot be ruled out that, in particularly ominous horoscopes, lamentable travesties of true yoga and mystic pilgrimages are staged: the idle beggar stationed at a street corner; the vagrant wandering aimlessly through the world.


3-4 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A zither.

Art, harmony and merriness are the hallmarks of this degree. Merriness: a sparkling fullness of life, a freedom from worry, a lively cheerfulness utterly exempt from coarseness; happiness or, at any rate, contentedness and luck. Harmony: an agreement of the soul with the innermost self and the surrounding world, creative balance, inner peace, lord-like generosity toward one’s neighbors, faithfulness to the ideal of the chosen career, apt to reward the native with renown or, at least, success. Art: lyrical art in its widest sense; poetry, theatre, particularly music; or, at least, refined taste and feelings. Should the whole of the pattern bear the mark of spiritual pursuits, the native would be a follower of the mystic school leading to union through love, and to the attainment of one’s highest aim through an harmonious correspondence with things rather than through a harsh self-conquest. On the other hand, where the stars purport a feeble character, or an inner split, idle propensities and a trifling disposition, this degree but heightens such vices and does not bear any, of its above-mentioned fruits.


4-5 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A man maimed in his lower limbs, stands in the middle of a plain, while a storm rages overhead.

Miscarriage of any undertaking, lack of any constructive capacity, powerlessness to carry anything to its end. A volcanic and bungling mind, apt to set hand to a thousand and one fine things without being able to see a single one through. The resulting extravagant waste of energy is crowned by complete failure. This is no doubt a reckless, brutal and ravaging nature, a real hurricane incarnate. The body actually may be crippled, perhaps in the legs. Yet, should the native be open to highly religious and spiritual ideals—not incompatible with the features mentioned above provided the rest of the nativity confirms it—he may be of some use to society by shaking slumbering consciousnesses and giving an impulse toward good, which then could be carried out by others.


5-6 deg Scorpio

A real worker, the native will easily put up with hardships and think little of himself. In spite of a great sense of duty, there is an inner split, which could result in gossipy duplicity or even pervert modesty into dissembling servility. Though patient enough, the native will carry out his task bluntly rather than further it actively and steadily; he does not put enough zest into his work. An appropriate training will have to supply him with the necessary share of stead-fastness, or he will risk stopping in the middle of any undertaking. If the will power can be educated at all, the native’s limitation will not exclude success, as his painstaking care of details will be appreciated. Ups and downs can be expected in his social status, but if he is liable to fall, he is as well apt to rise again.


6-7 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A treasure.

The symbol conveys its meaning clearly enough, but it may help to remark that this influence can work on different planes. It may refer to the native’s precious gifts as well as to something outward that destiny has in store for him as a surprise; in this latter sense the symbol may be taken literally or metaphorically. None of the foregoing interpretation bars other ones; as usual, things are to be looked at within the frame of the whole astrological picture. Now for the details: Inner treasure may be taken to mean wealth of feelings, ideas or other forces of the mind. The element prevailing in the nativity will show the right sense if the houses and the aspects also are taken into account. A material treasure may be collected as a result of commercial dealings; or, whatever the success, the native’s lot may be to deal in jewels or rare objects. Otherwise he may be born to dig out mineral ore (gold, silver, etc.), archaeological remains, or to perform fruitful research journeys. In some cases the native may be singled out by destiny to be, spiritually or technically, the leader of an entire people. Apart from all this, we may add that the native is a tireless worker and that he is liable to show some childish features even in adult age; at the same time there is something royal about him, and his fortune holds something unexpected —and illogical —in store for him. Whether these are all to be pleasant surprises must be left to the pointers of luck in the chart to decide. This much can be said with assurance: the native has some karmic mysteries in his path, before which the average mind will feel thoroughly puzzled.


7-8 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A huge cock with a dazzling tail.

An original, fighting, generous and unprejudiced nature. A writer’s talent, a demonstrative, enthusiastic, buoyant and sprightly character, thoughtless of the morrow, capable of the most intense activity and likely to reach distinction through some outstanding feat. These are the assets. Now for the liabilities. An extraordinary light-mindedness, an unaccountable splurge and waste of energy, a random existence, a ceaseless and aimless whirlwind of activity, an extravagant or scandalous life of perpetual hustle and bustle. The native knows no self-restraint and is driven to monopolize everyone’s attention and to be the cynosure of all eyes. His sexual urge will be raised to a principle inspiring his behavior. He will dive headlong into love affairs, intrigues and adventures, with a haughty disregard of consequences and a defiant contempt of custom. There will be an unruly foolhardiness; squabbles will occur over the paltriest trifles; where lust is at stake, the native will not balk at crime.


8-9 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A child in a tub.

It is a degree of childishness. Spiritual development will be lopsided, and therefore incomplete, during childhood. Early suffering. (The two things do not hang of necessity on the same thread, though it may be assumed that they do.) The following may be reasonably expected to occur: either the child will lose both parents at an early age, or lose one of them and be neglected by the survivor, or neither of the parents will die, but the child will feel or believe itself neglected or misunderstood, and therefore will waste its days sticking to the skirts of an old charwoman or to the overalls of an old workman of its father’s. Allowance may be made for other cases as well; the scholar will have to find them out taking the other features into account. The keynote of this degree consists in its exposing childhood to the risk of an irregular development of mind and character. The whole of the horoscope will have to show whether men or events are to blame, whether the reasons for this are to be sought inside the native in an inordinately developed ego, or in the outside world. The possible consequences of this influence are twofold: either an unmanly sagging and flagging of the mind, or an exaggerated reaction resulting in a superiority complex. Whatever the truth, the native will stay long unripe and childish in his youth after having had an insufficiently youthful childhood. Restless, hypercritical, irreverent and ingenuous at the same time, he may, however, blossom into a useful member of society; when he reaches a higher position than his limited mind would purport, and thus shows a positive reaction to his early discouragement, he may even develop materially humanitarian tendencies. I say materially. In the spiritual field, un generosity will be the rule.


9-10 deg Scorpio

Malice ranging from witty joke to coarse treacherousness. A lightning-like presence of mind and intuition; in stupid natives, cunning. A mathematical mind. In lower beings, a scheming brain, a soul that can exploit to the uttermost the sympathy it awakens in others. The greatest faculty of dissembling and surprising, a marked political talent. In contemptible beings, double-dealing. In all cases the character will be close, silent, sphinx-like, fond of secrecy. There will be journeys, perhaps scientific discoveries.


10-11 deg Scorpio

In the foreground, a son’s love and solidarity with one’s native clan. On the reverse side of the shield, lack of measure. Lasting affections, inability to live without love; faithfulness and jealousy. Contrast of daring and shyness, of headiness and yieldingness. Lack of balance in front of life’s dangers and ambushes, unnecessary alarm and neglect of the most obvious precautions, implicit faith in those who do not deserve any, and injurious suspicions; fear of imaginary risks and blindness before real risk, useless wariness and silly rashness.


11-12 deg Scorpio

One virtue is outstanding here: prudence. The word is to be taken in its widest range of meanings: wariness, ponderation,, wisdom, foresight and, above all, the highest ability to ward off one’s despicable but sly and numerous foes. A resourceful mind, an individually marked character, reserved manners. Such virtues, however, border on the corresponding defects: cunning, selfishness and, perhaps, devious ways. The sexual urge is strong and could induce lustfulness. Longstanding angers, leaving behind muffled grudges. There may be real ill will. The native’s karma is bad and will force him always to keep on the lookout.


12-13 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A lonely stronghold on a high mountain top, a veritable eagle’s nest.

The place is fortified by nature itself rather than by man’s hand. It is the key-point of the region, and its possession grants sway over the neighboring states. Whether the native is high-born or a self-made man coming of an obscure family, fate certainly has earmarked him to occupy an eminent, independent position and to hold sway over others, owing to his inborn inexhaustible force. To obey him is a matter of course, nearly of necessity. An untiring, hard worker, he is fully confident in himself, and his firmness of purpose borders on stubbornness. Laconic, or even silent, he can scan and pierce everything around himself at a glance without betraying any of his feelings. Close but long-sighted, strong but on his defensive, cunning yet intelligent, he has fortune on his side and all the good or evil qualities needed to assert oneself and achieve success, his main asset being an iron will, unshakeable and undaunted; his main defect, a selfish, despotic, scheming ambition. When other aspects point to a liking for the career of arms, this degree will bestow the gift of strategy. Should the stars point to agriculture instead, the native would be a great organizer and manager of farms.


13-14 deg Scorpio

Many would be the native’s likeable sides if only he had some character, but he is very unlikely to have any should his Ascendant (or point of equidistance, or Sun) happen to fall on this degree. Anyhow, his best features would be openness, directness, innocence—all virtues which, to be realized in practice, would need such firmness, energy and self-denial as are certainly conspicuous for their absence here. Moreover, the native is more hearty and impulsively courageous than cool-minded and clearheaded, candid rather than reserved, modest rather than discreet. In spite of all, people will like his genial, hearty open comradeship, his loving kindness toward his friends. Though he may be harmed by other people’s (if not his own) indiscretion, he is no fool and can gauge human characteristics in their whole, if not through a minute test of their details.


14-15 deg Scorpio

It is a feminine degree. It bestows remarkable beauty, a debonair character, a probably strong physique or, at any rate, one that can stand pain, hardship and hard work; but it tends to exclude any spiritual kind of religion. It's essential feature is an absolute fatalism which, according to the marshaling of the other influences, can produce two different effects. In a noble native there will be a tragically deterministic view of the main problems of life, a mechanical conception of the universe, leaving no room for any religious faith or anything transcendent; a stoic acceptance of any sacrifice — nay, a need to sacrifice oneself, even groundlessly, as a kind of mental masochism, without any enthusiasm or joy for the hardships withstood, which may really have cost a great self-denial. On the other hand, a much coarser being will not be an atheist but a fetishist, a bigoted clericalist or the like. He will be utterly devoid of any stoical spirit and apt to let his fatalism or determinism—no longer a purely sentimental or speculative leaning—weigh heavily on his practical life and work. In this case the native’s main feature will be a slothful passivity, which may border on idleness or cowardice. Should a fillip from outside or an inner impulse rouse the sluggard to some work, he will fling himself blindly into it, but his labor will risk being wasted, and his body being crippled in the process. One result is common to both types of native: he will not be able to taste the joy or the pleasures of life.


15-16 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A knight of the Holy Grail.

An ancient Christian legend tells how, when Lucifer was flung down from Heaven, a jewel fell from his crown. From this jewel a cup was carved in which, on the day of our Lord’s passion, Joseph of Arimathea gathered the blood flowing from crucified Christ’s five wounds. This chalice, luciferic by origin, divine by destination, is named Grail. Its wardens are knights enlisted into a military order having its headquarters in a mysterious and impervious place by the name of Monsalvat. Hence the knights set out to bring mankind the medicines it needs, to defend the oppressed, and to redress downtrodden rights. But not all the knights have stayed faithful; evil forces try to win over as many of them as possible, and the ranks of deserters form the army of Monsalvat’s bitterest foes. This legend’s secret meaning does not concern us here, but only such hits as are necessary to explain the symbol, whose essence ought to be clear by now, consisting in a spirit of Christian charity and mercy served by an enlightened mind and a chivalrous and enthusiastic heart. A knight errant may not tell a lie; formidable as the foes may be, a righteous one cannot be conquered in an ordeal, down a merciful one cannot but be human and kind, a Christian hero cannot but be lovable. Whatever the moral height of the native, foreign is the country where he is called to act, his outward appearance is nimble and ‘attractive, his wedding princely. Should other components allow, he would belong either to a secret sector to the militant Church.


16-17 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A deer.

He who takes no risks, takes no rusks. —Italian proverb This degree would greatly favor a military career if it had not a great drawback— the total absence of even the slightest amount of civil courage. To be more accurate, that slightest amount would have been no moral virtue but merely a show of some political value, so that the absence of even that much results not only in cowardice but in imbecility as well. The native is weak towards himself, his opponents, life; though a line must be drawn between private and professional life. Outwardly the greatest gent1eman, he is punctual at work, scrupulously honest and accurate, always smart and proud, and will enjoy the sympathy and esteem of all. At home lie is ruthlessly selfish and torn by the craving for new sensations and lusts. Rather than reckless and dishonest in love, he is unprejudiced and shameless and will be naturally enough worshipped by representatives of the opposite sex. Will that universal esteem or this widespread worship amount to anything? Hardly anything at all; if it comes to fight or to the slightest show of manly pluck, the native will stage a dignified withdrawal, lordly and cowardly beyond belief. Therefore, unless favored with a great amount of luck from other stars, his life will be a failure or, at least, a great disappointment as he always will consider discretion the better part of valor and will end his days in misery. Voyages are better avoided.


17-18 deg Scorpio

A strict sense of justice, a liking for aimless leisure, unlucky love affairs thwarted by jealousy and mistrust (whether the native or the other partner is jealous, the whole of the horoscope must tell), an absolute lack of autonomy, a life weighed down by an excess of sloth. The native seems to lay little store by his own word, as he thinks little of entering an engagement and even less of subsequently breaking his pledge. Courage to act openly is conspicuous by its absence, and there is just enough courage to bear the consequences of one’s flippant fickleness or follies and to accept any sacrifice. Love for art, especially music, is deep-rooted. But one who has no character is unlikely to succeed unsupported in such a field, and there is no trace of any moral force here.


18-19 deg Scorpio

 Symbol: Cerberus.

(Cerberus is a dragon with three doglike heads. The Greeks called it “Taenarius snake” and placed it in hell as its doorkeeper. Dante places it in the infernal circle of the gluttons and tells how Virgil managed to pacify it by throwing it a handful of mud to eat.—Inf. 6, 13-33. Traditional comments to Dante’s poem rate Cerberus a dog. Where is this written? Dante’s monster has but a dog’s barking. Dante ought to be read more attentively before coming to sweeping conclusions. Her terms Cerberus a “cruel and multifarious beast.”) As watchful and wary as anybody, the native is far from being a daredevil and seldom has real courage but looks as if he were always angry at everything and everybody, or nearly so, and his threats frighten numberless people. A fighter with words, he will display a bugbear’s grim-faced bluster but seldom attack, and never in front; if assailed, he will fight back with unequalled doggedness, and his bites will leave their mark. Faithful in friendship and enmity, very exacting, quick-tempered but stubborn, inexhaustible on the battlefield, inexorable in victory, his Achilles’ heel lies in his unappeasable greed for material pleasure, sexual and convivial. He is, on the other hand, an excellent trencherman and could do justice to a gargantuan meal. At table he is nearly affable. Where other aspects of the nativity indicate a spiteful and treacherous character, this filthy reptile will be a curse and a scourge for his fellow beings, as his is a heart of stone. Why do all-too-human beings acknowledge subconsciously this slimy being as their own master, even while hating him with all their soul? Is the reason to be traced in the destiny of all sensible things—and of them alone —to fall sooner or later into the dark god’s power, or in the power of his earthly representatives, as mud belongs to mud? Anyhow, Cerberus will destroy whatever he lays hands—or better, paws— upon, and cannot build anything. But he knows a thing or two; he has an assimilating, wary, manifold, prompt mind, and a gift for languages, but is never either consequent or original.


19-20 deg Scorpio

This degree favors social advancement and success in one’s chosen career, but it assures neither stability in it nor firmness of character. Where other factors concur, the native may attain to renown or glory which, though, never will rule out ups and downs.  Success is within the native’s reach on account of his courage and his spiritual height, supported by a rugged yet pliant body, and in glaring contrast to his unbridled lustfulness. Few people will be such an easy prey of women, gambling and wine; on the other hand, few can stand hardships so well as he can. But his balance could drift into inner split, his force in to quarrelsomeness or love of word fights, or into aggressiveness altogether. Travels, probably east, will play a remarkable role, and during his wanderings the native is likely to make discoveries or important researches. A potentially unlimited intelligence lit by spiritual hope.


20-21 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A steppe of northern America at the beginning of the eighteenth century; herds of bison and wild horses gallop on the prairie.

Tribes of Indians live freely on hunting and fishing. A savage or primitive nature longing for freedom and champing at the bit of restraint. A great but undisciplined moral force, a courage ready to stand any test. A probably wild or downright ferocious character, knowing no inhibitions. At the same time, simplicity and naiveness; a love of childhood is apt to drive the native so far as to make him take part seriously in children’s games and to look a child among children. Fondness of horse racing. A hard destiny: acts of self-denial and heroic struggles in defense of one’s independence, with a constant threat to this and to freedom itself.


21-22 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A waterfall driving an overshot wheel which engages no contrivance and whirls aimlessly in the air.

It is the degree of random impulses and haphazard resolutions, after which one is forced to reconsider one’s plans and to retrace one’s steps. Restless, thoughtless and therefore ignorant of danger, the native is apt to lose his head and even to prove a coward when forced to face the situation brought about by his own foolishness. He then will back out as hurriedly as he drove forward. He will repay himself for such drawbacks by taking advantage of those weaker than himself, with the overbearingness typical of cowards. Life will be hard on him, so that after a succession of ups and downs he will find himself in a blind alley from which he will not manage easily to escape. Attachment to home is the only redeeming feature.


22-23 deg Scorpio

Hopefulness, often unjustified confidence, certainly more luck than deserved typifies this degree. Unrealizable plans prevail —plans around power and wealth, which are squandered. Love of arbitrage and trade at large. A taste for paradox, which the native will mistake for originality; a contrary and spiteful nature. There is no firmness in decisions, and the will power is jumpy and shaky.


23-24 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A woman spinning with the rook and distaff.

Many a feminine virtue; a sensitive, modest, earnest disposition, a great love of peace, of the family and of home. There is a deep-seated sense of duty and above all a real passion for work applied to useful and concrete things. Few have such practicality. A firm and sedate character, an extraordinary self-possession, as the native never will lose her composure and is perhaps even too cocksure. Nor is this the only defect. There is too much thrift, which can stiffen into close-fistedness, too much reserve, which may lead the native to shun society. The tragedy of life is so deeply felt that a pall of constant gloom is likely to set over the native. Every family mourning will leave lasting traces. For all her thrift, the native will stay poor, or nearly so, but will manage to have a house of her own, will be esteemed for her virtues and is not unlikely to leave behind not only an honored but a famous memory, provided that the rest of her pattern bears it out. A partiality for black, and dull or sedate colors.


24-25 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A wolf carrying away a goose.

A very undesirable influence, leading to trouble and even to crime. A life of strife and sorrows, misery and wrangles, adventures and ephemeral conquests, cheerless victory over one’s foes followed by bereavement of the fruit thereof; abandonment, probably treason by one’s oldest friends. A silent, greedy, unscrupulous, gruffy and unsociable egotist, the native will be given a wide berth by all and will nevertheless pick quarrels with everyone. Little as other pointers hint at dishonesty, this degree will make the native into a criminal in the technical sense of the word, a thief, a murderer, a sharper. Strongly beneficent influences may neutralize or balance this one, sublimating into lofty aspirations and high-spirited rebellions those psychic forces which, in a less noble horoscope, would have come to light as antisocial tendencies. Then the selfish curtness becomes lord-like reserve, ascetical isolation, inner quietude, but this case is very rare.


25-26 deg Scorpio

A very marked personality, a resolute and deliberate character, both shy of publicity and contemptuous of public opinion. Courage driven to the utmost of recklessness may bring the native into danger. There are two possible cases: An honest and human nature, whose loathing of the pick of society and of the smart military set will turn his feelings into sympathy and love for the needy and the destitute. He will courageously go out of his way to succor this undeserving flotsam of society who has been disinherited and left in the lurch by the highbrows. But he will get the usual reward of benefactors: “ingratitude more strong than a traitor’s arm” will overpower him. The native has no moral principles whatsoever. Then hatred of mankind will strike root and sprout in him. He will lurk in the shade, plotting against human society, a thief or even worse.


26-27 deg Scorpio

An inborn authority; a gentle way of getting things done; ambition and sense of duty, gift of gab and literary talents; great courage and great dangers to face. In such a horoscope as to exclude public life, eloquence may sheer off into balderdash or gossip (as the native is a very sociable being, fond of festivity and entertainment) and political skill into double-dealing. Anyway, the native has a powerful and adaptable mind, a deep-rooted sense of responsibility and a greater prestige over others than logically purported by the social position, whatever that is. Others are unlikely to acknowledge they are under the spell of such a prestige which, in some cases, may become very great indeed.


27-28 deg Scorpio

A faith ready to stand any test is the keynote of this degree, where the word faith may be taken to mean anything within the limits of the meaning conveyed by such an extensive word. In a good sense, this will be faithfulness to a religious ideal, apt to create perfect human relations. Were it bad faith, this would turn into lasting grudges and ill-will, or Mito treacherousness in trade; viz., cheating; and it may bring about an accomplice’s solidarity and a tendency to stick together in crime. Certain virtues, however, are sure to be there: scrupulousness, reserve, earnestness and firmness in purpose, consequence in one’s views. Whether honest or dishonest, the native, is of an austerity bordering on prudery; he will appear sometimes priggish but always will make a thoroughly spiritual impression. Therefore his trespasses are so much more dangerous, and his crimes so much more intentional.


28-29 deg Scorpio

Symbol: An elderly man, draped in the regalia of old universities, sits at a table, a book unfolded before him. On the wall behind, hunting trophies.

Fondness for learning, aptitude for arts, and scientific gifts. A creative and original mind that can reach the height of genius, if the other stars bear this out. Inner nobility and humane feelings. A sedentary life on work days, sport in the open on holidays; fondness for hunting, success in shooting at stool pigeons. On the whole, good luck, even a very good one, if it did not keep the native waiting too long.


29-30 deg Scorpio

Symbol: A very large-headed snake.

Wariness, wisdom and skill in the highest measure, which can be sublimated into the cardinal virtue of prudence, and as easily swerve into ignoble cunning, sneaking toadyism, venomous treacherousness. The native will exert the greatest influence on his neighbors through his mastery of words, which will enable him to hold a nearly irresistible and hypnotic sway over others with the greatest parsimony of sentences. Should other aspects concur, he would have an uncanny knack of shifting any argument onto ground most favorable to himself, and of cunningly turning the debate in such a way as to let the opponents dig their own graves with statements jeopardizing their own case. This would make him highly dangerous if he were, as he is likely to be, a double-tongued trickster. Unusually enough, to his gift of gab and to his moral and bodily suppleness, the native will join a true warlike spirit and other gifts that may stand him in good stead both on the battlefield and in a barracks; he will be able to alternate the use of a stirring word with the display of a combativeness that sometimes can reach heroism, but will oftener make him harshly and aggressively unpleasant to anyone not under the power of his magic spell. With these gifts, the military and political careers are obviously open. In spite of all, the gifts mentioned above are capable of sublimation; one should not forget that this degree stands under the symbol of a snake, whose meaning is well known to the initiates.


0-1 deg Sagittarius

This degree confers an unruly imagination that may run away with the native at times, but it will give him a keen and ready insight as well. He will not avoid trouble, but his scent will be so delicate and his wits so piercing as to enable him to take off at a glance the most entangled situations and to tell accurately truth from falsehood, right from wrong. Freedom is for him a proud and jealous possession. There will be a sensitive, easy and natural disposition, a simple, somewhat unprejudiced and whimsical spirit. The greatest danger is a certain tendency to get into scrapes through association with reckless people. Where other astrological data fit into the picture of a rebellious and knavish character, this may go so far as to mean penal condemnation, even capital sentence as a result of conspiracy and murder, provided that local laws warrant capital execution. In charts evidencing that kind of legalized villainy—the birthmark of cops and detectives—there will be obvious risks attending upon such professions. In an honest and law-abiding nativity, danger will derive from other people’s light-mindedness (like serious losses, incidents harmful to one’s body, etc.). Anyway, it will be a life of distress and hardships and of such continuous efforts as to tax the endurance of the strongest. There will be a religious sense and a certain philosophic wisdom even in the bobby, lightening the burden of life and suggesting ways of making the best of it.


1-2 deg Sagittarius

A warlike and aggressive nature. The native may be as well a romantic Stummer und Dranger as a quarrelsome swashbuckler, ever ready to engage in brawls and therefore exposed to the risk of violent death. Anyhow, he cannot put up with the dullness of a humble middle-class life. The unknown calls him, and a craving for wonderful adventures possesses him.


2-3 deg Sagittarius

A self-contradictory character: on one hand gentle and sensitive, on the other mettlesome, combative and even aggressive. His sense of charity and altruism can lead him to the hardest sacrifices that border on absolute self-denial, yet there will be something mean in it. Psychic and sexual fecundity, love of family, home and work; an aptitude for arts, engineering and perhaps architecture, though the skill in planning to the least detail be transferred from the field of material buildings to the one of feelings and induce a petty scheming and plotting mer1tality. People may like, love, even adore, the native, but the concourse of other astrological factors will be needed for this.


3-4 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A grated window in a mediaeval manor.

The native’s warlike and impulsive nature will stay hidden till drawn out and revealed by circumstances apt to produce an outburst of rightful wrath ambitious fury. Till such time, the native will look like a good-natured man, in deep-felt affections but full of reserve; not submissive but unassuming and self-contained; kind, correct in business, sensitive and watchful, with a slight of tameness but ready to defend himself. On the contrary, when the bugle has blown, there he will go, leaping out of his den to do or die, a hero or a villain, violent and ruthless, a real daredevil.


4-5 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A woman in mourning clothes rocks a cradle and sings a lullaby.

A dull voice, apt to induce drowsiness. A melancholic and resigned nature, perhaps content in her suffering or downright delighting in her grief. Lyrical, sentimental but muffled outpourings. Passion for art, aesthetic refinement or fickleness of taste, continuous wavering between two opposite artistic tendencies or schools of thought. A humble attachment to one’s work and to the tasks imposed by fate, a scanty aptitude for life’s struggles, sympathy for needy and the undeserving poor, and powerlessness to help them as one would wish; a permanently shilly-shallying and wavering nature. A lonely and confined life, danger of widowhood. The soul’s silence and solitude are broken only by a muffled song reaching no further than two steps away. (Pascoli, imbrurare, Dusk).


5-6 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A many-horned ox.

An even too soft character. A manifold mind, inventive and resourceful, fond of study and work. But all this will turn to the benefit of other people who will exploit the native’s work and will ill-use himself. His destiny is to serve; whether the servant of one or of many masters, whether on duty for his country or subordinate to mankind’s interests, neither his life nor his work ever will be independent. A pun may express this rather well: when the native does not work in the service of others, his work is of no service, of no use: all his efforts for his own sake will stay fruitless. Strangely enough, this seems to suit his boundless vanity, which is nearly ridiculous for a man; he will think of himself only as in a show-window, and all the mental work he reserves for his own personal benefit will only aim to make himself admired. He will not dream of his own independence, or at least he will not think seriously.


6-7 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: An idle woman.

An uneventful life. Ambition is absent, patience borders on inertness, inactivity verges on sloth. There is no lack of self-control, but mental habits tend toward a settled and unruffled life interwoven with steady domestic joys and intimate bliss. Barring pointers to the contrary, marriage will be happy, and luck in general will not be too bad.


7-8 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: Two men playing dice

The native will tend to have all his eggs in one basket, and may risk everything on one throw when his very life is at stake. If he wins, success or even glory is his; in case of defeat there is no further chance, as he has burned his bridges. Usually Fortune will smile upon such confidence in her favors, though this will not always be the case. The nativity taken as a whole must point out whether we are confronted with a great man’s deliberately planned gamble, or with a game operator’s or betting addict’s random shot; we hardly need say that the latter is more frequent. Therefore, unless well aspected elsewhere, the native cannot rely exclusively on the blind Goddess’ smile to balance his accounts, and he will risk failure at the slightest wink of ominous stars. He then will have to put up with the lowest jobs and bear the humblest fatigues. Yet even in this case his buoyant cheerfulness will stay untarnished and the faith in his own star unshaken; this loser’s merriness may even spread around him like wildfire, and he will take a hand-to-mouth existence in his stride, waiting for Fortune’s wheel to give another half turn.


 8-9 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A blazing pyre.

Fire, either in a real sense or in the figurative ones; the fiery element takes a hand here. Literally it may portend a work connected with fire, or an accident due to the same. In a figurative but still material sense, it may point to fever, to physical consumption due either to the flame of a too-lively passion or to lack of balance between the rush of a spiritual surge and the body’s limits of resistance, or to financial ruin and swift destruction of one’s substance. In a non-material sense, fitful and restless yet aimless activity; enthusiasm or stubbornness, or both together; inspiration or a fanatic’s visions; feverish, driftless and fruitless work, scatterbrained eagerness and precocious exhaustion of one’s energies; sacrifice of anything else, provided one’s ideal—or point of view—carries the day, with exactly the same chances of falling flat. Burning pains: life’s battle will be ablaze with searing fire which, however, will cast its glow on the native’s personality. Even if destined to an early death, he will have been prominent and may have chosen such a career as to bring him to the limelight. The career itself, whether literary, political or forensic, will have to be determined by the chart as a whole.


9-10 deg Sagittarius

Destiny singles out the native to defeat his competitors and to come off with flying colors in his career. He has the makings of success; a way with people, a manifold and assimilating mind, handiness and skill in general. Should these peaceful gifts not be enough, he will show his claws when the occasion calls for it, and will appear quarrelsome and aggressive. Whether by hook or by crook, he must reach both a renown and a position above his mental powers, which can be a genius’, but never will be original. Whether by birthright or by professional earnings, welfare and riches must either accompany him or meet him on his way.


10-11 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: An ape riding a wolf.

This degree will favor a military and a political career. It confers all the virtues of a noble and fearless heart and all the vices of a sly, dissembling and unscrupulous mind. The native is glib enough to defend the noblest cause, resorting to the underhand tricks employed to bolster up a forged and exploded cause. Strong favorable aspects would strike off the craftiness, whereas concurrence of evil features may taint the nobility of the cause. The native will win many friends and make many enemies; and his life, after seeing him through many perils, may have a sudden end.


11-12 deg Sagittarius

Only a comprehensive glance, taking in the astrological picture in its entirety, will enable us to judge whether the features of this degree are vices or virtues. There may be love of home or selfish attachment to one’s comforts; a faithfulness to habit implying a methodic mind, as well as the utter powerlessness of one chained to his customary routine; a self-containment suggestive of a wealth of pent-up energies or betraying sheer impotence to act. A strong lover, the native may lavish his affections on his lawful wife, or have many, erotic ties at the same time, the only clearly emerging feature being sacrifice of other—however eager desires to the flesh. He will be kind and affable with his neighbors. Yet in talking he may display a self-contradiction apt to annoy his interlocutors. The excess of lust may involve him in all kinds of trouble and may wear precociously his bodily vigor, thereby increasing his congenital slackness.


12-13 deg Sagittarius

Ye cannot serve God and Mammon. —Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:13 This degree glaringly denounces the greed of filthy lucre. In order to achieve wealth, the native would gladly tread over his father’s corpse (which is hyperbolically expressed but may literally come true, as the native’s career may well drip blood, even the gore of mass murder). But we must not lose sight of the result. Ill-gotten is ill-fated. The wrists of the worshipper of the golden calf risk becoming too well acquainted with shackles or strait jackets. Unless powerful stars come to his help elsewhere, moral decay, bodily contagion or the breakdown of his reason will take the poor wretch to jail, the isolation ward or the lunatic asylum.


13-14 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A master holding an open book in a very untidy but not uncomfortable room.

The native will set his shoulder to the wheel in anything he undertakes and will be able to give his intelligence the full support of splendid gifts, though intelligence itself is not specifically bestowed by this degree, which will grant only endurance in mental pursuits and eagerness in learning. This will be crowned by an excellent memory, a creative and harmonious imagination and a fine literary style. Little as other aspects hint at an outstanding mind, the native will emerge as a master in his own line, even a great master. There might be a suggestion of stiffness about him, something dignified and formal which will impair his popularity. But there will be no pettifogger in him; on the contrary, there will be an outward carelessness and an inward bent to enjoy the robust pleasures of life. In less developed beings the transcendent features of this degree will produce superstition or witchcraft. Departure from the beaten track may be a cause of unpopularity for the professional writer, which may apply to the non-writers as well.


14-15 deg Sagittarius

A wild growth of images and a sharp intelligence. The native may be passionately fond of sciences —especially astronomy—and slightly clairvoyant. An even character with a slight touch of laziness. Still in his prime the native may see all his ambitions satisfied, but he will face disappointment in his riper age if he cannot turn into a steady flow the energy that pushed him forward in leaps and bounds during his youth; one never ought to rely on one’s flying start to take him all the way up to his aim.


15-16 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A narrow, dark and deserted blind alley, littered with broken toys.

An evil influence. The native’s utter lack of practical skill will prevent him not only from leading anything to completion but even from getting down efficiently to any task. His plans will be made of thin air, his action will bear no other fruit but mistakes and mishaps, misery and ruin.


16-17 deg Sagittarius

An original mind and an outstanding personality. There is a great faith in God, a strictly religious mind without taint of Puritanism, an open and honest heart, a free and easy temper. On the reverse side of the shield we find that the native’s merriness betrays a childish strain, that his carefree and frolicsome craving for amusement sometimes runs away with him and stops him from doing any real good. His too-marked personality may, in spite of his generosity, isolate him or cut him off altogether from human society. The native is sensitive to cold and needs warm garments. His life will be long but not prosperous— therefore too long. Some reckless acts may land him in endless trouble. The shakiness of his position will sour his ripe age and bring about an old age of hardships and toil. Abandoned by his neighbors, the native will find no refuge other than prayer. May God. lend an ear to his wishes.


17-18 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: In full daylight Diogenes, clad in rags, goes around with a lighted lantern. In the background is the cask where he lives.

The native is raving mad and driven to further excesses and absurdities by each of his impulses. He not only loves a rustic and sparing life but goes out of his way on an endless search for self-imposed hardships. He will not work, though he subjects himself to an unceasing and aimless toil. He is wayward rather than original; his planning is but castle-building. He cannot be denied a certain cranky and crotchety genius, but he is thoroughly off balance. A scatterbrained madcap and a dizzy cloud-dweller, he never will be able to get on in this world. He will only rouse a sensation. The failure of his hard efforts may even bring about real madness.


18-19 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: A house on a Holm whose bushy banks are wrapped in flame.

Fondness for boating, a taste for art; a nimble mind and a lazy disposition; a subtle but crooked intelligence, a passionate and touchy character, endless worrying. The native is crazy about water—not at meals—yet he will have to go through fire. Whether this is to be taken literally or figuratively, whether real fires, war conflagrations or searing moral pains are in store for him must be left to the rest of the horoscope to decide. At any rate, something will have to be thrown overboard in order for him to escape, and the bums will leave permanent scars.


19-20 deg Sagittarius

This degree will grant gifts referring to three different branches of life: society, art, and medicine. The word society must be taken in its widest sense. The native will be as sociable, cordial and merry as anyone else; he seems bound to win many friends, to enter lucky business associations with many of his acquaintances and to have a crowd of admirers. He takes passionately to social problems and joins political propaganda and party struggle with the zeal distinctive of scholars and the fieriness of a partisan, sometimes with a sectarian’s stubborn cantankerousness. For art he has good taste, perhaps artistic and decorative gifts; certainly a great love of beauty. Nor are his gifts for medicine negligible. This native is surely a tireless and manifold person. The whole of the horoscope will point to the activity he must choose, though the three do not exclude each other, as the medical scholar may write treatises going down to posterity as masterpieces of art, the artist may choose subjects with a sociological background, whereas the sociologist may have to delve deeply into problems of sanitation and health. The whole of the theme may indicate also whether there will be genius or amateurish shallowness, a manifold mastermind or a brilliant dabbling, thoughtless zeal, or fruitful activity.


20-21 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: The six-pointed star, or David’s seal.

In a certain sense, David’s seal is synonymous with the Cross, as both represent the divine order, the cosmic balance of the four contrasting elements. Apart from this the two symbols differ: The Cross—and it only —representing Our Lord’s passion, and David’s seal picturing in the most dramatic way the endless dualism of matter against spirit. This two hundred sixty-first degree clearly attunes the contrasting forces of man’s upper and lower being; it gives self-mastery—a balance between spirit ad matter. Any balance may be dynamic or static; whether the former or the latter is to be realized here is up to the whole horoscope to tell. If there are pointers of initiative, decision and liveliness elsewhere, we may conclude that the native can admirably exploit the uncommon energy God has granted him; he will thirst for truth and justice,. and his judgment, his self-possession, his wisdom may make him into a Guide for mankind and he may well becoi~ae an Initiate. On the contrary, should other aspects in his chart show a resigned, dull, unpractical mind, theinfluence of this twenty-first degree of Sagittarius then would turn to harm insofar as it enhances the native’s irresoluteness and renders him suspicious of all and everyone.


21-22 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: Two men engaged in a deadly fight.

Here is the perfect embodiment of stubborn and relentless dissension; should other aspects fail to soothe this influence, the native would be an unmitigated faultfinder. To listen to him, current public opinion is nonsense (and there is something in this); the established order is unjust and absurd—nay, this is the worst possible world (which is slightly exaggerated); whatever idea is conceived by others can be but worthless trash, if by no other reason, because it crossed someone else’s mind and must be condemned without trial. Here the native’s spirit of wanton denial reaches the freakish height of its childish hideousness. At the bottom of all this there is an un avowed thirst for public applause and a. total lack of the constructive gifts leading to recognition; the native must therefore fully exploit the only weapon still at his disposal—applause of his critical thrusts against other people’s buildings. He will tirelessly throw stones at others, polemicize, heckle and run down their works. Still, when milder stars do not interfere, he will be in for quarrels, brawls, squabbles, lawsuits for libel, well-deserved boxes on the ears and duels, which will be his daily task. Death on the dueling ground cannot be ruled out. We spoke of the politician. Should the native not be one, I should be at a loss what other profession to advise. A look at the whole may help in any event. Where this shows evil moral features; theft and murder must be feared, or death in a scuffle or on the gallows.


22-23 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: Mortal row between two women

Blind and impulsive passionality, cruel disappointments, frenzied jealousy, danger of murder committed in hot blood where the native easily could be the victim if other astrological factors consistently point at lack of violence and portend murder at the hands of a man. The native woman would nearly always be wrong in confiding in someone and is invariably wrong when she is in love. Lack of return will show a bitter resentment in her soul, which may find its outlet in bloodshed or turn into sour misanthropy. In a man’s activity these and other omens may refer to him or to his woman. This degree carries the hideous mark of jealousy and excessive suspicion. Jealousy means mistrust of everyone and everything, hidden watching, stealthily rummaging the beloved one’s papers, spying and lying in ambush to follow the eyes from afar, taking other people into one’s confidence and ending in being double crossed by them, torturing one’s beloved and especially oneself. Heart ailments are not unlikely. If not the mind, the nerves are certainly unhinged.


23-24 deg Sagittarius

Symbol: Suicide.

A gloomy spirit obsessed by the idea of death. The symbolic image may come true literally or metaphorically, or both together. Anyway, life will be short and dreary, death sudden and perhaps violent; but the native himself is responsible for—if not the author of—his own mishaps. His ambitions are wrong, preposterous or fruitless. He cannot win friends and establish business connections. His life will be marked by a quick succession of accidents. The symbol also may mean departure without return, like emigration, relinquishment of an entire world, etc., or more simply, faraway travels and even gain through foreign ‘trade but, in this latter case, income will be desultory and uncertain.


24-25 deg Sagittarius

Misuse of pleasures, of mental activity and of manual work; a freakish coexistence of the  loftiest longings with a glutton’s dreams. Intoxication of the mind, alcoholic drunkenness, an orgiastic temper in everything and the attending danger of bodily or mental fuddle. Hard ordeals are ahead. If the native knew moderation and could rhythmically alternate work and rest, pleasure and duty, success would be within reach.


25-26 deg Sagittarius

Kindness, faith, trustworthiness in friendships, a helpful, merry and playful nature, attractive manners, a likable personality. The body will be light and nimble, the movements supple and precise; there will be skill in handling weapons and a sense of rhythm. The native is one of those few people who can use their hands and can above all imitate their neighbors and counterfeit them strikingly. Should the rest of the pattern support this, there would be great scenic gifts—whether tragic or comic, will have to be decided by other features. A bad nativity may pervert art into mummery and the harmless jokes into dirty tricks. The nimble person, mastering his own body with matchless skill, may turn into a clown or be warped into a quacksalver. Anyhow, it ought to be borne in mind that a soul nobler and deeper than expected hides behind those outward striking and likable features. Few will notice it.


26-27 deg Sagittarius

Should other stars support this, the native would be a man whose mind and activities stand out for all to admire, but he would be morally poor unless other aspects greatly improve this point. The native does not know what he is driving at, has no moral backbone and cannot stand upright under destiny’s blows; he is, in a word, characterless, and on top of this seems to have his hands bound for one reason or another. His speech will be persuasive, his nature sociable, likable, attractive, even charming; he will be irresistible in love. If you add to all this a mastermind, genius, the peak of greatness and glory is sure to be reached, even through stumbles, wanderings and wavering. But the position thus reached will not be stable and safe, as the envious will refuse to lay down their arms—nay, will never feel secure till they have thrown into disgrace or ruined the native who will, therefore, have to be cautious in things political. Sudden death may sever the thread of career and work at their climax.


27-28 deg Sagittarius

The very embodiment of patience; slow but stubborn, tireless, the native will get on thanks to his steadfastness. A silent, close, somewhat bent and precociously aging being, he has something tragic about himself as tragically will be the ordeals and even the slights he will bear without batting an eye. In spite of his hardships and of the burdens laid on his shoulders, notwithstanding the crushing weight of a huge task to fulfill and the attempts to check his progress on his opponents’ side, he seems destined to success. I said he seems, not he is, as a sudden death, perhaps a violent one, may snap his career. Will this mean his own death, or death of a protector or an inspirer? The answer is to be sought elsewhere in the nativity.


28-29 deg Sagittarius

Physical fitness, skill in scientific work, love for precision, muscular ruggedness and moral uprightness; psychological insight and a talent for physiology, surgery and medical sciences at large. Unfortunately these gifts are spoiled by lack of courage of one’s own opinion. Not that the native is a coward, but he is surely a sluggard. He is particularly timid, even morbidly so; morosely mistrustful and constantly on the alert. He has no poise, no pivot. His very honesty, straightness and intuition are not those of a wise, sound and experienced human being. On the contrary, they bear dreadfully naive and childish marks. Restless, and as reckless as the timid usually are, the native may easily head for a fall, and some mental or bodily illness may lame him for years. Nevertheless, if favorably aspected elsewhere, he may expect a measure of luck, but the whole of the chart must be referred to for the exact balance between bad and good luck. A peculiar feature is his fondness for a  soft and snug bed with sheets of fine linen.


29-30 deg Sagittarius

The native is a misfit in his times. He may discover some of the most jealously guarded secrets of nature and be a forerunner of times to come; and may as well bring again to the light things long forgotten and buried, thus reviving the past. Whether the former or the latter, he has a mission to fulfill and possesses the force of character and the sharpness of mind life demands of him. A naturalist or a mining engineer, a pioneer, an archaeologist or whatever he is, he is born to discover, to innovate, and to be misunderstood and bitterly fought. He will have to suffer but will be able to overrule the intrusive advice of the zealous. Should the other aspects not rule out a measure of luck, he may well end by carrying the day.


0-1 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A couple of twins.

This degree is in partial contrast with this whole sign’s influence as it tends to weaken, if not entirely to blot out Capricorn’s main features—that outer isolation and that inner feeling of seclusion from the rest of mankind. The native’s essential trait is a close tie to another human being, possibly neither a lawful nor an unlawful marriage partner; the whole of the pattern will have to specify which kind of bond this is. All suppositions are admitted; the subject may have a twin brother or sister (the extreme case being Siamese twins) and that may have a decisive bearing on his or her existence; he may have a kind of spiritual brother or brotherly twin ray, as the legend has it of Orestes and Pylades. In a thief’s pattern, this influence will tend to establish a criminal partnership to be dissolved only by the gallows; in a degenerate’s pattern there may be a homosexual tie of durable character. In all of these cases the answers to such questions as whether there is any reciprocal affection, which of the two brothers is the other’s succuba, are to be sought elsewhere. Other features: a great—nay, exceptional—versatility for a Capricornian, a certain intellectual merriness wiping out altogether or dimming the sign of the rampart’s usual rampaging character; a diplomatic gift easily perverted into double-dealing and treachery, which can, however, lead very far either in an ambassador’s or in a consul’s career, or in that of a trade commissioner, or in cultural exchanges. The typical self-assurance of Capricorn is stronger than ever in this first degree; the faith in oneself and in one’s cause is driven to its utmost.


1-2 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A weather cock on top of an old steeple.

The lack of character, of constancy, of steadiness, perhaps of resolution, are this native’s heel of Achilles, who would otherwise hold the best trumps to win at the gambling table of earthly life. He never will be at his wits’ end; he will be rich in initiative, will guess the right angle of ‘each problem, will have a penetrating mind and possibly a gift for architecture. In his thirst for sublime things he harbors a deep respect for everything sacred and ancient. Yet his intellectual powers risk fruitlessness in spite of the most strenuous efforts, as these will be inconsequent and jerky.


2-3 deg Capricorn

Symbol: The copper snake raised by Moses (Num. 21:6-9).

Whoever knows the secret meaning of the word snake will be able to adduce from the symbol itself the occult possibilities of this influence. Even outside the sphere of the supernatural, the native is heir to an exceptional force and ascendancy. He is brimming over with vitality, will valiantly withstand attacks of both enemies and illnesses, and will show an outstanding faculty of recoupment after repelling the assaults of fellow beings or of bad health. He is wary, wise, possessed of extensive and deep knowledge, of a subtle mind, of an immediate intuition of truth and of the ability to strike successfully with lightning-like timeliness. Should the pattern at large point to a perversion of those gifts, we might be confronted with a nearly morbid distrust and a nearly complete lack of dignity and sincerity. Driven to the limit, this would mean perjury and treason promoted to life rule. Many careers are open: natural sciences (especially medicine), arts, and literature; diplomacy and politics in general. A long life and nearly certain success may be expected unless other threads in the pattern point to the contrary.


3-4 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A decorative design representing either a couple of combs or of rakes.

A mind endowed with exceptional discrimination or insight. Cleanliness and accuracy. In all the rest, a two-edged influence. A strong will power, focused by the native with the help of all his resources, exactly on the aim to reach, saves him a useless waste of energy in the pursuit of glory. The sign does not tell us, however, exactly where this aim will be set; the native has a fine sense of beauty which may work in any of the following ways: His love may be bent toward sensuous beauty, or may lead his gaze to rest placidly on nature as grown and tended by man’s care, so as to bear his dominical imprint, as in cultivated parks, grounds, villas, and fountains; the subject may be a worshipper of art for art’s sake, or may toy pointlessly with the shallowest vanity of outward elegance. His will power may be focused toward good as well as toward evil. In extreme cases, we shall have on one side the great initiate, or on the other the arch-criminal, the organizer of black masses and orgies reserved to a very select circle of refined addicts; or we may have the gambler or the rake.


4-5 deg Capricorn

Symbol: Two open doors.

It is a degree of hospitality; home and heart are open to all. A jovial character, a generous and unassuming nature, marred by imprudence in word and action. The native’s lack of reserve will give fuel to other people’s slander and, coupled with his sometimes reckless hospitality, will lead to material theft and plagiarism of ideas. The native will look upon all this with unheeding lightheadedness or at least excessive leniency. He is conscious of his productive— nay, creative—power and does not pay too much attention to the earth’s material wealth or moral misery. He is independent or, at any rate, self-sufficient by nature and tends to tolerate his neighbors’ failings and to neglect their vices in order to focus his whole attention on his own inner world and to enjoy the work of his own mind.


5-6 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A shepherd sits among his sheep and dogs, while a wolf lurks in the background.

Either a good shepherd or a wolf; either somebody who is as innocent as a lamb and as faithful as a dog, an affectionate, confident being, ready to sacrifice himself for those he loves and to be disappointed, by them in the end, or somebody driving his cunning and cold-blooded ferocity to such a length as to sacrifice everything to his own selfishness. The stars will have to point which of the two symbolic figures is to come true; they even may co-exist in actuality. Shyness does not mean cowardice; a lamb’s disposition does not bar courage and, on the other hand, a wolf’s nature clearly bears it out. On the other hand, there is an extraordinary power of psychic concentration. Therefore, unless unfavorably aspected elsewhere, success ought not to fail the native, who could even become a pastor of peoples if Jupiter and the Sun are well posited.


6-7 deg Capricorn

Symbol: The Sphinx.

Seer Charubel gives the labyrinth as a symbol, which is as good an image. The whole of the sign Capricorn is in fact a labyrinth, of which this degree especially stresses such scientific and engineering skill as to be really worthy of Daedalus, and drives to their utmost its defects of puzzling and selfish secretiveness. A labyrinth: will the native be its maker or its victim? Or, like Daedalus, both at the same time? A Sphinx: is the riddle in the native’s self, or waylaying him at a bend of the road he is to travel? And will the riddle be of a material, intellectual or spiritual nature? Will there be political, or feminine, intrigue? The Sphinx would rather not be asked questions. She is to ask them herself. As usual, the whole of the nativity will have to help formulate the answer. If woman, the native would likely be a crack at the game of holding more than one suitor at a time by his heartstrings, twisting them around her little finger, and exasperating the jealousy, the male vanity and the curiosity of each in turn. She is whimsical but sparkling with wit; scheming but frolicsome. Many a man whom his fellows respect or fear will fall into her snares. Some, driven crazy with jealousy, may risk their lives at this game, some may lose their reason or their freedom. Should the native be a man, and he be involved in political intrigue, there is sure to be a woman somewhere. The native may fly high or land in jail, may be exiled or die a tragic death. It is the end that counts. But the man is not by all means to be an Oedipus, nor is the woman, whether a winner or a loser, to be a sphinx. The riddle may belong to the domain of science, and the sphinx watch the secrets of the physical world or the threshold of the world beyond. I shall not tire of repeating that only the chart in its entirety can supply the key, as the parts fit into a whole; but the whole gives them a background and a meaning.


7-8 deg Capricorn

Noble in nature and mind, full of self-respect or self-conceit, but content with little; apt to let his fantasy run away with him into the realm of wild dreams, but endowed with endurance and horse sense; peaceful but fond of hunting; the native inclines toward a misanthropic pessimism getting more and more acute as the years go by and letting the events of his earthly life look drab and boring to him. Anyone else would consider them breath-taking.


8-9 deg Capricorn

Symbol: Via Crucis

But rather seek ye the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. —Luke 12:31 In a spiritual nativity this degree could carry a very high reward for the native’s sacrifices. These will be superhuman, and the prize not of this world. Down here this prize will take the same shape as it took in Solomon’s case: wisdom, as this degree by itself will not grant any earthly happiness. If the horoscope therefore-far from conferring spiritual gifts or spurring toward lofty goals-grants only a craving for earthly pleasures, the native could reap only unhappiness there from, even the more so as his over sensitiveness will dramatize every failure into a tragedy. Even in the sexual field he or she may be struck with impotence (if only momentarily owing to excessive sensitivity, the so-called lover’s impotence); but apart from this, danger of collapsing under the cross and being unable to go on is an ever present one. The virtues here are a great humility before God and a dignified reserve before the world. The native ought to face and bear his karma with quiet courage, without trying to dodge it, as he would only risk losing his reputation.


9-10 deg Capricorn

The native is wise and learned, oversensitive, melancholy or pessimistic, sometimes gloomy, but always self-possessed, fair and lord-like; a defender of the week, but watchful and wary. He is a keen hunter and, like all true sportsmen, very fond of the game he kills. He maybe an occultist, perhaps a seer; certainly a pursuer of studies too profound to be accessible to the middle class. Nighttime dangers are to be taken into account, deriving perhaps from magic.


10-11 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A king wearing the crown and seated on the throne receives an envelope from a messenger or an ambassador.


This influence will help those aspiring to power, to a position of high political authority, to a diplomatic career or any position at court, whether high or low. On one side, all the moral or immoral traits required are at hand, such as secrecy, reserve, cautiousness, world wisdom, cunning, diplomacy and, if needed, double-dealing. On the other hand, there will be the favor of high-placed, or even topflight people, whose importance and the brilliance of the native’s career will be determined by the rest of the chart. This applies to the measure in which those virtues or vices will come to light as well. A minor feature of this influence is fondness for horsemanship. In the middle ages, squires, esquires, marshals and the like must have been born in this degree.


11-12 deg Capricorn

A knack of getting work done with a lively and nimble rhythm, without a hint of routine, but with a harmonious sense of time and space; a brisk activity, a springy energy closely adhering to things. A great-perhaps e cessive-reserve. There is a depth of feeling tinged with melancholy. The native loves life in the open, is fond of trees, worships the quiet of the countryside, adores walking across the moonlit fields. Though unaware of it, a dash of gentle blood may run in his veins. On the reverse side of the shield, if blighted by pointers of unfairness elsewhere, that realism may induce unscrupulousness, those deft hands may become crafty, in plain words, slick and thievish. The man’s rhythmic insertion in time and space then may become skill of getting within an inch of trespassing and into close shaves with penal law. Neither do those romantic feelings bar lustfulness, and that reserve may be warped into sharing crime in secrecy and putting up a poker face before justice. Even cruel people —such are human nature’s contradictions—may be born under this

degree. The risks the native is up against range from voluntary exile, meant to foil justice, till flight and attempted evasion and even till jail. The Vatican’s thunderbolt —excommunication —may be in the offing as well. Another peril, threatening even a straightforward commoner (especially if stressed by other stars) would be losing one’s inheritance at the hands of a usurper. The native may even fail to know his own birthright.


12-13 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A Tartarian archer drawing an incendiary arrow.

A thirst for absolute power; a tireless and sleepless activity; a tendency to burn one’s bridges behind oneself. An heroic courage, which is never an end in itself, as all energies are subordinate to the aim in sight. Such a character is ready to go to any lengths in order to secure his aim. He will draw the line at no extremities, never withdraw before personal danger, even impassively watch bloodshed, refraining, however, from flinging himself into useless risks. In spite of what the victims of his boundless ambition may think, he is not bloodthirsty by temperament as, on the contrary, he has a keen sense of honor, but is driven and burned by an even keener thirst for superhuman honors. Chaste, or at least sober, in his enjoyments, fond of art, perhaps a proficient scientist, the native seems born to destroy rather than to build. As an archaeologist, either in Europe or in the Far East, he will plunder the picturesque and venerable ruins of ancient cultures to amass their spoils in the dusty, sleepy and already laden shelves of museums. If a diplomat, he will serve his own thirst for power rather than his own country; if a chief, he will love the people as the rider loves his horse. The fullest measure of success will crown such an ambition provided the native knows where to stop.


13-14 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A Gardner tidies and trims a splendid park which has lain abandoned for years;

uprooting the weeds, pruning the withered or blighted twigs, felling decayed trees and the like. Here we are confronted with a first-rate critic and polemicist, a revolutionary innovator. He is not of necessity to be a politician or a journalist; whatever field of action he chooses, the native will fight a successful battle and end by disposing of the mentality his circle had inherited from the previous generation as a useless burden. In this light he will be helped by an inborn irony which will at times take up a tinge of humor, at times acquire the edge of cruel sarcasm against the opponents of the idea he stands for. A past master in the art of unmasking other people’s hypocrisy, he will ruthlessly lay bare the most hidden recesses of human mentality, but will spare the populace’s superstition rather than the smart set’s prejudices. His crude realism does not in the least exclude sincere devotion to an ideal. He may even be an artist; landscape painting exerts a special fascination over him. Such a fighter will seldom become universally liked, but he will be admired and he certainly will be feared. The most congenial professions are medicine (neurology or psychiatry) and ethnology.


14-15 deg Capricorn

A degree whose nature is hard to define, as it can bring either good or bad luck, both peace and strife. I should be tempted to say that everything depends on the native. This much can be said anyhow: there is a lot the subject can do, but it will be no easy task, A man worthy of the name will not stoop to the tactics of a despised enemy; the foes here are overbearing and sly and draw the line at no weapon. Personally the native may well count his blessings; he can make himself very much liked; if he only wants, his inborn nobility and sweetness of manners may win him many sincere friends; his intelligence is open to truth, and the seeds of hope and faith in God lie deep in his soul. The native must surrender himself entirely into His hands to get the necessary protection and justice. Should other components bar faith, let him then rely on the measure of protection that the powers that be go out of their way to grant him. He must not let human wickedness intimidate him, but he must keep his eyes wide open and be watchful and firm. Let him be above provocation and not stoop to squabble with those unworthy of him. On the contrary, should he prefer to react violently in word or action, or to oppose cunning with cunning, he would only incur the dislike of those who otherwise would have been willing to protect him; but he never will be able to outsmart or to overpower his despicable opponents.


15-16 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A man riding a rainless horse.

The symbol is divalent. It may imply that the rider control the horse without the help of material means, acting, as it were, magically through sheer will power; and it may mean as well that this soul is carried off by a subhuman energy over which consciousness has no power. The horse is usually taken to mean the three lower vehicles of man, and the vehicle par excellence is certainly the physical body, its unbridled being a transparent token of unleashed lustfulness. One may wonder how the two divergent constructions can be brought to an agreement, but this is hardly necessary as the stirs will leave place for only one. Moreover, one and the same person is not at all unlikely to hold an irresistible sway over others while at the same time being ruled and led by lust. The answer, as usual, must be sought in the whole of the chart. Should the pattern be generally good, grant a strong character without barring good luck, and show favorable aspects of Jupiter and the Sun, the way then would be open to highest distinctions for the native. At the outside, this degree would produce the Master, the man of God, the Great Initiate, the Anointed One. In any event, there will be independence, faraway travels, and such features as to make life appear like a novel to others. In unlucky themes, great undertakings imply dangers corresponding to the daring; short of a lightning-like intuition, luck, or the support of long experience any enterprise will come to grief. Where other pointers of sensuality concur, there will be a carefree Epicureanism forgetful of the morrow; concurrence of sportsmanship will lead to horse racing or riding.


16-17 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A dog-headed man.

A barking dog won’t bite. A very human character, showing all the higher features of its animal part. The native’s dog-like, all-out fidelity will be put to many a severe test. He will have a grumbling, growing, quarrelsome, nearly always harmless spirit; at the same time, the friend of mankind’s docility and admirable reasonableness. The temperament will bear the marks of the utmost decision, but of steadiness as well, and the intelligence will be above the native’s rank. Hallmark of this humane mind will be the most persuasive eloquence, a cogent logic, a suggestive expression, an artistic if not poetic style, a well-pitched voice and an inborn musicality. Such a gift for music and poetry could make the native into a true artist if an excessive accuracy of detail does not pinion the wings of inspiration; his exactitude will be driven to the limit of punctiliousness. The native will have a craze for analysis. Astrology and instruments of precision, and any work he does will bear the marks of such a tendency. In art, therefore, he may go so far as to become a faithful and likable executor, but hardly a creator. Outside the artistic field he may well’ become the herald of new scientific doctrines or philosophical systems, which, however, must be borne out by the rest of the horoscope. Luck may smile upon him more as regards associations than affections. He may be successful at the bar, in diplomacy or politics.


17-18 deg Capricorn

This is hardly a good influence, and little as unfavorable stars concur, it may prove altogether evil. Its redeeming features may be its utter refinement (provided it does not become warped into ostentation or even worse) and that minor gift of the mind—promptness. The other features, good as they may appear, are all negative. The native will dare public opinion, but without deriving from this eighteenth degree of Capricorn a sufficiently good reason to do so; viz., that independence of thought and character which confers upon a man worthy of the name the right and the duty to rebel against society’s idolized fallacies and organized wrongdoing. Here is no trace of courage, but an aggrieving and cowardly effrontery. There is no independence, rather a peevish tendency to be at cross purposes with one’s interlocutors, sheepishly sponsoring the diametrically opposed point of view even if blatantly wrong. A blustering and chicken-hearted liar, erratic and stubborn, he will waste time and money on arbitrage, gambling and racing, shirking work with all possible means. He may become a croupier or a bookmaker if favorable aspects concur. Should the stars endow the native with political opportunism as well (which does not exclude contrariness in other fields at all), he may prove a perfect agent provocateur or, even better, a regular Vicar of Bray, a champion of that political double-dealing which the Italians practice with such gusto.


18-19 deg Capricorn

Symbols: Mucius Scaevola in Porsena’s tent. In the night of August 31, 1706, while the French break into the underground of the Turin buttresses, Pietro Micca sets the powder afire which will blow up both parties together.

 Squareset and steady in front of fortunes blows. — Dante, Par. 17,24 The native’s defect is a tendency to speak or to act out of turn in whatever he chooses to do. Other contrasting factors, will power, and suitable training may well blunt this edge, though they are unlikely to knock it off altogether. The native will dash forward when it would be wisest to stay put; much oftener he will rather bide his time when the occasion calls for action. His virtues are as firm as a rock; an unshakeable courage which may become real heroism at times; an absolute autonomy and a deep self-reliance. Very original and endowed with a sense of truth that seldom fails him, the native knows what he is driving at and does not lay too great a store by what others choose to think; should the tide happen to flow the same way he is going, he may find himself having the lead; should the waters ebb the opposite direction, he would be ready to stand their rush, even to fight against it with unruffled coolness. A victor, he will not misuse victory. To break him, a foe will have to deal him an unexpected and smashing blow, as he is easier to annihilate than to conquer. Apart from life’s struggle, explosions and collapses are materially to be feared. The native may own a mine or have to work in one.


19-20 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A monkey and a mirror.

A very versatile but altogether unoriginal mind; mimetic faculties may come to light as a merely perfunctory assimilation of foreign doctrines, or in the arts of dance, pantomime and burlesque. A nimble body and graceful ease of movement. Adaptation to the most different environments and points of view comes to such a character and, unfortunately, to such a conscience as a matter of course. Yet the native remains an insufferable crank. Physical vanity will be bottomless and, in a woman, will go hand-in-hand with a wanton coquettishness. Where other factors help, there may be good taste in dressing, and the native may turn into something of a fop or a Beau Brummell, as the case may be. As to money, the fruit of his labor will be belated, even if he works hard; whereas he seems to be in for luck in love.


20-21 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A master holds open between his hands an ancient book in Hebrew characters.

Profound studies, a really great knowledge. Chemistry seems the most congenial line. A supple and manifold mind which can be kept at more than one work at a time; an original intelligence apt to revive —if helped by favorable stars—currents of ancient lore, or to create fresh theories and to found new schools of thought. In this case success will exceed all hopes, but in any other case the native’s mighty work will serve the needs of progressing mankind more than his own personal interests. With the concurrence of suitable components, this degree may purport initiation, alchemy rather than chemistry, the Great Work more than great works; in other words, will produce a master rather than a teacher.


21-22 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A man engaged in deep spade work.

This image can be taken both literally and metaphorically. In the former sense it will point to a heavy, steady, drudging work; obviously this work will in all likelihood be mining, digging up archaeological remains, and the like. The latter construction of the symbol would by no means bar the former. It points to a sharp and piercing mind, to a profound spirit, eager to pry into the unknown, and perhaps to a fondness for mystery. According to the different temperaments, there can be a religious sense bent on the esoteric, the study of abstruse sciences like archaeology, dead languages, paleontology; or a strange, undecipherable, hermetic temperament. At any rate, either with his brawn or with his brain, the native will have to work hard; will be patient rather than stubborn, or vice versa, as the other factors purport. As to his tools, he will be an extremist in either sense, will either put up with the roughest, nerly antediluvian, equipment, or will exact the most up-to-date outfit modem technique has evolved. The obstacles to clear will be great, but he will face them courageously, and luck will smile upon such strength of character and such unflinching will.


22-23 deg Capricorn

Symbol: Two people of different sex dine alone at a luxuriously laid table. The room is lit by a profusion of tapers. There is a sacred image on the wall.

Recourse was had to Law as a control A King was chosen, who could steer the course of realm, his gaze fixed on a holy go4 —Dante, Purg. 16,94-96 A bright but rash mind, an utterly jolly temper, on the main more or less forgetful of the boundaries set by thrift, law or custom, not of those set by manners; a hospitable, generous and winning nature, but reckless and inordinate in love matters. Sentimental entanglements can bring trouble or worse;lavishness, extravagance, foregone conclusions and overhasty decisions can produce financial losses, failures, even complete breakdown should the stars be particularly evil. Overindulgence in food and drink are not unlikely. A leading hand, wise and firm, seems nearly indispensable. Earthly affections may sublimate into God’s love and Christian charity; where other factors point the same way, the native may become an ascetic, even a saint but, too often, earthly and holy love will to-exist side by side and will induce a typical Freudian complex of sensual mysticism. Should the horoscope as a whole point to neuropathy, erotomania or the like will be the result. Charubel maintains that if the Sun is southeast of the pattern, trouble will be limited to the former half of life. He goes on to say that the physique will be of a sanguine temperament, which reminds me of an old distich I heard attributed to the Salerntian school, though I cannot guarantee its authenticity:


23-24 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A potter’s wheel.

What one may incline to call a head. An eminently constructive brain, an intelligence open to truth and at the same time bent on things of practical use; a mind where, in spite of its manifold gifts, tidiness and order prevail. A leaning toward medicine, applied or pure, toward chemistry, physics, engineering, arts and crafts, for trade at large and the purchase and sale of wine and oil. Self-mastery, character, straightforwardness. The native is as good as his word, sturdy, unfaltering; as most sincere and open-hearted people, he lacks diplomacy and abhors what he cannot see through; he will break, not bend. Therefore, the earthen pot ought not to enter competition with pots of iron. A plebian temperament; simple tastes, sound instincts, heady passions, though curbed by will power, a leaning for the people, though the native strives to reach higher and higher to make headway. Either literally or metaphorically, the native may run the risk of drowning (in a stream or in debts); the chart as a whole will have to tell in which of the two senses the omen can be taken. One ought to bear in mind that the wheel is also whimsical Goddess Fortune’s tool.


24-25 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A fair lady riding and holding a gerfalcon on her fist.

The native reaps where others have sown. An unquestionably gentle and demonstrative but fickle and shallow person, given over to fun and enjoyment, and fond of frills and frolics, the native will be but an amateur in everything; yet, barring a sudden accident, she will have luck on her side. Unless, as I said above, a sudden accident hits her; the position of Uranus in the pattern has to be considered.


25-26 deg Capricorn

Symbol: A tropical forest.

A rich nature, as sweet when in a good mood as it becomes stormy and cruel when aroused. The native would rather have peace but prizes his freedom above anything else, and it would be foolish indeed to think of taking it from him. Perhaps the same cannot be said of the freedom of others, as the native seems rather meddlesome. There is a great fondness for nature, travel, and things outlandish. A musing mind, tending to delve deep into thought, able to rise to genius with the help of other factors. A pitfall of such a nature lies in its rank, luxuriant, unruly undergrowth, in its lower impulses bent on lust and thirsting for stimulants if not for dope. Should the native yield to this, there would be no stopping him, and the way to any kind of perversion would be open.


26-27 deg Capricorn

The native is a kind of good-natured curmudgeon or gold-hearted savage, a strong, rugged, rather awkward and bearish being, remarkable for the ups and downs of his temper, as well as for his kind soul. Fit as he is, he may take to sports and games, but the most congenial work will be tilling the soil or running farmed country, steering clear of those intrigues of society his straight and open character abhors. He may be weak in front of human wickedness, but is certainly naive, often skittish, never thoroughly polished, much as those in charge of his breeding may have done. Where this omen is not offset by other influences, harm or accidents in travel are to be feared. One hardly need say that he is as fond of nature as he is shy of human crowds.


27-28 deg Capricorn

Symbol: Atlas carrying the world on his back.

This is a divalent symbol, as it may mean huge wealth as well as an unbearable, crushing burden. Spiritually this may be brought into agreement, as wealth is tantamount to a millstone around one’s neck, and the serfdom of the poor is no less a chain than the rich man’s swollen purse. Intellectually, the symbol means geographic, nautical sciences and the like; exploration of the globe and travel at large; indirectly, astronomy and mathematics. If other aspects help, there may be a vast intelligence; less good components make for what is commonly termed a blockhead or worse. Anyhow, whether bright or dull, this is a methodical mind, with well-defined ideas and rigorously logical reasoning. Whether rich or a slave, the native is sometimes driven by immoderate ambition, the slave craving a position not only of absolute independence but of lordship, and the rich never setting a limit to his yearning for new wealth. Ambition, however, does not bar righteousness and chastity; slavery—or what is felt as such—does not exclude an honorable or even a famous name; and lucky components may make the native into a pillar of society, either in a moral, scientific, political or financial sense. The relations of the parts to the whole of the pattern must determine this last point.


28-29 deg Capricorn

This is one of the finest degrees of the whole zodiac and bestows even physical beauty, but its highest prize lies in the inner stillness and enlightenment it confers. The native has such a wealth of spiritual resources as to enable him to preserve an unruffled self-assurance under any circumstances. Even if poor and uneducated, he will draw from an inborn, instinctive wisdom, an unerring insight into nature, its beings and its laws; if in a position to learn, he will delve deep into the knowledge of such laws and will be led to discoveries that will raise him into renown; but in any case, whether famous or obscure, he will prefer inner meditation and silence to the fuss of the teeming human masses. Other components, in contrast with the spiritual nature of this one, may let love of nature and animals drift along utilitarian lines and result in the trade of a dairy farmer, a cheese monger, or a bee master.


29-30 deg Capricorn

Symbol: The cylindrical part of a shrapnel.

Something fatal, the highest prestige, art or even power to sway over others but not to rule himself. Power of concentration, inability to alter the direction of one’s inborn impulses. Lightning-like promptness and discontinuity in action. Lofty ambitions, huge hopes; an extraordinary energy, often foreign to the native himself, but anyhow likely to boost him very high; but he may dash along like a fiery meteor, whereas the results of his actions will disappoint everyone as the power propelling him toward the goal may lot him overreach himself and go astray. The horoscope as a whole will tell what kind and what amount of luck he will get; surely, should the native make a mistake, he cannot rectify it or retrace his steps. On the other hand, the propelling force is an impulse, a dash and not a constant drive, and tends to sink to naught through friction, wear and tear, so that either the goal set to him is reached within a certain time, or utter failure has to be faced. The native’s career will resemble a parable in its broad outline.


0-1 deg Aquarius

Embarrassment of riches. If other components enable the native to make up his mind without delay and to stick to his decision, he will be in a position to enjoy the fruit Providence has strewn in plenty along his earthly path. Faith in God and contempt of hackneyed ideas and prejudices are supported in him by a creative imagination and a fair intelligence, but those faculties may drift easily into fatalism, self-centered haughtiness and idle daydreaming. Yet the real danger lies elsewhere. Should the pattern fail to show any trace of resolution which, as stated above, the native even too badly needs, the very favors of fortune would be wasted on him. Many an occasion will pop up and slide away before he has found it in himself to grasp it. His rightful place in the world may be taken by the first comer, even by someone less intelligent and scrupulous than himself. This degree rules the hands; favorable aspects give ambidexterity, whereas harmful ones make every gesture of the upper limbs awkward and clumsy.


1-2 deg Aquarius

An outstandingly powerful and manifold mind, capable of probing deep and ranging far, keen on scientific research and philosophical musing (each of which does not bar the other); apt to fathom the unknown and to improve on the known; independence in character and scientific methods; a great handiness.


2-3 deg Aquarius

As the olive, when broken in the mill oozes sweet oil, so let your broken heart bleed a song that redeems, uplifts your will —D’Annunzio It is a degree of action closely following thought; there is love of art, mastery in one’s chosen art or profession, courage and combativeness. The head or the legs risk being affected by numbness, illnesses or wounds. Pain in general casts its shadow over the native’s karma, but a stalwart will power enables him to bear it like a man. There may be disappointments, sorrow, dissolution of bonds, perhaps grief the loss of dear. ones. Victory is likely to crown the native’s steady daring, but it will be as splendid as fruitless. The native, has a mission to fulfill and is not supposed to fight for his own sake. Occult initiation is not unlikely.


3-4 deg Aquarius

Unpopular authority. The native is likely to be misunderstood, but will be held in esteem by those in power and may be entrusted with delicate, sometimes very important, tasks. The most congenial field of action seems to be diplomacy in general and politics in particular, but any activity connected with travel and negotiation is possible, a typical example being trade, either on one’s own or as a representative. It goes without saying that the whole of the pattern must point this way. An oversensitive temperament, jealously close in self-defense and liable to have its purposes misconstrued. Inborn authority is strangely coupled with some puerile traits; e.g., a liking for flashy and liveried attire. The character is unsteady but, at the same time, likely to offer the toughest passive resistance. This last feature may decide victory.


4-5 deg Aquarius

The native will be weak with himself and his sexual urges, but self-assertive, even too much so, toward others; he will leave a marked imprint on his own surroundings. An engaging, though selfish, lively, prompt and precocious being, he will show a marked artistic talent since his green years, which can thin out into good taste, or can gain volume and ground and can blossom into creative power. But his existence is threatened with untimely death, and luck is undermined by all the trouble the native will call down upon himself through his sexual urge, either as love of the opposite sex or as exhibitionism, narcissism and worse.


5-6 deg Aquarius

Symbol: Wagner’s Sixtus Beckmesser

The typical figure of the peevish, stubborn, ambitious, envious and cantankerous critic. He is devoid of neither taste nor of finer feelings; as he is something of an artist himself, his eye will at once detect a breach of the rules of perspective, and his ear will be keen enough to perceive the tiniest intervals in sounds and to denounce the slightest off-key note. Artistic technique will hold no secrets from him. But he is a slave to school precepts and prejudice, his jealous god is method, and he subconsciously strives after an unearthly perfection. He never will be satisfied with what he knows or possesses, hankering as he does after things he can improve upon and picture to himself as beautiful as his heart can desire. He has no sense of measure. Though he is fond of practical jokes and lively verbal fencing, his humor lacks the human touch. A pliant and hard-working pupil and later an outstanding professor, he ought to get through other stars the winged stroke this degree In itself cannot bestow, in order for him to become a real master. He will strive subconsciously to fill up the vacuum with travel, which can play an important role in his existence. Outside the artistic and teaching field, he may gain some repute as a speaker. As a priest, he would emerge as a preacher, and his services as a director of conscience would be in great demand. All this is likely if other strands in the pattern bear out a great eloquence, lead toward the sacred orders, etc. In a more modest nativity, artistic leanings may pave the way to humbler activities and may confer the makings of an outstanding craftsman; on an even lower plane, it may lead to a juggler’s sleight of hand. I think here are all the prerequisites for a good chess player: a sharp eye, a grinding criticism of the opponent’s moves, an agnostic and methodical spirit.


6-7 deg Aquarius

Dangers deriving from sudden impulsiveness, indiscretion and stubbornness. Greater offensive than defensive aptitude. On the other hand, the power the native is entitled to would be greater than the one he groundlessly insists on wielding in another way. A sharp psychologist, just and objective toward others, he cannot either probe into himself or cling to his own principles, and will be satisfied with a lower status than due him; at the same time he will squander his forces in mean squabbles’ and pointless strife from which only danger can accrue.


7-8 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A man with a broken chain hanging on his foot.

Here is certainly a sincere thirst for freedom. The native’s defiant, brisk and masterful character will endow him with growing efficiency as more and more of his energies are released by his conquest of freedom. But his karma is certain to bring him either moral or physical chains, and he himself is likely to tend unconsciously to chain his neighbors. Therefore, the hidden aim of this degree will be the release from bondage. One’s bondage will in its turn warm to respect the freedom and dignity of one’s fellow beings. Kindness and love of justice are not wanting. The sense of justice may not be enough, as there is tog much self-centeredness, leading the native to look at things from a too strict personal point of view. This applies to the mind as well, as the individual flight into new and unfenced territories is held back by the fetters of logical reasoning. Should the native be able to break his chains, his thought thus freed might soar beyond the Threshold.


8-9 deg Aquarius

Symbol: St. Paul struck by the lightning flash of the Spirit on his way to Damascus.

A huge inner power, immense mental horizons. A courage exempt from earthly ambitions, the utmost physical or mental combativeness; an orator’s, a polemicist’s, or a critic’s temper; brisk and watchful brains and nerves, capable of the timely and quick execution of any task. The native is likely to embrace religion, turning his back to the atheism or agnosticism he formerly professed, or to convert himself from a lower to a higher form of faith; and then it will just fit his nature to try to convert others, to become a missionary or to preach in his own country. However, he is certain not to get at truth gradually but by a sudden flash, and. he is apt to get down at once to the task he feels himself entrusted with, as resolutely and firmly as his fiery personality bids him. The physical organ of sight is extremely sensitive and therefore vulnerable.


9-10 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A beheaded man.

The native will either be a scatterbrain or will risk bodily losing his head to the executioner’s ax, or will face maiming, laming, or invalidity. Apart from this, the influence is divalent if not altogether contradictory. Experience can teach many things, can drop a pinch of salt into the native’s head and inspire him to a fondness for archaeological or historical research and even, at the limit, can make him into a good organizer of other people’s activities. In this last case, however, the sense or polarity of such organizing is not revealed by this degree and must be sought elsewhere in the nativity, as it may tend toward evil as well as toward good. Anyhow, such a gift will be the exception, the rule being still dispersal of energy. A gift for managing and ruling is, as I said, a limit; even if the native gets his mind under control, he will use it only to sink back into memories of his past, whereas in the present or in the future his plans will stay just as fruitless as will his sexual power. The early or efficient cause of these evils may be traced back to his having been exposed, orphaned or neglected, and therefore, inadequately brought up in childhood or in his early adolescence; hence the waste.


10-11 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A headless man, whose body is in full battle harness.

Warlike, rushing and forcible, outwardly splendid and innerly noble, the native seems to have no bearings and no aim. Reckless—nay, altogether blind—he will be destitute of any authority; his victories and his possible popularity will be short-lived. If a winner, he will not know how to exploit his victories and will leave his shoulders undefended for his opponents to hit back; if a loser, he will wander about as luck would have it. In a material sense, theft is a real danger of wounds, mutilation, or death sentence.


11-12 deg Aquarius

Symbol: Lese majesty.

(A pictorial image of the symbol may be supplied by Molingue’s celebrated painting showing Etienne Marcel as he covers the French Dauphin with his cap in sign of protection, after having had the marshals of Champagne and Normandy killed before his eyes. On a higher plane, a case in point may be the figure of Beethoven crossing a group of emperors and archdukes in the Schonbrunn Park, his head high and his hat on. Can a man born to rule find his feet in a world where even the lords do menial work and live like slaves? Craving liberty and being proud, strong and resolute, he has such a high feeling of self respect that he cannot allow others to presume to have him at their beck and call, or to exact—or even to expect— homage or salute from him. Free from lip service as well as from inferiority complexes, he is, however, still swayed by his inner feelings and endeavors to stem and hide them; but the harder he tries to confine them, the harder they bite him. This is not the only weakness of such a strong mind; unless favorably aspected elsewhere, he will be haughty and devoid of human sympathy; he even may trample upon his inferiors and prove wicked and crafty at the same time. Bad aspects may earn him a sentence for rebellion, insubordination, resistance, or outrage upon armed hirelings, and the like; he may be compelled to beat it or to cross the border for a certain time. Other, less unfavorable stars may force him to champ at the bit for awhile in bondage, or on one of those ignoble duties going under the name of civil service or military career. It may be remarked, by the way, that in ancient Egypt the scribes were slaves and there were no misunderstandings about this; the juridical figure of the public servant exactly corresponds to his moral function.


12-13 deg Aquarius

Symbol: An array of mediaeval knights; shields, doublets and shabracks are showily trimmed with each warrior’s own heraldry.

Attachment to one’s own interest and to the interests of one’s family and clan; combativeness in all fields, from literary polemic to real weapons. Fine manners and quick action. All these features may sublime into the highest virtues —watchful and selfless daring, love of one’s home and ancestry, human solidarity, noble pride — and may ebb into the correspondent vices — unscrupulous and reckless aggressiveness, a decayed gentry’s pride and prejudice, a gangster’s solidarity with crime, conventional formalism. The native will have to be on the lookout if he is to avoid destiny’s unexpected blows, and he will have to respect his neighbors if he wants to be respected himself.


13-14 deg Aquarius

Endowed with a poor memory but alive to the slightest impressions of pain, the native will, right in the middle of his earthly life, face sudden disaster, as injury to life and limb, financial breakdown or any other accident. Such a mishap will prevent the native from getting on in one of his activities, in which he is unlikely to pick himself up again. From then on, should the interrupted work have been his main one, the native’s future will really be in God’s hands.


14-15 deg Aquarius

Symbol: The Statue of Liberty (in the New York harbor)

An all-round open mind, an enterprising character, an ambitious and adventurous spirit; the native’s country is the whole world, as he feels at home everywhere. In his native country he will associate happily with congenial cooperators and he will do excellent business abroad, profitable both to himself and to others. Fluent in speech and articulate in writing, possessed of a sharp insight, pleasant and easy with everyone but far from submissive, the native will be able to build himself up into a splendid financial position if other stars lead him to trade or to other lucrative callings. On the contrary, should he take to purely intellectual or altogether spiritual activities, he would enjoy a transcendental intuition enabling him to perceive the spiritual reality underlying this world.


15-16 deg Aquarius

Symbol: Vulcanus forging Jupiter’s thunderbolts.

I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? —Luke 12:49 A fiery will, a stormy ardor; immense, often inordinate, aspirations, boundless fantasy and enthusiasm, a nearly always unhinged and jarring mood; in a word, a volcanic character. There usually will be a modest career not in keeping with the size of the native’s ideals or with the power of his constructive mind. A rough and tumble life, full of surprises and ups and downs, is not at all unlikely. The profession or trade may be bound with physical fire or glow with the flame of Spirit, normally symbolized by fire. Let this be a warning in both senses, as playing with fire is usually dangerous, and one can easily come off with ugly scars. The native is likely to have the god Vulcanus’ bodily defects.


16-17 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A sick woman in bed.

It is one of the worst influences, as it can lame the body, pervert the soul, poisoning both at the same time. Idiocy also can fall to the native’s lot.


17-18 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A perched-up owl.

Woe to ham that is alone. —Eccl. 4:10 Wickedness and gloom. Shyness and sensitivity, a shunning of company that may drift easily into misanthropy. In spite of the native’s sexual power, marriage is unlikely. Sex will come to light as a selfish, sustained and cruel coquettishness, a fierce jealousy not exempt from envy. Unless excluded by the rest of the pattern, such a influence can lead to sexual magic; many a witch and sorceress will be born under this star. As sex is marked, so also is the character. There will be sensitiveness to cold and danger of harm to the lower limbs. Barring pointers to the contrary, life is full of mishaps and grief, the greatest being the progressive, estrangement of relatives and friends as the years go by.


18-19 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A head severed from its bust is held high by someone and still goes on talking.

The native will go far. A man of many parts, he may, however, dangerously skirt light-headedness or amateurish. He is not independent, but wields a measure of authority that may make him feared. He will love his lord as faithfully as did Pilates love Orestes, or as Grunewald loved Tristan. All these features may be marked enough, but they do not reveal the key of his personality, lying in a formidable either psychic or bodily strength, such as to enable him to survive catastrophes apt to shatter lesser men. Vulgarly he would be thought to possess nine lives, as is said of cats. Just in the nick of time, when everything seems lost and any further hope of rescue would sound absurd, a providential intervention allows him to survive. Usually this will come as a deserved prize for the faithfulness mentioned above. Will it be faith in one’s lord or in the Lord? Here the rest of the horoscope should supply the answer. At the limit, the symbolic image recalls the miracle of St. Denis, who, after being beheaded, rose and picked up his head again. At the opposite limit, the native would be an executor of Justice’s dire retribution, and would show the populace the culprit’s severed head.


19-20 deg Aquarius

Symbol: Hermes invents the zither.

(Remember how the God of Wisdom built the first stringed instrument by fitting two horns to a turtle shell, thus making up the resonator.) This degree denotes skill either in art (music in particular and, more especially, stringed instruments), or in industry, medicine or science at large. An everyday philosophy, much fondness of work, a great handiness, a patience apt to stand the stiffest tests, and an even excessive prudence. By this word I do not mean either fearfulness or sloth; in my eyes the native treads with leaden feet like a tortoise, keeping, as it were, to the Italian proverb “What is done accurately need be done but once.” Fenced in by a nearly hermetic reserve, he enjoys his neighbors’ esteem, though he holds aloof from them, engrossed perhaps in planning his future welfare. But anyhow, he seems unaware of the outside world. The astrological picture in its entirety will have to say whether such a prudence will sink to cunning or sublime into a noble equanimity. Barring pointers to the contrary, life will be exceptionally long. The native’s face, however, is liable to appear precociously lined and shrunken, but his die-hard physique is likely to lack real ruggedness.


20-21 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A monk lying face upward on the naked earth.

This influence strongly reminds one of the three hundred seventeenth degree. Yet this three hundred twenty-first degree offers one way out: the cloister, provided the prior has some grit and will prevent loafing.


21-22 deg Aquarius

Symbol: The sirens.

Enmities but luck. When not altered by other components, the female native, or the male native’s mate, will postpone any affection and any ideal to the care of her person. Her physical appearance will be a matter of taste and will appeal especially to those fond of lusty roundness, apart from the real beauty of her complexion, hair and eyes. Her disposition will be less appealing, being a mixture of cunning and violence, of unbridled passion and cool scheming. As beauty is not rated an asset in a man and excessive personal grooming is a morbid symptom of narcissism, this influence will lead a man nowhere. In a man, beauty will be an excuse for that fitful impulsiveness and that loss of self-control in anger which in a woman are usually blamed on the weakness of her sex. If stressed by other malignant stars, those sudden surges of wrath can lead to hideously brutal acts and can transform the woman into a termagant and the man into a murderer. Should other factors supply those inhibitions which this degree by itself fails to grant, the blind urges may be checked and bent, so that violence may turn into manly resoluteness. But too much would be needed to sublimate the cunning selfishness, the wickedness and the turbid flow of passions which make the native into a hated, though perhaps feared and even admired personality.


22-23 deg Aquarius

This is one of the best zodiacal degrees as it bestows a strong and merry, active and tireless, faithful and sturdy nature, an industrious intelligence, a constructive mind, capable of creation and execution at the same time; a knack for trade and, usually joined to it, artistic taste. Where other factors concur, it may bestow genius. This degree’s most beautiful feature is the cheerful eagerness with which the native carries out his work and gives it the finishing touches; humble as his work may be, he plunges into it as enthusiastically as if it were a feast. Any advice as to the most congenial profession would be wasted on him, as he instinctively knows what he must do and does it well. The crucial point of this degree lies in the province of social life, as the native’s relations with his neighbors will have a decisive influence. If the horoscope shows favorable features in the sector of trade and of the outside world (the non-ego), the fruit of his personal initiative will increase an hundredfold through intelligent association. On the other hand, bad components in those aspects will hinder success, arouse redoubtable rivalries and unfair competition, and threaten loss of the deserved profits.


23-24 deg Aquarius

This influence confers a bright mind, but carries something tragical in itself and spells mishap. The rest of the horoscope will have to say whether the native is himself the author or the victim of such bad luck. But whether evil or ill-fated, the native will be an unhappy being anyhow, unable as he is to grasp the meaning of his own actions. According to what the stars say, he may lack partial or total moral sense or prudence. He will get into trouble unconsciously in any event, and will realize his plight when it is too late. The physique inclines to weakness, as does the mind. I said there is a remarkable intelligence. I may add, this is not in keeping with all the rest. However, the chance of distinguishing oneself in some branch of science is not ruled out; the native is even likely to attain renown, though it may be in a good or bad sense.


24-25 deg Aquarius

No lack of rational intelligence, but rather a lack of inner balance. Passion may blind and momentarily black out the native’s wits, provided of course that other stars point the same way. (Mercury in quadrate  with the Moon, Uranus or Neptune; Neptune with the Sun; Saturn in Scorpio and in the house of reclusion, etc.). In such cases, the native is apt to fall in with the typical picture of the mad criminal, who believes that his moral duty is to kill, either to pacify the wraith of a revengeful relative or to restore the stained honor of a lineage. (Unfortunately, only lunatics believe that a family’s honor resides exclusively in a woman’s reproductive organs. Such ridiculous and revolting ideas are especially spread in the Mediterranean countries). Or he may kill on account of other crazes rooted in his psychical foreground and likely to invade gradually the patient’s consciousness and to obsess him. Neither the typical born criminal nor the passion criminal is excluded. Nobody can deny that the former is abnormal; the latter is only momentarily so, as long as it is enough for the flash of passion to dazzle his mind and to guide his hand to bloodshed. Other factors must decide whether he is to be a harmless lunatic, a sham, or a regular criminal. Certainly if other strong components fail to neutralize the effects of this degree, he will be a pathological case or, at any rate, an unbalanced being. Such a lack of measure will leave a trace even in the good deeds he is quite likely to do if more benevolent stars lead his passionate nature to find an outlet there.


25-26 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A water source spurts forth by a high mountain top and dashes down, filling its boulder strewn path with hissing foam.

Among his neighbors, the native will stand out like a beacon, but his nature is as reckless, and his position as unstable, as water; the danger of tumbling is an ever present one. His steadfastness is greater than his firmness, the elemental forces of the whole being are more powerful than limpid. I do not say that there is mud, but the purest source loses its transparence if it squirts out too violently. As in other similar case, the danger of tumbling may even literally come true; the rest of the pattern must throw light upon this as well as on whether that steadfastness is not to turn into a boring persistence. Should other strands in the pattern offset the headiness of the temper and induce a certain order in the turmoil of ideas babbling up in his mind, the native could turn into a real master (initiatory components would make him into an occult master); on the other hand, baneful components may warp his recklessness into blindness (taken literally or figuratively).


26-27 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A Renaissance castle.

This is one of the most desirable degrees. The native is a highly aristocratic being in the fullest sense of the word, as he is likely to join refinement and splendor, generosity and prudence, kindness and reserve. He will be extremely liberal, and a conservative in the best sense. He is nobly proud of his house and lineage; he delights in remembering the deeds of his ancestors and, though reproving the bad ones, he nonetheless keeps as careful a record of those as he does of the good ones. He loves his country’s soil as his own land, his nation as his ancient kin, and is as jealous of the national as of the familiar customs. He is apt to couple the cult of the past with a keen sense of progress and evolution, and is likely to initiate reforms and to be the trailblazer of new ideas. Therefore, the die-hard gentry may consider him a revolutionary and the all-out Jacobins may twit him with conservatism. If the stars do not hinder his progress, such slander will not keep him from following a brilliant political career, if he should wish to. As a politician he will enjoy immense popularity and prestige, owing to his broadmindedness, his civic sense, his humanity, and especially owing to the instinctive liking that everyone will take to him. He has a keen mind, perhaps an excess of inquisitiveness. Though he has a generous and hospitable heart, the sense of private property and of hereditary right is lively in him. His only real defect may be an unjustified cocksureness, or an undue eagerness to defend himself and his own property. Fortune conferred by this degree is really what the Romans called Fortuna Major; little as the stars smile on him, the astrologer may foretell the native, “...should you follow your star you cannot fail to land in glorious harbor.” (Dante, Inf. 15,55-56).


27-28 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A man guzzling from a flask.

The assets will be merriness, an absolute naturalness of manner, a direct insight into reality. This degree’s besetting sin is a tendency to ply the rummer. There will not be bad manners; there will be no manners at all. Possible vices are alcoholism, idleness, fondness of gambling, dissoluteness, a tendency to loathe both poverty and the means to keep it at arm’s length. Any reflection upon the consequences is superfluous.


28-29 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A knight with a drawn sword.

An heroic degree, but its chivalrous character may degenerate into quarrelsomeness, or induce a destiny too bristling with frightful ordeals to be borne by human beings. Should no other element in the nativity point to recklessness, or threaten hurdles too high to clear, we may well foresee a degree of luck as high as the degree of daring, military and civil honors, the raising to the highest dignities, fame among contemporaries, and renown in posterity. As the body is nimble, so the mind is swift, suitable for word fights as sharp as the sword. Military careers and the art of fencing, diplomacy and the bar ought to be accessible in themselves, but an eye should be kept upon the rest.


29-30 deg Aquarius

Symbol: A king on his throne, wearing the crown.

This degree portends an all-round fortune, excepting perhaps only the faithfulness of one’s marriage partner. The native himself—or herself—is faithful and sincere but lukewarm if not altogether frigid; hence the danger of marital unhappiness. This refers to a married person, but wedlock is far from likely as this degree suggests that smooth, self-possessed wisdom expressed in the Italian proverb “Better alone than badly matched.” Unfortunately such an easy self-mastery may breed selfish isolation and, at the limit, misanthropy. For the rest, this is one of the noblest degrees, a really royal one. It promises the subject, whatever his origin, undisputed authority, easy riches, and high feelings. The moral feelings are austere and inflexible in spite of ambition and even thirst for power.


0-1 deg Pisces

Symbol: Goethe’s Mittler in his work “Elective Affinities”

Concordla discors: a typically dualistic and divalent influence. The native is a live wire, and his main problem is how to deal with his neighbors in all senses from spiritual exchange to sexual intercourse. Whether he will eventually find his feet, or stay a misfit in his surroundings, will depend on the horoscope looked at as a whole. In the former case the native will be an extremely sociable person and a useful go-between, intercessor and peacemaker. He will make a faithful and staunch friend, endowed with the gift of persuasion and of adapting himself to any environment. Marriage ought to be extremely lucky unless particularly unfavorable aspects bear upon marriage relations in the horoscope; ambitions ought to be peacefully satisfied. In the latter, he will be a peevish, grumpy, inquisitive meddler, with an unpredictable and often snappishly short temper. Exactly as in Goethe’s character we chose as a symbol, the virtues and shortcomings of this degree may co-exist in a few cases (see Freud’s theory of ambivalence). The most suitable professions are those connected with the law: magistrate, banister, solicitor, coroner, attorney, notary.


1-2 deg Pisces

The native is a good-natured, outwardly harmless scholar, but excessive negligence and inborn slackness prevent his being refined. Far from being rough, he is superficially very uncouth, a lazy, haphazard fatalist. But an emotional, touchy, fitful and skittish, altogether choleric character slumbers under the surface, which one had better not rouse. The rush of self-willed fury of which he will then prove capable will be such as to smash and sweep away everything and everyone. A boundless ambition, which was dozing under the cloak of the epicurean student, awakens suddenly when the native realizes mankind’s cowardice and its willingness to appreciate only those who bully it and brutally kick it in the pants. In spite of this the native is unlikely to manage well what he has, or to acquire permanently new wealth, as his action develops by fits and starts and he does things only when roused. Once his fury has abated he is apt to wonder why one should act at all. Thus he may sooner or later find himself broke and forlorn. This furious resentment may sublime into noble indignation, and ambition may purify itself into unselfish aspirations. Astrological components inductive of altruism may move the native to an heroic sacrifice for the benefit of mankind.


2-3 deg Pisces

Symbol: Through Jupiter Pistor’s inspiration, the Romans, beleagured on the capitol, throw white leaves to the besieging Gauls.

This being will prove at the same time haughty and diplomatic, harsh and steadfast, fierce and hospitable, rough and generous—nay, lavish—to the point of squandering. A barbaric nature, coupling high spiritual gifts with a coarse, lusty and gluttonous grain. There is a peevish selfassurance and an unruffled self-indulgence, and at the same time such gifts as to overcome the many enmities the native’s rough manners may have aroused. Food problems are of paramount importance to the native, who considers the art of cooking as the supreme art. He is therefore likely to find congenial employment in the trades connected with food (cook, innkeeper, baker, and the like); if rich by birth, he will delight in treating his friends. Luck seems to top expectations. But if success is not apt to cost too high a price, lavishness and neglect on the other hand can cause trouble. Greed is like a powerful whirlpool, liable, as the Umbrian proverb has it, “to swallow a house up to its roof,” and the evils that rudeness can work are but two well-known, as rudeness can cut people right off from human society.


3-4 deg Pisces

Symbol: A grave.

The native’s character will be as impenetrable as a grave, and may be as dismal. The nature is firm and fond of justice. Other factors will depend on their relation the whole, like this degree’s seemingly super-rational and potentially unlimited intelligence, to which, however, the rest of the horoscope must give a background and an outline. Should the pattern indicate moral strength and not bar luck, the native may become a haven for the weak and the outcast, commanding at the same time the respect of those in power. A prudent, steadfast, self-sufficient personality, he may seem even more impenetrable and baffling to astrological research than to the vulgar eye. If helped by outstanding planetary aspects, this degree may give birth to a spiritual master. On the contrary, in less lucky horoscopes this degree may produce mediumship, membership in a Masonic lodge or any other shamefully secretive feature. This sense of disgraceful mystery may refer either to the supersensible or to the lower human sphere, and may warp this degree’s reserve into hypocrisy. But its justice and intelligence never will be blighted. This latter—something abstract in itself—may even appear admirable in a weak or wicked native.


4-5 deg Pisces

This influence has much in common with 30 deg Taurus (which see). It will give masterfulness and the accessory prestige over others in more or less refined utilitarian and earthly matters, tending toward enjoyment, though not exclusively material; its supreme pleasure is friendship. But, for all his good intentions, the native will bring little luck to his devoted friends; however, unconsciously and against his own will, he will lead them to sacrifice, which he himself will not escape, as his inordinate and dissipated life will inflict a spell of ordeals and mishaps upon him. He is likely to get over it sooner or later. The pattern as a whole and a careful study of directions and of Uranus’ transits will have to show whether the beginning or the end of his life will be marked by bad luck.


5-6 deg Pisces

This degree tends to confer physical sturdiness and proportionate lust or lusts. The craving for money is not the least of them. Whether he is compelled to hoard by a niggardly greed, or is driven to amass money by a reckless personal ambition aiming only at his own success, or in order to restore the level of his father’s family up to the splendor of its gifts or its renown, the native seems to act on the firm conviction that one single lucky stroke —on the green carpet, at the races, or at the exchange —would manage to solve once and for all the twofold problem of food and the family’s gilt edge. Yielding to this temptation would mean his final undoing. The career of arms (not of the sea) seems to be the thing for him; a good marksman, an impenetrable character, a combative or downright aggressive person, a commanding figure, he has all the makings of a successful soldier or airman. And his power of concentration will fit him for different careers as well, according to the rest of the astrological data. He is certain to set his aim high, and likely to attain it too, if he is as careful as he is ambitious.


6-7 deg Pisces

Symbol: The guardian of the Threshold.

A hard trial to face; a frightful obstacle to overcome. In an otherwise irrelevant horoscope this degree will make the native into an usher, a doorkeeper, or, at best, a chamberlain. Where no other influences are at play, the native will be very keen on his own comfort and leisure, and this will make him dodge the obstacle mentioned above. But little as the nativity swerves from the trodden path, here are the greatest chances of evil or good ever accessible to human beings, both of them in a mystical sense, with a deep religious feeling, or at least with a formal respect for rituals and ceremonies. Where good factors concur, the way to saintliness is open to the native, or he can receive the highest initiation. He may become a church dignitary, or a valiant scientist, a profound thinker or even a remarkable artist, but always on the plane of universal ideas. A humble, but not bad, nativity, may bestow a lower degree in the ecclesiastical heirarchy. (as a convent’s guardian) or a low one (a lay brother, a sexton, or the like). On the other hand, a noble but rebellious theme will produce that amount of anticlericalism that marks many a sincere follower of the church, or will lead the native so far as to oppose the church on behalf of a religious, or nearly religious, ideal striving to be more universal than Catholicism and to be worshipped more faithfully than Islam. The concourse of evil components will lead to black magic, the practice of Satanism, possession or obsession, or in a humbler way, to witchcraft, shamanism, necromancy (so-called spiritualism) practiced as a ritual, etc. The absolute absence of any spiritual component will lead to Goddess Reason’s abstract worship in a more developed native, to non-initiatory freemasonry in an indifferent subject, and to sectarian partisanship in a poor devil. In the field of affairs, of ordinary administration or even of everyday life, this influence will lead to heaping mistakes on mistakes. The native will have to pay more attention and to curb his absentmindedness. Yet this is a remarkable mind with an uncommon steadiness in study.


7-8 deg Pisces

Shiftiness and inner dissension, the co-existence of conflicting features such as, on one side, childishness or unripeness, lack of self-criticism, unfitness for independent life; and on the other side, a remarkable aptitude for business, practical skill on a small scale, bodily and mental resilience and fitness. Ability to do great deeds and to botch the simplest things. There is promptness and indecision, tact and boorishness, light-mindedness and immodesty, recklessness and at the same time naive cunning. The brother or brothers have a great part in the native’s life. Luck is ambiguous. There is a great love of water, which may grow into a positive danger if ominous pointers concur.


8-9 deg Pisces

Probably a long, certainly an adventurous life, with very unstable luck. The horoscope at large may tell us whether happiness or bad luck will prevail, whether trouble is to reach its peak in childhood, in youth, or in ripe old age. Certainly there will be hard ordeals to go through, leaving premature traces on the native’s face and hair. He will be able to change his ways and means all of a sudden, though staying faithful to himself; his religious principles will not prevent his being overcome and carried away by passion now and then. Nothing will either find him unprepared or throw him off balance and betray his feelings. He will be called tightly a man of character. Destiny bids him away from his country, on long journeys, and may sever his blood ties even in his adolescence. Other items in the pattern will give this forecast sharper outlines.


9-10 deg Pisces

Stubborn pursuit of the laws hidden behind nature’s appearances.. Hard and efficient work; an uncommonly sharp and analytical mind; practical sense, perhaps marred by a certain routines; a gift for exact sciences, especially physics and chemistry (or alchemy). In front of strangers the native’s behavior will be cautious and reserved. People’s behavior toward him will be typical: he will be looked upon with that kind of uneasiness or mistrust that earthworms harbor in front of a really superior being, in whom they feel they might find their master. His teachings will be ignored rather than fairly discussed and openly fought. As to himself, he is so engrossed in his researches as to overlook such trifles; the deeper he delves into Nature’s bosom, the more he loves her with a fervor which could be termed religious—even if he started to be a godless materialist. Willing to forego present glory, he works for those future generations who will in fact recognize him as a trailblazer. Barring harmful influences, his ought to be a long life, marked by a great magnetic force.


10-11 deg Pisces

Another degree portending wanderings and gallivanting, its key lying, however, in the native’s impulse to rear up and struggle against constraint. His headiness and daring may border on foolhardiness; his fierce and defiant love of independence may strike as savage sullenness. Yet the spontaneous flourish of his speech, his frankness bursting forth like a force of nature, will make him liked in spite of his lack of measure. Luck is a decisive factor, but its sense will not be determined by this decree. Sepharial suggests a career at the bar or with the pen. Both he and Charubel admit of priesthood. I leave them the responsibility for such statements.


11-12 deg Pisces

Gnoothi soauton.. —Words on the lintel of Appollo’s temple at Delphos From the hub to the rim and back again. —Dante, Par. 14, 1 As he who looks back, back will have to go. —Dante, Purg. 9, 132 The problem of such an existence is how to insert oneself in the Whole, or, in other words, to find out where one’s central point is. (Central, not middle, point, as hasty interpreters will have it.) The way to one’s own innermost core may prove an ordeal, taking up one’s best years and further. At each crossroad the native may have to stop in utter puzzlement and retrace part of his steps. Like a wheel caught in the wrong contrivance, the native may go to pieces; or, like a sprocket wrongly fitted in its hub, he may skid off and come to grief; or even, like a wheel forever removed from any contrivance, he may end by becoming a pretty but useless trinket, an ornamental dead weight for himself and others. But once the hub is properly fitted upon its axle, the yield and the range of the native’s activities can no longer be measured by conventional standards; his vitality is prodigious, and the depths to which his unfettered thought can reach are abysmal.. Thus the more dangerous is any aberration.


11-13 deg Pisces

Subjected as he is to a divalent influence, the native will feel an urge either to help or to harm his neighbors, an alternative he will not easily escape. No living and letting live for him; his inner life does not seem to fulfill him, and his center of gravity seems to lie outside himself. Here is the raw stuff to which only other pointers in the pattern can give shape. A nativity pointing to goodness or straightforwardness will make the native into an ideal marriage partner, an excellent cooperator, an exemplary citizen; one who will protect the oppressed and the poor, and who will spread his soothing influence on the surroundings where he lives. Yet, even in the best sense, he will have to meddle with other people’s business and will haunt them when they would rather enjoy their privacy. If born evil, he will take to black magic and will hurt others without after-thoughts for the sheer joy of it; he will oppress the poor, sadistically torture those who love him; in a word, he will be a devil incarnate. An indifferent nativity will produce rather a pointless meddler.


13-14 deg Pisces

Energy, eagerness, steadiness, technical ability in performing one’s task, which is more than likely to be heavy and at times long and hard. A slight fillip from other stars will be enough to make the native into a really talented engineer or pioneer; at the limit, a founder of colonies. A healthy and rugged physique, a peaceful disposition, a simple and kind character. Luck and happiness, to which the native is fully entitled, ought not to fail him.


14-15 deg Pisces

Symbol: Among the strom clouds in the heavens, an archangel appears, his sword drawn.

(I do not know if the archangel is Michael. He also may be the warfare's protector, Raphael (=God healed), whose weapon kills and recovers.) Rational intelligence is far from clear if not downright blurred. But there is a great power of feeling, a bright, keen, piercing insight, whose edge is as sharp as a sword’s. Here are Seer Charubel’s words: “Whosoever thou art, thou hast a mission to accomplish and thou wilt be armed with the necessary power and authority to execute that mission. Thou art a child of the Sun.” So far the positive side of this influence, which the nativity as a whole will be called upon to bear\ out according to Charubel’s favorable construction. Yet one ought not to forget that, just a holy as that right may be, a sword is resorted to in its service, and that revenge does not behoove to men but tot the gods. A grim, stormy, short-tempered, aggressive, even quarrelsome being, he will make many enemies without turning a hair, so sure is he of himself and of his aim, so unlimitedly does he rely upon his ambitions. Which may breed hateful superiority complexes or an utter inability to retrace one’s steps, whatever the size of the mistake made. A great love of travel; both literally and metaphorically, the native will make headway.


15-16 deg Pisces

Attachment to one’s family certainly is a virtue, and this native, who is very fond of his own, certainly has some redeeming features. Prudence he has galore, but his playing for safety, his inborn distinction, his fatherly love will not save him from strife. On the contrary, the quarrelsomeness attendant upon his life will, unless corrected elsewhere, make him repellent and widely unpopular. This is to be traced back to a stubborn, unbending, inexorable and not unsuccessful strain of ambition. He very excess of wariness will wrap his prudence into offensive suspiciousness. Tenderly and cuttingly fond of his children, wards and pupils as he may be, he may, however, go so far as to be downright cruel with strangers, as a mere trifle is enough to arouse his anger.


16-17 deg Pisces

Symbol: Headlong plunge.

The native will fling himself headfirst in to daring deeds before which others will think twice. Will those deeds be noble and heroic or will they be ambitious and foolhardy? The pattern as a whole must reply. What seems certain is that, unless favorably aspected elsewhere, the drive pushing the native forward is but a momentary onrush, no steady urge. Moreover, it ought to be kept in mind that the native has set out alone; he cannot bank on anyone else’s support, and his impulse naturally tends to run out. Then what can be expected? No one is seen through to his goal by his more initial start. The native will have to expect from other factors the steadiness this degree seems to exclude, the prudence without which daring spells suicide, that sense of human fellowship and cooperation which ambitious people despise, though no lasting success can be achieved without them. Anyhow, the native will reach an essential turning point toward the middle of his life; any wrong move then will be liable to bring about his ruin, breakdown, bankruptcy, or the like. The symbol may be taken literally to mean drowning.


17-18 deg Pisces

Symbol: With lance at rest, two mediaeval knights, followed by their retine on foot, ride against each other and the more gallant one throws his opponent.

(One has to bear in mind that the knight’s word must be as straight as his sword, and that one single lie is enough to deprive him of his magic power - a thing which cannot be understood by those who fail to recognize knighthood’s initiatory character.) Man a ride, death aside. - Italian proverb An open, daring nature, easily led into contrast with the outside world, and into all sorts of danger. The native is as unable to check his own passions as he is to enforce his will upon others. An outstanding organizer of collective undertakings, whether in time of war or peace, both in the political or industrial fields and in the artistic or religious ones, a brisk, deliberate embattled leader of chief; a formed able competitor; an aggressive controversialist, a lifely orator, he will be ever launching all-out attacks both in real and in metaphorical wars. And it will be just this uncompromising resolve, this staking everything on one throw, this inability to retrace this steps, coupled with a passionate and at times unbridled nature, that may prove the undoing of such a chivalrous fighter. Love of violent sports still increases the chances of mishap. Horses are particularly dangerous. Should the horoscope bear indications of rebellious spirit, there would be danger of an open conflict with the law; whether the judicial, the ethical, or the religious law, the stars may foretell.


18-19 deg Pisces

Symbol: A young man lying pierced by the thrust of a weapon

A keen, piercing mind, a critical and polemic gift, an inharmonious, aggressive, self-destructive nature; the temperament of a barrister or professional warrior. A destructive nature does not, necessarily bar practical sense or outbursts of enthusiasm. When these are spent, states of depression or suicidal ideas will crop up, the danger making itself felt especially during youth, as this will be affected by illnesses and many troubles. Ripe age will, on the whole, be less unlucky and, if helped by good aspects, may even be prosperous in spite of the lack of friends and the frequent quarrels and brawls. Duels and strife will be hard to avoid; they will endanger physical integrity and threaten health and life itself.


19-20 deg Pisces

Symbol: Full Moon.

Super-rational logic, or no logic at all. On a highly spiritual plane this influence will resolve itself into a stream of light. A noble soul soaring above the miseries of everyday life can expect many a gift from this degree. It may have to convey a message of love to mankind erring in darkness, and even may have inborn that imaginative consciousness constituting the first step of occult development. Beyond the range of any rational conceptions, the native’s thought and behavior will be restored and prompted by lofty and dazzling imaginations. On a lower plane this degree will breed public men. The subject then may be an idealist, but his activity, not a purely worldly one, will never stumble on problems of consequence; he will let himself be led by merely political principles and will stick to empirical methods. In the light of such premises, it cannot even be said that the end justifies the means, as the end itself changes according to circumstances. Only that which proves useful for the time being is praiseworthy. In an unlucky horoscope, castles will be built in the air, and the inability to have one’s dreams come true will lead to changing one’s opinions and to remolding one’s random plans with the same casual unconcern with which one would change his shirt. Should other such features concur, the danger of mental unbalance would set in.


20-21 deg Pisces

Symbol: Nightly duel of-two ancient crusaders.

My son, the cut was good, now think of the stitching. Words of Catherine de Medicis to her son Henry III after the murder of the Duke of Guise A very warlike temperament. Plenty of strife and struggle can be expected. A rugged, proud and mettlesome individualist, daring and deliberate, ever ready to plunge into quick, efficient and even violent action. A supple and sharp mind, fond of peering and prying, a polemical spirit. There is a strong religious feeling, where, however, charity is not up to the level of hope. Conservative ideas, a respect for mankind’s deep-rooted mistrust, and a dislike of novelty. Combativeness may drift into brutal and bloodthirsty aggressiveness, individualism into fierce selfishness, conservatism into extreme reaction. Hopes can be fulfilled as long as speedy execution does not lead him to rash or reckless gestures. Darkness is harmful to the native.


21-22 deg Pisces

The native will play fast and loose with life, as it were, all his own show, and thus speed his ruin. In a female nativity this degree will promote immodesty if not shamelessness. For the rest, the native may well be harmless if the stars do not reveal other vices, but with concurring aspects he or she is likely to exert a more or less dangerous charm over everyone. Wedlock obviously will prove a convict’s chain to the native, which as obviously will not be the native’s fault alone. The sector of marriage, its ruler and the Dragon’s Head will have to be consulted.


22-23 deg Pisces

Symbol: An old Frank in battle harness; his hair, kept uncut according to the worriers’ custom, is wound into a topknot from which it fails loose on his nape. He hurls the double axe at his foe.

Here the axe blow of fatal determination is symbolized. Either the native’s character is firm and manly, capable of initiative, certain of his aim and apt to snatch the right moment for action, or he is simply not up to his destiny and, high as his aspirations may be, he will shirk or rush through, give up before trying his luck, or waver, foam with rage or let things take care of themselves with a swaggering nonchalance for which there is not the slightest foundation. Prophetic foresight is a feature, which may lead the native to try his luck at hazardous games or ruinous arbitrage.


23-24 deg Pisces

Symbol: A man and a woman lying together.

The symbol needs no further comment. It reminds us of Voltaire’s fitting remark: Si on ne mane pas les jeunes filles, elles se marient d’elles memes. (See also 24 degree Aries.)


24-25 deg Pisces

Symbol: David about to sling at giant Goliath the stone destined to kill him.

The native is ready to fight for victory and, in order to reach it, is ready to stand any amount of fighting. High as the reward may be, it is sometimes likely to appear inadequate to the native’s heroic efforts. Driven by noble aspirations, as well as by lust, he will resort to any kind of assault. If attacked himself, he will drive the foe back with casual and playful self-assurance. Ready for the gravest decisions, he will go straight to his aim, even if this implies bloodshed. But he is likely to temper his aggressiveness with his sense of honor and to subordinate his tricks and makeshifts to the seriousness of his mission and to an unshakable faith in victory. A victorious fighter, he is more than likely to see that faith rewarded. Should he prefer a quiet life instead, the concrete result will be the more modest the less pleasant a peaceful life’s task will have been for him.


25-26 deg Pisces

Symbol: Judith beheads sleeping Olophemes (Judith, 13-15).

Give me a cup, give me a stab, as in times past In his immortal poem Alcaeus asked; The stab he meant the tyrants’ hearts to pierce, The cup to drink and frolic on their hearse. -Carducci, Giambi ed Epodi, 17 Unless provided with strongly opposing aspects elsewhere, the native will be a revolutionist, a tribune, a tyranicide. The woman native may turn a heroine, or a female gangster as well, as the rest of the nativity will have it. A man, the native ought to be on the lookout against the ambushes of the weak and of the weaker sex as well, as he can expect only trouble from that quarter. Fearless and wary, strong and warlike, clear-sighted and a good organizer, he may tread safely his victorious path, as his friends’ affection and his dependents’ devotion will protect him from his great foes. Against the little traitor, or traitoress, he is defenseless, a thing he ought to keep in mind in order not to let wine or love turn his head, or the dope of power let his watchfulness slumber. His downfall will spell ruin to the structure he had built and swayed.


26-27 deg Pisces

Symbol: A naked man passing water.

The positive sides of an influence bearing such an odd symbol are an absolute sincerity, an artlessness unhampered by mock prudishness, a free and easy way with people, which may win sympathy and friendships. But this degree is likelier to bestow the corresponding vices. Instead of that lack of sham prudery, there may be real immodesty, cheekiness and brutal cynicism; instead of that free and easy demonstrativeness, a windy and empty verbosity with random chattering and unrestrained gossiping. In other words, a nature devoid of inhibitions and fond of scandals. Nor is this enough, as especially weak natures are likely to be haunted by what so-called spiritualists call entities and could better be termed by the Christian word demons, their true name. Total ruin threatens the substances. The need for prudence never will be overstressed ; blind confidence never can be discouraged enough. Bodily, the subject is exposed to bed-wetting; diabetes is not ruled out. A physical and psychic training is needed that does not overpower the nervous system, as any repression may engender Freudian complexes. Appropriate drugs may give back to the bladder the springiness it lacks, but green light baths are more efficient (sun baths through a colored glass slide, which can be applied directly on the organ to be healed). Time of the application, should increase gradually, beginning with a few minutes on the first day.


27-28 deg Pisces

Moderately ambitious, well-meaning, generous and amiable; uncommonly clever and fond of study, but led astray by totally wrong principles undermining even the most ingeniously built mental constructions, the native has a remarkable but shifty luck, which will be determined more clearly by other threads in the pattern. His body, as well as his knowledge, can be warped by some blemish, or his health can be sapped by some illness. Medicine and the like seem congenial callings.


28-29 deg Pisces

A drab mind, a limp will, impractical ideas, though not devoid of exactitude and care of details; a disciplined and rigorously methodic nature. The native obviously can be of great use in subordinate positions, whereas if left to himself he soon will lose courage, become listless and misanthropic, and drift aimlessly. The danger of shipwreck is also materially present; or else the native may be forced to wander at random and to feel desperately lonely in the very midst of human throngs.


29-30 deg Pisces

An overstressed sense of self with all attendant virtues and defects. A pride easily perverted into haughtiness, into encroachment upon the rights of one’s neighbor, but never into mannerism. Great ambitions, strong desires, fiery passions, but a clear conscience; a deep righteousness is the really outstanding feature of the influence. Will power and courage will shine in adversity and will enable the native to redress the ugliest situations and to get out of the most vicious scrapes. But the native’s overbearing will be hideous, his mind will be sharp and critical, but not nimble, and will tend toward haggling and quibbling. There is some gift for teaching and a certain freakishness.



A man repairing and extending a stone wall in the spring.

Objective Earth existence embraced with a fury. Identifying yourself completely with physical capability, external results, and quantifiable criteria on all fronts. You willfully submerge yourself in the brute facts and the bare phenomena. There is a virtue in this approach. You become ready and quite able to do what is asked or needed and to put nothing in the way of each next thing happening, right on schedule. You actually become a hardy vessel for strong Earth usage. It is a form of penance or probation for past excesses, now gravitating toward the straight and narrow and trying to get certain things straight for a brand new start. It is the initial phase, the radically new cycle taken up with a passion, with an omnivorous appetite for things to do, problems to solve, worlds to streamline. Tremendous for activating will; intended for nothing else.



Old stone steps descending into darkness.

Held back by barriers that are formidable. Up against yourself hard, you are shadowboxing with personal propensities for becoming swept away by the lower self. You take a perverse thrill in adopting the stance that is rebellious, angry, and distinctive. Driven by impulse to constellate the archetype of the one in trouble, of the outlaw, of the dark stranger. In love with the idea of being self-consciously different, and running wild with it. Bursts and episodes. You get taken over and played through. This is adolescence in its most naked terms, but very hard to outgrow. The one who will not apologize, who does not change. Convinced that being against is a strong position. A very easy character to project upon, for all of life is sensed as a continuous projection and reality is up for grabs and hard to find.



The outer casing of the Great Pyramid being removed.

Candor, stark naked honesty. Getting rid of all false coverings, going for what counts. You are sharply intent upon getting at the truth and staying on the truth. Self-disclosure. An extraordinary aptitude for reality, you are the world's most direct person, willing to be seen and known unequivocally. The jackhammer treatment. Blunt, brutal, and straightforward. Devoid of charm or grace, but right on the mark, gutsy and truly incorrigible.



A cup overflowing with clear water.

Magic when someone is ready and willing to stand there and allow all of existence to stream and pour through them. They shall activate the forces of magic, the return of wonder, and the feeling for what can be. Abandoning yourself to the frequency of boundless discovery in naive, raw, initial disclosure--exhilarated, ecstatic, triumphant. Unable to contain yourself one moment longer. So enthusiastic and alive that you must find kin, playmates to go places with and cut loose together. A state of being that begs to be shared, that must be spoken, invoked, and honored. It is the release point for a flood of new impulses, and when given full momentum, it rallies, inspires, sets the world on fire, and laughs so delightedly and uproariously that no one can resist joining in.



The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees' kissing.

Honoring the spirit within at all costs. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. Intoxicated with the Divine, called beyond, and taken by a passion, you are dedicated and consecrated and given over. Transported into other realms. Ecstatic. A frenzy of conviction that nothing matters except the Ultimate. Swept away. Released into the Cosmos. Liberated from the wheel. And expressing the inexpressible with consummate conviction.



An aquamarine in a woman's navel.

Sensuous pleasure, powerful passions. Body wisdom. Impulses and instincts, desires and cravings, and the festive celebration of being alive here now. You are marvelously enraptured with the senses--energetic, vital, enthusiastic, on fire. Direct and straight on. Candid and willing to release into what arises. Impressionable, suggestible, youthful. In touch and in tune with what wants to happen here, your gut conviction is fiercely strong. You feel driven to be yourself and by the need to engage with the other completely. You are the one who stands out, who makes a point of it, who is unashamed.



A double-headed eagle, the heads face in opposite directions.

Two completely separate identities can be lived at once. What is foremost is to be mentally prepared, vigilantly watchful, and intent upon moving straight on and not looking back. Your alter- ego, your double, your nemesis, shadow, and friend is seeing life through the rearview mirror, completely enwrapped in the diametrically opposite world to the one consciously pursued. The forefront-awareness sustains admirably and avidly its directional instinct for which way is forward from here. Your subconscious shadow-self is equally devoted to seeing, knowing, and instrumenting the backward gaze, the obstructive momentum. Living along this edge hones the sensibility, clarifies things immensely--if ever both ends are claimed, honored, and given their due.  It is a challenge and an adventure to be rabidly dual, a karmic crossroads with immense struggle and conflict and power. It contains a deep-down gnawing hunger for resolution and reconciliation and integration, so elusive, so unattainable, and yet so needed and sought in the destiny-reckoning that refuses to stay split, whatever it will take to fuse the bipolar visions into unity.



A lizard dressed in blue satin and pointed shoes.

Entertainment, spectacle, self-exteriorization. "I am a lovable object." Taking on roles for fun and frolic. Becoming everything and nothing. Identified with style and finesse. Life as a throwaway. With the desire and intention to get away with a series of extravagant ruses, you are absolutely fascinated by the extent to which nobody can catch you at your favorite game--the juicy portrayal of what everybody wants to see, devoid of conscience or ethic. The ideal amoral opportunist who is loaded with talent and is the world's best self-exploiter, to a point of a great joke or trick that becomes much more compelling than any real thing.



A fat man in a state of reverie smoking a hookah.

Superior to the world. Experienced and sophisticated. Seeing in the future what you have seen in the past at the next point in the spiral. Bored and worldly-wise. Unchallenged by the pace and the wits of others, you are disdainful and haughty. Yet in the center of all this lies as fresh a perception and way of being as the outward husk has grown decadent. Bearing inside new worlds, trumpeting outside your disengagement from old worlds. You walk an edge sharp and dangerous between your impatient dismissal of the past and all worlds linked with the past, and a hunger and yearning for a different world altogether that burns and aches and will not go away. Along that razor's edge lies destiny. Half-volatile and half-triumphant. These two sides war and collide in a rivalry for who will decide the outcome.



Roots of a tree entwined around the statue of a nude woman.

Bondage and freedom sometimes go hand in hand. The bondage is being true to pattern, predictable, caught in habits and tendencies perpetually left to grow like weeds. The freedom is that as you meet yourself starkly in the midst of these old, tired patterns of behavior, you come into touch with a quickening flame of self-recreation, stimulated and forced by being at the mercy of the relentless patterns. This impulse to make yourself over is fervently strong, courageous, ready, and willing. The old stuff dies hard. You are therefore engaged in a pitched battle of a protracted kind between retrogressive and progressive ideals, impulses, and desires. Both sides are so impassioned and sharply intent that this becomes a knockdown, drag out battle of wills. The atavistic backward- leaning will feels immune to change. The visionary forward-thrusting will feels moved by evolutionary forces never to give up. Eventually the future prevails over the past, but not before scars and multiple traumas mark the spot of fighting for your life against an implacable inward enemy who knows it will lose and fights all the harder accordingly.



Sunlight illuminating dust in the air.

The marvel is that the observer exerts so strong a presence, yet disappears into the atmosphere. You find yourself to be centrally pivotal, yet subtly under lying a pure witness to the objective turn of events. You inhabit the edge between self-will and a higher will. You hold to the sharp borderline between the infinite and the finite, so that you can create yourself anew out of whole cloth. Transformation can take many forms. You are endowed here with power of wishing, the capacity to visualize and imagine whatever comes next. An astounding skill at coming back to life, recreating everything, taking into yourself worlds ending and worlds beginning. All is poised within. A way of looking at things that magnifies the wonder and overcomes all of the dross, in a strong quest to find yourself amidst the debris of lost worlds and to salvage the dream and the vision.



An old woman hears the stars talking to her at night.

Soul gifts from the morning of the world now turning into treasures untold. A quality of being, a presence, an aura which fills the world. You are the microcosm here and now for so many worlds. There is wonder and awe, discovery and an odd echo of fate. All of this has happened before; nothing is new. A twilight state. The repeated awakenings, and yet still dreaming on. Majestic vistas. So much to conceive. All exists inside. Yet in the secrecy of the heart, no clues are offered. All remains bare and stark.



The wind blows white sheets hung on a line to dry.

The spark of being endures. There are cycles within cycles of inexplicable events, strange happenings, blown contexts. Yet your fiery molten core only comes back stronger. The rage-to-be, coming up against every inhibiting factor that could possibly be drawn in. You have those soul qualities which thrive on crises, emergencies, huge challenges, terrible hurdles. A force which never lets up, yet conceals itself inside the commonplace. The destiny by indirection. Swept away, losing the track, and brought forth to find the track every time. The twists of fate that keep on happening and demand a form of resiliency which then becomes the doorway into wide open spaces that no longer polarize and divide.



An apple tree--many rotten apples on the ground around it.

Profligate and prodigal, you are fertile, creative, dynamic. Full of bright ideas. Resourceful and ingenious. Carefree and careless, you concentrate on the spark of the now. Tunnel vision. Your talents and abilities extravagantly displayed. A special knack for individual genius--eccentric and a real character. Ornery. Not really listening. Self-impelled. Tuned in to interests and capacities, tuned out to everything else. You are going forward regardless: "Gotta get there," but the blind spots add up. Reckonings and conflicts. Confronted with what has been denied. Wildly unrepentant. You are the hardest one to convince, yet the one who knew it all along. The advantages and the disadvantages of taking a special angle and following it all the way no matter what.



A man with pointed ears.

Super tuned in. The personification and embodiment of what it looks like, feels like, and is like to have an inside track on everything going on around you. Uncanny awareness. You have the gift of getting across new ways of being, different ways of looking at things. Somehow getting away with being so very different that it no longer matters. Hot-wired to wild and uncomfortable truths. You have special radar for undertones and nuances, motivations and signs of what is going on underneath. The direct front row seat upon who the other is and the challenges and opportunities the other brings before you, when you are ready and eager for the encounter and you know you can always find a way to move with absolutely anything that might arise.



Three sculptured birds: one black marble, one white marble, one solid gold.

Genius. An extraordinary consciousness in a three-fold sweep of the phases of intelligence, coming into its fullest domain. At first the naive confidence in the mental powers, and in your own ability to know what everyone needs to know and do what everyone needs to do. But later on their creeps in, and always was there hovering, the terrible knowledge that you know nothing, understand even less, and are operating in the dark. This can be terrifying, but is also redemptive in radical measure. Then there comes a synthesis, a cooking up of the raw intelligence into a vital grasp of the essentials in life, and in particular of your own place in this world, with a brilliant awakening to the total design and how your own awareness is perfectly poised in the center to reflect all that is, truly.



A bodiless head asleep on the beach.

Cast into exile, sworn to silence. Held to an ancient code to be a watcher, a perfect witness to the inward reverberations of all things. Outward events and experiences are gone, mean nothing here. All that counts is to sense into things, to remember the essence and to know the forgotten worlds. It is a lonely vigil, a strange destiny, with a piquant flavor of sorrow mixed with exultation. What others are happy with is far out of reach, unimaginable. Yet what so many others miss and are put off from is here vividly, vibrantly indwelled every moment, which sweetens the bitter cup and allows the greater task to be taken up with a surrendered will and a quiet, inward repose.



A jellyfish.

Neither being one thing nor another. No longer belonging and not yet attaining. You live in limbo and fiercely get ready. This is a very strange predicament. You have no world to be in. The past is over; the future is not yet. The present moment becomes both magical and dreadful. It is dreadful in that nothing ever really happens and you cannot stand it. It is magical in that when you have lost everything and truly have nothing left to lose, you are free. You are free to dream and free to be. You still have no context, no place to plug in. But you are a free agent. Oddly released from pressures, demands, the crossfire of urgent criticality. And in this state, you have one amazing option. If you give this away, if you surrender your sparkling autonomy to the universal life-force, you can turn the world on and make everybody aware that they are free as well.



Someone performing trephination.

The head densely holds the patterns of the past as fixed routes. There are points along the journey where everything must be dropped and where all previous experience becomes no longer applicable. You are treated to a destiny-surge of power which obliterates the traces of petty limitation and habitual tracks. A radical departure into the infinite unknown becomes the only way to go. As the ego-mind no longer bears the authority to command and dictate and coerce, vision is released, awareness becomes visceral, everything lights up directly. And as the old carcass is removed, the universal life-force streams in, giving a much brighter angle and leaning to move with. Identity smashed to make room for totality in a fresh and uninhibited expression and embodiment of its call, and in its need for those who can drop everything and tune right in to what wants to emerge here, of itself.



An empty courtyard.

Nothing is left. Reality is scattered. Self-obliterated. The familiar rendered irrelevant. Apocalyptic changes, personal and collective, take over. No being, only action. You become a projectile of intent, literally identify with what you can do now. A barren wasteland of an inner world. A thrust outside. Stark and surreal. You feel compelled to dare, pushed over the edge, no going back--destiny as frenzy. And in this wild, volatile mix, creative forces are released that would never come out any other way. Yielding to the role of the purging and cleansing agent of changes, you are unable to wriggle out of anything ever again.



Pastel flags fluttering in the breeze.

Calling attention to yourself, making a show of things, demonstrating a path to follow. Strongly urging that others move in the directions you are initiating. Persuasive, insistent, reiterative. Playful and twinkling on the outside but entirely intent on the inside. Pushing and pulling for optimal outcomes. Eloquent, ideological. You tend to be fanatical or zealous, pressing outwards, far outwards. Identified with a style, a sensibility, a progressive evolutionary wave, you are sharply on the spot of pivotal changes. Calling the collective attention to what comes next on the horizon. Greatly gifted with the talents of transmission. Nothing else distracts you from the leitmotif of making the new attractive and sparking encouragement, empowerment, and destiny momentum with élan and utter dedication.



Puppets coming alive at night.

The inner worlds can be just as animated, as fully fleshed out, as vivid and vibrant as any outer world could ever hope to match. There are vast kingdoms to explore on the inner. It is all a matter of motivation: if you seek for inward substantiation, you will get it to infinity and beyond. Here you get what you ask for. Everything snowballs. It tests you mightily, in that everything inside comes out. A wish like magic becomes embodied. Being so fertile and ingenious is one of the most demanding possible arenas to put yourself in. Most difficult of all is that if you fear or dread, resist or deny, these too have full power to play themselves out all the way. The inner life becomes the place where everything's happening, and where you must cultivate your highest and your best, or else be treated to the validation and proof of whatever you put in there coming out again amplified, magnified, completely full-on.



A bottle labeled "drink me."

The force of events sweeps away who we thought we were and plunges us to a deeper place beyond the known. The sheer immediacy, the sudden clarity shifts mountains of intent into a different octave altogether. Being taken by storm is the most direct path from here to there. And when cosmic worlds are urgently coming through, the only smart thing is to step aside and make a huge amount of room for unexpected guests, at events you could never have arranged in your wildest dreams.



A harp which plays itself.

Joy and freedom are perfect companions along the greater way. Joy celebrates existence with a passion and a power and a fervent insistency. Freedom keeps on opening the context to make it more universal, more resonant, and more karma-free. Moving along this way is a creative feast of self-discovery and exploration of the edges. When selfhood is free to improvise and is open-ended, it is an unqualified blessing. You most especially demonstrate and embody a self-generative style and substance that is wildly needed and inspirationally infused into the collective bloodstream. So that we can get on with innovations and limitless worlds, and feel confident that there is somebody there pioneering the bold reaches forward who is too foolish to stop for anything.



A great dragon asleep in a cave.

Storing up for centuries all of the best goodies for the time when they are needed, meanwhile, you are cast loose between source and destination, buffeted by strange winds and held firmly between the ancient past and the near future. Karmic ally held in the balance. Truly having nothing to do until waiting is fulfilled. But where there is nothing to do, mischief and mayhem proliferate. You participate in karmic scenarios, elaborate dramatizations, variations on the theme of nobody home and nothing happening yet. Supremely restless while deeply restful. If there should come a time when all the signal flares go off and give the go ahead, your stored up power and resources shall prove to be absolutely incredible. From way back when to the promised time, you feel a projectile of intent to hold on no matter what. In a cross between a crazy deal and the purest vows of commitment not to push the river and to wait for the universal waters to flood their banks and bring you back alive, right on time for futures unlimited.



The man in the moon smiling.

Living on the edge. Poised at many brinks. Swept up in a tide of changes--chaotic and magnificent. Everywhere at once, you are creative and generative, overwhelmed and over stimulated, but primarily exulting in yourself and your emergent capacities. Falling in love with the dance of destiny you find yourself in. Ecstatic release in being able to catch the spark as it flies. Very fast, very strong, very remarkable, and knowing it.



A fun house.

The playground of the world is both wide open and oddly synchronistic. Anybody can go anywhere and do anything. But sometimes you come up against yourself no matter where you look, and you meet your shadows and delusions coming back at you in every form you are desperate to deny. A frenzy pursues stimulus, entertainment, distraction and diversion. And the world arena turns into an hysterical proposition of thematic echoes making the whole journey too obvious, too direct, too brutal. The only postponement tactic left is to devise whole worlds of self-justification and self- vindication, to harbor you just long enough to let you face the raucous feedback loop that is trying to tell you that being a personality on the loose is a great disguise and is not covering your nakedness and never did.



A wreath of laurel placed on the head of an old man.

The soul's journey is absolutely endless, and you sense throughout that journey that somebody is watching. The Greater Dynamic is at work here and you live into that ultimate aspect from the very beginning. You simply know that your destiny must and will be fulfilled. There is a higher vibration inside track that accompanies each step, every phase, and that otherness gives you back yourself in such a fashion that you are never alone, not incomplete, never less than whole. All of the vital agitations only serve to quicken the pace, to bring you back on the spiral to that vital place again where you are known and acknowledged, and from which you can go forth and know and acknowledge others in their destiny light--seen and sensed and known, free of all qualifications.



Dr. Jekyll drinks the potion.

The unconscious mind and the subconscious mind bear seeds of worlds which the conscious mind had yet to penetrate. These worlds can turn from dark to light and back again, but they are there, crying out to be fathomed, accessed, given their part in the dance. It is no longer possible to push into far shadows that part of the light which dwells in darkness. And so you must bring up, playfully or mischievously, candidly or surreptitiously, all of the hidden places. So that nobody can deny how much of our energy and resource indwells the deep and how all of our being longs to be known, to be seen, to be activated, to partake in the dance of life freely.



An anatomist delivers a lecture on the kidneys.

Knowing about the things that others would rather pass on by. Absorbed within the excremental, the margins, the cracks. Preoccupied with matters of critical awareness and pragmatic considerations. You somewhat decadently repeat over and again patterns of viewing yourself and others as dysfunctional machines or poorly-put-together bits and pieces. Being so conversant with the little mind that you are a walking encyclopedia of trivia, having made it your business to specialize in determining what has gone wrong, what is the problem here. Ultimately and essentially, playing back variations on one's self-image as being off course and hopelessly wrong-headed. Given to exaggerated negative impressions. At times even condemning self and world to being unworthy and unredeemable



A red garnet ring. The garnets glow.

A passion for bearing ripe fruits. Feeling transported by an ongoing realization that you are in your own element, doing what you need to do and subtly fired by an inner purpose that clarifies everything. The glow of your central intent warms you through. This quality of soul is simple and direct. It makes for a primal, elemental presence. One cannot grasp complex matters in this sphere. But you know what you need to know, and you're on the beam so palpably that nothing much matters except being there. You distinctly charge the atmosphere with a panic renewal, a source sustenance, and the whole idea is to make way for the universal life-force to stream right in and bless with its all-forgiving radiance.



Wilting flowers form a graceful pattern in a vase.

Supreme resignation. A twilight soul mood. You adapt to the limits imposed by time and situation. Dreaming ceaselessly. Waiting forever. Not very attached, not very involved; fostering illusions, fixed notions, and habitual states. At the mercy of context. Somewhat unable to change. Prone to multiple weaknesses. Self-indulgent. Old-fashioned--remembering when. Ancestors in the blood. You have a fabulous imaginative capacity but very little active life--indwelling the phases of the moon and the recesses of the world. In a suspended soul condition, drifting with the tide. Sweet, naive, and wishful. Solitude and ever after. A wondrous soul underneath a pile of old stuff, wanting the best for all.



A sleepwalker.

Everything begins with an inward cast, and then if you wish to get anywhere you must go there on the inside and meet yourself there when you arrive. You feel a desire to memorize the territory of all the inner ways--to remember them, to recognize them and to be able to follow them when it counts. You feel like you've been taught in the dream state, shown everything in dreamless sleep and through dreams. You're subtly and pervasively closely accompanied by a protective guiding spirit. Held within the soul's alembic. Entrusted to the angels. Living in threshold sensitivity, attuned to the edge. Led by the spirit through darkness into light. Subliminal, enchanted, anxious, and at peace. Always searching for something more. Remembering in your soul the lost Earth ways and giving over to spirits, you belong to the infinite and wander through the finite worlds. You are like a stranger, knowing something else is at stake here. Something else is going on here. Something else is completely involved.



A man talking in his sleep.

A psychic faculty is dreamt into and sustained, leaving everything wide open for passive absorption. Going so deep in there, an altered state, that you become karmic ally thrown into the dilemma of translation between the worlds. Being used by astral forces, and learning to adapt. Indwelling a place reserved for those who are not ready to activate. But, oh, the dreams, the vapors. Remembrance. Recapitulation. Return. Longing for connection between the worlds, you may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Creative powers are dammed up and filtered through into naive wistfulness. You wait, hope, and are drawn back and back until the inner worlds have been heard and respected and the balance can be restored.



Tiny porcelain figures of people.

Wandering along the forgotten places, you feel saturated with memories and reflections. Enchanted and left alone to sift through all of it in your own good time. Subtly and pervasively removed from what is going on around, you are adrift in your own inward pictures. What comes of this is highly variable. It can be a fertile cycle to melt into the moon and come out refreshed and rewoven. It can be heavily seductive and habit-forming, in which case you sink into a world apart and are really held there in subtle chains. Or it can be a secret doorway into the fairy kingdoms in order to commune with those who animate the elements and the inner worlds. One way or another, it is one of those regions that you can never navigate through unless you belong there. And if you do, you may be lost there or you may be found there, with everything dependent upon your heart force and your depth of resolve to stay, faithfully, with the subtle cues.



A pink diamond.

The heart feels everything. It burns with a fever. Inside the burning something marvelous is forming. Grace permits the realization of the heart's desires. You become a vessel to demonstrate, to share the beauty, the love, and the light. Yet all of this is implicit, is inherent, is inward. It is not seen by outer eyes. You are warming through slowly, contemplatively, those qualities of soul that are best entered upon free from reflection. The inner life is rich beyond measure with seeds which will be fertilized and are given forth in the fullness of time, with a consummate touch of having been through the fire to attain what is true and lasting.



A large ruby inscribed with a prayer.

A beautiful dream that comes true. Conceiving in your heart that a fresh life current is here to be met in the physical. Being magnetized to the spot where the New Earth arises. You feel deeply drawn to give yourself over completely to what the new life-wave asks. Sensing acutely that this is all that counts, and suffering for all of those who are shut off from the bounty. Knowing how hard it is to feel dejected and forsaken, and never forgetting the ache, the longing, the distances, and what it takes to earnestly clasp new life and realize you belong to the heavenly kingdom in the Earth and will never again be out in the cold.



A very complicated hedge maze.

Self-confounding. Fascinated, you are engrossed by the fabulous dis attunement you seem to be stuck with. Suspended, enchanted, held fast by ancient errors, rendered safe or innocuous. Being held down by an old curse and not being able to find any way out of it. Nothing comes together Meanwhile, you are entertained by myriad factors as diversions, living out secondary circuits, trying to be content. You're good at reality adjustment, practiced in the art of making it work somehow, but deeply frustrated, profoundly alienated, and existentially doubting just about everything in sight. Waiting as patiently as you can for something to shift somewhere, anywhere. And becoming quite witty and bemused, with a biting edge that says "it is not funny."



A talkative woman with tape over her mouth.

The creative force at odds with itself. What you would do, you would not do. Facing the truth--that everything personally generated fails to satisfy. Spirit is ached for in its absence. Something missing. Massive pride screeching to a halt. A very high vibration. Inward places calling you. But the abyss features radical self-overcoming. And there is nothing to say, everything to do, with nobody left to do it--except the forgotten one inside who knows the way.



A man exhaling clouds of iridescent smoke.

Having something to say, a lot to show for your efforts. Bringing through archetypal realizations, and giving yourself over to all that this involves. The perfect instrument for something new to be revealed. Selfless service obedient to the Gods. Played-through by visions, pictures, images, impressions that gather to form breathtaking wholes. Someone who has worked upon this faculty for a long time and now it is quintessentially ripe. You feel the tremendous surging momentum to say it, name it, evoke the spirit, what needs to be seen. When dazzling gifts are in the works, the destiny is already written in the book of life. It is simply a matter of getting out of the way, paying attention, becoming exceedingly disciplined. And then gathering a fresh synthesis for the many to recognize themselves reflected with transparent, evocative accuracy, a perfect portraiture, direct from nature's workshop, cooked up for the occasion.



A woman with flames for hair.

Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard- driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture, and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact. Something long-gathering suddenly emerging as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. "Me" mattering after being counted out. You feel the surge of power of someone who recognizes that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be put down, and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly, insensately, and beautifully.



A very old elephant.

Nostalgia and intimately familiar worlds in that each character is known very well. Living inside a hologram which contains every world you have ever known. It is slow, reflective, interior, and recedes into lunar caverns. All is moonlit and invokes philosophical reflections. There is time. There is room. There is permission to be one who brings back the country, the quiet times, the special touches, who quietly, unobtrusively keeps the fiber steady. Resourceful and unique--the very best of small town life. A trail left to follow. Nothing is ever lost. The stones do not forget.



A treatise on imaginary creatures.

Pretending to be caught up in the game, playing out the image. Everything becomes contrived and spins out ever further. You have an appetite for self-confounding, musing upon what it might be like. Stepping back from one thing to think about another thing, leading to irony and reliance upon wit. Standing away from the world. Caught in a byway of the personal self and wandering aimlessly but purposefully. The ultimate intent is to see this one through, to take it on and play it out and be through with it. But meanwhile it is beguiling and ensnaring to live so far inside with so little real outlet, and such a load of concepts and memories and desires to carry around everywhere you go, as though this were what individuality means.



An old lady selling bunches of violets on a street corner.

Caught inside a strange predicament--you no longer belong to worlds you always dreamed into before, and you have only a light connection with worlds calling you forward from here. Caught in a time warp, being neither this nor that. It is a stark and merciless dilemma. Your heart is divided between memories and visions, sentiment and knowledge. Inside this quandary, something else is going on. You are distracted from all solid allegiances in order to overhaul your way of being, even while remaining stubbornly adamant and resistant. You get around your own paranoid system by subtle and subliminal means, eroding the ego base and bringing yourself through a humiliating stage. Make yourself ready for deeper challenges ahead by stripping away your self-importance; you who have leaned back hard on self-importance for your very identity, and who now must let go despite not wanting to at all.



His best friend sings a song at his funeral.

Love penetrates all barriers. It arises the greatest wherever it most profoundly needed. And it is perpetually astonishing in its fullness, its rich sustaining power. Love is also held in a grieving and a mourning for what was and is no longer and sometimes love becomes enrapt in a twilight mood, and can no longer see through the sentiments and the attachments to touch the limitless source of love--staying attuned to that place. Love can be a rocky ride. It pulls in great lessons. It feels too much. And love is wedded to death, which it sometimes wishes to divorce itself from. Love is a limitless doorway and discovers how to navigate all the realms it is called into fluently, willingly, and gladly, stripping away all the ideas about what it should look like and how everything needs to be to gratify and appease and make secure when love needs none of these things to endure.



A young girl and boy explore a perfume counter.

Weaving polarities adroitly with alchemical awareness of what can come from the right combinations. You are fascinated and awestruck by all the various combinations, facets, and ways the life-force distributes itself and plays itself out. The rapt admirer of the wisdom and beauty of nature, transfixed by what happens around here. Coming at things always from yet another side, yet never feeling it is enough. There is more to be done, infinitely more to partake in and enhance. The world is an open book. And it magnetically, almost hypnotically draws your attention and interest to what is needed next, to what is emergent and outstanding as life matches dreams and dreams encompass fantastic variety and vivid spectrum to lose yourself in and discover everything through, from one end of the Earth to the other.



A pomegranate broken open.

The spilling out of blood and guts--arriving at the critical point where it all comes out. Huge relief and release. Something held forever, with great tension and pressure, yet destiny brings such a reckoning of all the places at once that you will postpone it as long as you can. The freeing up of karmas when all else is lost. The glory in defeat. The great turnaround is always in you, and waiting for it is the hardest thing you will ever do. It has to be so ripe to bursting--the moment that counts. Timing is the great art. Everyone freed as you are freed. Nothing held back any longer ever again.



A woman with hundreds of breasts.

The fruit of the vine. Limitless supply is the rhythmical law of the Divine Mother. There are those who are given over to the Divine Mother and her earthly counterpart, She of Earth, and who are called upon to give of something beyond them and to do so selflessly. A heavy responsibility to take on, because there are no boundaries to it. A certain rapture in being able to serve in this fashion, with multiple undertones of realization and fruition. Yet the ritual gesture, the signature, is so given over to the Mother that what dominates every breath is the explicit need that is here--to live inside that need, to be surrounded by it everywhere, to know only that there is somebody, that is everybody here who asks, who must have sustenance and inspiration. The growing into the task, the becoming worthy of the investiture and the singular dedication to complete to the Mother's satisfaction all that is intended in perfect conscientious endowment.



A crown turns into goat horns.

A remarkable instinct for the next lesson. Finding it, learning it, and drawing everything out of it that you can. Specialized in destiny activation and interested in nothing else. Purposively driven to take up karmic lessons all the way. Wildly given over to what is taken on. Working the territory as hard as you can. Making way for something new by wearing out the old. Assigned to tough situations, yet knowing it is appropriate. Super strong, and especially tenacious and relentless. In deepest essence, sacrificing yourself so that something can happen here that is going to take a lot of doing. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not very concerned because long range results mean everything here. And a moment's or a lifetime's discomfort is a small price to pay when destiny is truly involved.



A fork in the road with a blank sign post.

Getting inside of things. Discovering what they are like, when you have no idea any longer what you want out of things or where anything really is going. All the riches of subtle texture can only begin to arise now, and to touch your soul. This journey has gone on forever, but now the deep Earth calls you once again and you cannot refuse. All roads lead to this same place, where it all flips over and you're tumbled to the inside where you meet yourself for the first time. This was not who you expected to see. This other self has lost everything, but has found its way to be here at last, on the inside of the world, ready for anything, no preferences, nothing to accomplish, nowhere really to go--just here, in the fiber of existence, home free.



A statue of Hermes decked with brightly colored garlands.

Hermetic wisdom revived. Two extreme polarities: the far inside and the far outside. Expressively playful, tricky, fluent, and engaging. Inwardly contemplative, studious, brooding, and lost to the world. Guided from within to stay entirely secluded and solitary in your inner life, yet transmuting your solemnities into accessible bits and pieces in all familiar contexts. A way to render unto Caesar and still serve the highest. An arduous track. The ultimate challenge--to throw the self off and take the self on as it is appropriate. Strategic incarnation, under special assignment.



A blindfolded woman who sees the future.

Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs, even lightly dismissive of all secondary considerations, but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner vision. Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track. And serving a larger function as part shaman, part seer, and part commonsensical advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense. You know where the bones are buried. Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds. One who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of common assumption.



A salamander glowing red-orange.

Burning up with the inner flame of creative activity in the soul realms. The inner life raging with power--an insistent force. A level of attunement to the central flame of your being that will not quit. The impassioned desire to manifest perfectly what lives inside. The alchemical intention to burn away the dross and return to pristine selfhood at long last. An extremely sharply motivated path of development. Difficult to harness, yet the mastery called for is just what you seek to embody, and anything more reason be seems easy and lazy. One-pointed drive to strip away all but self and be true to self in a fashion which will burn a hole in the world.



A man with no mouth.

Nothing to say, everything to do. The self cannot be articulated because it is far too busily pressed out into emergency mobilization twenty-four hours a day. No personal life, no personal world, no personal self. Just fantastic availability to the call, the collective vigil, entered upon willingly and selflessly. The demands and rigors of this position and stance are punishing and extreme. You are so hard pressed, so rabidly attentive that nothing else exists. The assignment is clear, brutally so. Be on the spot at every level, maintain order, keep everything going and stay tuned to everything unusual and strange. Follow it out, keep it in your sights and make absolutely sure that you stay sober, integrity sworn and minutely diligent to hold the center and uphold the law with a steadfastness that is beyond belief, and simply true.



Bees returning to their hive.

Thematic worlds coming round again just as before, just like always. The highest and the best, maintained and sustained beautifully, impeccably, superlatively. Knowing inside that what counts, what is essential, is to abide, to be. You are a vast world unto yourself, an extraordinary network of intersecting dynamics. But the witness consciousness is blissfully sitting back in a restful perch, letting everything go by. And in the very center of this dispassion and wakeful scrutinizing, one indwells a Buddha realization attained by hard work in many lives and now being your innermost identity in an identity less way.



Grotesque rocks in a sand garden.

The inward image and the outward reflection are worlds apart. Building up inside to a state of being that carries immense challenges. You see your own personal nature as an objective universal force to be reckoned with, and persist in seeing egocentrically. Preferring massively your own company, contained within yourself, imaginatively self-enchanted. Yet also capable of radical turnabouts and rebirths. Awakenings false and true, great and small. Knowing yourself to be somebody special. Self-consciousness enshrined. A dead-end or a path, oblivious or realizing the way of things, getting out of the way or being squarely in the way. Self-importance and its overcoming.



A man sculpturing hedges into animal farms.

Making a great deal of something out of almost nothing is the mark of fantasy or uninhibited imagination. You prefer to be presented with basic, simple, and ordinary things. Inside your soul you turn these into what they originally were, releasing their primal power. When alchemy runs this close to the bone, it is astounding what it can do. Tackling longstanding knots and obstacles of every kind is sensed as nourishment and opportunity. A sacrificial incarnation can best frame itself in fantasy and imagination and thereby hug the edge between worlds perfectly. The path here is to stay under while peeking over the top, and to play it as straight as can be, while coming from an irrepressible source that can come through this peculiar form with flying colors.



A man making candles out of beeswax.

The sweetness is in the returning to those sacred places always known and now being at ease there. The natural man strips away false layers and finds somebody underneath who is poignantly familiar and resonantly true. The search, the quest, the process. The intricate, extended process. For everything depends upon entering the process and giving yourself over to the master-craftsman- hands of the Creator Beings. You are simply a seed blown by the wind, and to become this completely is blissful fruition inwardly smiled into being.



A man amuses himself by drawing strange shapes.

Crystallized imagination. The inside of the inside remembered and evoked whimsically. There is no form, no pattern, no binding reality. Dreaming the world into being from a greatly bemused stance-- other. Twinkling observer witness consciousness. Off on tangents that call, a life, a cycle, a realm set aside for inventive play without boundaries. You feel exultant in the freedom. Swept away beautifully. Answerable to nobody and nothing except the muse.



Snakes at rest on a rock in the sun.

Remembering everything. Living in retrospect. In touch and in tune with myriad pasts. You view these at leisure, lingeringly. Sometimes you go through them again in a very familiar fashion and other times all you have to do is see it. But there are so many karmas and everything feels like it has been going on forever. A certain soul mood of nostalgia laced with regrets. The backward gaze cannot quite be shaken off, for mighty things have happened. And as you ruminate upon all of it, you deeply, inwardly decide slowly and gradually your future and much about a larger future. With the keynote being whether you can come to a true affirmation of this earth process and journey, or whether instead you subtly curse or scorn what you are reviewing, simply because it is all too much, and it is so tempting to put it down or in its place, and to feel superior in a way that blights the future.



Knots in a cord. They are a message in code.

Coming up against limits. Aware of what is not. Inhabiting a bittersweet combination of longing and the quickening of awareness. What is sought and desired being indefinitely held away. Cross-purposes between the greater self and the little one. The little one will not have it. Reactivates, tangents, and compulsions. Going through cycles of a very extreme kind. Always self-critical. Pressurized and suspicious. And yet you move through all of this as quickly and as sharply as is desired or sought. Arbitrary self-will stops the flow and a reversal of emphasis starts it moving again. Trials, ordeals, initiations, exile, and return.



A collection of large dried leaves, each one bearing an inscription.

A neatly compacted little world. Everything fits together splendidly. Each detail is highlighted, mentally known to be right where it belongs. But everything is static. No movement destroys the coherence. You remember the way it is supposed to be and reconstitute all good things from the past, while inwardly craving to break through to something new. The familiar mental categories accompany you everywhere. Knowing exactly what is happening is highly valued. A thousand practical gifts are made easy. Everything works smoothly. The socio cultural sphere is well-served. But underneath, slowly, gradually, you are losing all interest in this pattern and seeking a way out of it, which in the fullness of time may be there if you can let go of the need to please everybody and make perfect sense and discover the great bulk of your being lying dormant, waiting for the future to dawn. Needing relief and release to feel alive again and to know that it is possible to find real satisfaction in living.



A dense thicket of brambles surrounding a magic castle.

Externals, obstacles, postponements absorb your mind. Forefront affairs fascinate and divert, semblances entice. Yet the one who goes for all of this is one dimension of selfhood. Another dimension is waiting in a perfectly intact place of undiminished life-force. A third dimension mediates between these two, keeps self and world guessing, off-balance. Juggling, dissembling, playing, pretending. Being so many things at once that it is impossible to think about. You are cast loose in a mythic landscape wandering forever, yet always right there doing just what needs to be done and disarming all expectations, including your own.



An island just visible off the coast.

When the future is alive, all of its many dimensions flourish in a world away from the commonly mapped out standard territory. The inward twin is given free rein to picture and dream into and even open the space toward what can be and shall be in more vibrant worlds to come. The outward twin carries on as ever in the accustomed role of maintaining the status quo. But so little energy is given to this one, and so much life-force is funneled into sensing new worlds and exploring all the amazing places which these new worlds spark on the inside of the soul, timelessly and authentically.



An immense tortoise with jewels inlaid in its back.

Consciousness flagrantly and outrageously running off to infinity with all that is happening. You are always able to take anything further, to follow things out beyond boundaries and limits. Synchronized with multidimensionality. Coming upon the future everywhere. Blown so wide open that all you can do is exclaim, marvel, and alternate between rapture and despair. High strung and wildly strung. Engaged with all outstanding possibilities. Hopeful and yet equally doubtful. Yearning toward a world where everybody can be free; vividly impressed by a world where the chains prevail. Caught in the crossfire between the old and the new. Depending upon ingenuity and resourcefulness to each and every time open the space, stir up the pot, and uncover something dynamic and progressive in every corner of existence, just asking to be rallied, championed, and brought further along in the sparkling mix we partake in together. With never a dull moment, nor any entirely closed doors anywhere in sight.



A claw foot holding a ball.

The self-project. Putting yourself through your paces. Behind it all, the steady gaze of commitment to outlast your own folly. Steely determination to come again to a place of freedom and commanding presence. The process is lacerating. Any illusions, all fragmentations become played out and worked out under pressure. Staying with yourself throughout, and knowing how to orchestrate vast shifts by surrounding yourself with light. The prenatal resolve to put behind you every limit, no matter what it takes. You come from such implacable will that every vagary is goad and challenge. The heroic venture of moving from tangles and snarls into clean, classical lines and reliable and sound performance. Tackling the impossible with relish and élan.



A table comes to life and runs away.

The inner story is fanciful, full spectrum open, unformed. Outward events do not match the inner story. A question arises where to put the emphasis--what do you believe? If the way things go outwardly is all, the spirit is crushed. If caprice and whimsy contain treasures, there is room here for hope and for permission to be. But you cannot depend upon caprice and whimsy. So the battle rages between doubt and conviction. Doubt knows that it never works out as you planned. Conviction answers that it is entirely up to you and you will get what you asked for.



A chandelier which holds lit candles.

Creative selfhood lights up the world. The brightness lies in the realization of being all things, becoming all things. It is everywhere at once. Nothing is linear, nor consecutive. The spinning upon an axis of power. Joy lies in making the connections, in being a resource, in bringing the situation to what it can be. All is activated, mobilized. Your potential is actualized by being all-inclusive and keeping every side of life in your sights. Lit up from within, having a place to shine.



Wild flowers growing around the ruins of a temple.

Catching a second wind. Taking a booster rocket from one cycle to another, one lifetime to another, one whole stage in evolution to another. Shot out of a cannon to discover the next great thing, you are wildly attentive to signs and portents, looking for a way to the future. Coming out of immense soul experience. With flying colors, leaping forth into the new. Enthusiastic, naive, and impressionable. Eager for a thousand universes to come true. You feel that ultimate springtime quality of fresh immediacy and windblown alacrity, just sensing all through body and soul the possibilities, the openings, what wants to happen next. A destiny-bearer--universal in spirit, and in the right place at the right time for remarkable synchronicities and huge turnarounds.



A young woman notices the handsome man has fangs.

Blows of fate. Acts of God. Abrupt awakenings to what was suspected but naively denied. You become drastically aware of all that was hidden, and jump to conclusions. The gathering of events to prove a point, to generate a change, to draw it all out. Curiosity, probing. Yet as well, casual oblivion and riding high in euphoric assumptions. Setting yourself up for turnarounds, epiphanies, metanoia. The leap over the edge into the dark from the light that reveals the other side of life can generate cynicism and negative feedback loops, by the implication that behind every shining wonder there lies its reverse shadow image. The mind proving itself right and falling down its own hole.



A stag with golden horns.

Staying tuned in for further developments. You bear an expanded capacity for future vision and for picking up on the most fantastic things. Given to sunbursts of revelation or inward remembrance. Often attempting to make light of this extra dimensional quality. But then there are times when it just becomes irresistible. You can only keep the light at bay so long. For here you are innately gifted with a wild array of powers and multisensory treasures, to grow into and share lavishly. The primary lesson involved lies in taking seriously and to heart what instinctively seems so natural and free and prodigal that it is just always there. When you focus and distill this cosmic awareness into something firm and clean and steady on, nobody will be able to deny that dazzling things are right here, illuminating all the missing places and restoring wholeness, just like that.



Many huge urns filled with wheat.

Outrageous infinities of riches to share. Accessing these in stages. Always having more than enough and then still having more again. Good fortune. Prosperity--outside and in. You bear gifts and talents, treasures and marvels. Multidimensional, simultaneous, celebratory. Expanding to meet the need. Tapping the universal supply, in touch with the boundlessness of existence. All of this comes so naturally and effortlessly to you that the challenge is to value it, to honor it, to realize what is happening. Being this way is so fertile with promise and hope that it can dissipate into schemes, or it can come back to life as the real thing, of your being granted the orchestrator/coordinator/mediator gift, being offered by spirit whatever you need to open up futures and expand possibilities wherever you go.



Garlic hung at the window for protection.

Stationed in isolate containment to cultivate gifts, virtues, talents, and special offerings. Generously endowed with timing grace to preserve and maintain worlds apart. You are directed from within to divulge nothing and remain in telepathic wavelength beyond words. Inside there, you become conversant with extraordinary spheres, and are held in a purity of protection and veiling. A kind of otherness which rarely is seen for what it is. You extrovert into apparent display and meanwhile keep everything essential for later. A perfect arrangement for very special fostering and streams. And virtually impenetrable and somewhere else, to be unlimited inside the world.



A sorcerer materializes an amethyst cross.

Laws are made to be broken. Limitations are kept in place so that those who are not ready to go through radical changes in evolution will be able to locate themselves. But then there are those who cut through every limitation, break every law by the sheer power of their inner gaze, their presence, their magical will. When they cut loose, worlds that have been kept apart flood together. This is a force of awareness that seeks to bridge, to mediate, to connect, to bear messages back and forth. A mission or great task is involved: to let the future flood through and re polarize the fractured world toward wholeness. A sensibility made up of equal parts daring and skill. The daring is afraid of nothing and nobody; the skill embodies the daring in action. A perfect combination to catalyze and spark and make inevitable the cosmic forces bringing their imprint to bear upon the outer physical existence, just as though that is what we do around here and "why not?"



People gathering salt from the ocean.

There is a universal source spring of renewed life-forces and reawakened expanded awareness, which is on tap for those who venture there. Most characteristic of this vast realm is its common ground, free access, and broad representation. You are everybody at once converging toward sisterhood and brotherhood. The sudden, drastic, and astounding universal life stream toward the future being there, just like that. Serendipity and chance. Fortune and synchronicity. The hundredth monkey comes to town. The only thing asked is to make way--to cast off the outer covering of separative identity and to open the path and let it flow. However, this is so easy and natural you can pass it right by and miss the chance. It takes an urgent call and a trick of destiny to reveal that as close as can be, open doors to the infinite are waiting for those who can drop the disguise and come to the party as they truly are.



A single sunflower wilting and dropping its seeds.

The sun shines so bright that it compels all of us to empty ourselves out and bake in the light and the warmth of spirit. We are transfixed by solar power and impelled to unite with our destiny, no matter how extravagant or unlikely that destiny proves to be. A momentum is pulsating, with edges to track. In order to do so you have to breathe into it and let go a whole lot, and then there you are, calling onward. You can hear it. Everybody else can too. And so the spirit-caller cracks through and brings futures alive in the light of a sun that never sets.



A magic coin that has only one side.

Bland realism as complete cover-up. Masquerading in whichever style and form disarms and deflects and confuses and confounds. Preferring to portray yourself as plain, straightforward, and as basic as can be. The ruse is that if you consistently blow yourself up to be a commonsensical character people shall look at you lightly, no probing. This frees up the subconscious mind to frolic impetuously, almost randomly. And if anybody ever inquired into the motivating spark behind the subconscious play and abandon, you would find a future soul discovering ways to entertain itself and keep it going, but exceedingly aware of the tides of events, awaiting the first cue to explode the personality and get on with the future for real.



A book with blank pages.

Renunciation of personal life. Living out beyond. Stripped bare of identities, devoid of context. Defining your realm, not at all. Being supplants doing. Spaciousness follows when all of the stuff empties out. Freedom to unfold in any direction spirit indicates. An astounding quality of celestial detachment from all mental fragments whatsoever. And ultimately being groomed or trained in future arts which require steadfast adherence to the code of becoming multi dimensionally open to the expanded self, and not getting distracted by desires or ego fragments--to usher in a new era and co-create limitless possibilities in selfless, cool serenity.



Strange creatures peeking out from behind trees.

Surprises, destiny shocks, stunning events present a way to evolve rapidly for the daring and the wild. Whatever you assume and prepare for, the moment shall be different. Nothing is meant to be straightforward here. You must be kept on the alert, prompted, beguiled, tricked--anything to help you leap off. The biggest trick is to identify consciously with an innocent, youthful, almost hopelessly ingenuous persona and then to magnetize a destiny that would never come to such a basic kind of person. This way, the edge, the tension, the joke is perfectly poised, stretched just far enough to trip you up every time. The greater self finds its ways to get at a little self who wants to hide in safe places, when instead a much larger destiny is in the works--which insists upon knocking at your door, preferably a back door or side door, to jump right in, scare the living daylights out of you, and wake you up for the next scintillating adventure along a vast and unlimited spectrum.



A bull stung by a scorpion.

The elaborate ritual of putting yourself through life or death crises to determine what you are made of and how far you are willing to go in this life. Choosing from expanded faculties the optimal situations to enact this battle royal. Selecting what is karmic ally familiar. Variations on old themes involving bondage and freedom. When you are trapped, caught, stuck, a furious inner force asserts itself and can reconfigure everything. But it is a high-stakes ritual drama and loaded with real dangers. You must check yourself out in ultimate ways, for there is surging in your blood an impulse toward liberation, which cannot be distorted in any way. An extraordinary journey through radical tests and trails of an initiatory intensity. It is all about guts, and stripping away everything but the true inner direction. And if you must slay and move through illusions on every front, that is just how it is. You cannot survive any longer on old ways to do it--it is time to welcome the enemy into your very midst and discover that there are no enemies.



Wine casks retrieved from an ancient shipwreck.

Having known all along, now finding that you are on the beam, and bringing something starkly craved which you bear a limitless supply of. Myriad complications arise, issues of ego. You are too blatant, too brazen. The tortuous journey of stepping away from gifts and wonders until you can be light and free with them. Soul tastings for an advanced destiny, to be optimally relevant and effective. Being shown in every possible way that you cannot afford a drop of self-intoxication. When you know great and vital things from the dawn of time, you must be stripped bare and skillfully flow in a fluent grasp of the moment's chances. This is a vast destiny ripening and becoming vintage; to approach with anything less would be glaringly disruptive.



A young girl is sold to a sultan.

Cutting deals. Shuffling the personal deck. Being willing to cut out this part and amplify that part of self as the occasion demands. Intensely pragmatic. Taking things as they are and adapting accordingly. Especially prone to neglecting, forsaking, denying for extended cycles huge chunks of yourself. Seeking the optimal combination to be able to do what you want to do and achieve the results you have in mind. Streamlining all self-presentation, even to yourself, to make it look good and easy and manageable. Caught in the ego-mind in a thousand distorted reflections, you are able to rationalize or justify even a total sell-out. But essentially smart, capable, and on top of things. Just intricately familiar with the ropes and rabidly convinced you must not be caught short or marginalized. And you can emphasize and insist upon whatever angle of selfhood will prove helpful and productive to the ego-mind in its multiple ongoing transactions.



A tunnel created by trees.

Intervention by your own greater self within the patterns of the personal story. A vision is granted. A way is shown. Yet to follow it will mean many shattering. A cosmic future realm-- uncompromising and magnificent. Vibrant and cocky. The power of the Crown. The truth that takes you by surprise. So much is opening. All you need is to be there and ask. The expanded "I" aimed directly at you and drawing you through.



A nude man with a tail.

Instincts fill the screen of awareness with instantaneous reverberations. You are ready to pick up on whatever comes through magnificently. The skill, the virtuosity is dazzling. Nothing is impossible. There is a space open for worlds to connect. Flooded with impressions. Ecstatic with what you can do. Spilling over into infinity. Showing what we all can do, and insisting that it is simple. The greatest of gifts freely manifesting; no strings attached. The future opens and the light streams through. The body knows. Direct sensing--multidimensional and straight on.



A cave in deep ocean waters.

Stunning ways to preserve lost knowledge and lost worlds. The treasure chest is full to bursting. A leavening agent. A corrective to shallow patterns of existence. You are able to be so multidimensional that vastly divergent realities can be lived simultaneously and often are. Care and effort stand behind this place over myriad lifetimes. Contains boundless intact awareness held for the future. A contact point underneath conscious awareness. Faithful to the cause. Integrity above all.



A cave with carved walls. It is an ancient temple.

A constant reminder of what exists in other time frames, but is missing from the now. You are secretly living in futures and pasts to an extraordinary extent. What is in there speaks eloquently. The world voices of the snow fall on deaf ears. Distracted, elsewhere, elusive, remote. Inhabiting the inner mind and lost to the outer mind. You're in a poised verge where what ultimately and essentially makes sense is the reverse mirror image of what everybody says and thinks. The minority of one, keeping the balance intact.



Much food stored in a cool cave.

Taking your greatest attributes, tucking them away for safe keeping and going on without them. Daring yourself to operate without the huge advantage of knowing everything ahead of time, and dropping down into the position of moving by primal instincts, each moment naked and following the live track of what arises. Turning yourself into a wide open, vastly impressionable, fluent, and flexible front line participant, but keeping on ice the most astounding array of greater gifts--the ones that are too much for this world now. And being quite inwardly assured that sooner or later you can and will draw upon and tap into the greater frequencies of awareness, in order to take the path even further along than spontaneous presence could begin to imagine.


A cloud in the shape of a rabbit.

Fabulous inward visualizing gifts and streams. Picturing the flux of life with extraordinary acuity of fluent perception. Witnessing with rapt fascination how everything moves, changes, and stays the same. Granted a golden eye for phenomena and the rapid-fire streaming through of images and impressions. Always watching, always just about beside yourself with the clarity of it, the pure suchness of this world. Immense difficulty in communicating and sharing this God's eye view. Words will not contain it. You must find a physical language and an imaginative landscape that can be telepathically transmitted. You have inside, the greatest gifts to share and spread. And the life challenge becomes to form the vessel and find the ways to get it across that evolution is really happening, and multidimensional reality is already here now to bring us all alive, even when the outer mind is still drawing blanks on what the fuss is about.


A garden planted solely with shade plants.

Offered the unique chance to take any given side of self and world to its absolute limit and beyond. Scouting out ahead in whatever direction suits your fancy. Saturated with all the props and accompanying attitudes and gestures of your chosen tangent. Fabulously alive to your fantasy, your obsession, your specialized style and manifestation. Extravagantly lavish in letting yourself go to decadent or breakthrough places. No conscience, no ethic, no restriction. Exploring to the hilt one side of things. And hoping to wear it out if it is limiting, or to bring it back alive for everybody to get in touch with if it proves to be relevant and enduring and cosmically right on.


Many glass animals on a shelf.

Micro worlds and macro worlds reflect each other's light. There are those for whom the micro world becomes the entire focus, reflecting the light of the macrocosm within tiny jeweled moments and personal tie-ins. This results in each and every little thing lighting up with striking significance. But it is far more magical than that. For as you enter completely inside of these special moments and sparkling reflections, there arises a mode of experience that is stunning. The most basic and elemental things turn into the instantaneous invocation of the miracle of existence. And so it becomes the surface and the common layers that are packed with the infinite splendor. Daily life as pure celebration engaged in both rapturously and just as the way it is.



A potter at work.

Carving out a sacred place for what you most care about to flourish. Giving your all to a task or project, a way of life or shared stream. Socio-culturally gifted. Selecting out what you feel pulled to cultivate and foster, and eliminating all other factors. You feel nurturing, sustaining, giving, but unwilling and unable to recognize and come to terms with shadows and difficulties. So intent upon creating a perfect world or vessel that you miss whatever you do not want to see. And this is a precarious edge to walk.



A bunch of iron keys.

Strength to stay with vision and maintain the connection with your greater self throughout your changes. Blessed with a sharp aim, an intricate ability to find a way through ingeniously and resourcefully. Bearing the striking quality of always knowing just where you are, no matter what the context. When a masterful touch carries out a razor-sharp aim, the results are impressive. You are held above the frequencies of conflict and disattunement and wrapped up in a cocoon of guided destiny ongoing.  The challenge is to retain full power within this sphere in the face of its strange reputation. For this will not be seen as it is, because the great bulk of its presence is at too high a vibration frequency to register. What others see is a lack of fully human sympathies and manner. Therefore, you are being asked to hold steady in a position while accused of having elitist and self-righteous attitudes, and to simply be beyond the world and bring into it what is called for, indwelling your greater self all the while with calm and supernal uprightness.



A set of surgical instruments.

A self-schooling in using the mind appropriately. You are learning how to dump overboard all preconceptions, all belief systems, every opinion based on previous experience. You are discovering how to think and act from a disinterested, steady, and cool vantage point. And you are one-pointedly intent upon grasping the central message that what you weigh down by negative bias, by apprehension, and by dark conviction comes back to haunt you a thou and fold; while what you set free, by precise and accurate read-outs and follow through, becomes such a blessing that you swim in it forever. By witnessing exhaustively just how negative intent and affirmative intent work, intelligence is refined to the utmost, and the approach taken is optimized quintessentially and exquisitely.



Weeping willows by a pond.

Remembering...oh so many things...the personal, the collective, the ancestral-karmic stories everywhere. Held transfixed by the overshadowing of the stories, you seek shelter in the confines of the familiar. Layer upon layer of allegiance and sentiment, memory and realization. A certain habit of going back to the beginning. Magnetized by what you feel to be your own sphere of existence. Wishing to stay there and rest undisturbed, in the rippling waves of pasts sensed and followed. You keep the home fires burning in a vigil of being fragrantly tied in with your many pasts, so that there is no room for anything else, as what has always been continues in yet another variation, in enchanted life-force dreaming onward.



A trap door under a rug.

Getting lost and getting found. Shadowed by self all the way. Sent upon a cycle of radical externalization and almost being able to pull it off. Yet you are shadowed, haunted, bugged, and sabotaged by the strangest things. Fate speaks loud and clear and says, "You are doing all this for a purpose, and your expression is pushing so far outward for good reason. But you must remember, get sobered and humbled, be tripped up by what you don't see and won't let yourself feel." Superstitious and peripherally aware of just about everything. Concentrated upon self-intent with ferocious striving insistency. Needing to accomplish concrete external goals and needing to find them to be no longer enough. Pursuing yourself beyond the immediate drama so that soul can restore wholeness, just where persona gets swept away by how easy and natural it is to fill your world with your own ideas and sensibility.



The medusa's head with writhing snakes for hair.

Karma is frequently anticipated and anxiously dreaded. We know we must confront whatever we have given power to haunt us. Ancestors, collective undertows, personal mistakes of the past, everything comes due. And so there must be the utmost honesty and integrity, dedication and perseverance, to cut right through the gathering storm clouds and rescue or redeem what is essential, what is vital. When karma is this palpable and heavy duty, the only skillful means is to cultivate a life-giving perspective and to inject all of the negativity with this elixir, until there is nothing further to worry about. Because you have become forward looking enough to turn any past around and to make any darkness luminous from within, and to be able to walk on.



The arctic wasteland under the setting sun.

Envisioning a way of life that is both utopian and practical. Dreaming of a very different mix in the socio cultural shared life. Motivated by the knowledge, the clear sensing, that all of this can be and must be. Wide open to the limitless Cosmos. Nominated or appointed to restore the total view. You are gifted exquisitely with an uncompromising truth sense that cleaves to what can be illuminated by the infinite, and you are most dramatically mobilized to spread this realization everywhere you go. Having known forever the way it really is, yet zealously drawn back into time to fertilize the ordinary landscape. All facets of life must partake of the bounty, and only then can we rest assured that we have done our part and followed the pulse of universal conscience where it naturally leads.



An alchemical text written on parchment.

The code that brings everything together is here remembered and insisted upon. You cannot shake off the authoritative understanding of the higher aspect and its call. You are riveted to the spot inwardly by the story, the myth, the legend. For you believe in the chronicle, the birthright of realization, penetration, and return upon the spiral. This way of being also calls up wild events and experiences, in order both to challenge and to rally your understanding into renewing itself by encompassing what is anything but already cosmically clear. And as you discover how to enjoy and partake in the chaos below, and to commune within and heighten the dedication above, the path of always-having-known-these things-before will reawaken in a whole other sense, and become life- giving, life-renewing, and richly permeating and true.



A skeleton playing a flute.

Death is a haunting accompanist to the tender side of life. The spine tingling touch of death close at hand renders poignant and accentuates what is vital in the world of the living. It takes courage to dance with death. Fear is natural under the circumstances. You have to play your fear and turn it into the music of courage. Wandering along the threshold between the living and the dead, belonging to neither world, yet integrally part of both. Intimately familiar with every side of existence. One who passes as a stranger, unknown and unknowable. Solitude is your element. The contemplation of the mysteries becomes as natural as breath, as ingrained as holding steady in the violent windstorm of life in the Earth. Lyrical, melancholy, and disassociated from familiar comforting things. A mist or haze wraps you about, creating an aura of the uncanny, and it is there you feel at home and nowhere else.



A violent hail storm.

Great disruption serves long-term continuity. By submitting yourself periodically to excruciating soul ordeals, to severe tests and trials, you make sure that your destiny is self-renewing. You pull in, at these junctures, what is alien or strange or far removed from your own way of being; by suffering the imposition of the dark stranger, you completely shake up all smug structures. Much of your life is keyed into enduring under onslaught, being able to form yourself into one who can encompass absolutely anything. The path indicated is neither chaotic nor random. It is sharply pointed to take on experiences and lessons that are needed and to fully transmute the karmic sequences. You have a core commitment to tackling the hard stuff with a fury of intent that is just enough to make the whole thing work, revealing that you can do the impossible if your will is singular and your inner strength to go the distance is as solid and real as any obstacle, and even more so.



Monstrosities in glass jars at a side show.

Plagued by glitches. Stuck in anomalies. You feel atavistically caught in very strange old places that will not budge for anything. Self-doubt, self negation, self-sabotage. Excruciatingly self-conscious. The glare of the spotlight falls upon chronic unconscious syndromes. Places where hiding in massive dysfunction seems to be the only security and safety. The unwitting subtle fostering of clusters of negativity and confusion. Perpetuating the problem by doggedly refusing to see it for what it is. The extravagant pretense that all of this is a joke, or something gross and trivial. Yet in the end being stopped by little shadow dwellers just becomes too painful for you to rationalize any further. And the freakish syndromes you tried so hard to pawn off on everything else come back home to be uprooted with deep, sober will.



Carefully a surgeon begins the dissection of a corpse.

The analytical intellect takes as its special province the after image, the recapitulative view. Second-guessing yourself, criticizing, cutting things up. You are expertly skillful at showing things the way they are on the surface--an extraordinary genius in this domain can evolve. Cooling off partisan sentiment and getting at what is there. Devoid of idealistic projections. Sticking to the facts. Designing life as an experiment in which you must pay very close attention and miss nothing. heart is cut out, the human element is eliminated. Is it an advance or a regressive loop? Do some things just have to be this way? Is the world a stark and barren place to be? And is there a path directly under this icy intellect to recover the soul in things to the mind's satisfaction and the spirit's release?



Many voices singing different songs at the same time.

When you touch in to a place where timelessness prevails you're greeted by all the many selves, simultaneously here now. If you can make room for them all, the music they make will prove to be innovative and extraordinary. But if you start to have preferences for some of them over the others, they will compete and clamor and generate dissonance. It takes a generous and wide open spirit to be able to contain all that you wish to bring through. It is so easy and tempting, so hard to resist thinking in those ways that label parts of self wonderful and parts of self terrible, parts of the world optimal and parts of the world trouble all-the-way. And if you take the over rich mix of your greatly full nature and starts to pick apart the pluses from the minuses, a volatile, seething, and quite overly-fermentive brew will be produced. You cannot afford judgments and arbitrary distinctions, biases and special tastes, when facing a larger-than-life world which can come together only if you have no idea how, and let the music play however it will.



A dried up streambed covered with smooth rocks.

Unless tragedy strikes, a new Earth cannot be accessed. Only as all the old, familiar places dry up is there a path to walk revealed beneath, pristine and beckoning. It is no use looking back. The way lies right here, strewn with experience, memory, loss, and redemption by walking onward. It is  a difficult, painstaking journey from here. You have to go so deep inside burrowing into the cave of navigational realization, that you are held, cherished, known, given all you need; yet as well required, commanded, to become entirely purposeful and to be the path and to cease all complaining and extraneous consciousness. This, in order to do what is here to do, with your entire being in ring-ing conviction and fidelity to the highest.



A boarded-up doorway that leads to another realm.

The soul, as divided as it can be between two diametrically opposed realities. Radical karmic crossroads. What is preferred, what you have a taste for and an affinity with is any known familiar world within which you belong and are not questioned. What you feel afraid of, forbidden from entering, are the vast, unknown worlds which partake of infinity. If given your way, the densely familiar worlds will surround and protect you for extended cycles. Spirit here must wait until all personal dramas are exhausted. Yet spirit here is not patient, and subtly curses your mundane endeavors for being so trivial. The resolution of this extreme polarization will require drastic self- loss and many subtle permutations to pass through in order to become whole again, when your karma has split you down the middle and left you there to work it out for yourself.



A skull carved out of quartz crystal.

Magnificent aplomb. Knowing how to do it right, ingrained with staggering soul memory. The lineage taken further. Attainments in other lives grant in this one carte blanche to do what is in one to do, be what is in one to be. Offering to the world sparkling gifts. Effortless presence and composure, authoritative stance. You can go as far as you are motivated to, no limits. At the heart of the mystery is the rare quality of simultaneous awareness and attunement upon multiple frequencies, which can become the mediating call to bring heavens and Earth into union or to allow any given frequency to link up with any other. So that the ancient visions are fulfilled, and the world opens up right on time at the crossing point, held absolutely intact.



A woman working busily at a spinning wheel.

Trance states as natural evolution. Being inside the inside, yet staying under and weaving a web in time of remembrance and forgetfulness and remembrance. Deeply involved with the personal, yet coldly detached from whatever does not serve. Persuading, teaching, invoking, insisting that what comes next, comes next, that we must get on with the dance. This is a penetrating sensibility which finds what can be brought forward and fosters it all-pervasively. The collective voice of conscience at her post, attentive and scrutinizing. A void in terms of letting everything be, and an immense force to follow the thread of growth and development all the way through, catching every stitch.



A black child playing with a tiger.

Super sensitized to the play of opposites in every sphere of existence. Swept up in gender karmas, ancestral karmas, and heaps of collective karma. You play out each and every side in action, in imagination, and in suggestion. Electrified by the drama, the color, the spectacle, the karmic theater production right in your living room, you are astounded by how it goes. Attached to everything, personally implicated everywhere, feeling responsible and highly susceptible to guilt, shame, and severe self-doubt. Mind and emotions swirling one into the other. Interpretations, evaluations, explanations, crises, and breakthroughs. Identified with the sheer power of the crossfire. Being right; being wrong. Who is to blame? And who knew what all along? A chant, a Greek chorus, an incantation of how everybody has felt about these things forever. Dreaming into the role, perfect for the part, each and every line spoken with conviction.



An opossum comes out into the moonlight.

Inside-out. Massively vulnerable and strictly unreachable. A verge in destiny where the innermost soul is revealing its true colors in a magical display. However, it is a ritual performance and heavily guarded and veiled all the while. You give a glimpse of the unarmored underbelly, yet mask so many things in order to make this excruciating edge safe and secure and something to dream into at many angles, but remain alone within. Becoming ready to open to threshold states, vastly afraid of myriad dangers. And therefore, placing a small part of yourself into the light of the shared arena while retaining control over the rest. A testing of the waters with such underlying super sensitivity that there will be a lot more hiding than seeking before you discover how to put yourself forward freely, face the shadow of your fears, and live to tell about it.



Many brightly-colored tropical fish.

When you are inside of the life-flow, the vividness of impressions and the vibrancy of responses wax so strong and powerful that you must live it out in the unconscious, leaving the conscious levels high and dry. The immense fertility of imaginative depths stays inside and avoids super flooding by setting off a private preserve of consciousness within which to maintain personal priorities. Inside, the deep and vital fluids are quickened and marvelously  differentiated and vast. This rigid division between the overt and the covert is felt to be simply a given. The consequences are severe. All livingness is excluded by consciousness and all consciousness is excluded by livingness. This stance is static and repetitive, and represents a final echo of a longstanding duality, which must yield to a whole new way of being in this world when every other option is used up.



High up on a mountain an eagle's nest.

Heritage and birthright, the soul's inheritance. Being granted a belongingness, an attunement to rarified worlds. Consciousness triumphant. Maintaining the Crown vista of universal essentials, you are imbued with natural wonders and treasures. Wakeful, vigilant, and clear. You have superlative faculties of sifting through and finding what we all need to see here. Remarkably untouched by personal limitations and distortions. Called upon to uphold the truth and knowing it. Serene, focused, and unsentimental. Diving right to the place where the goods are. Impeccable skills used under constraint. The finest accompanies each breath. The mark of previous karmic attainments of the highest kind. Resuming where you left off, steady, self-assured, and righteous in the best sense. Beyond reproach.



Bunches of watercress growing by a cool spring.

Spacious. Making room for worlds to be born, new life to arise, the fount of existence to be tapped, the center of things to become vital again. A global sensibility, a universal dream, a brotherhood/sisterhood vision to repopulate the world with vital, fresh beings, to find the place inside that is sustaining and renewing and to give it forth abundantly. A certain spirit of destiny breakthroughs--something different previously unsuspected. Diving for the eternal waters, and here they are if they are called in at full power. The one given the task to refocus the shared aspiration to bring us all together. You have an utterly engaging quality that cannot be denied once it fully arises, with the most memorable of touches and looks. The presence of the Great Goddess force at every level, accessible if dreamed up and invited in. The cracking through at the peak time and place. All is revitalized. Everything forgotten comes on the spiral to the next octave and is released into the celebration of being.



A man putting together pieces of broken pottery.

Nothing works any more. The form of things is breaking apart. In your mind's eye, you can remember how it once went, and you can certainly try to put it back together as it was. There is something about doing this that teaches you all kinds of things. And when you are called inside to reconstruct the old world and somehow keep it together one way or another, you must do it. One lesson you will eventually learn is how the mind works and why it is convinced that this task is so very necessary. But meanwhile, there is an elegance, sophistication, a cultured touch and sensibility that provides entry into so many fascinating worlds. Karmic recapitulation. Going back to the same places to do the same things can be quite a story to tell. Every bit of it is ebbing as it happens. All of your constructions in mind and outer form cannot hold on much longer. But the ego-mind is most tenacious and insistent in such destiny verges, hoping to postpone the deluge one more delicious moment.



A single crumbling Corinthian column.

The inward temple held in tune. Sitting in celestial juices. Beheld by the Gods as a pillar of light. Defiant of time's cycles. Invested with the life-pulse immortal. As serene and effortless as it is constant and true. Making way for what cannot be foreseen. And giving voice to a sensibility that is entirely pregnant with worlds within worlds held intact, and offered up upon the altar of the world stage.



A flock of penguins on an icy beach.

Inward purpose draws to itself an invisible community of those who are dedicated to the far places together. Your subtle support system recognizes acutely that you are bearing gifts of a high and free kind and attempting to bring these through in just the right way. A guiding stream accompanies your very life-pulse and steers you toward staying faithful and not pushing too hard, too fast. A timeless, future-infused sphere, vast and expansive and truly unlimited. Become the personification of this otherness by being inwardly there within it and outwardly silent and poised and cool. There shall be chances, opportunities, ritual occasions for bringing the greater worlds to bear upon the basic, shared life stream. And at all other times, preparation and ripening are in order, to be perfectly ready when called upon, clear, steady, and super true.



Pastry makers.

A world perfectly fit for public consumption. A ceremonial display and production of community goodies, commodities, marvels, and wonders. You are in touch with the marketplace and with special occasions. Most at home within a gourmet sensibility, a good life ambience, but able to turn just about anything into the best of styles. Coolly self-packaging. Fascinated by images, ideas, culture, and belonging to a circle of special friends. Laying it on strong. Creating the social glue, the magical rapport. Convinced above all that we deserve the best, we are special, we are what it is all about.



A woman giving birth to twins.

Moving one way and moving another way at the same time, in the same breath, day in and day out. Inwardly compelled to take hold of given pairs of opposites and to work them by going into both and finding out how and where and why both cannot be refused, insist on being met. Captivated by your life predicament. Always seeing contradictory sides that in some ways cancel each other out. But also unfolding in multiple directions and truly born with a split karma. You have little choice but to cover all the bases, check everything out and play through each and every side of the situation. Consciously identifying with one thing at a time, but subconsciously absorbed in the other thing consistently. Prone to self-sabotage and searching for a lost path through which you can bring the polarities together, serve the whole, and yet be free within the serving and be unattached, just there to let it all come through, without making anything a burden or a self-blaming focus. The charge is removed when the opposites find each other again, and fanaticisms give way to the universal good met integrally.



A tremendous cave on the bank of a river.

Inwardly knowing where to go, what to do, how to do it, and where it all leads. You have a special faculty for karmic clairvoyance or sensing the individual and collective destiny-territory that must be navigated through. Placed strategically in the molten core of world dilemma to remember how to get it right. Driven by a force of will that is overwhelming. You are guided to be in the right place at the right time for catching the drift of the tide we all are swimming toward. Unconsciously and super consciously in touch and in tune with what is happening. Consciously, walking a tightrope between the heights and the depths, and never sure while being sure. Given an engraved destiny- invitation to participate to the utmost in collective cycles of renewal and to stay within your place of power throughout. For you have gathered considerable awareness toward this time of decision, and this vertical attunement is a welcome ingredient--one vitally needed.



A large school of baby fish swimming in a group.

You spawn fertile variations on an archetypal theme. These surround and envelop you. Saturated with your own creations; afloat in a multitime warp. It is all old stuff, backed up too far, too long. And so the familiarity smothers, the closeness renders insensible. You are just about consumed by myriad pasts streaming through. And the only possibility is to acknowledge how fed up you are with yourself, and to open to fresh facets with no expectations, no assumptions, no programs, nothing but the living moment.



Wild grapes growing everywhere.

Drawing forth the very best in everything. Selecting out the quintessence, the most vital part, and offering it nurturance and acknowledgment. A celestial quality of perception. Being entirely capable of persuading just about anybody that life is good, that marvelous things are at hand, and that we are all in this together. Sisterhood, brotherhood, camaraderie unlimited. You sense into the place where the situation resolves and completes itself by creative release. You have the epochal realization that there is nothing to hang onto, and that when the containers are broken open, all the vibrancy spills out and blesses the whole. An instantaneous impulse informed by much experience, becoming the instinct for bringing out the truth and letting Earth-life hold sway as a pageantry of trust in the wisdom of the life-force, with nothing to hold back.



A divorced husband and wife enjoying each other's company.

The little ego desires what it does not desire, needs what it does not need. It goes after most avidly what it later finds is so very different from what would be good to have. But then things turn again and even the most unconscious patterns reveal their redemptive glory. It all depends on where you are along the spectrum: the initial expansion, the inevitable contraction to follow, or the tempered and seasoned expansion later. In the middle point, it can be hell. But things start out so amazingly and they end up as such a gold mine of experience and self-understanding from all this. Much of life is midstream and involves meeting shadows, enduring reversals, and basically being forced to go absolutely everywhere you never wanted to go. The reason it comes out right in the end is that you move through all of it and discover there is somebody in here who knows how to do that and who remains unscarred, not even discouraged, and is just waiting for the next opening to take up the Earth's schooling in the way that fiery souls invite and welcome, strangely enough.



A horn of brass to be used as a hearing aid.

Subnormal and supernormal as one. Bearing a karmic handicap in which you cannot get away from yourself for a moment. Yet this opens the doors to a destiny-dedication that is monumentally strong. Your world reverberates endlessly with your own individual themes. You are trapped in the form of individual selfhood. Yet for all its excesses and fanaticisms, this is the perfect situation to lead you through to where you need to go. Because by meeting yourself at every turn, in every possible guise, you are deeply pulled down into a self-expansive pathway where there had been extreme constriction and radical blockage. The transition is arduous and consuming. It feels as though it is impossible to break through. But the very things that characteristically and thematically just will not let you go shall become the ultimate springboard. You wear out your old programs the hard and laborious way, by being at their mercy and learning that somebody in here is ready for something fantastically different and will do whatever it takes to thin out all the delusions, and make personal egoism intolerable, insufferable, and just too big of a joke not to get, ever again.



A rickshaw.

Hyperactive. Engrossed in sensations. Absolutely fascinated by the ins and outs of everything. Training yourself arduously to become completely present in the action. Insisting upon getting it right. Aiming for spirit and flesh to merge. Knowing how to do it and feeling sharply motivated. However, the little self does get carried away with the literal outward experience so very easily. You must battle to harness your powers and to pull yourself away from random delight. It is quite a journey, with one great thing going for yourself. You just know that you can do anything you set your mind to, and you are correct.



A gardener collecting cow manure.


Bonding with the immediate, external task and swallowing yourself up in its container. Finding sanctuary in excellence, practice, discipline, conscientious carry-through. Becoming engrossed within the task itself and its way of life. Harnessing vast vision into detailed particulars, you succeed marvelously in becoming what is asked, turning yourself into the one who fits the role, the pure servant. But a subtle presence, a deep authority, an otherworldly overtone give you away. You've been assigned to veil the self in lesser things so that you will be undisturbed to work within and do spade work for planetary evolution. Yet the call is so critical that often even your own conscious self has little idea why none of this posturing ever seems quite real and your entire expression seems a little too perfect, too much of a set-up, too snugly fitting to be convincing to those with eyes to see.



A seemingly young man, but with gray hair.

When different sides of the soul have developed to drastically different points, you become a strange mix, a hybrid brew. Simultaneously ancient with wisdom and vibrant with youth at best, or perhaps at once aging rapidly and still unformed. Those facets that are older and wiser have developed a greater mode of perception over long cycles of time. Those facets that remain young and unformed have not kept up with the greater awareness in the personal expression and embodiment. Therefore your knowingness is advanced, yet your performance is as a novice. The hardest part is to accept and embrace yourself as you are and to forgive and transmute what sometimes seems like a lack of courage and individual strength under fire. The only way this combination can become integrated is if the advanced witness acknowledges the unconditional value and intentions of the fledgling personal one who will flourish and start to catch up if loved and fostered. Your own inner self is the central benefactor, the one who can say "Yes," and bring life forth abundantly.



A hamster running in a treadmill.

Keeping up with things can be an all-consuming matter, because everything changes all the time. There are always fresh angles to master. And when you are coming from a very old place, it is not so easy to shake yourself loose and become the next thing asked. To do it you may have to turn yourself into a super-high-powered accomplisher, converting ancient ways to radically different eras. You are personally, privately one way and publicly, impersonally, another way, turning it on to suit the occasion. The karmic performer in overdrive, hustling to catch up. At times compelled to rely on tricks. Frantic to cover all bases, to be everywhere. Pushing yourself to learn how to operate within a contemporary world that is alien, at a loss. Yet also gifted, bringing with you from the heart of nature such jewels and wonders that the world may ask, "Why do you cast your pearls before swine?" But there are moments in the journey when doing whatever is called for becomes its own reward, even if the pace is grinding and the recognition sparse. Something bright abides and sustains you beautifully.



A very weak cup of tea.

The outward performance is thin and tenuous, not much there at all. The inner journey is huge. You are concentrating so utterly upon the cosmic mysteries that all personal and even individual reputation and reflection seem pathetically small and insignificant. You are being zapped by huge forces, taken on the cosmic grand tour. As the deep inner opens, the surface outer becomes formal and almost wooden. You are called away. Rarely present in a human context. It all depends upon how far you are willing and able to go with this. If you blast free into an expanded selfhood activation, everything will form around that whole new world to be in. But if, as so often happens, you are not quite here, but not quite all there yet either, the transitions can be excruciating; as you prepare for the infinite life, but are hooked back into the regular life and snagged by image and impression. For you will be consistently reflected back to self as one fragment of yourself and this can be awkward and inwardly agonizing. All you want is to wake up and become your greater self. And meanwhile your lesser self has lots to handle, standing in for someone who is never quite home.



A young woman sits at a piano and improvises beautiful music.

Aristocracy and fine breeding open a space for the inner heart to sing. Being aware that you are given manifest advantages which make it likely that your talents and abilities can flourish. Past life attainment pulls in present lifetime congenial context. But a shadow creeps over this beautiful scene. You take on how others see you and reflect you. Which leads to, in one direction, becoming the performer who plays to the audience, losing your center. And in the other direction, to becoming the one who suppresses and feels guilty about outstanding individual attributes and colludes in going against yourself. Many possible directions. It all depends upon ripening to be simultaneously proud and humble, magnificent and sober. A path of character evolvement with many places to get lost and a very strong will to work through it all, becoming fully who you are in a way that gives life to everybody and takes nothing away from anybody anywhere.



A solid gold egg.

The bare stark truth. The singular accomplishment of heavy labors. An extraordinary gift, yet it is endangered. The gift is to be quintessentially yourself, and this gift abounds. Surrounded by danger; seen falsely by others, turned around. Digging your way out of history, you are compelled to puncture the illusion of image. The drama distorts. What is pristine remains inviolable, yet so much is lost, irretrievably. Each subtle weakness takes charge. The long way around to a very simple quality that would mean nothing unless it were first gone. Suffering and self-knowledge. All comes easy; nothing comes easy--the riddle of destiny.


LEO 10

A man putting olive oil all over his body.

Physical life is so much agony and so much ecstasy that it stretches your body's ability to move with the flux and ferment. You are called upon to behold yourself, to witness to the central flame and to endow your personal embodied self with a daily rhythm of self-remembrance and self- revitalization. You can do nothing for anybody else unless you are whole within yourself. There is an urgent call, an inward stirring to offer to yourself the full power of your destiny path, to become bonded and fused with the truth of your being. There is also a transcendent power, a greater selfhood-presence blessing, preserving, and sustaining your path in this world. So that the light can burn brighter through the joy in your heart and your vital physical embodiment, given through yourself to all.


LEO 11

A boy removing a thorn from his foot.

The fatal flaw. Knowing with excruciating clarity that you are bearing a character flaw that goes against everything you seek and hunger for. The flaw is that you do not stand firm and back yourself up in your own truth. Instead, you pretend that you are a more superficial or easygoing prototype. But you do not get away with it internally. A dark dispute develops inside, subtly poisoning the atmosphere. And somehow, slowly and gradually, despite yourself, you are being hurtled toward an abyss that you cannot avoid--to cross over the abyss, to uproot physically, energetically, and emotionally your claim against yourself, your self-negation. And when this happens, a sober clarity of self-affirmative strength comes right in and proves to be a gift for all your world, worth every ounce of arduous effort to attain.


LEO 12

The mouth of the Amazon River.

Rarely can you get to the central place and stay there. But if destiny is fast and free, you do abide in the heart of creation and you never leave this spot. A host of virtues and gifts are showered upon you as you hold this post with supreme impersonal self-command. The most outstanding of these qualities is a faith and confidence in the powers that be, which can move any mountain. And accompanying this trait is an un worldliness which hosts or orchestrates a threshold awareness, an open door between worlds. You entirely live for the cosmic, the universal, the inner source spring. And what you perceive along this path is how everything goes out from here over all the world, but everything returns to here. So that the highest and the truest can once again be sparkled into the shared stream and known to be pulsating alive and self-renewing, in the most rapturous gesture of moving with whatever is asked.


LEO 13

A man painting scenes on a ceiling.

Inspired soul gifts. You are endowed with a great wealth of talent and ability--the natural artist, visionary, and attune. Everything overflows. Huge scope, bigger than life; issues of ego; can the self be selfless? Raw vitality and virtuoso performance. This calls for a ripening and deepening to be fulfilled. When still bold and wild, you experience great struggle against constraints; when clear and steady, there are no limitations on what can come through. The prototype for the future. Giving the whole picture in all its glory.


LEO 14

Fields of jasmine flowers.

To be surrounded by love is the heart's delight. To contact a grace-bestowal of love and of light as your birthright is the greatest fanning of the human flame. When there is brightness and bounty as far as the eye can see, the inner self knows they are welcome to embody here. To inhabit this realm is to be in paradise and it is to bear a seed from paradise, from the un fallen kingdoms, into this world now. You hope and yearn to deposit that seed wherever it can flourish. This will tend to be where things are just beginning or alive with future fertilities. The seed honors the original impulse behind Earth existence. And this paean of praises, this ode to joy, remains solidly in there, ready to emerge when conditions are right and there is nothing left to do except brighten into being.


LEO 15

A woman with many different colored rings on her fingers.

To be quintessentially yourself in so many different directions is to be big, impressive, and very dramatic. Your individuality is blessed with innate gifts and treasures unlimited, an embarrassment of riches. The outward temptation is to play this up and use it up. The inward path is to develop it into ripe and mature full-on individual genius. However, it takes an advanced soul to be able to move steadily with such intoxicating qualities. And it takes the utmost in sincerity, simplicity, and core presence to just be there while having loads of outstanding, amazing attributes to show and share and give forth freely, with such royal stature and destiny.


LEO 16

A red-faced man, tears running down his cheeks.

He is laughing  convulsively. In the war between the worlds, being a representative of one world in the midst of another and being almost invisible. Tending to disappear off-screen and reappear somewhere else. Transported by a special destiny, slipping by the border guards. As the uproar happens the deep observer looks on at the role the self is playing, which is so incongruous to who one is truly. But the karmic instructions are to play along, and later all shall be revealed. This is a very peculiar soul condition-- taking all the loose ends and finishing them off, to be sprung into a different realm at last.


LEO 17

Elegant black women sitting on a porch and fanning themselves.

Rising superior to apparent limitations, you defiantly renounce the letter of the law to salvage the spirit of the law. Puncturing pretense. Breaking down power and control structures. You are militantly outrageous, anti traditional. Pulled forward by a vision, a knack, an instinct for what this Earth asks and demands. On fire with the power of radical changes, you feel in your cells the next stage in evolution. Ignited by the sense for being selected out as the quintessential representative of progressive currents, you dramatize yourself, your cause, your expanding awareness. You want to make sure everybody knows that something new is going on around here, and that it will not stop nor take a back seat to anybody or anything.


LEO 18

A rose bush. Many buds, but no flowers.

Remaining inside while feeling urgently, outwardly called, you stay put and hold steady in the face of immense pressures and demands. The greater the onslaught, the more adamant the determination to stick to your own lights. Knowing inside that you cannot spread around what you bear, for you are seeking to regenerate the Earth, and every social sphere speaks a different language from the Earth's inner call. It is not possible to tune out what lives within. You must abide with fierce integrity in the center of things and never stop no matter what. For you are giving a legacy to the future and it has nothing to do with momentary events and trends. You are working for what lasts, and everything else seems dim, peripheral, and purely customary.


LEO 19

A hummingbird feeding at a trumpet vine.

Heightened perception exquisitely poised, brilliant and as fast as can be. You have the genius of seeing things, knowing things, and being there. Overflowing with destiny-bounty earned over many lifetimes, yet you bring all this through with a fine-tuned ability to land in the situation at hand with only as much as can be worked with. You are guided to follow an extraordinary course through the world, which features the perfect opportunities to tap what is inside in so many different ways. The blessings, the grace, the heart's wonder are super full. As this way of being ripens and matures, it becomes even better. Then you begin to draw out from others the same kinds of marvels and wonders, and to make it possible for the vibrancies to spread and grow. With a wildfire capacity to spread good news and bring affirmative realizations wherever they are needed in generous profusion, you work with ever more effortless capacity to bring this world alive.


LEO 20

A black pearl hidden in an oyster.

Working very hard to find again what is lost, to get at what is conspicuously missing, it takes tremendous inner forces to restore the pearl. But most of all, you must vanquish your pride and acknowledge from the core of your being that going through this world without your deep soul intact is hell. If you seek, you shall find. If you ache, you shall come to a restored wholeness. But not without the suffering, the grief, and the facing of the void; initiation in the depths. It is a superb path if you have the courage and stamina for it. But midstream it is cauterizing, corrosive, and deadly; appearances are deceptive; nothing is as it might seem for a while. What matters supremely is guts and integrity.


LEO 21

A holly bush covered with berries.

It is in the snow. Ornamental display and deep underpinnings. Within the karmic theater you perform to the hilt as your best self and your worst self grappling with each other in extreme mutual polarization. The witnessing intelligence is far removed from this dramatization, and registering every nuance from beyond. Within the precincts of the drama there is also a compulsion to go against form and show the other side, against what is expected or assumed. Yet as the observer beholds this very compulsion, it is minor and trivial, only a personality quirk. The inward wisdom drives you, the karmic performer, to outdo yourself in switching and reversing polarities. But ultimately you are not amused and archly await steps toward maturity and the dawning of ability to see through yourself on the spot. Which is a very difficult and advanced state and the only one that inspires and urges onward this quixotic combination of outward entrapment and inward fair witnessing with the utmost dispassion.


LEO 22

An alligator swims slowly through a swamp.

Imperious self-command. The self, entirely conscious of its own territorial rights and privileges, exerts a presence, a force. Saturating the atmosphere with one's love, light, and intensity. Big and bright, deep and formidable. So very purposive that your every breath is conceived to be part of the master plan. Grandiose and inflated, yet into something so essential that it is very difficult to go against. It is the ingrained aura of spiritual authority and cosmic intent, linked with the heights, seeping into the depths. You become so enduring and insistent that others back out of the picture. Graphic demonstration of being here now in your element, doing what you need to do. Sinuous, suggestive, sensuous, and somewhat prone to pushing it a bit. The inner light upheld at the cost of any and all extraneous factors.


LEO 23

An old man cutting mistletoe off an oak tree with a golden knife.

Spectacular attainment. Peak capacity. Everything prepared and ready. The consummation of lifetimes in the destiny-drama of self-mastery. Your tireless pursuit of perfection and gift of knowing what is asked are charged with collective power. Marking out a pathway which shall remain always. The Gods inspire, the hour is ripe. Demonstration is constant--the rhythm is the one the inner worlds are synchronized with. And the whole idea is to become selflessly yourself, offered to the Goddess and emergent through time as the God-Man boldly, uninhibitedly, all there.


LEO 24

Sunrise over Stonehenge.

Immortal stature. Undiminished interior presence. A throwback to heroic times and places, character elevated, the universal code upheld, you are stalwart, uncompromising, and even rabid. Vertical understanding and allegiance. Exquisite sensibility. Nobility and the core of human nature embodied. You have a subtle undertone of magic and miracle, yet you're often overtly quiet, simple, and straight. All goes into the spirit, poignant and evocative and moving.


LEO 25

A circle of neat houses, each one identical.

Mapping out a blueprint, a great plan. Designing into it the perfect escape route, which is anonymity. Going under for the duration, you make absolutely sure that you look and act like a clone of any given prototype that calls no attention to itself. With everything splendidly in place and the perfect disguise solidly maintained, you are safe inside to go into absolutely anything. The inside track becomes as fanciful and free as the outside track becomes innocuous and banal. This way of doing it is half-mad and half-brilliant. It is half-mad in that it is so suppressive to any prospects of expressing and embodying your real self in this world. And it is half-brilliant, offering such outward stability that the inward formative chaos can romp without disturbing the neighbors or anybody--even your own ego-mind. Ultimately it is the perfect way to grapple with being vastly other, yet still needing and wanting to be an integral part of things--loved, accepted, and welcomed. It is a strange bargain, but is, you feel it deeply to be, viable, inescapable, and true.


LEO 26

A fire burns at the bottom of an old well.

Deeply, foundationally held away, asocial and centered upon individual treasures of ancient vintage, you are hostile to close approach. You need leverage and control, and are driven toward extreme autonomy, remembering the way it has always been. Deep in there, warmly radiant, you focus on keeping alive what has gone out upon the surface--a karma of caretaking the mysteries. But your personal expression veers toward crusty, hard-edged, protective, and guarding behaviors that can become obsessive and almost paranoid. Your rigid commitment is to holding steady and outlasting sympathetic cycles and contexts, with a note of fierce conviction that this is all that counts; nothing must moderate or minimize or relatives what has been agreed to and made an iron law.


LEO 27

A beaded curtain.

A double identity: outwardly conventional, appropriate, legitimate, and orthodox; inwardly alien, cosmic, involved with other realities, and boldly exploring the infinite. You feel compelled by inner necessity to maintain both worlds and to serve the outer by bolstering good will everywhere. Yet this is achieved with a fraction of your awareness and sensibility. Meanwhile the depths, the heights, the many worlds beyond are there, are attended to, are thoroughly made your own. You are the iceberg person with a wonderful tip showing and a fabulous wealth of goodies inside to partake in endlessly.


LEO 28

Men doing gymnastics.

Physical, material existence in a sturdy body in time and space is the greatest agony and the greatest ecstasy that could ever be. It is agony in that you are so weighed down by the gravity of things, sorely troubled, heavily impacted, just about immobilized. It is ecstasy in that you can do so much with it, and when you mobilize yourself to take hold of the body and wield it as an instrument and a vessel, the physical turns into a masterpiece, a wonder, a delight unsurpassed. You experience the heights and depths of ambivalence toward incarnation and embodiment, feeling both repelled and attracted by the core drama of life in this Earth. When you feel good, everything glows with promise. When your life-force ebbs and becomes stagnant, the world is saturated with abysmal dread. Learn to harness embodied selfhood into something more constant and satisfying, even with repeated bouts of coming up against resistance, and habit dying hard. Rigidity versus fluency. You have a creative dilemma with so much growth, outlasting your own inner enemies and becoming Earth-worthy in the physical--triumphantly and with lasting imprint.


LEO 29

A broken sword.

Consecration to a higher power. The giving-over of the personal will--the marvel of root change. Coming to the end of your own path, and it is just the beginning of the greater way. The heart must open. The infinite must be born inside. The destiny-necessity is there--so much karmic backlog. So many ways to be right and to be wrong. The realization in the very midst that there is nobody listening to the old tale and everybody is awaiting somebody else to come through. A profound and utter doorway into a great unknown. What has been is finished. What shall be is so very different. And what is now is a question and a prayer and a destiny that must find its redemption.


LEO 30

A woman sprinkling rose water in the four corners of a room.

Doing inner work in an outer world. Precipitating limitless spirit into dense matter. Working within higher laws. Tapping the source spring of existence. You are powerfully motivated to extend the range of the inner brightness into absolutely every facet of existence. So intensively purposive that you push yourself over every edge to achieve astounding things. You specialize in turnarounds, great shifts--personally and collectively. A vision burns through. You know that if you extend yourself just another notch further, the victory will be won. A knack for staying in there till



A volcano erupting at night.

Burning through the restrictions of the day. Taking on and transmuting the world of ordinary consciousness. Inwardly erupting with all that it leaves out, you become a conduit for the suppressed, the repressed, and the denied facets of self and life. Exposing yourself to the onslaught of conventional ideas and their consequences. Aching and longing to turn the world around, you are given to subtle or obvious ways to channel and express what lives inside, you feel intensively committed to bringing it all together within the ordinary compass of everyday life. Saturated with deep impressions of what this Earth is moving through, you are being given the chance to stand in for that--to bring it, and perhaps even to become it.



A man hanging upside down from a tree.

Out of phase with the personal ego-mind, in phase with the greater laws, you are absolutely forced to stay put, to sit tight, to watch and listen and say and do as little as possible. A fair witness to what is happening all around, with no personal vantage point. Being a truth vessel--perfectly designed to hold the truth and nothing but. Uncomprehending of perversity and corruption, and naive to all radical distortion, but you are surpassingly aware of what is good and what is true and of the ways in which the greater laws are being played out in this world. Gifted in observing and appreciating how the Divine Will prevails, how the light penetrates the darkness. Simply there to be with the constructive and the up building energies and forces. The pure idealist in the perfect position to be strictly transparent.



A woman doing delicate embroidery.

Painstaking labors in several different planes of existence. The mind being restrung slowly and systematically and by erosion of what was assumed or taken as a given. Multiple worlds crying out for refinement, repair, repolarization, and release. The most sensitized and self-conscious and fine- tuned way of being imaginable. Attending to subtle, underlying echoes and resonances. Lost in time. Existing in a void or parallel world or altered state; doorkeeper between the worlds in an unlikely form. But inside the spiral, there lives a knowingness and a being in tune with Earth and Heaven, and it is rhythmically synchronized with the ancient and the future, the forgotten and the unknown. Just there, to be with the transition, and stay in touch throughout.



A small piglet dressed in baby's clothes.

Trying exceedingly hard to fit perfectly within prescribed standards and the attitudes and values that are traditional or conventional. Intent on memorizing each gesture, every turn of phrase. You are almost hysterically straight and narrow outwardly in juxtaposition to how you really see, feel, and respond to things. Inside there is quavering, an intensely alive and overwhelmingly primal life-force generator. But any way you try to put it forth is troubling. There is no place for utterly other, totally maverick spirits in the midst of ordinary life. So you engage in a thousand disguises, try absolutely everything, ultimately ending up forced to be transparent, direct, throbbingly real, and so ardently sincere that it becomes just the way you are. And you need to be part-of-the-mix as the ingredient we all need, so that the Earth comes through and speaks and dances and reminds the others that they too are surpassingly strange.



A skull on a pole at the entrance to a dark wood.

The mind of death always knows ahead of time each and every danger, problem, and dilemma. The Cassandra complex warning self and world of what will go wrong. Cautioning, tempering, and suppressing, you can afford no mistakes. The mind is set upon doing it just right from start to finish. When there are hitches and snags, you hit the roof with qualms and doubts. The self against itself. The mind standing over the spontaneous one and saying, "No, you can't go that way." Forebodings are a self-fulfilling prophecy. The self proves itself right and wrong. Right about nothing working, and wrong to be in that position. This is a mind-set to be eroded and worn out, supplanted by fresh inquiry with no agenda, no worry, and just the truth that there is death in everything and life to follow if you let go into it completely.



A banyan tree that creates an entire forest.

A towering stature. Containing within yourself a vast creative force that can fill the world with its diverse and multiplex awareness. You have a graphic ability to evoke, to capture, to epitomize a realm, a world, to draw it forth, to highlight it. And this then extends into many others, such that the illumination, the fresh angle is sharply relevant and universally resonant. Experiencing for yourself the wisdom of the ages, proving it out afresh by experimentation and open discovery. Piercing to the core with your fluent presence in this world. Saying in so many different ways "Here it is, here it is again. I have found it over here"--the living proof that nature is totally alive, that the creative power is everywhere, and that all of it yearns to be given voice, to be celebrated, to be acknowledged by one who can reach to the vasts and penetrate to the details and make macrocosm and microcosm one.



A pie thrown in someone's face.

Action and reaction. Reflexive mirroring of self by world and world by self. You are forced to confront yourself everywhere. Starkly compelled to deal with karmas of the past returned: who did what to whom. Conflict, strife, tension, and pressure. Mischief and the unexpected . On guard. Agreeing to meet yourself through others and to find intimate reverberations from every side. You have an overwhelming experience of running into the consequences for even what you thought--a wrap-around world of breakthroughs, quandaries, alliances and dangers. On red alert twenty-five hours a day, knowing that you cannot turn your back on threat or opportunity. Everything is obvious and super subtle, gross and elusive, tightly known and vastly beyond conception.



A man thinking up names for colors.

The mind is a hilarious thing. It populates the world with its many ideas on top of what is there and then can no longer see things in themselves in their pristine light. We trade direct experience for a culturally rich consciousness. This mental set is marvelously intricate and detailed. Becoming conversant with the human sphere takes up all your time and energy, drawing you ever further into complexity, multiplicity, and appreciation for the beauty and the brilliance of the best in culture and civilization. The refinements and elaborations are infinite in scope. You become an expert, a central force, an adept in working the mind's magic. In the largest picture, this is a perfecting of human intelligence in its concrete, penetrating power, combined with its far-ranging spread into variety and universal brotherhood. It remains narrow-spectrum, rational throughout, but does this up the best it can be done and a little bit better.



A man mixing cement.

Jammed tight with concepts. Thinking about what you are doing. Interpretations, evaluations, opinions, and surmises. Void of heart-force. Believing in progress, bent upon success. You strictly, rigidly carry out what the mind dictates, a form of ignorance that is very clever. Something missing in the soul. Compensations on top of compensations. Exceedingly busy, hyper, with plans, projects, and enterprises. You are very good at achieving results. Riveted to the phenomena. But prone to casting shadows that come back to haunt. Shortsighted and hooked into what is convenient and pragmatic, perfect in small outer things--all of existence becomes small outer things.



A pin cushion.

Turning yourself into an object of common use, you literally and mentally take on the maintenance and the minor and the mediocre to keep the outer mind preoccupied. Meanwhile, deeper inside you are far elsewhere. By being efficient, productive, helpful, and exemplary in outward behavior you make very sure to throw everyone off track and keep your world at bay. The inner one is connecting with worlds that are best spared curious prying. The innocuousness and the miscellaneous doing- good are laid on thick. The inner life burns with so many possibilities, each one of which is nursed along, keeping the flame alive. Even though the maidenly outer one is so good at pretending that there is nobody here but we good people, doing our best to keep everything going neatly and splendidly.



A four-year-old girl dressed as a nurse.

Innocence has its ways to persist. You can grow up, yet retain the stance of the novice, the beginner, the wonder-worker. You foster a knack of renewing your original, basic values and way of being at every critical juncture--a quality unique and unmistakable. At any age and within all situations, coming at things as though we all just got here and we are simply trying things on for size. The best of this quality is a sticking to prenatal resolves of a lofty integrity that refuses steadfastly to fall under the weight of the critical mind. The worst of this quality is that in its zeal, its dedication, and its self- insistency, it invariably puts others to shame and generates in others the self-consciousness and self-judgment you are yourself bypassing. Therefore, what is good for yourself proves to be bad for others, and results in a quandary, a confusing and puzzling situation, eventually impelling you to add one borrowed ingredient: the ability to take yourself lightly.



A dog sniffing a dead animal.

Searching for clues, you probe the straight line and the intricate curve, tapping the mind's powers for intricate operations. Prone to find the pathological, the destructive, and the inverted, the bloodhound sleuth checking everything out everywhere. Curious, fascinated, alive with speculations, hunches, notions. Wanting to track something down, to get resolution. Needing to know, poking about in the dark. You possess remarkable senses and an almost purely telepathic mind, tremendously skilled and adroit. But you can get poisoned by skepticisms and by too heavy an exposure to the dark underbelly of things. Desperate to learn how to also accept and embrace all that is, unconditionally, to let go into rightfulness and goodness in the very thick of things being rotten and pervasively wrong.



A man with hair on his back.

Peppery, fiery, contentious, and spoiling for a fight. Born ready, shot from a cannon, one of a kind-- volatile in the far extreme. Convinced of things. Taking sides, even inventing them, you are impelled by the polarized consciousness to be so fiercely partisan that the destructive overwhelms the constructive. Incited to riot by what is wrong with the world--not reconciled, not accepting, not at peace. Self-righteous and headstrong. In perfect moments, ebullient and magnificent and the most charming a being can be, much of the time you are feuding and bickering and blindly consumed by the lower mind. Keenly good at self-deception, the world's best at blind self-fidelity. The perfect promoter of the unpopular cause. But you feel tormented by the way in which all of this perpetuates itself and cannot find freedom. You search for a way through, hungry for self overcoming, and needing so badly to emerge from the thicket of the mind, to be affirmative of existence with no doubts making the world intolerable to sit in one more moment.



A long steel screw.

Set in place, the die is cast--the past determines the future. Held within patterns and syndromes of the habitual and the pragmatic--literalistic ally identified within strictly severe frameworks. You are at the mercy of conditionings and programming's, and chronically mentally obstructive, up against the grind of the outer mind droning onward. Radically non-creative, no innovative, you follow the party line. Waiting until the loss of real direction has played itself out endlessly, and hoping that a different phase altogether will knock you over the head and pull you onward from this dead end.



A man inherits a vast fortune.

Aristocracy takes many forms. Whether by karmic predisposition or by bloodline or both, being granted the ultimate pedigree for serving effectively. Those who have ruled can serve. Those who have mastered can give themselves over. Those who have attained can extract the essence of what they have come to before and utterly discard the rest. Showered with blessings. Filled to overflowing with the streams of your background, you are yet definitely motivated to use all this as a springboard and not to lean back on it. You feel the impulse to renew gifts, treasures and mysteries--to revitalize the old streams, to make relevant and essential what has previously proven to be steady and enduring. And most of all, endowed with a fluency in drawing from the well something fresh and new, and being so at home in bringing it all through that you become an individual here in the midst of things, who just happens to know and be familiar with just about anything you need to access from the well that never runs dry.



A jar of camphor crystals.

The mind profoundly divided between the supremely constructive and up building, and the radically destructive and fragmenting. The intention is to gather the best, to do the right thing, to be exemplary. But somewhere along the line this energy runs out, and there slips in its shadow which runs wild. Creating your own troubles, cleaning up after yourself. Being at the mercy of a fatal dualism that splits you terribly, the plight and dilemma of one who has wandered into the territory of tempting forces. Consciously blameless and innocuous; subconsciously charged with mischief and mayhem. And the hardest part is that it feels too late to turn this around. As you experience the fatalistic notion that this is just the way it is, you have arrived at the center of the temptation, and must learn the art of radical letting go.



An old bald woman talking to her dog.

Internal dialogue in which self and world are constantly discovering where they stand with each other. Having no pretense or guile. Speaking to each one in the way you speak to yourself, in the way you speak to everything. No rituals, no ceremony, no special cases. Unvarnished honesty and truth. Intent on getting at what is underneath, what is inside. You penetrate right through the personality, the ego-mind, without thinking about it. Knowing that life needs a voice and that being that voice is natural and inevitable. You feel close to the ground, basic, and foundational. Not very nice, not very easy-going. The pure straight-shooter, as real as can be, and almost too much so. You are the reminder of how it would be if we stayed with integrity and conviction and threw out the rest.



Eyeglasses which cause one to see rainbows.

Seeing through the eyes of anybody, everybody, all worlds together, all worlds differentiated sharply, you are able to switch perspective from the personal vantage point to any conceivable other. Drawn to extend the range of perception and the worldview to encompass what it looks like from the inside of each and every one. Clairvoyant, telepathic, and mythically potent with the power of story. Keenly guided to unfold consciousness into its evolutionary potential. You are thoroughly convinced that if all sides can be respected, honored, and lived into, interpersonal dynamics will naturally work out optimally. And you feel ultimately transported by an affirmative life-giving perspective to open doors and make this world a brighter place, with simple, straightforward brush strokes of cosmic common sense.



A fire breathing dragon the size of a mouse.

Big things and little things trade places. Big things become off screen, too demanding and formidable, oppressive. Little things become unquenchably full of life and there to be entered upon with passionate conviction. Little things proliferate wildly. Soon they are everywhere, clamoring, yearning, asking for attention and energy. Each little thing grows very big- incarnation, embodiment. Coming to the brink of immense commitment into the earth, you have a craft, a fine touch of beholding, witnessing, and responding to each facet of life unto itself. The most rigorous of paths--to be there into the details. Will and mind become one, a discipline, a harnessing that is magnificent and very hard to accomplish. Yet you recognize that this is what remains to be done, to light up the jewels of life and let them arise everywhere.



The expanse of the Himalayas in the distance.

When you place a spiritual/cosmic perspective upon every single little thing that happens, you will either overshoot the mark or discover perfect meaning. The overshooting of the mark happens when the little mind and the greater mind become warped in their relativities. Proportion tumbles before pregnant magnitude. Everything is sprinkled with archetypal overtones. Perfect meaning arises here when the truth is the yardstick and you simply align yourself with the truth in a non dogmatic fashion. The spirit of discovery becomes the spur. The unknown makes the known precious and poignant. You finally get it right that every microcosmic situation is a jewel in the making, and only needs to be appreciated and boosted by faithful beholding. The passage is from thinking about it to becoming at home within the path of bringing all worlds together, just as the occasion makes possible, with a light touch and an easy grasp of the reins.



Dark river and distant bell.

So much to be done. So many fragments to move with. Such a confounding. The one inside is calm and quiet, poised and accepting, knows what shall be. The one outside is frantic with events and experiences which do not add up. Severe conditions to test the soul and give the mind quite a scare. The process is to keep going into it a little further, despite yourself, and to keep losing who you thought you were in the bargain. But there is somebody to be when there is nobody left to be, and only then.



A woman writing with the tip of her fingernail.

Sharply attuned. Self-consistent. Always telling the same story in variations--autobiography. So much to say, such a lineage to articulate and reveal. Being brilliantly tuned in to every nuance of your own superfine sensibility and not missing a stitch. Eerily intent upon staying on course and witnessing how it is done, why it is done, with dispassionate gaze. Selected by destiny to be the one to exemplify the way it should be done. Willing and able to do this forever and do nothing else. So straight and narrow that it becomes idiosyncratic and Self-referential. The name of the game is to call the shots, to stay on top of the situation and to tap every level of intelligence to make your way purely and precisely where you were intended to be, in the master plan being followed utterly.



Giant cacti blooming in the desert.

Knowing beyond knowing what is real and what counts. Commonsensical, good, and true. Containing so much knowledge and wisdom that you bear the record of all that is worthwhile in human evolution. Fascinating and extraordinary insights, realizations, and observations--an independent way of seeing. Integrity and conviction, sterling and impressing--a perfect grasp of essentials. Dedication to holding faithful to the earth and her ways. You have an almost abrasive style of sticking to your guns and making it clear what is correct and furthering and what is not. Tremendous mentality demanding self-command to harness and make effective and helpful. willing to do the work. Always prepared.



A silver trident.

Psychically in tune with the collective and assigned the task of maintaining a vigil of collective awareness, you are sent to outposts to stay tuned and partake in the universal communications network. Singularly devoid of self-drive. Sacrificial incarnation. Immensely far removed from the usual territory of the mind, you have been granted the opportunity to serve and to suffer. Exquisitely sensitized. Brilliantly astute. And seeking and searching for ways for everybody to reconnect. Solitude, seclusion, stillness. Wishing and yearning for the world to be at peace and for people to understand each other, you contribute constructively. Consecrated, mystical, and right there on the inside of life, you wait timelessly for all good things to come in their season.



A gold ring in the form of a snake swallowing its tail.

Knowing who you are, with your own greater self right there standing above you, showing you the way. Impressing the mark of advanced selfhood upon everything in sight, you are clear as a bell that you must hold true to your nature. This life's journey is sensed as a true biography, a story for the ages which completes itself and comes back to the beginning at the next octave. Knowing beyond knowing the nature of the quest, and being especially aware of the how of each little step to pass this on. It is a delicate matter to know this much. Many who attain this point will employ their conscious mind to cover all this up and generate a busy outer facade. However, the substantive attunement to the mysteries cannot be missed by any angel, and suggests that this is a culminating and a consummate way of being which speaks from the vital center and is there beyond all attempts to throw it off.



An old man counting gold coins.

Getting your bearings, determining your limits, finding a reality fix. Making sure that everything is there; checking out the manifest details over and again. Coming down to earth and becoming sober and straight and clear. You are overwhelmingly convinced that there must come this cleaning-up and clearing-up. Sick and tired of pretense and hype, hungry to get down to basics, and somewhat hooked on the quantitative intelligence. Blurring distinctions. Intent upon being viable, correct, and self-sufficient. If all these things are taken up with a twinkle of humor, they are digestible. But if they become self-serious and a little too proper, they are deadly and sickening. You learn to throw off the attitude and to cleave to the substance of getting things right, unapologetically and steadfastly.



The magician disrobes. He has no sex organs.

We bear a dream within us. In that dream, we can magically disperse every partisan consideration and make the truth a commonsensical shareable thing. We endow that dream with more of ourselves than any outwardly existing realities. Slowly we foster its seeds. There just must be a way to find the common point, to no longer be jerked around by gender politics and all the other anti brotherhood, anti sisterhood currents. So we endow the dream with our heart's aspirations, and when we give our all to it,  the dream comes true. but until that point, we are worlds apart from others in harboring the dream of our coming reunion with everybody.



Autumn leaves pressed into a book.

The mind is a funny thing. It pours over experience with a fine tooth comb, yet only sees what it expected to see. The mind programs itself, indoctrinates itself thoroughly and intensively in the fine art of imposing the familiar and the assumed upon all of life. This is a maddening way to operate, yet it does not register as being so. Instead you like it this way, prefer it, advocate it, simply because it is self-reinforcing and self-perpetuating. You are after elaborate confirmations and validations that the little self is perfectly splendid just as it is. And you will be sure to get these. The transaction is guaranteed. But there is an unknown self who cannot breathe in this atmosphere, and who knocks at the door seeking entry and is not very pleased to be tuned out and pushed away and told that we are fine as we are and do not need to be stirred up by the voice of the rest of existence.



A witch preparing magic mushrooms.

Within the delicate, formative stages of major departures into the unknown, there is encountered an extraordinary task and lesson that detains you a long while. It becomes self-evident that it is everything that comes before that makes the difference. There must be a fully attuned, magical sensibility to make the future possible. Coming to this requires arduous discipline and elaborate ritual, internal initiation. This becomes such a labyrinth of discipleship and apprenticeship that you wander through the maze discovering everything you ever needed to know. All is played out within. There is no need to make anything happen on the outer. You are assigned to empty yourself out, to strip everything away, to become invisible. And if you excel at your craft, so many ventures and initiatives will be seeded, that this inner planes total mobilization will prove to be more fruitful and productive than any premature thrusts of outer mind, no matter how impressive or seemingly necessary. The entire path lies well within, and needs no surface success to substantiate itself.



Supersensible beings manifesting through geometric forms.*

Sacred geometry inscribes the pattern of the world going through its great shifts, its quantum leaps. If you learn to stand back and be within the greater archetypal motions, you find yourself being placed in perfect strategic positions, in exquisitely rightful initiations and assignments. The transparency of things is superlative to behold. You are called to serve the highest, to respect and honor all manifestations, to be there for everybody. Interior steadfastness and implacability; knowing the law, the code, the way. Magnificent in applying vaster awareness to life's particular, detailed variations on the theme of how everything fits together perfectly and is woven by divine design. The fine tuned sensibility of the master craftsman, particularly adept in staying modest, unadorned and straight on. It is the exemplar of the way it is done when you know who you are and how things are around here, and when you see it coming through in every jeweled detail with little lost in the translation.

 *Please note that the original Chandra symbol was worded, "Supernatural beings appearing as geometric forms." John Sandbach agrees that this current wording is a clearer rendition of what was intended*



A group of fat Italian ladies preparing bread.

Archetypal, universal, and diffuse allegiances, activities, and realms of experience. Becoming camouflaged perfectly by adopting a persona that is wondrously engaging and easily connected with. Putting it on a bit heavy--thick grease paint. You exult in getting away with seeming to be the world's most anonymous person--the disguise can stick to the face. Overt consciousness awash in mass identification, at times you are able to penetrate through and find open possibilities, but you are primarily engrossed in the outer. And alive to the advertised sensations of what it is like to be popular, well-received, and simply welcome wherever you go as part of the mix, and no problem at all.



An apprentice medicine man allowing himself to be bitten by a snake.

Existence itself initiates those who are given over to its rigors and its lessons, but being so exposed to the evolutionary edge is exceedingly challenging. Transformation is a constant at all levels. Everything is becoming something else, metamorphosing before your eyes, propelled into the most extreme states imaginable. You feel the greatest anguish and loss, the most huge elation and bursts of freedom. Finger on the pulse of collective cycles, right on the cutting edge, you are committed to planetary changes personally and pervasively. You absolutely feel the impact of what is going on and what needs to go on. Virtually spun out to infinity by what it all means. Drawn toward the basic and the simple for breath. Destiny obsessed. Rabidly thrown into the midst. You come out the other side either lost and confused and staggered, or ready for anything, courageous, visionary, and an incredible generator of shared possibilities unlimited.



An inaccurate, imaginative map of the world.

Subjective depths become all-permeating. The surface facts seem like nothing. You are plunged into your internal voyage, and compelled to take it up blindly and innovatively. You cannot depend upon anybody's previous experience, for you are moving into a whole different reality--inward development as a total way of life, yet surrounded and beset by pressures, demands, and distorted reflections. You therefore have to operate virtually oblivious to the feedback loop of the socio cultural sphere--to be blind, deaf, and dumb to how anything appears to anybody. And to act as though the inner world you are cooking up for the future is all that counts, and everything else is a blur of facts, figures, and passing semblances.



A woman bites into a lemon and makes a face.

Out of phase, out of sync, distressed, and reactive. Seeking comfort and stability where there is none. On a jag of insistency upon your own sensibility and feelings being important and inescapable. You are lulled by pain and anger to become hooked back into old stuck places, compulsively and automatically, in melodramatic display of dissension and dissatisfaction. You have a destructive vibration which is fueled by a high pure nature, but spun out of orbit into the wrong time and place where support and encouragement are lacking. Inside the soul, your lessons center around witnessing the lower nature becoming activated, and moving through this awkward edge into deeper process and broader openings, probing to find a path through the conflicts of the battleground, which can be followed and held to and made a basis for the future.



A man raising a crop of marijuana.

Lively, energetic, spilling-out-over-the-edges consciousness and sensibility. Exuberant with the play of existence. Magnetized completely to enjoy and express and explore the personal, the interpersonal, and the sensuous vibrations. Wanting to find out what is real here, what is truly alive, what is worth moving further with. Experimental, loose, and carefree, you are extraordinarily uninhibited. Most gifted in loving, appreciating, and delighting in how each one is and how we all are. The connoisseur of chaos and the master of the casual interspaces, for better and for worse.



A baby with two sets of teeth.

Two lives lived in one. The outer life and the inner life. Both approached oblivious to the other. The outer life of doing the right thing for others in extreme selflessness; the inner life rich with intricate and subtle realms to explore. No crossover. Two worlds held apart so that service can be pure and the inner search can be pursued from inward ways. Dreams, futures, subtle realms are always there. Yet the expression is simply whatever gives the most. And so the angels can weave beautifully through both sides and know them as one.



A group of old ladies gossiping excitedly.

In one big news. Tapping the pulse of the times. You are almost not able to contain it, to deal with it all. Placed strategically to tune in to major developments collectively. A clearing house for immediate and enduring crosscurrents. Susceptible to personality distortions, particularly in interpersonal dynamics, you are not very discerning or disciplined in the shared field of energy and consciousness. An excess of vital spirits. Yet all of this is a false front, the way to throw everybody off. Inwardly keen and sharp and intricately knowledgeable. And most especially, able to track with what is meant to be and what is truly moving forward, to lend it a helping hand and be completely involved with universal destiny calls, with their resonant reverberations throughout the world.



A vast junkyard.

So many things have come to nothing. Such youthful promise gone awry. All because essentials were not heeded, the basics were denied. This gross neglect opens two doors, both of which beckon. The near door is a chute downward into ever more of the same. It somehow has an alluring feeling at the entrance. The far door is almost lost among the rubble and hardly looks like much. But those who walk through there begin slowly to turn everything around, to learn the most invaluable lessons from losing center, and even to regenerate into much better than new. From the vantage point of the Gods, those with the courage to go far wrong are the likeliest candidates for the greatest turnarounds. For when you have been to the discard pile, you can feel throughout your whole being the miracle of tapping the lost chord and awakening in the midst of the madness.



A cook fixing vegetable soup from a myriad of ingredients.

If variety is spice, here we have the ultimate gourmet dish. Inner necessity dictates that you draw eclectically upon the broadest, most fantastic range of factors and facets you can possibly expose yourself to. By becoming conversant with myriad voices, you find the subtle edge between the universal self and your own evolving center. As you spread yourself thin and keep extending to the far horizon, the synthesis or blend grows richer and finer all the while. It is only by blending what has previously been polarized that you can begin to make your way. To be here for the changes and the mix is everything. To define and limit is nothing. You simply have no taste whatsoever for prepared, predigested worlds. It has to be dazzlingly inventive and spontaneously revelatory to have any currency in the realm where we are all seeking to bust loose and we take what we find, throw it together, and discover that everything is part of the same thing. And this realization fans a pathway beyond the known altogether.



A hand with perfectly manicured long nails.

Personality cultivated as charm. The style and stance of one who puts out an image and curls the soul under. Taking advantage of favorable currents to express popular and safe qualities. Trying your utmost to feel good within the commonly-agreed-upon atmosphere and allowances. Holding yourself back into what is instantly acceptable, familiar, and comfortable. Lost in the swirling partners in the dance. Borrowed masks take over. Buying time by appeasing the crowd. You dream idly of something better than this, but are drawn to make the way things are wonderful and ideal in a static perfection, which is a tight fit and gives you an overlay of social programming. This colors everything and characterizes you as the fulfiller of the occasion and nothing more.



Tea leaves that form a pentagram.

Destiny openings. Carte blanche to enter upon fresh directions. A child of destiny. Offered by spirit protection and guidance, encouragement and empowerment. You are the exception to the rule, the special exemption for future purposes extracted from the old regular patterns and given the chance to follow the inward instincts and sensibility completely. A distinctive quality of being marked out for destiny-acceleration beyond what is reasonable or set up. The start of something big. Granted permission to make mistakes, make a fool of yourself, and still come up as the one everybody knows can and will do astounding things, just because down the road somebody is calling you onward, who cannot be refused.



The burning of a bough of sage.

Wishful thinking. Hoping for the best. Looking toward a new start. Naive and gullible, you are suspended, quiet, receptive, and lacking in discernment. Desiring with authentic feeling to bring a resonant impulse to bear, yet hobbled by blind fervor and tunnel vision. Prone to easy ways out and ideological positions. You are oddly poised between sheer reflective inwardness and exaggerated attempts to come out with ways to get on with the shared reality. A bit confused and at a loss. But charming, endearing, appealing, well-intentioned, and idealistic in ways half delusional and half genuinely restorative.



Men and women in white towels in a steam bath talking and sweating profusely.

When you are personally ill, disattuned, all broken up, you can find a kind of healing and transformation by exposing yourself to shared experiences that give you a boost and let you release what has gotten you to this point. You will find others in similar places to your own. Rituals and styles of change, of opening, of becoming somebody new can become a way of life in themselves-- being thrust into collective cycles, taking on collective karmas, immersing yourself in what is going on with everybody. Feeling it all, sensing what it is like to be human, to be wounded, to be searching. Alive to the multiple chemistries, along an open-ended pathway. Yet you also tend to loop back, to grow attached to the way it seems and to be naive to what you are really doing after all. Experiences and processes must be springboards into really becoming free. And perhaps also by rooting into a place where love is born, out of whose source you can give so abundantly and be sustained in the universal flow, as one who kept at it until all the semblances gave way to the adventure authentically embraced.



A chariot pulled by four elephants.

Embarking upon a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect. But along the way, upon the eternal road, you come upon absolutely everything that can trigger inner changes. You are granted the perfect view of the entire passing scene. And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Slowly, just underneath you become aware, in sync and steady on. And soon all is perfect. You know where you are and you recognize what is asked of those with eyes to see.



Prehistoric paintings on the walls of a vast chamber of a cave.

Lost inside the infinite variety of ways that Earth existence portrays itself and explores itself, you are thrown into an infinity of responses and reactions to the myriad of variations on universal themes. Astounded and dazzled by the way it all comes down, you need to gather a super-expanded field into a coherent progressive pattern, into a virtually random scan attunement, faced with the gargantuan task of coming to know its own real parameters. The only possible path to harnessing and working with this vast multiplicity is to remain artistically and creatively alive to the whole dazzling panorama. Simply choose a mode of expression that can do justice to the infinite scan approach, making it meaningful to everybody-else as an appreciation of all that is here, as an uninhibited celebration of the fullest profusion of soul impressions which reveals and reflects the bounty and the glory, magnificently.



A woman: The lower half of her body is a serpent.

Magic working simultaneously from two divergent levels. The regular, human, everyday magic of holding yourself together as a complex and volatile mix by sheer intent. And the deeper magic of yielding into the under soul, the passions, the desires, the impulses, and the skills of the subconscious levels. Primarily being absorbed in the deep forces of body and soul. But meanwhile bending over backwards to frame everything in normalcy. This combination is extremely difficult to maintain. It is fragile, delicate, and dangerous. You secretly exult in how impossible it really is and urge yourself onward to work this magic and wield it with the same kind of life-force that moves at the edge of an abyss and stays on that edge in a balancing act that may capsize at any moment. And it therefore is entered upon with a passion of the most dazzling cross between sheer foolishness and a wizard's mastery.



A very bored woman who is listening but falling asleep.

Nothing going on. Everything going on. Tuning out inessentials. Tuning in themes and truths which surround and envelop what is here now. You have a fantastic inability to force yourself into alien worlds. Breathing deep of worlds not commonly perceived. Confused and lost on the surface. Out of time, out of place, out of rhythm. Yet inwardly upheld. You must forget and mineralize certain things to remember and optimize others. Virtually perverse insistency upon priorities. Driven from within, lost to the world, found on other frequencies. Searching for an opening, you are bored to tears with the customary. The obvious loses all power, the subtle seduces and brings entry into what is awaiting for those who can conceive the infinite adventure.



A woman carefully counting the beans in a jar.

Taking outward phenomena literally. The utmost in naiveté. You wander into every trap and pitfall with eyes wide open, wanting so badly for everything to add up and to make sense. Lacking a strong center of selfhood. Impressionable to received ideas and at the mercy of conditionings, wanting only to please and to make everybody happy, you are held within the circle of consensus agreement. Behaving in such exemplary fashion that it is too good to be true. All is from the outside in. Lessons in outlasting what you take on, and in showing up after being so far gone that nobody knew where to find you.



Young boys picking and eating cherries off a tree.

Humoring the little self, playing along with it, encouraging it to do its worst. Humorously looking on from a great distance and letting everything go by the paradoxical strategy of giving the little one free rein and by not opposing their pulling through the dramas of the personal. Generous permission is granted for every current and sub current to have a field day, the more the merrier. But even in the midst of piling it on, the fun is going out of being a young fool. For the one way to call the bluff of every errant impulse is to give it such wild, open territory that it runs into itself everywhere. And discovers stunningly that all games of hide-and-seek pale before the real thing of showing up in the world and really letting go into the power and the glory of the life impulse, liberated and enjoyed as the free play of the Divine, with nothing to be ashamed of and no need to hide ever again.



A man with a single horn coming out of his forehead.

When the multisensory faculties are fully in place, worlds open, time stretches, the wonder is born. There had been something missing, something vital forgotten. You are called up to make the difference. Living on the threshold. More magical than can be thought or kept track of. A rapture of multidimensional discovery. Release into the infinite. You cross over and are never the same, seeing what truly is in all of its glory. And coming in fullness of time to claim the timeless ways once again on the next spiral. The rarest of natures is peeking out from behind a picture book and manifesting in ordinary life, with extraordinary clarity.



A magician wearing a live snake for a belt.

A mobius strip of yes into no into yes. Yes is primally the eager embrace of sense-life in a rapture of release. The No is not being able to handle, even remotely, the social repercussions of being viscerally empowered. The further Yes is at last being able to embrace unreservedly the self that got lost in the world and the world that got lost in the self. Until this final reckoning the No wreaks havoc. You thrash around in a frenzy of trying to spin away from reflected images and impressions. You just cannot bear to hold still and be pinned by ideas about who you are and who you are not. An elemental power in spiral vortex action seeks to consume all false selves and to become so authentic that each breath of experience is purely there with no interpretive filter whatsoever. This power ultimately brings everybody to the point of no longer putting up with being trapped in shallow frequencies and bursts everything open, or else is willing to die trying.



An ancient glass vial perfectly preserved.

Soul-memory. Intensively held to ancient faculties. A stunning quality of still feeling the way people felt a very long time ago. A super-sensitivity hidden and protected, disguised and played off of. Underneath being vastly in tune with realms of existence, places, and times that to others areremote but that to you are closer than close. Your unsurpassed ability to bring other realities into this world faithfully, accurately and dispassionately has a dazzling array of accompanying treasures, which include feeling virtually immune to contemporary egoisms and having no problem at all imagining and bringing to life absolutely anything. A repository of timeless knowledge to draw from, yet it is self-replenishing--the bottomless well of source knowingness, unaffected by time, by circumstance, or by any changes you go through. Riches that bear integrity and conviction, and quickly disappear out of view when called to compromise or compete. It is all inside, and it is complete, and it is so very true.



A tremendous boulder hovering over the ocean.

Collective cycles are everything here. You are caught between worlds, part of many, belonging to none. Changes are imminent. The air is buzzing with future currents. No rest, no quiet, no continuity. You verge on astounding things; held poised at the edge. You feel propelled by destiny to obsess upon where we all are now, where we came from, and especially, where we are going. Gathering impressions toward the harvest, staying tuned for further developments. And knowing it's going to come any moment now,

 "I can feel it rising up."



A chameleon with moving pictures appearing on its back.

Blown by the wind. Shifted by every current. Absolutely adaptable. You can become anything on demand--compelled to cover up, to externalize, to be what others wish. Instantaneously given over before you can stop it. An immense gift and a special curse. The gift is to open up every situation simply by being there and participating. The curse is to have your own self discarnate and oblivious. It is a very sharp edge of doing world work and losing self in the process. Agreed to beforehand, quite strange. Yet perfectly beautiful in becoming the world out of love, compassion and a kind of selflessness which just has to be so very transparent and empathic.



In the midst of a forest, a great circular open area.

In Celtic lands, steeped in a power beyond the world, there were openings always into other times and places, from within this time and place. Discovering once again these passages, and sending an expanded part of yourself to explore and inhabit all of the times and places officially denied. And being therefore given to a harkening to the unknown, and to the sensibility of simultaneously feeling linked up with just about everybody everywhere in a mystical, magical realization that pulls you along and calls one to become free and true, you walk onward into the limitless ways as though you had never lost them and no time had elapsed between great inward breaths.



A gypsy cart with a campfire nearby.

Magical ways of life are just about gone and are returning from a completely different side. The instinctual attunement to nature and to God is being trampled under. But the reclaimed, more advanced instincts, after individuality had gone as far as it could go, are becoming the conscience pulse of the planet in a more futuristic way. Wandering from pre-individual states through the maze of individuality into post-individual states--in midstream it is trying to pass as a fully individuated creature. But it is profoundly unstirred by the separative ego fireworks and just waiting for the next evolutionary move to sweep all of it away. Timelessly, inwardly witnessing the passing of worlds. And waiting expectantly for the time when people move out beyond themselves, and discover Cosmos and Earth as one and live in that place as though it never had been lost and the world had never turned against itself.



A black leopard beneath a full moon.

Pursuing what is desired and nothing else. Probing, waiting, stalking, strategically watching for openings. One-pointedly intent upon grabbing and holding what you lost somewhere and must find again. Going for reminders, facsimiles, totems. Hungry for proof that it is there, that it is possible. Alone forever. You are deeply seeking the other side of yourself, the inner partner, the true motivating spark. You have gotten lost in the dark, identified with the one who needs and lacks, the one who is broken fragments of experience. But you are hot on the track of any signs that your love essence can be found in another, in a situation, or within yourself. You search everywhere and come up empty. The one inside will be there, when the outer versions cannot sate your hunger, and as a last resort you feel into your own solitary spaces, willing to meet whoever is there and love them with all your heart.



A single white swan swimming through gray mist.

Different and the same. Distinguished by vertical composure, yet intended to stay down under. A special destiny-task, a mission, an assignment. Taught to blend in and become each world passed through, yet remaining incorrigibly other. Excellent at taking up required roles and ways of life and finding the best in them. You have a remarkable social gift for making the world a better place. Endowed with higher characteristics and heavenly nature, you are sublime, yet shrugging self off--"no big deal." The wonders of anonymity. So many changes to move through, rippling waves of time. Standing far above, dispassionately: "I shall do what is rightful." The singular voice of the highest ethic, pure and essentialized.



Servants giving a woman a bath.

Instinctively drawn to be where everything is happening in order to give and receive invaluable energies, feelings, and messages. The outstanding destiny of one who contacts the source of greater cycles and movements, you have your finger on the pulse of epochal change. Offering freely what you have gathered along your journey and equally welcoming lavish gifts from others. The budding impulse is toward the new kind of community, toward sisterhood and brotherhood unlimited. Sparkling awareness of the cutting edge of evolution and of being somebody on the spot. The convergence of worlds to open a space for the radical unknown to come through, to heal and transform and make a huge difference.



A black rooster.

Proclaiming the gospel of the complex interplay of light and darkness. Invoking the power of the soul's journey through all of the worlds. Poised at the brink of every conceivable possibility. But lingering over the darkness--that which is not yet complete, that which still must be encompassed. Motivated sharply to affirm and acknowledge all sides of life--every possible variation. You are quintessentially driven to bring everything up and out, the creative artist who purges whatever is in there. The veteran life-journeyer who discovers yet again how much more there is than anybody has yet to admit. And the astute observer who delights in the multiplicity, the baffling complexity, the un resolvable open-ended nature of it all. You get almost perverse thrill in overturning partial and fragmentary, naive and simplistic false starts. Most vitally committed to coming up with the hidden element and making sure that it finds its place, that it is done justice to, but not dwelled upon overlong, because here comes the next and then the next. The journey itself is the point, and each juncture is the destination



A tunnel through a mountain.

When darkness comes, you need more darkness if you're ever going to find the light. As the struggle of Earth existence descends upon you, you must find a way to harness the power of that struggle to turn death into rebirth. But it is so pressurized and absolutely relentless a path to walk. Everything you meet reflects the same destiny-dilemma. For you are being pulled through the collective nightmare by an immense evolutionary force, and that means feeling everything, experiencing all of it, and letting everything go. Those pulled in to such a radical track develop core perseverance magnificently and learn to be light while super heavy, and to stay loose while bearing down in tight passages. Eventually, glorious things happen and you can emerge into a whole other reality, knowing how purposeful every step has been, that all of it was necessary and redemptive built a character strength of a mighty fiber, as you knew it would.



A large stately bronze horse.

Pride. Stupendous and rigid pride. "I am right." You have held tightly within reputation, stature, the highest standards, the way it should be. Revering the authority that is central. Vastly given over to schemes and dreams. Idiosyncratic and self-referential, immune to reflection. Driven from before. And always standing up for yourself forcefully, while inwardly self-betrayal oriented and doubtful. Political intrigue. Maintaining the appearance. You don't know how to stop. Karmic ally transfixed by convictions, forces, factions, and biased points of view that seem inevitable. Nothing ever changes, stuck with the same destiny-edge, deeply at the mercy of what has gone before. A link in a chain, strictly enforced.



Pigs being fed.

Feast or famine. Generating a world with an on or off switch. By pressing the off switch habitually, none of your deeper needs or desires are being met, and you resent this with an internal grumble that eats away at your substance. The on switch, pressed in emergencies when you have nothing left, pulls in a very full response to what you crave. Suddenly everybody and everything are there filling you up with goodies. Yet as soon as you have had your fill you starve yourself down to spiritual emaciation. Denying yourself everything is a karmic pattern that you are chronically hooked on. Granting yourself brief reprieves from this ancient sentence is the only way to blow off steam and survive for another round. However, you do acquire a taste for the plus state to come, realizing that if you can release the past, everyone else is willing. And all signs are forward as soon as you let up stinging yourself for past misdeeds and come afresh to life, hungry and willing.



A loud roar as a tornado approaches.

The storms of the world come right through where and when they are needed. They must wipe out ordinary consciousness and bring into play every kind of released spirit and force. When we live in the thick of storms and with always another threatened or impending, we are impelled into depth emotions, tumultuously drawn to activate the undersoul, personally and collectively. You sense the violent urgency, for everybody round about, of whatever you are going through. And so you are plunged into storms to seek cleansing and release, to bring up what is under there and let it play itself out freely. You do this with temptations toward every obsessive or addictive state imaginable and with a tremendous guiding force leading you through any and every extreme, to make all of existence come alive from deep inside--elementally, primal, and regeneratively.



An Egyptian queen with a braided beard.

Bearing intact ancient faculties of an unusual kind. Held between polarities. Fusing together darkness and light, masculine and feminine, earthly and heavenly. An enigma or riddle of destiny. You are motivated to bring together what has been rent asunder by an implacable force of blind determination. Exceedingly resistant to distraction and diversion, you're almost maniacally committed to reforging an initiate's vision in contemporary application. Where the past is held with such undiminished force, it remains at work inside forever. To tap this place wisely and well requires consummate skill. Otherwise, it tends to be self-serious, obsessive-compulsive, and in many ways indigestible in its obdurate reassertion of ancient codes, with so little sensitivity to the human factor.



A dancer with eight arms.

Each and every dimension carries with it a path to follow, a way to become fulfilled within that channel. It is human nature to restrict yourself to one dimension or perhaps two at a time. But nature is no longer enough within the evolving matrix in this planet. Here is the departure point, the mutational edge: the willingness and capacity to develop simultaneously in all eight primary dimensions. Bearing this seed is the most sacred and high-level of tasks. You are being ushered into limitless vistas within. All the new capacities are arising at the same time from every side, and all can be creatively combined into an entirely new way of being. But it takes a life-force that is disciplined, harnessed, mastered. Even in the initial stages, this calls for absolute dedication. If you become overly impressed by yourself, the juices are cut off, everything freezes. But as you learn to cut through all images whatsoever, the fount again supplies boundless vital spark to orchestrate the impossible. Evolutionary breakthrough arises through the physical organism of those individuals who have prepared accordingly. Here is the greatest display of inward ability that can be imagined. May the highest Gods speed you along your finest quest for perfect embodiment.



A small cave located high in the hills and filled with goat dung.

Tumultuous changes. Hanging on to previous identities, ego fragments, and the shrapnel of personal illusion. You are plunged into a karmic process that exposes what is real and what is not, yet harbor such intense old places inside that it takes massive overhaul to get anywhere. Forcing yourself up against a brutally harsh karmic path of exceedingly rough process. But this is what it takes when you have built up in reserve so much retrogressive stuff that you must be enveloped by it in order to uncover a way to be yourself again, without all these barnacles and burdens. Fierce shadow world. Under duress, personal and collective. Tremendously powerful, treacherous and rewarding. Not for the fainthearted.



A retarded man with white hair. He has an angelic countenance.

Split down the middle between advanced and retrogressive dynamics. Karmic a hybrid mixed from opposite sides that seldom go together. Grafting onto an exceedingly inward nature a pointed and driving ambition to become somebody. Yet your inward nature contains within it a host of retrogressive pulls of great power and intensity, and your newfound footing in the world of self- mastery is tense and pressurized by shadows of the past threatening to engulf whatever territory you can begin to make your own. A titanic battle waged behind the scenes between wisdom and folly, both of them bearing immense lessons to move through. The folly is a crucial ingredient to ensure that the attainment of wisdom will also feature compassion and bone-deep endurance. A journey for the long-haul, contested at every split second. Requiring first as much courage, strength, and inner will as you find in there for this purpose, everything being right where it needs to be for the impossible to occur and all of the chains to be cut loose.



A hand with six fingers.

Complex nature. Containing within yourself an extra spiral of self-obsession and ultimately superlative capacity. Subjecting yourself to grueling ordeals, rites of passage. Knowing that if you can eliminate your stark weakness, you can grasp hold of your boundless strength. The weakness is that you refuse to believe in yourself, and this is a hard one to uproot. You must, against the grain, find any and every possible way to get around your own adamant self-rejection. The weakness is based upon karmic past experiences in which you failed yourself. Now you assume it will happen again. So, building up strength and courage inside, toward self-overcoming, is the path. And paradoxically, in order to forge such a deepening of life-will, you must endanger yourself and expose yourself to radical crises, in order to rally to your own side and come into your truth in the midst of cutting through your falsehood; thus reclaiming the primal ground of a form of selfhood that is mutational, wildly improbable, and just could be real after all.



On a human nose a wart that turns into a diamond.

Destructive patterns come around to regenerative places when they are persisted in tenaciously, yet with an eye toward the destructive patterns destroying themselves. Immense wells of misery have accompanied you through the miasmas of being viciously against yourself. And when the misery and the hatred have spent their wastage and their fury, the inner-core self arises unscathed, and incorporates the darkness and the anguish into the ability to raise the dead, to generate miracles, to face everybody with the unfaceable. The veteran of severe internal battles turns around and acknowledges that there is something burning at the center of your being, an essence spark which is immortal and can survive and flourish in the thick of the worst, your own veiled yet potent inner light guiding the journey and never flickering.



Gnarled twisted trees against an overcast sky.

Seeing the worst, feeling the worst, knowing the worst. In tune with darkness, difficulty, and melodrama, you are sharply drawn to points of view and ways of life that bear the stamp of irony, skepticism, and doubt. There can be a corrosive immersion in cycles of falling for the worst. However, you are closely watched by guiding spirits and allowed to become only so far shadowed. And then a massive corrective action asserts itself, reversing many terrifying patterns. Playing with fire, checking out the dark side of the tracks. But inwardly you seek regeneration and even salvation in the most unlikely places, which in the ultimate reckoning may be the most likely places.



A young man with a frail body but a beautiful and noble face.

Old roots crumbling. New self emerging. Historical underpinnings not very strong. The vision of what can be burns bright and clear. You've been held back a long time by questions about health and safety, viability and durability. Always seeming on the way out, yet the internal image of who you are intended to become looms large and seeks to become incarnated. The battle between what could never be and what must emerge. The underlying feeling tone is that somehow, barely, despite all odds, the infinite one can be born directly in the shell of the one who could not be, and then all bets are off. Absolutely anything is possible.



Someone tells a joke and no one laughs.

Discordance between inner self and outer world. Myriad forms of conflict and misunderstanding. The intensity of what has been building up inside has gone too far for too long and has become angry, vengeful, and saturated with resentment. Meanwhile, the broader environment has come to seem, in hallucinatory fashion, to exclude everything you bear, and even to grotesquely deny your chances for a meaningful life. And so you dramatize karmically over and  again the preprogrammed sequence of bringing out inward treasures and finding them spat upon or being given no room to let it out. A state of brooding darkness ensues, fears and doubts multiply. However, a ray of hope exists. You must find, despite yourself, new ways to express and embody, implicitly embracing and encompassing the negative reflection feedback loop and saying "I can bring myself through another way. And this time, I will take the charge off, and just be authentic without expectations or assumptions. And if I do bring myself through this way, I know everybody will get the joke."



Women dressed in black.

They are wailing and mourning. Darkness, heaviness, sobriety, grimness. Grief for lost worlds. Dramatically cleansing what must be let go. Freeing the spirit. Laboriously and intensively preoccupied with endings, and captivated by the past, you are fascinated with the decomposition of things. Living deep in the unconscious, inside collective dramas. Lost to yourself. Thrown into patterns, syndromes, worlds that require drastic measures to transform. A feeling of being cursed. A sensibility of doom. A creation of the worst inside. The long established, deeply ingrained consciousness of stark limitation. Getting under it and destroying it the long hard way.



A woman with a gold tooth.

An extraordinary gift, very abusable and utterly redemptive. You invent, conceive, bring into being whatever you hope for and whatever you dread. Usually the dreads come up more first and dominate for a while. In this cycle you scare up the world's most extreme melodramas, each one of them marked "no way out, no way through." If you should outlast your dread demons, and you shall, you will find, in a very different direction, that there are equally powerful hope angels. You hope and wish and yearn for everybody to go free and this wishing has deep, uncanny power. For you have been nourishing for a very long time two counteracting worlds: the one dark and heavy with foreboding; the other swept clean by the magical will to bring the world around right. The one who made the light go out brings the light back in a seasoned, tempered form. And this renewed light is phosphorescent, glowing in the world's darkness, seeing the way clear, knowing it can be done.



Charon ferries the dead across the river Styx.

The bittersweet combination of death's lessons and life's issues and dilemmas concerning limits. Taking on the projection of the one who brings up, brings out, brings through what everybody would prefer to avoid. Deeply impressed with the humanity karmas around death, and especially around every kind of restriction and heavily pressured passage. Uncovering experientially the magnitude of fears and doubts, avoidances and negations. Yet almost irresistibly tempted to constellate these things, to dramatize personally the shadow worlds. A transformative path can be accessed if you forgive everybody their obtuseness and align with redemptive currents, in complete disregard of the old distortions and phobias--simply passing right through all of it to find a new freedom that is whole.



The mountain abode of a hermit.

A stronghold for secrets, hidden purposes, and inward streams to thrive and prevail. You live several lives in one, harboring the brightest, the darkest, the strangest, and the most wondrous worlds. Accustomed to the shadows and to meditation, prayer, and extraordinary discipline. Remaining in here forever. Absolutely uninvolved with surface affairs, no outer life whatsoever. But inwardly deep, intense, and overwhelmingly driven. Following through on ancient vows. A grim, heavy, somber tone. The capacity for root transformation and extraordinary realization. Your central focus is to be with God in the silence steadfastly, and there is nothing else that comes even close to feeling all the way through, on and true.



People holding hands around a table.

One candle is burning in the middle of  the table. Intimate depths of camaraderie. Forces joined by spirit call. Gathering in the name of a greater vision. Pooling resources, tapping what each does best, both inside the self and in soul links with others. Avid to combine forces. The drive to fuse. Passion, desire, intent, a surge of power. Being hugely drawn to consume separativeness and attain to unity and wholeness. A path or journey that will put you through every test and trial imaginable. Fierce resolve. And encountering shadows and dissipations so thunderous and multiplex that it will take everything it has inside to see this one through.



A rope going up into the sky.

Cosmic connections left dangling until personal dramas have spent themselves, which takes a very long time. But the cosmic overtones accompany every phase of the journey. They give a peculiar quality to the auric field, as though everything already knew its origin and destination and that knowingness had turned all the colors up a notch. This puts the little self sharply on the spot, for everything is heightened, especially including the dramatic power of distortions and negations. These are amplified to an almost unbearable extent. An internal battleground between a surpassingly cosmic nature and a grossly fallen and distorted personal-emotional syndrome. And it is the way of things that the spotlighted karmic cycle of catching yourself in the act of being false must be consumed before the waiting realizations and reunions become fulfilled. A very sharp edge to events, with so much riding on seeing through your own folly, and freeing up the life-force torespond to the greater worlds with a tug and a sign that there is somebody home after all. The greater cycles can now begin.



A serpent wrapped around an immense egg.

Bearing deeply an entirely different future for yourself and everybody. Condemned to hold this off, preserve it, keep it warmed through, not break into it until the signal is given. This is a punishing ordeal, for you know inside a different kind of reality and bear it directly within. But still you must live as if without it. This eventuates in a barren world, an outwardly determined existence in which things must be endured just about forever. You are testing yourself, making sure that you are worthy to bear your great treasure across the abyss. Do you have the forces to be steady, implacable, sound and reliable, and not turn negative and become the resentful martyr? Do you know how to do the right thing even when you do not quite feel it inside? Deep at the core of your being incredible things are completely and utterly alive. And they will come through when you have fully overcome the old karmas and shown yourself to be strong, clear, and true, even in a divided world that is past-fixated and at the end of its cycle, hanging on a bit too long.



A pair of glasses with no lenses in them.

Brutally direct vision and will focused straight down the middle. An outrageously maverick sensibility, convinced that seeing it all just like it is, is the only way to go. Defiant of roles, masks, and secondary references. Hugely unimpressed by any form of privilege or specialness. Desperate to break through all barriers, to go for the jugular vein. Neither temperate nor balanced in any sense. In the path of bluntly insisting upon your right of way you encounter huge shadows, and you are sorely tempted to assume that they come from the others. But eventually, the hard way, the truth makes itself known that ornery self-righteousness casts its own formidable shadows, and each and every one of these lays a claim upon you, you cannot refuse. Only when the rage has turned to love do the karmic shadows disperse and bare existence then become a true place to be.



A rug woven out of rags.

You take everything you experience in all its roughage, just as it is. And you form a vessel that is hardy and strong and enduring and you put all of yourself into it, you leave nothing out. With fervor and intent, you put in there all the darkness and every difficult emotion you have got. For you are the quintessential example of what it has been like around here and how it feels. The collective karmas choose carefully those who can merge with what everybody is going through and by sheer guts take it further, perhaps toward mutational breakthrough. To qualify, you have to grind yourself to bits with rude honesty, even at your own expense. Because this is how it is, no shortcuts, no easy answers. Emotionally, this is the depth experience at its most intense. But there is an evolutionary drive of overwhelming power pushing you through the worst. And along this pathway you will definitely find out what you are made of and what has been stopping everybody and whether you have it in you to start things off again in a different direction in the Earth crucible, with no place to hide.



A collection of dolls.

The inside of things takes charge when the ego-self is out of the picture and we are free to go with our fancy. The outer side of things becomes purely symbolic, just one way to do it. When the formative soul has its way, the world is recreated in a different image. Eliminating the usual mental considerations, the formative soul sticks to how things feel inside, and pushes for a world that matches the inner pictures. Becoming bound up with subtle and hidden layers of existence and tuned out of what is obvious and straightforward. Deeply driven to move out beyond the known into other realities. A resourcefulness that knows no bounds. Able to turn anything back into what it was meant to be. In the process, you crack through every kind of consensus agreement, becoming an outlaw, fused with core existence and drawing the energy out of empty forms into what is here. When you can feel the magic and know it is real, it is the touchstone to make it all real again.



Coca bushes growing wild in the Andes Mountains.


The proliferation of worlds. Discovery that there is more, far more. The burden of knowing too much, too soon. And the desperation to escape from your destiny into any one of so many worlds. An overwhelming need to deny what lives within. A well-practiced art of self-evasion, intricate and

advanced. Yet the pursuer, the destiny-being, is relentless and unimpressed with excuses. When tracked down and faced with everything you most fear, there begins a different journey to the heart of existence.



A doctor experimenting on himself with new drugs.

The analytical disposition carried to its furthest extreme. Life itself is barely valued. Individual survival is no issue. What counts is the truth, but sometimes it is a strange truth. A little bit too skeletal and stark and surreal to be a basis for ongoing life. In touch with dark truths, and at times abandoned to the power of death currents of a negative kind. Magnetically attracted to decadent thinking and distorted worlds. Supercharged with an almost random desire to find out what is in there. Clinical, quasi-objective, and piercing. You feel a great need to wake up out of the trance of fate and of darkness to learn to feel again, to have things matter, to have life prevail, and to return to yourself as a sentient being who deserves to be here free and clear.



A she-wolf. Her udders full of milk.

Bearing within you something vast and wild and true. Your instincts given over to this seed. What can be must be impels sacrifice and renunciation. Being held in the grip of vast, primordial forces. Taken over by depths that forge new worlds into being. Stunned into submission. Unconsciously obsessed with something that lives within you and cannot be forgotten. Supercharged with energy. In tune with the Earth's cycles. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. The hidden worlds take charge. Individuality is eclipsed, and the surge of power dominates consciousness and life by its intensity and ruthless current right through the body, and there is nothing to say about it.



Three blue robin eggs.

Holding inside you a complete future vision. Preserving and guarding a limitless awareness of what can be and of what shall be. You feel so pervasively the impact of what you carry inside that each piece of it now becomes supercharged with meaning and archetypal power, beyond how it might seem to anybody else. Being in the preliminary stages of something so vast and staggering that even those stages feel momentous beyond conception. Just about bowled over by future destiny. The personal self of now is cast into shadow, seeming trivial, a throwaway. But so transported by prenatal resolves to go all the way this time that any sacrifice or difficulty is chalked up to necessary stages of rough process. And the inner mind holds its lodestar in view, and simply cooks inside till it's time to boil over.



A building: the only part of it left is the cornerstone.

Sacrificing and renouncing the full flood of all you are capable of in order to make way for the bare bones of what stark destiny insists upon. Dropping everything to become attuned to collective destiny calls. Doing so often with considerable damage to yourself. A ruthless will, a fierce life direction. Almost no self-compassion or self-sympathy. It has got be this way if you are intent upon making yourself available to what is asked or intended, with every part of yourself out of the picture except your core indomitable conviction that something hugely important is going on here and all personal considerations are as nothing. This is a path that will draw you through some scary and extreme places--many deaths--and can draw you into a place of sheer one-pointed reality, into becoming as lucidly all here as can humanly be attained.



An umbilical cord.

Definitely completely attached, but what you are attached to changes drastically. Each time it is to the source of sustenance. If at first a mother, womb, an elemental past, it can easily become later on a great teacher, a path, a journey. You are still thoroughly, personally hooked into the sweetness, the juice, the power. Yet as the levels shift, as the attunement deepens, you go from destructive enmeshment toward incredible openings. And as you learn to cut loose from each last thing and to move toward the next greater thing, you become adept in the rough process of inner soul work. You have an extraordinary aptitude for taking the most binding and heavy-duty circuits and moving into and through them, grasping hold of the guiding influence of ever-greater circles of allegiance. Leading eventually toward mutation and evolutionary breakthrough of the first magnitude.



A very dark sky, but no rain.

Holding over yourself karmic matters. The probation of the soul. Intent is all. A karmic dilemma of long standing. An advanced stage of the warrior battling the self. A gloomy foreboding. Self- mistrust. Holding back at the edge with a heavy heart, with a desperation to break through. Yet you have an eerie capacity for denying yourself what is sought. Inwardly frightened, even terrorized.



A woman, manacled in solid gold chains.

Vividly attached to your own personal limitations, idiosyncrasies, and karmic backlog, you are identified within the strict circle of familiar difficulties, dilemmas, issues, and problems. Habituated to a thick atmosphere of being surrounded and enveloped by all the places you have hung out forever. Immobilized in your will and truly feeling incapable of overthrowing the past. You feel chaotically fascinated by and deeply saturated in patterns, syndromes, and subconscious escapes. Yet in the fiery midst of this very enchantment, you can go free if you inwardly come to a place where all the old spells no longer work and your resurgent spirit simply refuses to confound itself any further.



Many iris blooming in a wide variety of colors.

A vast multiplicity of vantage points, ways of being, complete identities. Fabulously suggestible and impressionable. Fanning out in all directions, becoming one with everything. Desiring and needing to bring forth each self you have ever been, every fancy you are filled with, you are impetuous, outrageous, and irrepressible. Freedom at all costs. The moment prevails. Ferment and flux. A great difficulty in holding steady, perpetual adolescent rebellion, and the magnificent ability to become absolutely anything. Experience is all. Your deepest need is to embrace your astounding nature and let it be free, despite all signs to the contrary.



Clouds overhead seen in a reflecting pool.

Enlightenment rarely comes by pursuing straight lines, by following predictable tracks. If you wish to find the secrets to the mysteries, you must give yourself over completely to the flux and to the ferment, and allow the winds of destiny to prevail entirely. This immediate sense world casts a very different glow than the heavens ever could. By identifying yourself with each shifting nuance, every flicker of instantaneous movement, you find the inner worlds way to waking up here in this Earth. But this journey is a perilous one, for you become awash in so many far-flung spheres, and there is no map and there are no shortcuts. You must somehow see right through your own most addictive and compulsive impulses, and ride the wild waves homeward through sheer presence of mind and gut conviction that everywhere leads to the same place. And that if you find yourself cast into any corner of fate it is the one perfect place to get home free within, if you can hang on and let go and never lose your sense of humor.



A young prince undresses to bathe in a pool.

Seeking your own reflection. Willing to go to any lengths to divest yourself of that which stands between yourself and your world. Seeking a path, a practice, a journey from an insulated way of life to a vitally engaged way of life, but hung up at the point of giving yourself completely over. Stalling for time, reaching for excuses, pulling in escapes and perpetuations of the status quo, you linger on the brink between one world and another. Propelled forward, but equally jerked backward. Destiny shall assert itself in a forward direction at the right time. And before that happens the drama of "will he, won't he?" dominates consciousness and energy, keeping everything tense, fascinating, and hopeful.



Three women materializing out of a fog.

Being mesmerized by your own triple reflection. Casting a huge chunk of your own soul back into the dim past, casting another chunk of your soul into the remote future, and enshrouding the present time chunk of your soul in layer after layer of obscurity and evasiveness. Living simultaneously in past, present, and future, but with all three time frequencies held away. Therefore, to a fantastic extent, you live inside the subconscious mind with virtually no conscious outlet. Down inside there something extraordinary is happening. Free from the glare of any form of overt reflection you are gestating, healing, and making yourself ready for the infinite unknown to pop or hatch. Intensive seething forces of dreaming into the void, the great abyss. And while knocked out of outer commission, liberated to conceive the inconceivable and to renew your tangled and damaged roots in the old wise woman way that never ages and always works.



A pair of shoes with live wings on each.

To delight in pursuit is never to get there, but to enjoy the ride all the way. To identify with flight is to run from what is dense and heavy and to deny the pain of Earth. And to dream of a personal limitlessness is to stay out of realities that bind. The longing and the craving, the fantasy and the vision are everything here. And as you perpetuate illusions you feel no pain. Somewhere you are convinced that the very best thing is to be free, and that to fall for linear progression is to be a fool. Everything you know and follow is true in worlds beyond, and false in the dense immediacy of Earth experience.



Rats with ruby eyes.

Uncanny mentality. Knows what's going on. Virtually psychic ability to follow inner subtle tracks. You are accustomed to the dark. At home in the margins, living upon scraps and notions, following a hunch--you are full of superstitions, idiosyncratic and cranky. Given over to an on-the-edge world that hugs twilight. Essentially neither this nor that. Independent, anarchic, and full of surprises. Resilient, tough, strong, and enduring, but self-obstructive, and prone to a form of trance which attracts astral entities and may lose the path in the mists.



The harsh landscape of the moon with a black sky.

The Earth is not visible. When chaos joins forces with hard and heavy dense frequencies, we are in for an exceedingly difficult journey. The feeling level is depressive and anguish-susceptible. The energies are chaotic and almost random. The result is an undercurrent, an undertow that is vicious. All seems hopeless-- the situation contains no relief in sight. In the thick of this dilemma, a momentum toward the future is being seeded in one of two directions. Either you are condemning yourself to grim and forbidding territory as a form of self-punishment for being so far off, or you are preparing the way for a change of heart toward compassion and forgiveness, even for your own greatest weaknesses. It all depends upon whether you can allow in a spiritual light of redemption for the worst. Or whether instead your mind is made up, and another round of no nourishment at all is in order for the one who is lost and now has no way back. That is, until you let the light in to this terrible darkness and radically relent from your judgmental stance.



A man with green skin.

He is dressed in leaves. Playful, exuberant, spontaneous, and elusive, you are restless under constraint, with all of civilization representing constraint. Desperate to be free. When not held down, you have spectacular abilities and affinities. But when bound by time, you become abrasive and provoking. Temperamental in extreme ways. Aching for free movement in a vast territory. Drawn to every extreme that exists. The body and soul of one who can never be identified, tamed, narrowed. You are the one who knows how the deep Earth is surging with volatile currents, and these bear all hope and promise if they are followed with open arms. The one who shows everybody what life is like when it lets itself go and contagiously ripples with permission and encouragement for each and all to come out and play and explore the far edges, and even perhaps over those edges into the greater wilderness. Claiming the allegiance of those whose wildness is no passing whim, but the only viable way.



A star turning many different colors.

Bedazzled by the lights, intoxicated with the display, amazed and stunned by the spectacle. You are your own audience, your own accompanist, your own shadow-catcher. Prone to excess in all things, in a release of spirits unending. Becoming roles, worlds, ways of presenting self. Taking karmic episodes of the past and replaying them in another variation. Given over to the senses, body- charged, chaotic, and commanding. Taking life through all its shifts and nuances with easy and spectacular capacity, you feel somewhat at the mercy of the shadow that comes back to haunt. Effortless grace and subtle burnout. For there is more than this, and it will not come unless this does consume itself, and makes way for the unknown as the only place to go when the excitement wears off.



A string of pearls.

Everything seems equal to everything else. Life coming in at such an angle of perception that it always leads to the same places. What goes around comes around. Characteristic observations, pet phrases, cliches, truisms. Becoming aware that everything makes perfect sense, that it all fits together as naturally as can be and that all you have to do is pay attention. There is a second, deeper lesson--elusive and baffling--that may ultimately prove to be centered around "Who is the observer, and what is that special ingredient they put in there that makes everything so self-evident?" If the world is right there for the asking, the self remains an enigma, an unknown, the territory yet to be mapped out or rendered commonsensical.



Icicles melting.

Soul timing. Slow and formative. Waiting for fullness and ripeness. Outliving old stuck patterns by slowly wearing them out. Deep process. You experience lessons in humility and simplicity. An extravagant streak which relents only after relentless pressure. Cross-purposes. You have an attachment to personal inclination of the most stubborn kind, and yet a desperate drive to get beyond the shadows. Interior dialogue and dispute. The slow burning way. And allowing pride to surrender without being made wrong. Elaborate maneuvers toward significant breakthrough.



An embalmer at work on a mummy.

Death manifests among the living in myriad forms and guises. It is unforgettable in its imprint. Those who are drawn to get close to death and to get involved with it have their own set of challenges accordingly. Will they get wrapped up in the lesser levels of death and turn into habitual trapped creatures, or will they extend the range of their affinity and their allegiance to encompass the redemptive and the regenerative aspects of death? Being magnetized to relive previous deaths, to learn the ways of death and to fathom its mysteries, and being able to move among many sides of this equation. But ultimately drawn either to indulge the regressive loop of being in circles of recurrence, swept away, or to open up the space tremendously--to collaborate with the lively ones among the dead, and to discover that in their world, which is scooped out in that exquisite sensibility through which the lively dead see this world, they celebrate its free becoming more fully than anybody else would be able to approach in that sparkling way.



A terrarium filled with carnivorous plants.

Deposited in the jungle, the pit, the open sewer; exposed mercilessly to the worst chaos, multiplicity, and darkness the world has to offer. Toughened, seasoned, tempered under duress. Forced to get it. Magnetizing the collective crises and sub currents can give you a crash course in what has happened to the world and what must be done about it. You feel especially keenly pulled to participate in situations where anything goes and you must live by your wits or else. This is the fast, hard way to get a refresher course in the tortures and the plagues, in order to come up with solutions and alternatives of the most avid, incisive, and irresistible kind.



A tidal wave approaching.

The momentum of collective events runs toward floodtide when there is a major transition from one whole cycle to another. The personal life stream runs in similar patterns. When you're getting ready to take off in a whole different direction, there is first a transition that is both immensely exciting and fantastically disturbing. You feel just about swept away by the oncoming changes and just before they really get going, the tension, the pressure, and the strain can tear you apart. You want to go with it, yet you yearn for sanctuary. This keen ambivalence gets loaded with desire, anticipation, memory pictures, and utopian visions. The mix is volatile. Learning how to ride this wave is such a great endeavor that it, in itself, becomes what it is all about. The consummate opportunity to open wide, but stay substantively firm and concentrated. Mastery or bust. The infinite future or wipe-out. A spine-tingle all the way.



A man shearing sheep.

Practical fortitude. Resiliency to keep finding a way to do it, to keep discovering how to get through the deepest quandaries, the greatest karmic traps. Ingenious and resourceful. Paying attention to the cues, going to get it right. You're involved within a path which requires discipleship or apprenticeship, learning the ropes. Building up fresh capacity in this lifetime to scale the heights. But you remain preoccupied and absorbed within honest tasks. A pervasive conviction grows and forms, of how it really is. You're willing to take every step to reach a far goal, and attentive to what is really there. A throwback to the old ways of a rural past. Oddly comfortable in adopting forms and moving through phases and taking on the worlds. The journeyman learns the ways of the journey and gathers Earth wisdom in small bundles. Knowing how to be there when it counts.



A monkey dressed in a brocade coat.

Playing with roles, masks, and the tricky side of life, you simulate whichever facet will optimize the situation. You're permitted great latitude in improvising and going off on tangents. Becoming constructively chaotic, harnessing the forces of the collective madness. Ingenious and witty and bright. Devoid of substance, virtually pure image. Having fun, and trying things on for size. Slipping in and slipping out. Playing games. You are also empowered from within to throw off all solemnities, and to free up situations whichever way it will work, without moral standards to inhibit the free flow of inventive enthusiasms.



Rose petals scattered on a path.

Protection, guidance, grace dispensation. Offered a way to move right through the middle of life's labyrinths and stay straight on. Your innate sanctity preserves you against the play of the opposites, you stay singular, straightforward. Throwing off complications and conundrums, you stick with what is sweet and eternal. Most essentially, you wear a cloak of innocence, a tightly fitting garment of un worldliness. And as you pass for a fortunate and blessed soul, it all turns out to be true.



A monstrous sea creature dead, washed up on the beach.

Poisons, toxins, the refuse of what is incomplete create a stink and a sensation. It is horrible to be rotting away in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it is worse for everybody to know it and nobody to be able to do anything about it. Each and every inward distortion magnifies itself and takes over the situation. You are getting a great chance to behold every old syndrome played back everywhere. And if you can forgive and move on, all of it will be more than worth it, no matter how sickening it felt at the time.



The changing of water into wine.

The accustomed round of events is a set-up, and a springboard into what we hope to find when we search and strive. The basic circle of common experience is the indispensable container for miracles to be born. The ongoing continuum of life takes through itself the innovative and the visionary, and offers the arena for the action to reach across to everybody. The ordinary is ecstatic with promise, fertile with worlds beyond. And almost all of it makes itself felt, gently and intrinsically. Enhancing all budding possibilities, and prophetic of a new Earth to be inhabited every day in full sense- embrace, is ravishingly part of the mix.



Toads singing at night.

X marks the spot. Plugged in to universal currents of energy and awareness. You listen and look toward the collective, universal voice and resonance, pervasively sensing how the inner worlds synchronize with the outer worlds. A magical, shamanic realm in all respects, working from the sacred circle and the cone of light. Alchemical transmutation from state to state and world to world. In touch with the borderline, hugging the edges. You feel especially keen to taste and feel what needs to happen, what wants to arise, tapping the pulse of the times and speaking for all of those who stay tuned in for further developments.



Blackbirds flying out of a pie.

Darkness seeks release by the right vessel, at the right time, in the right place. You must be able to contain the darkness and to form it into an exquisitely sculpted-out seething chaos, and then discover your willingness and ability to reverse field, to give over the very thing you took as your own. This comes the hard way, by enduring the ravages of living in a volatile chaos almost as victim and then seizing command of your own vessel. Until you do it, the darkness leaks out around the edges and fosters the worst all around. Usually, triggering so much subtle destruction and indulgence in the negative brings you up short, and triggers the final reckoning and the huge release, sending darkness on its way and opening a space for light to flood through and start a new cycle, where the old had seemed to be decadent and established for the duration.



A woman wearing many tiny bells.

Methodology, technique, the how of things. Immersing yourself in the field of new ideas, fresh approaches, and innovative paths, imaginatively and energetically. Exposing yourself to possibilities, visions, ways to evolve. The body's wisdom musically in touch and in tune, sensing the resonance of cellular awakening. Eager and enthusiastic and bright, you have given over to the process. Always in midstream. Seizing upon opportunities, challenges, openings. Needing to know just how it feels at the micro levels. What is it like to be free, to be joyous, to be unrestricted, here in the body, in the world? You seek the full-on motivating spark of knowing what it feels like to be tuned out and discovering what it really means to be tuned in all the way.



A statue of Isis covered by a transparent veil.

The one who lives inside is awash in colors, tones, and symbolic ritual displays of an extraordinarily precise attunement to the heart and soul of ancient wisdom. You are suspended in a long-ago time. So much of your being is still back there. The evolution of the world since the ancient times is neither acknowledged nor accommodated in any way. It all depends upon whether this exquisite gift of soul remembrance is honored or exploited. If it is exploited, which is so very tempting, the life empties out of meaning and value and becomes false and repulsive. If it is honored, the expanded faculties on tap become revitalized and find a fresh relevance. As the Divine Feminine reveals what we need to know and draws us to our utmost capacity, it is with an un fallen grace of sensing directly into the deepest parts of people and all they can become in the ancient future just ahead.



A small boat with no one in it. It is gradually drifting out to sea.

When life is a dream, not too much of selfhood is asked for or welcome. Ancestors, previous lifetimes, collective currents feed the dream, keep it alive. The self hugs a secretive outpost of neither being with nor being against. One of the remarkable things that happens is that spirit can speak and reveal much. One of the habits which easily proliferates here is to take no responsibility for anything. And one of the primal paths through is to drift deeper down in and to let all ego go, yet move with the soul as it is guided to each and every place it is meant to travel.



Climbing the steps of the pyramid of the sun.

Classical Maya civilization reenacted in fresh forms. Always having the Greater Sun beating down, always aware of the vaster picture. You tap a sensibility that is profound and extraordinary, the greater Gods and the human scene juxtaposed mightily. In tune with progressive evolutionary currents, you work very hard to reinstate the sacred upon the next spiral. Tuned in to what is really happening here. An expanded space for dreaming, remembering, conceiving, visualizing, and creating. Absolutely knowing that the galactic forces are integral to every breath, and moving toward true galactic citizenship with a passion.



Siamese twins talking to each other.

Intimate exposure to currents, energies, and contexts which turn you inside out and upside down. Being hyper-impressionable, super suggestible, and uncomfortably close and awkward. Nothing feels right. Nothing goes where it is supposed to. However, something entirely different is on its way. It is a matter of outlasting the fate of the past and resiliently coming back to life by surprise. The return is orchestrated by invisible forces. You're captivated by strange old stories with an incestuous, serpentine entrapment to them, and called utterly beyond all of this. You have the capacity to release and renounce the most confounding combinations of factors, and to leap vibrantly into unknown country with barely a scratch, everything going your way.



A witch's ritual dagger.

Strong, focused intent to create and stay with your own world within the world. Being flooded by collective contents and then strategically carving out a distinctive way of being with an emphasis upon eccentricity and maverick ways. Being impelled to generate tenuous yet firm boundaries to give any hope at all of continuity and consistency. You are at an advanced and intricate crossroads in development, where you are inwardly blown wide open and outwardly desperate to forge individuality and personal life. The cosmos inundates the landscape. And the one inside the body makes endless small gestures to constitute an island reality that fools nobody and only momentarily keeps the floodtide at bay.



The ritual slaughtering of a lamb.

It is so hard to give up your fondest notions. It is so testing and trying to be asked by universal spirit to surrender your privileges, to renounce your claim upon your own life. And it is even an extreme act of self-transcendence to come to terms with the position you find yourself in as it really is. Ego- busting comes as a rude shock, even when the time is at hand to leap beyond your own shadow. The very idea draws out to the surface every resistance imaginable. The mind goes crazy with this edge. If only you could control it, manipulate it, relativize it. But excruciating self-awareness accompanies this edge--in particular no sentimentality towards your own excuses and reasons. For you are at that point where there is no place to hide and nothing to do except surrender gracefully, when you have exhausted every other option and found them to be null and void.



The completion of a large Persian rug.

The design of the world-matrix entered upon, fathomed, appreciated, beheld, and entered into completely. Losing the self and finding the self. Dancing at the edge of infinity, you are able to take up any lesson or phase with utter, rapt abandon, You've been given the chance to take personally and collectively every old karmic cycle and free it up and move onward. An arduous, consuming endeavor. The sensation of bondage and freedom as one. You feel driven to the utmost extent to become all of yourself and to be done with errant fragments. The process is endless, yet each stroke is inspired and transcendent and blessed. For when you agree to take on what nobody can take on, you are a thousand-fold blessed and given every consideration, as you're doing the true work, letting the world-matrix breathe into spaces beyond.



A canopy bed with curtains.

Standing on the inside of life. Protected and guarded, guided and led. Held fast. Kept so far back inside that what does express itself is purely a ceremonial display, a formal declaration. The observer or witness empowered to prevail--able to see, to realize, to comprehend the mysteries. Clairvoyance. Keenly sensing and viewing meaning and value, purpose and spirit backbone. So very strongly and steadily directed from within that there is no outer, there is nothing to do. Instead, you center yourself and align with who you truly are and stalwartly remain in the place of authority and power and inward truth as your statement and the only thing you know.



A wisdom tooth that has been removed from someone's mouth.

It is plated with gold. It is useless to know certain things out of context. If you have always known something crucially important, that kind of knowing does not serve you any longer. So you must place yourself in the antithesis of what you have always known, and then when all seems lost, chaotic and super-strange, you must find deep inside you that spark of what you have always known, which holds true under impossible conditions. It always turns out that the massive superstructure, the beliefs and the concepts, fall away, crumble to dust. But what was deeply and truly learned and made your own emerges far stronger than ever and provides a basis for the future. Meanwhile, in the thick of the action, it can look pretty desperate until the need is so acute that you reawaken that special place and make it work for you, when truth is a matter of life or death.



A woman sniffing pepper and sneezing violently.

Attractions and repulsions, convictions, beliefs, antipathies, and judgments. Being confronted karmic ally with whatever you most phobic ally seek to run away from. Mercilessly and ruthlessly over and again forced to come to terms with what you hate and cannot deal with. The fast and strong and hard path to get through mountains of karma and move onward. Yet each episode, every cycle of recapitulation, tends to be engulfing and consuming. You must discover the lost art of taking up karmic lessons without any indulgence in self-flagellation. If you can meet it and release it, get inside of it and be done with it, the process works. But if you linger over right and wrong, blame and praise, the swirls pull you too far under too long and the path through becomes a repetition compulsion, with very little real breakthrough.



Footprints in the snow.

You are following your own footsteps. In the last previous lifetime, you set into motion a very full karmic momentum, which only got to midstream. This time you first recapitulate the previous patterns and then set out where they lead. All of it, every step, feels fated, inevitable. It is an uncannily strong inward impression. Yet in order to permit the soul of this lifetime some measure of autonomy and freedom, this knowledge is held in the super conscious mind, and you can then cast about as though nothing had happened before. Except that the inward instincts direct you in a predetermined course, and the lessons and the scenes are so very familiar. When individual karma is this strong, the truth is that you must go through what you have set yourself to take on. And inwardly you know it, while outwardly you tread lightly, whistling in the dark, hoping that heavy feeling does not mean what you know it means, for better and for worse.



Tall dark cypress trees in a cemetery.

The vertical dimension prevailing completely. Bearing the authority of life, of death, and of the two worlds brought into synthesis, you have the compelling stature of one who has seen life through before and has attained to ripe wisdom and the glory of realization. Standing tall and erect and strong. Staying aligned with the will of the Father. Intensely involved with humanity and the sufferings and longings that saturate the world. Singularly and purposively assigned to bring into present time the truths from beyond this world that can sustain this world through her travail. Simply knowing from always the way it is and the way it must be, and breathing that truth as your fiber and backbone.



An ancient gold scarab lying in the sand.

Ancient wisdom can become miniaturized, essentialized, stripped down to fit within changed worlds. The quintessential ability to recognize what counts, what is vitally relevant, what must be kept in mind. Discerning judiciously what is livable truth and how the mysteries play out in the material world, you are so stark and spare that the cosmic overtones are turned out and the practical applications are turned in. The expression becomes more worldly and pragmatic. But inside of everything, the code behind world phenomena is being held in view. Law, ethic, principle, and high standards. Being a representative of the priestly caste of old in modern dress, and most of all knowing how to handle yourself impeccably.



A satyr gazing at his reflection in a pond.

A jaundiced eye based on past experience bending the truth to fit negative preconceptions. Long ago and far away, having become enchanted or imprisoned in a lesser state of consciousness, you still follow out the consequences karmically. Wildly driven to impose the past, to convict yourself of ancient crimes. Self-righteously wrong. Gloriously depraved. Virtuously impoverished. Devoting magnificent resources to a bleak, forbidding track. So hard on self that mercy and compassion are out of reach. Brutal realism that simply proves its own premises to be correct. All this is ultimately redemptive if a higher law, a more fertile truth intervenes. But it takes miracles, and you do not believe in them nor feel worthy of them. Yet miracles it will be if your self-condemnation lets them in at the crucial destiny-moment; just as you knew it would be, underneath the practiced frown in your twinkling heart.



A snake charmer.

Engrossed in the path of power. Relying upon wits. Super clever. Outsmarting, outmaneuvering all possible rivals. Identified with psychic power. Versed in the arts of the sorcerer. Immensely concentrated inside. Superbly masterful. Exceedingly susceptible to corruption and distortion and most especially to using your gifts for personal advantage. You are cautioned mightily to curb atavistic tendencies to lean back upon the old psychic bag of tricks. Needing to learn to transmute the outlaw skills into world-serving instruments of progressive evolution on a wider scale. Meanwhile, the rascal, the exception to every rule, the you who know your way around things, the impressive character, must find a path beyond their own driving force, becoming in tune once again with what is really needed here when you have something great to offer.



A woman washes a man's feet and dries them with her hair.

Unfallen light becomes a force to be reckoned with, for it seeks to renew the world. Small things add up here as ritual pervades. Greater worlds' beings called in to mediate, guide, heighten, restore, and heal. Your intuitive faculties are resplendent with inner pictures. Something great to be done in small steps, taken up from within. A great journey from the origin of the world to full creative power of the living spirit enacted faithfully.



A man drinking blood from the vein in a horse's leg.

Being driven to tap whatever source promises inward sustenance, you are wildly propelled to journey anywhere, do anything, go to any lengths to come upon something vital here in the world. Tending to feel desperate, abandoned, forsaken. Unable to find what you crave in any of the usual places. Instead, magnetized to the wild and the free and whatever has yet to become tainted by civilization. Drawn far back to gain propulsion to go forward with conviction and power, and with deep embodied presence that cannot be taken away from itself by any passing wind.



A young boy joyously kisses a fat old lady.

Polarities go against each other in order to find each other again. When they are still busy going against each other, they pull you apart. And this experience is so definitive, so intensive, and so traumatic that you learn to bring the polarities back together any way you can. The journey to make this possible is an extensive one, because along the way you must mediate between discrimination and release. You are walking a collective karmic edge between the old and the new, in which both of them must be honored in just the right ways. Yet the work it takes to bring polarities together in fresh ways is monumental. And that work is utterly redemptive, of infinite meaning and scope, in opening doors and letting totality in by conviction, by affinity, and by surrender to the great inevitable.



A beautiful, erotic fat woman eating chocolates.

Obsession with images of what is desirable and undesirable. Polarization of the inward awareness between plus and minus. The extreme reliance upon external proof, external props, and external projection. Everything blown up to be so dramatic, so total, and so pressurized that what comes forth is the inversion of what is sought. Placing yourself in predicaments and dilemmas which are impossible and gross. Yet being stalwartly resistant to getting the message that when you persist in polarizing your world between the absolute ideal and the abysmal norm, you tear apart your world and your being.



A very old wrinkled brown paper sack.

Use and misuse. Taking advantage of your own beast of burden endurance to get the most out of yourself you possibly can. Extracting productive results from all other factors and fixating upon these. Eventually you get what you put into it. And if there is a self-exploitative or a darkly-abusive side to your way of operating, it generates the karma of aging and death and blight. It becomes crucial to develop, against the grain, compassion and all the gentler feelings. Because if unchecked, the heavy-handed self-demand to make the world work better at all costs will decimate the inner self.



Beads carved from human bone.

The body carries memories of every world we have ever been through. These memory strings or beads bind us to the Earth. We feel pinned to the spot, responsible for everything that happens around us--somehow the one in charge. For we are carrying the continuous memory and legacy of the ancient mystery-streams and of forgotten modes of knowledge. We bear the treasures intact. It makes everything count. It means that we cannot get away from ourselves or our fate for a moment; we are compelled to fulfill our vows and to bring into this world the towering awareness and strange resonance of the giants, of the ancestors, of the great ones, of the inner ways. Never lost; impossible to forget.



A woman wearing a necklace of skulls.

Feminine power of the deepest kind. Ancient, impressive, and formidable. Standing for the Dark Goddess. Authoritative, proud, and knowledgeable. Can be attracted to pouring on the power and becoming personally identified with dominant behaviors. Lack of compassion, very little forgiveness. Not generous-spirited. Imperious, demanding, and not to be denied. If sparked by wakeful seeing--redemptive and cauterizingly renewing. But if captured by old pictures--autocratic, ideological, and retaliatory. The perfect soul-gift for those with pure intention. Otherwise, a scourge.



Dinosaur bones discovered while digging.

Purpose marks the spot. A mixed-up approach. Fusing together components that do not match. Doggedly pursuing straight intent, yet you're wide open, unwittingly, to whatever will show you a different picture. Tremendous karmic backlog. Oppressive and detailed. The soul's record kept

strictly in mind--there's no freedom here. The future does not dawn. However, redemptive hard work is immensely powerful, harnessed as what must be done to achieve a goal you've barely glimpsed. Something great is possible if all assumptions are cast away and the direct evidence of deep experience becomes centrally there.



A gold ring baked into a cake.

Initiation is a secretive affair. It calls forth discernment and offers immense awakening. It is a narrow path, stern and demanding. Everything proves illusory. The world becomes an empty egg. Yet the guiding ray is so pure. And if the tests are passed, exquisite self-realization is there. A reminder of what you've forgotten. A vow or promise reinstated. Something neglected and denied returning in the most startling ways. A fate like feeling of get-it-now or get-it-later. No fruitions in the outer, yet all is bright on the inner.



A black leopard with green eyes.

Total intensity of inward and outward endeavor. Goal oriented, plans-intensive. Schematic, premeditated, comprehensive. Elaborately sophisticated at implementing vision in action. Aware of your own position--standing above, seeing it all, and magnificent at putting everything together. An old karmic knack coming in handy. A past master in the arts of manifestation. The emperor. Astute, adroit, keenly observant. So strategic and clever and cool that there can be corruption. If distortion sets in a subtle, insidious suggestion of self-importance and abuse of power will arise. Superlative consciousness needing advanced handling to stay truth-centered and immune to the false light of power.



A half-eaten piece of bread.

Utilitarian considerations. Observing the self through objectified eyes. Conditioning and programming. Talking self and others into following the program. Astute wheeler-dealer. You're not there in it, picturing it as though it were something brutally obvious and commonplace. Decadence, barbarian tendencies. Sympathies with the consciousness of problems and issues, difficulties and struggles all-pervasive. Never content, always aware of what is not happening. The bitter perspective and relentless repetition of the litany of gloom and doom.



Many different perfumes carried by a breeze.

We bear within us many past lives, each one complete, autonomous, and emitting its own subtle, special fragrance. There are points along the journey when we must stand together with the whole line-up of our previous selves and follow out the journey they were all leading to. This is a formidable task. There is a lot to live up to. It grants you authority and conviction and it makes it very hard to get started. In order to get anywhere you must at times deny the awareness that everybody is there, and do whatever you can do, apparently on your own. But truly the depth of experience, the substantive inward development and the power of your inner drive give it away-- you are destiny-charged in a larger-than-life fashion. Being self-possessed is your watchword. There is so much to accomplish. And at the center of the journey lies self-knowledge and the overriding determination to clear the karmic slate, to free up what has been trapped and bound and to come to yourself afresh. This destiny-will is guided, cosmically supported, centrally relevant to your whole world, and you will do it. Turn the darkest of hours into the brightest breakthroughs by refusing to stop anywhere or to back down from your resolve to wake up this time and get on with the greater path, at long last.



A stately old house in a ruined condition.

Karmic entanglement in patterns, syndromes, and worlds which have no future. Dwelling in worlds apart and worlds gone by. Intent upon salvaging the essence-spark of what was once there and claims your allegiance still. You are heavily drawn back in a virtual stupor or enchantment of following out a script, fulfilling a fate. Every line written ahead of time. Starchy and formal. Haunted, intrigued, bound up within what would seem to be no longer happening. Yet inwardly brooding all-pervasively upon the reverberations and echoes of what went wrong, of what was lost, of the severances and the tragedies. Doomed to stay in the lost places until Divine Spirit intervenes. Self-sentenced to limbo, half glad of it and half miserable and full of longings.



A bare altar covered with black velvet.

Death is a force that brings into Earth something from beyond and this something is the X factor in the human equation. Your own previous deaths as major sign-posts which hold you to your noblest and most surrendered ways of being. Mortality has spoken; immortality arises from the ashes. A threshold awareness that hugs the edge between the worlds and bows before a God who presides over the living and the dead. You stride across worlds, in tune with myriad frequencies, and are quite able to make way for the unknown, the infinite, the other side of life. A fiercely-held intention to bow before what truly is and fall for nothing less, no matter how attractive or appealing.



An old priest using oil to anoint a carved stone lingam.

The masculine life-force brought to its highest expression. The wise, wakeful, fully present activation of the masculine aspect as something to be reckoned with. Formidable and directly impressive. Bearing such a pronounced potency of being that one can readily take charge of any situation. A karmically well prepared, magnificently endowed attainment. The ability to become like a God. Such intensive awareness of self that you know very well that you are standing in for God the Father as a pure vessel. Nonetheless, you are called to become the quintessential higher masculine as completely as possible to the deepest roots of your being, in order to make a difference and to bring the shared energy and attention to a focal point of the true central clarity and meaningful direction onward from here.



Stalactites and stalagmites almost grown together.

Super tight fit. Custom designed by destiny, tailor-made. The individualist carving out unique karmic arrangements to bear you across a difficult passage. A journey undertaken under peril, a secret assignment, withheld even from your conscious self. Cloak and dagger. The thoroughly veiled soul, the enigma of destiny. The secret instructions are writ upon your innermost being and you know them implicitly. Silent, circumspect, withheld. Super disciplined, guarded and private, sworn to secrecy. And inside of all this, secret brotherhoods and cosmic streams send their emissaries to take up incredible tasks and think nothing of it.



A woman wearing a mask made out of butterfly wings.

Wrapped about in customary trappings. Made to look and act the part superbly. Programmed to do everything on cue. Taking yourself in hand, and subordinating all other factors to ambition, power, and worldly position. In a premeditated, systematic, super orderly fashion, fitting the role. So good at this you fool yourself. The perfect wraparound set-up of simply turning yourself into what everybody needs to see. But because there is so much manipulation and control in it, this can become highly corrupted. It all depends on the motivation. At best, you will become a viable role model for a given set of characteristics of an advanced kind to be embodied perfectly. But at worst, you will deceive and beguile and maneuver so smoothly that nobody will know what you serve, who your master is, and where all this comes from after all.



A solitary grave in the midst of a cornfield.

When you die and then come to life again in your next earthly lifetime, the one who died before and the one who lives now are brothers. The brother here now cannot forget the brother who died. Your heart is heavy with the karmic stories of your last previous lifetime. To actually enter upon this lifetime now takes forever. The past, what was suffered and lost, is what speaks inside. And in order to move through this extended interlude, you are going to need to return to the past places and see them again. Otherwise nothing goes right. Sometimes you have to go way back to get on with anything. And sometimes the truth is bleak, painful, tragic, and worth pursuing.



A long mirrored hallway lit with candles.

Purpose gazes right down the middle and sees that the way is clear. The internal adversary lurks under, around, and through things and is supremely doubtful of everything you see and know. This only provokes the purposive one to become higher and mightier, more commanding and domineering--which in turn incites the adversary to more radical sabotage by denying your own worth in a savage fashion. Each side pushes the other over the edge. You are karmically at a crossroads, trying on for size strong selfhood and its inevitable shadow of pervasive doubts and negations. Learning and discovering arduously how to stay with yourself, even while going against oneself. And thereby outlasting the adversary, and proving that one can do the impossible, even when one is one's own fiercest critic and hardest-to-impress audience.



A mirror covered with a fine film of dust.

Making a place for everything in reaction to previous rigidities. Encouraging all facets to run wild. You are held within a witnessing posture that must balance the cosmic equation. A fabulous array of distortions become possible, including hiding from yourself everywhere in opposites and reversals. Exceedingly adept at using consciousness falsely, for power or control, for hidden purposes or out of strange curiosity. Most radically prone to playing out patterns or syndromes that you are convinced will soon be taken away, so must be binged upon first. Strange spiritual notions and ideologies. You need to drop the vast bulk of your voluminous self-indulgences in order to, after all, start to wake up and really remember purpose and the whole story, free from self- vindication and equally, self-condemnation.



An architect carefully surveying old ruins.

What is to be seen is the outer skeleton of things. What is to be known is the inner essence of things. The code, the extraordinary revelation, the realization is there inherently in the very substance of existence. A practiced eye can see inside, can penetrate and illuminate. The schooling in perception comes between lives and then overshadows each and every idea or notion anybody can come up with. But to access and do honor to this advanced faculty is rare. For seeing the whole truth is excruciating to the ego-mind. And therefore the battle is on to awaken to your innermost truth, or to succeed brilliantly in adapting your truth to the marketplace, selling your soul to the highest bidder.



Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.

Heightened ability to bring the greater self into action. The towering presence of the one who knows informing each moment. A huge and formidable destiny-dedication to bring all of yourself through into this world. A steadfast, adamant quality of soul. The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Intensive focus upon soul evolution. Purpose, will. You have something to grow into throughout your life. Ancient ways, un fallen heights, seeing through. Staggered by what you have taken on. Ripening on the vine. Under massive pressure from within. The path and journey of ascension, with the body honored and the world renewed. Awakening and tapping the source for endeavors, projects, and tasks requires top-level clearance and the truest endowment of inward faculties to see them through and light up the world.



A two-headed calf.

Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other. Immense opportunity. Huge challenge. You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment--do you find what is ready to emerge or do you think about it? Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.



A woman strolling in a garden.

She is unaware that she is being watched by elves. We adopt a split-screen mind when the outward frame of things seems so insistent that we must be reasonable and logical and make complete sense in a quantitative, functional way. But what happens is that the other side of our awareness, the outlawed side, gets very strong in the subconscious and stays alive. We can almost play off of it in emphasizing our skeptical or worldly approach to things. But there is a joke to it. For you are aware of what you are not aware of--you are tuned into the very things you deny. This kind of edge hones the mind and the soul. It teaches invaluable lessons, not the least of which is to make way for the unknown while hugging the known close to you, knowing all the whole how profoundly the unknown beckons.



A vast ornate Hindu temple depicting hundreds of gods.

Living timelessly. Cast loose from the rigors of karma. Given free rein to follow the inner soul, you encounter the vast infinity of worlds which await those who let go. Experimenting with the innovative, the utopian, the fantastic, you are able to spin out magnificently. Investigating and exploring. A consciousness that spreads itself far and free. No one thing more important than another, everything blissfully equal. Possible futures. Staying open. You bear ideals and visions through dark times non discouragable, irrepressible, tireless. Fabulously wealthy with the open possibilities of life. The great open-ended adventure. The known fades, the unknown beckons.



Many fireflies at dusk.

You become aware all at once of staggering things, of astounding things, of world-shattering things. States of revelation. You are being called inwardly to shake off the slumber of the common day and to heed the stirrings of the future. Capable of bounding leaps, your are infused with a spirit of new beginnings. Especially strongly drawn toward altered states and threshold awareness. You've been brought to places where all of the shared assumptions and ideologies become pale and lifeless, and something other sparks recognition and pursuit. Collectively inspired to find alternatives, to seek a vision, to gather with those who are similarly touched, you are in on the ground floor of new movements and innovative discoveries. And full of wonder and awe at the process, and at a whole way of things in worlds such as this one.



Humans worshipping an obese nature goddess.

The feminine is the most ancient and the most futuristic of source energies. It is far back and near forward. Either or both ways, in source wisdoms or in awakening vision, you cleave to the Mother for inspiration, guidance, and sustenance. Your whole heart and soul are given over to the lineage of those who know and serve the Goddess. An evolutionary return on the next spiral to a fresh individual discovery of just how to follow the Divine Feminine within Earth expression. Moving into innovations, breakthroughs, epiphanies. Living for these. And in the stream of a whole new world coming into being, right in the center of what is vital and pivotal and must come out. You feel synchronized with the collective, riding the crest of the wave, knowing and remembering what living in the Earth is truly all about.



A gardener with just one leg.

A liability turned into an asset. Something is missing; something else is freed up. Integration, wholeness, balance, coherence are missing. You discover in their place innovation, wild impressionability, and extravagant opening into multiplicity. The life-force runs wild. Consciousness cannot contain it. It is an explosive display of what it is like when the witness is disenfranchised and all the energy goes into the immediate operator. You become totality bursting loose in a particular personal form. This way of being is simultaneously a throwback to idiosyncratic ways of the past, in the vein of eccentricity and being a character, and a first cracking through of new ways framed as spontaneous revelation. You move into any and every kind of awareness-frequency with abandon and with resiliency, to keep juggling, opening, discovering, and discarding with a fervor and a zest and a trace of really knowing that this is the best way to let go of a whole bunch of stuff and open the floodgates for something different to happen here. Something just like it was a long time ago, and just like it will be when the whole world shakes loose a little.



A woman burning a book of black magic.

Karma works by indirection. We draw to ourselves what we previously activated and as it comes back, we curse the reflection. Such gestures multiply. They gather force and momentum. And soon we have fixed ideas about what is pulling us back and what is carrying us forward. Before you know it, you have become partisan, taking up this side against this other side, swept up in the drama. And you even become sure in your mind that whole segments of existence are bad and terrible and must be renounced completely. Yet you are making a self-commentary in where your mind as led you, and there must come a point in the journey when the mind strips away its disguise and you know once again that all is of God, that all is toward the good, and nothing can ever harm you, unless you insist upon it.



A book, the words in it keep changing.

Destiny can keep rearranging itself under special and unusual conditions, where you have written into the contract ahead of time extravagant allowance for major shifts throughout the course of your lifetime. Ready and able to live several lifetimes in one, you are eager to wipe out the traces of a given cycle and start all over again. In love with change and in desperate need of change. Because one side of mind is dogmatically rigid. And so in order to neutralize and outwit your own dry, stuck places, you make sure to generate innovative, radical currents--slowly wearing away the tight self- identity knots and generating freedom where being stuck in old pictures had sealed off the territory and made life predictable and unbearable.



Violets blooming by the barred windows of a dungeon.

The old past-centered facets of life are predominant in this world. Those who take on the thought patterns of this old earth find themselves immensely trapped in time and space, and in physical form most of all. Yet in the very midst of thinking and operating in this rationalistic way, you are subtly and secretly fostering a great wealth of New Earth consciousness, of fresh ways of seeing. By relentlessly exposing yourself to the rigors and consequences of the mentally-based world, you come to that edge where the way to liberation becomes so sharp that the deeper seeing comes up to give you space and breath. It is quite a process to live between cycles, bridge divergent worlds, and feel the necessity of keeping it all going. But truly the soul is witnessing each dangling moment, and preparing to go free when the season is right and the prison doors open of themselves, as the karma is completed and the unknown calls you onward.



A black raven with a bright red head.

A watcher poised, observant, keen. Seeing into souls. Negatively disposed, absolutely alert to what is wrong, to what is missing, to what should be changed. Fabulously mental, with a gargantuan appetite for trouble, for difficulties, for crises. Scavenger, bird of prey. Karmic endowment of a strange kind. Susceptible to the dark. Wandering in a maze. Knowing just where you are but not who you are. Identity is eclipsed by the necessity to be effective in action. You are compelled from within to make yourself useful, to do the dirty work, to get down under. Gravitating toward the impossible, and somewhat blind to the pitfalls of such a way of operating, you ferret out the facts. You serve a poser behind the scenes, and are obedient to a fault.



Crows eating the corn that a farmer has sown.

Giving yourself free rein to negate, to destroy, and to deny. You go with the darkness and wait to see how its cycle extends. While waiting, you can indulge the lower side of your nature to the utmost. The fun lies in getting away with it. Those most skillful and adroit will keep this malice on subconscious levels and will identify consciously with being the victim of such impulses. A complex and confounding internal politics ensues. You must get away with murder while proclaiming your naive. Ingenuous ignorance of anything wrong. However, the rational mind becomes so entangled in the webwork of spy versus spy that sooner or later every inch of territory is eaten away by plots and counterplots, and nobody is left who can tell who did what to whom. For, once you start letting the carrion birds in, very little virtue territory shall remain.



A heated argument turns into laughter.

Tension and release. Contraction and expansion. The breath of the mind resolving its dualities. In order to make it possible for radical truths and significant realizations to come through, you must first karmically dramatize, inside the ego-mind and outside as well, the unbearable tension between opposing points of view. You enter upon disputes, advocate positions, set up heroes and villains. And then when your whole inner and outer world is packed with dilemmas, problems, arguments and battles, you become ready to seek out synthesis, to enter upon a cycle of restoring wholeness. During your experimental years, spice means everything. But during your maturity, there is no further mileage to be had in turning anything against anything else. Getting it that you made it all up in the first place, and that the rational mind delights in controversy but has its limits. When resolution comes, everything looks different. All of life turns around, and most particularly your relation to yourself changes from the critic into the friend and respectful ally of your own inward intentions.



A lidless granite sarcophagus. It is empty.

There is nothing to go back to. The past has become a phantom. You are propelled forward into the great unknown. But it is so easy to become somewhat desperate and out of context. So much depends upon how you interpret the fact that you are strictly on your own without a personal history or heritage to fall back upon. Is this real opportunity or a strange fate? It is very hard to tell the difference, as it all becomes ambiguous, paradoxical, very mixed. Where do you go from here? No easy answers anywhere. Perhaps the only thing to do is to acknowledge and move with this radical opening and to put no interpretations on it, assuming nothing at all. For if you can welcome multidimensionality with truly open arms, it might well turn out that the future was never supposed to be like the past. And that becoming so free does provide an open access channel for what needs to happen--to come through a jump ahead of the last moment, synchronized with evolution beautifully.



In a pyramid a dark passageway filled with scorpions.

Coming to a point in the journey where everything you fear, all that you wish to avoid, inevitably happens. Your mind's blind spots call up remedial action. Karmic lessons take over. A probationary path of self-testing's and self-torments, Never letting yourself off easy. Determined almost blindly to expose yourself to the worst, you are particularly drawn to work out collective blind spots and missing pieces. Even willing to take them on, to play them through. Preferring to be the villain or the gadfly or the devil's advocate to letting well-enough alone. You feel irresistibly compelled in both self and world to draw everything up to the surface, to bring it all out--to make it visible and tangible. You have the excessive and redemptive eye for the dark side that must be cleared for free passage to become possible ever again.



A jade burial suit.

You feel propelled into a self-consistent, thematic existence with a characteristic flair or touch, stuck with being a certain way and following this out to the end. The mind is logical, rational, and linear. The life is the same. Yet what happens to you along the way is that so many pasts and so many futures wander through that the basic karmic pattern of holding true to a fixed nature is counterpointed by intimations, overtones, and undertones of everything but that. You cleave tightly to a purposive track, while almost flooded with alternatives and diversions. A rocklike nature. Ego- driven. Mentally compulsive yet peripherally open to the wildest array of worlds, you are someone who cannot stop doing and saying the same things in the same ways, and it can go on for just about forever. Yet inside of that, you have virtues and gifts galore, held for the indefinite future cautiously, prudently, and discouragingly.



Ground up gem stones to be used as medicine.

Technical proficiency across a broad spectrum of forms and ways. Knowing how to do just about anything, you are involved with the precise combinations in a dazzling display of capacity. You seek to find new ways, innovations, and fresh approaches, yet you are steeped in tradition and ancient wisdom. Somewhat swept away with the whole enterprise, where the mere linear intelligence takes charge and views everything on its terms. Intent upon results, looking for proof, insistent that the objective, factual, practical realities are everything. You feel compelled by your vantage point to apply a fierce ideology to every manifest particular. Seeing examples, variations, confirmations, and validations of the theory, the principle, the standpoint. Driving home verbally, brilliantly, the argument. Caught in the dialectics of truth and falsehood. And comprehensively enclosed within a one-sided and self-justifying thrust of mind that is so good at playing this game that you will win and prevail. Yet, something is missing; much is denied.



An old woman drying herbs.

Knowing what you know, being who you are and going where you go, with absolute autonomy. A complete world unto yourself. Living out away from the unwelcome intrusion of alien perspectives. Ornery, taciturn, eccentric. Convinced that your own truth-consciousness is the real thing and that very few others know what they are talking about. Steeped in experience of a solitary kind. A highly distinctive mode of awareness. You seek to link ancient wisdom with future worlds, absolutely intent upon losing nothing in the translation. Rabidly convinced you must not concede unnecessary territory to the common mind of today. Acutely well-informed and voluminously knowledgeable. Working for the future Earth, you are supremely intolerant of compromises and latter-day confusions.



An American Indian woman in a canoe. She is gathering wild rice.

A free spirit comes in surprising packages. Navigational sophistication veiled by the simple ways of life. Inside the soul, a rich complexity, an astounding grasp of what is happening and what it means, lives on undisturbed. Outwardly, you greatly prefer and gravitate toward any form that will throw everybody off and leave you in peace. The story lies inside. Many times and places, many dimensions and worlds are set loose to be simultaneously worked out, played out, encompassed, and freed up. A dazzling virtuoso performance inside the soul of letting go of everything. Yet outwardly a stiff upper lip composing the appearances. So that you can be blameless and impeccable, and even keep your own conscious mind entertained and confused long enough to get away with radical evolutionary moves, into the vast unknown, never to look back.



Loud crushing noises as a glacier moves.

The indomitable spirit of one who has been at this forever and will still be on collective karmic alert to the very end. Purpose hugely takes precedence. Whatever is changing and whatever is staying the same are the two forces you track with and report back to cosmic center upon. You are being driven to the utmost to observe and witness objectively and dispassionately all the decisive and epochal shifts and pressures in the collective mix. Eyes wide open in the dark. Attention riveted to trends and turning points, and yielded up to a long-ago-agreed-to code of recording and evaluating all the relevant data; so that the cosmic forces can determine what is happening way down here and can fine-tune their ways to evolve the situation optimally; so that all concerned can synchronize with the greater ways and be released from anything and everything that runs counter to the bright promise of Earth evolution.



A fine silk thread strung across a chasm.

Inward intention counts for everything. Outward results do not matter. You are dropped into remote places to be a subtle glue, a connecting intelligence just along the inside. Upon the outside, nothing happens. A tenuous sensibility stays tuned to subtle frequencies with celestial dispassion. You are remarkably absent from the daily rough and tumble of what seems to go on around you. Inexplicably and improbably, you indwell an otherness, an alienness that consciously has no idea what it is doing. But when you are around, other people find that there are blessings, breakthroughs, protections, and odd phenomena, adding up to the impression that one is touched by something marvelous and strange. Being an empty open vessel for the cosmic and inhabiting foreground consciousness not at all. Just being there. Nothing else is asked.



A beautiful woman dressed in white.

She is wearing a large silver crescent on her head. The crescent is pointing upward. The transcendent and the fragrant particulars of life feed into each other and complete each other if you are radiantly responsive to their commingling. In the dance of time, there comes a fresh cycle where the high feminine spirit comes into her own. She is Queen of the Heavens, yet she belongs in the Earth. And as she comes to herself she brings the worlds together, repolarizes and articulates the power of love. She is the caller, inaugurating the future. Yet early on she stumbles and falls, for what she is carrying is immense and it is too much for her personally. She must discover how to find a true form to harness, discipline, and distribute what she knows and who she is. As she gets her greater bearings and embraces multidimensional selfhood, she shall indeed find that destiny situates her right where she needs to be. And that becoming a collective fount of real-life inspiration is her very nature, her path, and her complete liberation from the misunderstandings and fragmentations of the days when she just could not get out of the way with sufficient grace and authentic conviction.



A woman making lace.

Withheld from the personality spotlight. To you intrinsic, fine things matter exquisitely and being somebody does not. A highly distinctive form of service keyed to a slow, steady, inward sensibility. Very little connection with the here and now. Eternal foundations. Needing to be humble, sober, and plain in order best to be transparent and effective, you are remarkably detached from your own reputation or outward impression. Dreaming new worlds into being. Cast loose on an infinite sea. Yet being circumspect, quiet, and not particularly noticeable. A super subtle edge between poverty and riches, surface and depth. Knowing your way in the dark. And intent upon completing each task and carrying it through; nothing more, nothing less.



Ancient runes carved at random on gray rocks.

Learning ultimate things the hard way. You have to put yourself totally into every realm to experience it for yourself, with a zeal for empirical wisdom or the wild edge of the scientific method. The experimental test case is yourself. And you are out there all alone in vast, uncharted territory, just the way you like it. You've been granted the chance to prove things, to follow them out quite far, bearing a determined intelligence with karmically-trained faculties of subtle perception. However, objectively speaking, this is an intensively arduous and relentless way to do it, without safeguards or precedents, relying upon the moment's edge. If you can be tirelessly strong, doing it this ruggedly will prove to be the only way to go if you wish to uncover future territory without imprinting bias or distortion upon it. You just have to invent the wheel in yet another dimension.



 A large brown bear picking and eating apples.

Gross indulgence and a conscience that just won't quit. Saturating your energy field with exaggerated gestures of capitulation to your own lower nature. But you do this in continual ironic juxtaposition to an observing intelligence and a keen conscience which deplore and have no use for your own shenanigans. Being split between the compulsive and addictive personality and the dispassionate and icily-removed consciousness. You're trying to turn yourself around by alternately bingeing and reforming. But each binge triggers a reaction of the other side of mind, and each renunciation and reformation in turns triggers a further reaction. This dialectic between being bad and being good is all on the pro and con level of the dualistic mind. The only hope in this pattern lies in wearing out both ends, so that a third place can open in which neither acting out nor becoming exemplary is all that necessary. You do what you do and you see it the way you see it and all the self-conscious overlays and each and every self-manipulation in whatever direction dissolve when the space is clear.



A moustache.

Disciplined, constrained, and consistent. Keeping things within the boundaries set by rational cognition, doing what is strictly appropriate. Objectively, impersonally, dispassionately deciding and choosing and following this up with a way of life. Circumspect, intensely aware of reputation and community standing. You live up to the highest standards impeccably and are self-suppressive routinely. Everything has been decided ahead of time. Obedience to the greater instructions. Subordinated to what shall serve and what shall reach far and wide. Able to tailor and custom-fit your behavior and expression so that the greater good is served absolutely, you manifest pure adherence to the law, with no qualms, no quibbles, no questions.



Dragonflies around a stagnant pool.

Vicarious experience. Living through others. Collecting data. Knowing what everybody thinks, you put your attention rabidly outside yourself into the collective and its traps and pitfalls. Circulating in the thick of collective karmas. You are cynically fascinated by what is wrong, what is miserable, what is rotten--gathering lessons from the worst. Somewhat taken over by the downward tug of wastage, decadence, the ends of things. Witty and stimulating, provocative and penetrating. But cut off from spirit, you wander in the maze of the cultural intellect, trying to find meaning where there is mostly nothingness.



A man laying stones for a path.

If vision and practical skills are brought into a place beyond either one, new worlds can come into being. Tenacity is the key. You have to see the pattern, inscribe the pattern, and let it set collectively. For when you are out ahead of everybody else, you must master the craft of timing in this Earth. Everything is perfect in the right time and place and awful when out of sync. Contained within yourself is the blueprint for the future; you need to season and temper the extraordinary forefront awareness with life-experience, and discover the intricacies of the cultural landscape. A mission pursued, a task taken on with a vengeance. A destiny that stands out and speaks volumes.



A tapestry loom.

On it is a half-finished tapestry. Karmic process restricts the self, curbs the self, dictates what must happen to the self. A work upon yourself and, far more strongly, an outer plane self-discipline has been in progress a long time. It must be resumed, taken further, no matter what. Unfortunately, this often means imposing duties upon yourself presumptively. You just do what you have to do. But if the heart is not in it, work becomes mechanical. A dilemma faces you at recurrent cross-roads: to stay with what has been set up, or to introduce innovations. Any such innovations represent a huge issue. But without them, the inner core of self is short-changed and the outer mind takes over. You are being propelled by a greater destiny-current to honor all karmic agreements, and to enhance these by bringing into play a vitally engaged present-time attentive willingness to be surprised, meet things from another side, and realize that everything is just beginning now and needs to be met with real passion.



The sound of dripping water echoes through a great stone room.

The most unusual and distinctive of inward conditions. You are held within a mode of awareness that is from another time and place altogether. You have nothing to say and nothing to do. There is no power of individual life-force. Instead you see as the ancient ones see. Utter un worldliness to a point of dissociation from surface experience. A part of the mind transported by a reverie of timeless, effortless realization. Everything is clear. The subtlest, most refined things are obvious. It is all a matter of perspective, and here the perspective is that the only thing that matters is how the inward resonant echo registers and where it leads you in choice less awareness, in communion with the Gods.



A large pool filled with white water lilies in bloom.

Integration and synthesis. Putting it all together. Creative intelligence at its best. Having gone on ahead and seen what can be, yet suspending your vision so that freedom and open-endedness are honored. Living on many planes at once, in intricate refinement. You have the ability to hold in place as many independent variables as become relevant, an especially distinctive quality of unqualified or unconditional regard and respect for one and all. Universal brotherhood and sisterhood as the impulse of the future, active now.



A field of dandelions.

Teeming with mass consciousness. You feel yourself to be as anonymous and undifferentiated as you can possibly be. Hiding in this identification is comfortable, cozy, and safe, and it can be prolonged indefinitely. While you wait here with individuality suspended and all of life being right at hand, the most remarkable discoveries can take place. In particular, you are welcomed and invited to know the ancestors, to know the collective, to know the sweep of evolution intimately and compulsively, to be swept along on the tides of time, to stay bonded and rooted in the dream plant state. It is a rapture and an abandon. Eventually it satiates itself. And then you are sprung very fresh and very new, to be free in the world, and to make the ultimate discovery of the vast difference between casting your fate to the winds and being vitally present in the moment's dawning with a

celebratory fervor.



A man turning into a werewolf.

The master of disguises. Shape-changing as a whole way of life. The question of identity as a baffling mystery, a riddle of destiny. Becoming so many things, whatever feels emphatic, impressive, and in keeping with the subtle fluids of the situation, you are transported by a plastic, formative nature into realms you would never access if you were straight and simply sincere. Tricks within tricks. Worlds within worlds. Captured by the uncanny power of turning yourself into the perfect live model of a given way of being. Deep down inside you witness everything that happens, amazed to be getting away with it, and waiting to be unveiled in the fullness of time when the cycle is over and you must find another place to hide, unless you are finally ready to let yourself be.



An eye gazing out of the top of a pyramid.

Timeless soul faculties wrench free from tumultuous times and places to gaze upon the innermost with tranquil and sage otherworldliness. Drawn inside very far, into the unconscious and super conscious levels. On the surface--nothing happening, a blank. But deep inside--astounding things going on; worlds ending and beginning; tragedies, heartaches, tremendous over comings. Yet all of this is so far inside that it can get twisted in knots and cut off from the center. And therefore, you must over and again wander in search of your lost self and the lost self of the world, and journey through the most fantastic scenarios in order to reclaim at every major juncture the poignant, shattered, and self-regenerating lost soul. The lost soul whose pathos and triumph of navigation through every possible hiding place through the sheer inward intent of your subtle faculties, cannot be discouraged, cannot be denied.



Mushrooms springing up everywhere.

You're being engulfed by external and internal factors and facets that suddenly are there everywhere and come right in--no boundaries, no separate container. The universal life-force carrier and representative, incapable of pulling away from the collective call of life, is intoxicated with it all. Massively taken over by emergent currents and whatever feels vitally important. Impressionable and suggestible with an unbelievable depth and intensity. Absorbing the shock of all that is happening here raw, and impelled to rally people around to bring everybody alive, to make it happen. You ooze conviction and resonance with the basic core spirit in each and all--three hundred percent all the way.



Thousands of gold nuggets glistening at the bottom of a clear stream.

Subtle senses. You sense the subtle depths of experience and find therein glory, majesty, and divine power. Your eyes inside are open in places others are blind. You are shown the wonders of the deep, yet an immense destiny challenges. For this is a selfless realm, utterly selfless. Can you uphold the inner light in its own pure radiance? It takes great courage, for you will be flooded by collective contents and asked to serve totally. Can you rise to this? Or will special colorings shadow this realm? Only true inspiration can show the way. And if there comes instead the idea of it, the received image, the secondary version, all will be illusory and like fools gold, of a shallow consistency, losing all savor.



An Inca chief wearing many emeralds.

You are on the exquisite paradoxical edge between the deep inner and the ceremonial outer. Living between worlds and destiny forged to satisfy both. The inward part predominates. You are working hard on inner levels to master advanced initiatory streams and to do so the ancient way, the hard way. The outward aspect involves being an official representative of many things, most of them no longer recognized in the mass culture. Yet this matters little. The task at hand is to bring forth a ceremonial version of what lives within. There are poignant, tragic, and bittersweet undertones to this pathway and it requires a proud demeanor, often misunderstood or turned into something completely different from what was intended. You simply must hang in there, hold this focus, and sustain the inner work and the outer style. Because this is the way it is, there is nobody else to do it, and when you bear a thin thread from ancient to future, that thread determines everything and claims your allegiance down to your toes.



A candle burning.

There is a ring of salt around it on the floor. Spirit is well preserved from becoming untrue. It is held within its own matrix, and granted a pure and wonderfully veiled atmosphere and feeling tone and sphere to stay within. From this place spirit can empower itself to be whole, to commune, to remember, and to conceive. You are given what you need, and a specially-granted timing grace to be ushered through the world in a guided tour that leads only to the temples and the marvels that are here. However, all of this happens inside, deep inside. The outside situation may belie the inward experience. But here what seems in the moment is as nothing, and what is really there between the lines and through the cracks is everything. This is a domain set apart for special purposes, projects, and endeavors, and is the perfect retreat for one who wishes to remain in touch with the living spirit, who wishes never to forget what it is that stands under the phenomenal world and keeps the eternal flame burning without a flicker.



A gypsy peasant woman sings a mournful chant.

The earth is broken. The compact between a human soul and her earth housing is violated. Some of us are sensitive to what has gone wrong and must proclaim a conscience-change. An agonizing place to be, and yet treated as just the way it is, met with huge resolve, almost welcoming that it has come down to this. Creatively expressive of what it feels like to be here in the midst, you feel resonant with all the kingdoms of nature, and especially aligned with the soul of this planet in her deep changes. Put in the right place at the right time to call the occasion, to make things unavoidable, you feel almost immobilized by how huge the task is. Yet you are stoical, dedicated, exceedingly strong, and enduring. Able to withstand the shaking-loose of the old Earth. In here for the duration. Just getting going when it all seems lost.



A vampire awakens.

Darkness calls to those who have been surfeited with too much compromise and too unbearable a load of suffering. There are regions of the dark to live out parts of self or all of self for a time. And inside the darkness, an immense power of what is here in the Earth and still raging can be felt and harnessed. You are imaginatively and inwardly pulled toward the great extremes--not able to go on in any usual way. But you ultimately fathom the mysteries and the depths, by exploring all that is there and finding in the end that all is sacred, all is beautiful, and all is integral to the fiber of existence.



An old witch on a windy promontory.

She is calling to the sea. Wildly tuned in. Staggeringly aware of the overall situation and its call, you respond deeply and with earnest, plaintive engagement with all that is happening. You are profoundly emotional, physical, and personal in order to ground and focus a vaster attunement, urgently and critically mobilized at hot spots. Assigned to tune in to everything and make sure all the cosmic bases are covered--inner-planes activity predominates. You live within vast worlds, and are psychically charged with all that is being taken in, but your central focus is to respond, to report, to send the inner messages, to keep the lines open. Emergency and crisis sensibility inside of things, searching for signs, and knowing how to be there on the spot to turn things around by inward force of the magical will.



A high, crumbling wall.

It is part of a ruin and covered with ivy. Power is stored in the Earth at primal, quickening points. Often, in these places, humanity erects monuments to its own folly. Eventually these merge into the landscape and everything comments upon everything else. Being held between the Earth's wise presence and humanity's dim apprehension of what is really involved here. One side of the feeling nature is so intuitive and psychically astute that you are harboring advanced gifts that can serve Earth evolution in staggering ways. Another side of the feeling nature is contorted with reactions, judgments and condemnations of the collective trends of humanity and of the weakness of the human flesh. These objections and rejections of the human scene rebound upon the self and poison the psychic faculties. It is only when you heal and forgive and renounce the minor key irritable voice, inside and out, that the floodtide of burgeoning awareness of what is arising in this Earth, with all its ripples, can wipe away the false structures and foster the new birth--the tuned-in and blessings-focused outlook and in look.



A woman asleep in a ring of flames.

Drama, color, sound. Magnitude and shakings. You dream through it all in an enchantment which simultaneously protects and stifles. An ancestral power of suspended life-force held away, while great events surround and envelop you, yet do not penetrate. You experience a most unusual soul-disposition of deep sleep in the teeth of collective and ancestral events and experiences which are huge and never-ending. Is it a grace or a curse? It can be either. It becomes a grace if you awaken in ripe timing and move on from here. It can be a curse if you stay down under too long and miss the cue to stir and look around and discover that the future has dawned and the old ways have fallen away. Sleeper awake!



A woman imprisoned in a high tower.

Sentenced to limbo, you are suspended from active participation in evolving worlds. Hung high and dry and massively resigned, following out an ancient fate to the end. Having operated insensitively, now being unable to do anything to anybody. You live infinitely alone, dreaming and drugged. Deep down inside, remembering everything dimly and darkly. Self-circumscribed and very deprived. You live on memories and the ripples of mute desire to move on, someday. Destined to transform this dread fate when the cycle is complete, you are until that time, vacuum-pressed and emotionally grief stricken, nostalgic and raging, while not getting across and being muffled all- pervasively.



After a feast much uneaten food remains on the plates.

Something has ended. It is a memory. And what happened cannot be reconstructed. Something else shall follow, but it will be in a very different vein. Irrationally, persistently, the traces remain and there is regret, there is loss, there is grief. The magnitude of destiny overshadows cycles lived in its afterglow. The power is elsewhere. Vital forces have been spent. And in the melancholy mood of  looking back so much is missed, passed over, not deemed important. Yet truly, it is what you learn afterwards that counts. And it is the inward reverberations that mean everything to the secret soul.



Many kinds of fruits arrayed on a silver tray.

The inner kingdom seeks to come out. Everything is ripe and ready for emergence. There have been gathered many soul gifts in divergent worlds and now there is a harvest time, An immense earth force presses to the surface to release and reveal an underlying feeling tone of righteous triumph, exultant mastery, the gathering of the tribes. The frequency of sociocultural renewal, with everybody here together offering their best. A subtle, permeating tone underscores the outward power with mystic fervor, a deep and strong combination to make a difference and to carry through what is intended.



A peaceful child on a narrow ledge that overlooks a precipice.

Fate has set the pattern. You are held fast by fate. Yet inwardly you are so deeply and fundamentally free that you are actually submitting to your fate from a true and pure place. The situation you pull in is outwardly severe. You are a vast being trapped in a tiny form, and you cannot really go anywhere or do anything to change this. Instead you are released by your outward bondage to dream, to remember, to envision, and to make cosmic connections. The inner life is boundlessly rich. The outer life is starkly poor. But you live within, make good on the past, cleanse and open and know that nothing is as it seems and form is tissue thin.



A kangaroo and her baby, who looks out from the mother's pouch.

Held as a cherished one in the womb of the world. A seed-bearer for the future. You are inwardly alive to multisensory faculties and worlds within worlds within worlds, bearing a legacy from the deep-down-under realms. An Earth-call to let the future resonate as it must with all that has ever been here. Profoundly moved by the human drama and its pathos, while feeling almost smuggled in to witness and be amazed by the phenomena of the sense life. Radically other; immensely in exile. And in the meantime, making the very most of the chance to fathom the ways of earth and the dazzling idiosyncrasies of the human species.



White lilies blooming alone in the shade.

Gifted with deep and subtle qualities that are germinating in the subconscious and coming into their own. Transported into inner worlds in order to dream, imagine, and conceive from a pure place. Disengaged with phenomenal appearances, staying just apart. Much that goes on here stays under, percolates timelessly. A special karma to cultivate the mysteries, to be different, yet no issue. Deep down in their creative forces work unceasingly and design alternatives for the world to partake in, if the world turns that way.



Palm trees laden with dates.

Soul faculties. Precious jewels carried from before held intact and inwardly rooted within. Absolutely saturated with psychic faculties, inward understandings, and special feelings for the whole of existence. All of this is held under and accessed when most deeply needed. To bear such wonders within your core nature is to be complete and whole. It is to want for nothing. It is to have so much to offer that the supply can never be exhausted. It is to be a source, an oasis in yourself, and to remain at peace in communion with what you have always known, which is so very timeless that its relevance and uses are entirely the same as ever and always will be in any world.



A perfect black cube sits alone in the desert.

Isolation. Uniqueness that becomes separative and self-referential. Exquisitely designed to be only a certain way and not any other way. Preserved against rust or corrosion. Maintaining standards, priorities, what seems to be the given. Yet something is wrong. It is true that all lies within and that turning yourself into what you are not is ultimately absurd. But you are not listening, not paying attention to the subtle clues. You are so intent upon self-consistency that you have tuned out far too much in the process. And this shall call forth lessons and hard experiences to crack you open again, and to give you a chance to discover afresh what can be when nothing is assumed and nobody has set anything up ahead of time.



Pagan fire worshippers dancing.

Trance states. At home in psychic realms and other realities. The self abandoned to the tribe--to the sweep of the moment, to the energies that arise. On fire with longing and poignant, bittersweet reflections. A throwback, a native, a primal soul. Emotional, depths-centered, super physical, you are energized tremendously by special occasions, extraordinary meetings, unexpected miracles and tragedies. Expectant and waiting for something wild and unknown to break through. Mediumistic, vicarious, and charged with a life-force that must be followed out. A certain distinctive fate to be at times disappearing and gone and at other times resurgent and mighty--all depend upon the tides of fortune. And it will always change in unpredictable, exciting, disorienting, and multiple ways.



A blacksmith creating an ornate garden gate.

Hard substance is impossibly tough if you fall into letting it be that, but is the perfect basis if you are willing to make it so. All the resistances, crystallizations, dysfunction, and foundational dissonances are great excuses to stop or immense occasions to start. You get laid low if you do not know what to do with the stuff of this world. But if you have learned the subtle craft of world- making, you're best off meeting up against the hardest places and discovering how to turn them completely around--the exceedingly demanding guild of those who dig into the depths and draw forth beauty and infinite power from the brutal and heavy realities which otherwise seem impenetrable. A stubbornly hardworking, impossible-to-discourage craft of reworking the primal soil. Mostly unproductively, mostly learning how forever, paying your dues, never quite getting it right, until there comes a day when even the obdurate bends to the inner design--when the conviction is complete.



Someone lurking in a dark wood. They are waiting for a passerby.

Imagining and conceiving nefarious plans and designs within the unconscious mind and blanket denial by the conscious mind. The shadows, the dark, the unknown are saturated with menace, trickery, deception, and long-built-up heavy emotions. All of this is too much for the conscious self to even begin to claim or own. You are essentially engulfed by deep shadows with outward shows of light. But truly you cannot play it any other way. And even if this syndrome perpetuates and gives great sanctuary to dark and mischievous spirits, it is deeply experienced as a fate imposed by past mistakes that this lifetime's self did not originate. And so the protestations of innocence are accurate and sincere even while you are harboring everything you crave to break from forever.



A spring festival.

The participants are in a state of ecstatic frenzy. Inward explosions. The pressure valve goes off. You sit inside collective and ancestral frequencies of doubt, insecurity, and suppression until this can no longer be. The frenzied edge of new worlds; the ancient accumulations of old worlds. Coming to that point where the inward power overthrows form constraints, scatters semblances, and finds something magnificent that has been untapped and forbidden for so very long, the final spark ignites, releases, and reveals. What was lost and forgotten is more there than ever and not discouraged, never put down.



People and animals frightened during an eclipse.

Going deep and going far, yet emotionally afraid and bereft. Impelled by great force of being to carry on with destiny strides forward; you are periodically swamped by onslaughts of everything feared coming true. Being certain and being terrorized. The exquisite gift of pulling yourself through the enactment of personal, collective, and ancestral nightmares. You feel a consecration to what is coming into being on the expanded horizon, and a warrior's courage in always going back and grappling with the lingering shadows. A mission that cannot be refused. And a sense of purpose that defies its own collapse and rises from the ashes repeatedly.



The aurora borealis.

The brink of the infinite. Tapping directly into realms of existence beyond the physical, you sense all-pervasively the multiple frequencies of all that is really here. Having a vast grasp of what is possible and of what is asking to be brought in, while extended very far into regions others miss. Feeling, hearing, tasting the power of spirit in action. Half mesmerized and half supercharged to get everybody in on it somehow. Perhaps retreating to more traditional versions of the infinite path if frightened by a lack of understanding coming back. Communing with the mysteries, and absolutely at home within those places others find strange. The inside becomes all, the outside virtually transparent to the light within.



A ritual sand painting.

Earth magic works upon the imagination to turn around old patterns and lost worlds by seeing it all with a different pair of eyes. The one who stayed under in a trance of automatic repetition, a regressive loop, is crying out for soul retrieval, is searching for whole new ways to feel and experience the way the energies move. Everything depends upon how you hold it, the field of assumptions and yearnings. For there is a tremendous ability here to follow a subtle track right through the middle of the lingering trances into a heightened experience of what this has all been about for so long. Searching for a deeper path through, learning it is there and not being able to carry forward any other way.



A hoard of monkeys chattering.

Possession by local spirits in mischievous, playful fashion. Cast into an abyss. Dumped out of status and specialness and made to be hyper-receptive to whatever is moving here an abandoned center, karmic sacrificed to learn both humility and the lessons of the street. The state of mind random, chaotic, inspirational, capricious, given to every kind of spirit passing through. Sorely troubled, yet fantastically out of touch. A regressive loop with powerful emanations. The feeling is that something must be done and that this will require a change of heart. But you got to go deep, and it takes a whole lot of desperation to turn this one around.



Balinese dancers wearing elaborate gold costumes.

Scintillating performance. Learning by heart all of the ways to perfect the Earth dance. Elaborately and ritualistically devising and setting up cycles, projects, programs, and trainings to master skills, to develop missing areas, and to make up for what are felt to be gaps and gaping holes. Remedial practice--going back to go forward. Relentlessly pursuing perfection. You are granted a sensibility that knows and can recognize anywhere the real thing, the fulfilled prototype. Tyrannically beset by the need to embody that archetype no matter what. Putting yourself through hell to make it happen. No sacrifice is too great. A virtual masochism of submission to programs, trials, and cycles. Tracing out on discipline and constraint, yet you are ultimately inspired and infused with a marvelous and even a spectacular self-witnessing capacity and self-reinventing skill that does work if you stay with it forever, and refuse to hear of anything less, no matter how crazy it momentarily seems.



A large halo in ring formation around the moon.

The Earth is pregnant with alternate futures. Each of her progeny, each possible future could become the one chosen. The criteria center around whichever future stream is most genuinely surrendered to the highest will. It is the same microcosmically as macrocosmically. Many souls are pregnant with alternate futures. The one that prevails will likely be the one most surrendered to the absolute, the most rightful. You feel burs tingly full of visions, possibilities, worlds, and streams. And you know that so very much shall pass away, but what is essential will keep on coming. It is very hard to tell who is who and what is what, which way to lean or how to conceive the way it shall go. But if you stay rooted in your inward awareness and enduring core sensibility, you will be tapped as a vessel for what is to be, and that is all you need to know.


360 Degree Weber


 0-1 deg Aries

Marks the passage of our Sun over the Equator into the Northern, land hemisphere-first day of Spring- a degree of newness, beginnings, “hope” and uniqueness, due to Aquarius here-original, outstanding, independent. Lofty ambitions, a spiritual self faith, persevering, fiery strength, positive, practical, fond of everything - often overly aggressive, testing and loud. Openly passionate and possibly envious of the fairer traits in others. Military or outdoor careers favored.


1-2 deg Aries

Aquarius with watery, emotional Cancer is factual, cautions, capable of great concentration, but often negative, usually scientific. Grouchy, unsocial and envious at times, but capable of building castles and carving out their own careers. Helped by contemplation, reserve and education - grows with life’s experiences.


2-3 deg Aries

Sensitive Pisces here manifests “heart” - love of peace and concord, smoothness and spontaneity. No afterthoughts and illogical in approach; often thoughtless, impulsive, reckless poor decisions. Hospitable, understanding and affable - also romantic, passionate, possessive, and at times, uninhibited - danger and exploitation in romance and career. Gifted in the arts; often common vocations in service or health fields.


3-4 deg Aries

Keen, aspiring Scorpio adds depth and stalking, calculating nature-wild and rough when defenses are down. Passionate, self made quality-sportsman or hunter, knives and guns, and dangers of accidents and wounds thought out life. Instinctive naturalist - strong and often vain - bearish. Mechanical, military or “director” type of careers where its inner force can be peacefully channeled outward.


4-5 deg Aries

Secretive Scorpio hides beneath the surface of this zealous, dubious Aries degree-strong, steady, big powerful, argumentative and often negative, good at vocations involving food, drugs research and analysis-perhaps religion due to its power. Good parent, but not social nor gifted with good looks. Sensual; romance is controlled (but unsteady) and plays a key role in its vocation. Must avoid gloom and doom - danger of accidents and wounds.


5-6 deg Aries

Double Aries strength; lean, rough and energetic; capable of outstanding accomplishments when its boundless energy is channeled properly. Improper use of energy channeled properly. Improper use of energy leads to frustrations. Drawn to challenges of political or charismatic fields, or natural or technological development. This fearless degree brings wealth and riches with its successes - failures from oversights and carelessness are also possible. Youthful and unlimited - needs “space” in relationships.


6-7 deg Aries

Perceptive, earthy, naturalist Virgo supplies conscience and administrative abilities - busy hands, manifold mind, well-learned, but often a loner, although friendly, patriotic, lover of animals and valuable in any, often common, vocations. Workmanlike, skillful, versatile. Must watch diet and have occasional quite and relaxation, as nervous irritation is possible. Fond of outdoors and nature; a good gardener or naturalist - respectful of living things.


7-8 deg Aries

Defensive and negative due to heavy Taurus influence here - magnetic personality, fond of nature and land, trendy and excitable. Subdued, high-handed, dictatorial and demanding-quarrelsome “I m right” nature, often lacking in self control. This will of course, endanger relationships and cause career problems.


8-9 deg Aries

Austere, calculating, quite Capricorn with Aries here believes in “self”, rules and structure. Hard. courageous, direct and proud of service and work, often found in martial vocations, police work or school administration or teaching - or medicine and geriatrics. Inner pride; noble and not likely to stray into vain displays or conceit. Inquisitive, disciplined, and often a good public speaker. Fearless and too independent of home life and marriage.


9-10 deg Aries

Influenced by quick, dexterous Gemini and responsible Capricorn - ambitious, courageous, persevering, strategic. Unusual career; honors and distinction. Righteous and truthful - has no reason to lie - attracted to science, transportation, and trade involving metals and had-skills disciplined, inquisitive. Politics and police work. Independence may make marriage difficult or superficial; male children likely.


10-11 deg Aries

Cannot sit still with Gemini and its fiery opposite sign Sagittarius on this degree - exaggeration of self, lofty ambitions, preference for games, scientific investigation and mental or physical challenges. Better for males than females, possible writer or administrator. Good degree for formulating ideas and attracting attention. Attractive face, but rather lean and rough - may have physical handicap. Must avoid unconscious fears, submissiveness and learn to cultivate many talents.


11-12 deg Aries

Vital, magnetic, “searching” Scorpio with Gemini promotes deep inner mental concentration, sportsmanship, medical and body conditioning interest. Acute paternal/maternal instincts; diplomatic although judgmental, deterministic and often unjust. Not afraid to clash with authority or peers. Many appear extravagant - showy, but more like an eagle than a peacock, and certainly more serious, devoted, sinister, observant and independent.


12-13 deg Aries

Dramatic, intuitive Cancer here is utilitarian and efficient, also competitive. Commonly a house lord, housekeeper or cook, is not tidy, but may grow beyond common vocations with an eye for self-improvement. Often weak and heavy, benefits from sports and a health regimen, often becomes adept at coordinating mind and body. Inborn feeling of superiority is a powerful drive. Impetuous; desires the best mate, pleasant confidants and positions of responsibility - and successfully finds them.


13-14 deg Aries

Double water influence of Cancer (square Aries) and Pisces (12th house to Aries) signifies double troubles and challenges - marks this degree as something special, often disliked and overweight.


14-15 deg Aries

Thoughtful Pisces with noble Leo is bound to romance and children, but often a common person, not particularly skillful, often feeling secure despite the ground crumbling away beneath it. Benefited by religion, large social or cultural groups. Must be diligent and concentrate on keeping promises and achieving real results. Must be reliable to collect what is due. Well-proportioned, but fullness of body and face. Entertaining.


15-16 deg Aries

Ardent, faithful, strong Leo here bestows acting, oratorical or sales abilities, and a desire to dominate in romance, which is like a scene from a play. Lucky, positive and “liked” - must watch associations and money and resources closely - too free and generous. Often passive and idle - must be kept motivated. Capable, witty, perhaps a teacher, but always an actor and mindful of where the “attention” is.


16-17 deg Aries

Worldly, Cautious Capricorn darkens, “centers” and cools down the Leo/Aries fire on this degree - more serious, status conscious, responsible and businesslike, but still noble, poised and domineering. Desire for fame and riches, but must plan and work from them. Fatherly, wise, conservative but can be experimental. Not good for romance - not amorous and more interested in self. Luck is questionable and limited. Overwork is any unhealthy as no work at all.


17-18 deg Aries

Earthy, efficient Virgo in Leo’s decant of Aries allows intelligence and materialistic rewards - estate or commodities, probably not as liquid as money. Hearty and social - a “pleasing” personality. Often envied, but secure due to its many talents. Troubles in love, usually irritates its partners. Must rely on logic, sound reasoning, perception and successes in common commerce. Self-control and experience will help in technical, “people” or construction related vocations.


18-19 deg Aries

Taurus bestows the character of a farmer or prospector - reliant upon nature, experience, manual skills and new knowledge’s in the earth sciences. Materialistic, agrarian, sure of self. Accumulates and concentrates on growth with little time for carefree pleasures, fun and other people, which it really enjoys. Dedicated: hard work may stifle romance and associations, often a selfish, stingy, self-protective, stubborn, faithful and intuitive. Children become employees or vice versa.


19-20 deg Aries

Libra and Taurus - the two Venusian signs - with active, curious Aries may make a rogue and romantic - attracted to entertainment, arts fashion and ego displays. Has exaggerated features, showcases talents and loves attention. Physically passionate, intense and often fanatical, or a reckless adventurer- perhaps violent death. Should learn compassion and respect, self-control and a trade to carry into its later years. Vigorous and expressionistic. Hospitable but native and possibly low intelligence.


20-21 deg Aries

Self-conscious, curious, expansive and recognition-seeking Libra/Aries combination - elementally active, generous, loyal truthful and cooperative. Enjoys successes by gaining friends, being industrious and cooperative. Often found in odd or low-status vocations. Open and forthright, bold, sexual and curious, often inherits the troubles of friends and lovers for whom it makes many personal sacrifices due to its desire of attachment. Good planner, traveler and companion; an adventure with grand, but often impractical ideas. Benefits from a pleasant environment.


21-22 deg Aries

A fighter and “scrapper”. Artificial, misinformed, but artistic and fond of light pleasures and humor. Relies on faith - luck it may have, but can be untidy or confused; lackluster career and romance. Often an immigrant, unafraid of newness, and ready for “change” - waits for luck of strike.


22-23 deg Aries

Penetrating, serious Scorpio at the forefront of this degree breeds cautions, fearlessness and an attraction for life, death and dangers. Military, police, surgical, or underworld activities likely. Powerful, perhaps a healer or destroyer. Not well-linked; suspected. Must avoid poisons, drugs and alcohol, and the lower, meaner people of the word. Strong sexual desires; mistakes are often made in romance - hurt and injury result.


23-24 deg Aries

Double water influence of fitful, moody Cancer and powerful, selfish Scorpio creates sexual problems - morality plays a role. May be an underhanded degree, and likely to be looked down upon and punished. Emotional hysteria possible; a slave to needs and possessions, untrusting due to lack of air and earth elements. Watchful degree, or must be watched. Good for history, polite sciences, diplomacy and often, police work.


24-25 deg Aries

Worrisome, contrary Cancer with mental, striving, stalking Sagittarius with “winner” Aries is ambitious and usually successful - powerful, but reserved - independent, restless, selfish, and diplomatic - a fighter who exists to win, and with the help of family and close associates, does so. Activist, developer, “growth” oriented, not attractive or outstanding but sure of self, guarded, alert and competitive.


25-26 deg Aries

Like the 24 - 25 degree, also good for success in life, with Sagittarius and Taurus contributing to self-concerned Aries. Often religious or spiritual; private, magnetic and talented, very powerful and determined -often recognized and admired. Practical and visionary, progresses a head steadily. Always grows and accumulates due to its vocation and with its respectful spouse.


26-27 deg Aries

Capricorn and Taurus double earth sign quality restricts and slows Aries; either lack of resources, hardships, heavy responsibilities or untimely setbacks dull an otherwise clear path to success. Disciplined, sad, sturdy, proud and headstrong. The Vertex - a nebula - is here; emotion, passion and many unexpected changes challenge this tough degree. Usually hard, dark and austere countenance. Over looked, but surprisingly bright and sure of itself and knowledge acquired over the years.


27-28 deg Aries

Overly ambitious, impersonal Capricorn creates a desire for perfection and status, often annoyingly so and with sacrifice and exclusion of others. Good for hunting, writing and technical pursuits, but too self-protective and trouble making of common, cooperative group efforts. Often a status seeker, concerned with appearance, pleasant and well-mannered. Seemingly bright, serious, trusting but careful. Faultfinding - looks for perfect lover - perfect matches are seldom attained.


28-29 deg Aries

Serious, practical, perfectionist degree: refined, analytical concerned for health, environment and well-being. Similar to the previous degree - social and status seeking, and serious and direct. Manipulative; often harsh. May be trapped in low occupations, or heavy outdoor work. Often a fighter. grapples with hands and metals and dirt. If well-bred, an aristocrat, overbearing, tough and protective, also opportunistic and seldom charitable. Demanding in love. Dark, narrow-minded and ambitious.


29-30 deg Aries

Final degree of Aries combines with Virgo and Taurus; dissatisfied, selfish, unpleasant temper, outwardly ambitious, bullying, and bound to be feared and fought against. Often feels sorry for self and the oppressed - feels hard work should be rewarded and often works for selfish goals - or is forced to A karmic degree; desires to overcome limitations, but often becomes accustomed to and good at arguing and debate.


0-1 deg Taurus

Less active than the previous degrees of Aries, this Pisces degree of Taurus typifies this sign’s softer, smoother, “earthier”, sensual and contemplative characteristics. Prophetic, stylish, fit, and a strategist’s mentality sensitize it. Trades on its many gifts; rises well above its usually low social and cultural beginnings. Is impulsive, and shows a tendency to waver from sensitivity into in generosity, not being totally perceptive - often forgetting when helped create previous successes.


1-2 deg Taurus

Delicate Pisces and brave, fiery, dominating Leo do not mix particularly well here. Love nature is exaggerated, over-dependent or attached to family or religious beliefs, and physically slow, unattractive or ill. Leo squares Taurus creating family and career dilemmas, but is often well-born and bred. Must avoid idleness. Attracted to history genealogy, dramatics, although not overly social - melancholy and inclined to passive vocations and romances.


2-3 deg Taurus

Aries’ effects return forcefully to Taurus on this degree - peculiar, outgoing adventure some, self motivated, fearless. Often travels afar, and quick to make decisions. Perhaps attached to the military or outdoors. Drawn to scientific pursuits, and seems carefree and totally independent, Love life can have its ups and downs; may marry a much older, or younger person. Luck, riches and rewards may be reserved for later years, after settling and slowing down a bit.


3-4 deg Taurus

Sagittarius and Aries double fire influence immediately below the surface of this seemingly sleepy Taurus - short-tempered, impatient, rough and decisive, there’ll be much disharmony surrounding this degree’s activities. Meddlesome, perhaps an activist or crusader - can’t sit. Needs quite solitude more than most, which helps to cool the rapid almost destructive peace. Marriage is not a partnership: there’s little respect of femininity.


4-5 deg Taurus

A thoughtful naturalist pondering the fate of nature and the world - Sagittarius and Taurus together. Hospitable, meditative, relaxed, capable of hard work and accomplishments in challenging tasks. Comfortably at home anywhere in the world, but prefers the countryside. Lavishes in the arts and enjoys its own sort of natural magic. Satisfied and optimistic - always improves existing conditions, unbothered by the troubles that others unwittingly call down upon themselves. Fortunate for romance; wonderful for marriage in most cases.


5-6 deg Taurus

Exhibits the greatest Taurean qualities sensual, magnetic, pragmatic, beautiful, glorified with the gifts of nature. Admired: a shining example for all. Not calculatingly intelligent, but seldom wrong - uses Taurus’ “psychic knowing” in almost all aspects of life. May prefer solitude in order to pursue interests in art, music or studies in styles, often times ignoring the world outside, possibly causing sudden showers of problems. Overall happiness in life; social, cooperative, drawn to items of beauty and culture.


6-7 deg Taurus

Uncommon beauty, vigor and personal charm. Fearless, materialistic, opportunistic attitude leads to successes and riches, although luck cannot and should not be trusted. Commercial and confident, and is said to often prefer celibacy - may seem above the normal realm of lowly human behaviors.


7-8 deg Taurus

Quick, adaptable Gemini here could be led astray, breaking the laws of nature and man - if not careful. Gemini certainly helps speed up the materially - oriented Taurus mind and incites new, opportunistic ideas. Disarming conversationalist: quick and to-the-point. Likely to shun work for socializing. Finds the paths of least resistance, but often surprised by opposition and trouble even in romance, its natural occupation.


8-9 deg Taurus

Humane, honest, peaceful, highly magnetic and psychic due to electric. Aquarius and the remnants of Libran pleasantness. Inspires confidence with positive outlook and initiative, but also ignores flaws and dangers which a wiser person would notice immediately. Experimental, but not always successful. Self-sufficient, but tendency to gain weight or may suffer from chronic illnesses. Loves the good life, but is it the best life?


9-10 deg Taurus

Airy, concerned Aquarius and involvement oriented Cancer can cause excessive worry in this degree - indecisive, and pulled by the tides of the moment. Loves entertainments and creature comforts, but must work very hard and diligently to turn ideas into realities. Good cook and hygienist, fond of domestics and form; can turn chaos into order. Appreciated for its modern, active home. May find happiness in health or physical fitness related vocations, although equally concerned with fitness of the mind.


10-11 deg Taurus

Cancer degree of Taurus - observant, thrifty, efficient, and clairvoyant to some extent, distinguished by kindness and adaptability. Often born into a wealthy family. Gains wealth or fame, but sells short or cannot maintain status, perhaps abandoning something before its fruitful completion - in romance as well. Must trust and remain fair minded - opinions can be wrong. Remember, anything is possible. Preferred vocations use personal expression of some sort- singing, dancing public image, or ‘caring’.


11-12 deg Taurus

Sagittarian and Leo fire brighten and expand this degree: willful, hard working, thoughtful and particular, sociable and “loved” - eager to please and be seen. An ideal partner and cooperator. Peacemaker and “above” lowly earthly ambitions and treachery. Admired - one of the finest degrees of the zodiac for physical appearance and visage. Favorable for family life and children. Creative: builds from visions.


12-13 deg Taurus

Creative, flamboyant Leo squares passive Taurus here. Industrious, self-expressive artistic, socially gifted, loved and courted. A tendency to offend and envy either as the giver or receiver. Requirements for happiness may be too high a price to pay; should gives, and spread harmony and encourage cooperation. Strong opinions - vocations where opinions count.


13-14 deg Taurus

Cardinal Aries with fixed fiery Leo make this degree argumentative, inquisitive, and aspirational. May be religious or researcher in or believer of life’s greater personal mysteries. Robust, well- mannered, forever active even late in life. Prefers quite and dislikes confusion, arguments, and unsettled circumstances. Dominate in romance.


14-15 deg Taurus

Perceptive, quick thinking, naturalist Virgo with Aries here suggest a researches, a keen intuitive mind, and like most Taureans, it’s adaptable to any vocation. Philosopher it’s adaptable to any vocation. Philosopher and believer in faith or faith healer. Able to comprehend and explain life’s mysteries. An asset to spouse or partners, good teacher of young learners. Short, abrupt temper, impatient, easily offended, but none-the-less admired and sophisticated.


15-16 deg Taurus

Double earth sign degree, with pertinacious, discerning fussy Virgo dominant. Judicious leader, diplomat, or intercessor, seldom ignored - dedicated and steady. Self-sufficient, lucky marriage, but a “me-against-the-world” belief may were heavy on this degree as life progresses. Above peers, but understands the plight of common people and lends help in behalf of the less-fortunate and ill. Musical, spiritual and health conscious.


16-17 deg Taurus

Helpful, serving, independent and self mastering due to Aquarius, but not infallible and much too open to attacks and manipulations of others. Misunderstood. Competitive, and often demands too much for itself. Argumentative, forceful, biased which can engender negative reactions. Vocation involves “conflict and resolution” - areas where theories and ideals do battle. Persistence, unbending, and would benefit from higher education and wider viewpoint.


17-18 deg Taurus

Slow, confident, peaceful, simplistic Libra degree, but not one to arouse, Cardinal, “I’m perfect” Libra is not about to sit by idly when tread upon. Artistic talent, fond of nature, good food and drink, loves to buy and sell and throw money around - but lazy and careless. Looks for collectible and nice things for trappings; surrounded by appreciative friends. Often sexual, peevish and critical, “but aren’t we all?” it asks.


18-19 deg Taurus

Airy, noisy Gemini enlivens earthly, heavy, magnetic Taurus, creating a variety of interests and nimble strength. Androgynous nature - neutral, flippant, sweet, friendly, self-assertive, but often flabby, passive and negative. Good voice. Adaptable and clean - may travel at an early age; grows mature early in life and still maintains some of its best child-like traits and stubbornness. Likeable and fun to be with.


19-20 deg Taurus

Power-conscious Scorpio here marks this as an envious, immodest degree - perhaps an impulsive meddler, troublemaker, usually tall, dark and heavy. With a good background and education, it may be moralistic and devout, which would certainly help this Taurus’ human relationship and find it a place in the world. Extreme bad temper, seldom seen. Often ambushed or victimized - character assassinations. Arrogance, bullying and back-biting can be avoided. Sensuous; fond of hunting and expressive arts.


20-21 deg Taurus

Strategic, self-directed but perhaps egotistical Aries-Scorpio degree - certainly never content to sit, always having a plan, project or alternative waiting in the wings. Can build great accomplishments and find success if temper and lusts are kept under control, and if it can avoid “yes men” and opportunists. Desired to be admired. Sexual attractions often include great sacrifices. Infighter or revolutionary - anarchistic and opinionated. Must develop Libran traits.


21-22 deg Taurus

Aries together with freedom-loving Sagittarius spark this degree toward industry, building, fabrications, steelworks and automobiles, or architecture or design - the Taurean perceptual eye discovers, then molds visions into realities. Hard work brings rewards. Spouse and family very similar. Often travels to distant lands or trades with foreigners. Skillful, active life.


22-23 deg Taurus

Imaginative, irascible: a symbol of individual freedom in motion - Sagittarian wanderings brought down to earth long enough to establish turf and be noticed. Master of human and animal nature. Desire for self-expression and talent to do so. Humorous, optimistic, spiritual, passionate character, which might lead to light mindedness and dangerous risks at times. May make bad choice of partners, but generally fortunate in career.


23-24 deg Taurus

Daring Leo degree may have a mission from God, or a self-appointed one - or some karmic feeling it must follow. Guilt or ecclesiastical upbringing may create humility or piety, appearing naive, but faithful and a Samaritan - and not likely to do much to insure its own protection or growth. Self conscious, nervous, superstitious, but goodhearted and blissful-usually. Dedicated and warm, but must not be over-loving ruthless or over-protective.


24-25 deg Taurus

Stately Leo and serious-natured Capricorn furnish this degree with cold spirituality, pride, perhaps haughtiness. Arrogant, but with a firm desire to achieve goals and dominate its sphere, hopefully with justice and mercy. Helped by earthly features and mannerisms. Bound by family ties and genealogy; may take up arms of face violence, or may be mean and cruel. Religious dogma dictatorial. Should be aware of the practical welfare of all people.


25-26 deg Taurus

Militant, violent, restless, and unfortunate. Ambitious and authoritarian, prefers the company of higher classes, and takes whatever possible from life. Insensitive to others. Much depends upon bringing and security derived from its associations, but trouble is not far away.


26-27 deg Taurus

Gemini here confers more freedom, levity, and opportunities, but it is too common and follows a difficult Capricorn degree - poor background or low social status, perhaps due to karmic carry-over from a past life. May be sidetracked by earthly passions and preference for low company rather than taking its gifts of eloquence and variety of skills into more challenging, rewarding areas. Inventive and intuitive possibilities are endless. Romance is changeable - this degree his many roads to travel this life time.


27-28 deg Taurus

Aquarius square Taurus here in the Capricorn decant is ambitious, unrealistic and unsatisfied - mental, physic in some way, but not well-balanced and negatively hurt. Premature and dreamy; impatience could be its downfall, caused by wishful thinking and errors in romances. Unappreciative; misses great opportunities - slow down, listen and learn. Must adjust to and study the world and its people, Cooperation brings success.


28-29 deg Taurus

Commercial, Venusian, fashion and possession flaunting degree due to Libra here better for females - causes grief for males. Gifted with beauty, believed more than it should - can pick and choose partners and mate who are subjects and followers. Always “right” in its own world, and therefore an unconscious danger to others, apt to take them down paths best left for the foolish, Danger of addictions, Magnetic and proud; good organizer and able administrator.


29-30 deg Taurus

Venusian Libra with divers Gemini on the last degree of Taurus soften and air-out the one-sided, cardinal qualities of the previous degree. Self-centered but lovable, dignified, sensuous, fond of luxury, comforts and technical devices.


0-1 deg Gemini

Friendly, unprejudiced, kind confidence is conferred by Aries’ influence on this, the first degree of ever-brightening Gemini. Aries is the eleventh house from air sign Gemini, thus an emphasis on friends and future plans. Aries also sextiles Gemini, thus this degree corresponds to the first day of Spring-pioneering, well-liked by all, curious opportunistic, but with the chance of indiscretion allowing unscrupulous elements easy access to this degree’s great treasures, particularly through commerce and partnerships. Strife is possible, and too many acquaintance. Works with precision or ‘new’ ventures, often in metals - artists, architects.


1-2 deg Gemini

Aries and Virgo influence here glorifies nature, and finds vocations involving the out-of-doors or nature’s beauties and bounties. Health conscious, perhaps a physician, nurse, or farmer. Characterized by precision, and much like the first degree of Gemini, is very much a craftsman, but more socially discriminating and intellectual. A good worker and communicator, particularly adept with technical devices. Courageous.


2-3 deg Gemini

Taurus indicates love and artistic qualities bestows a pleasant personality, but often chases dreams and neglects heavier responsibilities of life due to desire for peace, harmony and excitement. However, can rise to the pinnacle of success in any of a variety of endeavors - due to Taurean perseverance and social skills. Practical matters and other’s needs cannot be ignored. Good physique - lover of luxury and sex.


3-4 deg Gemini

Taurus and Capricorn supplies an inner sense of dignity, consciousness of social status, and orderly, sharp intelligence. One of the most down-to-earth degrees of Gemini, capable of directing rushing thoughts into purposeful actions - good degree for life in general, and over the course of years often finds the way to the top of professions involving heath (surgeons, healers) or finance. Adapts well to anything due to dexterity, orderliness, sense of value and almost spiritual approach to life’s challenges.


4-5 deg Gemini

Austere, serious, dark Capricorn compliments airy, active Gemini in one of the most outstanding degree of the zodiac. Expresses daring, competence, sureness, and confidence. Businesslike and no nonsense, which is helpful for accumulating wealth. Travel and philosophy may both play an important role - Capricorn the second house from Sagittarius opposite Gemini. Problems? perhaps - this degree must avoid excessive risk and quarrels- or risk losing all. May marry foreigner or speak foreign language.


5-6 deg Gemini

Dualistic nature of the Gemini twins - Gemini’s strongest degree, exhibiting all its traits. Outwardly smart and inwardly coldhearted, and destined to reign in the world of thoughts and ideas. Good for business and self-sufficiency, but not necessarily popular. Speculator. Bound to attract many romances. Excellent student and possible writer/communicator/expeditor. Perceptive - vivid imagination and inner mental life.


6-7 deg Gemini

Quite, friendly and private - rather selective is this Gemini with its Scorpio undertones. Open sexual magnetism is much admired honored by the marriage partner. Good looking. Opinions are respected. Deep emotional and perhaps tumultuous inner-mental life-keeper of secrets. Perhaps a writer or linguist or other sensitive skill - musician, craftsman, engineer, diplomat.


7-8 deg Gemini

Emotional Cancer with flighty Gemini confers an excessively dualistic nature, which is often kept hidden. May be outwardly superficial, not engendering cooperation or trust, thus success may be difficult and personality un definable. The North Bull’s Eye (in constellation Taurus) points toward the practical arts - home crafts, construction, or perhaps administrative roles in these areas. Military life possible, and home life is unsettled and marriage uneasy.


8-9 deg Gemini

Better degree for females than males, as Pisces/Cancer on this degree makes a tease, a flirt, a socialite, or comedian - but respected for its ability to adapt and win over just about everyone. Can develop its own directions, receives a wide variety of gifts which brings a respectable position and status. Liked by the opposite sex, but likely to be unfaithful or cheated upon. Oddly enough, wins at games of romance, or is not particularly hurt by losing.


9-10 deg Gemini

Sensitive Pisces combines with fiery, outgoing Leo and Gemini - a degree unaffected by an unafraid of the evils of life. Can and does triumph over less, scurrilous undesirables - those terrible, unblessed one who prey on the gifted. Luck is a factor here and luck this degree attracts - is it due to faith? Whatever! Fortunate degree; good romance, love and happiness with many successes. Artistic sense and tastes are noticeable.


10-11 deg Gemini

Dominate Leo endows mental Gemini with superiority - multiple talents, commanding physique, many children and leadership over others. Also romantic, adventuresome and likely to desire and have it all. Who can deny such a shining star? Good degree for vocations involving arbitrage, horse trading and folksy or cliquish commerce. The bigger the arena, the greater the excitement. A masterful degree, but must guard against being haughty or over bearing.


11-12 deg Gemini

Another bright star, but more serious and contemplative than the last, due to Capricorn’s appearance here with Leo. Perhaps dictatorial and less-flexible, but none-the-less gifted with many entertaining and useful talents, and seldom satisfied with the company it keeps, mistrusting them - feeling superior to them - perhaps making life more difficult. A dry, cold mental degree - good for technical sciences, studies and growth.


12-13 deg Gemini

Cold, calculating degree due to earthly Virgo and Capricorn focusing and limiting the normal Gemini tendencies. Gifted with a perceptive intelligence - thought and discriminating - but often too detached from the normal social flow of life and may not find the opportunity outlets it needs. Has no trouble capitalizing on opportunities it does receive. Increased romance and marriage later in life.


13-14 deg Gemini

Said to be a “dishonest” degree, but with Gemini, Taurus and Capricorn all active here, it’s doubtful that’s universally true. Desire for a “Place in the Sun” - to win and prosper quickly and expediently. Receives bright gifts, but must remember to use them fully - after all, there is competition - and rules. Results are important, and work is its own reward. “Less talk, more action!” should be bywords. Wanderings and sensuous romances - perhaps many, common vocations and associations.


14-15 deg Gemini

With Venusian related signs Taurus and Libra here, this degree bestows beauty, magnetism and sociableness, but may also show too few scruples and too many ruses. Another reportedly “dishonest” degree - common, but gifted, and successful in commerce. Full of thoughts and ideas - perhaps not writing, but publishing, printing or distributing them instead. Artistic, lustful, self confident and attractive, but often unfaithful and too fond of pleasure.


15-16 deg Gemini

Cardinal Libra influence establishes this as a rushing, commercial degree. Quite versatile, adaptable and fond of pleasantries and peaceful surroundings, but often throws nearby environs into turmoil. Should be goal oriented and avoid overwork and dissipations. Good vocations would include teaching, politics - usually dependent upon partners or others, perhaps spouse or daughters.


16-17 deg Gemini

Libra gives way to Pisces in this very soft, sensitive, loving degree - often well-born or well-bred, and seldom without work or challenges to keep those Gemini hands and manifold mind busy. There’s practical sense and manual skill most of the times, but there may be lapses and weaknesses. Gemini squares Pisces, thus some vocational difficulties. Good imaginations, cordial but caustic - and often a changeable, childlike, dual nature, which also brings much romance.


17-18 deg Gemini

Another dualistic Gemini an degree - in this instance, Scorpio is hiding something, or perhaps trying to uncover its own sexual nature, or some other secret to life. Can be cunning and hurtful with its penetrating mind and quick tongue. Often builds practical abilities into a powerful position within its chosen vocation. Ambitious in romance and all aspects of life. Often overly sensual, and thus the pitfalls.


18-19 deg Gemini

Emotional and wavering Cancer combines with Cancer combines with Scorpio on this Gemini degree - deceives with instability. There’s probably some tremendous talent hidden here, but due to overall weaknesses, this degree may or may not be saved from a life of hardships and sorrow. Self destruction is a problem-often a military or action career. Gypsy of sorts; cultural bliss or perhaps a mother of may - too many?


19-20 deg Gemini

Sagittarius degree of Gemini - an either/or degree. A bright intellect, but personal quirks or difficult environment may hinder development. Higher education certainly helps, but may not receiver or benefit from it. Visionary, but possibly impractical to a fault. If it can overcome duality or hardened environment, successes and accolades await - much depends on partners, spouse, and creation of opportunities - good virtuous ones help - bad ones, well.


20-21 deg Gemini

Fit, able and energetic, good mental qualities, helpful but perhaps not faithful partner, and opportunities to grow in status and gain riches. Can be quarrelsome - man - not always social. Good for strenuous activities and travel, but must be cautions in both. Attracted to challenging vocations; perhaps involving the military, sports or travel.


21-22 deg Gemini

Taurus with Sagittarius gives a gentle, winning disposition - generally pleasant and harmonious enough - and fond of nature and also religion. Successful at variety of vocations, probably “captured” by common ones - secretary, clerk, intercessors - but apt to do very well later in life. Must guard health and avoid life-endangering habits.


22-23 deg Gemini

Several fixed stars here disturb the normally self-preserving Capricorn/Gemini nature of this degree. Less strenuous vocations and softer, sensitive romances are preferred. There is instructional, organizational and mathematical ability. A karmic degree, and outside help and understanding in needed to cover-up some glaring faults. Health may be afflicted. A hard working but seldom rewarded degree.


23-24 deg Gemini

Earth signs Capricorn and Virgo with dexterous Gemini convey skills of a craftsman or carpenter - well-liked, quite, thoughtful. Fun-loving, affectionate and is well-loved in return. Wastes few words and has good organizational ability, loves home, but must guard health and eat properly. Expressive and fond of nature, hunting and outdoors.


24-25 deg Gemini

Another sparkling, intelligent degree of Gemini with Virgo and fixed air sign Aquarius - pleasant, unique personality, good looks, but an unusual home life and odd view of the world. Some unique habits may bring trouble, either through misconceptions, or due to jealousy and treachery of others. Good educators - modern and up-to-date technically. Parents may hinder them in some manner.


25-26 deg Gemini

Kinky, resolute Aquarius makes this degree habitually feel mentally superior - perhaps a little too superior for their own ego. May become a know-it-all who, without realizing it, finds life passing by. Vivid inner mental life-private. Works well with large organizations, but remains a distinct “self” - inventive and creative, but often careless or reckless, and too melancholy or set in habits.


26-27 deg Gemini

The Pole star far to the North at this degree may promote the feeling that the world revolves around it, and indeed, it may, but that’s not likely to be true in all cases, particularly with Cancer and Moon creating flippant, unpredictable emotions. Reversals of fortunes. Should retain “roots”, and strive to develop many talents to the fullest. May make a sensitive artist or craftsman-domestic and caring.


27-28 deg Gemini

Attractive in its uniqueness and usually willing to pitch in and dirty its hands in almost any project with others. Impressionable and intelligent - a good learner. Traditional - may develop useful talents, but should always use discretion.


28-29 deg Gemini

Scorpio’s influence here is much like the 17th-18th degree of Gemini - manipulative, secretive, untrusting and often untrustworthy - possibly the result of feelings of inferiority or difficulties early in life. Many plans of power, and some directorial abilities, but often many variables, intrusions, side tracks and falling-outs.


29-30 deg Gemini

Last Gemini Degree is influenced by Cancer and Scorpio, suggests a cunning deceiving charming nature. Faithful spouse and dominating parent. Often, influence or power over others, and like the 28-29th degree, this one must also use power carefully or risk attracting trouble like a magnet. Hard worker and student of human nature - competitive and possibly clairvoyant. Must avoid dangerous people and circumstances.


0-1 deg Cancer

Summer solstice degree for northern hemisphere- sunlit and open. Taurus naturalness bestows popularity, merriness, and outspokenness. Attracts love and probably marriage at an early age; closeness to relatives. Carries some Gemini influence - quick mental qualities but superficial, although this is an “involvement” degree, drawn to a variety of things. Adaptable: successes can be found in almost any vocation. Perceptual and handy. Because Gemini is the twelfth house from Cancer there can be selfishness, conceit and ostentation.


1-2 deg Cancer

Taurus and Libra - two signs associated with Venus and commerce - point toward objects of love, luxury and fashion. Signature of an artist or craftsperson. Well-mannered and sweet, youthful and inclined to self-indulgences. Somewhat lazy and slow, lacking fire, and often attracted to the wrong mates and associates. Sociable, fond of trade and contemplation, always smiling, pleasant and confident, often over looking faults and serious responsibilities.


2-3 deg Cancer

Libra added to 12th-house-from-Cancer(Gemini) created a romantic or playboy. If not a lustful manipulator. Gemini diversity and verbal superiority make confidence and coquettishness. May regard people as objects. Subjective, clerical and statistical - common vocations in business. Social but superficial. Well mannered and dressed. Ambitious and fond of beauty, comfort and entertainments. Owes much to family and depends on them. Good memory, but must remember to stick to business and proper self-expression.


3-4 deg Cancer

Rugged individualist Aquarius added to Cancer/Gemini does not mix well, although outspoken and proud to serve. Headstrong enough not to listen or conform - often over-confident and justifying. Can sense and understand human nature and evils in the world, and is not past indulging in them - destructive for sensitive Cancer, often creating psychological imbalances and nervous, medical or social problems. Must work hard for acceptance.


4-5 deg Cancer

Cancer’s own predominance over this Aquarian degree delivers judicial qualities and sense of fairness. Just and faultfinding, also sees the hurts, joys and emotions of others. Friendly, harmless engaged fully in the flow of life and perhaps politics and other group activities. Inventive - likes to tinker - drawn to vocations dealing with homes, real estate perhaps medicine or mechanics. Mood swings must be guarded against, as well as blindly following prevailing, but changeable popular opinions - discretion becomes necessary for fairness and organization.


5-6 deg Cancer

Shows strong Cancer traits - sensitive, changeable, easily swayed by emotions or reason, ruled by the powers of the moment, eager for opportunity and peace, helpful and respected - focal point of attention. Multifaceted, talented with people and financial skills, but often unable to control or hold money. Bad habits, poor judgment, shyness or misunderstandings can lead to ruin, but is usually able to rely on family or mate, who often become dependent in return.


6-7 deg Cancer

Rugged, strong but small, a warrior of sorts, this Cancer degree combines with Sagittarian enthusiasm - virile and aggressive in romance, but liked by the opposite sex. Offensive and logical, but dependent upon associations. Fearless and emotional, usually learns many lessons, fond of sports and “problematic”. An independent leader. Pitfalls are overbearing, overconfidence. Visionary and impressionable but often too fiery, which is detrimental to Cancer’s stronger traits.


7-8 deg Cancer

Proud and often egotistical, self-indulgent and lazy - takes the path of least resistance. Romantically, likes to play and excite, sampling lovers and soaking up attention which will be lead to trouble and shallow relationships, subtracting from career, which is probably on shaky ground anyway. Good communicator, fanciful imagination, full-bodied. Enjoys pleasant surroundings, perhaps religious. Inwardly shy, misunderstood, or used by others.


8-9 deg Cancer

Active Aries, tenth sign from Cancer, makes a dedicated, confident leader of others, perhaps family - carries the load for many, and often has a status lower than they deserve. Quite and maternal, but makes own rules, and due partially to Leo here is loyal and warm, tied to children or the young. Contented but somehow burdened. May be found in a public career, perhaps in law enforcement or something concerning public order. Dominant in romance.


9-10 deg Cancer

Aries and Virgo add to Cancer on this degree. Active, analytical, often rural background, but drawn into more technical careers. Ardent, impulsive, practical and ambitious - good manager, able to make nothing into something, or plan for the future. Careful and cautious, its inner vitality efficiently powers it along, mindful of purpose - a mix of fire, earth and water. Thrifty, adaptable, and flows along in whatever channels capture its imagination, and has the ability to accomplish its goals. Not outwardly romantic, but passion lies below the surface, and it knows what it wants.


10-11 deg Cancer

Efficient Virgo combines well with practical Cancer for a hearty, intelligent, considerate degree, but prone to indulging in minor details, skittishness and fussiness’s which brings out impatience in others. Youthful, a feelings for “fine-lines” necessary in art, architecture, or even music or the performing arts where details is important. Easy going and carefree, not good for collecting wealth, but fine for real estate. Luck is not relied upon, but this degree does attract it. Pisces underlying this degree creates a “dreamy romantic”, floating on the clouds idealizing the partner, and stirs the imagination and sense of art. Favors light vocations; not an overly healthy degree.


11-12 deg Cancer

Cancer with Virgo giving way to air sign Aquarius creates a peculiar degree - often this combination is a misfit: Cancer duty, Virgo perfection, Aquarius idealism contribute to a distorted visions, negativity, or depressed character. Always working - a serious thinker - or it’s an easy going, quick to jump on the bandwagon type, capable of developing useful skills, services or products, perhaps in construction, engineering , or just plain household work. Somewhat quiet, analytical and not overly ambitious. Serene, dry and capable.


12-13 deg Cancer

Libra’s influence distinguishes this degree with a pleasant, active character, sharp mind which may lead to educational fields, or into “practical,” mundane areas of business. Determined, soft nature adapts to many vocations; occult or medical. Lacks strength and endurance. The inner split caused by Cancer’s square with Libra makes a slow starter, doubting all or contradictory nature. Open to health woes. Family or other serious responsibility may be burdensome. Mood swings noticeable.


13-14 deg Cancer

Busy, emotional, artistic, apt to rise quickly in status, and attracts a great many love interests. Success in general and good, usually stable marriage. Drawn to arts, opinionated, and with double air influence of Gemini/Libra puts ideas to use, and creates superior works of art.


14-15deg Cancer

Airy Gemini giving way to watery, deep Scorpio offers success at writing, math and business in general, capable of deep thinking, investigation, and adaptability, and watchful enough to always try to come out on top, although there may be many unforeseen events and circumstances working against this trait. Double water influence is not visually attractive, but makes up for that with sexuality and persistence, and some underhanded tricks now and then. Sometimes questionable means. Could benefit being less self-serving and insatiable.


15-16 deg Cancer

The Scorpio degree of Cancer, good at planning, scheming and manipulating, whether for good or evil. A diplomat, always ready to move ahead, but also attracting dangerous or underhanded persons who may pose problems and bring losses. When there is triumphs over these adversaries,there are rewards. Courageous and intelligent, it understands the ins and outs of power and positions, and makes its own way.


16-17 deg Cancer

Suffers from the self-destructive, ambitious marks of Aries and Scorpio, both ruled by Mars, and contrary to Cancer’s beneficial influences. If the negative influences is softened by time, experiences, or other factors shown in the horoscope, it can gain strength and fit better into the world. May find a place as an explorer, researcher, pioneer, or in religious sciences - anywhere perseverance, enthusiasm and “will” may be exercised. Nervous temperament, suspicious, jealous, harsh, ready to retaliate. Love may be rocky and vocational enterprises ready to fail, but hopefully, age and experience will strengthen it.


17-18 deg Cancer

Early-rising or late-night reveler, this Sagittarian/Cancer degree will be forever active, forceful, dynamic, and pleasure seeking. Similar to other fire-water combinations, it experiences fewer successes in career and romance, or is caught by limiting circumstance or the wrong associations, or personal mistakes and misconceptions, or other errors brought on by the rush of the moment, the

insistence of others, or the wrong reasons.


18-19 deg Cancer

Leo’s Warmth here benefits this degree, as it follows as the second sign to Cancer, offering many talents, cooperation, resources and romance. Gallant, passionate, patriotic, loyal, conforming and tied to family. Fair to others. Love history, collecting, oratory and possesses distinguished appearance. Noble, self-willed, perhaps pompous and protective, a crusader, and always active. Must arrange priorities, set goals.


19-20 deg Cancer

Cancer/Leo’s brilliance is darkened, condensed, and diminished by Capricorn, adding a serious or depressed tone, perhaps poor health, environment or family. Whatever, it will not be an easy life, and some unpopular decisions will have to be made between security and career. Will learn much, or teach, but will show wear over the years.


20-21 deg Cancer

Capricorn’s earthiness and opposite to Cancer hands down many of the heavy responsibilities and challenges of the 19-20th degree, but is less drawn to the public fields and is more self-concerned. Inclined to private studies and less competitive careers. An “authority” who authors its own destiny - luck is variable; there’s health or family problems. Good things come from industriousness, practicality and taking advantage of opportunity, often at others’ decline. Intuitive degree. Relies on education; orderly, knowledgeable and reserved enough not to become unglued in the face of the worst adversities. Health is a factor.


21-22 deg Cancer

Common being, often drawn to lowly associations due to humanistic Gemini/Aquarius. Talkative, mobile, city dweller. Active home filled with friends rather than relatives. Quick mentality, ready to fight to force agreement, usually on the topic of the moment. Sociability does not guarantee success, and this eccentric degree should develop worth by being more goal, health, and image conscious to gain the respect and cooperation of others.


22-23 deg Cancer

Most Aquarian degree of Cancer - high ideals and desires, often finds way into scientific fields. Original thinker capable of new, practical ideas and criticisms, also the ability to unselfishly see them become realities. Must develop a “life’s path” or risk being a wanderer or victim of the times. Interest in metaphysics; good for astrology. Makes a good explorer, companion or guide in natural or spiritual pursuits. Lavishes its Cancerian gifts on the public - possibly as a teacher, nutritionist, inspector, or expeditor in the food industry or mass media.


23-24 deg Cancer

Libra with Aquarius bestows social abilities, which may or may not prove beneficial - Libra squares Cancer. Retiring, passive, lazy with liking for art and the easy life, relies on charm and appearance. But, it’s far-sighted, noble and utilitarian, perhaps too lofty and attracted to useless socializing and scandal. Others are jealous of this bright degree, and the delicate scale of universal balance points to many enemies who can easily brush aside this Libra/Cancer’s charms, false-harmony, and leave them to waste away with neither fame or fortune.


24-25 deg Cancer

Dreamy, faithful, romantic degree due to Pisces appearance hear, and Libra sociability and friendliness - pleasure-oriented, high-spirited, gullible, but presumptuous goals. Like a wild horse. Prefers to marry well and travel in artistic social circles.


25-26 deg Cancer

Strong Pisces influence which rules this middle degree of the third Cancer decant, has a hereditary advantage due in part to Leo, and is able to flow with the current of the times, becoming a part of new and exciting happenings and vocations. Can follow a drifting course, often landing happily in some interesting port. There is a good taste, but often a tendency to overlook practical consideration and time schedules. Cancer cannot afford to do that, and is encouraged to make a secure place in the chosen vocation - high risk and dangerous ones may prove unsuccessful and costly. Fertile sign many children, and possibly a communal home life, perhaps religious or unusual.


26-27 deg Cancer

Fiery Leo and Aries sharpen up this Cancer degree, adding mentally active, tumultuous, intensified qualities - a resourceful, stormy, admired, domineering attitude, but with Aries square Cancer, somewhat limited in range of pursuits. Subject to roadblocks, reversals, fiascos. Allows for making money and not afraid of hard work, although health is more fragile than it seems. Must avoid being trapped in career or limited in education or opportunities.


27-28 deg Cancer

Headstrong Aries makes for an ambitious Cancer degree, wanting to acquire good home, large family, status, profitable self-employment - that’s asking quite a bit. Also attuned to Capricorn business and leadership skills, which must be worked fro and developed. Wants to create self destiny, but like the previous degree, will encounter limitations, often financial or due to lack of education or conservatism. But, not content to sit, and by nature ambitious, this degree is already ahead of the pack.


28-29 deg Cancer

Noble, mental Sagittarius here is talented, versatile, well-liked, a good worker and usually sporty - and a parent. Respected. Perhaps less noble possibilities exist here: lying cheating etc, or a victim of these. Good teacher; may be shy.


29-30 deg Cancer

Last degree of Cancer often forgets that life is a learning experience and much can be gleaned from others(if it would just listen!) Twenty nine degree points are all “fated” it is said, which actually implies that tremendous turnarounds in life can occur once the seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome. Spiritual; desires to be connected to something, perhaps God, religion, or simply a group or family, due to a combination of Sagittarius, Leo and the culmination of Cancer. Often drawn into serious arenas such as government or military. Headstrong and learn to be “right” - certainly develops a sense of justice.


0-1 deg Leo

Most Gemini-affected degree of Leo, representing escape from the restraints of emotional, “victim” Cancer. Has independence needed to develop “self” and for pursuing its creative destiny. Gemini provides mental qualities and diversity of skills and experiences, signaling daring and fearlessness, however still mild and careful, physically passive but mentally busy. Impatient, perceptive, knowledgeable - or thinks so. Romantically irresistible, domineering aloof but loyal - love of country, favoritism, and good service in any number of vocations, providing the employer is dignified and honest in business, thus deserving this degree’s trust and help.


1-2 deg Leo

Scorpio may obliterate Leo’s dignified nature, and add sexual overtones. Mobile and common due to Gemini, may be lusty and secretive, not good for marriage, but could be useful in business for short periods of time. Is a dedicated, industrious worker, inclined to weight gain - the water influence with a bit of Cancer carrying over may also distinguish this degree as a sensitive, although “weighty” artisan. Vacillating and insecure for Leo, suspicious or superstitious, but generally quiet and productive. A bit of a homebody.


2-3 deg Leo

Prodigious, active degree with Cancer fullness and Leo opulence - fond of food and family, proud of lineage. Often slow, but productive and likeable leader, inclined to drift along on past laurels, seeking the most reward for the least effort - that’s efficiency, but often wrong thinking that leads nowhere. Can’t be relied upon, even in romance. Will suffer and sacrifice due to shortness of ambition. Likes pageants and displays, but should be encouraged to be practical and to appreciate results. Drawn to religion and politics, perhaps the stage.


3-4 deg Leo

Sensitive, critical degree, having a Pisces flavor-self-protective, artistic inclinations. Known to “bite” when challenged or aroused. Hurt by disharmony and weaknesses of others. Usually a beautiful degree, attractive but dignified, preferring to associate with what is praiseworthy and regal. Good friend and liking for travel, music and entertainment - a star. Often religious or spiritual. Vulnerable to underhanded tricks, treachery and idle applause.


4-5 deg Leo

The Lion’s selfishness, protectiveness is dominant over the Pisces sensitivity of this degree - more sensual, clutching and said to be much like Scorpio, although not exhibiting all those characteristics and much more magnanimous. Often quick to imagine slights and injury, self-sensitive, but another entertaining and artistic degree, perhaps a stage performer. Thirsty for all the good things of life, outwardly attractive and inwardly egotistical, often swayed by others or timely trends. Benefits by being fair and less critical.


5-6 deg Leo

The ideal Leo: paternal, watchful, in control, a good executive, hard worker, sharp, stately intellect and almost psychically perceptive - ahead of the pack, gains early in life, and is usually from a good family. Confident, fond of competition, perhaps a missionary. Thoroughly involved, commanding, fond of debate and well-like by people in position of power. A successful career may take the mid away from romance and into dangerous fields as well. Success is not assured, although probable.


6-7 deg Leo

Conservative Capricorn cools out-going, the beehive, shrouds it with destruction, wantonness and unfeeling evil-good clues as to negative characteristics. On the good side, it is like a lion-tamer, a ruler of beasts, attracted to and capable of surmounting danger, rising high due to outstanding feats of accomplishment - sometimes. Ambition leads to ambitious people. Romantically, must bend occasionally - few beaus measure up.


7-8 deg Leo

Seemingly modest, small, with good features, clear skin, beautiful flaxen hair, but no less fiery and passionate than any other Leo degree. Virgo’s influence restrains and cautions; it also learns, adapts, memorizes and becomes an expert. Instinctive, honest-demeanor is likely to be favored in any circumstances or vocations. Sensitive, perceptive and adept, it’s capable of commanding the body - a good dancer, doctor, physical therapist.


8-9 deg Leo

Business and mental qualities of Virgo, with happy, physical influence of Taurus - stubborn and over bearing, but acutely aware of worth. Often suffers due to some defect or vice, fond of pageantry, extravagance and theatrics. Prone to weight gain corpulent body. Careless and unmindful in some of its many romances. Inflexible, selfish and wasteful - should be more conservative. Studious, noble, often religious or political - must be thorough, fair and careful. Vocations often involve food.


9-10 deg Leo

Libra with Taurus here is happy-go-lucky, blessed with opportunities and an easy, social, active life shared with others. Cannot be dominated, an able administrator, although not hard worker, but generally fair and without malice. Manipulative but soft-un ambitious. Pleasant voice, romances and surroundings. Confident - successful, but could be stubborn and procrastinating or aloof. Dislikes distasteful circumstances and uncultured people.


10-11 deg Leo

Strong, refined, artistic Libra temperament - social, entertaining, paternal, and attractive to all - beautiful, particularly the hair. Good-natured, bright, but lenient and wayward, more fond of fun and frolic and extravagance - a wonder child. Instinctive and often eccentric, self-reliant, not a good listener which may contribute to limiting its growth. Complacency and resignation are handicaps, often a poor planner. Romance is too easy, work often too simple and repetitious. Generous, but perhaps lazy.


11-12 deg Leo

Sensitive Pisces softens Leo which might make a withdrawn nature, but Libra’s better qualities shine through, attracting very good things of life, either by luck, associations or family - or industriousness and ingenuity. A “people” degree, sensible and fair, attractive and dignified as are most Leos. Charming, perhaps shy, likely to accumulate nice clothes, jewelry, wealth - good sense of value, fond of entertainment, often drugs and alcohol. Desire companionship. Fine for artistic vocations, but not for repetition, tedium or endurance.


12-13 deg Leo

Penetrating Scorpio intensifies and disturbs Leo’s normally calm temperament, causing political difficulties and strife and less of the lion’s magnanimous qualities. Perhaps overbearing and contemptuous, destiny will have mixed results, but a positive attitude, trust, and diplomacy will help success - cooperation with others is a necessity; distrust breeds selfishness and disaster. Never completely happy, a good investigator, magnetic, prejudiced, and idealistic, a desire to use, rule, “master” which may or may not be beneficial.


13-14 deg Leo

Spiritual degree, incline toward traditional religion and cultural practices, but tinged with Scorpio and touched with Cancer emotionalism - dedicated, self-assured, but often impractical life, insecure career, perhaps outdoors. Easily irritated and distracted by others. Fond of parents and cliques, not likely to inherit, and held back by past conditioning. Romantic attractions or some other emotional trapping will cause undoing, if not careful of fulfilling personal needs first. Helpful to others, often as a teacher or parent to all on life’s pathways - genuine involvement leads to rewards.


14-15 deg Leo

Sagittarius optimism and vision with “superior,” generous Leo separate this degree from the commonplace and ordinary. Frivolous, touchy Cancer still active suggests an unsettled early life, which fosters independence, and self-sufficiency. Rough and insensitive, often taking whatever it desires. Warmth and kindness help success. Active peace and desire nature may be too difficult for lovers and friends to bear. Social, but unstructured, unmannered, good degree for building, gambling, training. Fearless and not too careless, hopefully.


15-16 deg Leo

Double fire Leo and Sagittarius is enthusiastic, “showy”, forceful, friendly, hard headed and hearted, but often unthinking, insensitive, superficial, impulsive and too determined. Demands attention and center stage; not well-linked if too independent and uncooperative. Loud. Makes a good teacher, instructor, athlete, self-appointed “expert” - but a talkative companion, blessed in many ways without realizing it. A hard worker and seldom without an opinion.


16-17 deg Leo

Passive, solid Taurus adds earth fixity to fiery Sagittarius/Leo; durable, headstrong, more patient and conscientious. Athletic, artistic, lovable, strong, both a lover and a fighter, and certainly not afraid of combater debate, always confident of victory. Value conscious, and unwaveringly correct - and vengeful. Has considerable talent due to forcefulness which can be channeled best in mid-life, and needs a “stage” and attention - that may be hard to find. Bullish in romances, often a playboy or girl, remains unmarried unless promised wealth or status.


17-18 deg Leo

Capricorn adds organized, serious, practical influence here, moral and dutiful, helping to turn Taurean material “gifts” into real personal benefits. Works long and hard to reach success and distinction. Resourceful and confident, often starts with little, form a small or humble family or harsh beginnings, and builds position and character, using occult powers and astrology where necessary. Respectful of others and great learner or instructor. Critical and thorough. Will win many hearts.


18-19 deg Leo

Virgo diversifies the goal-orientation of the previous Capricorn degree, making this one more congenial with a narrower, but more personally fulfilling, deeper role in life. Of service and benefit to others. Unhappy if restricted or restrained, inclined to “faith”, religion and brotherhood. Bothered by life’s uncertainties and unanswered questions. Good with facts and figures, perfectionist, suggesting abilities in accounting. Stylish and good with young people - good talker and good listener.


19-20 deg Leo

Difficult combination of Virgo, Aquarius and Leo - independent, distinct character, bright and intelligent, imaginative and socially conscious, but often ritualistic and works against best self interest. Confusion. Often many failures before success is achieved, both in love and business. Leo is hearty and bears all the trials and changes which accompany life. Likely to work with paper.


20-21 deg Leo

Highly refined powers of perception and concentration, originality and old viewpoints, learns early in life about nature’s and man’s laws. Beautiful with sparkly eyes, kind, friendly, and sincere, and adaptable mix of opposite Leo and Aquarius, each fairly balanced and honored, but may be harsh and dictatorial. Perhaps religious or devout, or member of a small professional group, ready to serve dutifully or obligatorily. Proud of family and vice versa, but being reactionary it may be held back somewhat by personal qualms or responsibilities. Needs flexibility. Romance and opportunities come easily; they’re unique and often with hidden, binding pitfalls.


21-22 deg Leo

Changeable Cancer replaces fixed Aquarius of the previous Leo degree - gives spiritual, soulful, “enlightened” influence which might be easily preyed upon, but should also protect it by being more guarded and suspicious. Has something that other’s desperately desire, or thinks so, perhaps an attractiveness that must be possessed. Extremely cautious - necessarily, and needs protection. Useful in the church or medical/service field, saint-like and often a lasting picture in the memory of many. Karmic dreams and ties to past lives. Must cultivate common sense.


22-23 deg Leo

Empathic, utopian Pisces degree of Leo, symbolized by planet Jupiter - magnanimous, generous, all-knowing (or just confident), alert, powerful. Peaceful appearance but stubborn and ready to fight for the cause, reaping the rewards of victory. Often the leader other look up to. Believer in karmic duty. Virgo underlying this degree demands service to succeed, and this, the third, Aries decant of Leo fosters ambition to rise, to win, and is not content with boundary limits of its territory. Entertainers, healer, humanitarians, teachers and jurists. Audacious: loves fun and romance.


23-24 deg Leo

Sensitive, mystical, sexual degree with a Scorpio and water-sign flavor - departure from normal Leo, and as such, more willing to share the spotlight, and less willing to stick to morals, often stooping too low for the lion. Rough, wild, ready to jump into ordeals and risks, unpleasant work, or wild social situations. Dedicated to the case of the moment, familiar with the underhanded, illegal ways of the world. A paradoxical, intense, romantic hunter, repelled by the dull, unfeeling world of business and refinement.


24-25 deg Leo

Resourceful, mental Aries charges up this degree - a leader looking for and army, a shepherd looking for a flock, often not realizing that others don’t need dominance, nor its opinions, and thus they oppose this almost self-consuming, over-dramatic degree. Such faith in self is best used in church or education or vocations requiring daring and privacy. Taste is not absent, but financial control is; earnings are unstable and often from a militant or metallic source, or in the realm of mental motivation. The leader in romance; the protector of its spouse and family. What is the heart’s desire? Pleasing passion and victory.


25-26 deg Leo

The iron-man, iron-willed degree of Leo-full of Aries - afraid of nothing and certainly not willing to wait, being active and head-strong enough to outlast, out-talk, out-endure anyone, anything, anywhere. Wants it all. But what of practicality and fairness and time for the family, and getting paid for labor? Should hold onto morals and stay on the right paths, never mislead others. Wants the best, most attractive companion for romance; personal misconceptions will be the source of disappointments.


26-27 deg Leo

Diligent, efficient Virgo adds to fiery Aries/Leo, allowing a practical and probably quite successful life, unless pitfalls of a rash and quarrelsome nature get in the way. Is meddlesome, curious, and may not be well-liked. Should cultivate intellectual friends, research and read. Quick tongue may help with foreign languages, and certainly helps it initiate and monopolize conversations.


27-28 deg Leo

Mighty Taurus allows fairness, honesty, attractiveness. A beautiful, prideful, robust character - loves nature, animals, children and pleasant art forms. Must learn that courage in the face of danger offers little protection - valor is not always rewarded. May start or rule organizations, crusades and societies which may make money and gains, but often for other’s benefit.


28-29 deg Leo

The darkest degree of Leo are affected by Capricorn and Virgo - basic, earthy matters of life prominent here; death, family, status, growth, and commerce all consume time. Acute business abilities. Likely to accumulate something of value for later in life due to its perseverance and strategic planning abilities. Romantic prospects are always hopeful; perhaps more than one marriage. Enterprising, well-mannered, and serious, attracting concerned, powerful people.


29-30 deg Leo

The “heart” of Leo is noticeable here, helping this degree through the worst of times, powering it onward in any way possible, regardless of odds or obstacles to be over-come. The end of Leo has a Pisces/Virgo flavor-services to others is key to enfoldment. Social interaction controls success. Should do something about poverty and misery first and foremost rather than just talk and condescend - often, power slips away.


0-1 deg Virgo

Helpful Cancer adds depth of feeling, creativity, and hopefulness to this Leo./Virgo degree of transition - the heat of Summer is passing, the world’s plant growth is at or nearing its maximum for the year. This degree is a simple, curious, childlike follower of excitement and sensuality. Fastidious Virgo and Cancer is a director in romances, and is security conscious. Selective of friends and activities. Desires the uncommon quality of Leo; often drawn to emotional pursuits, perhaps writing, games, psychology, and certainly firm in beliefs and emotional habits, which may cause difficulties.


1-2 deg Virgo

Scattered, perhaps self-righteous Sagittarius influence with Cancer brings problems to Virgo, but also adds more intelligence than the previous degree. A firm, critical, mastermind, perhaps a musician, composer, excellent with math, theory and other mental procedures. Impatient and irritable with others, often passed by for promotions - smart, but may not be earthy or disciplined enough to establish and take advantage of truly valuable traits. Health should be checked periodically.


2-3 deg Virgo

Fiery, stately and often conceited Leo here belies Virgo’s essential character, turning it inward rather than outward. Subjective rather than objective - consequently, it’s not overly cooperative but is well-suited for independent work. Generally fair, dislikes anything resembling negativity (personal view). Faithful in romance, “feels” attractions, and may be somewhat a sexual misfit. Aquarius opposite Leo points to modern, perhaps peculiar views and interest in science or mechanics. Independent, self-sufficient, love of youth and dislike for social stodginess and restriction.


3-4 deg Virgo

Highly active, mental, Arian degree of Virgo always busy with ideas, mechanics, or construction, and when fully involved, usually does so right and proper. Superficial live-for-today sort - good employee at many sensitive vocations, but hardly an executive. May not be fully rewarded for work, and might not put earnings to good use. Romantically, may be devious - who would ever expect infidelity from a Virgo? But, that happens - Aries’ independent “head” often changes the direction of its “heart”.


4-5 deg Virgo

An “Activist” inclined toward service, improving the community, or simply helping brothers and sisters. Truthful, energetic and precise, fond of outdoors and natural sciences, surveying, construction, repair, or also adaptable indoors, hidden in the home or office. Impatient; dislikes anything disorderly or contempt able - sensitive and gentle - likely to get what’s desired, providing decisions are well-thought out and sound.


5-6 deg Virgo

Very service-oriented, practical and dexterous - one of the finest Virgo degrees, accentuating tendencies toward perfection, detail, usefulness and helping others. Bright, affable and direct, capable of turning wonders of nature into practical and durable products. Attractive and useful to loved-ones and partners - generally rewarding associations, unless pulled more to the arts - could be a critic or consumer, and less productive. Dependable, trusting, moral, diversified and a perpetual student, always learning.


6-7 deg Virgo

Aquarius makes a generous, private, mindful, reserved degree - Virgo earthy and Aquarius fixed/air - perhaps too restrained, or fearful and eccentric. May lack confidence in relationships and romance. Depends on the intelligent itself. Prudent, orderly, sensitive and clean; makes a good friend once you get to know them. One of the most pleasant signs of the zodiac. Genuinely peaceful, often cares for a relative or the sick.


7-8 deg Virgo

Libra’s best qualities felt here - love of beauty and nature, desire to protect and enjoy. Positive, fair attitude toward all - which occasionally may be taken advantage of or is misled by “lesser” beings. Moderate, unprejudiced, orderly, polite, competent and cooperative. May enter politics, dietetics or social services where a better world can be built. Needs to “assist” to succeed. Loves youth and is gently loving. Because of a clear and open mind, often a good astrologer; able to adapt concepts to people.


8-9 deg Virgo

Superficial, opportunistic Gemini here gives a double Mercurial emphasis, widened mental interests, curiosity, imaginations, and desire to do everything and experience “all” - perhaps some things that are not so good. Loves the earth and traveling on it, often unfortunately. May manipulate too many mates and romantic attractions, creating troubles and hurts. Drawn to experimentation, transportation and common vocations. Is leisurely and fun loving - unaggressive nature contributes to friendliness and cooperation with all.


9-10 deg Virgo

Much like the previous degree, but touched more by Scorpio than Libra - less attractive, but still intelligent, drawn to travel, sexual excitements and investigations - Scorpio traits. Less open - careful and secretive and usually a large family and brothers and sisters. Student of nature’s mysteries, liking for novels, fond of leisure time and relaxation - which can be helpful or hurtful. Good education and heredity are key factors.


10-11 deg Virgo

Full Scorpio influence of this , the beginning of the second, Capricorn decant of Virgo demands sacrifice, hard work and business sense - leading to success, of course. Virgo exaction with Scorpio intensity, drive and compulsion. Durable, critical and accomplishment oriented; adapts well to most vocations (usually common) and is a useful person, but will have to keep romantic interests to a minimum or hidden - lustful -  can lead to undoing. Sexual desires should be kept quite. Often found in dangerous vocations: military, defense, large machinery.


11-12 deg Virgo

Aries’ influence adds fire to deep - feeling Scorpio, making for a mystic, seer or perhaps a religious or cult fanatic, often with the power to manipulate others (usually members of the opposite sex) for gain. Penetrating, aggressive mind; useful in the military or in dangerous or nighttime tasks - can be hard and mean, and likely to attract the same. Respects fear and can skirt danger, usually, and if willing to use more Libran cooperation and be fairness conscious, it could become successful in dark and usual vocations. Often religious which helps calm negative tendencies.


12-13 deg Virgo

Sagittarian adventures-someness quickly launches this Virgo on a roller - coaster ride through life’s challenges and circumstances, giving and taking extremes of success and failure, love and hate, joy and sorrow. A liking for animals, entertainment, sports, food, fun, education and friendliness. Gives a noble, considerate nature, often zealous and all-knowing but often timid, forgetful, overindulging and over-rating. Helpful and not overly ambitious. Chances of success in business are good. Romance may be rocky, due to the Sagittarius/Virgo square.


13-14 deg Virgo

Leo’s fixed effect with Sagittarius and Virgo make this an active, serviceable, impulsive, generous and easily taken advantage of degree, but opinionated and very smart. Calm, confident and not suspicious, often takes things for face value, ignoring security or inspection. Helped always by children and family, and vice versa. Loves to travel either with or in the service of the upper classes. Doesn’t like to sit idly, likes to work - is systematic, practical, gentle and fair. Loves peaceful situations and pleasant, active surroundings.


14-15 deg Virgo

Capricorn with Leo confers business skills and down-to-earth mentality. Values industry and devotion in others, thus it associates with successful people and follows rules, and often writes them. Appreciated by superiors and subordinates, noble and proud, avoids unpleasant situations and troublesome people. Sociable and a dependable lover - virtuous, graceful and charming. Vocationally: a good administrator, planner or military officer or disciplinarian - usually has an “answer” that’s worked in the past.


15-16 deg Virgo

Conservative, selfless, devoted, perfectionist, correct and businesslike, this double earth combination of Capricorn (with underlying Cancer) and Virgo is often most successful and admired of all Virgos. Social, commercial and dexterous; works with a wide variety of people in a no nonsense manner, bringing together the right elements for getting the job done, even in romance. A philosopher and willing teacher of guaranteed methods. Must avoid shady characters and questionable legal acts - may be left holding the bag - karmic justice is still not far away, and life’s lessons must be learned.


16-17 deg Virgo

Gemini dissolves and diversifies productive efforts of wholesome Capricorn of the previous degree, creating an explosive conflict between Virgo practicality and Gemini desire to never say no. Perhaps a mentally conceited degree, “knows it all” and seldom can be told anything, although it absorbs the energies within its surroundings. Not strong, but mental. Often its own worst enemy and keeper of common company, drawn to easy vocations with quick money for little effort, and also easy romances. Suffers from worry and poor health. When honest and “down to business” can accomplish much and accumulate wealth - which is spent too fast.!


17-18 deg Virgo

Humanitarian Aquarius creates a civilized, intellectually refined Virgo, sensitive and practical, technically oriented, good for new ideas, invention and repair - an “answer person” and creator of new products or methods of doing the simplest tasks. Such a fortunate degree must not lose sight of the necessity of sharing its gifts, and be certain to protect the environment which supports us all. Romantically dry and “pure”, much appreciated for ability to be truthful, clever and not overly emotional.


18-19 deg Virgo

Cooperative, friendly and fair Libra glorifies this degree, motivates for success, and is physically attractive. Vocational interests are many and varied, usually as a responsible spokesperson, perhaps involved in trade with commodities, farms, grains, plants, stocks, or real estate. A Libra love of nature and airiness, and Virgo perceptually knows and appreciates wholesomeness and health. Love for freedom and dislike of restraint and hard work, often outspoken, but diplomatic. Can be harsh and alienate others, usually tears at the strong in support of the weak in a noble, but not necessarily popular, cause.


19-20 deg Virgo

Pisces inflates the Libra qualities of this degree, over sensitizing and overloading the organized mental processes and behaviors of Libra-Virgo. May be withdrawn, lazy or misunderstood - often troubles in romance as well as career and other important aspects of life. Generally, helpful degree for service vocations, keen and industrious. Initiates new ways of doing business. Health is not robust and its ego is easily defeated. Often does business with the untrustworthy and lower classes, attracted to the wrong people, feeling they can be helped. Would do better in the arts than the trades.


20-21 deg Virgo

Watery, romantic Pisces here opposite dry, earthy Virgo complements it and adds flavor, although not helpful for the health or body’s appearance. This sensitive, discriminating combination fosters a good sense of thrift and wastes little although time seems to slip away all to quickly. Inoffensive, practical, fun-loving and romantic, although small and usually shy. Vocations may include food, drugs or beverage industries, or anything where purity is needed. A busy degree, often over looked and less social than most, but perceptual and exacting. Also fussy and dollar conscious.


21-22 deg Virgo

Leo added to Pisces makes a fruitful, giving magnanimous degree: sincere, strong and unafraid to speak its mind, as odd as its voice may be. Vain and contradictory (Pisces opposite Virgo and Leo as the twelfth), there are a variety of dangers and troubles waiting to entrap it in romance and work, while traveling and at the hands of merciless, careless people. Personal charm seems to attract unsophisticated people. Concentrating on self-improvement, cooperation and “providing service” and guidance to others helps assure success.


22-23 deg Virgo

Aries as the primary influence with Virgo would incline this degree to military or leadership careers, particularly with military technology, “targeting”, training, tanks planes, and other equipment. Enthusiastic, boastful, can’t-wait-to-get-going - which may lead to impatience, over bearings, and desire to escape the trapping of certain situations. Insanity or anger at times, which points out the need for exciting challenges and rewards from work. Productivity. Aggressive romantically - knows own desires, or at least, think so.


23-24 deg Virgo

Sagittarius here tends toward growth and mental sophistication, joyfulness and often likes music and personal involvement with other fiery people, situations and vocations. But, Sagittarius conflicts with careful, analytical Virgo - as does flippant, jerky Gemini beneath that - making a shilly-shallying, artless, happy-go-lucky character, moody and unsettling to others, competitive, showy and attention seeking. Although attractive and hardworking under a variety of circumstances, must be careful in associations, and with resources - lick is unsteady.


24-25 deg Virgo

Daring, passionate, inquisitive degree - combination of Sagittarius and Taurus - keenly perceptive, magnetic, trendy, social and fond of romantic interactions, parties and horses. Ready to leap into intrigues, social causes and love affairs. Indomitable and prefers to help and associate with the nonaggressive type it feels need leadership; this will be the cause of many misunderstandings and strife. Good memory and organizer, but often loses poise, composer or direction.


25-26 deg Virgo

Stubborn, physical Taurus makes this a double-earth sign degree - persuasive, head-strong, and determined for Virgo, but usually correct, courteous, affectionate, and long-sighted intellectually. Builds solid bases and associations for future successes. Food and exercise are important - health will be a factor-so are friends, family and associates. Love youth and children, helping the innocent become self-sufficient. Artistic and loves nature. Must avoid health pitfalls and play fair with others who are entitled to their own opinions, evern if they are wrong.


26-27 deg Virgo

Libra here soften careful Virgo - Taurus self-interest and knowledge of basics makes a delightful interesting combination for Virgo - passive, easy degree; good for romance, marriage and sex. Blessed with wit and business skills; shrewd and gifted. Libra is commercial and attractive, often jumpy in romances, saying that it’s seeking the perfect partner. Easy to fall in love with, but hard to please. Literary, political and fond of debate.


27-28 deg Virgo

Talkative Gemini scatter the lesser - sunlit Virgo degrees - these last three are the darkest and usually most troublesome. This degree is intelligent, industrious, witty, but superficial, often giving away secrets and offers little of value to others. Interest in mind sciences, sociology and self improvement, nervous energy-burning sports, and often, occult or astrological interest. Self conscious and worrisome. Generous; often dominates in teaching jobs, but whatever the vocation (there may be many), they’re very dedicated to work - or consistently bored by it - and can’t advance. Generally a good, self-motivating influence; may have many dependents and more than one romance at a time.


28-29 deg Virgo

Quirky Aquarian influence, usually petite, quite, smooth and insightful, religious feelings or spirituality, intuitive and superstitious-strong feelings about social problems and poverty and the unfairness’s of life in general. Sex is not a major concern - instead concentrates on establishing a good life for loved ones. Forward looking and able to put ideas into form - plan - and without nonsense. Perhaps an architect or government worker - a necessary part of society. Erudite; must avoid being dictatorial and being prey to evil, manipulative influences - once beliefs are established, will rarely change.


29-30 deg Virgo

With Libra and the Autumn Equinox one day away, this marks the last of the predominately sunlit days in the northern hemisphere until the following Spring. End of abundance - the beginning of industry. This degree often feels over burdened with work, over whelmed by the world and social pressures - which may or may not prove too difficult.. they certainly shouldn’t . Take heart, this is a versatile degree capable of great accomplishments in service, organization and growth and interaction with others. Adapts to situations and successes - experience is everything, and this degree will experience more than most.


0-1 deg Libra

Leo’s loyalty and romanticism influences this, the first degree of articulate Libra. Like a magnanimous king, it makes certain that standards of fairness are met. Days and nights are of equal measure at this time, thus sincere feeling for equality, loved of justice - a balance of personal and cooperative interests. Love or art - reflection of free expression within this Leo kingdom. Tall and full, independent and courageous, a Summer degree. All this comes after suffering some hindrance. Usually stays single, free to love whomever it wishes. Good for any trade or sales vocations.


1-2 deg Libra

Easily Capricorn settling fiery Leo/Libra adds seriousness, a happy melancholy, and a deep felt love of God or country. Kind and generous, understands the hardness of life, but with its sense of fairness, is willing to sacrifice much. On the airy, humanitarian side of Leo/Aquarius polarity. Often misunderstood (Capricorn squares Libra); aloof - life is not always smooth, but blessed with just enough gifts and practical experiences to bring successes as time passes.


2-3 deg Libra

Capricorn abetted by mental, diversified, fussy Virgo - down to earth, practical, dry influence with Libra’s pleasant dedication may take to medical or service professions, Often less than robust and healthy itself. Creative, industrious, capable of precision and determination - valuable traits in a variety of vocations. Like most Libras, well liked, but earth elements (especially Virgo) are less romantic and attractive. Toils may be heavy - too heavy - unless lighter, innovative, artistic vocations can be found.


3-4 deg Libra

Perceptive Virgo and magnetic Taurus make a sense of beauty and love of body physical, strong Venus qualities, perhaps too much, distracting from pursuits which would provide more challenge and chance for accomplishment, wealth and security. Good model, often preyed on by sexual people, and often dragged into senseless unproductive intrigues (Scorpio opposite Taurus). Perhaps a good surgeon, doctor or analyst - more likely a farmer, but artistic talent could produce a sculptor, painter, fabricator. The sky is the limit for this amiable degree.


4-5 deg Libra

Another dissolute, good-looking, Venusian degree, swayed by loved and its feelings of artistic impressionism. Sense of justice and fairness; imaginative, yet practical. Social success, taste, friendliness, and helps this degree in love and vocational pursuits. Favored by others, due to Taurus magnetism, with plenty of Libra instinctive. Not often side-tracked or bothered by petty annoyances - always headed forward. Drawbacks; ignores injuries and often trusts that bad situations will get better - often both become worse.


5-6 deg Libra

Libra’s strongest point - imaginative, industrious, capable worker, without a care for tomorrow - after all, troubles should mend themselves as they had in the past. But light mindedness such as this and disregard for advancement and limited education may become stuck as a pawn in some large and confusing game. Does not understand other’s weaknesses, nor is itself faultless. Purely romantic, gravitating to polite society and money, sometimes outside of the law, often feeling love too powerfully and impractically; often self-love (indulgent).


6-7 deg Libra

Sensitive, emphatic Pisces adds sentimentality and imagination to this Libra degree - universal love - or often too free with emotions, which can (without protective influences around it in the chart) be seriously hurt or taken advantage of by others. May have a messiah complex - self-appointed, but may gain some respect and following, even in odd cultures. This degree does need practicality, and an open discriminating mind. Often psychic, shrewd and intuitive, feels a need to be of service, often in dangerous situations. Possibly great singer, dancer or expressionist, perhaps in commercial vocations, but could end up in a common position. Love is so important.


7-8 deg Libra

Sexually conscious and often aggressive Scorpio turns shining, public Libra into a secretive, clandestine lover, often morbid or unhappy, believing in witchcraft and suffering delusions, off kilter, amoral and sometimes criminal - perhaps a widow. Scandal and disgrace may find them sooner or later. On the plus side, it is inquisitive, busy and physical, perhaps drawn to jewelry, dancing or behind-the-scenes positions in entertainment, or dangerous, public pursuits. Often, food and entertaining plays a role.


8-9 deg Libra

Cardinal water sign Cancer with fixed water sign Scorpio-influences of the previous degree is serious, courageous, fitful, demanding, not necessarily orderly or businesslike. Emotional and serious, may be a vagabond, gypsy, panhandler at worst, taking advantage of weaker characters - if some can be found. Perhaps a con-artist, but whatever the case, it faults will cause scrambling and scurrying for money, success and happiness, even love. Also Depression, unpopularity and business failure. Must learn to listen, become educated, have pride in virtuous accomplishments, and above all, be fair and alert. Pick the right people and the right advice - modesty and confidence helps.


9-10 deg Libra

Aspiring Sagittarius adds philosophical, educated overtones to this degree - world - weary, seemingly ill-fated, and beleaguered on most fronts, but optimistic, competent and cheerful, with generally good features. Helped somewhat by Gemini under Sagittarius, and industrious as are most Libras. Often enlists aid from others, but many puzzle pieces must come together first.


10-11 deg Libra

Fiery, forward - looking Sagittarius provides impetus for this active degree - encouraged to get up and go - the easy sunlit days are over, industry is important! Inventiveness, planning, cooperation are the rule of the day; this degree is impartial, independent and foresighted - often moves to the head of any special enterprise. Charts the course, turns dreams into realities - somehow. Enjoys outof- doors, and open romance, hunting, sports. Haughtiness and improprieties may entrap them if they forget the rules that carried them to the forefront.


11-12 deg Libra

Earthy Taurus beautifies Sagittarius/Libra - pleasant appearance, vanity, conceit, love of leisure and desire for a world run in accordance to these traits. Often noble causes but far from practical crusades leaves the home front undefended. Likes to play out idealistic fantasies in matter of romance, sex and chivalry, rather than escaping these traps and evolving along with other degrees. Vocations where macho, femininity, or a specific image or “front” is needed - receptionist, hostess, model, salesperson, motivator, agent.


12-13 deg Libra

Capricorn ambition and caution belie fair, resourceful Libra, often a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or plays too rough. Romantically over-attracted to beauty (Taurus/Scorpio of previous degree), preying on the weak, young and innocent. Commercial and calculating, self-improving degree; seeks status and often respected. May be too dedicated to work and other aspects of life and may suffer. Its protectiveness smothers others, mate or family. Needs to expand through Libran congeniality and diversify its interests.


13-14 deg Libra

Virgo, Capricorn and watery Pisces make a psychic, perceptual, cautious degree. Cunning, plotting, bluffing, perhaps harsh, but generally Libran qualities of fairness and understanding - good for writers or speakers, but inclined to self-conceit, unfounded idealism and cliquishness - artistic and technical; work into any common occupation, follows desires when able, often responsibilities from elsewhere, or family ties which may hold back or limit - should respect value of all people. Dependable: good organizer, perhaps unromantic.


14-15 deg Libra

Courteous worldly, shrewd Virgo/Aquarius with Libra - does well when attracted to scientific or humanitarian vocations, generally tends to easy, social situations, casualness and leisurely playing regardless of age. May be lazy, but instinctive, and given good challenge and education, can rise to the occasion in its chosen vocation, disregarding and overcoming risks and hardships. Inventions may occur too late, and occasional poor judgment can lead to wrong associations which dull its innovative, brilliant gifts.


15-16 deg Libra

Traditional astrology places Saturn exalted in Libra We’re inclined to believe that what was meant was “the scientific, educated Saturn that rules Aquarius”. Aquarian inventive, altruistic, helpful, mental nature cooperates well here in the middle, exalted degree of industrious Libra. Strong physique, brisk, lively, innovative, daring temperament - an explorer, inventor, thinker, tinkerer, but often prone to accidents and destruction - perhaps an avalanche, enemy bullets or a run-away train. If surviving to old age, success and renown - if not, will be remembered for its independence, great openness, ideas, active daring and ad libbing.


16-17 deg Libra

Cardinal Cancer polarizes, distinguishes and excites well-balanced Libra/Aquarius - practical and inventive, gifted in mechanical arts, helpful at home, appreciation of music, and scientific interests. However, it can possible be a “wavering” degree: unconventional, desires attention, attracted to unusual events, disaster and contradictions - often for personal amusement. Energy must be well directed. Often weak, frail and white or blond appearance. Attractive, easy-going and childlike; not well adapted to work. Needs flexibility, rest, peace, quiet and an understanding gentle, devoted mate, and good-natured fun now and then.


17-18 deg Libra

Pisces adds spontaneity and complacency. Desire to be understood, perhaps self-conscious, or an interest in nature, occult or personal sciences - sociology, psychology, or health, beauty and glamour aids. Vocations dealing with everyday problems and practicalities. Often marries rich. Sensitive artist and personality.


18-19 deg Libra

Penetrating curious Scorpio adds intensity and passion here, causing Libra to put a higher value on time, resources and associations - an improvement over the 17-18th degree. Sexy and good looking, courageous, hearty, industrious, a very robust degree - enlists confidence and support of many, builds success in almost all aspects of life. Good sense of purpose, basic, and seldom reliant on others. Secrets of the universe are there to discover, and the sky is the limit for personal and professional growth, but may settle for less, or more pleasing status.


19-20 deg Libra

Attentive Aries with competitive Scorpio lights up this degree, almost an imitator of god, but in its own image, of course. Scorpio reserve is just enough to appear non-aggressive and value-oriented. Libra pleasantness and sexuality, but often hyperactive. Perhaps religious or a mystic, a step ahead of the rest, provided good nourishment and outlets for an active nature are available. Good for almost any vocation, but must avoid taking advantage of others and crime. Vigilant, bright-eyed, confident activist.


20-21 deg Libra

Fiery, pioneering, desirous, headstrong, “fit” Aries (Libra’s Opposite Sign) renders a curious, inquisitive, absorbing, but often tense, over-taxed character. Fast learner, quick application to any vocation where higher education is not a necessity. Matures early in life, fresh and beautiful, faddish, trendy and self-involved, values freedom and dislikes dull, routine and unproductive work and circumstances. Desires to be center stage, often overlooks or is oblivious to others. Makes emotional, unsound decisions and might rely on shaky partners. May not receive cooperation; naivety brings heartbreaks.


21-22 deg Libra

Troubled due to Libra/Aries polarity, but also irritated by fussy, particular, but gifted, intellectualizing Virgo. A karmic sign for Libra. Great plans and personal elevation, but often forgotten, replaced or altered as time quickly passes. Also struggle then success to follow - but expectations too high and limited results. Perhaps break-ups of many partnerships. Shiftiness, wanderings, often too superficial or thrill-seeking; shuns responsibilities and fails to reap profits; builds castles in the air. Pisces sensitivity would help this leaky, lightweight ship - should avoid life - endangering vocations - may jump from one common job to another, slowly gaining valuable experience. Suited best for arts, literature, and feminine pursuits.


22-23 deg Libra

Activity and success. Gains through sympathetic attention. Succeeds in the arts, real estate or legal professions - well organized, analytical, fervent, “learning” accumulating degree, helped to public recognition. Needs to be out and about - public. Stagnation and conceit are enemies. Successful in partnerships. Exemplifies the good Venusian aspects of Libra and Taurus.


23-24 deg Libra

Beautiful Taurus/Libra degree accented by austere, business-like Capricorn - strong physique, but annoying tendency to over-step limits, but which are more liberal and promising than most. Inclined to careers and situations with stiff competition, but greater rewards. Somewhat vulnerable: others may try to hold it back. Open to attacks and bad luck - perhaps too dominating, feeling gifted or stubborn, seldom gives others their due. Magnetic, knows business will, overcomes personal obstacles. Dominant in romance, but careful and loving.


24-25 deg Libra

Diverse, flighty Gemini adds its airy, perceptive influence to Libra/Capricorn - proud, mentally sophisticated and tactful, well-learned, well-heeled, critical and polite degree. Friendly, attractive, inoffensive, seemingly harmonious and desirable, finds dangerous, challenging, high-powered situations in which glib tongue and sharp, competitive mind and wit might occasionally run out of luck - but not often. Usually successful, adaptable and reliable. Favored for public positions; quick and conservative. A pleasant, useful partner.


25-26 deg Libra

Double air influence of Gemini/Libra adds rare versatility, dexterity, and physical abilities. Friendly, generous, no-nonsense, full of social fun, games. Enjoys mental intrigues, comforts and conveniences in love and leisure - fast cars, infatuation romances, noisy crowds. A gambler’s confidence-able to evaluate, balance the odds, but slips occasionally. Tempted to test fate, but usual good fortune. Many interests, perhaps too many, and a mate that may have a hard time keeping up. Many children.


26-27 deg Libra

Tactical Scorpio make an ambitious, sexual degree - strong, lusty, attractive, perhaps lacking intelligence and unreasonable, low on courage, underhanded, opportunistic. Accustomed to getting its own way, but has many financial responsibilities. Romance and career troubles may result, although vocationally it’s usually well-established. It’s credentialized, ambitious and cooperative enough, also careful. Fond of leisure, music and romantic activities. Nearing the least “light” of the Libra degrees, it shows less of Libra’s strength - industriousness, equality, sociable, and attention is drawn to reflective Scorpio feelings and vocations - less generous, more guarded, but capable of harder work.


27-28 deg Libra

Touchy, sensitive Cancer with Libra in the Gemini decant is often reluctant to move and remains undecided. Often self-contradictory, and very changeable. Short attention span, but good with many, many people and capable of managing many projects at the same time, sometimes successfully! An “initiator” often lacking fortitude, preferring for others to take risk and be out front. Often diplomatic, responsive, but shallow and brief, careless, forgetful. Learn by the actions and judgments of others. Try to maintain a positive environment. Busy home; children galore - real mess. Occasional mistakes in love result in unhappiness.


28-29 deg Libra

Skittish, worry some, homebody Cancer with Pisces ambivalence on this degree softens and sensitizes it - sometimes good, more often troublesome and moody. Liking for literature, pleasant social situations. Not overly active - weakness of mind and body. Psychic and learn to judge character, or just protects itself and many common interests. Not good for wealth or status, inclined to spend limited energy of positive, “heart” ventures by loving and helping children or the less fortunate. Loves romance, a day dreamer, an idealist; contributes when inspired by humble causes, friends and family. Learns from experience. Success with age. Interested in philosophy or religion. Weight gain likely.


29-30 deg Libra

Superstitious and occult tendencies may take the mind into realms best for others to explore, this degree being too vulnerable and gullible. Likable nature due to Pisces, Libra and Scorpio, but often goes overboard and arouses the suspicion of others due to many reckless and ill-advised odd acts and beliefs. Sex may be a powerful magnet, but hopefully love of people and clairvoyance will urge it to concentrate energies on success and self improvement, gaining security and a firmer foothold in the real world. Remember: still a Libra, not Scorpio!.


0-1 deg Scorpio

Fair, non-aggressive Libra surrenders to tenacious, aspiring, active Scorpio, helped by an impatient earthy Virgo influence, creating a daring and high-handed temperament, but possessing many altruistic Libran qualities. Like a newborn crying for attention, it wants opportunity to expand, often not knowing where or how - hopes that friendly, active energy will carry it forward. Strategic mentality: tactical, analytical, and may occasionally bluff and be caught. Often runs short of power, expect opposition, reversals.


1-2 deg Scorpio

Analytical and humanitarian due to Virgo and Aquarius - helpful to Scorpio, but weak and frail. Helped by its magnanimity and fore-thought; practical, useful, and mentally determined. Has many ideas and is a fast talker. Short-tempered, idealistic, but often for unpopular causes. Good memory, medical or surgical skills; gifted in the mind sciences. Should concentrate on promoting higher causes and not stooping to quarreling and embarrassing sexual notions.


2-3 deg Scorpio

Air influence positive here, due to Libra. Careful, thoughtful, attentive degree; checks every angle and possibility. Deep thinker, but often slow to act. Good researcher or analyst, thorough, cooperative, helps to solve mysteries of life. Meditative, occult pursuits may lead to fatalism or surrender; sacrificing all ambition (Aries opposite Libra) perhaps as an idle wanderer of free-floater. Romance should be favorable, although the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.


3-4 deg Scorpio

Variety and depth - Scorpio with Gemini and airy Libra - another light degree for dark Scorpio, but free and cheerful. Makes own luck. More sociable; many associations and closeness to brothers and sisters. Often drawn into arts, music, and peaceful, co-operative pursuits. Underlying restlessness and hidden willpower may surprise and dismay others; confusing reactions. Love and harmony is desired, so why are there problems? Often, lack of self understanding - must develop inner power and follow through so things turn out better.


4-5 deg Scorpio

Flighty Gemini strong with keen, courageous Scorpio here, often reckless and rampaging, perhaps brutal, often feared. Multifaceted, good learner, perhaps a surgeon due to good eyes, steady hand and indifference to blood. Perhaps crippled, difficult to entice. Success comes hard, and may be tactless and harsh - does not engender cooperation. If condescending, will have respect of family and friends. Often teacher of difficult subjects; carries heavy weight of responsibilities.


5-6 deg Scorpio

The “real” Scorpio with influences of Aries, Taurus and Gemini - fiery, active, passionate, magnetic, direct. Ambitious, hard working degree. Fearless yet sure, often succeeding in difficult tasks where others would fail. Could find way into medicine, difficult trades, military, or police sciences. Not wasteful, but rough edged and clumsy, thick-bodied, dark and strong.


6-7 deg Scorpio

Fiery Aries with watery Scorpio indicates vocations with metals or precious stones, perhaps a miner; mineralogist, explorer, trader, smith, or designer. Fiery, impulsive activist, both strong and enthusiastic. Degree of “taste” sense of value and liking for expensive items - likely to accumulate wealth. Desires to engage in commerce, but not necessarily successful in all ventures. Pleasant, well-mannered degree of Scorpio, tactful, but looks after its own best interests. Other “adapt”, rather than vice versa. Always a chance of violence and sudden death. Dependent romance likely.


7-8 deg Scorpio

High-minded, traveler Sagittarius with self-improving Aries combines with power-conscious Scorpio - a “me-first” degree; desires the limelight, often too selfish for other’s tastes. Likely attracted to similar characters; competitive, prone to squabbles and in-fighting. Showy, but not an actor - flaunts virtues: athletic ability, fitness, independence, strength. Lacks self-restraint extravagant and fond of scandals. Please self; is admired but success and lasting romance are often hard to find.


8-9 deg Scorpio

Showy, attention-seeking Leo influence with Sagittarius/Scorpio may be decadent, ready for romance and passion, drawn to egalitarian pursuits such as acting. A stern uncompromising dictator - good for children, but not so for most working adults. Childish; Leo conflicts with carefully concealed Scorpio desires, plus a disturbing fire influence with Sagittarius (and underlying Gemini), makes a mentally unbalanced, fitful, confused degree, often leading to refuge in religion or large institutions where desires are less a problem. Would rather fight than switch - gains power through self-direction, creativity.


9-10 deg Scorpio

Serious, reflective Capricorn/Cancer with selfish Leo/Scorpio makes opportunism, cunning, perhaps secretive and political, setting up the game for insider and itself, manipulating those nearby. Deceptive, adept at hiding weaknesses. Honesty? what’s that? Investigative nature. Often a problem solver in business. Is loyal, respectful of family background, capable of getting to the core of matters, but not likely to revel techniques without promise of reward or gain. Science or math teacher, or revealer of secrets of life. Romantically protective.


10-11 deg Scorpio

Earthy Capricorn adds form to fluid Scorpio, conferring business ability and sense of order. A powerful degree. Signifies success, blessed by wealth, but a hysterical, high-handed temperament which can lead to animosities and downfall. Capricorn/Cancer give interest in life’s mysteries occult sciences. Often becomes an administrator or arbiter. Close ties to family and genealogy. Adept at tying people to the right tasks in group and cooperative ventures. Found in general, industrial, but difficult vocations.


11-12 deg Scorpio

Busy Gemini effect with already structured Capricorn specifies a degree of commerce, communication, or expedition, particularly in difficult or undesirable vocations. Learning is a key factor - often learns early in life the value of prudence and is careful in all activities. The exception is love, where Gemini is often unfaithful and Scorpio lustful, promising plenty of trouble once the truth leaks out.


12-13 deg Scorpio

Aquarian imagination and inventive skills with heavy emphasis on mental “air” elements gives self sufficiency, cleverness, futuristic plans, idealism with Scorpio exacting cunning, logic and persuasion. Perhaps too self-reliant to listen to others helpful advice. Typical Scorpio willpower, useful in any vocation requiring concentrated effort or mental determination. Seldom contented, always reaching ready to take from others anything unprotected or undeserved. Able to protect its own - position, family, romances. Often misplaced psychic powers; must avoid danger of dawdling in power trips and selfishness.


13-14 deg Scorpio

A degree of beauty and courage - an admired lover, active in money exchanges, transactions and barter - a bank teller, mortgage lender, loan shark, or even a lowly dealer trader or keeper of lowly companions.


14-15 deg Scorpio

Airy, commercial Libra combines with watery, sensitive Pisces, making an attractive, debonair, talented degree. Sense of art and tastefulness, dislike of structured environments, religion, preferring instead occult and secret or trendy practices. Often sacrificial service to those in need. Feel a need for attachment - to feel alive. Seldom accumulates real wealth putting low value on such things; usually relies on others. Often research in earth sciences; likely to be found in the movie theatre.


15-16 deg Scorpio

Hopeful, acquiescing Pisces is strong here with passionate Scorpio - a militant crusader, a faithful friend, dedicated to service or “the cause”, often changing old and useless things by secretive but usually peaceful means, employing ancient wisdom and occult methods in some cases. Fear and superstition, prejudicial and illogical. Attracted to chemicals, research, inventing the curative medicines of the future, or may be a public transportation worker helping to speed the masses on their way. If overly ambitious or a gambler, trouble lies ahead. Romantically attracted to ides or causes, often due to underlying selfish sexual motives.


16-17 deg Scorpio

Romantic Leo/Pisces-often small and weak, makes a soft-hearted lion. Loud but ineffectual for Scorpio; less offensive in romance - hunted and captured by the opposite sex - the prey rather than the predator. Inclined toward creative arts, likes music and entertainment - an actor. Becomes totally involved in activities - work is a work of art in progress. Likeable and proud. Shuns difficult situations and mean, harsh people.


17-18 deg Scorpio

Regal Leo gives way to ambitious Aries - precipitous, “threatened” Scorpio degree - Aries exaggerates Scorpio: passionate, jealous, possessive and ambitious in love and everything else. Cleverly plans to entrap what is wanted. Courageous, independent, argumentative - active and impatient, ready to fight or backstab - a bitter, burning opponent. Fiery vocations, usually difficult or dirty, if any. Often military or structured environment.


18-19 deg Scorpio

Traditionally considered one of the worst, most despised, troublesome, destructive degrees, but this is not necessarily true. A “wrecking crew”, often destroying those things and people which have eclipsed their usefulness. Partially Aries, but more Sagittarian, often unwittingly sponsoring Scorpio carnage - or should we call it regeneration? A devil’s advocate. Perceptive, opportunistic, easy irritated, persuasive and enduring, has good chances of success (North Scale of Libra here), and evil reputation is unwarranted; must avoid being own worst enemy.


19-20 deg Scorpio

Daring Sagittarius and earthy Taurus combine here - more settled than previous fire-breathing degrees. Favors social advancement, often responsible decision making positions, if held in place long enough to be promoted. Another weakness: drawn into romantic flings, often as a third party. Travel by land, loves trains, and may find love and contentment in a distant place, settling for less. Often harsh and inflexible.


20-21 deg Scorpio

Strong, stubborn Taurus opposes Scorpio here, challenging and dulling the normal Scorpio desire nature. Colder and less lively - notice the days of the year are becoming colder and shorter, also. Undeveloped, slow, inclined to usual, menial service jobs, nursing, police guard, sentry - needs the help of organizations; unions, government. Contented, but lustful, ferocious and ready to knock over obstacles. But, friendly, likes large animals. Perhaps a farmer or rancher, but definitely at a loss in active, modern social situations. Respect for life and underdogs. Often, sacrificial daring.


21-22 deg Scorpio

Enterprising libertine influences from Libra with Taurus/Scorpio adds intellectual capacity and social graces, although limited. A heartbreak degree, surrounded by less fortunate, missed opportunities, despair and poverty. Deep feelings. Often helpless and unable to accomplish much without the tools of success. Artistic, talkative, loves nature and quite happy to see family and neighbors grow and prosper. Easy prey for higher political and social forces.


22-23 deg Scorpio

Metal, diversified, active Gemini adds outgoing, casual qualities to shifty Scorpio, and with underlying Sagittarius, there’s the fire of desire to achieve. Good degree of trade and commerce, but often easily distracted, and too free with resources. When knowledge and experience are put to work, coupled with personal skills, it can accumulate wealth and status. Putting wealth to good use is something else - degree is far from secure.


23-24 deg Scorpio

Active, appealing, fickle nature due to airy Gemini and Aquarius. This magnetic Scorpio falls easily into a soft life of comfort, conveniences, and self gratification, using every opportunity and variety of sexual skills to raise status through romances, partnerships and promotion. Opportunities may not be that many - dual fixed signs hold this degree back - perhaps a martyr, fond of darkness, and secrecy - and odd occult or religious beliefs. With an education, may become a doctor, teacher or advisor - career success is unpredictable.


24-25 deg Scorpio

Cardinal water sign Cancer with Scorpio means life and death, sink-or-swim, “us or them” situations. Some troubles can be avoided, certainly the water trine makes this degree adaptable, easygoing, but often wears away (dissolves) the protective life force. Powerful searching soul, with karmic reactions coming out of nowhere to challenge its emotional strengths. An emergency room nurse, the first person at the scene of an accident, or perhaps the family member who tends for or buries the others - sees all the many, negative aspects of human existence - sorrowful and soulful.


25-26 deg Scorpio

Cold, but clear crisp days of Scorpio begin with Cardinal water sign Cancer here again (see the previous degree). Many woes and negative aspects of life will confront and challenge it to help those “in need” or hurt. Courage is necessary, so is sacrifice. To hide is to hate and deny. Learns to serve humanity. Has a deep debt to pay, often coming due during the darkest of hours. The soul is strengthened - life goes on. Family is a key aspect of life; parents often powerful, children often troubled.


26-27 deg Scorpio

Fiery, cultured Sagittarius adds a philanthropic, optimistic quality to this degree. Appreciates history, values, achievement, and celebrity, often a student of the entwining aspects of human existence. Literary taste, well-read, intrepid, sincere; often active in cooperative ventures, new industries, or education, perhaps survival. Public recognition, public spirited, perhaps political ambitions. Strong, dark and domineering. Easily charged-up for even the simplest projects. Leader of household, but often travels. Always attracted to challenge and rewarding activities.


27-28 deg Scorpio

Noble, aloof Leo is the center of a fire influence here, which is not complementary to Scorpio’s better qualities. Urged into leadership positions and hard work - can overcome obstacles and take up challenges wherever wished. Discerning, fun, dedicated, often misunderstood, often a devote follower of cause or church, filling the pews and the rank and file of unions, bureaucracies and political machines. Rarely breaks a promise, but doesn’t make many. Is relied upon, although occasionally missing the mark. Handsome, but often passive in romance.


28-29 deg Scorpio

Impulsive, front-running, antagonistic Aries with Leo in the weak degree of Scorpio is creative, admired, bright, fond of sports and leisure. Opinionated, power-seeking, strong, but not particularly hard-working, cleverly leaving that to others, often agreeing with the boss and using other tricks, disregarding detail, all of which may prevent it from rising in its chosen vocation. Wants fun, possessions and self-satisfaction. A cautions degree.


29-30 deg Scorpio

This degree’s nearness to Sagittarius brings troublesome karma to Scorpio. Aggressive, mental degree, well-suited for the military, covert war, spying, protection - or church, metals, research, inquisition. Always a strategist, mindful of mankind’s weaknesses and the cruel methods used by senseless enemies. Seldom a loser and despite low status or birth, develops its potentials. Becomes a master of words and difficult tasks-heroic or devilish-confident although working with the barest of resources, relying on acting ability and spontaneity.


0-1 deg Sagittarius

Magnetic, penetrating Scorpio gives way to a Libra here, intellectualizing fiery Sagittarius. Attractive, optimistic craftsman, capable of fine works of precision, often involving timing devices or music. Piercing intellect, productive - quickly assesses and arrives at conclusions right or wrong, but usually with sound, logical reasoning. An activist, drawn to life’s “fast lane,” often suffering due to actins of associates or vocational injury. Freedom highly valued. Fun life filled with interesting people, and often an attractive, loving, active spouse. Life should be light-hearted, but often isn’t.


1-2 deg Sagittarius

Contradictory, opportunistic rascal due to Pisces influencing the Libra/Sagittarius combination. Fond of risks, problematic, argument, but visionary, practical and somewhat of a perfectionist although muddled. Perhaps, Irrepressible: No shortage of adventure. Drawn to exiting, rough-and tumble vocations, sometimes illegal. Always fond of parties and socializing.


2-3 deg Sagittarius

Powerful, warlike Scorpio replaces temperamental Pisces/Libra - more aggressive, serious, “able”, perhaps vicious, haughty and meddlesome - not complementary to mindful Sagittarius. A psychic sign, often a preoccupation with sex and/or power, but also love of family, sentimentality, and possessiveness due to light Cancer effect. Often large physical features. Magnetic; others are drawn in, and often willing to be led. Should not abuse power over others. Occupations may include engineering, money management, construction, planning.


3-4 deg Sagittarius

Sensitive Cancer and its dole, status-minded opposite Capricorn add responsibility to and stabilize Sagittarius. Kept close to home and family. Wide variety of business abilities, and a love for travel, excitement, and entertainment. Reactionary, skittish, sensitive and temperamental - even warlike or impulsive at times, but generally self-sacrificing, patriotic and ready to stand up for what’s right - its own beliefs, of course. Capable of care - dedicated and responsible, perhaps as a doctor, ophthalmologist or involved with scientific instruments or professional service to others.


4-5 deg Sagittarius

Excitable, thrill seeking, emotional Cancer with strong Sagittarius. Often entertaining, overly exaggerated, fond of display, sexual but usually disciplined, cultured, and well-mannered. Attachment to the harmless, poor or others that can offer it few benefits. Often works alone and with passion and determination, perhaps in a university or research institute, or under water. Interested in people and masters foreign languages. Has many wanderings. Adept sailor and does well in the company of equally active friends and co-workers. Will see many changes throughout life and must learn to adapt well in order to go far.


5-6 deg Sagittarius

Typical Sagittarius - best traits; adventure-some, thoughtful, strong, active, out-going, resourceful, competent “expert”, hunter, sportsperson, lover of travel and fine things, student, talker. Fun-loving and enjoys achievements. Love of foods, art, beauty - culture of all sorts, and usually has attractive cooperative, difficult partnership ventures where these traits may shine. Often entrapped or possessed, but prefers independence, thus romance can lead to trouble. Often a protector, linguist, translator, intercessor, analyst or organizer.


6-7 deg Sagittarius

Persevering Taurus slows down fiery, ambitious Sagittarius; a lover of land, plants and food. An expert shopper. Strong romantic desires. Inclined toward happiness, entertainment even in religion, often neglecting other aspects of life and rules for living. Vengeful when interfered with. Dramatic, emotional, loves books, movies and TV. Allured to anything filled with culture and pageantry. Must watch weight; not overly social. Benefits greatly from education.


7-8 deg Sagittarius

Heavyweight Capricorn adds serious notes and responsibility, perhaps stealing away resourcefulness and normal pluckiness of forward - headed Sagittarius. Contemplative - is capable of great concentration, assimilation, and plan for a better future. Confidence and composure brings success. Disturbingly optimistic; perhaps a loser in some speculation for some reason or another. Win or lose, it’s a true optimist, always learning and looking ahead.


8-9 deg Sagittarius

Honor and riches ending in ruin or violence - coupled with earthen, discriminating Virgo squaring and agitating active Sagittarius make for one of the most personally dangerous degrees of the zodiac. There’s intelligence, of sorts, but may only lead to volatile situations, problematic, conflicts - fires, explosions, accidents - or possible ill-health due to restlessness and carelessness. Survivors of this degree become adept at handling negative, unpleasant situations, and actually benefit from them, but the cycle of risk is continued. Vocations favor the military, politics, church studies, research with dangerous chemicals, explosive. Not romantic.


9-10 deg Sagittarius

Air influence of Aquarius loosens the strict, static Virgo/Sagittarius combination; Virgo brings conflict and oppositions, but there is more mental, communicative, persuasive, humanitarian personal power. Down-to-earth, service oriented, gives the public (or whoever) what they want. Benefits are returned. Both Virgo and Aquarius are drawn to “helping” mankind in some way. Gifted with good hand-skills and senses, but often a question of where best to put these traits to use. Another less-than-romantic personality.


10-11 deg Sagittarius

Helpful Aquarius influence balances eager; ambitious Sagittarius. A good combination: aggressive but humanitarian, perhaps a public servant, good friend, fond of modern leisure-time fun. Could develop into a revolutionary, or champion new causes - distrustful and an adversary to questionable power structures. Noble and fearless heart, willing to win by any means, which may be admired, but not in all cases (some may lead to dismay and ridicule). Underlying Leo influence makes it a leader of groups - a scout pack, brownie troop, gang, service organization - maybe just a parent of many children, or a school teacher or military trainer/officer.


11-12 deg Sagittarius

Cancer’s critical, emotional aspects with fiery Sagittarius - foster a negative Lunar influence, or a hard prejudicial, negative Saturn - Venus effect. A strong, possessive lover, perhaps adulterous, but always wanting more and needing attention. Can go far in many vocations; liable to trample opposition. Practical ability in sports. Women often beautiful, light and fair. Tendency to want more than is deserved.


12-13 deg Sagittarius

Easy going Pisces with Sagittarius in this Aries decant may be a little too inspired, too lofty, too egotistical, too ethereal - shying away from real work and solid methods for making a living - often forced to stoop for just about anything, even suffer ridicule, to gain what it can. Can be distorted, over-sensitive, greedy, often poor and taken advantage of. What can be done? Join a church? Ups and downs and accidents beyond this self-victim’s control are characteristic. Morals and morality - and health - are important; with them, gain; without them, loss.


13-14 deg Sagittarius

Watery, “involved” Scorpio combines with Pisces/Sagittarius to create a magical, magnetic “believer.” Able to create results, whether for good or bad may depend on how you view it. Manipulative. Foresight, intuition, prophecy and dreams make this degree seem mentally strong, but due more to a refined witchcraft. Perceptual, reactionary rather than logical; gets fully involved and is listened to more than should. Sexual behavior leads to trouble, so does shirking responsibilities. Has a basic sense of what is right for the times - a valuable trait for business success.


14-15 deg Sagittarius

Another mystical degree - with Scorpio and fiery Aries with Sagittarius. Ambitious, likely to achieve aims, if goals can be established and feet firmly planted; otherwise, an opportunistic wandered, shiftless, a hustler, pool-shark, gambler, con-man or even a modern day Elmer Gantry, perhaps for the occult set. May gamble away profits or travel. Requires much activity and feeling of power in vocation which is often a transient and low-paying, common glamour job. Perhaps an attendant, mechanic, bartender, dancer, or the like.


15-16 deg Sagittarius

Center degree of Sagittarius, with alert Aries makes this a double fire degree. Active enough to be attractive, and fiery enough to burn and often hurt itself and others-much like those sparklers you see on the Fourth of July. Too active; may have trouble maintaining attention and completing tasks. Unreliable perhaps, but lofty ambitions and bizarre plans. Showy, feels intuitively (just might be!), but flashes of insight can be misleading and impractical. Romantically attractive, sexual, but often lacks real love. Seldom pinned down.


16-17 deg Sagittarius

Begins the second half of Sagittarius. An Aries degree, and daylight hours become shorter and shorter. This helps settle and mellow this sign, but also begins an area of negative influences in the zodiac. Earthy Virgo cools down hot Aries/Sagittarius of the previous degree, bestowing better mental and organizational abilities, but nothing approaching genius. Often dissatisfied with career, naive and fond of amusement and ceremony. Tends to neglect health (walking in the rain, etc) and social responsibilities. May not make lasting personal connections; may be abandoned, blamed and accused due to casualness or carelessness.


17-18 deg Sagittarius

Earthy, loving Taurus should bring this degree down-to-earth and a life of success, but it often doesn’t. Wanderings due to its adventurous nature may prevent this Sagittarius from stopping to accumulate land, wealth and resources - doesn’t value anything and is wasteful, in efficient and immoral. Should learn to “save” and share. Distrustful, negative desire nature and “headiness” may produce a criminal or violent being, perhaps sexist, likely to end up a laborer rather than becoming the land-baron of its dreams.


18-19 deg Sagittarius

Capricorn Taurus make another irritating degree for Sagittarius - compassionate, achievement - oriented, selfish, no-nonsense, worrisome degree. Earth element combined with fire makes a capable administrator or politician who wishes to build for self or protect “idealism” rather than actually serving people. Feels artistic and is romantic, but more a copier of current styles than a creator - in that sense, sides with the majority, thus its plans usually sound good and are often followed.


19-20 deg Sagittarius

Capricorn and Gemini/Sagittarius form a sociable, discrete, diplomatic character, perhaps a genius of sorts - eloquent and enthusiastic, often questioning authority or dictating what will be. These skills are useful in almost any public vocation, with much success there in, but there is a danger of fatalism which retards the usage of these precious, unique gifts. Liked by leaders of today. Has sound opinions. Clinging romantic; hopefully, clinging to the right person.


20-21 deg Sagittarius

Gemini/Sagittarius opposition here diversifies, mutates and often muddles and confuses. Mental activist or a schizophrenic - or both? Whichever: it is a master of own destiny - initiative, opportunity and intellectual assistance are available - but likely to agonize over problems with love and mate. Orderly and pleasant - well-liked - perhaps suffering from a speech impediment or some subconscious hang-up (or Gemini double-think) which makes its nature seem ill-defined and weaker than it is. Of course, this degree can overcome that and practically any other obstacles when it learns the right methods.


21-22 deg Sagittarius

Scorpio added to conflicting Sagittarius-Gemini combination causes a great deal of trouble for this highly active, intelligent, diplomatic, poised degree. Often distracted from important issues, and follows the easy path, looking too deeply for faults and flaws that don’t exist! Desire for power and recognition, there’s self defeat ahead for this degree once the “charm” wears off. Must avoid jealousy and suspicion at work and in romance as this only attracts the wrong elements.


22-23 deg Sagittarius

Strong Scorpio-Cancer influence-sixth and twelfth signs from Sagittarius - promotes difficulties and self-undoing, and in the self-involved Leo decant, says much about the pitfalls of this degree - overly passionate, jealous, selfish, haughty - perhaps giving and receiving physical harm. Errors in love. Probably good at writing “cheating” love songs as it is attracted to those type of situations, leisure, and unfitting atmosphere. Heart troubles and heart aches. Despite that, has abilities in science, research and math. Works behind the scenes, although all too often is drawn into bad situations and scandals, ruining its chances for success.


23-24 deg Sagittarius

Cancer-Capricorn with sensitive Pisces added makes a damp-dark degree for the Leo/Sagittarius sector of the zodiac. Hopeful and cheerful, possible poisoning, early death, and other dangers, all shortening the life span. Protection is needed. May be forced to travel, perhaps as a homeless refugee. Has Sagittarius bravery and optimism - and Piscean love and compassion which helps for charitable deeds. Often musical, perhaps a muse, bringer of joy, or caretaker.


24-25 deg Sagittarius

Romantic, lofty, regal Leo outshines cold, watery Pisces to make an outgoing character, sensitive, with inherent desires to entertainments, gambling and gluttony, perhaps intoxication or conceit, and mean temper. But, these are pitfalls of a character that is bold and blessed to being with - good memory and fearless (helpful success indicators). Eager, bright and indomitable, should learn to stay within means and do what it does best. Don’t let bad habits lead to ruin. Versatile, with talents for acting and music. Flows towards an easy life.


25-26 deg Sagittarius

Double fire influence of Leo/Sagittarius produce idealism, love of liberty, clear-sightedness, and willfulness-but also makes a tyrant with a hot-tempered, demanding ego. Good degree for actors, salesmen; not necessarily a good talker. All-in-all it has a noble, positive image of itself. A faithful friend and many romances. Liked by all and at home anywhere. Opinionated due to fire element; likely to find romantic fiascos.


26-27 deg Sagittarius

Capricorn weighs heavy on this otherwise fiery degree (Leo and Sagittarius): puts up roadblocks and restraints (usually personal). But, as we all know, the greater the hardship, the greater the reward. Capricorn makes Leo more careful; there will always be lesser, vulgar people ready to stab at this degree. Leo/Capricorn also implies heart attack, Cancerian eating habits being the culprit. Serious mentality. A slow but solid learner, often evolving into an executive - sociable, attractive, romantic and capable of commanding.


27-28 deg Sagittarius

The last degree of Sagittarius become weaker; here, Sagittarius conflicting sign Virgo beams down, holding adventuresome Sagittarius back, often due to health or injury. Must learn value of patience and conservation - and get facts straight.


28-29 deg Sagittarius

Persevering Taurus adds physical power and stubbornness to pursuit of ambitions. An intellectual, but dry, dreary degree, brittle and slow-footed, often an easy target for more aggressive type who may sense the weakness of this fire sign. Drawn to less rigorous activities and vocations - pleasant, un strenuous sports and the arts, appreciated for many contributions and its participation.


29-30 deg Sagittarius

Dark, foreboding Capricorn waits a day away - the shortest daylight day in the Northern hemisphere, making this a hard to define degree. Has strong desires to establish position in the world, but usually the wrong constituency. Aims very high, and to achieve such greatness, must study and learn human nature in order to manipulate and motivate others. Develops own type of clairvoyance, short-cutting to quick answers. Lacks logic, but good at getting own way. Drawn to dangerous commercial enterprises, and may be successful, if given the chance - “if”.


0-1 deg Capricorn

First degree of Capricorn has the nature of Scorpio. Dark degree; the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. Importance is attached to mate or partner, who will fill in the blank, dark spaces of existence, and to whom a tight knot will be tied. Dignified, psychic and spiritual degree. Cautious, reserved and diplomatic, more understanding, stronger and self-sufficient than realized. Teaching the arts and writing are favored.


1-2 deg Capricorn

Cardinal, Martian influence is added by Aries - a rushing, impatient, independent degree, often willing to change or attack anything to “improve” it (change equals whatever is wanted.) Double cardinal influence make a more noticeable, active degree - serious, adaptable, pioneering penetrating intellect. Of course, this degree benefits when results of labor are a benefit to all, and not just self. Romance and career will be rocky, even dangerous, Seldom satisfied and desires to dominate.


2-3 deg Capricorn

Combining fiery influences of Aries and Sagittarius, this degree is blessed with intelligence and vitality to carry ventures to successful culmination in any field of endeavor. Capricorn organization sense is strengthened by the Sagittarius/Gemini mental polarity-good sharp mind, dignified and knowledgeable, perhaps a scholar. In possession of such gifts, such a dominating type may be tempted to exceed fixed boundaries, but in most cases, it is satisfied with what’s legally attainable.


3-4 deg Capricorn

Much like the previous degree; orderly, noble Leo replaces much of fiery, active Aries element - sure of self, more creative and romantic. Loves pleasurable pursuits, sports, children, and fine things of life. Warm-hearted big-brother (Aquarius/Leo in good form)-perhaps vain to a point of squandering wealth on social or creature comforts. Also a fondness for-and luck at-gambling, and odd trait for down-to-earth Capricorn.


4-5 deg Capricorn

Nurturing, protective, organized, mobile, self-assured degree of Capricorn, one of this signs more prominent and positive degrees. The Bow of the Archer (of Sagittarius) is located here - there’s balanced combination of Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Cancer - one who is so blessed is likely to care for the less-fortunate, and is far too trusting. Open and frank - a leader and organizer. Good family person.


5-6 deg Capricorn

Holds all the good traits of Capricorn; reserved, self-evolved, orderly, cautious, honorable, dependable, judicious, and has the good nature of Capricorn’s opposite - Cancer. Protective, thorough, and achievement-oriented. May be a bit shy, perhaps eccentric, but unselfish-usually-but in some cases the opposite is true, and danger from enmities and competition may appear. Always willing to fight for what is rightfully theirs. Good parent, breadwinner and dependable mate.


6-7 deg Capricorn

Dualistic and fast-paced Gemini influences this degree - confers a mystical-mental quality, adept at mechanics, organization and debate. Knows and sees all - would make a fine engineer or scientist with good memory and exactness of detail. Tendency to play around with the opposite sex - this is an attractive, pleasant looking degree (fiery adventuresome Sagittarius implores normally conservative Capricorn to do bold acts.) Desires to be an artist. Definitely feels it can do as it pleases, and usually does. Benefits for acquired values.


7-8 deg Capricorn

Eccentric Aquarius and robust Leo polarity is felt here, making a noble, if not careful, creative degree. Easily bored, often drawn to escapism and romance, adventures such as hunting, gambling and masculine leisurely pursuits. May be a pessimist, but is friendly and loyal, capable of hard work and endurance. Drawn to futuristic ideas, and ways to make them workable. Cautious and critical.


8-9 deg Capricorn

Aquarius-Libra flavor creates a contradictory Capricorn degree - softens and weakness Capricorn’s stronger points. Cultured and opinionated. Underlying Aries also demands action - sometimes unwise and hasty - or unworkable love affairs, or loft, impractical beliefs. All in all, fun and sensitive, fond of nature and desires earthly pleasures, and a perfect, beautiful mate. Liking for fantasy or history, and special love for home, genealogy and family.


9-10 deg Capricorn

Much similar to the previous Capricorn degree, but feels more of the combination of Libra and Pisces - very sensitive to the sad plight of the less fortunate, and may be one. Naturally helpful; good at diagnosis and “seeing” into other’s hearts. Love of nature and romance with Capricorn practicality demanding that all mouths be fed - good hunter, provider, family person. Suited for “light”, quite vocations, perhaps in the occult fields, medicine, or social services or practical use of fine arts and music.


10-11 deg Capricorn

Sensitive, complementary, water-sign Pisces and its earth-like opposite Virgo make this a very careful, practical, and thoughtful degree. Watchful, critical influence tends toward wisdom and diplomacy, good executive, and seldom offensive. Favored by people in power, which usually will take this degree far in whatever fields it enters. Inoffensive, moderate ambitions, simply gravitating toward success. Good memory, magnetically attractive, and responsible in all of life’s matters.


11-12 deg Capricorn

Changeable Pisces and noble, fixed Leo nature often takes to deep religious teaching and preaching’s in order to serve more than the normal retinue of family and friends, which will be a large circle in itself. Romantic and idealistic. May be preaching fire and brimstone, but only as a way to warn others to take care of themselves. Protective of family and friends; a team player.


12-13 deg Capricorn

The head of the Archer - is here, a fitting symbol for the fiery Leo/Aries nature livening up stoic Capricorn. Tremendous energy cloaked in practical and reserve; is enduring and ready to take on any adventure and enjoy life to the fullest. Hidden romantic nature; acting ability, and unexpected ambition. From a respected family, but may be lead to extremes and attempts to take advantage of the unsuspecting and vulnerable, and likely to be caught - such activities are unconsciously betrayed by Leo dignity and Capricorn sense of right and wrong.


13-14 deg Capricorn

Near the most “exalted” degree of Capricorn is earthy, self-possessed Taurus. But this degree is still highly fiery with Aries and Sagittarius, and doesn’t sit still long enough to reap the benefits of its exceptional life-skills and inner strength - wasteful. Thirst for power and tendency to go to extremes - risky business for cautious Capricorn, so success can’t be assured, although strength and determination and evident. Perhaps a little too outright with selfish desires. Discretion and charity would help.


14-15 deg Capricorn

A stubborn, magnetic, power-conscious Taurus-Scorpio polarity is felt here a top an irritating Sagittarius twelfth house influence. Lover of animals and the land. Can be sweet and childish - usually well liked but a dangerous opponent none-the-less. Quibbles over trifles. Is unnecessarily combative - no need for that, as this degree is blessed often selfish and should not be blown out of proportion. Good for trade and arbitrage, and physical, sensual love.


15-16 deg Capricorn

The degree of the land-baron - capable of directing man a beast, captaining the biggest industries and the largest farms. A natural magic and earthy fortitude of Taurus/Capricorn - a solid character. Love of animals and wealth; may be involve in sports and gaming - or trade - with an excessively easy, simple life. Perhaps farming or a carefree life where duties are ignored, and neglected enterprises fail - must be progressive and protective of resources and possessions.


16-17 deg Capricorn

Beautiful, but perhaps too animalistic ally simple degree for Capricorn - Taurus and Libra combine their Venusian characteristics to soften hardened Capricorn. Human nature and fun loving degree; very fair - a good analyst, quite healthy and active, romantic and “desired”. Earmarks of good artist or socialite, a fashion plate, or perhaps singer or musician. But, a moody degree, often found in murders, or those who feel they are entitled to get away with something (because it’s Capricorn, it can’t). An erratic personality. Often twins.


17-18 deg Capricorn

Pliable active, inquisitive Gemini conveys “trouble” for this Capricorn. Injuries, mishaps and indiscretions. Capricorn is deliberate, Gemini “thinks” it can logically move through the world and win its challenges - often it can’t. When progress is made - persistence pays - the nature is refined and can organize and build success through reasoning, sound management and planning. Generally well-liked, but there’s always a danger of being caught bending the rules. Excellent communicator, supervisor, or debater; dominates and expects attention.


18-19 deg Capricorn

Altruistic Aquarius added to active Gemini makes a calculating, orderly, deeply intelligent Capricorn - one whose mental capabilities and dedication create wonderful achievements in behalf of friends, or in respect to the arts, family or “the cause”. Cool, calm and collected, liberal and benevolent - a team-player. Friendly and drawn to problem solving and work in dangerous places - that’s the risk - but it is “capable” and is known for unusual successes. Sense of glory and romantic notions - perhaps a handsome, swashbuckling type.


19-20 deg Capricorn

Matters of life and death attract this degree - especially emotionally charged situations, which create useful and alive feelings. Watery, initiating, vital Cancer opposes Capricorn here, and Leo/Aquarius tendencies are still active - emotion opposes practicality and conservation - a confused situation: life is the same way. A lost sheep trying to find its way in the oddest situations. A poet? A clown? A musician? A mime? Cautions must be taken and self-contradiction avoided. Has difficulty establishing an identity - which it will have later.


20-21 deg Capricorn

Separating, confused, self-defeating effect of the Cancer-Capricorn polarity of the previous degree is a bit simpler to deal with here. Sense of values, writing skills, perhaps a scholar, usually a “parent” of many, able to feel the variety of human conditions. Cold, but active and comes at the beginning of the earthy, detail-conscious Virgo decant of Capricorn. Chemistry, history, education and home economics vocations attract this degree - likes to feel useful and a participant in mankind’s progress. There’s a deep, underlying spiritual quality. Romance and partnership will take many turns - hope carries it onward.


21-22 deg Capricorn

Adventurous, reverent, philosophical Sagittarius influences this Cancer/Capricorn combination, adding mental foresight, curiosity, and love of travel - would make a wonderful teacher for adults or children. Also a writer with a sense of mystery and excitement. Capable of mastering foreign language and dialects and understands other cultures. Perhaps an archeologist or historian - fond of anything “old”. Physically fit, patient and capable of hard work, but somewhat of a one-track mind.


22-23 deg Capricorn

Leo showmanship shines from this degree a brash, outgoing nature for Capricorn. Overly optimistic, thus a degree of entanglements, misunderstandings, romantic conflicts and hasty decisions. Tendency to gain weight and to give more than can afford. May be clairvoyant with Leo openness unlocking the inner psychic dialogue housed in almost all Capricorns. But, outgoing-signs signal waste and self-indulgence-not good for conservative Capricorn. Be cautious in financial matters.


23-24 deg Capricorn

Aries with Leo with earthy, “direct” Capricorn expresses ambition, and energy to accomplish the most demanding tasks - often risking fortune and life along the way. Sincere and open-minded (can afford to be) but can’t understand why others would ever disagree with it plans and ideas. Why? It makes no sense, because a belief that it concise, correct planning is the best! But, no one is perfect; it’s an imperfect world. Must be tactful and diplomatic in order to continue its successes. Outdoor activities favored; politics or religion cannot be ruled out.


24-25 deg Capricorn

Improves and benefits from predecessor’s creations; reaps the rewards of all labors, much like Earth as the storehouse of the personalities and souls of the planes, Sun and Moon. Visionary, peaceful, congenial, and well-mannered, successful at collecting riches due to Virgo and Leo. Love will come easy, but with heavy responsibilities. Generally lucky and full of fun and frolic. Pitfalls: the chance of an accident or assassination.


25-26 deg Capricorn

Another “rich” degree, with diverse Virgo coupled with Capricorn in the airy, Aquarian area of this decant. Peace and freedom are important, as well as other good things of life which it shares with all - nature, home, travel, and new innovations which stir the imagination and provide excitement, awe and fulfillment for the mind. Such a good life can spoil this degree - hard times may be ahead, and adjustments may not be easily made later.


26-27 deg Capricorn

Humanistic, innovative Aquarius combines with earthy Virgo/Capricorn - a builder, progressive farmer, or powerful, healthy athlete. A domineering executive or director. Generally good natured, strong and sure, a bit of Leo “display” - prefers to work out in the open where results are visible and certain - and useful and simplistic. Its nature is far from simple - very intelligent and efficient, relies of strength and perseverance for success, usually well aware for boundaries and limitations. Restless: must not overlook details. Accidents pose a serious threat. Admirable features and attractiveness.


27-28 deg Capricorn

Active, commercial Libra adds “reasoning” qualities to Aquarius/Capricorn. Responsible degree, not afraid to take on the weight of the world and the challenges of a competitive career. Libra gives opportunity for wealth, but also burdens, restriction, hardship - remember: Libra squares Capricorn. Spiritual, soulful drive to succeed; quibbling is not allowed - time is important and not to be wasted. Good at operating businesses; experienced at many things; usually in the earth sciences or perhaps vocations involving travel.


28-29 deg Capricorn

Diverse Gemini effect coupled with Capricorn near the cusp of Aquarius - the Sun is beginning to move northward toward the equator, thus this degree is very much a degree of progress, innovation, reasoning, and advancement. Progress means freedom for restricted Capricorn. “Wise” degree, perhaps a lawyer or judge drawn to the interaction of men and women, or community service, the earth sciences, perhaps food and shelter industries - all are fertile ground. Pitfalls: doesn’t like to stay in one place - transient and flighty.


29-30 deg Capricorn

Shocking, can’t-wait Aquarius is edging over into this degree, which can cause some discontinuity with the final, closing stage of Capricorn. May be just a little too ahead of the time or too deeply rooted in the past - like an idea whose time hasn’t quite arrived. All activity and speculation can wear and tear on poor Capricorn, perhaps causing problems with health and relationships. But, luck is bound to come its way - the next invention may be the one propelling it to the greatest heights!


0-1 deg Aquarius

Fiery, adventuresome Sagittarius breaks the sullen, deliberate Capricorn reside on the first degree of Aquarius. Degree of plenty. Goodness, honest, has mental and physical capabilities and beauty - usually tall and long arms and legs (the first five degrees in general). May be too much of an extremist, which leads to dangers, or life may be too easy, creating indifference. Ideas are fresh and helpful, but may be unable to capitalize on them. Favorable for teaching foreign travels and philanthropy.


1-2 deg Aquarius

A powerful mind, perhaps leading this degree into scientific research or military, strategic careers. A favorable degree, but incline to weight gain. Takes good care of self, but should remember not to waste anything - especially opportunities which come by. Be less temperamental. Steady in romance and marriage may be quite. Pitfall: inclination to violence and use of force - and will suffer in some manner as a result.


2-3 deg Aquarius

Earth sign Taurus active here ads to the persevering self-directed nature of Capricorn - physically strong degree. Love of art, the land and nature, courageous and even combative - quite liberal for a double-fixed sign, but still defiant and self-protective. Prone to wounds and illnesses, subject to physical pain that inner militancy brings about - often a military career or aviator. Lack true humanitarian warmth felt by most Aquarians.


3-4 deg Aquarius

Capricorn convey executive ability, and Virgo gives a manifold, technical mind, capable of precision - good traits for managing complex matters of business, war, politics, computer sciences or subjects involving the retention of information. Underlying mutable feeling will bring an active life, perhaps travel by foot or animal, and certainly carry this degree deep into life’s mysteries. Pitfalls: may take self too seriously - inflexible and often selfish. Needs to be cheerful and fair. Enjoys nature.


4-5 deg Aquarius

Conservative and earthy (Capricorn and Virgo) but with the wide-awake quality of Aquarius - busy, high-minded and capable, but exhibits odd behaviors, sometimes sexual, which may bring great troubles and perhaps even early death, or at least, changes in career.


5-6 deg Aquarius

Most Aquarius degree of Aquarius; lively and unusual, friendly, altruistic, inventive, progressive, freedom-loving, detached, but still stubborn and ambitious. Good critic, and refined senses - good for “healing” and participation in the arts and music. Emotional perfectionist: a persuasive speaker, preacher or lecturer. Magician or crafts man of sorts. A deep, hard-to-get-to-know character, but like the true Aquarian, honest and not likely to waver. Excellent analyst.


6-7 deg Aquarius

Cardinal sign Cancer sensitizes Aquarius - more emotional, impulsive, stubborn, naive and reclusive. Health can be affected and may prevent this degree from achieving the status and wealth due them. Good judge of other’s character. Organization and goals will help this degree, provided there’s willingness to listen, absorb and make necessary changes. May become an expert on a given topic.


7-8 deg Aquarius

Reflective Pisces mixed with self-assuring Aquarius makes a clever combination, perhaps a missionary, explorer, or an aloof life-wire-seemingly above it all, but actually trapped by self imposed limitations, bad habits or criminal tendencies. When limitations become too restrictive, they move on to new subjects or new territories and try again. A diplomat or student of human nature. May eventually rise to positions of prominence and happiness. Likely to attract the wrong romance partners.


8-9 deg Aquarius

Pious revolutionary - two conflicting fixed signs, Aquarius and power-oriented Scorpio here produce a very dramatic, intense and battle-wise “missionary” - an ingenious, clever activist capable of quick decisions and quick actions. May be an attorney, advocate, religious convert, or anyone who dramatically changes roles and then seeks to convert others to a “cause”. There’s additional stubbornness and magnetism due to underlying Taurus’ influence. Sexual involvements may delay its development.


9-10 deg Aquarius

Martian temperament (Aries, Scorpio) for revolutionary Aquarius often brings injury and ruin - very possible here. Crime, violence, trauma - either as the perpetrator or the victim - makes life, career and love difficult. Diplomatic, opportunistic, but fixed in vies. Must labor on studies and develop mental skills, and bring emotions under control before others will trust and cooperate with it. Must be gentle with others and never break the law. Avoid lowly companions. Dangers lurk in the shadows, particularly when traveling.


10-11 deg Aquarius

Rushing, warlike, forceful Aries nature could bolt our careful, altruistic Aquarius here - develop some Virgo or Gemini perceptive traits to help avoid tactlessly crushing other’s egos. Wants to reform, reshape and expand, but often on disagreeable terms, Same as previous degree: there’s danger of death and injury. When victory and success are achieved, it’s necessary to guard winnings closely to avoid exploitation. Fussy, idealistic and headstrong; romance and career may have ups and downs.


11-12 deg Aquarius

Virgo and Earth sign make their effect felt here, bringing lofty ideals into multiple practical forms. Desire for freedom and creativity - and to progress and refine its ability to understand the most mystifying concepts and rationale. Such a whole-hearted crusade is often vulnerable and too far ahead of the crowd - can adjust and carry on despite obstacles and wins in the end, usually despite the odds, much like a medical researcher racing against time, or environmentalist fighting to save a dying species.


12-13 deg Aquarius

Persistent, often selfish Taurus square to airy, free Aquarius makes this a combative, contradictory degree. Stakes out and then protects turf, builds castles, looks after and manipulates loved ones, corners a personal market. The hidden Scorpio influence may indicate an underhanded cheater, or clever tactician. Self-preservation is priority number one. Overvalues possessions which need an ever-watchful, protective eye.


13-14 deg Aquarius

Earthy, self-controlled Capricorn with its opposite, watery Cancer, combine to form an unusual and negative (perhaps macabre) degree for metaphysical Aquarius. Many dangers can accrue: financial breakdowns, accidents, injury, threats, all of which weigh heavily on the character of this degree. But, Aquarian faith, fortitude and initiative help it-education, protective understanding and consideration should be given. Is highly emotional, suspicious, but outwardly courteous and friendly; curly hair is an indication of the kinky mentality beneath.


14-15 deg Aquarius

Versatile, talkative Gemini lends its active rays to humanitarian Aquarius. Cultured, open-minded, enterprising character and ambitious, adventuresome sprit. At home anywhere and happily conducts trade with almost anyone. Witty: good communicators, listeners. Social and cooperative which will take them far in life. Good for short story writers, journalists, critics - easy to listen to! Romances will be many and varied, perhaps jealous. Follows current trends.


15-16 deg Aquarius

Active, resourceful, dexterous, fluent Gemini strong here - almost as strong as the center area of its own sign (5 degree). Exceedingly quick, active mentality; friendly, outgoing character, not overly ambitious, blessed with happiness, not feeling a need to grovel for status and money. Plenty of enthusiasm for doing exciting, stimulating things - flying, sports, building, making improvements or racing around. Explosives, fast cars and other danger “games” are sources of injury.


16-17 deg Aquarius

More problem than the previous degree - Gemini enthusiasm, physical skill and excitement is present, but lust for power (Scorpio) and stubbornness (Taurus) affect the normally free, un ambitious, helpful Aquarius, possibly producing a thrill seeker, idiot, or careless person. Water and earth elements disrupt the routine, sound thinking processes normally found in Aquarius. Must learn to be careful, to have goals, and build a secure future honestly and fairly. Pay attention to others; mimic their “good” qualities and not the eccentric, show-off ones. Career may not go far; trouble with the law and family are possible.


17-18 deg Aquarius

Mystical, sexual, manipulating quality of Scorpio is present here - in conflict with the normal Aquarian tendency to philanthropy, friendliness and fairness. Dark character, career and status conscious. Serious, analytical; may find a way into medicine, music or occult sciences. Sex is a major concern which may not be visible to others. Trouble when it is, Physical dangers and unforeseen events interrupt its life. Often a fatalistic outlook, due in part to a distressed Cancer/Capricorn influence.


18-19 deg Aquarius

Cancer/Pisces double water sign influence for Aquarius makes it feel fixed, more adaptable, but less structured and cautious, bringing danger and enmity from others - an easy target. Love of home and romance; the Venus and Moon effect aids attractiveness and promotes deep affections, helping this degree survive a myriad of troubles. Often careless and light-minded. Moody and emotional, but adaptable and capable of success in a wide variety of fields such a writing, management and medicine, but usually more common, public vocations.


19-20 deg Aquarius

Sensitive Pisces and noble, fiery Leo here add weight to this degree, which it carries well. Good actor, full of energy, a complainer, and often overly self-indulgent. Pisces delusionary quality can create health problems or bad habits such as alcoholism - all of which slow down, but doesn’t alter convictions.


20-21 deg Aquarius

Forceful degree, but the opposition of Leo/Aquarius is also impulsive and unpredictable - perhaps mentally or physically combative, large and strong. Appears firm and powerful, but has inner turmoil which is often vented in debates and battles. Very offensive, persuasive and enduring; favorable for finding romance and the right career.


21-22 deg Aquarius

Down-to-basics Capricorn influence is added to the Leo/Aquarius traits of the previous degree. This degree will suffer for some reason or another, but has great strength. Does not forget enemies and is often pulled away from the normally dominant Aquarian humanitarian traits. Good for medical fields and dealing with elderly. Cruelty, vanity and over-estimation of self are big pitfalls. Strengths; resourceful and able to carry out difficult or unpleasant tasks, thus always in demand. Marriage may be difficult.


22-23 deg Aquarius

Bright, active, practical Virgo influence combines with Aquarius - capable, caring, tireless, discriminating, determined degree with just the right balance of air and earth - well-liked, easy to work with, and achievement oriented - great for dealing with the public or in delicate administrative positions. Must be on guard: such gifts may arouse jealousies from less-fortunate degrees. Drawn to taxing, difficult, modern, or medical occupations, where systematic practice is needed. Set is personal views: benefits by rising above common standards.


23-24 deg Aquarius

As this is the Libra and Venus decant of Aquarius, Taurus here cast a heavy, but basic, pleasant, serene flavor on Aquarius/Virgo. But, self-involved Taurus does irritate and mute the normal humanitarian flow. Attracted to beauty and the arts. Underlying sense of power, having learned by suffering restrictions or a lack of resources or freedom to use them. Confused sense of perception leads to strife; self-righteousness is often the result. Steady degree; stick to goals until they’re accomplished. Personable, but not loyal nor romantic.


24-25 deg Aquarius

Libra adds sense of justice, fairness to the delicate Aquarius/Taurus influence of the previous degree. Loves the land and all things beautiful, and is also territorial, dictatorial and materialistic. Double air influence with Taurus/Scorpio creates a determined, nebulous and possibly dangerous personality - quite attractive sexually and prowess here may lead to identity and fidelity problems. Blind passions, over-estimation of role as a libertine, raging for unpopular causes, and promoting anarchy in the name of freedom are all possible. Must be more “just”, and less selfish, and understand that its unique thoughts aren’t always right.


25-26 deg Aquarius

Double air influence of Libra and Aquarius makes a much admired, attractive degree - fair, just and open - promising that the future will be filled with progress and good things. As an artist or statesman, it will receive acclaim. May be a bit too soft and compromising, but works well with others and has excellent people skills. Possible recklessness (no earthy restraint) and lack of sympathy (no water signs) - this is usually made up for in the partner, who’s usually attractive. Must learn not to disregard the abilities and good qualities of others. Over confidence can lead to trouble; should educate itself before making decisions.


26-27 deg Aquarius

Water element is added to Libra/Aquarius here from sensitive Pisces, adding to the overall depth of mind, emotional character, and feeling of “soul”. Lavishes beauty, kindness and generosity. Gentle pride and nobles senses. Sympathetic: one of the most desirable degrees of Aquarius. Balance of fixed, cardinal and mutable signs, with the ability to appeal to all. Perhaps a reformer, spokesperson or trailblazer - can be a great help to all deserving people who come in contact with it. Very fortunate.


27-28 deg Aquarius

With a dampening Pisces/Scorpio influence, the fixed, orderly Aquarius quality is dissolved. Conflicting stubborn Taurus and rebellious Scorpio are subtly felt in a negative way. This can mean slackness, oscillation, or over-sensitivity and misplaced Neptunian values, which might manifest as idleness, self-destructive habits, gaming drugs, weight gain, and all those other things that accompany decadent, counterproductive living. Study of astrology or occult science may help or convince this degree to get going before life passes by - that’s the ultimate danger. In career, should strive to improve working conditions for all.


28-29 deg Aquarius

Fixed, secretive Scorpio and Cardinal to-the-pint Cancer suggest psychic or occult fields, but also the military because of respect for and connection to death and nationalism. Good in-fighter; also an astute diplomat or negotiator. Back-to-basics degree - life is not easy - no-nonsense and serious, often drawn to life threatening situations. Also a dramatic actor, composer, or a writer of dramas and teacher of great wisdoms. Makes a pleasant home for family, which it leads through the trials presented by the world.


29-30 deg Aquarius

Fixed Aquarius is now breaking up to begin mutable, diversified, easy-going Pisces-the “future”. The Sun moves at its fastest pace while in Aquarius - rapid changes, new beginnings. All this puts this degree a bit ahead of the times, with the right solutions at hand, ready and waiting to solve the problem, set the standards, and be on the crest of the wave. Creates its own successes and doesn’t hesitate to chase dreams or goals. Helped by underlying Virgo: has mental strength added to the lofty aspirations of self-illuminating Aquarius/Pisces. Usually helpful wherever found. Pleasant.


0-1 deg Pisces

Quirky, fixed air influence of Aquarius gives way to dreamy, hopeful, mutable water sign Pisces. Like most 0-1 degree points, this sudden newness creates variety and confusion - that’s very noticeable here. Pisces replacing Aquarius implies the approach of Spring and dissolution of the cold, dark fixed traits. Drawn to Sagittarian/Aquarian pursuits - music, inventions, reading, painting, photography. Also, a worldly, Capricorn degree, self conscious, politically aware. At best, adaptable, broadminded, sociable, but at other times, temperamental, inquisitive troublemakers - not always as cautious as Capricorn, but commercial and improves with age.


1-2 deg Pisces

Pisces/Capricorn influence here overpowers Aquarius - suggests less action, more passive; laziness, sleep and caution. Beneath that, there’s a timid, temperamental Cancer influence, which, when aroused, shows temper and ambition. Mood swings and tendency to speculate are common, making this degree “suspected”. Capable and success-oriented, allowing self-indulgence in pleasure and prestige. Eventually finds security. Changes in career and romance.


2-3 deg Pisces

This degree releases psychic/occult powers for practical uses - almost too much. Perhaps superstitious. Despite that, it’s lucky, musical, and its own best friend and worst enemy. Likes food and cooking. Feels an inner calling, but must learn to be less greedy. Possesses business and organizational skills; also good mental and communicative skills. An actor of sorts; also a loyal attractive lover.


3-4 deg Pisces

Colder, calculating negative Aquarius/Leo influence weighs heavily on this degree. Mental organizational skills again, but speaking, expression, and perception may be ill-defined or misunderstood; often there’s music or sight-arts skills (photography or painting). Not afraid of responsibility, but should always strive for justice. fairness, and “right activities”. Mystical qualities of Pisces are strong here. Also, good fortune with family, speculative ventures and real estate. Down to earth, hopeful and interested in projects that benefit mankind. Vulnerable - health and resources must be protected.


4-5 deg Pisces

Libra/Pisces influence imparts generosity, manners and beauty. Fond of pleasure and romance. There’s a complementing Mercury influence, adding planning, communication and mediumistic skills, but must be careful not to lead friends and family into unproductive schemes. Remember, other’s are not as blessed and their lack of skill and dependence (and unattractiveness) may lead to unfulfilled promises. A good friend, well-liked; a people person and help-mate. Career reflects this.


5-6 deg Pisces

Often driven by feelings of inferiority, or desperation, or dissatisfactions with the status quo - or is cheated or has to catch up - accumulates more and more in order to feel secure. The strongest Piscean degree, but not without many of typical Piscean faults - slow, oversensitive, errors in judgment, and much of the Virgo opposition is active here. Hopeful degree, friendly and persuasive, but not likely to forget hardships and slights. Propelled into successes by ability to be where the future is unfolding, often in large organizations or the military. Desire to advance, and opportunity to do so, but discipline with finances is necessary.


6-7 deg Pisces

Feels ambitious fire of Aries: less of Pisces/Virgo. Refined, practical abilities which often bring more successes in business and greater chances of earnings than other Pisces degrees. There will be ups and downs; must learn discretion and caution, and until valuable lessons are learned about inherent drawbacks, many pitfalls cannot be avoided. Conscience, sincerity and belief in “good causes” help create success.


7-8 deg Pisces

Success in business and all projects in general. Learns from mistakes - errors hurt, and there’s strong desire for self-improvement. Fun-loving, well-liked and helpful and romantic attractions; understands other’s problems and difficulties. Self-expressive, creative influence from Leo makes this much like the first degree of Pisces, but with less confusion and self-doubt. Music, math and mechanical abilities. Pitfalls are overlooking important details and simplistic  thinking.


8-9 deg Pisces

An activist - an experimenter - a “doer” - a Sagittarian adventure. Like may over-sensitive degree of Pisces, this one may become involved in unpopular or “losing” causes, often due to narcissistic or martyr feelings. Suffers from troubles and ordeals bubbling up as result of confusion. Tragic and melancholy, must learn and benefit from taking better care of themselves (health and diet). Many changes, travels, perhaps a wandering transient. Must learn to be of help to others, thereby fulfilling Pisces greatest mission, otherwise romance and career may suffer.


9-10 deg Pisces

Pisces/Sagittarius and Taurus influence - a good scholar/teacher, activist, traveler, but may have difficulty getting ideas accepted and points made. Not too down-to-earth, but often too conservative for a mutable sign such as Pisces. Sagittarius says inner conflicts and independence may not fit well, although their ideas and practices may have that great touch of genius. Stubborn, but forward looking- probably blessed with a long, life.


10-11 deg Pisces

Usually small, but like the Taurus bull, accustomed to freedom and doing whatever it wants. Independent, but not necessarily a rebel - often a self-composed loner. Not a team player, and not particularly cooperative, and likely to alienate friends and family. Detachment allows freedom to flow with the currents leading to success, but there’s no guarantee of it. Being service-minded would help. The Taurus/Scorpio polarity is fond of power-proud, dedicated, often opportuning on others. Must avoid delusions and opiates. Unusually healthy. Fond of sports and lively social situations.


11-12 deg Pisces

Pisces represents the future - the unformed, illusionary, conceptual, “growing”, and is often misunderstood or not-yet-ready to be accepted. Libra/Aries influence here is instinctive and creative, but also brings a fair share of trouble and failure - being ahead of its time. At the base of a wave and not at the crest. Optimistic. Demonstrates that successes from wanderings are much rarer, but often sweeter, greater and more noticeable. Well-developed business ability - a gift for theatrics, image building - the challenge is to build the “right image”. Lustful romantic nature.


12-13 deg Pisces

Airy Gemini influence provides a desire for movement - with Libra/Taurus and Pisces, an innate desire to improve its position in the world - to be someone special. Often this leads them off the proper path. There’s beauty; there is art and love - desire to have and keep it. Success depends on how well the beauty of the world is perceived and shared. Capable of great achievements. A bit of an actor and certainly an adventurous, romantic type. A dual nature is possible.


13-14 deg Pisces

Successful degree of Pisces, with mental and emotional support from Gemini and Cardinal water sign Cancer - and, like the previous degree, an irritating mental quality, perhaps a fondness for debate or an “expert”. Good for scholars, authors, technicians, and sophisticates - and for innovations. Capable of perpetuating great “myths”. A founder and traveler - all the tools to be successful at most anything they set their heart and mind on. Pitfalls: easily irritated and inclined to legal or emotional disputes.


14-15 deg Pisces

Near the active center of the Cancer decant, this degree is propelled into powerful, pivotal positions in legal, religious and teaching professions. Very positive form of the Cancer/Capricorn polarity - confident, efficient, objective, businesslike, involved, controlling, firm in their beliefs, spiritually attuned to “all” and fond of family and helpful to friends. Does this sound like a drill sergeant? Righteous person in an imperfect world - a world of evil people who may regard this degree with disdain. Superiority complexes are also possible here, bringing arguments and personal conflicts.


15-16 deg Pisces

Another “admirable” independent, ingenious degree of Pisces, unencumbered (most Pisces are held back by something) and unrestricted - able to do what is wanted, but often arousing jealousy and suspicion. Protective and devoted to service to friends, family and worldly causes. Enthusiastic Sagittarius beams at them from the degrees ahead ( the future) thus this degree is usually a good communicator and thinker - an “inquiring mind” - fun-loving and free to succeed.


16-17 deg Pisces

Typical of most degrees of Pisces, it’s capable of adapting to a variety of changes during an often trouble-filled, common lifetime. The Sun is moving Northward faster now; the later the degree of Pisces, the quicker the pace of change (mutations). A fiery sector, with Sagittarian influences: is attracted to almost anything that catches the attention - everything has some value to this “noble” Pisces. Less reserved and more “willing” than previous Pisces degrees. Often finds troubles others would have easily avoided - perhaps this degree didn’t think or stop to consider other’s impressions. Discretion and forethought need to be developed. Shouldn’t take chances.


17-18 deg Pisces

Another daring, careless degree - noble-minded and brave (Sagittarius/Leo) but may attract physical danger, lawlessness, or passionate, aggressive behaviors. Finds ways into controversial romances and careers filled with verbal fencing, politicking, and “positioning”. Also, love of exploring, discovery and out-of-doors. Keen senses - perhaps a good writer, or medical or “lifesaving” vocations. Self-assured and confident (Aries/Leo); fond of pleasure, theatrics and entertainments.


18-19 deg Pisces

Casual, friendly, “loose” nature often seems weak, due to Aries’ and Leo’s warm, out-going nature. This fiery quality often brings conflicts and attacks by others - often diseases and injuries due to neglect, but hardships experienced early in life later contribute to successes, if this degree is not permanently damaged in the process. Always kept busy, forever “learning”. Proper diet is important. Often drawn to medical professions. Good critic, fond of debate, active and often adventuresome in romance, but strong ties to family and thus, it mate.


19-20 deg Pisces

Aries/Virgo effect here - much hope is placed in the future - perhaps too much. Critical outlook, but often forgets to live within means and to make realistic plans - may suffer may disappointments. Should not gamble or speculate. Unthreatening and adaptable, usually well organized. Work with the public is favored. May suffer separations from family without whose support life becomes more difficult. Sensitive to health matters and physical complaints, and social injustices. Very changeable nature.


20-21 deg Pisces

Due to Virgo (Pisces opposite) here, the double mutable sign effect is difficult to define, and we may have to look at other important degrees to get the true picture of this one. Ambitious, but nebulous, critical, untrusting, careful, self-concerned and afraid to give away too much, often not giving anything. Struggle and strife, a person having to constantly look after personal interests. Love of nature, involvement and often deeply spiritual, finds solace in religion and fixed social circumstances. Talented and capable of hard work, often succeeding in difficult vocations where others would be discouraged and fail. Quick and efficient, but a contradictory nature.


21-22 deg Pisces

Reckless and less sensitive that most Pisces; insensible, odd, quirky, disagreeable - often a winner take- all attitude, which may be helpful in some vocations, but destructive of who careers in others - finding the right career may take years. Usually glamour, metaphysical or service related careers, perhaps no career at all. Also reckless in romance. Often plays the martyr. Plenty of opportunity for sex and flirtation.


22-23 deg Pisces

Attractive but confused, changeable degree (Libra/Aquarius); commercial, but unstable, always looking for the middle ground, and usually unable to recognize it. “Soft;” dislikes vulgar or ugly situations. Fond of arts, novelty, bizarre methods of behavior. Seldom remains still long enough to enjoy and reap the rewards of achievements, which are often group-oriented enterprises. Must avoid underhanded tactics, unfairness, and selfishness. Romance is favored; likely to be many as it looks for a soul-mate who is, however, just a matter of perception.


23-24 deg Pisces

Loving, social, attractive Libra influenced degree of Pisces, leading to loving heights, or steamy, sensuous “pits” - or both. Must exercise discretion in all mattes to be respected and admired in all matters to be respected and admired for their better gifts - very cooperative, easily influenced, utopian and naive. Beautiful; often a model or “image” career, and usually Libran enough to maintain control of their own well-being-dependency on others makes them a slave. Sex is a key personal issue, as are proper associations and partnerships. Favors science, media and fine arts.


24-25 deg Pisces

Fixed, secretive Scorpio and mental, active Gemini make this one of the most unique, gifted degrees of the zodiac - there’s a strong invisible inner faith, and strength to win over any odds. Powerful or a Pisces; physical dexterity, intensity, good voice, well-liked, diplomatic, multi-talented and likely to enter difficult, challenging careers. An actor, or singer, fond of social interplay and privately success-oriented. Must concentrate on “right” causes, as winning only to find that what’s destroyed is what was needed can, and does, happen. Strong creative urges. Good health and appearance.


25-26 deg Pisces

Sensitive degree of Scorpio and Pisces, rich inner life, artistic talent, high-minded, sensual but like most of the last five degrees of Pisces, thin and consumptive appearance. An almost psychic way of getting what is wanted, perhaps due to inner finesse, persistent faith and determination, changing the mind in such ways to feel that what’s being adapting to is what was wanted all along. Positive thinker, but Scorpio’s Martian quality may lead to troubles, perhaps death of friends or partner or some type of self-destructive thinking. Accomplishments are many and varied - typical versatile Pisces, Self-image is important. Need to better directed to be successful in its vocation.


26-27 deg Pisces

Late degrees of Pisces are weakened as Aries rapidly approaches - suffers from a variety of notions and may have difficult establishing identity and securing a place in the world. Selfless degree; a major concern is its “connection” to others. Scorpio/Aries influence may be sexually promiscuous and affect the thought processes, distracting the mind from other; more important aspects of life security, and being of help to others. Could be successful beyond measure. Creative, capable of hard work and long hours. Danger of accidents; discretion is doubly important. Good psychologist; would benefit from knowing habit patterns better.


27-28 deg Pisces

Adventurous, reckless Sagittarius irritating the normally receptive, passive Piscean “flow”. Troubles in travel, perhaps restricted movement, or imprisonment. Troubles with the military. Dissatisfactions in romance. Missed opportunities, reversals, and over-stepping of boundaries and braking of rules. Caution, careful planning, and cooperation with others would help chances of success. Loneliness is feared - must maintain a realistic, positive attitude. A good understanding of many subjects is common; perhaps well-developed in religious or educational fields, but there’s usually many self-generated obstacles to overcome.


28-29 deg Pisces

Leo with Sagittarius here is judgmental, dictatorial, methodical, paternal but often without true power to propel it. Overly sensitive, but generous, amiable, often superstitious or religious, perhaps feeling that there is a mission to fulfill. Possessive in romance, usually careful in all relationships, tied to family, but bound to be forced to travel or be taken away by career, educational, or spiritual demands. Often a drifter. Would benefit from education, but often enters the wrong fields and success there is difficult to accomplish. Needs to be more objective, but listening to others can be just as misleading - challenged to get the facts correct.


29-30 deg Pisces

With the Sun one day away from crossing the equator and signaling the beginning of Spring this is the most strong-willed, positive, dedicated, humanitarian degree for Pisces, often spiritually dedicated to helping humanity, or championing a cause - idealistic and individualistic. Likes arts, publicity, attention, and has opportunities to succeed in public vocations. Righteous, absorbing, dreamy futuristic, hopeful degree, but may be prone to haggling, quibbling, which may bring disfavor; should learn to avoid that - be the sensitive, loving. Pisces humanitarian

360 Degree by Ada Muir

 0-1 deg Aries

Strength, force and daring are indicated by this degree, but it a degree of danger for primitive or undeve1oped mentalities.


1-2 deg Aries

A degree of enterprise but inclining towards foolhardiness, hence caution must be developed. A good organizer when he has gained self-control.


2-3 deg Aries

Ambitious for honor and recognition but one capable of expressing literary and poetic ability. One who holds personal danger in contempt if a cause is to be served.


3-4 deg Aries

This carries within itself protection although it is an impulsive and sensuous degree. Great intensity is indicated but as judgment is liable to be faulty all action should be carefully thought out before band.


4-5 deg Aries

One Who expounds his belief and trust in it implicitly. He may grovel in materialism or revel in the heights of spiritual ecstasy.


5-6 deg Aries

Impossible to satisfy with things external but a keen comprehension of the eternal verities. Balance is necessary but difficult of attainment.


6-7 deg Aries

Of a deep, spiritual nature but lacking in self-confidence, hence the battle ground of sense and soul or pride and spirit.


7-8 deg Aries

Capable of much moral bravery and a high sense of duty but subtle and revengeful in undeveloped natures. Keen mentality.


8-9 deg Aries

A rambling philosopher who craves attention. Self-forgetfulness will enable him to attain honor and recognition.


9-10 deg Aries

Can rise to great heights. This degree has the power to attract friends through a winning, spiritual nature.


10-11 deg Aries

One capable of great scientific advancement yet keenly sympathetic in sorrow and bereavement. A light bearer.


11-12 deg Aries

A martyr. One who is resigned to suffering and sees every hope dashed yet reaches a high degree of spirituality.


12-13 deg Aries

Ambition may lure him to abandon before fully treating, but loyalty will enable him to attain success and honor.


13-14 deg Aries

One who, seeing a light, expects others to follow. Let him be sure that it is a true light or seeming friends will betray him.


14-15 deg Aries

Should express his thoughts in writing for he presents a timid or defiant front which unfavorably impresses his audiences.


15-16 deg Aries

A free lance but a very persuasive one. One who will away the minds of many unless this degree is heavily afflicted by Neptune.


16-17 deg Aries

Luxury loving yet fortunate. A student of the higher philosophies and ambitious of honor of a transcendental kind.


17-18 deg Aries

Sympathies easily stirred. Quarrelsome and apprehensive in domestic life. An aspiring mind.


18-19 deg Aries

Sympathies easily stirred. Quarrelsome and apprehensive in domestic life. An aspiring mind.


19-20 deg Aries

Passionate in the undeveloped but angle fish, thoughtful and sincere in evolved types.


20-21 deg Aries

Intensity of emotion, impressionable. Associates influence strongly for good or ill. Loves water but danger through it.


21-22 deg Aries

A true democrat whose sympathies are with the struggling masses. Very devout, earnest and faithful.


22-23 deg Aries

A wanderer who follows his desires irrespective of the rights and feeling of others. Accepts praise from flatterers.


23-24 deg Aries

Sensuous in undeveloped types but apt to be morose when his desires are thwarted. Can be very philosophical and patient in suffering.


24-25 deg Aries

An explorer who seeks other lands and other sciences. Is successful if he can remain long enough in one place for study.


25-26 deg Aries

Processing creative genius but not sufficiently watchful in a material sense, no in changer of want and privation.


26-27 deg Aries

Will command someone, Capable of position of command but not enough stick-to-it-ive-ness for success until this is developed thought suffering.


27-28 deg Aries

A recluse whom many seek for solace. Caring little for wealth but possessing much mental and moral strength.


28-29 deg Aries

Skillful in useful arts and sciences. One who will work patiently to accomplish his ends.


29-30 deg Aries

Undertaking tasks without sufficient backing. One capable of bringing hidden mysteries to popular understanding.


0-1 deg Taurus

Denotes high ideals and the power to succeed in any chosen work, but the weakness of this degree is inconsistency which detracts from merit.


1-2 deg Taurus

One who counts no sacrifices vain if thereby be many obtain a fuller knowledge of life a inner mysteries.


2-3 deg Taurus

A student of human nature, possessing excellent judgment and well fitted to guide and manage others.


3-4 deg Taurus

One with magnetic force who can control others. A strict disciplinarian. Impulsive and brave.


4-5 deg Taurus

One who gains through his own efforts. A philosopher or student of the occult sciences who inspires and teaches many.


5-6 deg Taurus

A dual degree capable of two distinct interpretations. A teacher and leader of men or a parasite, an ascetic or a glutton. One who reflects the strongest forces in his environment.


6-7 deg Taurus

Very sensitive to nature’s finer forces. Romantic, iconoclastic, a writer who should avoid crowded city life.


7-8 deg Taurus

Many hindrances in life but success through determination and resourceful-ness. Should avoid financial risks.


8-9 deg Taurus

Often misled through trusting too much. Succeeds best by working alone.


9-10 deg Taurus

Stubborn yet persuasive. Usually two marriages. Needs a psychic soul mate and finds happiness there in if the degree is not too heavily afflicted.


10-11 deg Taurus

One who is ever ready to help a neighbor. Possessing a high understanding of human needs but very subject to flattery.


11-12 deg Taurus

One who aims to be an inventor, is very persistent, laborious and methodical but slow to bring to perfection in time. Should follow the ideas of others.


12-13 deg Taurus

One who actively defends his principles even though they are opposed to the idea of the masses. Should avoid legal affairs.


13-14 deg Taurus

A lover of peace and harmony but usually meets with discord thought marriage. A student of the occult, possessing magnetic healing power.


14-15 deg Taurus

Sympathetic and broadminded towards religion but keenly desirous of unraveling the Divine mysteries. Should avoid negative mediumistic states.


15-16 deg Taurus

Favored by influential people. A lover of the good things of life.


16-17 deg Taurus

Rebels against restraint, Power of leadership which is usually displayed in official positions. A wanderer.


17-18 deg Taurus

One who must win in an argument. A conqueror. Well versed in occult or medical literature.


18-19 deg Taurus

Encouragement and flattery incline towards foolhardiness leading to irritability and unpopularity. Can lead when love of approbation is over come.


19-20 deg Taurus

Self-reliant and successful. Ambitions realized. He is capable of advancing any cause for the good of humanity.


20-21 deg Taurus

A very resourceful sportsman. One whose judgment can be relied upon in estimating values.


21-22 deg Taurus

One possessing magnetic healing power and with a mission in the world which he fulfills. Dometic and home-loving.


22-23 deg Taurus

Great strength of will and if character is also indicated by other testimonies in the chart, one capable of great works. Cruelty in undeveloped types.


23-24 deg Taurus

One who serves and is inclined to be servile. A patient worker who should free himself from the thralldom of others and develop his latent ability.


24-25 deg Taurus

One with great mental strength but whose power and ability will be acknowledged only by few. Too advanced for popular acceptance.


25-26 deg Taurus

Dominating and in low types, unscrupulous. Powerful and convincing in developed types and a leader against all forms of contraption.


26-27 deg Taurus

One who can quickly “tune in” on the etheric waves and be a pioneer in thought and inventions. Courage and ability.


27-28 deg Taurus

Mathematical or scientific study will enable this one to be of service to the race. Very mediumistic but needs to concrete ideas.


28-29 deg Taurus

Too many divergent interest brings a life of confusion. The development of the will is necessary and will bring success in property ownership and development.


29-30 deg Taurus

Great force if directed wisely, brine popularity. The destructive tendencies of early years are subdued through ripened experience.


0-1 deg Gemini

Cultured, impetuous, hasty with the power to direct thoughts with constructive or destructive effect according to the development of the native.


1-2 deg Gemini

Knowing no fear and with great capacity for study and research, he helps towards the advancement of the race. Errors in judgment are forgotten.


2-3 deg Gemini

Artistic, idealistic, eloquent. One capable of reaching the top in his chosen work.


3-4 deg Gemini

Very conscientious and self -sacrificing. Eagar after spiritual knowledge and attainment.


4-5 deg Gemini

Possesses literary taste and ability but finds difficult in meeting material needs until middle life.


5-6 deg Gemini

Retiring, scientific, gifted in research work; seldom understood by relatives.


6-7 deg Gemini

A soothing influence, a peace-maker, usually a traveler.


7-8 deg Gemini

Ambitious, critical, fault-finding. Knows the strength and weakness of mankind and uses both. Often found in executive positions.


8-9 deg Gemini

Capable of receiving the favor of high official and of filling positions of high responsibilities.


9-10 deg Gemini

Capable of great self-sacrifice; idealistic; a blessing to others.


10-11 deg Gemini

Suffers though taking chances. Endures hardships that could be avoided through intellectual effort.


11-12 deg Gemini

One who seeks the truth before accepting any viewpoint and is considered stubborn and distrustful.


12-13 deg Gemini

Easily imposed upon. Must make his own decisions and discriminate with regard to friends.


13-14 deg Gemini

Suffers unless he will take a definite stand irrespective of the suggestions of others .


14-15 deg Gemini

Alert, restless, aggressive, prolific imagination, reformative.


15-16 deg Gemini

Prefers non-resistance to war-like aggression and is himself an example of the value of the former over the later.


16-17 deg Gemini

Assumes an aggressive attitude but should be sure that such an attitude is based on reason. Danger of being carried away by enthusiasm of the moment.


17-18 deg Gemini

One who loses himself in a cause, the greatness of which depends upon his circumstances and environment. His bravery disarms his enemies.


18-19 deg Gemini

A humanitarian who sacrifices the comforts of life in ministering to the needs of others. Ease comes later in life.


19-20 deg Gemini

A student of mysticism with fatalistic tendencies, which incline towards acts of cruelty and selfishness. Capable of great heights when sensuousness is overcome.


20-21 deg Gemini

Interested in psychic phenomena. Experiments in spiritism but when satiated with that he studies and teaches occultism.


21-22 deg Gemini

One who obtains recognition through literature and to whom others cling for business advantages. He must use all who come in fulfilling his mission.


22-23 deg Gemini

First half of life is full of promise but being rather shy, retiring but generous nature, he may not recognize the advantages spread before him. Will study mysticism as a solution to later problems.


23-24 deg Gemini

Silently sympathetic. Subordinates self to partner, but later sympathies are universal. Charitable in thought, felling and action.


24-25 deg Gemini

An occultist who has a mission to perform in enlightening others as to the purpose of life. One who perceives a new light.


25-26 deg Gemini

A mental enthusiast, moved by compassion and inclined to be imposed upon by selfish schemers.


26-27 deg Gemini

Diplomatic but too self-centered to accomplish much. The cultivation of the will bring the finer side of his nature to the front.


27-28 deg Gemini

One who understands that self-mastery is the greatest force for betterment and who studies the wisdom of the ancients with this end in view.


28-29 deg Gemini

One who understands that self-mastery is the greatest force for betterment and who studies the wisdom of the ancients with this end in view.


29-30 deg Gemini

One who believes in work as the solution to many problems. He faces many dangers but with his goal ever before him works serenely on.


0-1 deg Cancer

Sensitive and sympathetic, forgetful of self in ministering to others. Capable of work of public nature.


1-2 deg Cancer

One who leaves matters of importance in the case of irresponsible people and readily gives his reasons for this. Subtle and luxury loving.


2-3 deg Cancer

A lover of the simple life who cares little for business responsibilities and who is often robbed by those who manage his affairs.


3-4 deg Cancer

A keen intellect but pleasure loving. He is often satiated in his pursuit of happiness, delighting in pleasure of a transient nature.


4-5 deg Cancer

Very imaginative and apt to be led by the reports of others without investigation, hence, travels in vain.


5-6 deg Cancer

Over-indulgence leads to want although money is easily obtained. He must choose his friends wisely.


6-7 deg Cancer

Intellectual, a writer full of expedients until he realizes the value of faith and chooses that as his anchor.


7-8 deg Cancer

One who holds the secrets of many and to whom the poor and sorrowful come for solace in their need.


8-9 deg Cancer

An iconoclast who finds favor with the public because of his courage. Many changes and reversal come until middle life is passed.


9-10 deg Cancer

Honto-loving, artistic and persevering, possessing an inner knowledge of the eternal verities.


10-11 deg Cancer

Impulsive, joyous and friendly, spreading happiness wherever he goes. He sees no evil and is loved an popular.


11-12 deg Cancer

One who is planning for the future and often finds that his plane are rudely shattered. He is often bent but never broken.


12-13 deg Cancer

A hazardous degree, indicating one who holds ideas contrary to the majority. Much domestic in harmony.


13-14 deg Cancer

Undaunted by obstacles he rises to a position of prominence in middle life, but is considered willful and stubborn.


14-15 deg Cancer

One who finds his greatest happiness in guiding others firmly but kindly. Work is his salvation.


15-16 deg Cancer

One who will be entrusted with a high mission if he will follow inner guidance. He is gifted as a designer and can fallow the plan of another.


16-17 deg Cancer

A traveler who should introduce nation to nation through its industries. He is self-possessed, versatile and a student of human nature.


17-18 deg Cancer

One who travels in search of material wealth, In earlier life friends are valued to the extent that they contribute to his success.


18-19 deg Cancer

Resentful of control but ever seeking truth and tireless in the completion of self-imposed tasks.


19-20 deg Cancer

Fortunate in most undertakings, inclined to be sensuous. He travels in search of experience to the extent of his means.


20-21 deg Cancer

A free lance in the field of literature. Must cultivate moderation and caution.


21-22 deg Cancer

A strong attachment for mother often after leaving home. Fluent of speech. May rise to power but maintains position with difficulty.


22-23 deg Cancer

Very impressionable, peace-loving, generous. Successful when he ventures alone.


23-24 deg Cancer

Caters to the public either through literature, art or to their material needs. Very studious and a clever satirist.


24-25 deg Cancer

A psychic who absorbs the thoughts of others. Should study an exact science as such training in early life will attract towards him the Great Ones.


25-26 deg Cancer

Industrious, persevering, possessing that faith that success will crown his efforts. Orderly.


26-27 deg Cancer

One who is inclined to set too high a value on externals, and who takes unnecessary changes. Travels for business.


27-28 deg Cancer

Simple in tastes, peace-loving and blesses all he contacts. Capable of public career.


28-29 deg Cancer

Restricted in action and desire. Often dependent upon others for maintenance.


29-30 deg Cancer

Keen imagination. Constructive ability. Will be known in many lands. Profound but silent unless interested.


0-1 deg Leo

Ardent, enterprising, and forceful, One who will reach a position of power, which used rightly, will attract many blessings.


1-2 deg Leo

Artistic, gifted, inspirational, but tempted to plagiaries. If this is done he removes from himself the blessing of first-hand knowledge.


2-3 deg Leo

Enthusiastic, possessing literary ability. He will be courted by many either for his position or his occult and spiritual power.


3-4 deg Leo

Possessing a powerful will, strong love nature, sensitive. Silence is his best weapon as he is in danger of betrayal where he trusts most.


4-5 deg Leo

He must use his own reasoning ability and not implicitly trust advisers. Usually self-improved, self sustained.


5-6 deg Leo

Possessing business energy and enterprise but worries come through the goods of others. Can triumph through his own ingenuity.


6-7 deg Leo

Generous, courteous and obliging. Sometime lacking in faith and continuity. Very intuitional.


7-8 deg Leo

Loving change and variety. An ideal union late in life.


8-9 deg Leo

Refined tastes, inclined to value externals until experience urges them to seek the true worth in others.


9-10 deg Leo

A fearless fighter for the cause of right and justice. Excites the enmity of others.


10-11 deg Leo

A devoted friend, Inclined to jealousy until he realizes the weakness of seeking to hold by force.


11-12 deg Leo

Of a shy, sensitive nature but earnest in seeking to right the wrongs of others.


12-13 deg Leo

Fortunate, impetuous and patriotic. One who blesses all he contracts.


13-14 deg Leo

Idealistic. Interested in occultism. Capable of interpreting Nature a Divine laws.


14-15 deg Leo

Patient, plodding ever looking forward to a brighter future.


15-16 deg Leo

Humanitarian in ideals. Inclined to worry and repine at lack of response in others in eclectic movements.


16-17 deg Leo

Capable of leading a great movement. A natural occultist. One who knows.


17-18 deg Leo

One blessed with knowledge and possessions who is sought by others but rarely understood. He gives to all according to their needs.


18-19 deg Leo

“My will, irrespective of your feelings” would seem to be the motto of this degree in handling those who stray from the straight and narrow path.


19-20 deg Leo

Strong and fearless, yet refined and harmonious. Well informed in several branches of occultism.


20-21 deg Leo

Ceremonious and ritualistic, Should investigate before wholly endorsing any form of mysticism.


21-22 deg Leo

Very psychic but must know before trusting or he may find himself bound by lower astral forces.


22-23 deg Leo

An enthusiast who will rouse many to see the Light of a fairer day and who works for the realization of this.


23-24 deg Leo

One who labors hard to obtain recognition of his ideas but later adopts the ideal of non-resistance.


24-25 deg Leo

One who can plan big commercial enterprises. Proud and egotistical.


25-26 deg Leo

One who makes his ideals real. Harmonious, peaceful and restful.


26-27 deg Leo

The friend in need. One who can act in an emergency and who in his later years obtains recognition.


27-28 deg Leo

A true peacemaker. A diplomat. Fortunate home surroundings.


28-29 deg Leo

A degree indicating sterling worth and combining sympathy, justice and leadership.


29-30 deg Leo

Either a scientific investigator or a pioneer in other lands.


0-1 deg Virgo

Apt to depend upon others for vitality in early life. A philosophic teacher later in life.


1-2 deg Virgo

Inclined to neglect business for pleasurable study until compelled by circumstances to earn a livelihood.


2-3 deg Virgo

A writer of mystical poetry, drama, etc. Restful inspirations, but lacking in force.


3-4 deg Virgo

Metaphysical, sincere, orderly. A trusted employee.


4-5 deg Virgo

One who sees unity in diversity and works for the ideal of universal brotherhood.


5-6 deg Virgo

The true nurse ever ready in service to others. Should avoid partnership.


6-7 deg Virgo

An earnest seeker after the fundamental verities of life and action. Very conscientious and cautions.


7-8 deg Virgo

Successful in the commercial world. A keen sense of value.


8-9 deg Virgo

A faithful employee but inclined to lose through speculation what is earned through hard work.


9-10 deg Virgo

Careful, economical but fatalistic. Pronounced psychic powers which should lead to a recognition of the one-ness of life.


10-11 deg Virgo

Sympathetic and impulsive. Imposed upon by others who use him for selfish purposes.


11-12 deg Virgo

Independent and self-sufficient until circumstances compel him to broaden his horizon.


12-13 deg Virgo

Idealistic and intuitive. His fate rests in his choice of friends.


13-14 deg Virgo

A recluse who inclines to the religions and philosophies of the Orient.


14-15 deg Virgo

A traveler, scientifically inclined. A student of the deeper mysteries.


15-16 deg Virgo

A deep thinker who devotes much time to seeking a solution of present-day inequalities of life.


16-17 deg Virgo

One who able to contact Divine truths, spreads these among the masses of mankind.


17-18 deg Virgo

Thoughtful, practical self-sacrificing. One capable of devoting his life to a cause away from the busy marts of men.


18-19 deg Virgo

One who adopts a philosophic attitude towards life and its vicissitudes but who is also very practical and magnetic. Success comes late in life.


19-20 deg Virgo

A mathematical genius, One who uses much forces in defending a principle. Life in other countries is indicated.


20-21 deg Virgo

One who is often subject to the personality of others but who realizes that the subjugation of the will is harmful to both parties and he stands clear through seeming to acquiesce.


21-22 deg Virgo

A very loyal friend but liable to be deceived. Reason and not sympathy should govern in the choice of acquaintances.


22-23 deg Virgo

Loses in speculation until he realizes that nothing is gained through chance. Possesses natural healing power.


23-24 deg Virgo

A natural occultist who knows his power to bend the will of others. As he advances in soul growth he heals many physically and mentally.


24-25 deg Virgo

One who has faith that moral suasion will conquer where chastisement fails. He relies on guidance from the unseen in all important ventures.


25-26 deg Virgo

One who would solve the riddles of the universe, that lasting peace might take place of war and strife. One who helps to develop magic and art.


26-27 deg Virgo

One who is too keenly alive to his own material interest to the neglect of the finer essences of the spiritual life, until disability overcomes him and demands contemplation.


27-28 deg Virgo

A faithful employee, thoroughly trustworthy and with a deep ad sincere love nature.


28-29 deg Virgo

One who is ever seeking knowledge in science art and chemistry and who travels much to attain his ends.


29-30 deg Virgo

One who is sustained through faith although he is restrained by others in developing his late abilities in scientific research.


0-1 deg Libra

An artist who magnetically attracts others who prove more of a hindrance than a help. His powers of endurance and wide sympathy appear to use strength that might be better directed.


1-2 deg Libra

In strong types the intuitions and inspirations are will blended producing a true, psychic, but weak types are inclined to be too easily swayed and so accomplish little worthwhile.


2-3 deg Libra

Desirous of understanding be is lead to psychics and receives help thereby according to his strongest inclinations. The purer the life the greater the advancement in art or science.


3-4 deg Libra

One who is self-centered yet desiring love and comradeship. He attracts those who cause suffering until he realizes the purpose of life.


4-5 deg Libra

One who glories in suffering for a righteous cause. An ardent lover.


5-6 deg Libra

A strict disciplinarian. A well balanced but sympathetic judge.


6-7 deg Libra

One who scarifies self in the furtherance of cause. Idealistic and romantic.


7-8 deg Libra

One who takes a great delight in analyzing the five senses, classifying and arranging them. He is a danger of losing worldly possessions.


8-9 deg Libra

Interested in foreign countries. A missionary or explorer.


9-10 deg Libra

A student of the origins of religions and mythology. He prefers solitude.


10-11 deg Libra

Patient and sympathetic loving justice and working for it, which excites opposition and accrete empty.


11-12 deg Libra

Lack of self-confidence causes him to put too much trust in others and he becomes a dupe of artful and crafty people until his own will is roused.


12-13 deg Libra

Refined, sensitive of an ascetic nature which separates him from his kind until after middle life.


13-14 deg Libra

One who may attract worldly wealth or the wealth of spiritual attainment. If the former, he loses alt though false investments.


14-15 deg Libra

A mirror of his environment, so finely organized that over indulgence may lead to obsession. Avoiding this he honored.


15-16 deg Libra

Very sensitive and helper to humanity through sensing danger and warning others of it. He must beware last the danger he foretells for others fells upon himself.


16-17 deg Libra

One who dreams, dreams and matures them into large undertakings. He is ever guided from other realms of consciousness.


17-18 deg Libra

Quiet and unassuming, putting the needs of self into the background. Imposed upon by lesser minds.


18-19 deg Libra

A mystic, who realizes that though concentration only can success be realized and that true greatness is acquired, not inherited.


19-20 deg Libra

A lover of natural beauty but inclined to lose through self-indulgence.


20-21 deg Libra

Open and free and judging others to be the same, until he suffers through trusting too much to externals.


21-22 deg Libra

One who must realize the value of time and utilize it to the fullest or his inheritance will pass to other hands.


22-23 deg Libra

A seeker after knowledge and one who would be a law unto himself.


23-24 deg Libra

Too hopeful for his own best interests. Self-discipline is necessary to his success.


24-25 deg Libra

Content to satisfy personal desires which are ever changing.


25-26 deg Libra

One who is content to echo the wishes of the majority. He refuses to think independently to popular opinion until he realizes that the opportunist is finally the loser.


26-27 deg Libra

Loving peace and helping to forward it. He is content with little but radiates harmony where ever he goes.


27-28 deg Libra

A sympathetic listener to the troubles of others but a believer in work as the solution to most problems.


28-29 deg Libra

A student. He must also study financial problems and safeguard his possessions from gamblers.


29-30 deg Libra

Loving purity of life and purpose but not sufficiently practical from modern life.


0-1 deg Scorpio

Forceful, determined, magnetic but at times entirely lacking in any sense of refinement. A good early environment necessary.


1-2 deg Scorpio

Containing with himself the power to transmute the baseness within himself into nobler qualities. A keen, penetrating and occult mentality.


2-3 deg Scorpio

A powerful will and a great leader of men who can inspire the masses an rouse them from lethargy.


3-4 deg Scorpio

One who aspires to lead but feels unprepared until knowledge lends confidence. A good politician.


4-5 deg Scorpio

Many reformative ideas but unless the rest of the chart favors their expressions, they remain ideas only.


5-6 deg Scorpio

A very dualistic nature battling between the extremes of spirituality and sensuality. Suffering alone decides his course.


6-7 deg Scorpio

A chemist whose research work will help many. Loving freedom he seeks to free others.


7-8 deg Scorpio

Self-centered and inclined to be materialistic. His work must be interesting and in co-operation with others.


8-9 deg Scorpio

Restless and aggressive, yet loving art and poetry in his quieter moods. Enjoys conquest.


9-10 deg Scorpio

Sensitive, mediumistic, loving travel, interested in novel, and progressive enterprise. Should cultivate concentration.


10-11 deg Scorpio

Loving beauty and grandeur and all that adds grace and charm to life.


11-12 deg Scorpio

An intense nature, occult, mediumistic and kind, but not easy to understand.


12-13 deg Scorpio

Emotional and changeable. Happiest in solitude yet often longing for the company of the opposite sex.


13-14 deg Scorpio

A true sailor, but if compelled to live on land must concentrate in order to succeed.


14-15 deg Scorpio

A lover of adventure, enthusiastic when interested but inclined to take more than he gives.


15-16 deg Scorpio

Great endurance and fidelity, having the faith to continue in spite of obstacles.


16-17 deg Scorpio

Romantic and steadfast in search of variety and change. Many secrets.


17-18 deg Scorpio

Passionate and voluptuous, yet easy-going and admired by many. He controls others but demands freedom for himself.


18-19 deg Scorpio

Self-centered and subtle, scheming and designing, yet attracted to the superficial in others.


19-20 deg Scorpio

Very affectionate, but battled by many obstacles in early life from which he extricates himself through his indomitable will and courage.


20-21 deg Scorpio

Possessing very pronounces opinions on the origin of life. Intensely critical. Sensitive to other planes of consciousness.


21-22 deg Scorpio

A battleground between duty and desire until the later conforms with the former. Attachment for mother and one partner.


22-23 deg Scorpio

Ambitious, domineering and an experimentalist. He should be content with the beaten track as far as employment is concerned.


23-24 deg Scorpio

A ramble who enjoys hardships and relating his thrilling experiences. Magnetic healing power very pronounced.


24-25 deg Scorpio

One whose strongest desire is for the accumulation of wealth. He distrusts until distrust is turned against him. That is his salvation.


25-26 deg Scorpio

A strong character, creative in art or music, yet profligate in the use of time. End of life very unusual.


26-27 deg Scorpio

Idealistic, philosophical and sympathetic. Frowns and smiles are alike to him as his conscience is ever his guide.


27-28 deg Scorpio

Sometimes merely an adventure but at others the scientist who delves deeply into research work for human betterment.


28-29 deg Scorpio

In tune with the higher though currents, he fearlessly expresses himself and is protected from those who dislike exposure.


29-30 deg Scorpio

Suffering injustice himself, he is ever ready to spend himself in helping the otherwise defenseless.


0-1 deg Sagittarius

Eloquent, intuitive and persuasive. He succeeds through faith in himself.


1-2 deg Sagittarius

Idealistic but too easily influenced to his detriment. An employee.


2-3 deg Sagittarius

Family secrets. One who sacrifices himself through idealistic regard for another.


3-4 deg Sagittarius

Fond of home yet often separated from loved ones through errors in judgment or hasty decisions.


4-5 deg Sagittarius

An occult student, an artist and a prophet but great care must be taken in the choice of associates.


5-6 deg Sagittarius

Too sympathetic and yielding where inferiors are concerned. When he stands for justice, he develops latent scientific ability and obtains recognitions.


6-7 deg Sagittarius

Quietly pursuing his way in life, he overcomes opposition and is much respected in later years.


7-8 deg Sagittarius

Early struggles. Success depends upon the choice of friends as there is an ever present struggle between idealism and animalism.


8-9 deg Sagittarius

Love of occult studies and desire of travel. Capable of deep concentration in anything which interests, but otherwise diffusive.


9-10 deg Sagittarius

A keen intellect and scientific investigator. Obtains recognition through his studies of the problem of the day.


10-11 deg Sagittarius

A good mixer who finds a friend on every trip. Quickly irritated by restraint. Will print or publish late in life.


11-12 deg Sagittarius

Easily swayed through his sympathies but fearful when sick. Health must receive first consideration.


12-13 deg Sagittarius

Preferring activity and change, he launches out on daring and speculative ventures. Has considerable healing power.


13-14 deg Sagittarius

A philosopher possessing peculiar magnetic and clairvoyant powers. Works hard and intensely.


14-15 deg Sagittarius

A lover of nature in all her beauty and grandeur. Commerce does not attract him but he is successful in his chosen work.


15-16 deg Sagittarius

Loving variety, sensation and change yet capable of using sustained effort when interested or serving another.


16-17 deg Sagittarius

Artistic and refined, generous and free, inventive according to the needs of the times and environment.


17-18 deg Sagittarius

Feeling deeply the suffering of others yet seeking and applying a philosophy to alleviate his own suffering and privations. He sees the unity of all life.


18-19 deg Sagittarius

Magnetic and forceful but dualistic in nature. Capable of reaching the heights when he has subdued the desire for flattery.


19-20 deg Sagittarius

One who abhors weakness, worry and repining and spends lavishly to the full extent to his means. Possesses much healing power.


20-21 deg Sagittarius

High mental and idealistic qualities but not sufficient continuity of purpose. A free lance.


21-22 deg Sagittarius

Very ambitious but too restless to attain his objective until he realizes the virtue of patience.


22-23 deg Sagittarius

Sarcastic, opposed to authority and resent interests. Create mental vigor which often stings others to action. Inclines to art as a hobby.


23-24 deg Sagittarius

A finalist who accepts every difficulty as necessary until there are world changes of equality of opportunity for everyone. He works for material betterment only.


24-25 deg Sagittarius

Delving into the occult lore of other and countries, be finds peace and a solution to many of the miseries endured by other who interest themselves in transitory pleasures only.


25-26 deg Sagittarius

He seeks happiness only to find it fleeing from him until he realizes that the keynote to happiness is personal sacrifices when his teachings attract many.


26-27 deg Sagittarius

One who possesses literary ability of a high order. Prophetic and inspirational.


27-28 deg Sagittarius

One keenly sensitive to the moods of those around and who arouses comity without seeking to but quietly, hopefully and watchfully pursues his way.


28-29 deg Sagittarius

One who is aureacted in externals only until he recognizes that glitter and show do not lead to lasting success. An actor and traveler.


29-30 deg Sagittarius

Enterprising and ambitious in whatever he attempts. Admired by friend or foe for his indomitable fighting spirit.


0-1 deg Capricorn

Intuitive but loving argument as a means of adding to his store of knowledge. Well know in the commercial world.


1-2 deg Capricorn

Full of power and purpose he climbs to eminence. Friends conspire against him to dethrone him.


2-3 deg Capricorn

A teacher who can make clear the things of the spirit. He may waver between temporal and spiritual gain and so be self-betrayed.


3-4 deg Capricorn

Great power of endurance through which he accomplishes all that he desires. His aim is to perfect whether for good or ill.


4-5 deg Capricorn

Designing, organizing and controlling others often so doing he can add to this material substance.


5-6 deg Capricorn

He leads others through tact and sympathy but fails to hold them and this knowledge depresses and hinders.


6-7 deg Capricorn

May friends of the opposite sex but domineering in the home circle. Selfish and eccentric but often

showing opposite traits.


7-8 deg Capricorn

Too much affected by externals. Tendencies of judging others by himself and so blinding himself to truths that are apparent to others.


8-9 deg Capricorn

One whose writings live for many years after his passing. He sways many though his inspirational power.


9-10 deg Capricorn

A nurse, doctor or mother whose sole care is to nurture and protect others. One who fights for a principle.


10-11 deg Capricorn

One who uses others as stepping stones to positions of power, then sets them aside. Materialistic and grasping yet appearing to be very different.


11-12 deg Capricorn

Having the courage of his convictions but inclining towards sensuous pleasures. A magnetic leader.


12-13 deg Capricorn

Too much under the sway of the opposite sex yet peculiarly guarded from calumny and slander.


13-14 deg Capricorn

A clever surgeon or doctor but inclined to be too negative and to take life too easy.


14-15 deg Capricorn

One gifted as an anatomical research worker. He discovers many things of benefit to the race but fails to receive the recognition he deserves.


15-16 deg Capricorn

Intuitive, artistic and sensitive yet very practical. He matures his plans before attempting their execution.


16-17 deg Capricorn

The mentality of a judge, yet sympathetic with the masses of humanity.


17-18 deg Capricorn

Too easily influenced by others to his detriment. Friends should be chosen wisely.


18-19 deg Capricorn

Enterprising, determined, forceful but too stubborn for his own best interests.


19-20 deg Capricorn

One whose presence is soothing and healing. A competent surgeon.


20-21 deg Capricorn

Ever seeking knowledge but very sensitive and impressionable. He must choose his friends wisely but in every danger there is help from influential friends.


21-22 deg Capricorn

A complex type in which senses or sympathies may predominate. In a good environment he is a power for peace.


22-23 deg Capricorn

A student of inner mysteries. A lover of art and poetry but having also a very practical side to his nature which enables him to rise from the sphere of his birth.


23-24 deg Capricorn

One who seeks knowledge that will scientifically relieve the ills of mankind. He dares much in his experimental research yet is protected in time of peril.


24-25 deg Capricorn

Conservative, A lover of ritual and ceremony in religion and external show in the material world. Diplomatic and crafty.


25-26 deg Capricorn

Much sympathy for suffering and a defender of the defenseless. He arouses enmity but overcomes all opposition.


26-27 deg Capricorn

A prophet who clearly senses coming events. Thoughtful and patient, kind and gentle in every department of life. Caution in travel is indicated.


27-28 deg Capricorn

One who must plan and stay with his plan if he would be protected. Advancement through perseverance and persistence.


28-29 deg Capricorn

Quite, rearing and contemplative “Given the same condition the same results are likely to recur” is the keynote of his philosophy and be works for a brighter future.


29-30 deg Capricorn

One who must ever be careful to see that the letter of the law is obeyed as he risks losing impressions through the failure of verbal agreements.


0-1 deg Aquarius

Easily influenced by others but a capable leader in psychic or occult studies. He defies the conventions of the day.


1-2 deg Aquarius

Original, sympathetic and psychic, Successful if be concentrates in any given direction.


2-3 deg Aquarius

Faithful and courageous, practical yet truly religious. He suffers in silence.


3-4 deg Aquarius

Easily affected by surrounding and subject to home condition until he realizes his power to relieve others when he becomes more positive.


4-5 deg Aquarius

One who readily receives impressions from other realms of consciousness and utilizes these in the service of mankind.


5-6 deg Aquarius

Cultured, artistic, psychic. Assuming responsibilities in connection with partners which entail personal lose.


6-7 deg Aquarius

Gentle inoffensive, psychic and satisfied with little. He brings light to suffering humanity.


7-8 deg Aquarius

One who must realize that self-conquest is the greatest conquest. Then his daring and masterful nature will be of the utmost service.


8-9 deg Aquarius

Internationally famous for he feels the heart throbs of every race and works for unity and peace.


9-10 deg Aquarius

Able to influence, arouse and lead others, sometimes to their sorrow. Should try to comprehend both sides to a question.


10-11 deg Aquarius

Gifted but isolated. His productions whether in music, art or literature are understood only by the few but long remembered.


11-12 deg Aquarius

Moved through his sympathies he is prominent in reform movements and learned in those sciences through which the wounds of others may be healed.


12-13 deg Aquarius

In undeveloped types, ever ready with excuses but in the more highly evolved there is a deep, sympathetic occult understanding.


13-14 deg Aquarius

One who is utilitarian but fate imposes two lines of work so that there is much restlessness until there is complete submission to the higher forces.


14-15 deg Aquarius

One who lives and teaches that through faith alone can we overcome difficulties.


15-16 deg Aquarius

Sacrificing all on the altar of what he believes to be God-given purpose of his life through which he incurs much criticism.


16-17 deg Aquarius

Self-centered and having many affiliations with the opposite sex.


17-18 deg Aquarius

Many struggles in early life but in middle life a definite work and purpose absorb his entire attention and live after him.


18-19 deg Aquarius

Intuitive and intellectual with a simple manner of presenting great truths so that many are influenced.


19-20 deg Aquarius

One who does much to advance the more conservative arts and sciences.


20-21 deg Aquarius

One to whom all races and creeds are us one. He strives to eradicate injustice in whatever form it takes.


21-22 deg Aquarius

Literary and intellectual. Attracted towards a political career with doubtful success.


22-23 deg Aquarius

Unorthodox and a believer in platonic friendship until the actions of those he has trusted force him into seclusion.


23-24 deg Aquarius

One who suffers and endures and through his suffering inspires others.


24-25 deg Aquarius

A scientific investigator who ignores the pain of others in his desire for knowledge until he meets cruel suffering face to face.


25-26 deg Aquarius

One who has a duty to perform for the race, the direction of this being revealed to him as he develops.


26-27 deg Aquarius

One capable of holding many positions of trust and responsibility.


27-28 deg Aquarius

One who will travel far, carrying with him the banners of truth and justice.


28-29 deg Aquarius

One who will be elevated above his position at birth but who must be ever watchful lest his fall be greater.


29-30 deg Aquarius

Interested in occultism but moving slowly and accepting only as intuition and reason dictate.


0-1 deg Pisces

One who desires to contact occult truths but is too sensuous to devote himself to study.


1-2 deg Pisces

Very emotional and self-conscious. Enlightenment comes through the desire to alleviate distress.


2-3 deg Pisces

One keenly in touch with the thought of his time through which he advances his own interests or contributes to the common good.


3-4 deg Pisces

Mediumistic ability of a high order which attracts those holding superior position.


4-5 deg Pisces

Purposeful and sympathetic but must guard against too luxurious living.


5-6 deg Pisces

Venturesome and secretive, often his life is in danger but he obtains friendly help from unexpected quarters.


6-7 deg Pisces

The creator of his own positions. Many ups and downs as be changers the trend of his thoughts.


7-8 deg Pisces

Possessing the power to control others yet feeling that circumstances grip him in their power until he has set others free from his will.


8-9 deg Pisces

Very sensitive and impressionable. He seeks love but he many find that he is bound to the sensuous.


9-10 deg Pisces

Strongly attached to home and very practical.


10-11 deg Pisces

Faithful and trustworthy, sympathetic and sensitive but seldom betraying the intensity of his desire to serve.


11-12 deg Pisces

Emotive and mediumistic with literary or artistic ability. Very devoted to a person or a cause.


12-13 deg Pisces

Much constructive ability and an inherent love of the sea. A radical.


13-14 deg Pisces

Easily stirred by injustice directed towards others yet suffering much himself. He access many lands.


14-15 deg Pisces

Irritable and tense yet sympathetic and sincere. Life in danger through carelessness or foolhardiness.


15-16 deg Pisces

Ambitious and venturesome, he endangers his life. Business relationships with parents.


16-17 deg Pisces

Keen imagination, lofty ideals but liable to attempt more than he can bring to fruition.


17-18 deg Pisces

Danger of being misled through sympathy. Silence regarding personal affairs will prevent unworthy alliances.


18-19 deg Pisces

One who sees a vision of a peaceful, harmonious world and has the faith and courage to follow the light.


19-20 deg Pisces

Kindly, hospitable artistic and musical. A wandering minstrel, delighting to do good to others.


20-21 deg Pisces

Shy, retiring but loving nature in all her moods. He is strongly attracted towards mystical studies.


21-22 deg Pisces

Strong emotional nature which may lead to music and art or a life of sensuous pleasure. Influenced by associates.


22-23 deg Pisces

Hasty, impulsive and erratic yet filled with remorse as he views the sorrow his actions have caused.


23-24 deg Pisces

Philosophic, idealistic and unconventional. Incurring much criticism through his views on sex problems.


24-25 deg Pisces

A nervous restless temperament sensing events from afar yet powerless to avert accidents.


25-26 deg Pisces

Keen intuitions, lover of travel which is not without danger. Clever, inventive, practical.


26-27 deg Pisces

Kindly, well-disposed forming friendships readily and responding to the moods of friends rather than leading.


27-28 deg Pisces

Gifted in many ways. Wealthy friends who advance his interests.


28-29 deg Pisces

A dreamer who sorrows with sorrowful and incurs displeasure through his misguided enthusiasms.


29-30 deg Pisces

Gifted in many ways but lacking in continuity of though. Concentrated effort would enable him to accomplish much that he dreams of.

360 Degree Cochrane Degrees

 This list of degrees works with half degrees.


0-l deg Aries

Dives headlong into projects with freshness, enthusiasm, and naivete. A desire to understand the essential meaning of any philosophy or theory.



1-2 deg Aries

Strives to perfect talents and acquire the resources and tools necessary to advance in life. Honest, self-willed, persistent, and periodically excited by some new idea or plan.



2-2 1/2 deg Aries

Quick and sharp intellect. Versatile, honest, and clear-headed. May lack spiritual sensitivity, intuition, and compassion.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Aries

Quick, alert mind. Designs and builds things, solves problems, and applies intelligence in other practical ways. Friendly and communicative.



3-4 deg Aries

Pleasant and kind. Motherly, nurturing, and domestic. Happiest living away from the city; draws wisdom from nature.



4-5 deg Aries

Strong-willed, noble, individualistic, self-absorbed. Good sense of beauty, usually preferring rich, exuberant styles in art, home decor, etc. Creative.



5-6 deg Aries

Clear and alert conscious intellect, although not particularly original or inspired in thought. Conservative and unassuming, perhaps timid.



6-7 deg Aries

Sociable, tactful, and courteous. Interested in psychology, sociology, and communications. Not particularly ambitious.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Aries

Instinctive, intense, magnetic. Penetrating intellect, keen perception. Searching for answers. Caustic and critical at times.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Aries

Intense, instinctive, emotional, intuitive. Sometimes denotes difficulty in sharing, or protectiveness toward family and country. Emotional complexity; may experience extreme joy and sorrow.



8-9 deg Aries

Friendly, tactful, and gracious. Though not particularly ambitious, a cheerful and helpful disposition brings some success in business pursuits.



9-10 deg Aries

Reflective; perceives things objectively. Works well with the public and with groups. Interested in symbolism, meditation, and the inner needs of others.



10-ll deg Aries

Original, innovative, and active. Dislikes conforming to conservative or restrictive social mores.



11-12 deg Aries

Receptive, sensitive, and imaginative. Strives to overcome impressionability by gaining personal strength and integrity.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Aries

Energetic, impulsive, individualistic, not easily swayed by others. His initiative can lead the way to new horizons.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Aries

Energetic, impulsive, individualistic, not easily swayed by others. Strives for purity, refinement, and perfection. Seeks the essential and fundamental basis of any idea.



13-14 deg Aries

Takes the time to work neatly and accurately. Interested in nutrition or other health-related fields.



14-15 deg Aries

Grasps ideas quickly and clearly. Communicates well. Adaptable, but lacks determination and will power.



15-16 deg Aries

Tactful, obliging, contented. Compassion and kindness may promote an interest in social work, psychology, or other personal service for others.



16-17 deg Aries

A natural leader. Organizes and directs activities without being domineering. Fair and just. (LIB-7-LIB, LEO-5-LEO)


17 - 17 1/2 deg Aries

Refined and courteous. Capable, well-balanced, not an extremist in any aspect of life. (LIB-7-LIB,VIR-6-VIR)


17 1/2 deg - 18 deg Aries

Ideals of purity and refinement may conflict with an equally strong instinctive or sexual nature. Neat and particular worker. May be too critical of others.



18-19 deg Aries

Concerned with relationships and sharing with others. Marriage is important to this person. May have a charismatic influence over others.



19-20 deg Aries

Learns instinctively rather than academically or vicariously. Intense, magnetic, charismatic, or sexual.



20-21 deg Aries

Expansive, enterprising, ingratiating. Enjoys comfort. May travel extensively.



21-22 deg Aries

Clear, objective insight combined with an enterprising spirit. Capable in business.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Aries

Progressive, original, enterprising. Active in business or academic circles. Optimistic and successful.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Aries

Intelligent. Scientific aptitude and capable in business pursuits. Industrious. May be rather cool and detached, lacking personal warmth and compassion.

(CAP-10-CAP, AQU-11-AQU)


23-24 deg Aries

Intuitive, idealistic, sensitive, self-sacrificing. Strives to gain clarity, detachment, and objectivity.

(CAP-10-CAP, PIS-12-PIS)


24-25 deg Aries

Independent, honest, and straightforward. Looks for what is essential and fundamental in any theory or idea.



25-26 deg Aries

Strives to perfect talents, tools, or resources so that he may advance in life. Feels a great deal of personal potential to be developed.



26-27 deg Aries

Curious, quick, inventive mind. Seeks original ways of doing things. Aptitude for science and business.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Aries

A progressive attitude towards religion, the family unit, and social structures in general. Humanitarian and compassionate, but not sentimental. Loves the family of mankind. Often denotes aptitude for social work or clinical psychology.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Aries

Imaginative, impressionable, compassionate, and often psychic. Intuitively grasps spiritual truths. Lacks drive, self-reliance, concentration, and mental clarity.



28-29 deg Aries

Creative, self absorbed, and idealistic. Wants to give to others. Sometimes denotes exaggeration and a theatrical way of expressing oneself.



29-30 deg Aries

Works neatly and accurately, and feels guilty if his work does not meet his own high standards. Lacks will power and is impressionable at times. Interested in spiritual and parapsychological matters.



0-l deg Taurus

Loves nature and believes in balanced living. Unaffected, pleasant disposition. Works at a task persistently, slowly, and instinctively until it is successfully completed.



1-2 deg Taurus

Inner strength and intensity, yet a warm and kind way of expressing himself. Deeply loving and magnetic.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Taurus

Pleasant and easy-going. Enjoys comfort and beautiful things. May go to extremes of generosity or acquisitiveness.



2 1/2 -3 deg Taurus

Very generous. Sometimes denotes the opposite tendency of seeking excessive luxury and wealth for oneself. Enjoys traveling. Restless and sociable.



3-4 deg Taurus

Intelligent and philosophical. A mature view of life. Aptitude for sciences and business. (TAU-1-GEM, CAP-9-AQU)


4-5 deg Taurus

Highly intelligent; original thoughts and actions. Aptitude for sciences and business. (TAU-1-GEM,AQU-10-PIS)


5-6 deg Taurus

Good psychological insight; compassionate and able to communicate well with others. Rich imagination and sensitivity. Aptitude for artistic and literary fields.



6-7 deg Taurus

Strong sense of responsibility, easily prone to guilt feelings. Compassionate and honest with others. Capable in social work and psychology.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Taurus

Patient, kind, nurturing. Slow and steady in work, sometimes lazy. Enjoys gardening, staying at home, and warm conversation with others.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Taurus

Patient, kind, loving, and strong-willed. Enjoys being home and is devoted to family. (CAN-3-LEO,TAU-1-GEM)


8-9 deg Taurus

Quick and adaptable thinking, but may lack depth and maturity. Strives to develop his own individual potential.



9-10 deg Taurus

Compassionate and kind. Devoted to family and any group he identifies with. Dislikes being dominated by anyone else.



10-11 deg Taurus

An individualist and a perfectionist. His home is his castle. Creative.



11-12 deg Taurus

Refined, cultivated, perhaps delicate and courteous. Demands perfection of himself. Good at detail work.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Taurus

Refined, diplomatic, conservative, tactful, courteous. A good employee in any position that requires these qualities.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Taurus

A good worker, tries to be fair to everyone. Well-balanced and likeable. Good sense of balance and harmony in everything he does.



13-14 deg Taurus

13º-14º: Commands respect through his quiet, sincere, and magnetic disposition. Capable of wielding a psychic or magnetic influence over others.



14-15 deg Taurus

Generous and wealthy. Pleasant, tactful, and gracious. Successful dealer of merchandise, or successful in some other business pursuit.



15-16 deg Taurus

Strong views regarding philosophy or religion. Expresses his beliefs with intensity and power.



16-17 deg Taurus

Dynamic, instinctive, magnetic, innovative. Influential in business or academic circles. (LIB-6-SCO, AQU-10-PIS)


17 - 17 1/2 deg Taurus

Imaginative and instinctive. A tendency to be involved in power struggles or emotionally complex relationships. Artistic and sensitive.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Taurus

Pleasant and easy-going; does not have great will power, Restless, scattered, and too concerned with the future. Generous and helpful to the needy.



18-19 deg Taurus

Strong sense of responsibility, easily prone to guilt feelings. Very generous or acquisitive. (SCO-7-SAG, ARI-12-TAU)


19-20 deg Taurus

Calm, sedate, persistent, easy-going. Dislikes being rushed or pressured by others. Materially successful and generous.



20-21 deg Taurus

Highly intelligent. Quick, analytical, objective mind. Clear thinking. Strives to understand the larger context, philosophical view, and underlying assumptions of any idea or concept. Interested in economics.



21-22 deg Taurus

Interested in symbolism and psychology. Warm and compassionate, yet objective as well. (SAG-8-CAP, CAN-3-LEO)


22 - 22 1/2 deg Taurus

A deep sense of his own individuality and nobility. Devoted to family. Searches for a mature, objective, broad understanding of life.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Taurus

A deep sense of his own individuality and nobility. Vital and energetic, perhaps a reforming or revolutionary spirit. Innovative.



23-24 deg Taurus

Very particular and precise. May be easily irritated when things are not just right. Creative intelligence, capable of original ideas and novel projects.



24-25 deg Taurus

Good sense of balance, tact, sophistication, and harmony in his work and life generally. Progressive, enterprising, active. A good worker in any business or organization.



25-26 deg Taurus

Romantic, perhaps sexual. Wields a great attractive power over others. Imaginative, poetic, and artistic. May also experience power struggles with others.



26-27 deg Taurus

Very generous or acquisitive. Inclined to gamble or give indiscriminately. Imaginative and inclined to think about the future.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Taurus

Interested in spiritual philosophy. A student of religion or literature. His approach to these interests may be too intellectual or academic.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Taurus

Reliable, trustworthy, and honest. A mature and broad view of any situation. Strong sense of responsibility.



28-29 deg Taurus

Intelligent, original, energetic, self-reliant. Honest and straightforward, sometimes tactless and blunt.

(PIS-11-ARI, AQU-10-PIS)


29-30 deg Taurus

Imaginative and sensitive. Strives to be clear, honest and direct. Strong sense of responsibility.

(PIS-11-ARI, PIS-11-ARI)


0-l deg Gemini

Intelligent, quick, precise, curious mind. Initiative and pioneering ideas but may lack the necessary concentration and persistence to succeed.

(ARI-11-GEM, ARI-11-GEM)


1-2 deg Gemini

Well-balanced and pleasant person. Communicates well with others. Enjoys reading and studying.

(ARI-11-GEM, TAU-12-CAN)


2 - 2 1/2 deg Gemini

Very quick, sharp thinker, but lacks concentration and depth of understanding. Witty and talkative.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Gemini

Very quick, sharp thinker. Witty and talkative. Works well with groups and the public. May be a defender of women's rights or spiritual values.



3-4 deg Gemini

Domestic, kind, compassionate, devoted to family. Easily influenced by the emotional tone and atmosphere of his environment.



4-5 deg Gemini

Leader of groups, such as a teacher, politician, etc. Self-reliant. Devoted to home and country.



5-6 deg Gemini

Observant, careful, intelligent, precise, Capable and efficient worker.



6-7 deg Gemini

Creative. Good sense of harmony and balance. Fair to everyone and respected by others. Sometimes feels that his social life frustrates his individual pursuits.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Gemini

Instinctive and energetic. His individualism and intensity may be overbearing at times. (GEM-1-LEO, SCO-6-CAP)


7 1/2 deg - 8 deg Gemini

Deep intensity and instinctive nature may conflict with a desire for purity and refinement. (CAN-2-VIR, SCO-6-CAP)


8-9 deg Gemini

Sociable and courteous. Refined, cultured disposition. Dresses neatly and is capable in business affairs.



9-10 deg Gemini

Probably thrifty, or concerned with conservation of natural resources. Intelligent, precise, and careful.



10-11 deg Gemini

Progressive, unusual thinker. Strives to synthesize his inspirations into a harmonious, integrate theory or system. Nonconformist.

(LEO-3-LIB-5, AQU-9-ARI)


11-12 deg Gemini

Very imaginative, sensitive, and intuitive. Poetic and artistic. Good sense of harmony and balance.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Gemini

Organizing ability. Honest, clear, and straightforward, yet tactful and courteous also. Initiative and spontaneity.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Gemini

Dynamic, self-reliant, honest, individualistic, pioneering. Hard worker. May be too blunt and intense at times.



13-14 deg Gemini

Passionate and instinctive. Artistic. Quiet and persistent worker.



14-15 deg Gemini

Quick, sharp, adaptable mind. Fast learner. Works very hard, sometimes to the point of mental exhaustion.



15-16 deg Gemini

Sociable, pleasant, cordial. Not very ambitious. Devoted to home and family.



16-17 deg Gemini

Outgoing, enterprising. Has rich taste and enjoys comfort. Good leadership qualities. May be overbearing and egotistical.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Gemini

Ingratiating, well-mannered, and conservative. May be fussy and critical, particularly at home or with close friends.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Gemini

Conservative, quiet, unassuming personality. May be fussy and particular. Careful and un wasteful with money and resources. May be unwilling to share freely with others.



18-19 deg Gemini

Well-balanced, pleasant, responsible. Serene and calm disposition. Un wasteful.



19-20 deg Gemini

Mature and magnetic disposition. Quiet, persistent, and disciplined. Achieves success through exacting training and hard work.



20-21 deg Gemini

Outgoing and ingratiating. Successful in business and worldly pursuits. Progressive thoughts and actions. Likely to travel a great deal.



21-22 deg Gemini

Good intelligence. Aptitude for any field of business or science. Careful, un wasteful, and responsible. May have a particular interest in economics, conservation of natural resources, or social work.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Gemini

Very inventive, progressive, and original. Far-reaching ideas. Capable in business or science. Non-conformist.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Gemini

Inspired, inventive, original, poetic, imaginative. Unusually talented, but periodic upsets in life may thwart his growth.



23-24 deg Gemini

Imaginative, psychic, idealistic. Self-sacrificing and spiritually oriented. Un ambitious. Lacks clarity and concentration.



24-25 deg Gemini

A pioneer in imaginative, parapsychological, or spiritual ideas and endeavors. Sudden ideas and spontaneous actions. Honest and direct.



25-26 deg Gemini

Works patiently and persistently. Trustworthy and reliable. Kind, honest, and responsible. (AQU-9-ARI, TAU-12-CAN)


26-27 deg Gemini

Quick, adaptable, sharp mind. Honest and straightforward. Many good ideas but difficulty concentrating energy in any one area.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Gemini

Devoted to home and family. His business pursuits are founded on human interests or spiritual values.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Gemini

Kind, compassionate, warm. Devoted to home and family. Loves children. Prefers a natural environment, and is not well-suited for urban living.



28-29 deg Gemini

Strong will and determination. Loves children and nature. Self-conscious about his own beauty and appearance. Good artistic appreciation.



29-30 deg Gemini

Particular, precise, conservative. Appreciates fine art. Sometimes critical and fussy. (PIS-10-TAU,VIR-4-SCO)


0-l deg Cancer

Compassionate and kind. Much of his interest centers around home and family. Not very ambitious or goal-oriented.



1-2 deg Cancer

Emotional and instinctive. Strong creative forces that can promote emotional confusion, jealousy, etc., if not channeled effectively.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Cancer

Soft and pleasant disposition. Fond of home life. Kind and generous. Tends to be wasteful. (ARI-10-CAN, SAG-6-PIS)


2 1/2 to 3 deg Cancer

Energetic, expansive, enterprising, individualistic. Leadership qualities. Materially successful and generous. Some people find his outgoing personality to be overbearing and ostentatious.



3 - 4 deg Cancer

Clear and detached view. Serious and mature disposition. Ambitious and self-reliant. Struggles to develop his own individual potential.



4-5 deg Cancer

Energetic, individualistic, progressive. Ideas on improved ways for society to develop and distribute its resources and goods. A good degree position for economists, store keepers, and social reformers.



5-6 deg Cancer

Dreamy and impractical, yet strives for clarity. May be too future-oriented at times. Aptitude for any field involving travel or communications.



6-7 deg Cancer

Very sharp intellect. Analytical and communicative, sometimes overly critical and cutting. Initiative and self-reliance.

(GEM-12-VIR, ARI-10-CAN)


7 - 7 1/2 deg Cancer

Loves refined art. Discriminating taste in clothing, food, art, home decor, etc. Conservative and neat.

(GEM-12-VIR, TAU-11-LEO)


7 1/2 - 8 deg Cancer

Pleasant, warm, and kind. Good artistic taste. Loves children and nature.



8-9 deg Cancer

Talkative. Enjoys sharing ideas with others. Well-balanced, pleasant personality.



9-10 deg Cancer

Motherly, compassionate, intuitive, and sociable. Home-oriented. Not well-adapted to urban living, and likely to value people and home more than career.



10-l1 deg Cancer

Ardent, vital, and energetic. Strives to develop the talents and resources necessary to advance in life. Unusual creative power in building, designing, art, etc.



11-12 deg Cancer

Clear, astute, precise thinker. May be bitingly satirical at times. Delicate and detailed creative works.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Cancer

Pleasant, well-balanced, harmonious disposition. Devoted to home and family. Creative talent.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Cancer

Sociable, pleasant, cordial, gracious. Knows how to create a nice atmosphere to make people feel comfortable. Lives a well-balanced life.



13-14 deg Cancer

Unusual creative power. Strives to enhance the quality of his work or service. (VIR-3-SAG-6, SCO-5-AQU)


14-15 deg Cancer

Generous, ingratiating, sociable, enterprising. Enjoys comfort and life's pleasures. Enjoys serving others.



15-16 deg Cancer

Reflective, detached outlook on life. Mature, dignified, business-like way of relating to others. Ability to deal with the public. Capable of hard work and endurance.



16-17 deg Cancer

Good in business or politics. Aptitude for science also. Has ideas on the social distribution and organization of resources, money, and goods. Will work hard to bring his ideas into fruition.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Cancer

Intuitive, philosophical view of life. High spiritual ideals. Responsible and loyal.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Cancer

Intuitive, philosophical view of life. High spiritual ideals. Original and inventive imagination. Generous and helpful to others.



18-19 deg Cancer

Good mentality. Aptitude for science or business. Self-reliant, innovative, spontaneous. Gets to the essential ideas and does not waste time with superficial details.



19-20 deg Cancer

Good sense of beauty. Intelligent. Works well in organized activities or group projects. Concern for the needs of others. Aptitude for social work and art-related businesses. (SCO-5-AQU, TAU-11-LEO)


20-21 deg Cancer

Fresh, lively imagination. Interested in spiritual philosophy. Lacks depth, realism, maturity, and concentration of thought. Aptitude for any endeavor that involves travel or communications.

(SAG- 6-PIS, GEM-12-VIR)


21-22 deg Cancer

Compassionate, imaginative, idealistic, sensitive. May love traveling, particularly by water. Devoted to home and family.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Cancer

Generous. Occasionally has fantastic, unrealistic plans and dreams, and overestimates his own capabilities. May gamble.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Cancer

Energetic, enterprising, aspiring. Self-reliant, individualistic, perhaps egotistical. Radiates an inner sense of nobility.



23-24 deg Cancer

Sharp, penetrating, critical perception. Drives right to the essential ideas in any theory or discussion.



24-25 deg Cancer

Cordial, pleasant disposition. Strives to maintain the proper balance between responsibilities to family and the independence necessary to advance in vocational pursuits. (CAP-7-ARI, LIB-4-CAP)


25-26 deg Cancer

Intensely creative, artistically talented. Strong love nature. Good intuition. Capable person in group projects and organizations.



26-27 deg Cancer

Pleasant and kind. Enjoys comforts and nice things. Has rich taste in art, clothing, etc. Capable person in group projects or organizations.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Cancer

Mature, quiet, pleasant disposition. Interested in human relationships and social roles. Organizational talent. Loves the beauty of nature and good art.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Cancer

Mature, detached disposition. Ability to see things from different points of view. Good intelligence. Tends to be a quiet observer rather than an active participant in life.



28-29 deg Cancer

Original and unusual ideas. May lack the determination necessary to bring plans to completion. Interested in economics.



29-30 deg Cancer

Fresh, lively imagination. Enjoys talking about spiritual philosophy. Has many interests and tends to scatter his energies.



0-l deg Leo

Energetic, individualistic, spontaneous. A leader and pioneer. Great initiative, thrives on adventure.



1-2 deg Leo

Good artistic taste. May be too self-absorbed and concerned about his own beauty. Capable in business. Leadership qualities.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Leo

Intelligent, learns quickly. Organizing ability and leadership qualities.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Leo

Highly intelligent. Precise and accurate thinking. Learns quickly. May lack inner qualities of compassion and intuition.

(TAU-10-VIR, GEM-11-LIB)


3-4 deg Leo

Strong sense of responsibility to family and country. A deeply sensitive nature which is not outwardly expressed to others. Conservative, neat, and particular.

(TAU-10-VIR, CAN-12-SCO)


4-5 deg Leo

Individualistic, self-reliant, self-conscious, energetic. A perfectionist. Strives to refine and perfect his own talents.



5-6 deg Leo

Refined and well-mannered. Dislikes anything coarse or crude. Fussy, exacting, and particular about his appearance and possessions.



6-7 deg Leo

Courteous, obliging, and tactful. Enjoys talking and sharing with others. Strives for a balanced, harmonious life. Has difficulty making important decisions.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Leo

Complex emotional make-up. Intense and instinctive. Strives to be kind to others but is sometimes critical or caustic.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Leo

Complex emotional makeup. May experience jealousy or other emotional problems. Passionate, intense, and instinctive.



8-9 deg Leo

Creative talents. Loves rich colors and high quality. Well-balanced and healthy disposition. (CAN-12-SCO, SAG-5-ARI)


9-10 deg Leo

Persevering and determined worker. Quiet, mature, self-reliant. Ability to concentrate on a certain task until it is brought to completion.



10-11 deg Leo

Expressive, forward-looking, uninhibited personality. Successful in organizations and group endeavors. Enjoys sports. Lacks concentration, discipline, and self-control.



11 - l2 deg Leo

Generous and charitable. Helps the needy. Open, uninhibited way of expressing himself. Enjoys sports. Sociable and ingratiating.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Leo

Expansive, restless, pioneering. Always looking to the next horizon. Needs to learn to concentrate on the task at hand. Enjoys traveling. Optimistic and enthusiastic.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Leo

Enterprising and pioneering. Mature, philosophical view of life. Persevering, determined worker. Understands the essential concepts of any idea or theory and does not waste time on inconsequential or superficial details.



13 - 14 deg Leo

Pleasant and kind. Good artistic taste. Achieves a measure of success in life through steady, persistent effort.



14-15 deg Leo

Scientific mind. Quick and accurate thinking. Hard work brings his organizational and intellectual abilities into fruition.



15-16 deg Leo

Compassionate, responsible, intuitive. Devotes himself wholeheartedly to an organization or group if he feels the cause is worthy. Interested in psychology, education, and social work.



16-17 deg Leo

Intensely individualistic and proud. Aptitude for teaching and positions of leadership. Dislikes social mores and customs.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Leo

Intelligent. Critical and precise thinker. Conservative, polite, and capable worker for any organization or business.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Leo

Neat, conservative, and polite. Gives good care and attention to his appearance, possessions, and environment. May vacillate between selfishness and generosity.



18-19 deg Leo

Sociable, pleasant, tactful, easy-going. Loves talking and sharing with others. Generous. Contributes to humanitarian causes.



19-20 deg Leo

Intense, emotional, compassionate, instinctive. Deep feelings. Difficult emotional conditions at home. Generous and self-sacrificing.



20-21 deg Leo

Restless, expansive, enterprising. Successful in business and social life. Tends to exaggerate and overindulge.



21-22 deg Leo

Persistent, determined worker. Mature disposition. Honest and straightforward with himself and others.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Leo

Successful involvement in businesses and organizations. Restless and spontaneous. Always in pursuit of wider horizons and greater understanding.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Leo

Successful involvement in businesses and organizations. Capable and kind. Good artistic appreciation.



23-24 deg Leo

Generous and giving, especially to the needy. Helpful, mild, and quiet disposition. Imaginative, intuitive, idealistic. Good artistic sensitivity.



24-25 deg Leo

Honest. Understands the essential concepts in any theory and does not waste time with superficial details. Good artistic appreciation.



25-26 deg Leo

A well-balanced person with a heart and head that work well together. Enjoys good company and conversation.



26-27 deg Leo

Linguistic, writing, or speaking ability. Scientific or business thinking. Clear, conscious mental power. Ability to analyze the specifics of a situation as well as formulate sound, encompassing theories.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Leo

Aptitude for psychology. Strong sense of responsibility to family and country. Deeply compassionate person who can communicate his feelings through writing or speaking. (AQU-7-GEM, CAN-12-SCO)


27 1/2 - 28 deg Leo

Strong sense of responsibility to family and country. Compassionate. Relatively unconcerned about worldly success, ambitions, and the like.



28-29 deg Leo

Highly individual. A capable leader in humanitarian pursuits. Strong sense of responsibility to family and country.



29-30 deg Leo

Courteous and well-mannered. Keeps home and possessions neat and tidy. Strives to develop compassion towards all people.



0-l deg Virgo

Refined disposition. Dislikes anything coarse or crude. Well-mannered, cordial, and conservative.



1-2 deg Virgo

Intense, critical, penetrating intellect and perception. Sometimes caustic or satirical. Becomes irritable when things are not in order.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Virgo

Refined, cultured disposition. Kind and optimistic. Attracts many benefits in life.

Appreciates fine workmanship and high quality.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Virgo

Refined disposition. Kind and cordial. Generous, and wants to use his resources in the best possible way. Attracts many benefits in life.



3-4 deg Virgo

Strives to live his life according to his ideals. May struggle with himself too much. Concerned with justice, equality, and human brotherhood.



4-5 deg Virgo

Successful in business and worldly pursuits. Tactful. Loving, but not in an intimate, personal way. Intelligent and active person.



5-6 deg Virgo

Imaginative, idealistic, and sensitive. Romantic; falls deeply in love. Strives to be honest with others.



6-7 deg Virgo

Energetic, pioneering, self-reliant. Lacks tact and patience with others. Direct and frank, sometimes critical and sarcastic.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Virgo

Ability to communicate ideas artistically and beautifully. Speaks with directness, power, and love.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Virgo

Loving, kind, generous, optimistic. Enjoys the comforts in life and is inclined to overindulge in food and other pleasures. Rich taste; prefers warm, exuberant colors.



8-9 deg Virgo

Restless and lacks the concentration to successfully complete any one task. Big hopes and goals for the future. Enjoys traveling. Success in any field of communications.

(CAN-11-SAG, GEM-10-SCO)


9-10 deg Virgo

Aptitude for psychology. Compassionate, intuitive, domestic, kind. Works well with other people. Attracts many benefits in life.

(CAN-11-SAG, CAN-11-SAG)


10-11 deg Virgo

Strives to actualize his own individual potential. Struggles with himself and may be concerned with his pride and egotism. Science. Successful through persistent efforts. (LEO-12-CAP, LEO-12-CAP)


11-12 deg Virgo

Easily annoyed by trivial things. Persistent, precise, responsible worker. Ability for detailed, exacting tasks. May vacillate between extreme neatness and extreme sloppiness.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Virgo

Good sense of balance, moderation, and harmony. Believes that wealth should be more equally distributed among all people.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Virgo

Tactful, sophisticated, progressive. Capable person in business pursuits. Organizational talent. An active worker. Honest and fair to all people.



13-14 deg Virgo

Intense, instinctive, active. Critical perception of things. Progressive and dynamic. Inclined to scientific or business pursuits.



14-15 deg Virgo

Well-balanced and pleasant disposition. Attracts many benefits in life. Loves home and family. Successful in business.



15-16 deg Virgo

Quiet, shy, and sober disposition. Loves simplicity and dislikes unnecessary opulence. Strives to live up to his spiritual ideals.



16-17 deg Virgo

Humanistic, humanitarian, progressive. Original and lively imagination. Generous and giving.



17 -17 1/2 deg Virgo

Easily influenced by others. Intuitive, poetic, spiritual, self-sacrificing. Lacking in straightforward honesty, clarity of thought, and will power.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Virgo

Generous and helpful to others. Self-sacrificing. Imaginative and intuitive. At times may experience power struggles with others.



18-19 deg Virgo

Energetic, spontaneous. Very generous, wants to share with others. Interested in economics and the way people share natural resources and wealth.



19-20 deg Virgo

Honest and practical. Loves nature. Successful in business. Interested in economics and the way people share natural resources and wealth.



20-21 deg Virgo

Sharp intellect, grasps ideas quickly. Communicates well with others. Successful in vocational pursuits.



21-22 deg Virgo

Loving, humanistic, considerate. Loves natural living and nature's simple wisdom. Good memory. Successful in business and well-liked by everyone.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Virgo

Great concern for meeting one's personal responsibilities. Strong will and determination. Appreciates the simple wisdom of nature. Good aesthetic taste and may have artistic inclinations.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Virgo

Great concern for meeting one's personal responsibilities. Sharp and clear intellect. Grasps ideas quickly.



23-24 deg Virgo

Precise. Associates ideas clearly and quickly, but tends to lack depth, inspiration, and originality of thought. Good at detail work and communications. Rather conservative, diffident, and shy.



24-25 deg Virgo

Mature and balanced sense of values. Associates ideas quickly and clearly. Intelligent, but not a deep, probing thinker.



25-26 deg Virgo

Intense, emotional. Instinctive understanding of people. Creative, a good cook. (AQU-6-CAN,SCO-3-ARI)


26-27 deg Virgo

Beautiful inner qualities. 'Compassionate, intuitive, domestic, imaginative. Enjoys comfort and a nice home.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Virgo

Quiet, persevering, hard worker. Rather shy and quiet but attracts many friends nonetheless. Sometimes takes life too seriously. Achieves spiritual growth through discipline.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Virgo

Mature, quiet, serious, individualistic. May struggle with himself and take his responsibilities too seriously. Good worker. Leadership qualities.



28-29 deg Virgo

Active, intelligent, progressive, humanistic. Involved in worldly pursuits but is careful not to lose his individuality through the pressure of group norms.



29-30 deg Virgo

Sensitive and idealistic. Strives to live up to his ideals of generosity and unconditional love. (PIS-7-LEO, PIS-7-LEO)


0-l deg Libra

Interested in personal relationships, psychology, and sociology. May experience power struggles with others.



1-2 deg Libra

Kind, pleasant, harmonious personality. Very generous. Nurturing and helpful to others. Appreciates nature and has good artistic taste.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Libra

Curious about everything, but lacks concentration and depth of thought. Speculates about fare aching theories or ideas. Talkative. May travel or be involved in communications. (ARI-7-LIB,GEM-9-SAG)


2 1/2 - 3 deg Libra

Sharp intellect. Curious about everything. May travel or be involved in communications. Desires to develop the tools and talents necessary to pursue his interests.



3-4 deg Libra

Compassionate and instinctive. Strong emotions. Natural talent for cooking and other creative endeavors.

(TAU-8-SCO-2, CAN-10-CAP)


4-5 deg Libra

Self-reliant, individual, dynamic, energetic. Leadership qualities and organizational ability. (TAU-8-SCO, LEO-11-AQU)


5-6 deg Libra

Quick, adaptable, exacting mind, but not particularly deep or original. May be too critical. Conservative. Enjoys writing, speaking, and traveling.

(GEM-9-SAG-3, VIR-12-PIS)


6-7 deg Libra

Sociable, cordial, pleasant, tactful. Creates a rich harmonious atmosphere with others. Communicative.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Libra

Enterprising. Instinctive understanding of what to do and how to succeed in life. May work with paints, chemicals, or perfumes.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Libra

Instinctive, mature, quiet disposition. Works hard to develop the talents, tools, and resources necessary to advance in life.



8-9 deg Libra

Cordial, ingratiating, sophisticated, mature disposition. Successful in business.



9-10 deg Libra

Mature, dry, reflective, self-controlled disposition. Detached, objective thinker. Works hard for family. Simple tastes, dislikes unnecessary luxuries.



10-11 deg Libra

Mental creativity. Innovative, progressive, reforming, perhaps eccentric. Improvisational and spontaneous. Dislikes conforming to social norms and customs.



11-12 deg Libra

Self-sacrificing worker. Desire to play a useful part in society. Sensitive and imaginative. (LEO-11-AQU, PIS-6-VIR)


12 - 12 1/2 deg Libra

Original, progressive, honest, impatient, self-willed. Relationships come and go quickly, with unexpected upsets.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Libra

Honest and sincere. Self-sacrificing worker. Difficulties in relationships due to dominating others or vice versa.



13-14 deg Libra

Pleasant and kind. Generous, helpful, and aware of others' needs. Self-sacrificing worker. Aptitude for social work.



14-15 deg Libra

Quick, imaginative mind but lacks concentration, determination, and ambition. Many ideas and big plans for the future.



15-16 deg Libra

Devoted to family. May be overly protective of family members or a defender of nationality and country.



16-17 deg Libra

Energetic, individualistic, self-reliant. A leader. Seeks direct, personal, honest relationships with others. May be domineering.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Libra

Perceptive, analytical, and critical. Ability to see through social games. Easily disappointed by others. Precise and careful in everything he does.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Libra

Courteous and refined. A careful, responsible, reliable worker. Good at detailed art work, sewing or other activities that require dexterity. Interested in dietetics, ecology, and natural living.

(SCO-2- TAU, VIR-12-PIS)


18-19 deg Libra

Pleasant, courteous, obliging, tactful. Very giving and helpful to others. Good sense of beauty and harmony. Successful in business.



19-20 deg Libra

Loving, instinctive, passionate. Appreciates beauty. Prone to excess in eating and other pleasures. Tends to alternate between wastefulness and severe self-control.



20-21 deg Libra

Expressive, outspoken, enterprising, sociable, entertaining. A wealth of thoughts, ideas, and plans. Restless, seeking ever-wider horizons. Involved in communications.



21-22 deg Libra

Mature, sober, reflective disposition. Intelligent. Inclined towards academic or business pursuits. Interested in wide-ranging ideas, communications, and travel.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Libra

Creative thinker. Highly intelligent, with an aptitude for all sciences. Improvisational and spontaneous.

(SAG-3-GEM-9, AQU-5-LEO)


22 1/2 - 23 deg Libra

Progressive and humanistic. Creative and has improvisational talent. Aptitude for psychology. Progressive ideas on marriage, family life, and education.



23-24 deg Libra

Intuitive and subjective. Self-sacrificing worker and a helper of the needy. Idealistic and spiritual values. Dedicated to home and family.



24-25 deg Libra

Good understanding of the inner, emotional needs of others. Aptitude for social work and psychology. Aggressive protector of home, country, and his ideals.



25-26 deg Libra

Kind, noble, generous. Excellent leadership qualities. Strong-willed and energetic. Successful in business pursuits. Rich taste.



26-27 deg Libra

Sharp intelligence and good understanding. Scientific thinking. Leadership qualities and organizational ability.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Libra

Warm and kind. Good understanding of the inner, emotional needs of people. Successful in vocational pursuits.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Libra

Compassionate, kind, and polite. Works well with the public. Devoted to family. Good qualities for teaching or nursing. May be interested in nutrition.



28-29 deg Libra

Individualistic, self-reliant, responsible. Leadership qualities and organizational ability. A perfectionist.



29-30 deg Libra

Fussy and particular. Well-mannered, rather conservative and diffident. Dislikes anything coarse or crude. Loves whatever is refined, clean, and pure.



0-l deg Scorpio

Quiet, intense, magnetic. Tries to be fair to everyone; concerned with equal rights for all people. Capable of great self-control when the cause is worthwhile.



1-2 deg Scorpio

Intense, quiet, charismatic, magnetic. Healing power. Instinctively understands how electrical and mechanical things work but poor at abstract subjects such as mathematics. (ARI-6-SCO, SCO-1- GEM)


2 - 2 1/2 deg Scorpio

Capable of gaining much influence and wealth through business pursuits. His quiet and strong demeanor commands respect from others. Has rich taste and enjoys comforts. (ARI-6-SCO, SAG-2-CAN)


2 1/2 - 3 deg Scorpio

Capable of gaining much material wealth through business pursuits. Extravagant, wasteful, and generous. Rich taste and enjoys comforts.



3-4 deg Scorpio

Careful planning and an enterprising nature enable him to succeed in business pursuits or political activities. Strives to enrich his life.



4-5 deg Scorpio

Moods change very quickly. Spontaneous, abrupt, restless, and active. Capable of gaining much success in business. Rich tastes.



5-6 deg Scorpio

Idealistic and sensitive. Enjoys the simple beauties of life. Dislikes noisy environments and boisterous people. Quiet work and imaginative, creative endeavors fulfill him.



6-7 deg Scorpio

Industrious. Clear, objective understanding. Great initiative and prefers to be his own boss. Honest and straightforward, dislikes superficiality and wastefulness.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Scorpio

Pleasant, loving, kind. Relates well with children. Clear, reflective thinking. Enjoys talking and discussing ideas with others, but is not verbose.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Scorpio

Pleasant, loving, humanistic, progressive. Interested in alternative methods of education. (CAN-9-AQU, TAU-7-SAG)


8-9 deg Scorpio

Intelligent. Spontaneous, sudden ideas and expression of feelings. Capable person in the business world, particularly in dealing with the public.



9-10 deg Scorpio

Progressive ideas regarding marriage, education, and the family unit. May be interested in communal living. Has many friends and works well with groups of people.



10-11 deg Scorpio

Individualistic, self-reliant, and self-conscious. Prone to exaggerate and lack straightforward honesty with others. Imaginative, creative talents; aptitude for drama and mime.



11-12 deg Scorpio

Considerate, tactful, precise, perhaps dainty. Refined and imaginative. May be too critical of others.

(LEO-10-PIS, VIR-11-ARI)


12 - 12 1/2 deg Scorpio

Strives to be self-sacrificing and generous to others. Is easily distressed by powerful or domineering people. Very often is not honest and frank with others to avoid hurting their feelings.

(LEO-10-PIS, LIB-12-TAU)


12 1/2 - 13 deg Scorpio

Courteous and respectful to others. Desires to perform a personal, essential service for others. A responsible, reliable worker.

(VIR-11-ARI, LIB-12-TAU)


13-14 deg Scorpio

Instinctive, dynamic, self-reliant, magnetic. A hard worker; likes to get right into the work and dislikes idle talk. Pioneering spirit.



14-15 deg Scorpio

Successful in business pursuits. Enjoys a sense of wealth, comfort, and ease in life, and is willing to work for it.



15-16 deg Scorpio

Reflective, contemplative. Mature outlook. Capable of deep thought and concentration. Loves simple beauties. Pleasant and kind.



16-17 deg Scorpio

Humanistic and progressive. Creative thinker. Organizational ability. Interest in psychology and education.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Scorpio

Imaginative and sensitive. Creative, artistic talent. Kind and loving. Impressionable and easily influenced by others.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Scorpio

Imaginative, sensitive, poetic. Impressionable and easily influenced by other people's opinions and behavior. Has many different interests and does not specialize in any one area.



18-19 deg Scorpio

Quick, adaptable, restless mind. Industrious and self-reliant. Enjoys discussions and debates about politics or economics.



19-20 deg Scorpio

Speaking or singing talent. Enjoys sharing ideas with others. Has many interests, including art, music, and psychology.



20-21 deg Scorpio

Quick, adaptable mind. Enjoys traveling. Successful in any field of communications. Ability to work with the public and large groups of people.



21-22 deg Scorpio

An intuitive philosophy of life that no rational logic can alter. Seeks a large family feeling through joining clubs or communal living. Restless and inclined to travel.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Scorpio

Individualistic, self-reliant, and energetic. Leadership qualities. Self-conscious and may be egotistical. Seeks a large family feeling through joining clubs or communal living.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Scorpio

Individualistic, self-reliant, self-conscious, ambitious, proud. Leadership qualities. Wants to do something in life that expresses his own individuality.



23-24 deg Scorpio

Good intelligence. Tactful, diplomatic, precise, polite. Successful in academic and business pursuits. Aptitude for teaching. Wants to do something that expresses his individuality. (CAP-3- LEO-10, VIR-11-ARI)


24-25 deg Scorpio

Enjoys serving others in a personal and humane manner. Strives to please others and meet their needs. Wants to do something that expresses his own individuality.

(CAP-3-LEO-10, LIB-12-TAU)


25-26 deg Scorpio

Quiet, instinctive, self-reliant, intense. Sharp, critical, penetrating perception. May be caustic or satirical in speech.



26-27 deg Scorpio

Refined, cultured disposition. Enterprising, polite, and conservative. Successful in business or politics. Enjoys comforts and the pleasures of life.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Scorpio

Clear, detached, objective outlook. Mature, responsible, and dependable. Loves simplicity and refinement.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Scorpio

Clear, detached, objective outlook. Pleasant, quiet, unassuming personality.



28-29 deg Scorpio

Values justice and equality for all people. Humanistic, innovative, and spontaneous.



29-30 deg Scorpio

Values justice and equality for all people. Sensitive and imaginative. Self-sacrificing, helps the needy. May be dominated by others.



0-l deg Sagittarius

Enterprising, active, expressive, direct and honest. Restless and always pursuing a new hope. Pioneering spirit. Loves sports. May lack persistence.



1-2 deg Sagittarius

Rich aesthetic taste and artistic appreciation. Friendly, kind, pleasant. Practical and good worker. Prone to overindulgence.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Quick, adaptable, restless mind. Talkative. Good with numbers and is a fluent speaker. Interested in many things, and finds it difficult to devote himself to any one thing.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Sagittarius

Quick, adaptable mind. Talkative. Good with numbers and is a fluent speaker. Thrifty and careful with possessions. Strives to develop concentration and depth of thought.



3-4 deg Sagittarius

Generous and helpful. Gives to the needy. Establishes good emotional rapport with others. Thrifty and careful with possessions: interested in conservation of natural resources. (TAU-6-CAP, CAN-8-PIS)


4-5 deg Sagittarius

Mature view of life. His philosophy of fife emphasizes individualism and self-reliance. Good understanding of many things. Works his way up from the bottom. Careful and takes good care of possessions.



5-6 deg Sagittarius

Very intelligent. Logical, clear, scientific mentality. Analytical, reflective, precise, attentive, careful. Inventive and innovative mind, yet has a conservative and unassuming personality. (GEM-7-AQU, VIR-10-TAU)


6-7 deg Sagittarius

Intelligent. Innovative and inventive mind; yet also tactful, diplomatic, and cordial. Successful in business pursuits, academic circles, or group projects. Humanistic and humanitarian.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Dynamic and very intelligent person. Instinctive, piercing insight, and original, inspired thinking. Active and self-reliant. A hard worker. Aptitude for mechanics and chemistry. (GEM-7-AQU,SCO-12-CAN)


7 1/2 - 8 deg Sagittarius

Intuitive, imaginative, psychic. His spiritual ideals conflict with his instinctive passion. Experiences deep, emotionally complex love relations.



8-9 deg Sagittarius

Rich, exuberant imagination and appreciation of fantasy, e.g. may love cartoons. Cordial and ingratiating. Concerned with the future and big plans, but may not be interested in the hard work necessary to realize these hopes.



9-10 deg Sagittarius

Careful and thrifty. Loves simplicity. Quiet, unassuming, mature disposition. through discipline and self-control. Achieves spiritual growth



10-11 deg Sagittarius

Energetic, self-reliant, ambitious, pioneering, and innovative. Scientific, logical mind. Drives to the basic and fundamental issues in any theory or discussion. May have an erratic, disturbing disposition.



11-12 deg Sagittarius

Imaginative. Interested in mythology, poetry, drama, and parapsychology. Enjoys sports, especially water sports. Strives to become self-reliant and confident.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Energetic, pioneering, self-reliant. Direct and honest, dislikes superficial social roles and games. Enjoys sports. Ability to creatively improvise.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Sagittarius

Good worker. Self-reliant, energetic, pioneering, yet also pleasant and persistent. Artistic talent. Ability to creatively improvise.



13-14 deg Sagittarius

Reliable, practical, talented worker. Wants to personally serve others. Pleasant and kind. Does not like being rushed or pressured by others. Persistent. Good artistic taste.



14-15 deg Sagittarius

Grasps concepts and ideas quickly. Good with numbers, and is a fluent speaker. Kind and pleasant. Wants to personally and practically serve others.



15-16 deg Sagittarius

Generous and helpful to others. Establishes good emotional rapport with others. Talkative, perhaps inclined to gossip. Interested in economics and sharing with others.



16-17 deg Sagittarius

His philosophy of life emphasizes individuality and self-reliance. Talkative and enjoys traveling. Fluent speaker. Sharp and clear thinking.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Clear, quick, precise, analytical mind. Good at detailed work. Very intelligent, but not a very inventive or probing thinker. Neat and conservative appearance.

(LIB-11-GEM, VIR-10-TAU)


17 1/2 - 18 deg Sagittarius

Clear, precise, neat thinker and worker. Good at detailed work. Establishes close emotional rapport with others. Conservative and unassuming appearance.

(SCO-12-CAN, VIR-10-TAU)


18-19 deg Sagittarius

Kind, considerate, compassionate, and tactful with others. Treats all people fairly, wants to share ideas and feelings with others.

(SCO-12-CAN, LIB-11-GEM)


19-20 deg Sagittarius

Intuitive, emotional, compassionate, instinctive. Establishes good emotional rapport with others. Learns instinctively rather than through academic study.

(SCO-12-CAN, SCO-12-CAN)


20-21 deg Sagittarius

Expansive and restless. Mature and sophisticated disposition. Does everything in a big way and with grand, rich taste. Leadership qualities. May be a bit overbearing and egotistical. (SAG-1-LEO,SAG-1-LEO)


21-22 deg Sagittarius

Careful and parsimonious. Interest in economics, politics, and conserving natural resources. Successful in business and worldly pursuits. Ambitious.



22 - 22 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Original, innovative ideas. Sudden hunches and impulses. Capable in business, politics, social reform, and science. Enjoys traveling.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Sagittarius

Highly intelligent. Scientific thinking. Original and innovative mentality. Strives for clarity and precision.



23-24 deg Sagittarius

Colorful imagination. Taste for mythology, fantasy, and poetry. Dislikes unrefined people and strives for neatness in his work. Lacks confidence and ambition.



24-25 deg Sagittarius

Honest and straightforward, yet tactful and polite also. Clear grasp of concepts and ideas. Pioneering spirit. Creative, self-motivated activity.



25-26 deg Sagittarius

Pleasant and friendly disposition. Gets along well with other people. Responsible and reliable. Work and recreation are nicely balanced in his life.



26-27 deg Sagittarius

Clear thinking. Talkative and a good orator. Enjoys planning and organizing group projects. Loves discussions and congenial debates. Has many interests and does not concentrate energies on any one interest.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Sagittarius

Kind, pleasant, generous. Keenly aware of others' needs. Works well with groups of people. (AQU-3-LIB-11, CAN-8-PIS)


27 1/2 - 28 deg Sagittarius

Intuitive, emotional, generous. Establishes good emotional rapport with others. Loves home and domestic life. Instinctively learns things without academic study.



28-29 deg Sagittarius

Energetic, self-reliant, dynamic, ambitious. His philosophy of life emphasizes individualism and self-reliance. Good leadership qualities.



29-30 deg Sagittarius

Sharp and clear thinking. Keen perception and penetrating insight. At times prone to caustic and satirical speech. May have a confused or one-sided attitude regarding sex. (PIS-4-SCO, VIR-10-TAU)


0-1 deg Capricorn

Reflective, detached, contemplative, persistent. Loves simplicity. Capable in the business world or politics. Keen sense of justice and equal rights.



1-2 deg Capricorn

Quiet, intense, determined, mature, magnetic. Able to overcome any obstacle. Piercing insight and highly intelligent.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Capricorn

Wants to attain a sophisticated, professional position in life. May be too concerned with impressing others with his social position.

 (ARI-4-CAP, SAG-12-VIR)


2 1/2 - 3 deg Capricorn

Progressive, enterprising, innovative, expansive. Openly expressive and uninhibited personality. Successful in business and worldly pursuits. Interested in politics and economics.



3-4 deg Capricorn

Mature disposition. Persistent, capable worker, with aptitude for sciences, mathematics, and business pursuits. Loves simplicity. Clear understanding and good ingenuity.



4-5 deg Capricorn

Inquisitive, progressive thinker. Scientific interests. Dislikes unreasonable social norms and customs. Interested in economics and social welfare. May also have some unusual personality traits and interests.



5-6 deg Capricorn

Imaginative, sensitive, psychic. Poetic, idealistic, spiritually oriented. Inclined to daydream. Poor mental concentration.



6-7 deg Capricorn

Self-reliant and individualistic, yet compassionate and receptive also. Good intuitive understanding of dream symbols and other people.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Capricorn

Creative talent. Appreciates imaginative and beautiful art. Kind, loving, and compassionate. Good intuitive understanding of others.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Capricorn

Loving, honest, and straightforward. Loves to become completely absorbed in creative activity. Desires home and family.



8-9 deg Capricorn

Quick and active mind. Sometimes impatient, abrupt, and argumentative. Has lots of ideas about starting business projects and new ways of doing a better job. Has many interests and finds it difficult to concentrate on any one of them.



9-10 deg Capricorn

Protective care of home and family. May also be an aggressive defender of country or nationality. Seeks emotional rapport with others. May be a bit sentimental.



10-11 deg Capricorn

Noble and warm disposition. Appreciates beauty. Rich, exuberant, colorful artistic taste. Strong willed. Successful in business. Generous.



11-12 deg Capricorn

Understands the simple wisdom of nature. Interested in biology, psychology, health, and natural living. Clear and precise understanding. Creative.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Capricorn

Keen appreciation of harmony and beauty. Open-minded, fair, and able to see different points of view on any topic. Loves children and simple, natural beauty.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Capricorn

Reflective, detached, clear, perception of things. Quick and adaptable mind. Aptitude for academic, business, or political pursuits. Fair and just to all people.



13-14 deg Capricorn

Inquisitive, sharp, piercing, precise, intelligent. Self-reliant, courageous, and instinctive. One-sided, fearless pursuit of objectives. At times too blunt and caustic.



14-15 deg Capricorn

Sophisticated, expansive, ingratiating disposition. Has a rich store of knowledge and curiosity about everything. Somewhat restless and enjoys traveling. Strives for success and financial well-being.



15-16 deg Capricorn

Mature, quiet disposition. Loves simplicity. Persistence, determination, and the ability to shoulder hardships without complaint. Desires close emotional rapport with others, but dislikes sentimentality. Good understanding of dream symbolism.



16-17 deg Capricorn

Humanistic and humanitarian. His values are based on reason rather than mere social custom. Dislikes outmoded social customs. Progressive ideas on marriage and religion. Good psychological insight.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Capricorn

Imaginative, compassionate, psychic, spiritual. Beautiful love ideals and fantasies can cloud his vision. Domestic. Impressionable, easily influenced by others, little will power and drive. (LIB-10- CAN, PIS-3-SAG)


17 1/2 - 18 deg Capricorn

Receptive, sensitive, imaginative, idealistic. At times inclined to daydreams and be inattentive. Very generous, helps the needy. May be prone to speculation or gambling. (SCO-11-LEO, PIS-3-SAG)


18-19 deg Capricorn

Energetic, impulsive, pioneering, and self-reliant. Direct and honest. Strikes right to the heart of any matter, fearless. Leadership qualities, perhaps domineering. Very generous. (SCO-11-LEO, ARI-4-CAP)


19-20 deg Capricorn

Artistic and creative talent. Rich, exuberant, colorful artistic taste. Very generous, noble and loving. Practical. Loves children.



20-21 deg Capricorn

Quick, clear, precise, analytical mind. Grasps concepts and ideas quickly. Fluent speaker. Rather conservative and unoriginal.



21-22 deg Capricorn

Ability to establish good emotional rapport with others. Loves home and family life. Courteous, polite, and refined. Good memory. Good understanding of dream symbols. (SAG-12-VIR, CAN-7-ARI)


22 - 22 1/2 deg Capricorn

Individualistic, energetic, polite, courteous, and sophisticated. Very capable in business. Generous. Interested in economics.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Capricorn

Individualistic, energetic, confident. Strong sense of justice and equality. Treats all people with fairness. Leadership qualities. Generous.



23-24 deg Capricorn

Accurate, precise, detailed thinking. Polite, courteous, and neat. Strong sense of justice and equality for all people. Sometimes too critical of others.



24-25 deg Capricorn

Strong sense of justice and equality for all people. Tactful and courteous. Never goes to extremes in anything. Difficulty making important decisions.



25-26 deg Capricorn

Penetrating, instinctive, courageous thinker. Usually quiet, sometimes satirical and bitingly critical. Magnetic and charismatic. Natural talent for technical fields like mechanics, but little aptitude for abstract subjects like mathematics.



26-27 deg Capricorn

Ambitious. Determined to be successful in life. Capable person in business or politics. Magnetic, dynamic, and expansive.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Capricorn

27º-27º30': Mature, hard-working, quiet, self-reliant. Persistent, determined, disciplined. Capable person in business and worldly pursuits.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Capricorn

Achieves success through persistence and determination. Capable in business and politics. Responsible and mature. Clear, detached, objective view of any situation.



28-29 deg Capricorn

Progressive and forward-looking. Enterprising. His values are based on rational, humanistic understanding rather than mere social conformity. Dislikes outmoded and restricted social customs.



29-30 deg Capricorn

Rich, colorful imagination. Too future-oriented and needs to concentrate more on the tasks at hand. Inclined to gamble and speculate. Sensitive and intuitive.



0-l deg Aquarius

Sharp and clear thinker. Aptitude for sciences. Drives right to the essential ideas of any theory or discussion. Pioneering and innovative.



1-2 deg Aquarius

Organizing ability. Practical and capable in business. Interested in biology, psychology, and education. Progressive ideas on education and marriage. Humanistic and humanitarian. (ARI-3-AQU, TAU-4-PIS)


2 - 2 1/2 deg Aquarius

Grasps ideas and concepts quickly. Aptitude for all sciences. Intelligent, but may lack mature, philosophical depth. Inquisitive. Much more mental than emotional.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Aquarius

Quickly and easily adapts to any environment or social atmosphere. Has many different interests and does not focus energy on one specific area. Imaginative and poetic. Generous. (TAU-4-PIS,GEM-5-ARI)


3-4 deg Aquarius

Idealistic, sensitive, impressionable, compassionate. Concerned primarily with inner, spiritual development. Prone to moodiness.



4-5 deg Aquarius

Noble and individualistic. Good leadership qualities. Sometimes misjudges his own talents by either overestimating or underestimating his capabilities. May gamble and speculate. Generous.



5-6 deg Aquarius

Sharp, critical, analytical mind. Keen observation of fine details. At times argumentative and faultfinding. Careful and discriminative about borrowing or lending anything.



6-7 deg Aquarius

Tactful and courteous, yet also honest and straightforward. Mature, well-balanced view of life. Tranquil disposition. Enjoys discussions and reading. Aptitude for any field involving communications or traveling.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Aquarius

Magnetic, instinctive, penetrating personality. Self-reliant and pioneering. Usually quiet, sometimes caustic and sarcastic. Fanatic, one-sided views.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Aquarius

Magnetic, strong-willed, self-reliant. Desires marriage and domestic life. Tendency to overindulge in food or sex. Learns instinctively rather than academically or vicariously. (CAN-6-TAU, SCO-10-VIR)


8-9 deg Aquarius

Kind, optimistic disposition. Practical and successful in business. Rich taste. Enjoys comfort and pleasant surroundings. Enterprising, but not extremely ambitious.



9-10 deg Aquarius

Mature, sober disposition. Very strong sense of responsibility. Practical and reliable. Loves the simple beauties of nature.



10-11 deg Aquarius

Original, inventive. Quick, sharp, inquisitive mind. Aptitude for science and mathematics. Organizational ability. Highly geared nervous system. May lack emotional depth and inner qualities.



11-12 deg Aquarius

Idealistic, spiritual ideals and values. Generous and self-sacrificing. Imaginative and poetic. Has many different interests and does not focus energy in any one field.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Aquarius

Inquisitive, curious. Grasps concepts and ideas quickly. Keen perception and observation. Honest and straightforward. Enjoys mental tasks and problems.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Aquarius

Direct and honest, yet compassionate also. Keen perception and observation. Wants to help others in a personal way. Aptitude for psychology, social work, and humanistic endeavors.



13-14 deg Aquarius

Intuitive, compassionate, domestic. Loves children, gardening, and domestic chores. Devoted to home and family. Interested in nutrition and natural living.

(VIR-8-CAN-6, TAU-4-PIS)


14-15 deg Aquarius

Fresh ideas and imagination. Fluent speaker. Has many different interests, and can adapt to different situations and social atmospheres. Enjoys talking and sharing feelings with others.



15-16 deg Aquarius

Helpful, courteous, and noble. Enjoys working directly with other people and personally serving others. Humanistic and humanitarian. Good leadership qualities.



16-17 deg Aquarius

Noble and individualistic, perhaps a social reformer. Rebellious against authority. Self-conscious and perhaps egotistical. Good leadership qualities.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Aquarius

Precise, sharp, clear mind. Careful and discriminating about borrowing or lending anything. Interested in economics or politics. Sometimes overly critical of others. Confident and self-reliant.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Aquarius

Precise, sharp, clear mind. Careful and discriminating about borrowing or lending anything. Interested in economics or politics. Sometimes too fussy and critical of others.



18-19 deg Aquarius

Mature, sedate, refined disposition. Moderate and never extreme in views or life style. Tactful, pleasant, and precise way of expressing himself. Good, clear intelligence.



19-20 deg Aquarius

Charismatic. Able to wield a magnetic influence over others. Usually quiet, sometimes critical and sarcastic. Has a one-sided attitude or conflict regarding sex.

(SCO-10-VIR, SCO-10-VIR)


20-21 deg Aquarius

Enterprising, tactful, diplomatic. Capable in business pursuits and politics. Mature, sophisticated, ingratiating personality.

(SAG-11-LIB, SAG-11-LIB)


21-22 deg Aquarius

Responsible and dependable. Mature judgment. Clear, detached, unemotional view of any situation. Somewhat philosophical. Works hard for an important cause.

(SAG-11-LIB, CAP-12-SCO)


22 - 22 1/2 deg Aquarius

Humanistic, active, progressive. Capable of original, inspired thoughts, and actions. Mature, broad understanding. Successful in business, organizational, literary, or scientific fields.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Aquarius

Dynamic, self-reliant, instinctive, unconventional. Powerful personality. Inspired, original thoughts and actions. Dislikes pettiness and mediocrity.



23-24 deg Aquarius

Charitable. Instinctive, intuitive, and idealistic. Mystical.



24-25 deg Aquarius

Penetrating intellect. Powerful, magnetic, self-reliant, instinctive. Drives to the essential, fundamental ideas in any discussion or theory. At times too caustic or blunt.



25-26 deg Aquarius

Pleasant, cordial, optimistic disposition. Enterprising, but not extremely ambitious. Capable in business. Rich taste, enjoys comfort and nice surroundings. Loves family and home life.



26-27 deg Aquarius

Executive ability. Progressive, enterprising, expansive personality. Enjoys planning, organizing, sharing ideas with others, and traveling.



27 - 27 1/2 deg Aquarius

Pleasant, warm, gracious disposition. Helpful and nurturing, wants to help others. Enjoys social events and entertainment.



27 1/2 - 28 deg Aquarius

Dedicated to family and country. Responsible and reliable worker. Very concerned about meeting his obligations. Helpful and nurturing, wants to personally serve others.



28-29 deg Aquarius

Responsible, trustworthy, and honest. Dislikes oppressive social conditions; may be a social reformer. Good leadership qualities.



29-30 deg Aquarius

Self-controlled, cautious, proper, and conservative. Detached, precise, clear intelligence. Very concerned about meeting his obligations. May be unwilling to freely share with others.



0-1 deg Pisces

Generous, compassionate, self-sacrificing. Loves to share possessions, feelings, ideas with others. Sometimes easily influenced and swayed by others.



1-2 deg Pisces

Instinctive, intuitive, emotional, perhaps sensual. Interested in spiritual-religious philosophy and inclined to have one-sided, fanatic religious views.



2 - 2 1/2 deg Pisces

Restless, sociable, ingratiating. Rich, colorful imagination. Enjoys traveling. Unrealistic and grandiose plans for the future. Does not concentrate attention and energy on any single interest.



2 1/2 - 3 deg Pisces

Ambitious and enterprising. Acquires wealth and then spends it impulsively. Concerned with earning money and achieving material security. Successful and influential in business and worldly pursuits.



3-4 deg Pisces

Mature disposition. Self-reliant, disciplined, and responsible. Clear understanding, astute. Achieves success through persistent effort.



4-5 deg Pisces

Original, pioneering thoughts and actions. Active. Strives to develop the talents, knowledge, and resources necessary to make his own individual contribution to society. (TAU-3-ARI, AQU-12-CAP)


5-6 deg Pisces

Intuitive, self-sacrificing, kind, poetic. Musical or artistic talents. Compassionate. Idealistic or spiritual love. May also denote impressionability and blind love.



6-7 deg Pisces

Very honest and direct, yet pleasant and loving also. Appreciates good art, natural living, and a pleasant environment. Spends money impulsively.



7 - 7 1/2 deg Pisces

Pleasant and kind to others. Natural, unaffected, wholesome personality. Loves nature. Good artistic appreciation, musical talent. Sometimes inclined to overindulgence in food or other pleasures.



7 1/2 - 8 deg Pisces

Friendly and talkative. Enjoys company and lively conversation. Good insight into people. Artistic appreciation.



8-9 deg Pisces

Quickly grasps concepts and ideas. Fluent speaker. May approach life too intellectually. Good understanding of dream symbols.



9-10 deg Pisces

Domestic, compassionate. Interested in emotional problems and others' personal lives. Good understanding of dream symbols.



10-ll deg Pisces

Enjoys creative work. Wants to personally serve others. Good leadership qualities. Devoted to family and country.



11-12 deg Pisces

Good at detailed, creative work, e.g. sewing. At times too critical of others. Works well with children. Interested in nutrition.



12 - 12 1/2 deg Pisces

Sedate, pleasant disposition. Generous and aware of others' needs. Ready to give emotional support to those who need it. Devoted to home and family.



12 1/2 - 13 deg Pisces

Fair and just to all people. Enjoys serving other people and strives to do a job well. Organizational and leadership ability.



13-14 deg Pisces

Dynamic, self-reliant, active, energetic. Ambitious and forceful pursuit of goals. Leadership qualities. Good worker. Sometimes unable to appreciate another person's point of view. (VIR-7- LEO, SCO-9-LIB)


14-15 deg Pisces

Ambitious, enterprising, forward-looking. Rich taste. Successful in business, politics, or any position of leadership.



15-16 deg Pisces

Highly intelligent. Clear, precise thinking. Achieves success through persevering, determined effort.



16-17 deg Pisces

Ingenious, inventive, highly intelligent. Strives to perfect and refine his inspired ideas. Prone to periodic, sudden fits of implacability and irritability.



17 - 17 1/2 deg Pisces

Quiet, unassuming personality. Imaginative, sensitive, intuitive, self-sacrificing. Strives for purity and refinement.



17 1/2 - 18 deg Pisces

Generous and self-sacrificing, a helper of the needy. Contributes to charitable organizations. Sensitive, imaginative, and intuitive. Sometimes easily influenced by others. (SCO-9-LIB, PIS-1- AQU)


18-19 deg Pisces

Honest and straightforward, yet tactful and diplomatic also. Strives to use money and resources in the best possible way, and is likely to have arguments with spouse regarding finances.



19-20 deg Pisces

Kind, loving, tactful. Harmonious and pleasant disposition. Aptitude for psychology and social work. Good artistic taste. Also has some interest in gardening, nutrition, and economics.



20-21 deg Pisces

Instinctive, penetrating mind. Strong views on politics and religion. Sharp speech and criticism may create bad feelings with others.



21-22 deg Pisces

Domestic, emotional, sensitive. Creative talent. Without formal education or instruction, he knows how to cook, paint, fix things, etc. Desires to marry and have children. (SAG-10-SCO, CAN-5- GEM)


22 - 22 1/2 deg Pisces

Self-confident, energetic, and strong-willed. Good leadership qualities. Strong views. May be too intense and domineering.



22 1/2 - 23 deg Pisces

Outgoing, enterprising, forward-looking. Loves sports. Good leadership qualities and executive ability. Positive attitude and optimism. Self-confident. May be a bit overbearing and egotistical.



23-24 deg Pisces

Polite and ingratiating. Rich, sophisticated disposition; dresses nicely. His courteous behavior and professional attitude attract success in business pursuits.



24-25 deg Pisces

Generous. Optimistic, pleasant disposition. Sociable, ingratiating, diplomatic. Enterprising and forward-looking. Successful in business endeavors.



25-26 deg Pisces

Penetrating insight. Mature disposition. Self-reliant, determined worker. Ambitious. One-sided beliefs and attitudes.



26-27 deg Pisces

Mature, rather sophisticated personality. Enterprising and forward-looking. Clear, objective intelligence. Willing to work hard for a worthy cause. Capable in business and academic pursuits.

(AQU-12-CAP, SAG-10-SCO)


27 - 27 1/2 deg Pisces

Clear, objective, abstract thinking. Capable in business and academic pursuits. Achieves success through determined and persistent effort. Mature, quiet disposition. Loves simplicity.

(AQU-12- CAP, CAP-11-SAG)


27 1/2 - 28 deg Pisces

Original, inventive, abstract, scientific thinking. Capable in business. Achieves success through determined, persistent effort.



28-29 deg Pisces

Strives to find his proper place in society and the Divine Plan. Inspired, inventive, fresh ideas. Unusual, perhaps somewhat eccentric, personality.

 (PIS-1-AQU, AQU-12-CAP)


29-30 deg Pisces

Imaginative and poetic. Unusual inspiration. Original and sensitive, but not very stable. Strong sense of responsibility, and prone to guilt feelings if he does not live up to his ideals. (PIS-1-AQU, PIS-1-AQU)


360 Degrees Charubel

0-1 deg Aries

A man ploughing in the midst of abound less plain. This denotes one possessing a great amount of individuality and originality; ambitions of being the first in everything. Very jealous of a rival; not an agreeable companion.


1-2 deg Aries

A man in a very dark room, sitting at a table, with books, papers, and malhensatical  instruments distributed about him promiscuously. It denotes one possessing great powers of concentration; a mind capable of great achievements in science, especially in a, mathematics; yet, owing to some peculiarity of temper, he will never benefit himself by his studies.


2-3 deg Aries

A man, rushing along on horseback, sword in hand, to meet a company of armed men. It denotes a violent and fearless person, showing more courage than discretion. He will be liable to get into trouble through rash acts.


3-4 deg Aries

A man covered with decorations and ornaments of the most gorgeous kinds. He is standing in the midst of a garden abounding with fruit trees, flowers, and fountains. The Sun is shining brightly, and he appears to enjoy himself amazingly, with self admiration. A most fortunate degree; fortune smiles on the native, from first to last, by showering on him her choicest gifts. It will not, however, be the result of any particular merit on his part, but rather in the order of good luck .He, or she, will be as vain as a peacock


4-5 deg Aries

A large iron cross lying on the ground. All looks dark, sad, and gloomy. There is perfect stillness in the scene; not a ruffle; not a sound of any kind. This denotes much more than I am able, to explain; but the main or leading points are these: The native will be a sufferer through life. His, or her, cross will prove too heavy to carry. The distress will be of such a nature that it will be out of the power of another to help. It may be the native is born a cripple, or lacks some other Important faculty, such as the eyesight, or some other sense; but, whatever it be, he will pass his days in gloom and darkness.


5-6 deg Aries

I see green everywhere; every object is a dull green. At the same time everything is on the move. The person born with this degree on the ascendant will never have rest, but will ever be on the move. He will ever be seeking rest, but will find none, and notwithstanding the changes he may make, he will find himself at the close as far off from the goal as ever. He may be a balloonist, or be may take a fancy to the study of what is termed the imponderable In nature.


6-7 deg Aries

A large forest of big oaks; no under wood; all is clear beneath; hence a spacious vista present itself, affording plenty of scope for wandering. This denotes firmness of purpose; singleness of aim; a lover of rural life; a person holding conservative principles, and opposed to change, or what Is called “reform.” This person will propose If allowed to go in his own groove. His chief amusement is the chase.


7-8 deg Aries

I see the earth covered with a deep snow; not a vestige of vegetable or animal, life to be seen. This Is a most cheerless degree, and the person so born will experience a most cheerless and uneventful life, and unless well born will be poor through life, as he, or she, will lack that native energy, so requisite to ensure success. I do not consider It possible for such an one to live beyond the prime of life. This person will be free from crime.


8-9 deg Aries

A straight road, going in a direct line up to a point from which lead a number of branch roads, parting in four different directions. There is a finger-post which points but one way-the primal way, the direct one, alluded to. This denotes one who will miss his way in life, but who will eventually recover, and will become a teacher of others, or may prove a reformer, either as a public speaker or writer.


9-10 deg Aries

A large glass ball or globe. It is capable of receiving the images of the stars in space, as well as reflecting the panorama of the earth. The person here denoted will possess a mind open to receive truth and will reflect the truth in his or her daily life. Such will be scrupulously just and honorable. He, or she, may prove to be a great seer, or naturalist. Should this person be of humble origin, he will rise far above his birth.


10-11 deg Aries

A man with a large telescope, which hem. Ploys chiefly in This denotes an egoist, a boaster, a traducer, and slanderer. He will looking at things and his immediate surroundings, and what lies on the earth. The most remarkable thing is, that he is looking at the large end of the instrument. ‘never utter a good word for anyone, and will never know. ledge merit. There is no one so great as himself. Of course, a liberal education may tend to tone down much of these extravagances, yet can never obliterate the whole.


11-12 deg Aries

A Labyrinth. This denotes one who will prove very eccentric in his or her conduct through life. Will have a way and will of his own; and will find his way, if permitted to do so: but as the world is now governed, this person is likely to come into collision with the ruling powers, and thus be in danger. Be this as it may, he will not prosper in the world by following his own way.


12-13 deg Aries

An inverted triangle immersed in a dark fog; slowly this fog clears away, and the triangle becomes a bright blue, imbedded an gold. This is a most significant degree. It denotes great native powers or abilities which, by some occult power, bring about a host of heartrending trials for the native during his earlier days. This may be noted in a number of instances, where there is a born genius; and it has proved a puzzle to the philosopher. The question has been asked again and again, “Why should such persons be the subjects of such trials?” The answer I give Is that by virtue of pre-natal conditions, combined with the natal, the psychic nature of that person being more open to outside influence than the ordinary, there is a rush of the unfavorable and malignant powers to that sphere, with the object of extinguishing that luminary, or otherwise bringing on a total eclipse.


13-14 deg Aries

Sun rising in the south-east quarter of the heavens, a little further south than that point which the Sun occupies at the winter solstice. This person will prove a true Solar man, destined to rule or command. Let such an one ever look towards the south-east of the place of his birth for success in all matters of a worldly nature.


14-15 deg Aries

A black, or very dark, curtain, like pall, which seems to defy my vision. My impression is that this degree denotes an untimely or premature death in some terrible way, which I am unable to explain. It is to be hoped that such an one may die in infancy.


15-16 deg Aries

A man with a sheaf of corn under This denotes a hardworking person, one arm and a sickle under the other. one who will devote his energies to husbandry, and who will prosper by his labor. I advise those who may have this degree on the ascendant to keep to agriculture.


16-17 deg Aries

A ship in mid-ocean; a boundless expanse of water. It is a merchant ship. The person of this degree will be a successful merchant. He may prove a great traveler or navigator, and may get a name that will be handed down in history.


17-18 deg Aries

A battle field where two contending armies are engaged in deadly conflict. This prefigures a life of conflict. Such an one can scarcely avoid being a military person. Should he pass through an engagement, he would be killed. If he does not become a soldier, he must be watchful over his own conduct, or he will come to grief.


18-19 deg Aries

A country site at the foot of a mountain, with many small dwellings thereon. There are coal pits in the locality. A poor woman is nursing a baby; she is weeping, having just been made a widow. This denotes that the native will be engaged in mining operations, and will lose his life thereby.


19-20 deg Aries

A man on the ground with his throat cut. This appears a bloody degree. Those who may have this degree ascending are advised to do all in their power to fortify the soul, and pray to God for help and guidance.


20-21 deg Aries

A shovel standing near an open grave, in which I see a man digging. This degree points to one who will be a sexton, an undertaker, or otherwise will have to do with the dead.


21-22 deg Aries

A place of amusement with music, dancing, and singing on the program. A very large ball-room. The person so born will take an active part in such a calling; yet will never become a great musician or actor, not yet a great anything.


22-23 deg Aries

A comet, with a very long tail, pointing towards the earth. He, or she, will be a notorious character; and may become an instrument in the hands of evil powers, so as to bring evil on this earth generally, as well as on individuals in particular. Such persons, if born in a high position, may become the scourge of nations. But whatever be their position, their Influence will prove baneful to all with whom they may have to do.


23-24 deg Aries

A green field surrounded by shrubberies; nice villa on the north-east side of the field. It is from the north-east point of the place of birth that persons born under this degree will derive all their good. It denotes one who will possess an adequacy to keep him; and with this he has the disposition to be content.


24-25 deg Aries

An out-house with a ‘dark loft, to which a ladder conducts the homeless ones. Unless the person who has this degree be born rich, he, or she, will become a vagrant and beg.


25-26 deg Aries

The person born with this degree ascending will make a discovery; a new idea will dawn on the world through his agency.


26-27 deg Aries

A man in a garden, pruning some trees. Denotes a lover of horticulture, and one who may prosper on those lines.


27-28 deg Aries

A farmyard, with a lot of cows. A woman milking a cow. A dairyman, or woman, a milk seller, or a dealer in such articles as milk, cheese, or butter.


28-29 deg Aries

Two men engaged in a fight. This denotes one who will ever be ready to oppose anything and every. thing; a pugnacious individual; if not respectably connected. may become a professional pugilist.


29-30 deg Aries

A man wheeling a barrow load of earth over a hollow run. This denotes that the person so born will be engaged through life in downright hard labor; and, although such an one may be born in different circumstances, yet he may be driven to poverty, through crime, or the force of circumstances. So this degree may safely be designated hard degree.


0-1 deg Taurus

A black, diamond-shaped figure. Denotes a person of strong character; of a rather morose disposition, and possessing magical powers; one with strong will-power, very reserved, inclined to be cruel.


1-2 deg Taurus

 A large figure 2 comas before my vision. Denotes that he, or she, born under this degree will live alone, isolated, mentally; not in sympathy with the present state of things.


2-3 deg Taurus

A double cross; two lines parallel in upright and two parallel in the horizontal. Strong sympathies, excessive sensibility, very impressionable and mediumistic.


3-4 deg Taurus

A ram standing alone, looking towards a flock of sheep in the distance. Denotes one in whom the male principle predominates excessively, the female being nearly nil, sympathies towards the opposite sex wanting. if a man he rarely ever marries, If a woman, she ought not to many.


4-5 deg Taurus

A boat on a large lake, it might be a big river; two men are rowing in it. Denotes a person fond of company and of changes; a speculative bent of mind and fond of adventure.


5-6 deg Taurus

A large elliptical figure on the ground, and a man standing upright within. A person who loves passionately, one who is a great admirer of the opposite sex; a lover of the beautiful, in art, and in nature.


6-7 deg Taurus

A horrid sigh ! snaked man suspended by feet, to a crossbeam, mutilated, and the blood running down the body. Denotes one liable to torture, in one form or another.


7-8 deg Taurus

Two swords forming a cross lying on the ground, and a man standing on them with a scepter pointing heavenward. A person of peace, one who confides in the higher power.


8-9 deg Taurus

A new Moon, on a very dark sky. Denotes one who will have a very gloomy life and who Is likely to die before he passes his prime


9-10 deg Taurus

A large water-wheel attacked to a corn mill. This denotes a mind capable of many accomplishments, a person with a flexible mind; an excellent mathematician; much Ingenuity.


10-11 deg Taurus

A scrawl or flourish of the pen. This denotes it one doomed to many disappointments through lack of judgment, incapable of adapting himself to conditions required of him, ever anticipating what he can never realize.


11-12 deg Taurus

A fork, resembling a farmyard implement, with four prongs. A laborious person, very un ambitious, a useful member of society, ever content with his present lot.


12-13 deg Taurus

An anchor unattached to any vessel’s chain, but lying with its hook fast to a rock, the cable broke. The native will be the subject of terrible trials, over which he will appear to possess little or no control; hence his end is very mysterious.


13-14 deg Taurus

A dark and somber curtain hanging front a horizontal pole which covers the mouth of a dark cavern in a rock. Denotes a recluse, a lover of solitude, a student of the mystical, a possessor of hidden knowledge.


14-15 deg Taurus

A natural. well surrounded with moss, low shrubs, and briars. The water is clear as crystal and cold as ice. The immediate locality is dry and barren. A person possessing wonderful abilities, numerous accomplishments, and, above all, a revealer of secrets, much given to researches in nature.


15-16 deg Taurus

Two acute-angled isosceles triangles, the bases of which are attached to an upright, the triangles pointing to the left. Denotes one who is a stranger to the public and not very popular among his friends; Incapable of thinking on abstract truths.


16-17 deg Taurus

A very small cottage at the base of a very high mountain, where jutting rocks appear to overhang the cottage perpetually A truly good person; one who has Implicit faith in the Most High. threatening its destruction.


17-18 deg Taurus

A man beating an ass with a stick. Denotes what It pictures; one of a low and savage nature, who, unless properly trained, will lead a criminal life.


18-19 deg Taurus

A large star in the western sky, half as large as the moon, but more brilliant. Its rays a appear to be confined to one spot. The surrounding sky is dark. This denotes a great genius. His home Is, or will be, the western hemisphere.


19-20 deg Taurus

A large flag on a flag-staff, fixed on the top of a very high mountain. Denotes one who will rise from a very low degree to eminence.


20-21 deg Taurus

A stile. Denotes one having an analytical mind. He may succeed as a chemist, or where application to minute analytical effects is called for; a very sound reasoned.


21-22 deg Taurus

A pair of shears. A most dexterous person at any handicraft; a good artisan; an expert in surgery.


22-23 deg Taurus

A smelting furnace. A large-hearted person, but at the same time particularly sensitive to an imposition or a fraud. Such transactions rarely escape being detected. Soul force is great; whilst the intellectual powers may be but of moderate capacity.


23-24 deg Taurus

I seem to be above the earth; I sec sun ascending above the horizon, while it is yet dark on that hemisphere towards which it is approaching. The signification of this strange phenomenon, in part, is: A man, yet one greater than a man! His mission is a world mission, but present conditions will scarcely admit of such a development.


24-25 deg Taurus

A dark, moving column, it stands very high. This denotes a very mysterious character. Whilst living among men, a stranger to men. He has a life of his own, a world of his own, he is content to live and die unknown.


25-26 deg Taurus

An elephant. A person possessing much sagacity. A great amount of secrecy, and implicit confidence in his own strength.


26-27 deg Taurus

A dark cloud passing over a part of the earth. This cloud is charged with elemental shapes, most hideous and repulsive. Such a person must beware, or he will be tempted to dabble in Black Magic, which would terminate in his utter ruin.


27-28 deg Taurus

A very straight road; an interminable perspective. This denotes an evenly balanced mind, and a most uneventful life; a life that will be long and happy.


28-29 deg Taurus

A crucifix. Be careful. A life full of strange events, and liable to grievous accidents.


29-30 deg Taurus

A very rough sea, a wreck the life-boat is dispatched; all are finally rescued. Thou salt save many, and thou salt save thyself. An active philanthropist.


0-1 deg Gemini

A white oval figure on a very black background. The background contains no forms or shapes of any kind. This is an important degree: whoever may have this degree on his or her ascendant will be unfortunate through marriage. If a female, should she ever become a mother, the labor will be attended with much suffering, and possibly death. A very negative person, open to evil influences.


1-2 deg Gemini

A narrow vista of considerable extent, resembling a square tube, the interior of which is luminous, rendered so by some means I do not understand. Denotes much power of concentration. The native will discover some one thing, some force in nature, perhaps, according to the bent of his, or her, genius. It may be connected with optics or some new phase of electricity, or he may find his way in chemistry. It is possible that this may apply with equal truth to the metaphysical or the transcendental.


2-3 deg Gemini

A tremendous Corinthian pillar, with a large amount of earth, buildings and rocky ramparts resting on it, and which appears to be the only support of the massive superstructure. Denotes a strong character-strong in every way, both physically and psychically. Should this person be so circumstanced he may cut a prominent figure, as the founder and supporter of some gigantic scheme or organization. As a rule such an one cannot fail to find his way into some very important position in life, attended with great responsibilities.


3-4 deg Gemini

A profile, with only one eye in view. Great powers of perception. An active, sharp intellect; an exact or accurate observer of men and things. He would make a good detective; a practical mind: no mere theorizer.


4-5 deg Gemini

A person of good Proportions; fine dark eyes with arched eyebrows. This is an all-round person. Whatever he, or she, takes in hand will be accomplished most efficiently. Very neat in attire, orderly in business, and methodical in mental pursuits; a good reasoned; proud, and a little selfish.


5-6 deg Gemini

A Promiscuous lot of creatures, consisting of cattle, sheep, pigs Denotes one given to domestic pursuits, and very partial to domestic and poultry. animals, but more as pets than as a means of profit.


6-7 deg Gemini

There is NOTHING connected with this degree. A blank. Some mystery here which I do not comprehend.


7-8 deg Gemini

A large office, and a man sitting at a disk, writing in a large book resembling a ledger. A person having good practical abilities, especially adapted for commercial pursuits.


8-9 deg Gemini

A labyrinth, situated in the heavens, and a fine silver thread suspended from it to the earth. Denotes a peculiarly constituted mind. He, or she, will engage to do what the majority of mankind would have no patience to do. A talent for propounding and solving conundrums; f6r solving enigmatical problems, or any given theorem requiring solution.


9-10 deg Gemini

A monster plant of the gourd tribe, arising spontaneously from, a beneath the soil; growth is in the act of taking p lace before my vision. The native possesses mighty energies; his or her fortune in life is of rapid growth. Anything he may engage in will succeed as if propelled by magic power. In the meantime, I would advise such to temper their exuberance with cool and deliberate reflections.


10-11 deg Gemini

A triangle, whose base-line is three-fourths the length of one of its sides, having a small circular figure at the extremity of each of the angles. This denotes an extraordinary character. He is one not easily understood. Outwardly, he appears destitute of that force which one would suppose he possessed. There Is some defect in his outward organism, which impedes his development on the outer plane, in that force of character you may have been led to anticipate. Of this the native is conscious. He cannot, under these circumstances, avoid being a little deceptive, and is not free from duplicity. In the meantime, he will prove an eminent financier. He will have much of that shrewdness which Is the leading trait In a man of the world. He will be lacking in the moral or religious principle.


11-12 deg Gemini

Two men turning a handle of a crane from the jab of which a large chain is suspended, attached by a hook to a large stone. This denotes one devoted to the study of Mechanics, and he will be ever fond of experimenting an dynamics.


12-13 deg Gemini

Stairs, or a large step-ladder, with a landing, a hand-rail at the top, which leads to nowhere. Denotes one having lofty aspirations, possessing, withal, superior abilities, but who, through a lack of fixedness of purpose, seldom performs anything of real benefit to himself or others, save affording himself a certain amount of self-amusement.


13-14 deg Gemini

I see a number of quadrangular figures, consisting of straight lines forming an oblong square, with two triangles on the top. It appears to assume the form of a cube. This denotes a person possessing vast powers of intellect. An accurate reasoned; a profound philosopher; a person who will make an impression on the age in which he lives.


14-15 deg Gemini

A rapid inland stream which might be called a narrow river. Denotes an active temperament, a restless disposition, self-willed, of a turbulent temper, a shallow thinker.


15-16 deg Gemini

A man on the roof of a building putting slates on it; and another carrying the slates up a long ladder. This denotes one who is ever engaged in such deeds as tend to benefit the community. A lover of peace, and promoter of all good works.


16-17 deg Gemini

A square, containing twelve small squares, resembling the breastplate of the Jewish high priest. Denotes one of a reverential and devotional disposition. Very secretive, a student of the occult, and one capable of mighty deeds as a magician.


17-18 deg Gemini

The number 6 rules this degree. Denotes a purely mercurial person; an expert in all mercurial employments.


18-19 deg Gemini

An empty space. A person not disposed to settle down to any kind of work of a plodding nature. A very weak character, and one open to extraneous influences of any kind.


19-20 deg Gemini

A red tree covered with golden fruit. A very noted degree. A person of a very positive nature. who, by dint of personal efforts and work, will produce something that will be a blessing to the race. No ordinary person, he or she will rise to eminence.


20-21 deg Gemini

A traveler struggling onward in the midst of a terrible snowstorm. He pushes forward in hope of finding a refuge, but the storm thickens, it grows darker and darker. The brave man is lost in the darkness.  This symbol must be its own interpreter. The sun that sets on one clime rises on another.


21-22 deg Gemini

I see the Sun rising in his brightness. It is on the horizon, but all the other part of the sky is covered with dark clouds, over which hang the shades of a lingering night. A noble nature. This nature is stamped with a generous disposition. The native’s early life is marked with promise; but fame and fortune conspire against him. The winds are too cold for that sensitive soul. He is born out of time and place. His grand schemes prove failures. His Sun sets under a cloud while it is as yet but morning.


22-23 deg Gemini

A man standing on a lonely plain, weeping. This denotes one who is liable to give up in the struggle of life to despondency; very much wanting in energy, and destitute of moral courage.


23-24 deg Gemini

A deer. A person of fine sensibilities; lover of art; a student much given to scientific research.


24-25 deg Gemini

A balloon. A person capable of performing remarkable feats, yet he will never succeed In any one great enterprise.


25-26 deg Gemini

A spacious room filled with expensive furniture, among which several mirrors are to be seen. Denotes a strict conformist to conventional usages, and fashionable life; one who devotes much of his or her time to self aggrandizement. In the meantime, he will possess artistic accomplishments and love for the fine arts in general.


26-27 deg Gemini

A large room, on the ceiling of which is a gilded star. Denotes a superficial person, one who sees more to admire in decorative art than in nature.


27-28 deg Gemini

A baronial mansion with spacious park abounding with gigantic trees. Denotes a person not given to change, a student of antiquity, who takes but little interest in new inventions. A profound scholar, if circumstances permit, and possessing a sound judgment.


28-29 deg Gemini

A man flogging a boy with a horse whip. A cruel person, a despot, one who may obtain some post of authority, where he will disgrace himself by exceeding his duties.


29-30 deg Gemini

An execution. I would warn the native to be very careful as to the company he associates with, as he may have to suffer for what another may have done.


0-1 deg Cancer

A large clock with weights in sight, suspended from a high place, on which I see a Large dial plat, with hours and hands complete. This denotes a splendid time isn't in music. and one who will delight in the study of dynamics, a shrewd observer in what pertains to cause and effect.


1-2 deg Cancer

A man in a green-house, with a watering can watering some flowering shrubs. This denotes one whose delight will be in the study of the beautiful in Nature; who will devote time and energy to the development of the beautiful, more especially in the floral kingdom.


2-3 deg Cancer

A deep shaft descending into the earth, and right overhead a balloon. This denotes an all-round person, one conversant with the different strata in the formation of the crust of our globe. In the meantime the native will wake himself familiar with those graduated densities in the atmosphere that are found at different altitudes. He will be a scientist of some note.


3-4 deg Cancer

I see that side of the Moon which is never seen by the inhabitants of this planet. As this is a thing I dare not look at, Inspection being dangerous, I will simply give the character it typifies. A strange character, one whom no one will ever understand. A person possessed of powers unknown to the present race, and who, unless tile mind has been much distorted, will pursue studies with which the age us not conversant. He will not be tied down to any religious tenets, as he can never be brought to submit himself to any. He will be a magician, but not of ant- known type. Such an one may be called insane, whilst the brain and intellect generally are quite healthy. But the powers arc what I call, Moon-set! That is, such a man is out of the ordinary groove of everyday life; but he is not insane. All that the average person may be taken up with, is uncongenial to him. There is ever a gulf between such a character and ordinary humanity.


4-5 deg Cancer

A person holding a scale in his hand, with even beam. A just person, one whose mind will spontaneously detect a falsehood, or an injustice, or any wrong.


5-6 deg Cancer

A large tract of land mapped out and enclosed with post and rails, intended for a farm and homestead in the near future. This denotes one possessed of bound resources; an adventurer; a person who generally accomplishes what he purposes. His speculations are successful.


6-7 deg Cancer

I see one large, ripe, nicely-tinted apple suspended from a bough. There is but this one on the tree. This denotes one who will advance himself from comparative obscurity to a position where there will be no compeer to rival his excellencies.


7-8 deg Cancer

A man pulling at a rope attached to a bell which is suspended near the top of a high tree. A person who will take a delight in publishing what he knows about everybody. As the conductor of a newspaper he may be in his sphere; but it will be with difficulty that he will preserve himself from the crime of defamation of character.


8-9 deg Cancer

A spider in the corner of a room intently watching the giddy dance of silly flies, as they heedlessly approach the confines of his dominions. This denotes a student of law and order, a shrewd lawyer. He would make a good detective.


9-10 deg Cancer

A bulbous plant, just pushing its way upward from beneath the sod, and beginning to unfold itself in order to show forth its beauties. This denotes one possessed of a great amount of soul-force; in whom the principle of life is very strong. He will make a powerful magnetist, as he will have a strong will.


10-11 deg Cancer

A young girl playing on a lyre. A gay person, fond of youth and youthful amusements; artistic and musical.


11-12 deg Cancer

A cypress tree. A person of melancholy and fretful disposition, mournful

and gloomy. He will suffer much through bereavement.


12-13 deg Cancer

A man, delving. An industrious person; most particular in all small matters;

ever partial to manual labor.


13-14 deg Cancer

A man, standing before an audience, with all the paraphernalia of a juggler. This denotes one having all-round accomplishments. He is never at a loss through lack of resources. He is capable of turning his hand or his wits to anything.


14-15 deg Cancer

A pool of water. An easy-going person, content with only a little. Poor abilities; rather unstable; fond of home.


15-16 deg Cancer

This is a blank degree. What this implies I cannot say. There is some mystery about the number four and its square.


16-17 deg Cancer

An artificial globe. This denotes one who will travel; a student; and one who may make many discoveries.


17-18 deg Cancer

A bull tossing a man with his horns. This denotes a willful person, one who will be always on the defensive, and too often on the aggressive. Personal property will have but little sacredness with him, his motto being, “What I can get is my own.”


18-19 deg Cancer

A man with a very old-looking book before him. It has the appearance of sonic ancient record. This denotes a studious person, a profound thinker, one capable of grappling with abstruse studies. He loves his books and his studies are more for self-amusement than with the object of appearing in print. He is free from that craze.


19-20 deg Cancer

A large building with walls of granite, having a dull or somber appearance. This denotes something lasting. This person will do some great deed in life, which will be handed down to posterity. His chief characteristic is firmness, not ghoulish. He will live to a ripe old age.


20-21 deg Cancer

A king, an emperor, or commander on horseback. This is the degree of power, and should raise the native to some post of honor where he will be a position to command, rather than obey.


21-22 deg Cancer

 A quantity of toys or common ornaments of glass and tinsel. This denotes a proud person, fond of the artificial, and he is highly superficial; one of a fretful and peevish disposition, creating misery wherever he, or she, may reside.


22-23 deg Cancer

A burly man with an apron before him. This degree governs work connected with catering for the public. It will answer for the manager of a restaurant, an inn-keeper, or a butcher.


23-24 deg Cancer

A small church, but highly ornate, having all the sacerdotal display usually met with in larger places of that class. This denotes one who will be very religious, a strict observer of feasts, fasts, and festivals; but a very narrow minded person, and a most intolerant bigot.


24-25 deg Cancer

A very lofty pine tree. This denotes a noble a person, one whose mind is fired with grand aspirations; whose good influence will be felt beyond the limits of his own neighborhood. His deeds will speak louder than words.


25-26 deg Cancer

A gentleman with a number of ladies in a carriage. This denotes a good and kind disposition; a person very liberal with his presents, In - whose nature benevolence bubbles, lacking in circumspection, a veritable “Timon of Athens.”


26-27 deg Cancer

A pear tree, loaded with large ripe fruit. This person abounds in goodness; his nature is charged (so to speak) with good influences, which flow from him spontaneously. He is a living talisman for the healing of discord and strife; a peace-maker.


27-28 deg Cancer

Heaps of gold and silver coin. This person will grow rich, however poor or low his birth may have been; he will get money, and he will know how to look after it. He loves money for its own sake, hence becomes a miser.


28-29 deg Cancer

A man driving a bull, or as ox. A person who will be fond of dealing in cattle, a cattle dealer; he will prosper by such means.


29-30 deg Cancer

An acute triangle with a cross on the top. A person of peculiarly strong will, very lofty in his deportment, and commanding in appearance; he would succeed in some official capacity

under Government.


0-1 deg Leo

An obelisk. Denotes one who will suffer many and great trials, reverses of fortune, etc., but will, or may, leave behind him a name on the pages of history. Such a life may, for a time, be so much involved in the life of the nation, or people, among whom he may live and labor as to be lost sight of, but finally be mounts to the surface.


1-2 deg Leo

A rostrum. This denotes one who may pass through the greater part of his life unconscious of those high abilities he possesses, abilities which might render him a very popular character and an important factor in the life and character of society. The rostrum is empty; he may therefore miss his calling.


2-3 deg Leo

A veiled statue. The degree of mystery! denotes the gradual enfoldment of the sublime and the glorious. The student of what is great and lofty; a vivid imagination; he is fired with enthusiasm, and liable to err through an excess of passion, but if all be well under control he will bless his race.


3-4 deg Leo

A carrier’s wagon; one of those with the tarpaulin overhead. Denotes an active person; one who is always on the move. In his case the saying is true: “The grass is not allowed to grow under his feet.” A practical person, always engaged in what is useful to himself or others. A business man, he will at a glance take in what may be to his own advantage or otherwise.


4-5 deg Leo

Something like a forge beneath the surface of the earth. A number of men are working in an almost nude state, owing to the heat. It proves to be an engine room belonging to a large This person will undergo much suffering. He may leave his native land under very gloomy circumstances. I advise such an one to live very quietly, to get into some settled and uniform mode of living; to steamer. keep clear of all of a speculative character, and never to take on himself any office of trust, or where great responsibilities are involved.


5-6 deg Leo

A large ball of fire flying through the air. Denotes one who has a special mission of an extraordinary character; and providing all be favorable as to birth and surroundings he cannot fail to become a ruler of men, and a giant among men - intellectually or morally, If not physically.


6-7 deg Leo

A pyramidal figure with a Maltese cross at the top, or rather on the apex. THIS IS POSSIBLY AS GLORIOUS A DEGREE AS ANY IN THE ZODIAC. This degree is impinged by a ray from a transcendental sun, one of those suns which with our sun revolves round the grand central sun. Denotes the greater good; the sublime; gives prophetic inspirations; rules the wonderful; and fills the soul with a flood of celestial glory. This degree throbs sympathetically with the seventh degree of Libra.


7-8 deg Leo

A hedgehog. A person of harmless disposition; secretive, and he naturally shuns the public gaze. In the meantime he knows how to defend himself, hence he appears to be always on the defensive.


8-9 deg Leo

A bomb exploding in the mid-air. This is not a good degree. The fact is, it denotes what is very pernicious. Such a person, unless there be in his nativity some counter influence, will prove a pest to his generation. The astrologer will know how to balance such matters. This degree resembles a bad mixture of Saturn and Mars.


9-10 deg Leo

A shovel suspended in mid-air. Denotes the person would-be agriculturist, but he will devote much of his time and energy to what is impracticable and consequently profitless, as much so as digging the air and sowing to the wind.


10-11 deg Leo

A new Moon, but only the smallest portion of it to be seen in the wisteria sky. Denotes prematurity in all things. Such an one may give some promise of developing into a genius, as there will be much in early life calculated to inspire such hopes or anticipations; but nothing comes to maturity.


11-12 deg Leo

A sailing ship on a calm sea. The Denotes one who will experience sails are all unreefed, and the masts are decorated with a profusion of bunting. much happiness in life. It may be safely said of such an one, “Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” In whatever sphere of action he may be engaged, he will come out with honor. He will be popular, he will receive the plaudits of the age in which he lives; but such popularity will not long survive his demise.


12-13 deg Leo

The letter Q appears. Denotes dissatisfaction. One who never takes anything for granted, or on trust. A skeptical person; a quibbler; hypercritical; one disposed to consider “all men liar.” save himself; a most disagreeable, querulous, cantankerous, and quarrelsome person.


13-14 deg Leo

A large bubble floating on the water, in which are seen all the colors blending. Denotes an admirer of the sublime and the beautiful. An idealist; an occultist; a transcendentalist; in the meantime, a comparative stranger to the ordinary matters of everyday life.


14-15 deg Leo

A profile of the head and face of a man. His face is long, but inclined to the oval; the eyes are large, but somewhat expressionless; he is clean shaven, save a very carefully cultivated moustache. A veritable type of the ordinary man of the day; fond of pleasure, and enters heartily into the fashionable amusements of the age; a stickler for the conventional and the popular.


15-16 deg Leo

A giant amusing himself with a child’s doll. Denotes one who possesses great abilities; a mind, which, if rightly directed, could accomplish, or at least assist in bringing about, great and beneficial changes on the earth. But in place of this, he condescends to employ his time and his energies in the pursuit of what is childish, whimsical, and worthless; by which he not infrequently makes himself the laughing-stock of his contemporaries.


16-17 deg Leo

A wild boar. Devotes one whom you may kill, but never conquer; nor will he be induced to adopt willingly the tricky policies of modern civilization. He has a life of his own, a sphere of his own, and pleasures of his own. He may be designated coarse and impolite, but such epithets make little or no impression on him.


17-18 deg Leo

The Greek letter Lambda. This is no ordinary person; he or she may be born of humble parentage, but must eventually rise above the plane of his birth. This life is marked by sobriety, with a pudding disposition. He may not be noticed during his younger days and during his earlier efforts, but by virtue of that innate courage which he possesses he Is bound to gain publicity.


18-19 deg Leo

 A star surrounded with many rings. It is a star outside the zodiac, and beyond the vision of the outer sense. It is one of those suns which revolves about the grand central sun. Its rays impinge this degree, and Impart to it a virtue. The native who may have this degree on his or her ascendant never need be cast down. Thou wilt meet with trials, but fear not, “Thy bread shall be given thee, and thy water is sure.”


19-20 deg Leo

A man, like the fabled Sisyphus, rolling a stone up a hill, but who never gains the top. Denotes a person whose life may appear a complete failure and whose energies appear to be expended on what produces nothing; consequently there is no apparent result. But do not despair, study your natal figure.


20-21 deg Leo

A high mountain having a plateau on the summit. In the center of the plateau I see one of the ancient magic in the act of performing his mutational devotions. The lord of day ascends on the luminous horizon. This requires no interpretation beyond this: that be who may have this on his ascendant must become, to some extent at least, like the one I see in my vision.


21-22 deg Leo

A man with a long wand with a glass globe on the top. The globe is charged with aromatics. The bearer as he lasses along fill. the air with sweet odors. This denotes one who feels most honored when he most serves. To serve in his day some of the numerous wants of a suffering humanity is the end and aim of his life. A transcendental sun impinges this degree with its rays. Its nature is Mercurial.


22-23 deg Leo

A large undershot water-wheel. Denotes one who will prove a leading character in some great movement, or he may be the founder of some society, or school of philosophy.


23-24 deg Leo

A farmhouse between high mountains. A yard about the house entered by a white gate. Denotes one whose proclivities are towards a rustic country life. He will prosper if he deals in things or creatures of a white color. When he moves, let him go south-west of the place of his birth.


24-25 deg Leo

An orange tree loaded with fruit. Denotes one very fond of pleasure, and who indulges rather freely an luxuries. Let him beware! The sun does not always shine ! The longest day ends in night! In the meantime, he is a person of fine tastes, and the possessor of many accomplishments.


25-26 deg Leo

A rock, and men getting large granite stones out of this rock. Denotes one who will succeed with the most ordinary things of this world; yes, he will even become wealthy by means which other people would consider beneath their notice. This person must ever go north of the place of his birth.


26-27 deg Leo

A large stone falling on the head of a man. The man is working in a very low place. Whoever may have this degree on his ascendant must avoid low places, such as cellars, or at the basement of buildings. He must keep on high ground, and sleep in the uppermost sleeping apartment. This person should’ move due south of the place of this birth.


27-28 deg Leo

A man descending a pie. This person will do well by dealing with what lies deep in the earth. Let him, or her, never travel or move about, but ever remain at, or near, the place of his birth all his days.


28-29 deg Leo

A number of mathematical instruments on a table, with a large sheet of blank white paper. Denotes one possessing mathematical abilities beyond the ordinary; but there is some room for doubt that he may fail to follow up such a noble exercise. His mind may be carded away into other pursuits, for which he is not at all adapted, and which an the end yield no satisfaction.


29-30 deg Leo

An old sage, sitting by has midnight lamp, studying some grand problem. This denotes one who has a intellect; a gigantic will; a mature judgment. One who is a true magician.


0-1 deg Virgo

A wolf carrying away a lamb. Denotes deception, cunning, avarice, and cruelty. Such a degree, unless there be much to counteract it, would render the native liable to become a great criminal.


1-2 deg Virgo

A man peeping around a corner at a company of a armed men, who are in the act of reconnoitering. Denotes a strategist; one well adapted for the army; or might succeed in almost any other department. In the meantime such proclivities might appear, at times, anything but enviable.


2-3 deg Virgo

An elephant with his castle on his back. Denotes strength, cool courage; a defender and helper of the weak; and one endowed with great sagacity.


3-4 deg Virgo

A square patch of ground, resembling what might be set apart for lawn tennis; covered with red cloth, or what resembles such. Whoever may have this degree on his ascendant is born for the enjoyment of the luxuries of this life; plenty follows him; but willful waste, and useless expenditure on what pertains to matters conventional, superficial, and the artificial, these prove his leading characteristics. Whilst he is intensely devoted to art, he will ignore the beauties of nature.


4-5 deg Virgo

A very long, straight road, the terminus of which I do not see. This life is uneventful, there is little or no ambition, nor is there much in such a life to stimulate such a feeling. This life being uniformly even, there is but little calculated to put caution on the alert. Hence the native is liable, after the prime of life, to become poor, as adequate provision, for future contingencies has not been thought of. Thus a quiet life is not always to be desired, where provision depends on one’s own exertions.


5-6 deg Virgo

A room full of machinery and jars of chemicals. A scientist, a chemist, an inventor; an active person. Great power of perception; and a promising experimentalist.


6-7 deg Virgo

A person with wig and gown. The law is your sphere of action. You will excel in forensic science; and it is possible you may attain to eminence on these lines.


7-8 deg Virgo  

A coach heavily laden with passengers. Denotes a public character; one who will do much for others, but liable to forget those duties he owes to himself, and to those who may be dependent on him. In the end he finds himself but poorly treated by those whom he devotedly served.


8-9 deg Virgo

Four long posts at right angles forming a four square: and four rails fastened horizontally to the top of each. It looks like the rude framework of some temporary building, or “shanty.” An explorer; a discoverer; a traveler; one the history of whose life will be marked by more than one exploit.


9-10 deg Virgo

The Mundane Cross. A student of Nature’s mysteries; a lover of the sublime; an author, or revealer of the strange, and the curious.


10-11 deg Virgo

A pyramid of red, very conspicuously situated on a large open plane. This demotes one of a strong character; much strength of will, great energy; he seldom fails to accomplish what be takes in hand to do. Strong animal passions; and these, unless well regulated, may occasion some trouble. This person will “never say die.”


11-12 deg Virgo

Several figures of eight in a row, thus 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. Thus you see the square of eight. Denotes a man, or woman, of mystery; a lover of the mystical; a student of the mystical; a secretive person; a profound understanding; he will leave for himself a name in history.


12-13 deg Virgo

A naked infant, exposed, sleeping alone in an open and dreary place. A round and above that helpless form are beasts and birds of prey. But, by some strange power, unseen, this embodied picture of innocence is protected. Denotes a simple unassuming person; one who has been but little noticed; no special favorite of anyone. His parents were cruel, and ever since his birth, cruelty has dogged him. Yet, with all, he has some strange power about him, and whilst exposed to the plotting of enemies, he is saved from the power of their malice, and in every contest he comes off, eventually, the victor, “No weapon formed against him shall prosper.”


13-14 deg Virgo

A fine horse, with curved neck and flowing mane, prancing in the pride of his strength. A noble person; a generous person; a kind-hearted person; but a proud person.


14-15 deg Virgo

A man standing, resting lightly on the end of his bow, with his quiver full of arrows on his back. A mind capable of grand achievements. A warrior, yet not exclusively such; a quick observer; a designer; a prompt and a skilful executants.


15-16 deg Virgo

A man wading through mud knee-deep. The opposite bank towards which he is struggling is enveloped in fog. Denotes a hard life, a struggling life, a life bestrewn with the wrecks of perished hopes and abortive speculations, the final one of all being a plunge into the dark.


16-17 deg Virgo

A person being carried by four men in a sedan chair. A favorite of fortune, he will have the good luck to accumulate wealth; will he endowed with good parts, and possessed of numerous accomplishments. But his idleness and characteristic sloth may render him a useless member of society, and, as a consequence, self-indulgence may prove his ruin.


17-18 deg Virgo

An angle of 45 degrees. Denotes a person possessed of good abilities; one scientifically inclined. Ever seeking public favors by pandering to the popular taste and supporting what are the views of the moment. He is, nevertheless, one who will eventually suffer from the public. This person thinks but slightingly of his best friends, nor will he confide in them.


18-19 deg Virgo

A strong farmer’s cart, and a horse to match. The cart is loaded with farmyard manure. Denotes a frugal, industrious person. An agriculturist, and one who studies that branch scientifically.


19-20 deg Virgo

A lion whose head is the only part exposed. Denotes one who is ever on the defensive, and being on the alert, is always prepared for any attack. One void of fear, ever living in the consciousness of his superior strength. Thus, instead of shunning an opponent, he prefers to wait, or rather to provoke the onslaught. He may not be the first in the arena but he will be the last to quit it.


20-21 deg Virgo

An ostrich. Denotes a person of large build, lofty looks, and pompous in his general demeanor. In appearance, a giant; in assumption, a hero; but when brought into close quarters where his valor is put to the proof, a veritable “John Falstaff,” one who despises the ideas of another and has none of his own. “A sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.


21-22 deg Virgo

An extensive forest; in the distance, the sun just peeping above the horizon and flooding the tops of the trees with his glowing rays. This denotes what the Greek cynic, Diogenes, was looking for with his lantern. A man. Yes, a man among men. One who will spontaneously elicit the goodwill and plaudits of his fellow-men. Thousands will look up to him for light and for guidance. It is possible he may initiate a new epoch, or prove himself the founder of a new philosophy.


22-23 deg Virgo

I sec rings of light in the heavens; ring within ring, or zone within zone. A mind not at all adapted for this day. He fails to fit in the general mould of modern ideas. He lives in a world of his own, nor will he be understood by the men of his age. He is the man for a far distant future.


23-24 deg Virgo

A large assembly room. A large audience and a man at the piano. An artistic person, an eloquent person, a musician, a popular person.


24-25 deg Virgo

A golden ball suspended front the This is very mystical; there is ceiling of a circular hall. something about this person that lie never makes known. At the same time it is that which lends a charm to his life; it endows him with a power to fascinate those who may be favored with his company.


25-26 deg Virgo

A man climbing is steep kill in the dark, allured by a light he sees illuminating the summit. He succeeds in gaining the top. but instead of the sunrise it proves to be but a meteor. Such an one must avoid all things of a purely speculative character. His inspirations are misleading. Let him not believe every sprit but try the spirits.


26-27 deg Virgo

I see nothing but sunshine; all is bright cloudless sky. Denotes a prosperous person; he is truly happy, being born under most favorable conditions.


27-28 deg Virgo

A man in his shirt sleeves turning a big wheel. A laborious life; at the same time assisting in a work that is producing a mighty influence on the world.


28-29 deg Virgo

A bird perched on the top of a high tree, welcoming the day dawn with the song. Denotes a prophetic soul; a poetic mind; and one who is even hopeful.


29-30 deg Virgo

A country scene; on the right hand a large tract of land enveloped in gloom and fog; on the left the scenery is all sunshine. Denotes a person of a discriminative mind, very truthful, and very decided for the truth, and the exclusively.


0-1 deg Libra

A four-square figure. thus: Denotes one who is scrupulously honest, and rigidly just in all transactions. A person of a sensitive nature; not happily disposed, as a rule, owing to the incompatibility of circumstances.


1-2 deg Libra

A man playing on a violin. One possessing splendid abilities; of most refined taste; exquisite accomplishments; and a generous disposition. Much fineness of perception; and in whose higher nature the intuitional bounds.


3-4 deg Libra

A long pole suspended horizontally in mid-air with a rope attached to each end connected with the earth. Denotes one who may have a knowledge of a law in nature not popularly recognized, whose operations are as marvelous as that of the pole in mid-air. If such an one does not make his or her mark in his day, there must be some terrible power frustrating.


4-5 deg Libra

A man with a knife in his hand. Denotes one having, great dexterity in the use of edged tools. He is capable of great achievements as an artist or engraver as well as in the more humble departments, such as carving, etc. As a surgeon he would excel.


5-6 deg Libra

A man feeling his way over a bog, where he appears to be sinking at every step he takes. Such a native would find it a difficult matter to make his way through this world, more especially after middle life.


6-7 deg Libra

An old-fashioned signboard suspended from the branch of a tree before an ancient looking wayside inn. One of a very conservative disposition; one who reverse the usages and customs of by-gone days. An antiquarian and a relic-hunter.


6-7 deg Libra

An angel standing in mid-air, with a long scroll in his hand, unfolded. This scroll is covered with writing. This degree has been pointed out to me as the Messianic degree. At the same time, it does not follow that those having this degree on their ascendant are all Messiahs. But, should the native have the favorable aspects of the superior planets at his birth, he must be more than an ordinary person.


7-8 deg Libra

A figure resembling what is called “the true lover’s knot.” A person having strong sympathies; very affectionate; very confiding In the meantime he or she may pass through this world unnoticed and with the finest feelings of the soul unreciprocated.


8-9 deg Libra

A man standing on the top of a high mountain; on the one side a perpendicular rack; he is standing near this precipice with a red flag in his hand, which he is waving by way of signaling a promiscuous crowd, who appear to be rushing on horseback at a gallop towards this rock. Denotes one who will be endowed with great powers of discernment, much fore. thought. One able to detect a fault where another would see nothing wrong. An excellent critic, and may become a proficient analyst.


9-10 deg Libra

A lovely garden of flowers. Denotes a person of good taste fine sensibilities, and an admirer of nature in her most lovely garb; but unable to appreciate her in her ruder though more sublime grandeur. Thus, whilst admiring the tiny springs from the fountain on the lawn, he would be uneasy in the roar of Niagara.


10-11 deg Libra

An ancient shepherd with crook in hand, standing in the midst of his flock. Denotes one of great sagacity and who has an extraordinary love for rural life. This is the only degree in this sign that tends to adapt a person for this ordinary earth life, and which at the same time furnishes him with a large amount of this everyday world’s wisdom. This person should reside amid mountain scenery, and should  deal in sheep and cattle.


11-12 deg Libra

A man with a bow in his hand; but he has no arrow. A person of splendid parts and excellent abilities, but who is ever unfortunate in being deprived of the means of effecting his purpose. When an opportunity presents itself, he finds himself unable to turn it to advantage.


12-13 deg Libra

A man with his arm in a sling, and his head bandaged. Denotes one who is liable to accident, and is very unfortunate.


13-14 deg Libra

An innocent-looking woman with fair hair; rather tall; she appears restless. one see a very dark-looking being behind her. This native will be liable to obsession. I would warn such to beware of mediumship, and would say “strengthen your system, and fortify yourself in every way.”


14-15 deg Libra

A fat pig lying down. Denotes one who will ever a pear to live for self. Hence all his or her study will be: “What shall I eat or what shall I drink.” At the same time a harmless person, one free from criminal acts. Being nearly destitute of ambition, he will care but little how the world goes on, so long as he gets his fill of his own desires.


15-16 deg Libra

A soldier, going through his drill. Denotes one who, although possessed of military proclivities and perhaps ambitious of military honors, wall ever be unfortunate in that calling. And should he ever be engaged in active service he Is nearly certain to be killed, or at the best, badly wounded.


16-17 deg Libra

A horse saddled and bridled, and galloping away without a rider. Let this native shun the hunting field and beware of all equestrian adventures. Let him remember also that the horse is the symbol of the senses, and the rider of the mind.


17-18 deg Libra

A man at a desk writing all kinds of hands, from the largest hand to the most microscopic. Denotes one who possesses someone special gift; a gift that is allied to the artistic. Not a mere painter in colors, but a painter in words. He can read a character quickly, but may indulge a little too freely on these lines, so as to render himself actionable for slander.


18-19 deg Libra

A man on the tread-mill. This does not imply criminality, but rather that this native will have a very hard and unsatisfactory life. He is compelled by the force of circumstances to labor hard, and will witness but little, if any, of the fruits of his labors.


19-20 deg Libra

The sun shining brightly. Denotes a great man; a public character; one who will be noted in his day, and whose presence among mankind will be considered essential. The world will ever appreciate the presence of such an one.


20-21 deg Libra

A cross formed of darts, that is, having a barbed termination to each arm. A very positive character. A person to strong will. He will never allow anyone to impose on him. He is ever on the defensive; one with magical abilities.


21-22 deg Libra

The open Bible with a sword on it. Denotes a truthful person, a good person and a just person. The judge who has this degree on his ascendant will give righteous judgment.


22-23 deg Libra

The clear blue sky covered wish stars. Denotes one possessed of numerous gifts, and endowed with many accomplishments. He will never side long in one place. A wanderer over the earth; an explorer; an astronomer; and one who will make great discoveries.


23-24 deg Libra

A big man. He resembles a giant, but the lower limbs look black; this appears to creep upwards. The one who has this degree will be the subject of many misfortunes, and liable to numerous losses. He possesses ambition and capacious desires. But whatever he speculates in will fail. In the meantime, let such an one examine his natal figure carefully, and it is possible by so doing that he may be able to master what some call destiny.


24-25 deg Libra

A Welsh harp. Denotes equanimity; evenness or temper, and great regularity of conduct; a degree of passivity; a lover of the harmonious, in all things.


25-26 deg Libra

A heron. It denotes fineness of perception, one who very keenly appreciates what may be going on around him; he cannot be apathetic tinder any circumstances; a sensitive person, liable to be carried to extremes. This is a sensitive point of the Zodiac.


26-27 deg Libra

A rhinoceros. Denotes strength of body, calm courage; one who can stand unmoved on the battle-field simply because he is incapable of fear, or of realizing danger. Such an one has but one object at a time, that absorbs him.


27-28 deg Libra

A man with, a crown on his head, Denotes dignity, valor, and humanity and a Spear in his hand. combined.


28-29 deg Libra

A woman standing on the head of a serpent. Denotes great sagacity, under the guise of feminine weakness; a person of great fascinating power.


29-30 deg Libra

A raven standing on a stone. Denotes individuality, moroseness; a person avaricious, destructive, or revengeful; secretive; a recluse; a misanthrope.


0-1 deg Scorpio

A heart. Affectionate, confiding, unselfish; much influenced by others.


1-2 deg Scorpio

A human skull. Mystical. fond of the occult; great depth of penetration; liable to melancholy.


2-3 deg Scorpio

A triangle. Denotes a variety of gifts, much force of character; one who will make his mark in the world; a large brain, the moral and intellectual predominating; one who commands respect without assumption.


3-4 deg Scorpio

The double triangle. Denotes great will power; a magician.


4-5 deg Scorpio

A trefoil. Faith, Hope, and Charity are the characteristics: a projector of new schemes for the benefit of the race.


5-6 deg Scorpio

A monster with two faces, like the ancient Janus. Denotes duplicity and deception; a slanderer.


6-7 deg Scorpio

A naked boy, a crown on his head, a scepter in his hand. Denotes innocence combined with great native dignity, and promise of future greatness.


7-8 deg Scorpio

A comet (like the one in 1882). Denotes way wardness and eccentricity; but he will do some great deed in his life.


8-9 deg Scorpio

A sheaf of corn. Denotes a practical benefactor of the race; a good member of society.


9-10 deg Scorpio

A mariner’s compass. Denotes one with great intuition; fond of secret studies; will make discoveries.


10-11 deg Scorpio

A lamb at a distance from. its dam, but looking towards her. Denotes one with strong filial affections; he cannot be happy without one to love or to cling to.


11-12 deg Scorpio

A bull pawing up the earth. Denotes a person who will have his own way; his anger is lasting.


12-13 deg Scorpio

A fox sitting on his haunches. Denotes one who is ever on selfish ends; he makes a good strategist.


13-14 deg Scorpio

A dove. Innocent and harmless; much moral courage; one who thinks and acts from the heart more than from the head; a true friend; a constant lover.


14-15 deg Scorpio

A round temple with pointed roof. Denotes a person partial to the outward observances of religious rites; very superstitious regarding its mysteries.


15-16 deg Scorpio

A red flame, ascending upward to a great height. Denotes a person possessed with ardent desires; an enthusiast to the cause he espouses; a true friend and an open enemy.


16-17 deg Scorpio

A female in a state of nudity. Denotes a voluptuous person, liable to be carried away by the lower passions.


17-18 deg Scorpio

A man holding a lair of scales in one hand and a sword in the other. A just person, but prone to become too severe.


18-19 deg Scorpio

A serpent with many heads, all in a circle, with fangs protruding. Denotes one who may become a pest and a terror to society; unless overruled by benefices, will prove a curse to his relations and acquaintances. This is the cursed degree of the so-called cursed sign; yet, even this may have its purpose.


19-20 deg Scorpio

Two men fencing with swords. A duelist; a pugilist, a gymnast; one who would not admit an equal; a very formidable kind of opponent.


20-21 deg Scorpio

A man in the midst of a lot of children at Play. Great simplicity of manner; one fond of children and childish amusements.


21-22 deg Scorpio

A man holding a fowl by the neck in the act of strangling it. A cruel person and a coward; one who will take advantage of the weak and defenseless.


22-23 deg Scorpio

The moon in her first quarter. One fond of change; a speculator; one too sanguine in his or her expectations; yet, on the whole, fortunate.


23-24 deg Scorpio

A woman sitting on a tombstone in the act of weeping. One sensitive and sympathetic; destined to have much sorrow through the death of friends; a lover of the shady side of life more than the sunshine.


24-25 deg Scorpio

A white flag unfurled, with a red Maltese cross on it. A person of noble mind, pure intention; the subject of much suffering, but eventually triumphs over all obstacles, and vanquishes every puny foe.


25-26 deg Scorpio

A mole. Great individuality; very reserved; very determined; one who hates the public.


26-27 deg Scorpio

With this degree ascending at birth, and other testimonies good, the native will prove a, very extraordinary person; one destined to take an active part in public life, and one who will exercise a great influence on mankind.


27-28 deg Scorpio

A tiger crouching ready for a spring on its prey. A revengeful, treacherous and cruel person. This degree is an evil mixture of’ Saturn and Mars.


28-29 deg Scorpio

A man with a bow and arrow in the act of taking aim at some object in the distance. A good marksman; very expert; fond of the chase, yet noble and humane; generally prosperous in life.


29-30 deg Scorpio

A man in full armor, with helmet on head and spear in hand. One fond of military pursuits; will make a good soldier; generally of very good proportions.


0-1 deg Sagittarius

A serpent in the shape of the letter S. Denotes one very sagacious, sensitive and subtle; one who will not be imposed on; will readily see through a plot; would make a good detective.


1-2 deg Sagittarius

A stupendous waterfall. Fond of the wild and romantic in nature and in art; the ordinary humdrum life is by far too tame for such a nature, where the love of the marvelous super abounds.


2-3 deg Sagittarius

A man at a table with drawing instruments and paper before him. Denotes one who is artistic; may make a good architect or engineer; also a lover of the fine arts.


3-4 deg Sagittarius

A man walking on the edge of a precipice. A very reckless person; one who scarcely ever foresees danger until overtaken by it; very sensitive; very impulsive; but also very affectionate and honorable in all transactions.


4-5 deg Sagittarius

A female with, the lyre in her hand. Denotes a person with much musical talent; highly appreciative of the refined in art, and of the sublime in nature; fickle and fond of change.


5-6 deg Sagittarius

A man viewing himself in a looking-glass. This degree denotes vanity; he who may have this degree ascending at birth will be inclined to be vain of himself, or will devote his energies to some vain pursuit or profitless calling.


6-7 deg Sagittarius

A lady sitting on a divan fanning herself. He or she having this degree ascending will enjoy the good things of this life. This is a fortunate degree, and always denotes prosperity.


7-8 deg Sagittarius

A man, stripped to the shirt, with sleeves up, and wheeling a barrow along a plank. This denotes a servant of servants; the slave, the toiler; he born with this ascending, if rich at birth, is in danger of becoming poor late in life.


8-9 deg Sagittarius

A man standing on a platform and an audience in front. A public man, a lecturer, a politician; an orator in sonic line. It also denotes a literary person, or one fond of literature.


9-10 deg Sagittarius

Cross-swords. A person always at variance and involved in quarrels and broils.


10-11 deg Sagittarius

A lion standing alone with tail erect and the act of running towards a panther. A person of noble disposition, high minded, honorable, but bold, courageous and fearless of foes.


11-12 deg Sagittarius

An apple tree whose boughs are bending with ripe fruit. A person of fixed habits, fond of his home; an affectionate husband or wife; a kind parent and a benevolent citizen.


12-13 deg Sagittarius

Death, with a scythe in one hand, and a bag of money in the other. A miser; one who will starve himself for gain; and one who would delight in slaughter and carnage if it would prove of some monetary advantage to himself.


13-14 deg Sagittarius

A magician in his sacerdotal vestments, standing in a magic circle, performing some magic rites. Denotes a person fond of Art magic, one devoted to the ceremonial very credulous and highly superstitious.


14-15 deg Sagittarius

A large telescope pointing heavenwards. Denotes a scientist and one gifted with clairvoyance; also a lover of sidereal studies.


15-16 deg Sagittarius

A person about entering a dark tunnel. He or she having this degree on the ascendant will go wrong in life. If there be no saving influences in operation. A most unfortunate and hopeless degree this.


16-17 deg Sagittarius

A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles. Much innocence, one who will live long, but one who will do but little good or harm; ever bent on personal. amusement, and such as may be deemed worthless.


17-18 deg Sagittarius

A ploughman engaged in the act of ploughing. Denotes one inclined to agricultural pursuits, and one who will prove a steady, Industrious person; one content to live by hard labor; a plodder.


18-19 deg Sagittarius

A man in a boat on a lake. A person fond of fishing and aquatic exercises; but in other respects indolent and partial to the joys of Bacchus.


19-20 deg Sagittarius

A man in the act of distributing papers among a multitude of people. Denotes one who will be a person of a restless disposition; an enthusiast and a strong partisan; a reformer on a small scale, but very superficial.


20-21 deg Sagittarius

A wooden bridge over a chasm, a man at the end hesitating to trust himself on it. One of a fearful disposition; very much inclined, to doubt everything, and prone to suspect even his best friends.


21-22 deg Sagittarius

A May-pole with a crown of flowers at the top and a man climbing to procure it. Denotes one whose sole hit object in life is popularity, and in whose organism the. love of approbation predominates.


22-23 deg Sagittarius

A person at the bottom of a deep ravine, with lamp in hand looking far something. A mineralogist; a geologist; and one who will be fond of such researches as lie within the earth.


23-24 deg Sagittarius

A ship in full sail on the midst of the ocean. Denotes one fond of change; will travel far from the land of his or her birth; may become a trader in foreign produce, but on the whole unstable and never settled.


24-25 deg Sagittarius

A man in a balloon with the dark clouds beneath him. Denotes an experimentalist; an investigator of the imponderables; one whose life will abound with trials, but success will ultimately crown his labors.


25-26 deg Sagittarius

A giant of monstrous dimensions. Denotes one who will be a prodigy of some kind; maybe in stature or maybe in mind.


26-27 deg Sagittarius

A beautiful star of the color and size of the planet Venus, situated about 50 deg from the midheaven; it shines brighter and brighter, then suddenly disappears. A mighty genius; a poet, a painter, or a musician; promises great things, but dies before middle life.


27-28 deg Sagittarius

A funeral procession and an open grave, and a great concourse of People; great excitement. This is a dangerous degree. The native having this on the ascendant will not die a natural death, but will die through violent means, an accident, etc.


28-29 deg Sagittarius

A dissecting room, where are a number of medical men engaged en a post-mortem examination. Denotes a student of human nature, an anatomist and physiologist; one who would succeed in surgery; a very dexterous person, and particular in details.


29-30 deg Sagittarius

A man standing alone in a dark and gloomy valley, and a ray of brilliant light coming direct from the heavens on the crown of his head. Denotes one who will have a mission to execute; a cyclic man, not a time man; one who lives a life beyond his day; not always understood, he suffers accordingly.


0-1 deg Capricorn

A man standing on a rocky eminence with arms folded, an a contemplative mood. Denotes one who is self possessed; has entire confidence in his own abilities and in the cause he may have espoused. Generally, he is right.


1-2 deg Capricorn

A lofty building, with nave and massive pillars on each hand. Denotes a mind capable of appreciating the sublime in architecture, and imbued with the deeper feelings of veneration for the sacred or antique.


2-3 deg Capricorn

A gigantic dragon tree (known to botanists as Draccena Draco) belonging to the Canary Islands. This denotes one who is possessed of almost boundless resources of vitality; and, when brought low by illness, will very soon recuperate. Such are no common specimens of manhood, they generally live to be very old.


3-4 deg Capricorn

The planes Venus Denotes a person of much refinement; one partial to the ornamental, and enamored of the beautiful, both in nature and art; delights in the company of the opposite sex far more than in his or her own.


4-5 deg Capricorn

A very small unpretentious window in the wall of a massive tower. Denotes one whose native powers and mental resources are so great and abundant that the native will be independent of external aids, and will feel ever happy amid the offspring of his own genius. Further: such persons will never seek display; these are creators, not imitators.


5-6 deg Capricorn

A butcher clothed in his working dress conducting a sheep into the slaughter-house. A person of dangerous proclivities; unfortunate to those with whom he may have to do; selfish, crafty and cruel.


6-7 deg Capricorn

A maze. Denotes one fond of enigmas, who will spend his life hi profitless researches; liable to be carried away by foolish whims; nevertheless, one  possessing great ingenuity.


7-8 deg Capricorn

A man desponding, standing on a barren plain with leaden colored clouds overhead. Denotes a gloomy and monotonous life; uneventful, and generally poor in worldly substance.


8-9 deg Capricorn

A man climbing a steep hill, a road consisting of steps; an angel form at the top giving words of cheer with a golden crown awaiting him. Denotes one who will be inspired to pursue an object worthy of his ambition, and one who will labor hard and suffer much in the fulfillment of his mission.


9-10 deg Capricorn

A large encampment consisting of women, little children, old people and invalids; a man at the gate keeping guard. Denotes a noble person; a true knight will such be; a defender of the defenseless, a benefactor of the poor and indigent.


10-11 deg Capricorn

A man inspecting horses. This denotes a horseman; one fond of horses, a good judge of such; fortunate as a horse dealer.


11-12 deg Capricorn

A spacious park with a baronial mansion in the background. This degree denotes much: the ancestors of the native must have been of a high order, whatever he or she may be to-day; there are large possessions belonging to such, and possibly others are enjoying it whilst the native lives in poverty. I advise those who may have this degree on their ascendant to look into this matter.


12-13 deg Capricorn

An Eastern town (Constantinople). Denotes one whose proclivities are eastward, and whose sympathies will be with Turkey and the Turkish dominion, and who may, eventually, have much to do with those climes.


13-14 deg Capricorn

A vista extending to a great distance; on either hand are majestic trees covered with a profusion of foliage. A person fond of landscape paintings; and one possessed of artistic gifts; open to enchanting visions. This is in a special way an idealistic degree.


14-15 deg Capricorn

A lonely traveler in a solitary way, with a heavy burden on his back; he is assaulted by ruffians. Denotes one most unfortunate; his whole life is one continued struggle, and that for a mere existence; always imposed on and wronged out of his hard-earned pittance; everything seems to be against him, and do what he may he cannot succeed.


15-16 deg Capricorn

A man of stout make, good proportions round rosy features, looking very merry, dancing grotesquely. Denotes one who lives to eat and enjoy himself; never troubles his mind with cares seldom thinks of the future by way of providing for the same; the present in his all; his creed is Let me eat, drink and be merry, for to-morrow I may be dead and ‘done for’.


16-17 deg Capricorn

A man with a large pair of scales in the act of weighing. One who will have much to do with weights and measures; he will have a liking for such employment, and will be apt in matters of detail.


17-18 deg Capricorn

A racecourse, the racers at full speed. Denotes a gambler, a “bookmaker,” a betting man; one who will devote his time and his money to such speculations.


18-19 deg Capricorn

A coal pit, the machinery at a standstill, the whole of the plane in a dilapidated condition. Denotes one who will have much to do with mining operations; if a miner, liable to suffer by accidents; if a proprietor, liable to become bankrupt by such pursuits.


19-20 deg Capricorn

A person ascending a spiral staircase with sunshine at top, within a dark enclosure. Denotes one who has to do much in life for very small returns; he may always appear busy, yet with but little to be seen for his labor; nevertheless, good luck falls to his lot at the end of his days.


20-21 deg Capricorn

A ferry boat in the act of taking people across as a wide deep stream. Denotes one who will be a guide and a teacher of the public; he or she will prove of much service to others, far more than to himself.


21-22 deg Capricorn

A spacious hall, like a museum, the walls of which are covered with symbols and hieroglyphics. Denotes a student of the mystical, an antiquarian, a person given to curious studies.


22-23 deg Capricorn

The sun shining brightly in a cloudless sky. Denotes one who is liable to be carried away with brilliant anticipations, being too sanguine; be is ever liable to disappointment, and for as much as I see the Sun in the south. eastern quadrant, these anticipations will be more or less confined to early life.


23-24 deg Capricorn

A man struggling in a lake; only the head out; sometimes the head appears to sink under, but it rises again and again until at last a lifebuoy is thrown to him by a person witnessing his position; finally he is saved. Denotes one who will always be in trouble through debt; always involved; always on the verge of bankruptcy; finally by some unlooked for and unexpected “god-send,” he or she is delivered.


24-25 deg Capricorn

A field of ripe corn; the reapers are at work beneath the beams of the Sun. A very fortunate person, more especially about middle life, when fortune smiles on him, and an abundance is his lot.


25-26 deg Capricorn

Too revolting so be given. Whoever thou are who may have this degree on thy ascendant, keep out of bad company. Indulge not in stimulants; keep clear of the gambling halls, and seek to develop thy higher nature; by such a course thou may save thyself.


26-27 deg Capricorn

Two men running a race. Denotes a pedestrian, one fleet of foot, an adept at cricketing or any of the athletic sports.


27-28 deg Capricorn

An indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views. Denotes one who is born with some very marked defect of intellect; or he may become insane after he has passed childhood. This degree gives weak Intellect, generally Idiocy.


28-29 deg Capricorn

A man walking beside a cow, with his hand on her back, and Denotes one very fond of cattle, also one who will possess great control bringing her home from the pasture at eventide. over the bovine species, and one who will prosper by a dairy farm.


29-30 deg Capricorn

A shepherd on the mountain top with crook in hand, looking out for the locality of his sheep. This symbol is more figurative than literal; it denotes one who, by reason of his superior powers and advantageous position in life, will be called to be a leader and a commander of a society, a community, or perchance a nation, in the capacity of president. This degree is per-eminently the degree of rule, and that ruler who has this degree on his ascendant will be a ruler indeed.


0-1 deg Aquarius

A man standing at the junction of cross roads, not knowing which way to go. Denotes a weak character, one who will not make headway in the world through indecision.


1-2 deg Aquarius

The trunk of a large tree covered with moss, and a hollow. A romantic degree this, one who will outlive the other members of his family; he will probably be the last of his race.


2-3 deg Aquarius

A warrior in bright armor with drawn sword, pursuing a savage multitude. One with great occult ability, and who has a mission to accomplish; a White Magician! and conquer.


3-4 deg Aquarius

The letter T or the Tau. One whose inner nature few understand, and who will never be popular in the nineteenth century; one outwardly a babe, but inwardly a giant-of such is the kingdom of heaven.


4-5 deg Aquarius

A cherry tree in full blossom. One who is very precocious, with early promise of genius, but who rarely lives to maturity.


5-6 deg Aquarius

Two bulls fighting. A disagreeable, unsociable man, a fault-finder; one who cannot talk without argument, and who cannot argue without losing his temper; hypercritical.


6-7 deg Aquarius

A crown and scepter. One who is entitled to more than he possesses, and who has powers of which he is unconscious.


7-8 deg Aquarius

An astrological chart in square form. One who is fond of Astrology; a just, kind person.


8-9 deg Aquarius

A farmer’s horse and cart with man driving. An un ambitious person, one who is quite contented with his lot.


9-10 deg Aquarius

A ruin consisting of the remains of an ancient massive wall, with an archway therein. A lover of antiquity; an archaeologist; one who finds more pleasure in the retrospective than in the prospective.


10-11 deg Aquarius

A monster rocket exploding in One who will seek and attain mid-air above a crowd. ephemeral popularity, but it is soon over.


11-12 deg Aquarius

A sexton digging a grave. A secretive, unsympathetic person, who takes pleasure in others’ misery.


12-13 deg Aquarius

A tastefully furnished room, with a large wax candle on a round table in center. A lover of his home, a person of conventional proclivities who may be called a house-proud individual.


13-14 deg Aquarius

An oval-shaped mirror. One with a very impressionable mind, who retains but little.


14-15 deg Aquarius

A beacon light on a high rock. One with great intuition. Those having this degree should pay strict attention to those impressions which the world calls foolish, but which show the Divinity speaking through humanity.


15-16 deg Aquarius

A vessel rolling in the trough of a rough sea. Denotes one who will ever live in a state of uncertainty, subject to many changes and severe trails; his career will be a struggle for existence.


16-17 deg Aquarius

A naked man, having a serpent coiled around the lower part of the body. A vicious degree; denotes one subject to filthy habits and deeds; he that hath this degree on the ascendant should Know himself and seek to conquer his evil nature.


17-18 deg Aquarius

A man on crutches. An unfortunate degree. Denotes one liable to infirmities and diseases of the legs and feet.


18-19 deg Aquarius

A man seated at a desk with account books before him. He has dark hair, projecting eyebrows, receding forehead, keen, dark eyes. Denotes a business man, an expert accountant.


19-20 deg Aquarius

A man playing a violin. Denotes a musician of no mean order; a brilliant violinist with musical ability.


20-21 deg Aquarius

A man in monkish dress, with long hair and flowing beard. Denotes one fond of solitude and very reserved; a recluse; one naturally inclined to a religion of a severe type.


21-22 deg Aquarius

A lady with rounded features; fair skin, hair between auburn and brown, deep blue eyes; she is busy at her toilet. This is the degree of beauty; those of either sex who have this ascending will be always admired.


22-23 deg Aquarius

Three men in a boat, two on one side, one on the other. Denotes one who will meet with much rivalry and opposition in whatever he may engage in.


23-24 deg Aquarius

A man with arms folded, unmindful of danger; behind him an assassin with dagger about to Denotes one who will ever be beset by secret enemies of the worst type, and may eventually be killed, stab him. although there may be no apparent reason for this.


24-25 deg Aquarius

An old-fashioned wooden pump; a man in rustic garb at the handle, pumping for a crowd with vessels reaching forward for them to be filled. Denotes one who, ostentatiously, will dispense much good by charitable deeds.


25-26 deg Aquarius

There is no symbol to this degree. A degree of mystery. It is allied to the fourth dimensional space. Denotes one who has SOMETHING not in common with the rest of the race.


26-27 deg Aquarius

A Standard-bearer. Denotes a leader of the multitude, a public character, or perhaps a reformer.


27-28 deg Aquarius

A neat little thatched cottage in an Alpine valley. Denotes a true child of nature; one who will never conform to the ways of Society.


28-29 deg Aquarius

A man with open breast, showing enlarged heart overflowing with blood. A degree of sorrow. Denotes one who will be subject to most harrowing trials through life, and who will die heartbroken.


29-30 deg Aquarius

A man reclining on a rustic seat beneath a shady tree; a ray of sunshine has fallen on him. He who has this will not have trouble; wealth flows to him, but he only lives for himself, and seldom benefits others.


0-1 deg Pisces

A hand holding a roll of paper or parchment. Denotes one devoted to the calling of a copyist, a lawyer, or one having much to do with documents of one kind or other, but chiefly connected with the public.


1-2 deg Pisces

A very long ladder, such as is used by fire brigades. Denotes one possessed with a considerable amount of ambitions. At the same time open to inspirations of very lofty character. He or she will ever feel disposed to indulge mentally, if not actually, in speculations on a grand scale. A scholar and one who may do much in his day towards the elevation and salvation of mankind.


2-3 deg Pisces

A luminous cloud, one of the woolpack type, isolated and sailing slowly on the azure sky. The cloud suddenly opens and pours out on the earth an influence resembling a shower of pearls of variegated hue. Whoever may have this degree on his or her ascendant will be the subject of numerous celestial gifts. He will prosper in matters temporal and spiritual, and that without apparent effort on his part. At the same time he will be liable to lose by recklessness, accompanied by a degree of prodigality.


3-4 deg Pisces

A man holding the end of a rope Denotes one who will be times in his hand, the other end out of sight in the heavens. develop a very peculiar psychological power, which will place him or her in the condition to procure esoteric truth at will consciously. This belongs to a class of medium-ship of a very high order.


4-5 deg Pisces

A black pall suspended, and a man in a gloomy enclosure looking at it despairingly; finally he musters courage to lift the pall, and enters a dark passage, which, however, finally conducts him into the light of glorious day. Whosoever thou art with this degree on thy ascendant, be prepared for trials, but don’t give up in despair; for ere thy fortieth year shall have expired, thy day will have dawned.


5-6 deg Pisces

A target. Denotes one who is endowed with great powers of concentration, and in whom the spirit of rivalry abounds. A military man and a good marksman.


6-7 deg Pisces

An extensive plain on which a dense fog hangs, but the fog is low and there is sunshine above. Denotes one ever liable to frustrations and confusion with worldly matters, and consequently ever liable to go wrong and come to losses; but in the meantime, he may have attained to great heights in matters spiritual and transcendental.


7-8 deg Pisces

The full Moon. Denotes a practical business person, one who readily allies himself with the world’s ways, and with ordinary matters in general. One never short of expedients. A little cantankerous and not one of the pleasantest companions.


8-9 deg Pisces

A deep red star, a star of the first magnitude, on the ascendant; but a very short interval elapses between its rising and its setting. But when set, I see a pale golden light succeeding. This is a virulent degree. If this be thy ascendant beware ! Do not follow the dictates of passion, nor yield to the desires of thy lower nature. If thou dost, a short and wretched life is thy lot; thou wilt die before thy prime is passed. But if by virtue of a firm resolve thou art able to overcome those elemental promptings, then thou will pass through the evil crisis, and thereby ensure a long, useful, prosperous, and happy life.


9-10 deg Pisces

A fixed star. A transcendental Sun. It sheds a halo of supernal glory on the ascendant. The person having this degree will have much psychic power. There will be much in his or her life not capable of explanation in the light of Astrology. He will posses most brilliant gifts, but at the same time will not be appreciated by the present day world, simply because it will not understand him. His life will be long on the earth, and his influence will extend to future generations.


10-11 deg Pisces

The ascendant enveloped in gloom and blackness. This is the degree of death. I think few live, or come to maturity who have this ascendant. If they do, their life will be a misery so far as this world is concerned. I advise such to devote their energies to the spiritual side of their nature. Here they may find comfort, even when walking through the way where the shades of death abound.


11-12 deg Pisces

A very large disk consisting of circles of light with dark gray interspaces. These circles resemble wheels within wheels, which I find on closer examination to be spiral, all revolving. This symbol contains far more than I am able to express in words. First of all, this native cannot live and have his being upon those ordinary lines along which the multitude are eagerly rushing. Secondly, his or her early life will be passed a mid considerable confusion, attended with much apparent contradiction. He may seek to do as others do, but it will not answer. Next, he is inclined to give up in despair, but just at that critical moment an inspiration fires his inner self, a new light develops, he gets out of those dark interspaces where possibly he may have been floundering about for years, on to the circle or revolving light. Henceforth he is on his groove and is carried onward and upward. His path is the path of the just that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.


12-13 deg Pisces

There is no symbol to this degree. But I perceive that this degree is charged with evil, and wickedness of the most diabolical nature belongs to this degree, or is denoted by it. This nature will be subtle but plausible in appearance. Destitute of one spark of REAL sympathy’. One who will ever prove treacherous to those who take him into their confidence. He is reserved, he is studious, but his favorite pursuit is black magic. Much of this is liable to modification, providing a benefic be on the ascendant or aspecting the same: but under the most favorable circumstances such a person will find very strong leanings to injure his fellow men rather than do them good.


13-14 deg Pisces

A field of ripe corn ready for the sickle. A cloudless sky and a brilliant sunshine. A most fortunate degree for all mundane matters. Health of body, peace of mind, a most happy disposition, prosperous in all worldly transactions.


14-15 deg Pisces

A hand with a sword in it. Just rising in the ascendant, a halo of golden light envelopes it. That sword is not for indiscriminate slaughter. It is to defend the right. Whosoever thou art, thou hast a mission to accomplish, and thou wilt be armed with the necessary power and authority to execute that mission. Thou art a child of the sun. Thy pedigree must be looked for in the archives of the solar world. But the poor world lings, the inhabitants of this red planet, will not see thee as thou art seen by thy compeers.


15-16 deg Pisces

Two swords crossing each other. Denotes one nearly always involved in litigations and quarrels.  A person of a repellent disposition.


16-17 deg Pisces

A man with two horses ploughing. This is not to be taken literally, but psychically or spiritually. The field denotes this world of mankind, and as the plough is the first instrument employed by way of preparing the earth for the reception of the precious seed, this native will be a pioneer, or forerunner, to prepare the way for a higher manifestation.


17-18 deg Pisces

A military officer mounted on a fine-looking charger, with sword in hand, en the top of a hill as if on the look-out. This degree denotes a strategist, one competent to organize a multitude or an army, and will possess abilities for commanding the same. This symbol is capable of two applications, the one temporal and the other spiritual.


18-19 deg Pisces

A man lying in a bed, a gray dark cloud. hanging over him. His chamber is also a, dark and gloomy. Yet the horizon looks bright. This denotes one who will be the subject of some heavy affliction during his younger days, but whose latter days bring health and other comforts.


19-20 deg Pisces

An angel blowing a trumpet. Denotes one whose office will be to publish to the world some important message: a message having a bearing on the social or spiritual condition of mankind. A preacher, a lecturer, or some popular person.


20-21 deg Pisces

A man walking in darkness with an old-fashioned lantern in his Denotes one who possesses much individuality; very conservative in his hand. predilections;. one who will experience much adversity; at the same time one who will find his way out of every difficulty, ever guided by a divine instinct, having an implicit faith in those religious truths as taught and practiced by his forefathers.


21-22 deg Pisces

A man sitting at a table with a carving knife in hand, about to carve a round of beef which lies before him. An epicure, or one particularly-fond of good living, but harmless, and as a rule fortunate in the things of the world.


22-23 deg Pisces

A column of smoke ascending on a gigantic scale, followed by a terrible burst of flame. The phenomenon partakes of the character of an explosion. This degree is subtle its events are sudden, always falling out unexpectedly, and generally disastrously. He or she having this degree ascending should exercise caution in every undertaking, as such persons will be in danger of sudden losses in life, and a sad death. NOTE.-THIS IS NOT FATE, but there will ever be a tendency in the direction already mentioned.


23-24 deg Pisces

One not capable of being described in words, but the signification is a person who will possess great magnetic powers; also, one who will, in his day, do much by way of destroying popularized evils-a reformer, a healer, and a philanthropist.


24-25 deg Pisces

A very Large field of corn; a great number of a reapers, but a very few sheaves. Denotes one whose aspirations are high and whose motives are good, but who will, labor much without adequate results.


25-26 deg Pisces

A very high flagstaff, with a red flag floating on the top. An agitator, a person of great organizing abilities, a person of radical notions, a revolutionist.


26-27 deg Pisces

This is an occult degree. The person born with this degree on the ascendant is sure to be possessed with strange influences. He or she will have a familiar or a spirit companion and will be liable to obsession, the nature of which will be determined by his character.


27-28 deg Pisces

A triangle with a round hole in the center. A person possessing good and amiable qualities and many gifts, but who will fail to bring anything to perfection owing to some defect in his body or his mind. Such are generally possessed of some secret notions, which, being false, render all their other good intentions abortive.


28-29 deg Pisces

An old-fashioned clock. Denotes a person of very exact habits, very particular in matters of detail, will follow rules to the letter; a good disciplinarian, has no inventive powers, never brings out anything new, but give him a system and he will follow it-a truly mechanical mind.


29-30 deg Pisces

Two men striving to hold a mad bull with ropes about his head. Denotes a very, self-willed person. one who will have his way and who is possessed with passions. This degree is in sympathy with the sign Taurus.